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ICACSIS 2018 978-1-7281-0135-4/18/S31.

00 ©2018 IEEE

Impact o f User Awareness, Trust, and Privacy

Concerns on Sharing Personal Information on Social
Media: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

V alentinus Param arta, M uh am m ad Jihad, A rdhian Dharm a, Ika C handra H apsari, Puspa Indahati Sandhyaduhita and
A chm ad N izar Hidayanto
Department o f Computer Science
University of Indonesia
Depok, Indonesia,,,,, euid

Abstract—Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the most presented by “We Are Social” in April 2018, Indonesia had the
often and most widely used social-media sites, especially in third most Facebook users among all nations, with 140 million
Indonesia. The number of social-media users is increasing every users; the country ranked fourth in Instagram users, with 56
year, accompanied by increased risks. One of those risks is to the million, and ranked 12th in Twitter users, with 6.6 million [4],
security and privacy of users, as shown by the user-data leak
experienced by Facebook in 2018. These issues led the authors to In addition to its positive impact, social media can also
conduct research relating to the influence of privacy concerns, cause insecurity for its users. Unwise use of social media can
trust, and user awareness on the readiness to share personal lead to risks to the user and to the community. Even for large
information via social-media sites. A research model was social media sites, ex. Facebook, security-related issues and the
developed based on several hypotheses. The research model was data privacy of users are still primary concerns. In 2018,
confirmed, and experiment was conducted from 340 social-media Facebook experienced a leak of user data [5], The case raised
users through a questionnaire-based online survey over a period awareness of privacy and security because people are
of 2 months. To confirm the structural model used in this increasingly accustomed to using social media to share
research, reliability and validity analyses were performed. personal information [6],
Structural equation model (SEM) analysis was used to detect
relationships among constructs in the research model. The results The majority of privacy research has focused on individual
of this research show that user awareness, trust, and privacy factors such as risk [7], trust [8], or controllability [6,9].
concerns have a positive and significant effect on sharing Interestingly, there is still limited research investigating the
personal data on social media. Then we discussed the role of privacy concerns and user awareness as an explanatory
implications of our results for policy-making, practice, and future factor for users’ willingness to share information on social-
research. media sites, although several studies have revealed that privacy
concerns and user awareness have important roles for social-
Keywords—-facebook, twitter, instagram, privacy concern, trust, media users in sharing their personal information [2,10]. This
user awareness, social media research gap is not the only concern. For social-media users,
many privacy, security, awareness, and trust issues need to be
I. In t r o d u c t i o n addressed. First, user information, including multimedia data,
The number of active social-media users increases every can be seized and illegally used by evil actors and third-party
year, making social media a powerful data-generating platform organizations for escalating their revenue. Second, the personal
for exploring ongoing trends [1]. The phenomenon of data shared in users’ profiles can lead to risks such as cyber
interaction on social-media sites is not limited to teenagers harassment, online stalking, and theft. Third, some of the
looking for more popularity or introverts trying to make significant features of social media, such as tagging, picture-
friends; social-media sites have touched all age groups, sharing, and commenting, make their personal information
providing an open medium for enriching users lives with more visible and accessible to public [11,12], Contribution of
barrier-free communication and for marketing or advertising the author in this study is to provide an overview of factors that
their products [2]. could influence privacy issues on social-media sites and give a
suggestion for developing relevant privacy policies on social-
Data from Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia media sites [6], This paper will focus on the impact of
(APJII) show that, in 2017, 143 million Indonesians have used awareness, trust, and privacy concerns on user’s willingness to
the Internet in their daily lives, of whom 98% use the Internet share personal data on social-media sites. The main research
to access social-networking services [3]. According to data question (RQ) of this study is:


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ICACSIS 2018 978-l-7281-0135-4/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
RQ: What is the effect of awareness, trust, and security on the
willingness to share personal information?

II. Re l a t e d W o r k

A. Previous study regarding privacy and security concerns on

social-media sites
Social-media networks emerged as the most downloaded
apps of the site, which provide information for social
interaction. Social media attracted important attention in
research over the past few years [13]. Dhami et al. [14]
reported that users who have control over the flow of
information and have protected profile tend to trust Facebook.
Factors affecting trust include security features provided by
Facebook. In addition, when trust is provided through users’
privacy concern, trust will influence the user’s desire to share
personal information. Afandi et al. [3] analyzed the users of
social media regarding online-security awareness, information Fig. 1. Research Framework
privacy, and security behavior. He found that the factors that
influence the security behavior of social-media users are the
users’ perceptions of security threats [3]. A. Proposed Hypothesis
In other studies [6] [10] [15], the authors propose that Regarding research question (RQ), Kayes et al. [16] discuss
privacy concerns, trust, and motivation have an important that users who enabled privacy settings are more involved with
influence on the behavior of users and the sharing of the community, have more retention, more social-network
information on social-media sites. A study conducted by Kayes contact, and contribute better content overall. Furthermore,
et al. [16] reported that a user’s privacy concerns have a larger Dhami et al. [14] shown in their research that positive relation
quantitative and qualitative contribution compared to a user’s occured between users trust on the intention of users to sharing
behavior in the routine of social-media networks. information. They concluded that if users have trust in the
function of the social-media site, it will boost their willingness
Hossain et al. [17] conducted research from a user view to share personal information. Moreover, research by
point on privacy and security concerns regarding online social Tuunainen et al. [19] revealed that most of their respondents
networking (OSN). The results showed that 44% from 377 (Facebook users) disclosed a huge amount of personal
users were less concerned about OSN privacy regulations and information even though, in their opinion, they were not aware
that 80% o f users did not think the OSN they used to provide of the visibility o f their information to strangers. Against this
adequate privacy controls. background, we hypothesize that:
H I: Privacy concerns has a positive relation to information-
B. Concepts o f privacy concerns, trust, and user awareness
sharing on social-media sites.
on social-media sites
The constructs used in this study include user awareness, H2: User awareness has a positive relation to information-
trust, privacy concerns, and information sharing. According to sharing on social-media sites.
Afandi et al. [3], user awareness may be defined as an H3: Perceived trust has a positive relation to information-
individual’s having knowledge or ability in using social-media sharing on social-media sites.
sites and understanding the importance of protecting personal
data (or group data on behalf of an organization) when using a Moreover, to know the prerequisites of user perceived trust
social-networking site. According to Dhami et al. [14], trust is and privacy concern, Dhami et al. [14] and Afandi et al. [3]
an acceptance of individual in the ability of the social-media reported an association of privacy concerns and user awareness
site to protect personal information, while privacy concerns with perceived trust among social-media users. Furthermore,
represent the level to which a person has control over the research by Dhawan et al. [2] suggests that majority o f people
personal information flow and the privacy security of a social- know the current situation concerning privacy issues, but users
media profile. Furthermore, information sharing is an show less bothered in practice. Thus, we hypothesize that:
individual’s belief that they will share personal information on H4: Privacy concerns have positive relation to social-media
social-media sites [11].I. users’ perceived trust.
H5: User awareness has positive relation to social-media
III. Re s e a r c h Fr a m e w o r k
users’ perceived trust.
A research model has been proposed to understand the
impact o f user awareness, privacy concern and trust on user’s H6: User awareness has positive relation to privacy
willingness to share personal data information via social media. concern.
The proposed model was based on the previous work of other
researchers [14] [2] [18], as shown in Fig. 1.


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ICACSIS 2018 978-1-7281-0135-4/18/S31.00 ©2018 IEEE
TABLE I. De m o g r a ph ic s of Re s po n d e n t s TABLE II. Va l id it y Te s t

Profile Item s Frequencies Percentage Index R R esults

Gender Male 224 65.9% PCI 0.733 Valid

Female 116 34.1% PC2 0.674 Valid

< 20 years 25 7.4% PC3 0.252 Valid

A ge
20-29 years 192 56.5% PC4 0.578 Valid

> 30 years 123 36.1% T1 0.447 Valid

High school 27 7.9% T2 0.715 Valid

Qualification Bachelor 245 72% T3 0.757 Valid

Master 68 20.1% T4 0.775 Valid

Student 59 17.4% T5 0.796 Valid

Occupation Government 168 49.4% AW1 0.725 Valid

Education 19 5.6% AW 2 0.720 Valid

etc. 94 27.6% AW 3 0.698 Valid

Facebook 245 72.1% AW 4 0.689 Valid

Type o f Social- Twitter 137 81.5% AW 5 0.681 Valid

Instagram 277 40.3% IS1 0.358 Valid

etc. 45 12.3% IS2 0.338 Valid

< 2 hours 127 37.4%

TABLE in . Cr o n b a c h ’s Al ph a Va l u e s
Time Spent 2-3 hours 108 31.8%
V ariable C ronbach’s A lpha (a )
> 3 hours 105 30.8%
Privacy Concern 0.625
IV . M e t h o d o l o g y
Trust 0.830

A. Data Collection Awareness 0.904

Online questionnaire based on the framework was used to Information Sharing 0.778
obtain the data. These data were used to test our research in a period o f two months, providing all the data used in this
framework. An online questionnaire was conducted from study. The demographics of the collected data has been shown
February 2018 to April 2018. To maximize the response, we in Table I.
also used email and messenger apps as tools.
B. Validity and Reliability Analysis
B. Tool and Methods
Validity was tested in this research using the bivariate
Validity and reliability analysis was done using SPSS 25.0. Pearson-test method. The value o f r table used in this study is
Valid means that the instrument can be used to measure what it 0.106. The result o f the validity test is shown in Table II, where
purports to measure [20] [21], while a reliable instrument is the fields of privacy, trust, user awareness, and information
one that, when used multiple times to measure the same object, sharing are labeled PC, T, AW, and IS, respectively. As may
will produce the same output [22]. The result obtained in the be seen in Table n , the calculated r value obtained from all
analysis of reliability is the value of Cronbach’s alpha. indices tested has a value greater than the r-table value. This
Cronbach’s alpha (a), provides an internal-consistency indicates that all constructs used in this research are valid.
measure of a scale to test the internal consistency of the
questionnaire [2] [23]. The structural equation modeling (SEM) Cronbach’s alpha (a) was used as a reference to determine
technique was used to identify the connection between the level o f reliability of the construct. The Cronbach’s alpha
constructed model and explain the causes and effects between value generated in the reliability test should be greater than
variables. The SEM model was created by AMOS 24.0. 0.60, based on the standard value [24]-[27]. Table III shows the
value o f Cronbach’s alpha of the measured constructs of the
research framework. It was found that the Cronbach’s alpha
V. Re su l t s
values obtained from all tested constructs were above 0.60
A. Profile o f Respondents (Table III). This shows that all the constructs used in this
research are acceptable for the study.
The online questionnaire was distributed via email and
messenger application. A total of 340 responses were collected


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ICACSIS 2018 978-1-7281-0135-4/18/S31.00 ©2018 IEEE
TABLE IV. F i t INDICES FOR THE MEASUREMENT MODELS TABLE V. Su m m a r y of Hy po t h e s is Te s t

R ecom m ended M easurem ent E stim ate

F it Indices C oefficient Support
V alue M odel H ypothesis P-value
X2 135.458 (3)
HI: Perceived Privacy
d f (degree o f freedom) 48 Concern Sharing 0.214 0.000 Yes
X2/d f <3 2.822 Information
H2: U ser Awareness ^
Goodness o f fit index (GFI) > 0 .9 0 0.937 Sharing Information
-0.099 0.000 Yes

Adjusted goodness o f fit indices H3: Perceived Trust

0.103 0.005 Yes
> 0 .9 0 0.898 Sharing Information
H4: Perceived Privacy
Root mean square error of Concern ^ Perceived Trust
0.674 0.000 Yes
< 0 .0 8 0.073
approximation (RMSEA)
H5: U ser Awareness
Comparative fit index (CFI) > 0 .9 0 0.968 Perceived Trust
0.277 0.000 Yes

H6: U ser Awareness

Perceived Privacy Concern
0.272 0.000 Yes

C. Modelf it summary the individual’s willingness to share personal data on social

In this study, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) has been media will increase as well.
used to measure the suitability of data to the model and to Hypothesis H4 returns a value of P = 0.674 and p = 0.000,
investigate the relationship between constructs and indicators. which supports the hypothesis. The result shows if users have
To investigate the model, structural-equation modeling (SEM) control over their information flow in social media and privacy
with various fit indices and test was used. These indices and protection of their profile, it increases their level of trust in
test, can further indicate the extent to which a model matches social media’s ability to protect their personal information [2],
the observed data or known as good model fit in non- The same results are reported in a previous study by Tsoi et al.
experimental research [14]. The results of the CFA test are [15].
shown in Table IV.
Hypothesis H5 has value of P = 0.277 and p = 0.000, which
Table IV shows the indices of model-fit, the indices satisfy supports hypothesis H5. This result indicates that increased
the corresponding criteria suggested in the previous-literature awareness of privacy and security will also increase a user’s
review [15] [19] [23], It may be concluded that the research trust level. The same result has been reported by Saleh et al.
model used is fit. The definition of “fit” is a model capable of [30].
realistically representing data [3]. The comparison o f fit indices
with the recommended value [28] represents a good fit. Our last hypothesis H6, obtained the value P = 0.272 and p
= 0.000, which indicates a strong positive correlation. The
D. Structural Paths and Hypothesis result indicates that the higher a user’s awareness o f the
importance of protecting the privacy o f a social-media profile,
The most important component in performing a structural-
the more the user will maximize the privacy features provided
test model (SEM) is the value o f the estimated coefficient
by Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
parameter [29]. The estimated coefficient ((3) is used to test the
hypothesis that has been prepared. From these results, it can be concluded that users’ attention
to privacy, trust, and awareness have a positive impact on their
In the result of the structural paths obtained, hypothesis HI
willingness to share personal information in social-media
has a value of [3 = 0.214 and p = 0.000, which supports our accounts. Table V and Fig. 2 show the summary outcome of
hypothesis. This suggests that if a person has control over the the hypothesis testing.
security and privacy settings provided by the social-media site,
it creates an increase willingness to share information on social
media, as the individual feels protected by the social-media V I. D i s c u s s i o n a n d Im p l i c a t i o n

site. This result aligns with previous study by Kayes et al. [16]. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of
privacy concerns, user awareness, and trust on individual
The hypothesis H2 shows a value of p = -0.99 and p =
willingness to share personal data on social media. Analyzing
0.000, which supports hypothesis H2. This indicates that an
the survey data show some interesting findings: In terms of
individual’s increasing awareness o f the importance of
information-sharing, privacy concerns and trust have a positive
maintaining privacy and security on social-media sites will
impact on willingness to share information on social-media
reduce the individual’s willingness to share information, as the
sites. This shows that if users believe the function of social
individual will be more careftd in using the Internet, especially
media sites to protect their data and have strong concerns about
social media [19],
privacy protection, they tend to share more information [14],
Hypothesis H3 shows a value of P = 0.103 and p = 0.005, Furthermore, a negative impact was found for user awareness
supporting hypothesis H3. In line with a previous study [23], on the willingness to share information. The results indicate
the results indicate that when users have high confidence in the that when user awareness increases, user willingness to share
ability of the social-media provider (Facebook, Twitter, or information decreases. According to research by Jeong et al.
Instagram) to protect the privacy and security o f their account, [6], if a user is cautious about their privacy settings, the users
will prefer to impose strong restrictions on who has access to


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ICACSIS 2018 978-l-7281-0135-4/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
whether to share personal information [6], to prevent the
excessive sharing of personal information by users. We
recommend that the public be skeptical and cautious in every
activity and interaction on the Internet, specifically on social
media. It is possible to be realistic and mature, so that the
information given is not detrimental to users [32], We
encourage users to be careful in sharing their location
information on social media, to prevent potential criminal
behavior, and to untag photos immediately if a user who
downloaded a photo is not recognized.

V II. Co n c l u s io n a n d Lim it a t io n s

From the research we have conducted, we concluded that

user concerns related to privacy and security arrangements,
trust in social media, and user awareness of privacy protection
have a positive and significant impact on the willingness of
Fig. 2. Results of Hypothesis Testing
users to share personal information on social-media sites.
Furthermore, an effect was found for the factors of privacy
the information and on what is shared on social-media sites. concerns and user awareness on users’ trust in the ability of
Additionally, when trust is expressed through privacy concerns social-media sites to protect their data. The results also suggest
and awareness, it leads to user willingness to share personal that when a user’s privacy awareness increases, the user tends
information. From these results, we may answer the RQ. to maximize the privacy features of their social-media account.
Hence, securer use of social-media sites requires a major
The results also show that users with control over their change in user privacy concerns and their level of awareness,
information flow and with privacy protection for their profile both in words and actions.
are more likely to trust social-media sites. Additional factor
affecting trust in social-media sites is user awareness. This research has some limitations. First, the majority of
According to a study by Calefato et al. [31], these results could responses came from government workers and students, most
be due to the individual’s social communication and of them young, which may affect their answers to the
knowledge of information; by definition, we know that questionnaire; a study by Dhami et al. [14] reports that the age
knowledge and communication can build individual awareness o f users may affect awareness o f their privacy on social media.
[3]. The analysis shown that individuals with low levels of trust Second, the behavior and habits o f social-media users vary in
lacked social communication and knowledge. Conversely, distinct regions of Indonesia; the data collection in this study
individuals with a high level of trust had an initial focus on was conducted in the capital city, Jakarta, which has a high
communication and knowledge, which later reduced to make economic level. It may be possible that different results would
room for other interactions. be found in areas of Indonesia with different economic levels.

The results also show that user awareness has a significant For future research, this study provides a several
impact on user privacy concerns. These results correspond to suggestions. First, as discussed above, we suggest expanding
those o f a previous study by Tuunainen et al. [19], which the current study and used non-government employees or non-
showed that if the user’s privacy awareness increases, the user student samples, varying the types of information sharing, and
will tend to maximize the privacy features that have been examining different social-media types could take advantage of
provided by social-media sites, which may result in more the diversity of economic levels in the several regions of
careful behavior in the social-media environment. The research Indonesia. Second, for the future research it would be good if
model was fully supported; the factors of privacy concerns, adding several other factors that may influence user willingness
trust, and user awareness affected the willingness to share to share information on social-media sites.
information on social media. Furthermore, we found that the
perceived of privacy concerns and user awareness is positively Ac k no w l edg ment
associated on trust in the ability o f Facebook, Twitter, or This research was supported by PITTA Grand Universitas
Instagram to protect user privacy. Indonesia. Contract number: 1863/UN2.R3.1/HKP.05.00/2018.
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