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Ancient Maya Holy Time

And the
Evolution of Creation

Map of
Amerindian Holy Time
Robert Hackman
Seven Maya Prophesies

First Prophesy: reveals a “time without time,” it is said that starting in 1999, the human beings will have
to choose to make a change of consciousness and attitude; to open their mind to integrate everything that
exists. This consists of a period of 20 Tuns/years, the final 13Th Katun (a cycle that according to the Maya
started in 1992 and will end in 2011, a key date for the absolute transformation,) in which humanity will
enter a process of great learning and change. The Maya also announced that seven years after 1992 a period
of darkness would begin and every individual would be faced with his/her own behavior. Humanity will
enter the great room of mirrors; materialism will be left behind and will give way to the liberation of

Second Prophesy: says that the answer to everything is within every person, and that their behavior
determines their future. It confirms that beginning with the solar eclipse of Aug. 11, 1999, the behavior of
all humanity will change rapidly. The Maya assure us that starting after this eclipse; humans would easily
lose control of their emotions or will acknowledge their inner peace. They also indicate that the energy that
is received from the center of the galaxy is causing an increase in the vibration of our brain waves and the
planet, altering their behavior, their way of feeling and thinking. This prophesy mentions two paths: one of
acceptance and tolerance and another of destruction and fear. The path to follow will be chosen by you.

Third Prophesy: points to a change in temperature, producing geological, climatic and social changes in a
magnitude without patterns and at an astonishing speed. These changes will be generated by people in their
lack of consciousness to care for and protect natural resources of the planet and the other generated by the
sun, which will increase its activity due to the increase of vibrations from the center of our galaxy.

Fourth Prophesy: says that the anti-ecological conduct of people and the activity of the sun will cause a
melting of the ice at the poles. This will allow earth mother to re-harmonize and cleanse herself, producing
changes in the physical composition of the continents of the planet.

Fifth Prophesy: states that all systems based on fear, on which this civilization is based, will suffer
simultaneously with the planet and people will make a transformation to give way to a new harmonic
reality. These systems will fail and people will face themselves, with this we will need to reorganize society
and continue down the path of evolution that will bring us to understand creation. There is only one
common spiritual road for all humanity that will end all limits established among the many ways to look at

Sixth Prophesy: reveals that in the near future a comet will appear with a trajectory that will endanger life
on this planet. The Maya culture considered comets as agents of change that come to put into movement the
existing equilibrium, allowing the evolution of the collective consciousness. For the Maya; God is the
presence of life, and has infinite presence in all shapes.

Seventh Prophesy: In this prophesy it is said that from the year 1999 until 2002, the light emitted from the
center of our galaxy synchronizes all living things and allows them to voluntarily access an internal
transformation that produces new realities. The Maya state that every individual has an opportunity to
change and break its limitations; by allowing these changes we will create a new form of communication
through our thoughts. It is predicted that programming and limits will disappear and a new era of
transparency and light will begin, the Apocalypse is now.

Apocalypse means an unveiling of the truth.

Source: Dos Mundos Bilingual Newspaper

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Aura Colors 4

Chapter 2 A Universal Invisible Force 6

Chapter 3 Universal Medicine Powers 8

1: Secrets of the Ancients 9

Chapter 4 The Elusive Sunken Atlantis Revealed 14

1: The History of Atlantis 15
2: Indonesia the Cradle For Civilization 16
3: The Seminal Exodus 17
4: The Reality of the Civilizing Heroes 18
5: The Cause of the Ice Age 19
6: The End of the Ice Age 20
7: Thermal Runaway & the Quaternary Extinction’s 20

Chapter 5 Crop Circles 22

Chapter 6 Ancient Maya Prophesies 25

1: Returning to Holy Time 30
2: Tzolkin Guardian 32
3: 13-Moons Physical Time 33
4: Ten Conscious’s of Creation 34
5: Consciousness and Calendars 35
6: Deities Ruling the 13 Heavens 37
7: 8Th, 9Th and 10Th Consciousness 38-39

The 20 Tzolkin Hieroglyphs & The Classical Tzolkin Calendar 40-44

The Thirteen Intentions 45

Glossary 47

References 48

Maps of Time
13-Moon Guardian
Maya Haab (Zodiac)
2004 – 2011 Calendars

Aura Colors
The Meaning of Colors

The Aura is an energy field perceived as light of all colors, that surrounds all living
things. Color can be constructive or destructive; it can stimulate or depress, repel or
attract. It can even be female or male in its character. It can reflect positively or
negatively, and when perceived within the aura it provides a key to the personality,
moods, maturity and health of the individual. It reflects spiritual and physical aspects.

It takes a great deal of practice to interpret the color shades seen within the aura. Each
color has its general characteristic, but each shade of that color, change that characteristic
a little. The location of the color, the intensity and even the form the color takes in the
auric field must be considered. The colors closest to the body reflect aspects of the
individual’s physical condition. They also indicate those energies manifesting, and the
energies further away often indicate the energy that the person will be able to determine
in time.

Strengthening & Protecting Your Aura

Proper diet, exercise and fresh air are very important. Limit your use of alcohol,
tobacco or drugs, as they will weaken your aura. Stress, mental disorders, emotional
trauma, worry and fear will also weaken your aura.

To strengthen your aura you should get plenty of physical exercise, cleanse the
bowels to remove toxins and meditate. Music can be very helpful in strengthening an
aura (especially Gregorian Chants for 10 min. a day.) If you wish to listen to something
other than the chants try classical or elemental music that you like.

Fragrance is another good way to strengthen your aura. Smudging with Sage is highly
recommended. Incense and Essential Oils can help counter disease and illness. Sage and
Sweet-grass should be used for cleansing and balancing and Frankincense for cleansing
and protection.

Color Definitions

Red – Strong energy, primal creative force, and fire. This is a life promoting energy.
Strong passions mind and will. This color can indicate a birth or transmutation. It affects
the circulatory and reproductive systems, sexual energies and an awakening of abilities or
talents. The darker shades reflect anger, hate or unexpected change. Too much Red can
reflect over stimulation, inflammation or aggression.

Orange – Warmth, joy, socialness and creativity. Open to new awareness of the astral
plane. Too much Orange can reflect pride, emotional imbalance and vanity.

Yellow – Wisdom, mental activity, optimism and learning opportunities. Awakening of

psychic abilities and clairsentience. Pastel Yellow reflects spiritual development and
enthusiasm for life. Deeper shades of Yellow show excessive thinking and being overly

Green – Calm, growing compassion, sensitivity, sympathy, reliable, dependable and

open-minded. As well as an abundance of strength and friendliness. Bright Green
indicates the ability to heal. Darker shades of Green show insecurity, jealousy, self-doubt,
mistrust and miserliness.

Blue – Calm, quietness, devotion, truth, ability for clairaudience, and telepathy. Lighter
Blue indicates imagination and good intention. Royal Blue shows honesty and good
judgment. The darker shades indicate blocked perceptions, worrying, melancholy,
domineering, fearfulness, forgetfulness and overly sensitive.

Violet – Independence, intuition, warmth, transmutation, humility, spirituality and

important dream activity.

Purple – Ability to handle daily activities with practicality. Red/Purple – shows great
passion or strength of will. Darker shades of Purple indicate a need to overcome
something, intense erotic imagination and feeling misunderstood.

Pink – Reflects purity, compassion, quietness, modesty and love of art and beauty.
Darker shades show immaturity and a lack of truthfulness.

Gold – Dynamic spiritual energy. Higher energies of devotion, restoration of harmony,

coming into one’s own power, great inspiration and enthusiasm. Darker shades represent
the process of awakening higher inspirations, life is not clarified.

White – Truth, purity, cleansing and awakening of great creativity.

Gray – Innate abilities. If Silver is the color it reflects feminine energies and to leave no
task undone. Lots of Gray in an aura means secretive.

Brown – Around the head and feet shows growth, industry and organization. Around the
chakras shows a need to cleanse. Brown can reflect specific problem areas physically.

Black – Protection and a shield from outside energies. Lots of Black can mean secrets or
physical imbalance.

Twinkling Lights – Great creativity, fertility and can often indicate pregnancy.

A Universal Invisible Force
Since the first moments of creation, magnetism has been a force in our universe so
fundamental and so powerful, that nothing would exist without it. In the beginning
lodestone was discovered in the Greek province of Magnesia, hence the name magnet.
Humans first discovered magnetism as a rock with a mind of its own, an effect without a
cause. The effects of magnetism help shape the world, as we know it. Mother Earth
herself has a magnetic soul and is also a perfect magnet on a planetary scale.

Magnetism is a basic Natural Force of the Universe. Magnetism can appear to be

magical if you choose not to understand it. Magnetism’s healing properties have been
understood and practiced since Atlantis’s time. These healing properties have been
recorded in ancient Egyptian, Greek, Chinese and other writings. Research for space
exploration has produced important information on the human response to magnetic
fields and pulsing magnetic frequencies. NASA discovered that pulsing magnetic field
generators installed in manned spacecraft were essential in maintaining normal health and
bone density in astronauts. They found that specific magnetic fields and frequencies
produced certain biological responses. The earth’s natural pulsing frequency of 7.96 Hz.
(cycles per second) reduces stress and encourages relaxation and sleep.

The most important single function of magnetism is that it transports energy

throughout the universe. We wouldn’t have light or feel the heat from the sun if we didn’t
have electromagnetic waves to transmit them. The earth’s magnetic field that surrounds
us acts as a barrier to protect us from cosmic radiation from the sun, however, the earth’s
magnetic field dives into the earth at the north and south poles. When cosmic radiation
collides with our atmosphere at these points it turns into plasma, which in turn creates the
mystical Aurora Lights.

A static magnetic field is an energy field by virtue of the movement of electrons. The
negative magnetic pole spins electrons to the left and the positive magnetic pole spins
electrons to the right. Electron movement is the essence of energy. Light also is energy
by virtue of its movement of electrons.

If you look at some of our fellow inhabitants in our world they appear to know where
they are going, but how do they know? Bio-magnetism is part of the answer; the earth’s
magnetic field provides a cue that is used by organisms to navigate in their world.
Through scientific studies it is now known that migratory species are influenced by
magnetic lines of force. This sixth sense that all creatures have is traced to small grains of
lodestone or “magnetite” found in all living being’s brains. Magnetite is found in all
organisms even bacteria. Magnetism is not a rarity in our world; far from it, it is ever

Source: The Invisible Force, Traditional Magnetic Therapy

By Fred Rinker

Animal Medicine Power

Eagle Spirit
Elk Stamina
Hawk Messenger
Deer Gentleness
Bear Introspection
Snake Transmutation
Skunk Reputation
Otter Woman Medicine
Butterfly Transformation
Turtle Mother Earth
Moose Self Esteem
Porcupine Innocence
Coyote Trickster
Dog Loyalty
Wolf Teacher
Raven Magic
Lynx Secrets
Mouse Scrutiny
Cougar Leadership
Bison Prayer and abundance
Hummingbird Joy
Beaver Builder
Owl Deception
Opossum Diversion
Crow Law
Fox Camouflage
Squirrel Gathering
Dragonfly Illusion
Armadillo Boundaries
Badger Aggressiveness
Rabbit Balance
Turkey Give Away
Ant Patience
Weasel Stealth
Grouse Sacred Spiral
Horse Power
Lizard Dreams
Antelope Action
Frog Cleansing
Swan Grace
Dolphin Manna
Whale Record Keeper
Bat Rebirth
Spider Weaving

Our Relations

Mother Earth
Father Sky
Grandfather Moon
Grandmother Sun
Two-legged or humanoid
Sky World or Star Nation
Sky Brothers and Sisters or aliens
Stone People or rock, mountain
Standing People or trees, plants and vegetation
Thunder Beings – volcano, earthquake, tsunami, tornado, hurricane and others
Subterraneans – Bigfoot, Yeti and many other sub world creatures
Four-leggeds, the creepy-crawlers, the finned ones, and winged ones

Universal Medicine Power

For understanding the theory of medicine in the Amerindian way, we must redefine
(medicine.) The medicine referred to in this text is anything, which brings you strength,
understanding and personal power. This medicine is anything that improves one’s
connection with all Our Relations and the Great Mystery. It involves the healing of mind,
body and spirit. Amerindian medicine encompasses a (way of life,) because it involves
“walking the path” in perfect harmony with the Universe.

The Medicine Wheel represents life, afterlife, rebirth and the honoring of each step
along the way. The Good Red Road is where we learn the lessons of physical life, or of
being human. This road runs South to North in the circle of the Medicine Wheel.

Great Spirit is within all. If an individual obeys Crow’s perfect laws as given by the
Creator and Maker, then at death he or she dies a Good Medicine death – going on to the
next incarnation with a clear memory of his or her past.

After the graduation experience of death, one enters the Blue Road or Black Road
that is the world of the grandfathers and grandmothers. In spirit, one will continue to
learn by counseling those remaining on the Good Red Road. The Blue Road of Spirit runs
East to West in the circle of the Medicine Wheel.

The Great Mystery is a realm where all things exist, not yet in form, including the
Great Spirit. Eagle medicine is the power of the Great Spirit, the connection to the
Divine. Eagle has the ability to live in the realm of spirit, and yet remain connected and
balanced within the realm of Earth. From the heights of the clouds, Eagle is close to the
heavens where the Great Spirit dwells.

In learning to call on the medicine of any person, creature or natural force, one must
maintain an attitude of reverence and be willing to accept assistance. (As all things in the
universe have the same building block the – “Atom” – it is relatively safe to say that we
all communicate through the common denominator of each atom, which is the creative
force of Great Spirit.) This is a kind of power that comes from the idea of unity, and of
each being having within itself a part of all other beings. (It is the Law of Oneness)

These teachings have been handed down from the elders of the Aztec, Cherokee,
Cheyenne, Choctaw, Iroquois, Lakota, Maya, Seneca and Yaqui traditions. Due to the
diverse teachings of these traditions, we have only scratched the surface of a deep
understanding that is possible with this system of divination. We hope to open a new
doorway of understanding for those who seek the Oneness of all Life.

Secrets of the Ancients

The key to overcoming our fears is to forget about them. If we forget, our fears will
cease to exist in our physical world. (Matter follows vision and spirit. It is the Law.)
“If you don’t mind it, it won’t matter.”

Dreaming is going into the future; our dreams live in the shadows. In the shadows can
be your fears, your hopes, or the very things you are resisting, and they always follow
you around like an obedient dog. Shadow creatures, have you seen them?

Children are taught to behave according to the rules of a particular culture. Most
orthodox religious systems create a mandate concerning acceptable behavior within the
context of worldly affairs. Do this and so, and you will go to heaven. Do thus and so, and
you will go to hell. Different formulas for salvation are demanded by each “true faith?”

Human Law is not the same as Sacred Law! More so than any other medicine
Crow sees that the physical world and even the spiritual world, as humanity interpret
them are an illusion! There are billions of worlds. There is infinitude of creatures. If you
look into Crow’s eye you will have found the gateway to the supernatural. Crow is the
protector of the “ogallah” or ancient records, and is keeper of all Sacred Law. Crow can
bend the laws of the physical universe and “shape-shift.” (We must transform the human
collective consciousness, and allow the bending of physical laws, to aid in creating the
shape-shifted world of peace.)

Spider is the female energy of the creative force that weaves the beautiful designs of
life. Spider wove the first primordial alphabet, as she had woven the dream of the world
that would come to manifest millions of years before.

Spider is the symbol for the infinite possibilities of creation. Spider’s body is made
like the number eight, consisting of two lobe-like parts connected at the waist, and eight
legs. Her eight legs represent the four winds of change and the four directions on the
medicine wheel.

Before the advent of speech and primordial language, hand signs where used, and
many tribes were silent most of the time. The language that was understood was the
sounds of animals. Dolphin came to discover underwater cities, in the Dreamtime, and
was given the gift of the primordial tongue. This new language was brought by Spider
from the Great Star Nation. Communication is pattern and rhythm, the new aspect of
communication was sound. Dolphin carries the original pattern to this day.

Dolphin is the carrier of messages of our progress. The Dreamtime Dwellers (Maya?)
were curious about the children of Mother Earth, and wanted us to grow to be at one with
the Great Spirit. Dolphin was to be the link.

Manna is life force. (Manna is present in every – atom – and is Great Spirits essence.)
Dolphin teaches us how to use life-manna through our breath. Our breath revitalizes each
cell and organ, and breaks the limits and dimensions of physical reality, so that we may
enter the Dreamtime. Within the breath we encounter the rhythm of energy that all life

Wind is the channel for communication between Heaven and Mother Earth; wind is
the breath of the Universe. Wind transports the Sacred Smoke up to the Great Spirit and
reveals the way to Cosmic Consciousness. Wind itself is soundless, odorless, colorless
and invisible. These wonders only manifest through the connection with others.

Life starts with the first breath and ends with the last breath. Wind reveals the truth if
you listen.

Whale carries the history of Mother Earth and is said to have been put here by the
Ancients from the Dog Star Sirius. Whale medicine lets us understand that specific sound
frequencies can bring up records in the memories of ancient knowledge. Whale medicine
teaches us to use sounds and frequencies that balance our emotional bodies and heal our
physical form. To recall why the shaman’s drum brings healing and peace is to align with
Whale’s message. The drum is the universal heartbeat and aligns all beings, heart to

Biologists say that the Whale is a mammal, and very possibly lived on land millions
of years ago. In tribal legends, the Whales move into the ocean happened when the Earth
shifted and the Motherland (Atlantis) went below the waves.

Whale saw the events that led to the settling of Turtle Island (North America) and has
also kept the records and knowledge of the Motherland alive. It is said Mu will rise again
when the fire comes from the sky and lands in another ocean on Mother Earth. Is this the
great flaming star called (Bitterness or Wormwood?) Earth’s children will have to unite
and honor all ways and all races in order to survive. Righteousness will be delivered in its
allotted time. (The Completion of Creation)

In the Sky the Deer is symbolized by the constellation of Galagina the stag; otherwise
known as Taurus. Deer is in harmony with the lunar cycles, awake and active all night
when the Moon is full. A symbol of beauty, a graceful dancer tuned to the rhythm of the
Earth, activated by the energy of the Sun.

Deer are part of Mother Nature’s overall plan to feed The People. The first wave in
the food chain is plant life: grass, fruit, leaves, bark and seeds. Deer eat this plant life,
creating a second wave in the food chain that swells to a tsunami of superabundance. The
Cherokee philosophy is that Animals are Our Relations; it is the purpose of their
existence to feed mankind. To refuse to eat meat is to deny our brothers their destiny,
their very reason for being. Deer teaches us to use the power of gentleness to touch the
hearts and minds of wounded beings who are trying to keep us from Sacred Mountain.
Like the dappling of Fawns coat, both the light and the dark may be loved to create
gentleness and safety for those who are seeking peace.

The word Dragon means, “Eye, to look at, to see clearly.” Dragon symbolizes the
Great Mother figure. She seems to see everything everywhere; past, present and future
much like the crystal eye of the mythical Cherokee monster.

In the Sky the constellation of Draco symbolizes Dragon, wondering between the Big
Dipper and the Little Dipper. Since around 3000 BC Polaris has had possession of the
Magic Crystal (North Star.) Eventually Dragon the guardian and keeper of the Magic
Crystal will recapture it and the North Star will again be Thuban, a bright yellow star in

In the beginning, cornmeal was moistened with saliva and shaped into human form,
both female and male; this is the basis for our Creation and Re-Creation. Corn has forever
been the sacred manna of The People. Dragon is the Corn Spirit, personification of the
dual personality of Corn Mother and Corn Maiden. This is a sign of fertility and
procreation from generation to generation.

The Dragon breathes fire, is sensitive and jealous of their authority and is easily
roused to violence. The Dragon Spirit has forever been known as The Lawgiver a
Dispenser of Justice – one who “lays down the law.”

According to geomancy, there are ley lines of energy or magnetic lines of force all
over Mother Earth. The Chinese call them Dragon lines, and they are divided into yin and
yang. The yin, or female, Dragon lines are in the valleys; the yang, or male, Dragon lines
are in the mountains.

This energy, sometimes called animal magnetism, orgone energy or pyramid power,
can be tapped into and collected. The Great Pyramid of Egypt, as well as the mystical
Maya pyramids, are also collection points for Dragon power, as are the vortexes of
Sedona, Arizona. These places are believed to be very healthy and able to recharge the
batteries of humans in the same manner as electrical batteries are recharged.

The yang Dragon lines in the mountains include the great volcanoes that erupt when
there is power overload. Storms and earthquakes are also triggered by this Dragon power.
Where the yin and yang lines intersect are the most powerful spots.

Through scientific investigations they have discovered how Dragons could breathe
out fire. It is believed that Dragons would eat platinum, when the platinum mixed with
the hydrogen gases within Dragon’s flight-bladder it would produce fire, set off by
specific emotions.

Redbird is the Earth’s – reflection of Alcyone, the youngest and brightest of the
Pleiades Star Cluster in the constellation of Taurus. Sometime in the 1800s an astronomer
discovered that Alcyone is the central sun of the galaxy, the rightful Heart of Heaven.

Lightening is the visible evidence of the presence of the Redbird Spirit in the Sky.
Lightening marks the path of the Redbirds flight. It is the visible hotline between Earth
and Sky, blending solar and planetary atmospheric energy with the energy of Mother
Earth. Flashes of Lightening compound vital elements with the essence of plants and
animals to promote growth, thus ensuring the seasonal return of fertility. It triggers the
union of Moon and Sun, of Heaven and Earth for the perpetuation of Life, without which
the land would be barren and empty.

Lightening ads spiritual force to the human body by way of “lightening in the blood.”
Direct body to body vibration can be even stronger than words or mind to mind
communication. The key to ESP and access to the wisdom of the Ancestors lies in the
ability to bestir the blood to speak. Sheet lightening rebounded to the seven directions, is
the source of illumination to the path through the Underworld to the Otherworld, and the
Opening of The Way.

The sacred stones used in rituals and divination such as: lightening when it strikes the
ground makes flint, obsidian, crystals and others that have living power in them. The
Redbird throws the switch that turns on the lights all over the world, and engages the
gears that grind out the sands of time.

The power of Snake medicine is the power to create, for it embodies sexuality,
psychic energy, alchemy, reproduction, and ascension or (mortality.) The transmutation
of the life-death-rebirth cycle is exemplified by the shedding of Snake’s skin. It is the
energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability to experience anything
willingly and without resistance. It is the knowledge that all things are created equal in
creation, and that those things which might be experienced as poison can be eaten,
ingested, integrated, and transmuted if one has the proper state of mind.

Thoth, the Atlantian who later returned as Hermes and was father of alchemy, used
the symbology of two snakes intertwined around a sword to represent healing. Complete
understanding and acceptance of the female and male within each organism creates a
melding of the two into one, thereby producing divine energy.

This medicine teaches you on a personal level that you are a universal being. Through
accepting all aspects of your life, you can bring about the transmutation of the (fire
medicine.) This fire energy, when functioning on the material plane, creates desire,
passion, procreation and physical vitality. On the mental plane it becomes charisma,
intellect, power and leadership. On the emotional plane, it becomes resolution, ambition,
creation and dreams. When this fire energy reaches the spiritual plane, it becomes
understanding, wholeness, wisdom and connection to the Great Spirit.

Consider the idea that you may fear changing your present state of affairs because this
may entail a short passage into discomfort. Does this discomfort keep you from assuming
the viewpoint of the magician within? Is the old pattern safe, reliable and a rut? This is
heavy magic, but remember magic is no more than a change of consciousness. Become
the magician or the enchantress: transmute the energy and accept the power of the fire.
Fire is a rite of purification and spiritual transformation. The flame is symbolized as
Ancient Red and the ashes as Ancient White.

In order to glide beyond that place, which has become safe but nonproductive,
become Snake? Release the outer skin of your present identity. Move through the
dreamlike illusion that has insisted on static continuity, and find a new rhythm as your
body glides across the sands of consciousness, like a river winding its way toward the
great waters of the sea. Immerse yourself in the water, and know that the single droplet,
which you represent, is being accepted by the whole.

Rhythms of the Bodily Organs

Organ High Phase Low Phase

Circulation 7 PM – 9 PM 9 PM – 11 PM
Energy Accumulation 9 PM – 11 PM 11 PM – 1 AM
Gall Bladder 11 PM – 1 AM 1 AM – 3 AM
Liver 1 AM – 3 AM 3 AM – 5 AM
Lungs 3 AM – 5 AM 5 AM – 7 AM
Large Intestine 5 AM – 7 AM 7 AM – 9 AM
Stomach 7 AM – 9 AM 9 AM – 11 AM
Spleen, pancreas 9 AM – 11 AM 11 AM – 1 PM
Heart 11 AM – 1 PM 1 PM – 3 PM
Small Intestine 1 PM – 3 PM 3 PM – 5 PM
Bladder 3 PM – 5 PM 5 PM – 7 PM
Kidneys 5 PM – 7 PM 7 PM – 9 PM

Source: By Raven Hail (Secrets of the Ancients)

By Johanna Paungger & Thomas Poppe (Rhythms of the Bodily Organs)
By Jamie Sams & David Carson (Our Relations - Universal Medicine Powers – Secrets of the Ancients)

The Elusive Sunken Atlantis Revealed

For anyone, who inspects a chart of the oceanic bottoms in the region of Indonesia,
Malaysia, New Guinea and Australia such as the Ice Age Map of Indonesia, they will
readily concede that the South China Sea encircled by Indonesia indeed formed a
continent during the last glaciation; that ended some 10,400 tuns ago; (1 tun = 360 days.)
This chart clearly shows the partially sunken continent of Lemuria (New Guinea to
Australia,) as well as the extensively sunken strip of Atlantis (Indonesia.)

The map leaves no room for doubt about the reality of what we are affirming
concerning Lemuria and Atlantis, one almost wholly sunken and the other sunken to a
very considerable extension. We remark that this map – in contrast to most others
presenting proposed sites for Atlantis and/or Lemuria – is purely scientific, rather than an
invention of ours or of others. It is based on the detailed geophysical reconstruction of the
sea bottoms in the region in question and portrays the areas of depth under 100 meters,
which were obviously exposed during the Ice Age when sea levels dropped by that
amount and even more.

One of these maps was published in the National Geographic Magazine (vol.174,
no.4, Oct.1988, pg.446-7.) It shows the world, as it was some 18,000 solar years ago, at
the peak of the last glaciation of the Pleistocene Ice Age. In particular, please note the
huge chunk of land of continental dimensions to the south of Southeast Asia, which
became sunken when sea levels rose at the end of the Pleistocene. This sizable piece of
land is Malaysia, the site that disappeared likewise at that occasion. No other regions of
the world display a similar event, including the Americas. The conclusion is that Atlantis,
if Plato was in fact speaking truthfully, could only have been located in that region of the

A huge extension of continental size prolonged Southeast Asia all the way down to
Australia. This continental-sized landmass was indeed larger than Asia Minor and Libya
North Africa put together, exactly as Plato affirms. It was seen to have been about two or
three times larger than continental-sized India.

The Indonesian Islands and the Malaysian Peninsula that we nowadays observe are
the unsunken relicts of Atlantis, the lofty volcanic mountains that became the volcanic
islands of this region, the true site of Paradise, in all ancient traditions. The sunken
portion of continental extension now forms the muddy, shallow bottoms of the South
China Sea.

Then as now, Indonesia formed the divide of the New and the Ancient Worlds; what
the ancients called Ultima Thule (Ultimate Divide.) Thule also corresponded to what our
elders named the Pillars of Hercules, which according to Plato, were placed just in front
of Atlantis (hyper ten Heraklei Nyssai.)

The Pillars of Hercules was also the impassable frontier between the Old and the New
Worlds, also called Orient and Occident. These two are sundered by the volcanic island
arc of Indonesia, truly the boundary of the Tectonic Plates that form the Ancient and New
Worlds. This barrier to navigation in the region of Atlantis is also insistently mentioned
in Plato and other ancient sources on Atlantis.

The History of Atlantis

The cataclysms of fire and water of worldwide extent of which we speak of in this
text are strictly scientific. They are widely attested to in the geological records, being
generally accepted by modern Geology. So are the massive extinctions of all sorts of
species, and particularly of the large mammals, which took place at the end of the
Pleistocene Ice Age. This was also the end of the World Age of 4 Rain and the beginning
of the World Age of 4 Water. 10,250 years ago some 70% of the former species of the
great mammals, which existed in the former era, became extinct in this epoch.

The mechanism that initiated the end of the last Ice Age was a Cosmic Fireball that
collided with Mother Earth some 13,000 years ago. This is a key element for mass
extinctions; the extinction of the dinosaurs 64 million years ago was also caused by a
Cosmic Fireball. This cosmic collision with our planet 13,000 years ago activated
volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis that ravaged the entire planet. This earth shattering
event activated great explosions of the many volcanoes of Indonesia. A huge explosion of
the Krakatoa volcano opened the Strait of Sunda, separating the Islands of Java and

This giant explosion is widely attested to in all sorts of myths and traditions such as
universally remembered as the explosion of the Mountain of Paradise = (Mt. Krakatoa,
Mt. Atlas, Mt. Meru, Furnace of the Gods) and of the deluge it caused, of which they all
speak obsessively as the Universal Flood and the Universal Conflagration.

The explosion of Mt. Krakatoa caused a mega tsunami, which ravaged the lowlands
of Atlantis and Lemuria. It also triggered the end of the Ice Age by covering the
continental glaciers with a layer of soot (fly ash) which precipitated there melting by
increasing the absorption of sunshine. The melt waters of the glaciers rushed into the
oceans raising sea levels by about 100-150 meters, which caused tremendous strains and
stresses in the crust of the earth. This cracked open in the weak areas, engendering further
volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and mega tsunamis that feedback positively the process,
furthering it to completion. The result was the dramatic end of the Pleistocene Ice Age
and the Quaternary Extinction’s.

All nations of all times, believed in the existence of a Primordial Paradise where Man
originated and developed the first civilization ever. This story real and true is told in the
Bible and in the Hindu Holy Books such as the Rig-Veda, the Puranas and many others.
That this Paradise lay towards the Orient, no one doubts this except some die-hard
scientists who hold that different civilizations developed independently from each other
in such unlikely places such as Europe, the Americas or the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

It was in the Orient and beyond that agriculture of (rice and grains) and animal
domestication was invented. These two inventions allowed man’s fixation to the soil, and
the resulting prosperity led to civilization and the founding of the first city called Henok
or Chenok, (the Abode of the Pure) in Dravida – to Cain; Genesis 4:17:

This name (Pure Land) of the very first one of all cities is the same in Hindu
traditions (Shveta-dvipa, Sukhavati, and Atala.) In the Amerindian traditions
(Yvymaraney) the Land of the Pure, is the legendary birthplace of the Tupi-Guarani
Indians of Brazil, and the Ancient Maya of Mesoamerica. Man or more exactly, the
anthropoid simians that were are ancestors in fact rose in Africa some 2 million years
ago. But these anthropoids soon spread all over Eurasia and beyond, reaching the far
Orient and Australia inclusive by about 1 million years ago.

Indonesia the Cradle For Civilization

It was in Indonesia and the neighboring lands that Man, after migrating from the
semi-desertic savannas of Africa, first found the ideal climatic conditions for
development, and it was there that he invented agriculture and civilization. All this took
place during the Pleistocene, the last of the geological eras, which ended a scant 10,400
tuns ago, approximately (8400 BC.)

The Pleistocene – a name which is Greek for “most recent” is also called
Anthropozoic Era, or Quaternary Era, or yet the Ice Age. During the Pleistocene and
more exactly, during the glacial episodes that happened at intervals of about 20 thousand
years, sea level was about 100-150 meters (330-500 feet) below the present value. With
this a large coastal strip the so-called Continental Platform with a width of about (200
km. = 120 miles) became exposed, forming land bridges that interconnected many islands
and regions.

With the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age, the immense glaciers that covered the whole
of the northern half of North America and Eurasia melted away. Their waters drained to
the sea, causing sea levels to rise by the estimated amount of about 100-150 meters. With
this rise, the majority of Atlantis disappeared along with most of its population, which we
estimate based on Plato’s data at about 20 million people, huge for the epoch in question.

Lemuria (Australia and New Guinea) was the larger of the two Atlantis’s mentioned
by Plato. Atlantis (Indonesia) was the vast prairie which the Greeks called Elysian Fields
and which the Egyptians named the Field of Reeds (Sekhet Aaru) or yet the Amerindian’s
ancestral land (To-wer,) the overseas Paradise where they formerly lived in “Zep Tepi”
(Primordial Time.) The partially sunken continent became the “Land of the Dead,” the
dreadful, forbidden region where no mariner ever ventured to go, for it was “The Land of
no Return.”

Interestingly enough the name “Ancestral Land” or (Serendip) is precisely the

Dravidian name of (Taprobane, Sumatra) the island where the Hindus placed their
pristine Paradise, likewise sunken in a cataclysm. The gloomy, pestilential place that
remained above the water was named “Sheol” (Hell) by the Jews, and in the spared spots,
“Island of the Blest” (Makarion nesos) or “Hades” by the Greeks. “Amenti or Punt” by
the Egyptians, “Dilmun” by the Mesopotamians, “Hawaiki” by the Polynesians, and
“Svarga” by the Hindus.

The Celts - whose legends are perhaps the best recollection of the sunken golden
realm – called the place Avallon, Emain Abbalach or yet, “Ynis Wydr” (Island of Glass.)
They also associated the eerie place with the Holy Grail and the resurrection of their dead

The Seminal Exodus

The greatest of all Lemurian colonies was Atlantis. Atlantis and Lemuria had
prospered for a full zodiacal era 2,000 years, when the Cosmic Fireball initiated the great
cataclysm that destroyed their common world at the end of the Pleistocene, (8400 BC.)

The scant survivors of the cataclysm that partially sunk Atlantis away were forced to
flee their destroyed Paradise, moving first to Lemuria, which had been spared in its
northern, loftier portion. But the global catastrophe had also caused the end of the
Pleistocene Ice Age, and the melting of the Himalayan glaciers caused huge floods of the
rivers of Asia, rendering the region unfit for human habitation. These floods and the
plagues ravaged the remainder of Atlantis; already greatly destroyed by the original
cataclysm, the conflagration of the Indonesian volcanoes and the tsunamis they caused.

Again these doomed people were obliged to flee, migrating along the ensuing
millennia to remote places such as Egypt, Mesopotamia, Palestine, North Africa, Europe,
North Asia, the near Orient and the Americas. Some came on foot in huge hordes like
those of the Israelite exodus. Others came by ship, like Noah in his Ark or Aeneas with
his fleet to found the great civilizations of the ancient world.

The great civilizations that we know of in the Indus Valley, Egypt, Mesopotamia,
Asia Minor, Greece, Rome and Mexico were originally Atlantian colonies founded by the
survivors of the cataclysm that destroyed the twin Paradises of Atlantis and Lemuria.
These colonists the (Original People) of course attempted to recreate their Eden in their
new homeland.

The Original People named each topographical feature after the archetypes of their
pristine abode, just as immigrants will do the same nowadays. Such is the reason why we
keep finding vestiges of Atlantis everywhere, from Brazil and North America to Spain,
Crete and even Africa and Northern Europe. All these ancient civilizations spoke of
civilizing heroes such as Manu, Noah, Aeneas, the Oannz, Hotu Matua, Quetzalcoatl,
Kukulkan, Bochica and of course Atlas and Hercules, the omnipresent Twins that
founded civilization everywhere.

Interestingly enough the only place so far unclaimed among the literally hundreds of
sittings of Atlantis is Indonesia. Of course no solid evidence of the existence of Lemuria
and even more so Atlantis has ever been found. The reason for this absence is easy to
explain: the experts have all been searching for Atlantis on the wrong sides of the world.

The Reality of the Civilizing Heroes

The legends of all peoples tell of Civilizing Heroes, Angels, Gods or even Demons
and Monsters who were their civilizers and who taught them religion, law, agriculture,
metallurgy and the alphabet. These are the Fallen Angels the same all too human heroes
who fell desperately in love with the beautiful native girls, the Daughters of Man
Genesis: 6: These fallen gods were not astronauts nor spirits, but saintly men who came
as missionaries from Atlantis. How else could they mate with human females and breed

The mysterious “Sons of God” (ben Elohim) of Genesis: 6: are precisely the same
ones identified by Plato with the Atlantian’s. Their sin with the Daughters of Men – and
more probably the rejection and enslavement of their hybrid offspring led to the Flood.
This is indeed the mysterious Original Sin that resulted in the destruction of Paradise
(Atlantis) and the Fall of Man. This sin is the one ritually washed by the Baptism, itself
an allegory of the Flood, as St. Jerome and other Church Patriarchs explicitly

Plato quotes precisely this cause for the destruction of Atlantis by God (Zeus) in his
unfinished dialogue on Atlantis. Homer concerning the Phaeacian “Sons of God” also
tells the same story in allegorized form. It also figures in the Celtic myths concerning
Mererid, the sinful daughter of King Gradlon, whose scabrous conduct led to the sinking
of the land of Ys.

The Cause of the Ice Age

This is how an Ice Age starts. Converted into clouds by the sun, seawater is carried
into the continents by the wind, where it pours down as rain, hail or snow. If conditions
are right, as they were then, this down falling water is retained in glaciers that end up
covering the temperate regions with a shroud of ice that is one or two miles thick. Sea
levels consequently drop by 100-150 meters or even more, exposing the shallow bottoms
of the sea.

Such was the case of the South China Sea, whose depth seldom exceeds 60 meters or
so. When the Ice Age ends, the process is reverted. The glaciers melt away, and their melt
water quickly drains into the sea. In consequence, the bottoms previously exposed as dry
land become submerged once again.

As we see, the world works as a kind of flip-flop or swing, forever oscillating

between the extremes of cold and heat. Interestingly enough, it is Life itself that
equilibrates the balance, introducing a negative feedback that counteracts the tendency
for the world to freeze or sizzle. For instance, if carbon dioxide (CO²) increases in the
atmosphere, the temperature tends to go up with the so-called Hothouse Effect. This is
precisely what we observe on sizzling Venus, whose atmosphere is almost pure CO². On
gelid Mars, whose atmosphere and life was almost all lost in a tremendous cataclysm
probably caused by the fall of a meteor of planetoidal size – the opposite swing took

Wherever life exists, as on Mother Earth, increased CO² contents of the atmosphere
also results in increased photosynthesis. Plants grow more luxuriously, fixing the excess
carbon dioxide in themselves, and alleviating the situation. The opposite process happens
if the CO² content of the atmosphere is reduced for some reason. Photosynthesis is
consequently reduced and plant matter – mainly the plankton in the seas, rather than the
tropical forests decreases, liberating CO². This increases the atmospheric content, tending
to increase earth’s temperature back to its normal value.

Moreover, an ice cover effectively reflects sunlight back towards outer space,
reducing the amount of solar heat absorbed by the earth. Its temperature consequently
drops, and the glaciers advance further until they cover all the temperate regions of earth.
In the absence of life, we have the two extremes instanced by our two neighboring
planets, Venus and Mars. As we said above, Venus is as hot as hell, whereas Mars is
completely frozen up, as if to vividly exemplify to us all the two extremes of lifeless

The End of the Ice Age

The causes of the periodic advance and retreat of the continental glaciers is not well
known. To believe the myths, the end of the Pleistocene Ice Age was engendered by the
Original Sin, which initiated the cataclysmic explosion of Mt Atlas.

Mt. Atlas – the Pillar of Heaven that decorated Atlantis was an immense volcano
peak in the region that now corresponds to the island arc of Indonesia. To be more
precise, this volcano was the terrible Krakatoa, even today still alive and very active,
despite its monumental explosion in Atlantian times. After its colossal explosion, the
Krakatoa volcano sunk away undersea, becoming the giant caldera that now forms the
Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra.

This giant caldera – fully 150 km. across, is the Fiery Submarine Mare (Vadava-
mukha.) The giant explosion of the Holy Mountain is attested to, not only by the
worldwide myths that recount the end of Paradise (Atlantis,) but the geological evidence
is overwhelming as well. The Tektite Belt and the volcanic ash layer that covers most of
the South Indian Ocean, Australia, Indonesia and Southeast Asia also testify to similar
cataclysms in this remote region of the world.

The ashes and dust liberated by the gigantic explosion were carried away by the
winds, and covered the glaciers of North Asia and North America with a dark veil of
carbonized matter. The result was an increased absorption of sunlight and a quick melting
away of the glaciers that covered the continents beyond the tropical regions.

Thermal Runaway and the Quaternary Extinction’s

The process of glacier melting was far from uniform, as many geologists of the
Darwinian school tend to think. The melt water of the glaciers quickly flowed into the
seas, creating huge stresses between the overloaded sea bottom and the alleviated
continents. Earth’s crust cracked and rifted at many places, originating volcanoes,
earthquakes and tsunamis of unprecedented proportions. And the violent process
continued, impelled by its own momentum, until it was finally complete and the earth had
quit the Ice Age. In this terrible event – the same one that the myths call the Flood – some
70% of the species of great mammals became extinct.

Geologists call the widespread mortality that took place at the end of the Pleistocene
by the name of Quaternary Extinction’s. Among the extinct species we had several
magnificent animals: the mammoth, the mastodon, the saber-toothed cat, the cave bear,
the giant sloths, dozens of species of camelids, cervids and cavalids.

This self-sustaining, degenerately increasing process is what physicists call “positive

feedback,” and is identical to the one that causes the transitions of electronic flip-flops in
electronic computers and such. It also corresponds to another physical process called
“thermal runaway,” which happens for instance, on a global scale in the Hothouse Effect.
Increased temperature of the earth tends to liberate the CO² dissolved in seawater to the

The extra atmospheric CO² further tends to increase global warming, liberating
further amounts of CO², and so on until all of it is liberated to the atmosphere, and the
earth becomes overheated. This is possibly what happened on sizzling Venus, perhaps
billions of years ago. And it may well be the case that Venus also had life, as Mars
apparently did too, as we are starting to learn.

And in the instances of both Venus and Mars, are they Celestial witnesses of what
may indeed happen to Mother Earth if we persist in abusing her the way we presently do?
Are these two planets the Two Witnesses mentioned in the Book of Revelations 11:8:
“their corpses exposed in the streets of the Great City (the skies?) for all to see and
marvel.” Venus is the sister planet of Earth; it was the planet of greatest interest to the
Ancient Maya and many other ancient cultures.

Source: By Arysio Nunes dos Santos

Mercury Roman myth messenger of the gods

Venus Roman goddess of love
Earth Mother Earth
Mars Roman god of war
Jupiter Roman chief of the gods
Saturn Roman god: one of the planets
Uranus Greek god of the sky
Neptune Roman god of the sea
Pluto Greek god of the underworld

Crop Circles

One of the greatest mysteries plaguing mankind in this time is what or who is creating
these sacred symbols and geometric patterns? What is the message that we should be
learning from these crop circles? It is now evident that orbs of light are responsible for
the creation of crop circles. These orbs of light are possibly divine energy originating
from the Thirteen Heavens. The Deities that Rule the Thirteen Heavens are attempting to
communicate with mankind through sacred vibrations, electromagnetic energies and this
ancient form of art. This is a Sacred Phenomena that mankind needs to pay very close
attention to. Stay tuned in for more to come.

The Light of Nature does not Lie,

But the Theoreticians have turned the Light against Nature.
If Man is Perverse, he will also Pervert the Light of Nature.
Therefore Seek First the Kingdom of Truth,
And you will do more than has ever been done on Earth.
Never Doubt God, Our Greatest Physician.
As we Love Her/Him and our Neighbor, so God will grant us everything we need
But if we are Idle and Neglectful of Love, then even that will be taken from us
which we believe to be ours.

Good Diet, Good Digestion – The Main Pillars of Health

Your Food Should Be Your Medicine.


We have the power to change our future if we Mind it.

Hun Hunahpu

One Hunahpu

Source of matter, source of spirit

Spiraling in and spiraling out
Thirteen phases – numbers, vectors
Twenty hieroglyphic pictures
People growing toward the sun
Grow together and live as one
Hunab Ku, Hunahpu
Hub of everything we do
Search the stars for what we are
And find we need not look so far
Inside of us, deep down inside
Are kept the secrets of all time
Finding rhythm, speaking rhyme
Renew the ancient paradigm
Movement and measure
Sowing and dawning
Star of the evening
Star of the morning
One Ahau will start the churning
Watch for Venus, begin the learning
Teaching us the way to see
And how to climb the Sacred Tree
Tzolkin, Haab, and Calendar Round
Spherical music, magical sound
Eye at the center, dawn at our face
Edge of the cosmos, heart of all space
Mysterious day-sign
Bringer of Birth
It comes from the stars
And springs from the Earth

Source: Maya Cosmogenesis 2012

By John Major Jenkins

Ancient Maya Prophesies
Maya: pronounced MaH yuh

Many people today react to prophesies with an attitude that it will take hundreds of
years for such dramatic events to take place. This is because they are stuck in a
materialistic worldview were consciousness is perceived as secondary to materialism.
Consciousness evolved according to a Divine Plan whether we like it or not, all we need
to do to acknowledge this is to balance the calendars of physical time with the tun-based
Tzolkin Calendars of Spirit.

Known as Time’s Special Witness, 7Th century Maya prophet (Pacal the Great) left a
universal message for future generations of an evolving earth. Proclaiming, “If Humanity
Wishes To Save Itself From Biospheric Destruction It Must Return To Living In Natural
Time.” Pacal foretells of our accelerated technological society and the resulting damage
of our collective divergence from Natural Law in exchange for materialist values.

Pacal the Great’s prophetic call is alerting present-day humanity that our biological
process is transforming, approaching the culmination of a 26,000-tun evolutionary
program. Bringing the return of universal telepathy, heightened sense capacity, and self-
reflective consciousness, this is a return to the sacred domain of our inner technology.

This time we are now in has been called “The Time of Trial on Earth,” “ Judgment
Day,” “The Time of Great Purification,” “ The End of this Creation,” “The Quickening,”
“The End of Time as we Know It,” “The Shift of the Ages.” It is foretold that the
completion of this Creation cycle brings regeneration of earth, offering awakening to all
open and willing hearts. Many people’s spoke of these last days of the Great Cycle,
including the Aborigines, Hopi, Egyptians, Kabbalists, Essences, Qero elders of Peru,
Navajo, Cherokee, Apache, Iroquois confederacy, Dogon Tribe and the Ancient Maya.

The Maya messengers, renowned for their astronomical, artistic, mathematical and
scientific achievements, left a calling card as a series of super-human sized stone
monuments and pyramids with precise calendrical computations. Planted with great
intention, these dates were left to ensure that future generations would be alerted to the
coming end point of this Great 26,000-tun cycle. A cycle which corresponds also to a
26,000-tun relationship of our sun orbiting Alcyone, the central star of the 7 Sisters
Pleiades constellation. According to the Maya, the future, which lies beyond this end
date, is literally “a New World – a New Creation.”

The 26,000-tun cycle of the Homo sapiens development is mirrored by the 260-day
cycle of human gestation. Collective humanity is right now maturing into the being we
have long been encoded to be. As with any labor, it is not the mother or the baby who is
in charge. It is the primal process of the birth itself unfolding its own destiny, working to
ensure the survival of mother and child.

Some Amerindian Nations understood this Great 26,000-tun cycle to be specifically
composed of 5 lesser cycles, each 5,200 tuns long. Each of these 5 Suns was considered a
World Age, as depicted on the Mesoamerican Sunstone. Each Sun specifically: 4 Jaguar,
destroyed by jaguars – 4 Wind, destroyed by a hurricane – 4 Rain, destroyed by fire
raining from the sky – 4 Water, destroyed by a flood; and our present Sun –
4 Conscience, will be destroyed by an earthquake.

Our present great cycle (3115 BC – 2011 AD) is called the Age of the Fifth Sun.
4 Conscience rules this time period. The fifth age is the synthesis of the previous four. 4
Conscience (called Caban in the Maya language and Ollin in Aztec) has several meanings
including movement, shift, evolution, earthquake, navigation, synchronicity, clue
tracking, and turtle. In the Maya language, the word “ol” of ollin means consciousness.

Within the 5,125 solar years World Age lies 13 smaller cycles, known as the
“13 Baktun Count.” Each Baktun cycle is 144,000 days or 400 Tuns = aprox. 394.2
solar years. Each Baktun has its own historical epoch or age within the World Age Cycle,
carrying a specific destiny for those who incarnated in each Baktun. For example, many
of the Maya inscriptions were seeded precisely during Baktun 10 (434 – 829 AD.) This
era is known as the time of the Classical Maya.

Divine Creation Vs. Precession Theory: If we look at the inscription of the birth of
First Father or (One Hunahpu) found at Palenque Mexico, his birth is said to have taken
place on June 16, 3122 BC. The inscription also reveals a glyph that indicates the
celebration of the 7Th birthday of a king. By adding 7 years to the birthday of First Father
we arrive at June 16, 3115 BC which = 13 Ahau in the Classical Tzolkin count. The
Precession Theory is based on the sun at zenith in Izapan Aug. 11, 3114 BC, and ending
on Dec. 21, 2012 AD which = 4 Ahau. The beginning & end date must = 13 Ahau.

In Maya calendrics, the initial date that earth entered the Fifth Sun was (June 16,
3115 BC) known in Classical Tzolkin count notation as 13 Ahau. Every day from that
point was reckoned by the number of days passed since the event of this cosmic
beginning point and it also culminates on 13 Ahau, (October 28, 2011 AD.) Based on a
13 20 = 260 day cycle, the Classical Tzolkin is the Sacred and Primary Cycle.

In the past 5,000 years or so people have been engaged in developing maps of their
spacial reality, mostly of the earth and outer space. The Maya 260-day Tzolkin calendar,
which again emerges, represents the beginning of a mapping of Time. In the landscape of
the Galactic Consciousness that we are now in (1999-2011AD,) a map of Time may be
even more important to us than a spacial map, as our perception of reality will
dramatically change. Time will no longer be what it used to be. It is for this reason that
we will need a new calendar that accurately describes spiritual, rather than physical time
and thus the exact progression through energies. The Tzolkin calendar therefore, may be
seen as a tool for those seeking to break out of the rat race and the physical time of the
Planetary Consciousness (1755-2011AD.) This will allow us to come into phase with the
sacred vibrations of the divine plan, or the wave frequencies of the World Tree; the
rhythms that will ultimately bring us ever closer to the Completion of this Creation.

Baktuns 5,125 Solar Years Katuns 256 Solar Years
7 1 3115 - 2721 BC 394.2 yrs. 7 1 1755 – 1775 19.7 yrs.
1 2 2721 - 2326 BC 394.2 yrs. 1 2 1775 – 1794 19.7 yrs.
8 3 2326 - 1932 BC 394.2 yrs. 8 3 1794 – 1814 19.7 yrs.
2 4 1932 - 1538 BC 394.2 yrs. 2 4 1814 – 1834 19.7 yrs.
9 5 1538 - 1144 BC 394.2 yrs. 9 5 1834 – 1854 19.7 yrs.
3 6 1144 - 749 BC 394.2 yrs. 3 6 1854 – 1873 19.7 yrs.
10 7 749 - 355 BC 394.2 yrs. 10 7 1873 – 1893 19.7 yrs.
4 8 355 BC - 40 AD 394.2 yrs. 4 8 1893 – 1913 19.7 yrs.
11 9 40 - 434 AD 394.2 yrs. 11 9 1913 – 1932 19.7 yrs.
5 10 434 - 829 AD 394.2 yrs. 5 10 1932 – 1952 19.7 yrs.
12 11 829 - 1223 AD 394.2 yrs. 12 11 1952 – 1972 19.7 yrs.
6 12 1223 - 1617 AD 394.2 yrs. 6 12 1972 – 1992 19.7 yrs.
13 13 1617 - 2011 AD 394.2 yrs. 13 13 1992 – 2011 19.7 yrs.
(6Th National Consciousness) (7Th Planetary Consciousness)
Source: By Carl Calleman (Dates – 6 & 7Th Creation Cycles)

Mother Earth and her inhabitants are currently travelling through the 13Th Baktun
cycle – the final period of 1617 – 2011 AD. This cycle is known as “The Triumph of
Materialism” and “The Transformation of Matter.” The Maya predicted this final
Baktun would be a time of great forgetting in which we drift very far from our sense of
Oneness with Nature and experience a kind of collective amnesia. Like a memory virus
in which we begin to believe the limited reality of appearances and grow dense to the
spiritual essence, which fuels this world. So humanity’s sense of ego and domination has

We entered this Baktun cycle right after establishing the world wide coordination of
Pope Gregory XIII’s 12 month calendar system (1582) as well as the perfection of the
24-hour 60-minute mechanical clock (1600,) which had been evolving for centuries.
These are no small matters. According to Valum Votan, these two instruments are what
manifested humanity’s “error in time” which is the following of artificial instruments of
time that served to separate man apart from the rest of nature, operating by our own false
timing frequency, to the detriment of the natural world.

The Gregorian calendar is not based on logic, science or nature. It denies and covers
up the true biological cycle conserved in the body of woman. It is the current world
standard because of the forceful issuance of this system upon (indigenous) peoples who
lost their land as well as their religious freedoms. The Gregorian calendar is a product of
its predecessors – Julius Caesar’s calendar and the earlier Roman Empire calendar.

Most people would think the choice of a calendar is of little consequence and has
little influence on the worldview of a civilization. But the calendar is the very heartbeat
of any civilization. Today because of the Gregorian calendar our consciousness is
focused on materialism; which in turn has created civilized chaos. The Gregorian
calendar, now in use worldwide, is taken as a given, and there seems little reason to
replace it. But what if this calendar exerts an illusion that most people are unaware of,
and strengthens a worldview that is false? This book is written to highlight this illusion
and to present the Tzolkin Calendars as an alternative.

The clock was the first existing machine – going on to become the heart of all
machine technology to come. The presence of the clock gave birth to the notion that time
lies outside our bodies. That a machine can track it, and that we can sit by and watch it
fly by tick – tock as though it is something linear, confinable and separate from the
organic flowing process of life. The adherence to the clock for our sense of time and
timing is noted as the greatest obstacle to allowing the full telepathic abilities of the
human to flower.

Next came the Cartesian Coordination Rectangular Grid System (1637) which went
on to establish the foundational platform for all-modern math and science. Thanks to
Rene Descartes the man infamous for his quote “I think therefore I am,” the ceiling of
perception validated only the reality of the 3 dimensions of the physical space. The
coordinates of X, Y and Z rendered the 4Th dimension obsolete from our worldviews.

At that moment, time became reduced from its qualitative essence to that of a
quantity. The mind that adopted the lens of the linear grid also adopted the limited
perception of time as a 3rd dimensional linear progression of pure duration. Our societies
have continued to operate with these limitations in place. Thus if something cannot be
seen, touched or proven with measurements, it does not, in effect exist.

Through the Cartesian lens, nature has become reduced to a pure quantifiable
resource no longer a living qualitative aspect of ourselves, but now something outside of
ourselves which we observe, analyze and ultimately come to replicate, manipulate,
dominate, toxify and even destroy and extinguish. It seems the modern world wants
nothing more than to improve upon nature or at least extract her wisdom’s and magical
properties in order to make a buck or two, by fulfilling increasing consumer demands.

These times are so accelerated that no answer could encompass the vast implications
of the phase we are in. A range of responses is available to us. Depending on whom you
talk to and what area you research, one can find all kinds of claims as to what can be
expected. From cataclysm to enlightenment, world war to world peace, massive earth
changes and physical destruction, to massive spiritual awakening to our inherent oneness.
There are many views of the implications of the approaching years 2010, 2011 and
beyond. One thing is clear – we are right in the thick of this critical, transformative

The Maya teach us these basic understandings through their calendars and their
legacy – The Law of Time. There is only one timing frequency, which unifies the whole
galactic order from its largest constituents to its smallest. This timing frequency is the
13:20 ratio, found within the harmonic structure of the Time Guardians as well as our
human bodies – our 13 main joints and our 20 fingers and toes. Knowing that we are the
living prophecy, what does it mean to be nearing this return and what can we expect
personally as well as planetary?

This Time on Mother Earth with all its heightened energies has never existed before.
The opportunities and challenges of today’s world are the climax of all that has preceded
us. Never before has the population of this planet increased by 216,000 people a day!
Never before has the earth’s biosphere been in such a precarious state.

That which seems like normal lifestyle decisions and behaviors are but precedents set
by our modern standards, not necessarily reflecting the most balanced, healthy or sane
way to operate.

All that is manifesting on the inner and outer planes reflects the sacred intensity of
these prophetic times. More than ever, the polarities and imbalances within us and around
us are becoming clearer. Love, beauty, exuberance and compassion permeate this world
multi faceted victories of art, co-creation, community support, healing and evolution
shine all around us, illuminating the spirited grace of our true nature. Meanwhile, this
world is steeped in fear, brutality, pain and disease, endless anguish of anxiety,
disconnection, confusion, isolation – alongside the toxic realities of egos, callous greed
and corruption, materialism, addiction and dangerous ignorance. This is now the time to
embrace all that has been dishonored or denied, for it is emerging to be purified and
sanctified. Accountability is required on all levels of our existence. The cosmic climate is
changing at rapid rates, allowing us to now transduce and shed egoic programs of fear
and limitations easier than before.

Science reveals that earth’s base resonant frequency (earth’s heart-beat,) is increasing
and that the magnetic field of the planet is shifting – reflected in the shifting migration
patterns of animals. These shiftings of the earth’s body allow us to release unwanted
baggage – mental, physical and emotional patterns, conditioning, beliefs, attitudes and
programming. Simultaneously, that which we think or desire is becoming actualized
more and more swiftly.

Much of the genetic potential we are born with is lying dormant within us, waiting to
be turned on. We can only imagine what the full activation of our DNA will allow us to
accomplish and manifest for planetary healing and restoration. It has been foretold that
we will be able to transmute the problems of our 3rd dimensional physical reality by
utilizing our own stored internal technology. More and more this is happening. This is
definitely an important aspect of this time of Quickening.

The time has never been so ripe to realize each other as one planetary organism in
contact with itself anywhere on the planet. The emergence of our empowered potential
our divinity is presenting itself to be claimed. How to experience this reality consciously?
Where-ever one looks, the universal answer points to one’s own body, one’s own mental
attitude, the energy of one’s own heart, one’s own living breath as the beginning place for
orientation to feel one’s unique connection to the functioning of Totality.

As the frequencies continue to rise, our connection to the 5Th dimension continues to
rapidly increase. This allows for maximum transformation and mutation of who we are
and how we live life, or how life lives us. Doors of opportunity are forever-presenting
themselves. Any limit we might place on what’s possible in the next 8 years is not
recommended. Let us instead Dream the Exaltation of Humanity and all of Life in the

Returning To Holy Time

Valum Votan, “Closer of the Cycle” – final messenger of The Great Pacal’s
prophecy, prescribes the fulfillment of human destiny as a collective return to Holy Time
via the synchronization of the Tzolkin cycles (The Time Guardians.) Using this
harmonic, ancient and accurate standard of measure, we make a whole-systems transition
into conscious resonance with our living universe.

In these intense times of uncertainty, we need all the navigational assistance possible
for our everyday consciousness to be in harmony with our universe. The Tzolkin
calendars help us re-harmonize our bodies and minds to the natural patterns and cycles of
Holy Time.

Learning a new calendar may seem hard or even intimidating, but this is the time to
try something new. As Valum Votan states, “It’s the untried solution, the harmonic
solution.” What we are being asked to do is let go of what has been common for so long
the irregularity of the 12-month calendar and embrace the accuracy of the Tzolkin Time

Rather than labeling today’s date as:

April 9, 2004 AD, for anyone who tracks the Tzolkin Time Guardians, today is
13:13:6:7:11 Ik, this is the ancient’s way of counting time. This count connects our
consciousness and physical time as we know it.
Baktuns 13: 6Th National Consciousness
Katuns 13: 7Th Planetary Consciousness
Tuns 6: 8Th Galactic Consciousness
Uinals 7: 9Th Universal Consciousness
Kin 11 Ik 10Th Alpha & Omega Cosmic Consciousness
Remember to honor and celebrate Time as rhythms found within Night and Day
and the seasons, not hours and minutes!

Orbiting in coordination with the Sacred 260-day Classical Tzolkin cycle, is the
Tzolkin Guardian cycle that is symbolized on a Spiritual Medicine Wheel. The Tzolkin
Guardian consists of 18 Uinals or months, 18 20 = 360-days; a spiritual year. This 360-
day cycle is also called a “Prophetic Year.” Tracking the Tzolkin cycles gets us directly
in touch with the energies, which compose our inner and outer world. This modern
application of Ancient Maya time-science can be used as a tool for – synchronization,
unification and telepathic development, also in developing a language of light. This
template can unite us in a harmony that transcends our language barriers.

As we use these sacred vibrations to see deeper into ourselves, we come to know the
purpose, which every moment holds. We come to hear the guidance, which calls to us in
every interaction of our lives. We perceive the clues, which are waiting to bestow

With the ascension of our consciousness up the cosmic pyramid, we are on a path to
enlightenment. The use of the classical Maya calendar is a tool that reveals this path. The
Maya calendar not only reveals the path to enlightenment; it is also a calendar of peace.

At the top of the cosmic pyramid is the 10Th Alpha & Omega Cosmic Consciousness.
In this time period we will achieve true forgiveness, peace and be able to see the past
truthfully. The Book of Revelations refers to this in verse 21:4: “And God shall wipe
away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor
crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.”

All Aboard!

The purpose of the Tzolkin Time Guardians is to assist in converting 3rd dimensional
materialism into the 5Th Dimensional Cosmic Consciousness.

Like the Maya who preceded us, we shall come to understand that the path to the stars
is through the senses and that the proper utilization of our mind will help facilitate the
passage to different levels and dimensions of being.

This prophecy is unfolding, right now! As the Hopi elders say, “We are the ones
we’ve been waiting for. All that has been unconscious is becoming conscious.”

Don’t worry be Hopi!

May We Aspire For The Light? May Our Paths Be Illumined By The Highest Light Of
The Creator And Maker, So That We May Live In Harmony With All Our Relations?

- Zeek the Light -

“May There Only Be Peace in Your Presence”

Great Gratitude to Dr. Carl Calleman for his significant breakthrough, on decoding
the evolution of Nine Creation Cycles, as perceived through the consciousness of the
Great Ancient Maya Civilization.

Contact me at (
Robert Hackman
Alberta, Canada
13: 13: 6: 7: 11 Ik

Tzolkin Guardian
(Prophetic Year – Spiritual Year)
(18 20 = 360 days = 1 Tun)

18 Sacred Uinals (months)

Quiche Maya English
1 Tequexepual time to plant the corn fields
2 Tziba pop painted mat
3 Zac white like certain flowers
4 Ch’ab muddy ground
5 Nabey mam first old man
6 Ucab mam second old man
7 Nabey liquin ca soft and slippery soil
8 Ucab liquin ca second month of soft and slippery soil
9 Nabey pach first month of hatching
10 Ucab pach second month of hatching
11 Tzizil lakam the sprouts show
12 Tziquin kih season of birds
13 Cakam red clouds
14 Botam tangled mats
15 Nabey zih first month of white flowers
16 Ucab zih second month of white flowers
17 Rox zih third month of white flowers
18 Chee trees, Pariche

20 Sacred Kin (days)

1 Imox left-handed alligator
2 Ic moon, wind, spirit spider
3 Acbal night cougar
4 Can dragon dragonfly
5 Cat serpent serpent
6 Came death vulture
7 Queh deer deer
8 Cana l wealth, ear of yellow corn rabbit
9 Toh rain, storm shark
10 Tzi dog wolf
11 Batz monkey monkey
12 Eb teeth thrush
13 Aj cane or tender corn bee
14 Balam jaguar jaguar
15 Tziquin bird quetzal
16 Ahmac owl owl
17 Noh conscience crow
18 Tihax edge, obsidian turtle
19 Caoc lightening & thunder woodpecker
20 Hunahpu hunter, chief or lord eagle

Source: Popol Vuh, The Book of the Ancient Maya

By Delia Goetz & Sylvanus Griswald Morley

13-Moons Physical Time

Zodiac Sign Body Zone Organ System
1 Dragon Conscience All
2 Ram = Aries Brain, eyes Senses
3 Tiger = Taurus Neck, ears, teeth Blood
4 Gemini Shoulders, hands, arms Glandular
5 Dolphin = Cancer Chest, lungs, liver, stomach Nervous
6 Whale = Leo Heart, back, artery Senses
7 Virgo Digestive, nerves, pancreas Blood
8 Bear = Libra Hips, kidneys, bladder Glandular
9 Serpent = Scorpio Sex organs, urethra Nervous
10 Sagittarius Thighs, veins Senses
11 Capricorn Knees, bones, skin Blood
12 Aquarius Lower legs, veins Glandular
13 Salmon = Pisces Feet, toes Nervous

Lunar Cycles
2 days New Moon
A short period prevails of special impulses affecting all living beings. Fasting is good
during this period, because the detoxifying power of the body is at its peak. This is also a
good time for giving up bad habits. The Moon is directly between the Sun and Earth.

12 days Waxing Moon

From New Moon – Full Moon: absorbs, plans, supplies, builds up, takes in, breathes
in, stores energy and is conducive to recovery and rest.

2 days Full Moon

Mother Earth is now directly between the Sun and Moon, the energy is flowing
greatly. Beware of the Lunar Toones.

12 days Waning Moon

From Full Moon – New Moon: hardens, dries, washes out, detoxifies, breathes out
and is conducive to the expenditure of energy and action.

Source: By Johanna Paungger & Thomas Poppe

Ten Conscious’s of Creation
(Cosmic Pyramid)
Completion of Creation
10 Alpha & Omega 20 days 13 Heavens
9 Universal 13 20 kin= 0.72 tun 260 days 13 Uinals Unitary
8 Galactic 13 20º tun= 13 tuns 4,680 days 13 Tuns Duality
7 Planetary 13 20¹ tun= 260 tuns 93,600 days 13 Katuns Unitary
6 National 13 20² tun= 5,200 tuns 13 Baktuns Duality
5 Regional 13 20³ tun= 104,000 tuns 13 Piktuns Unitary
4 Tribal 13 204 tun= 2 million tuns 13 Kalabtuns Duality
3 Familial 13 205 tun= 41 million tuns 13 Kinchiltuns Unitary
2 Mammalian 13 206 tun= 832 million tuns 13 Alautuns Duality
1 Cellular 13 207 tun= 16.6 billion tuns ago 13 Hablatuns Unitary
Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Day
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7

Spiritual Time
(Maya name of Time Cycle - Wave frequency)
Kin 1 day Sun Piktun 203 8,000 tuns
Uinal 20 days 1 month Kalabtun 204 160,000 tuns
Tun 360 days 20º 1 tun Kinchiltun 205 3,200,000 tuns
Katun 7,200 days 20¹ 20 tuns Alautun 206 64,000,000 tuns
Baktun 144,000 days 20² 400 tuns Hablatun 207 1,280,000,000 tuns

Consciousness Specific Features

10 Alpha & Omega Zee the Light / Truth (co-create future consciousness – polar reversal) (Oct. 9 – 28, 2011AD)
9 Universal Renaissance (cultural movement towards individual freedom) (2011AD)
8 Galactic Meet the Aliens (ethics – difference between right & wrong) (1999 – 2011AD)
7 Planetary Industrialism (power) (1755 – 2011AD)
6 National Written language (law) (3115 BC – 2011 AD)
5 Regional Spoken language (reason)
4 Tribal First humans, (fire) (similarities / differences – decisions)
3 Familial First monkeys, (color vision) (stimulus / individual response)
2 Mammalian Birds, dinosaurs, mammals (stimulus / response – herds / flocks)
1 Cellular Formation of our galaxy (action / reaction – physical laws)

When one observes specific Maya Cosmic Pyramids e.g. Pyramid of the Jaguar at
Tikal, Guatemala; Temple of Inscriptions at Palenque, Mexico and the Pyramid of
Kukulkan at Chichen-Itza, Mexico; you will notice they have ten levels. Each level
symbolizes a plane of consciousness and a specific cycle of time, and also corresponds to
a certain frequency of change. The more frequent the waves between Days and Nights,
the higher the frequency of change and the more rapidly humans experience the passage
of time. For example, in the Galactic Consciousness, as much change occurs in a tun (360
days) as happened in a baktun (394 years) of the National Consciousness. Creation is
accelerating not time. These Divine cycles surf the waves generated by the World Tree,
and are in accordance with The Law of Time with its perfect 13:20 ratio.

Source: By Carl Calleman (9 Creation Cycles – Specific Features, Spiritual Time & Dates)
By Ian Xel Lungold (9 Creation Cycles – Specific Features)

Consciousness and Calendars

Perhaps we should start with an agreement on the meaning of consciousness, I like to

define it as the awareness of an experience, and it is an invisible force or energy that
guides us through our lives. The stream of consciousness flows at the (speed of light
multiplied by the speed of light;) this is an outstanding new scientific discovery. The
Source for this energy has many names depending on whom you talk to, it is known as
World Tree, Holy Cross, Central Sun and Hunab Ku: (Hun = one, ab = state of being, Ku
= Creator or God.) Hunab Ku is also known as the Sole Giver of Movement (space) and
Measure (time.) The primary wave generator for the pulses between Heavens is Hunab

In the Beginning there was the “One.” The One was in a state of being that can be
referred to as “Is”-ness. Then the One became self-aware. With this realization, the “I”
exploded into the (All That Is.) The One is in Itself Consciousness. With self-awareness,
Consciousness began to express Itself in an infinite number of ways. One of the ways
Consciousness expressed Itself is through what we call our existence, the physical
cosmos as we know it. Consciousness expresses Itself in the physical form by lowering
Its frequencies. The last stage before Consciousness manifests in a physical form is called
“Electromagnetism.” The purest form of Consciousness in the physical realm is quartz

At the ancient Maya ruins of Coba, Mexico a stela was discovered face down in the
ground. At the time it was discovered no one understood the glyphs on the stela, but now
we can read the glyphs. The glyphs revealed different specific cycles of time,
representing different levels of consciousness which can be proven scientifically and
spiritually with the use and understanding of the two spiritual calendars of the Maya. The
largest number on this stela reads 13 2021 this is a number I can’t pronounce, the Maya
were observing and in tune with Divine Creation. Because of our limited understanding
of the universe we can only refer back to the Cellular Consciousness 13 207 = 16.4
billion years ago.

At the base of the Cosmic Pyramid on page 34 is the first Cellular Consciousness.
Each level of consciousness is divided into 13 equal pulses, the key to this is found
within The Deities Ruling the Thirteen Heavens page 37. In the Cellular Consciousness
each Day or Night will equal a Hablatun, 207 = (1,280,000,000 tuns;) 13 207 = 16.6
billion tuns. This pattern is repeated in all levels of consciousness except the 10Th level.
When we speak of a Day or Night otherwise known as a Heaven they can be as large as
1,280,000,000 tuns long (Cellular Consciousness) to as small as 1 sun long (10ThAlpha &
Omega Cosmic Consciousness.) The length of a Heaven will depend on what level of
consciousness you are referring to? These cycles of time are the sacred vibrations or
wave frequencies at which The Evolution of Creation is processed. All Our Relations that
exist in the universe and beyond is affected by this energy.

There is an ancient Mesoamerican legend referred to as The Legend of the Crystal
Skulls. Crystal skulls are libraries of ancient knowledge and wisdom that we can tap into.
This legend tells us that at a certain point in time, 13 true crystal skulls would be united
to assist humankind with our transformation to a new dimension of awareness. If this
legend is true this event will occur in the Alpha & Omega Cosmic Consciousness.

Starting October 9, 2011 the 10Th Alpha & Omega Cosmic Consciousness arrives at
our doorstep, this is the gateway to the next dimension. This will be a cycle where great
changes occur, and a new understanding about who we are and our reason for being, will
come through a new light. Our DNA will be fully activated for us in this cycle to help us
prepare for this dimensional shift. This is where time as we know it comes to an end. A
polar reversal is also revealed in this cycle because of the inverse actions of the 13
Heavens page 39. This is the 7Th Day or 13Th Heaven in all levels of creation and it
culminates on October 28, 2011 = 13:13:13:13:13 Ahau.

The Maya people used many different calendars both physical and spiritual. They are
the Masters and Guardians of Time. Physical calendars such as the Gregorian, the Maya
Haab and 13 Moon Guardian are based on the cyclical movement of material objects; the
sun, planets and moon; (physical time.) In the land of the Maya the people viewed a day
as beginning at sunrise and ending at the next sunrise.

Spiritual calendars are pulsed to the number 20 and the primary number 13 not 12+1,
they focus our consciousness on a greater understanding and appreciation for peace and
All Our Relations. The Classical Tzolkin 260 day calendar is where the Deities Ruling
the 13 Heavens originated from, it is the master calendar; it was given to the Maya from
Kukulkan, pages 40-44. The Tzolkin Guardian as I call it page 32 is the 360 day or tun
calendar which is the bases of what is referred to as the Long Count. These two Holy
calendars run simultaneously together starting and ending every 13 tuns or every 18; (260
day cycles;) 4,680 days exactly, the Galactic Consciousness reveals this clearly.

The Amerindian Vigesimal counting system is the very foundation for these two
Holy Calendars. The Vigesimal system is based on the number 20 similar to the Metric
system based on 10. These Holy calendars are not about measuring time; they were and
continue to be used for tracking the rhythms of the sacred vibrations and intentions of
Divine Creation. This is the very source for the Maya Prophesies and so far they have
been correct, we are on a schedule.

Transforming to the use and understanding of this ancient knowledge will create
stress for the human being in today’s world, because we have been programmed to
believe only in physical time. For those who seek the Truth they will discover a new
peace within themselves from the use and understanding of this system of Divination. In
order to achieve peace on earth mother, you the individual must first learn to merge and
balance the opposite polarities of yin and yang, or light and dark to obtain peace within

Deities Ruling the Thirteen Heavens

Ahau Light Character Maya name of deity

7 1 Night 1 initiates Ben god of the earth

1 2 Day 1 activates Cimi - Cauac god of fire & time
8 3 Night 2 creates a reaction Eb goddess of water
2 4 Day 2 stabilizes Chicchan - Etz’nab god of warriors & the sun
9 5 Night 3 creates flow Chuen god of death
3 6 Day 3 empowers Kan - Caban goddess of love
10 7 Night 4 harmonizes Oc god of rain & water
4 8 Day 4 reveals Akbal - Cib god of maize
11 9 Night 5 challenges Muluc Lord of Darkness
5 10 Day 5 movement forward Ik - Men Lady of Light
12 11 Night 6 creates understanding Lamat god ruling before dawn
6 12 Day 6 creates clarity Imix - Ix goddess of birth
13 13 Day 7 Completion Manik - Ahau Lady & Lord of Duality

Where did this concept of the 13 Heavens come from? One clue is that the 13-Ahau
Matrix reveals the proper order and filtration pattern of the 6 nights and 7 days that make
up the 13 Heavens. The 13-Ahau Matrix begins with 7 Ahau the first night and ends with
13 Ahau the seventh day. The nights consist of a singular Solar Seal ruling and the days
consist of twin Solar Seals ruling. As seen above the numbers in the 13-Ahau Matrix
column are in their proper order as revealed within the Classical Tzolkin Calendar. In the
ancient Mesoamerican Universe of Holy Time, a special deity rules every day. The divine
power, or energy, of each one of these deities corresponds to one of the 13 Heavens
which she or he rules. Mesoamerican deities are very multifaceted and take part in a wide
range of stories, what is important to understand here is that these 13 Heavens
engendered creation processes on many different levels.

The Classical Tzolkin cycle has been referred to as a description of creation. Within
the Tzolkin cycle the pattern of the 13 Heavens with its 7 days and 6 nights emerges. The
deities that rule the nights symbolize rest and time to reflect, while those related to days
symbolize birth and light. The Tzolkin is not only a (count of days,) it also represents a
specific sequence of different phases in creation. This creates a filtration pattern that is
constant throughout time, except in the 10Th Alpha & Omega Cosmic Consciousness. If
one studies the pattern of the 13 Heavens when comparing all Conscious’s with the 10Th
Consciousness you will notice a distinct difference. All the heavens have been inverted
except the 13Th Heaven. This represents a dramatic change in our consciousness (a polar
shift.) The filtration pattern of the 13 Heavens in the 10Th Consciousness is identical to
the spring & autumn equinox’s shadow play of the Plumed Serpent on the Pyramid of
Kukulkan found at Chichen-Itza, Mexico. In the 10Th Consciousness and only in this time
frame, we will come to know the truth?

8Th Galactic Consciousness
Duality 13 20º tun = 4,680 days = 13 Tuns

Tzolkin Guardian Classical Tzolkin

18 20 = 360 13 20 = 260
360 13 = 13 Tuns / year’s 260 18 = 13 Tuns / year’s

Ahau 13 Tuns / years

7 1 Jan. 5, 1999 – Dec. 30, 1999 360 days 1 Jan. 5, 1999 – Sept. 21, 1999
1 2 Dec. 31, 1999 – Dec. 24, 2000 360 days 2 Sept. 22, 1999 – June 6, 2000
8 3 Dec. 25, 2000 – Dec. 19, 2001 360 days 3 June 7, 2000 – Feb. 22, 2001
2 4 Dec. 20, 2001 – Dec. 14, 2002 360 days 4 Feb. 23, 2001 – Nov. 9, 2001
9 5 Dec. 15, 2002 – Dec. 9, 2003 360 days 5 Nov. 10, 2001 – July 27, 2002
3 6 Dec. 10, 2003 – Dec. 3, 2004 360 days 6 July 28, 2002 – April 13, 2003
10 7 Dec. 4, 2004 – Nov. 28, 2005 360 days 7 April 14, 2003 – Dec. 29, 2003
4 8 Nov. 29, 2005 – Nov. 23, 2006 360 days 8 Dec. 30, 2003 – Sept. 14, 2004
11 9 Nov. 24, 2006 – Nov. 18, 2007 360 days 9 Sept. 15, 2004 – June 1, 2005
5 10 Nov. 19, 2007 – Nov. 12, 2008 360 days 10 June 2, 2005 – Feb. 16, 2006
12 11 Nov. 13, 2008 – Nov. 7, 2009 360 days 11 Feb. 17, 2006 – Nov. 3, 2006
6 12 Nov. 8, 2009 – Nov. 2, 2010 360 days 12 Nov. 4, 2006 – July 21, 2007
13 13 Nov. 3, 2010 – Oct. 28, 2011 360 days 13 July 22, 2007 – April 6, 2008
14 April 7, 2008 – Dec. 22, 2008
15 Dec. 23, 2008 – Sept. 8, 2009
16 Sept. 9, 2009 – May 26, 2010
17 May 27, 2010 – Feb. 10, 2011
18 Feb. 11, 2011 – Oct. 28, 2011
Source: By Carl Calleman (Dates – 8Th & 9Th Creation Cycles)

9Th Universal Consciousness

Unitary 13 20 kin = 260 days = 13 Uinals

Classical Tzolkin
2011 AD

Ahau 13 Uinals

7 1 Feb. 11 – Mar. 2 20 days 13 Ben

1 2 Mar. 3 – Mar. 22 20 days 13 Cimi – 13 Cauac
8 3 Mar. 23 – April 11 20 days 13 Eb
2 4 April 12 – May 1 20 days 13 Chicchan – 13 Etz’nab
9 5 May 2 – May 21 20 days 13 Chuen
3 6 May 22 – June 10 20 days 13 Kan – 13 Caban
10 7 June 11 – June 30 20 days 13 Oc ½ Tzolkin
4 8 July 1 – July 20 20 days 13 Akbal – 13 Cib
11 9 July 21 – Aug. 9 20 days 13 Muluc
5 10 Aug. 10 – Aug. 29 20 days 13 Ik – 13 Men
12 11 Aug. 30 – Sept. 18 20 days 13 Lamat
6 12 Sept. 19 – Oct. 8 20 days 13 Imix – 13 Ix
13 13 Oct. 9 – Oct. 28 20 days 13 Manik – 13 Ahau

10Th Alpha & Omega
(Cosmic Consciousness)

Tzolkin Guardian 360 2011 Classical Tzolkin 260

18: Chee October Days of the Gods

341 1 Imox 9 241 7 Imix
2 Ic 10 Zotz 8 Ik
3 Acbal 11 9 Akbal
4 Can 12 10 Kan
5 Cat 13 11 Chicchan
6 Came New 14 12 Cimi
7 Queh Bear 15 13 Manik
8 Canal 16 1 Lamat
9 Toh 17 2 Muluc
350 10 Tzi 18 250 3 Oc
11 Batz 19 4 Chuen
12 Eb 20 5 Eb
13 Aj 21 6 Ben
14 Balam 22 7 Ix
15 Tziquin 23 8 Men
16 Ahmac 24 9 Cib
17 Noh 25 10 Caban
18 Tihax 26 11 Etz’nab
19 Caoc 27 12 Cauac
360 20 Hunahpu Full 28 260 13 Ahau

Makers (Polar – Reversal) Creators

Ahau Light
7 Day 1 7 Imix goddess of birth 7 Ix
1 Night 1 Lamat god ruling before dawn
8 Day 2 8 Ik Lady of Light 8 Men
2 Night 2 Muluc Lord of Darkness
9 Day 3 9 Akbal god of maize & sustenance 9 Cib
3 Night 3 Oc god of rain & water
10 Day 4 10 Kan goddess of love 10 Caban
4 Night 4 Chuen god of death
11 Day 5 11 Chicchan god of warriors & the sun 11 Etz’nab
5 Night 5 Eb goddess of water
12 Day 6 12 Cimi god of fire & time 12 Cauac
6 Night 6 Ben god of the earth
13 Day 7 13 Manik Lady & Lord of Duality 13 Ahau

The 20 Tzolkin Hieroglyphs
(Yucatec Maya)

Source: Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time, The Mayan Calendar
By Carl Calleman

The Classical Tzolkin Calendar

(13 Intentions 20 Solar Seals = 260 days)


20 Solar Seals
Maya Cherokee Aztec
Imix Left-handed Turtle Cipactli Alligator
Ik Wind/spirit Whirlwind Ehecatl Wind
Akbal Night Hearth Calli House
Kan Dragon Dragon Cuetzpallin Lizard
Chicchan Serpent Serpent Coatl Serpent
Cimi Death Twins Miquiztli Death
Manik Deer Deer Mazatl Deer
Lamat Yellow Rabbit Tochtli Rabbit
Muluc Storm The River Atl Water
Oc Dog Wolf Itzcuintli Dog
Chuen Monkey Raccoon Ozomatli Monkey
Eb Teeth Rattlesnake Tooth Malinalli Grass
Ben Cane Reed Acatl Reed
Ix Jaguar Panther Ocelot Ocelot
Men Bird Eagle Cuauhtli Eagle
Cib Owl Owl Cozcacuahtli Vulture
Caban Conscience Heron Ollin Movement
Etz’nab Obsidian Flint Tecpatl Knife
Cauac Lightening Redbird Quiahuitl Rain
Ahau Ancestor Flower Xochitl Flower

Calendar Round
(Another term for Tzolkin)

Source: Maya & Aztec Solar Seals by Carl Calleman

Cherokee Solar Seals by Raven Hail

20 Solar Seals x 13 Numbers = 260-days
The 13 Heavens (Uinals) of the Classical Tzolkin

Night 1 Night 2 Night 3

1 1 Imix 41 2 Imix 81 3 Imix
2 2 Ik 42 3 Ik 82 4 Ik
3 3 Akbal 43 4 Akbal 83 5 Akbal
4 4 Kan 44 5 Kan 84 6 Kan
5 5 Chicchan 45 6 Chicchan 85 7 Chicchan
6 6 Cimi 46 7 Cimi 86 8 Cimi
7 7 Manik 47 8 Manik 87 9 Manik
8 8 Lamat 48 9 Lamat 88 10 Lamat
9 9 Muluc 49 10 Muluc 89 11 Muluc
10 10 Oc 50 11 Oc 90 12 Oc
11 11 Chuen 51 12 Chuen 91 13 Chuen
12 12 Eb 52 13 Eb 92 1 Eb
13 13 Ben 53 1 Ben 93 2 Ben
14 1 Ix 54 2 Ix 94 3 Ix
15 2 Men 55 3 Men 95 4 Men
16 3 Cib 56 4 Cib 96 5 Cib
17 4 Caban 57 5 Caban 97 6 Caban
18 5 Etz’nab 58 6 Etz’nab 98 7 Etz’nab
19 6 Cauac 59 7 Cauac 99 8 Cauac
20 7 Ahau 60 8 Ahau 100 9 Ahau
god of goddess of god of
earth water death

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

21 8 Imix 61 9 Imix 101 10 Imix
22 9 Ik 62 10 Ik 102 11 Ik
23 10 Akbal 63 11 Akbal 103 12 Akbal
24 11 Kan 64 12 Kan 104 13 Kan
25 12 Chicchan 65 13 Chicchan 105 1 Chicchan
26 13 Cimi 66 1 Cimi 106 2 Cimi
27 1 Manik 67 2 Manik 107 3 Manik
28 2 Lamat 68 3 Lamat 108 4 Lamat
29 3 Muluc 69 4 Muluc 109 5 Muluc
30 4 Oc 70 5 Oc 110 6 Oc
31 5 Chuen 71 6 Chuen 111 7 Chuen
32 6 Eb 72 7 Eb 112 8 Eb
33 7 Ben 73 8 Ben 113 9 Ben
34 8 Ix 74 9 Ix 114 10 Ix
35 9 Men 75 10 Men 115 11 Men
36 10 Cib 76 11 Cib 116 12 Cib
37 11 Caban 77 12 Caban 117 13 Caban
38 12 Etz’nab 78 13 Etz’nab 118 1 Etz’nab
39 13 Cauac 79 1 Cauac 119 2 Cauac
40 1 Ahau 80 2 Ahau 120 3 Ahau
god of god of goddess of
fire & time warriors & sun love

Night 4 Night 5 Night 6
121 4 Imix 161 5 Imix 201 6 Imix
122 5 Ik 162 6 Ik 202 7 Ik
123 6 Akbal 163 7 Akbal 203 8 Akbal
124 7 Kan 164 8 Kan 204 9 Kan
125 8 Chicchan 165 9 Chicchan 205 10 Chicchan
126 9 Cimi 166 10 Cimi 206 11 Cimi
127 10 Manik 167 11 Manik 207 12 Manik
128 11 Lamat 168 12 Lamat 208 13 Lamat
129 12 Muluc 169 13 Muluc 209 1 Muluc
130 13 Oc 170 1 Oc 210 2 Oc
131 1 Chuen 171 2 Chuen 211 3 Chuen
132 2 Eb 172 3 Eb 212 4 Eb
133 3 Ben 173 4 Ben 213 5 Ben
134 4 Ix 174 5 Ix 214 6 Ix
135 5 Men 175 6 Men 215 7 Men
136 6 Cib 176 7 Cib 216 8 Cib
137 7 Caban 177 8 Caban 217 9 Caban
138 8 Etz’nab 178 9 Etz’nab 218 10 Etz’nab
139 9 Cauac 179 10 Cauac 219 11 Cauac
140 10 Ahau 180 11 Ahau 220 12 Ahau
god of Lord of god ruling
rain & water Darkness before dawn

Day 4 Day 5 Day 6

141 11 Imix 181 12 Imix 221 13 Imix
142 12 Ik 182 13 Ik 222 1 Ik
143 13 Akbal 183 1 Akbal 223 2 Akbal
144 1 Kan 184 2 Kan 224 3 Kan
145 2 Chicchan 185 3 Chicchan 225 4 Chicchan
146 3 Cimi 186 4 Cimi 226 5 Cimi
147 4 Manik 187 5 Manik 227 6 Manik
148 5 Lamat 188 6 Lamat 228 7 Lamat
149 6 Muluc 189 7 Muluc 229 8 Muluc
150 7 Oc 190 8 Oc 230 9 Oc
151 8 Chuen 191 9 Chuen 231 10 Chuen
152 9 Eb 192 10 Eb 232 11 Eb
153 10 Ben 193 11 Ben 233 12 Ben
154 11 Ix 194 12 Ix 234 13 Ix
155 12 Men 195 13 Men 235 1 Men
156 13 Cib 196 1 Cib 236 2 Cib
157 1 Caban 197 2 Caban 237 3 Caban
158 2 Etz’nab 198 3 Etz’nab 238 4 Etz’nab
159 3 Cauac 199 4 Cauac 239 5 Cauac
160 4 Ahau 200 5 Ahau 240 6 Ahau
god of maize Lady of goddess of
& sustenance Light birth

Day 7
241 7 Imix
242 8 Ik
243 9 Akbal
244 10 Kan
245 11 Chicchan
246 12 Cimi
247 13 Manik
248 1 Lamat
249 2 Muluc
250 3 Oc
251 4 Chuen
252 5 Eb
253 6 Ben
254 7 Ix
255 8 Men
256 9 Cib
257 10 Caban
258 11 Etz’nab
259 12 Cauac
260 13 Ahau
Lady & Lord
Of Duality

Hunab Ku

Sole Giver of Movement and Measure

(Cosmic Butterfly - Polar reversal symbol)

The Thirteen Intentions
The Thirteen Intentions or Numbers when added to a Tzolkin Solar Seal, gives
valuable specific information that applies to that Solar Seal.

Number One – is the Sun, Spirit of Creation and Re-Creation. It is the pulsation ray of
unity with Self and the Universe: light of the world, rainbow of diversity; magnetic force
that brings cosmic vibrations into harmony; chalice of the infinite.

Number Two – the pulsation ray of the Dual Polarity, the two opposites that also
complement each other. The essence of the Universe is to merge and balance these
Sacred Twins, Yin and Yang – Female and Male, Night and Day, Black and White, Good
and Evil. Spirits maintain a perfect balance and are therefore neither female nor male.

Number Three – is a triangle, universal sign of the female principle. It tells of caprice,
crystals, charms and creativity; all in the name of generation and growth. It is the
heartbeat of the Cosmos, the rippling rhythm of the river of life, the flight of the birds and
the bees, the Moon of Deflowering, the gestes of the Ladies and Lords of the land.

Number Four – is the most sacred number: as the four seasons, the four quarters of the
Earth, and the four phases of human life (Maiden, Mother, Mage, and Midnight.) The
four elements that are the foundation of all life on Earth.

Number Five – marks the center of the structure of three-dimensional space. It is seen as
the First Direction (instead of the Fifth,) for it is the place that All Directions are relative
to. Five is related to Venus, the stellar Spirit of Love. This is a very young and feisty
feminist, recently thrust from the arms of Jupiter; she dashed about as a Comet, clashed
with Mars and threatened Earth for half a millennium before settling down to the orderly
life of a planet; a diamond in the sky.

Number Six – is the Moon, called Six killer, and the Great Hunter. He is also the King of
Hearts. He is a man of many phases, also known as The Apportioner, for he measures out
the months of the lunar calendar.

Number Seven – is two sets of six steps; up one side of a pyramid and down the other,
adding up to twelve; plus the landing in between – a total of thirteen. The top level is the
ritual Seventh Heaven, Platform of the Sky. Seven is a sacred balance of the Dual
Polarities; seven times seven is the most Holy of Holies: Foundation of the Earth Ritual.

Number Eight – is the Earth and its harmonic resonance. It embraces the male-female
duality of the fourfold nature of divinity: the four corners, elements, seasons, mountains
and primal rivers. It is the act of starting over from the beginning, of repeating the octave
– the frequency level at which all crystals and organic matter vibrates.

Number Nine – is the World Tree at the end of the Sacred Path, on the edge of the abyss.
The transformation from caterpillar to butterfly. It is the portal to the mystical and
magical land of the wanderers of the night land: Chiron, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn,
Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury. Part of the woof and warp of the tapestry of time and

Number Ten – is the flow of manna between Earth and Heaven, the equal sign of the “as
above so below” concept that every Star in the Sky has a mirror image here on Earth.
Two bars (=) counts ten – half of the duality of twenty, which is the base of the
Amerindian vigesimal number system. In the beginning was the computer with ten
fingers and ten toes.

Number Eleven – is the crossroads on the Astral Trail, that Maze of Migration of the
human Soul: from birth through the Return Journey to the Stars. The place to stop and
confirm a Guiding Star. The action of peeling off outworn husks and freeing the kernel
within. From here on out it is necessary to move onward and upward like an arrow in

Number Twelve – is the Magic Crystal, the six sided stone that is the half of the dual
polarity of Twelve. It amplifies electrical current – sensitivity, prayers and wishes; it
heals by brining the body’s natural vibrations into sync; it starts a fire by concentrating
the rays of the Sun, for energizing the heart and mind.

Number Thirteen – is the Universe: all there is, was, or ever shall be. There is an
umbilical cord that stretches from the Navel of the Earth to the North Star, the union of
Mother Earth and Father Sky. The Quadrinity of Spirit, Nature, Fellow Man and Self
comes around full circle to the Place of The Beginning – World without End!
This is: The Voice of The Great Spirit
The Beloved Woman
The Sun Priestess

Source: The Cherokee Sacred Calendar, A Handbook of the Ancient American Tradition
By Raven Hail

Ahau: twentieth sun seal of the uinal the supreme sun seal meaning, “ancestor” (Lady & Lord of Duality)
Akbal: third sun seal of the uinal meaning, “night” (god of maize & sustenance)
Alpha & Omega: the beginning & end.
Apocalypse: an unveiling of the truth.
ascension: shifting gears of consciousness to a new level - a new dimension of awareness.
astrology, Maya: system of divination developed by the Maya; based on the inherent spiritual energies of
Atlantis: ancient mythological continent.
Ben: thirteenth sun seal of the uinal meaning, “cane” (god of the earth)
Caban: seventeenth sun seal of the uinal meaning, “consciousness” (goddess of love)
Cauac: nineteenth sun seal of the uinal meaning, “lightening & thunder” (god of fire & time)
channeling: receiving information from a higher source.
Chicchan: fifth sun seal of the uinal meaning, “serpent” (god of warriors & the sun)
Chuen: eleventh sun seal of the uinal meaning, “monkey” (god of death)
Cib: sixteenth sun seal of the uinal meaning, “owl” (god of maize & sustenance)
Cimi: sixth sun seal of the uinal meaning, “death” (god of fire & time)
classical count: the tzolkin used in classical times by the Maya; still in use among the Quiche-Maya.
classical Maya: Maya who lived in classical times, aprox. (200 – 850 AD.)
consciousness: sacred vibrations that guides all life forms – the awareness of an experience.
cosmic consciousness: all knowing consciousness.
cosmic pyramid: a ten-level pyramid or temple that reveals ancient knowledge.
count of days: another term for the Tzolkin – (Tzol = count) (kin = sun)
deities: divine energy.
divine light: energy of awareness serving to project archetypal information on creation.
divine plan: the exact progression of sacred vibrations determining the evolution of creation.
Eb: twelfth sun seal of the uinal meaning, “teeth” (goddess of water)
enlightenment: a continued state of consciousness in which an individual is connected with the divine.
Etz’nab: eighteenth sun seal of the uinal meaning, “obsidian” (god of warriors & the sun)
evolution: gradual change in the characteristics of living beings over successive generations.
Feathered Serpent: main Mesoamerican deity, symbolizing light and the creation of culture and
civilization; also called Kukulkan by the (Maya) or Quetzalcoatl (Aztec,) the Plumed Serpent.
Hun Hunahpu: (One Hunahpu - First Father); Maya deity that raised the World Tree; also known as the
maize god.
Hunab Ku: (Sole Giver of Movement and Measure) – primary wave generator for the sacred vibrations.
Ik: second sun seal of the uinal meaning, “moon, wind, spirit” (Lady of Light)
Imix: first sun seal of the uinal meaning, “left-handed” (goddess of birth)
Ix: fourteenth sun seal of the uinal meaning, “jaguar” (goddess of birth)
Kan: fourth sun seal of the uinal meaning, “dragon” (goddess of love)
Lamat: eighth sun seal of the uinal meaning, “yellow” (god ruling before dawn)
Manik: seventh sun seal of the uinal meaning, “deer” (Lady & Lord of Duality)
Matrix: mathematics organized array of elements or numbers. The origin of a situation or a substance.
Medicine Wheel: a round pictorial almanac with a perfect cross in the center that shows the movement of
the seasons, planets and constellations during the course of a year. They represent a connection with the
elements of life, afterlife and rebirth.
Men: fifteenth sun seal of the uinal meaning, “bird” (Lady of Light)
Mesoamerica: (Middle America) a term for the cultural area ranging from Mexico to Honduras.
Muluc: ninth sun seal of the uinal meaning, “storm” (Lord of Darkness)
obsidian: volcanic glass; sharper than surgical steel.
Oc: tenth sun seal of the uinal meaning, “dog” (god of rain & water)
October 28, 2011: end date of the divine creation cycles.
Pacal: (Shield) - king of Palenque, Mexico during (615 – 683 AD.)
physical time: notion of time as being based on the cyclical movement of material bodies.
Pleiades: group of stars in Taurus, part of Gould’s Belt.

precession: circular movement of the earth’s axis.
prophesy: prediction of the future based on resonance with spiritual domains.
renaissance: cultural movement expressing the liberation of the individual, especially artistically.
Solar Seals: the names of the deities ruling the twenty days of the uinal.
solar year: period of time corresponding to one revolution of the earth around the sun.
synchronicity: an unlikely event that appears meaningful and meant to happen.
Tun: (stone) – 360-days; 1 Spiritual Year.
World Tree: “Tree of Life,” perpendicular-organizing structure for the creation of the cosmos.
zenith: high point, when the sun is directly above a certain location.


Carl Johan Calleman, Solving The Greatest Mystery of Our Time, The Mayan Calendar,
Garev Publishing International, Coral Springs, Florida 2001

Delia Goetz & Sylvanus Griswald Morley, Popol Vuh, The Book Of The Ancient Maya,
Dover Publications Inc. Mineola, NY 2003

Raven Hail, The Cherokee Sacred Calendar, A Handbook of the Ancient Native
American Tradition, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont 2000

John Major Jenkins, Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, Bear & Company, Rochester, VT 1998

Ian Xel Lungold, Mayan Calendar Comes North. (DVD), Whitehorse, Yukon: Eclectric
Video Productions, 2004

Arysio Nunes dos Santos, Atlantis, 1997:

Johanna Paungger & Thomas Poppe, Guided by the Moon, Living in Harmony with the
Lunar Cycles, Marlowe & Company, New York, NY 2002

Fred Rinker, The Invisible Force, Traditional Magnetic Therapy, Mason Service
Publishing, London, Ontario 1997

Jamie Sams & David Carson, Medicine Cards, The Discovery Of Power Through The
Ways Of Animals, Bear & Company, Santa Fe, NM 1988

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Capricorn Aquarius Aquarius Salmon Salmon Dragon Dragon

Cool Air / Light Air / Light Wetness Wetness Mixed Mixed

New Moon Half Moon
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ram Ram Tiger Tiger Gemini Gemini Dolphin

Warm Warm Cool Cool Air / Light Air / Light Wetness

Half Moon Full Moon
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Dolphin Whale Whale Virgo Virgo Bear Bear

Wetness Warm Warm Cool Cool Air / Light Air / Light

Full Moon Half Moon
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Serpent Serpent Sagittarius Sagittarius Capricorn Capricorn Aquarius

Wetness Wetness Warm Warm Cool Cool Air / Light

Half Moon New Moon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Aquarius Salmon Salmon Dragon Dragon Ram Ram

Flower Leaf Leaf All All Fruit Fruit

New Moon Half Moon
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Tiger Tiger Gemini Gemini Dolphin Dolphin Whale

Root Root Flower Flower Leaf Leaf Fruit

Half Moon Full Moon
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Whale Virgo Virgo Bear Bear Serpent Serpent

Fruit Root Root Flower Flower Leaf Leaf

Full Moon Half Moon
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Sagittarius Sagittarius Capricorn Capricorn Aquarius Aquarius Salmon

Fruit Fruit Root Root Flower Flower Leaf

Half Moon New Moon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Salmon Dragon Dragon Ram Ram Tiger Tiger

New Moon Half Moon

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Gemini Gemini Dolphin Dolphin Whale Whale Virgo

Half Moon Full Moon

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Virgo Bear Bear Serpent Serpent Sagittarius Sagittarius

Full Moon Half Moon

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Capricorn Capricorn Aquarius Aquarius Salmon Salmon Dragon

Half Moon New Moon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Dragon Ram Ram Tiger Tiger Gemini Gemini

New Moon Half Moon

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Dolphin Dolphin Whale Whale Virgo Virgo Bear

Half Moon Full Moon

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Bear Serpent Serpent Sagittarius Sagittarius Capricorn Capricorn

Full Moon Half Moon

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Aquarius Aquarius Salmon Salmon Dragon Dragon Ram

Half Moon New Moon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ram Tiger Tiger Gemini Gemini Dolphin Dolphin

New Moon Half Moon

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Whale Whale Virgo Virgo Bear Bear Serpent

Half Moon Full Moon

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Serpent Sagittarius Sagittarius Capricorn Capricorn Aquarius Aquarius

Full Moon Half Moon

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Salmon Salmon Dragon Dragon Ram Ram Tiger

Half Moon New Moon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Tiger Gemini Gemini Dolphin Dolphin Whale Whale

New Moon Half Moon

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Virgo Virgo Bear Bear Serpent Serpent Sagittarius

Half Moon Full Moon

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Sagittarius Capricorn Capricorn Aquarius Aquarius Salmon Salmon

Full Moon Half Moon

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Dragon Dragon Ram Ram Tiger Tiger Gemini

Half Moon New Moon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Gemini Dolphin Dolphin Whale Whale Virgo Virgo

New Moon Half Moon

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Bear Bear Serpent Serpent Sagittarius Sagittarius Capricorn

Half Moon Full Moon

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Capricorn Aquarius Aquarius Salmon Salmon Dragon Dragon

Full Moon Half Moon

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Ram Ram Tiger Tiger Gemini Gemini Dolphin

Half Moon New Moon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Dolphin Whale Whale Virgo Virgo Bear Bear

New Moon Half Moon

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Serpent Serpent Sagittarius Sagittarius Capricorn Capricorn Aquarius

Half Moon Full Moon

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Aquarius Salmon Salmon Dragon Dragon Ram Ram

Full Moon Half Moon

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Tiger Tiger Gemini Gemini Dolphin Dolphin Whale

Half Moon New Moon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Whale Virgo Virgo Bear Bear Serpent Serpent

New Moon Half Moon

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Sagittarius Sagittarius Capricorn Capricorn Aquarius Aquarius Salmon

Half Moon Full Moon

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Salmon Dragon Dragon Ram Ram Tiger Tiger

Full Moon Half Moon

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Gemini Gemini Dolphin Dolphin Whale Whale Virgo

Half Moon New Moon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Virgo Bear Bear Serpent Serpent Sagittarius Sagittarius

New Moon Half Moon

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Capricorn Capricorn Aquarius Aquarius Salmon Salmon Dragon

Half Moon Full Moon

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Dragon Ram Ram Tiger Tiger Gemini Gemini

Full Moon Half Moon

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Dolphin Dolphin Whale Whale Virgo Virgo Bear

Half Moon New Moon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Bear Serpent Serpent Sagittarius Sagittarius Capricorn Capricorn

New Moon Half Moon

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Aquarius Aquarius Salmon Salmon Dragon Dragon Ram

Half Moon Full Moon

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Ram Tiger Tiger Gemini Gemini Dolphin Dolphin

Full Moon Half Moon

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Whale Whale Virgo Virgo Bear Bear Serpent

Half Moon New Moon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Serpent Sagittarius Sagittarius Capricorn Capricorn Aquarius Aquarius

New Moon Half Moon

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Salmon Salmon Dragon Dragon Ram Ram Tiger

Half Moon Full Moon

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Tiger Gemini Gemini Dolphin Dolphin Whale Whale

Full Moon Half Moon

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Virgo Virgo Bear Bear Serpent Serpent Sagittarius

Half Moon New Moon

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sagittarius Capricorn Capricorn Aquarius Aquarius Salmon Salmon

New Moon Half Moon

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Dragon Dragon Ram Ram Tiger Tiger Gemini

Half Moon Full Moon

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Gemini Dolphin Dolphin Whale Whale Virgo Virgo

Full Moon Half Moon

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Bear Bear Serpent Serpent Sagittarius Sagittarius Capricorn

Half Moon New Moon

13 x 28 = 364

Dragon (remove Dragon cycle in 12 Moon years)

Aries = Ram
Taurus = Tiger
Cancer = Dolphin
Leo = Whale
Libra = Bear
Scorpio = Serpent
Pisces = Salmon

2004 13 Moons
2005 12 Moons
2006 13 Moons
2007 12 Moons
2008 13 Moons
2009 12 Moons
2010 10 Moons
2011 13 Moons

Maya Zodiac
(Haab Calendar – Solar Calendar)

1 Pop (Aug. 11 – Aug. 30) Venus, Morning Star / Mother Earth

2 Uo (Aug. 31 – Sept. 19) Solar Cross / Straightness, Good Behavior

3 Zip (Sept. 20 – Oct. 9) Obsidian / Butterfly, Vulture / Serious, Deep, Wise,

4 Zotz (Oct. 10 – Oct. 29) Bat, Night Creature / Organized, Dominance

5 Tzec (Oct. 30 – Nov. 18) Intellectual, Balance / Rejects negativity

6 Xul (Nov. 19 – Dec. 8) Baby Jaguar / Venus, Evening Star

7 Yaxkin (Dec. 9 – Dec. 28) Solar flow / Connected to Mother Earth center of
the Universe / Green Sun
8 Mol (Dec. 29 – Jan. 17) Red color / Paw of the Jaguar / Pampered / Surrounded by
all the Planets
9 Chen (Jan. 18 – Feb. 6) Infinite, Unity, Clever, Demonstrative / God of Flowers

10 Yax (Feb. 7 – Feb. 26) Life Sing / Water / Green / Mother Earth

11 Zac (Feb. 27 – Mar. 17) Ray of the Sun / Healing with hands

12 Ceh (Mar. 18 – Apr. 6) Woodpecker / Earth rationalizing / Clever but practical

usually Liberal
13 Mac (Apr. 7 – Apr. 26) Monkey / Judgement of Humankind / Wisdom, quickness
of Mind
14 Kankin (Apr. 27 – May 16) Tree of Life / Advice giver / Firmly grounded to Earth

15 Muan (May 17 – June 5) Blue / Eagle / Director of the Universe

16 Pax (June 6 – June 25) Music, arts; crafts / Sensible personality

17 Kayab (June 26 – July 15) Turtle / Milky Way / Freedom, Independence

18 Cumku (July 16 – Aug. 4) Equity / Capable of sharing without selfishness

19 Uayeb (Aug. 5 – Aug. 10) Discrepant, Unequal, Antagonistic

Days of the Spiritual & Physical Connection

1 Jan. 1 Mol
2 Jan. 21 Chen
3 Feb. 10 Yax
4 Mar. 2 Zac
5 Mar. 22 Ceh
6 Apr. 11 Mac
7 May 1 Kankin
8 May 21 Muan
9 June 10 Pax
10 June 30 Kayab
11 July 20 Cumku
12 Aug. 9 Uayeb
13 Aug. 29 Pop
14 Sept. 18 Uo
15 Oct. 8 Zip
16 Oct. 28 Zotz
17 Nov. 17 Tzec
18 Dec. 7 Xul
19 Dec. 27 Yaxkin

In a solar year except leap years, there are 19 days that will have the same Tzolkin
Seal as seen in the following calendars. In leap years Jan. 1, Jan. 21, and Feb. 10 will be
offset from the rest of the year because of Feb. 29. This Spiritual Matrix of the nineteen
dates is only revealed to our consciousness when we recognize the pattern that is
revealed, when we overlay the Gregorian calendar with the Maya Classical Tzolkin
Calendar. These 19 days as listed above are considered Glory Holes, a link from the
physical dimension to the spiritual dimension, which different ancient cultures believed
to exist. These are dates when the fabric of Space and Time are at their thinnest point.

Equinoxes & Solstices

(Physical events)
Dec. 21 – Mar. 20 = 90 Kin (+ 1 Kin in Leap Years)
Mar. 21 – June 20 = 92 Kin
June 21 – Sept. 20 = 92 Kin
Sept. 21 – Dec. 20 = 91 Kin

Pyramid of the Jaguar

The Pyramid of the Jaguar is found at Tikal Guatemala, it stands at a height of 144 ft. tall.
The ten-level cosmic pyramid is a symbol of the Ten Conscious’s of Creation.

Source: By Sandy Bessey (Illustration)

In the land of the Maya the jaguar was considered a sacred animal.
This fact is revealed in the Deities Ruling the Thirteen Heavens
Imix (left-handed) & Ix (jaguar) take their Holy position
as the Goddess of Birth


Gregorian Tzolkin Lunar

T 1 3 Night Ram
F 2 4 Dragon Tiger
S 3 5 Serpent Tiger
S 4 6 Death Gemini

M 5 7 Deer Gemini
T 6 8 Yellow Dolphin
W 7 9 Storm Full
T 8 10 Dog Dolphin
F 9 11 Monkey Whale
S 10 12 Teeth Whale
S 11 13 Cane Virgo

M 12 1 Jaguar Virgo
T 13 2 Bird Bear
W 14 3 Owl Bear
T 15 4 Conscience Serpent
F 16 5 Obsidian Serpent
S 17 6 Lightening & Thunder Sagittarius
S 18 Chen 7 Chief or lord Sagittarius

M 19 3: 8 Left-handed Capricorn
T 20 9 Moon, wind, spirit Capricorn
W 21 10 Night Aquarius
T 22 11 Dragon New
F 23 12 Serpent Aquarius
S 24 13 Death Salmon
S 25 1 Deer Salmon

M 26 2 Yellow Dragon
T 27 3 Storm Dragon
W 28 4 Dog Ram
T 29 5 Monkey Ram
F 30 6 Teeth Tiger
S 31 7 Cane Tiger

Day 3

6Th Tun = 3 Ahau

8Th Galactic Consciousness

(December 10, 2003 – December 3, 2004)


Gregorian Tzolkin Lunar

S 1 8 Jaguar Gemini

M 2 9 Bird Gemini
T 3 10 Owl Dolphin
W 4 11 Conscience Dolphin
T 5 12 Obsidian Whale
F 6 13 Lightening & Thunder Full
S 7 Yax 1 Chief or lord Whale
S 8 4: 2 Left-handed Virgo

M 9 3 Moon, wind, spirit Virgo

T 10 4 Night Bear
W 11 5 Dragon Bear
T 12 6 Serpent Serpent
F 13 7 Death Serpent
S 14 8 Deer Sagittarius
S 15 9 Yellow Sagittarius

M 16 10 Storm Capricorn
T 17 11 Dog Capricorn
W 18 12 Monkey Aquarius
T 19 13 Teeth Aquarius
F 20 1 Cane New
S 21 2 Jaguar Salmon
S 22 3 Bird Dragon

M 23 4 Owl Dragon
T 24 5 Conscience Ram
W 25 6 Obsidian Ram
T 26 7 Lightening &Thunder Tiger
F 27 Zac 8 Chief or lord Tiger
S 28 5: 9 Left-handed Gemini
S 29 10 Moon, wind, spirit Gemini


Gregorian Tzolkin Lunar

M 1 11 Night Dolphin
T 2 12 Dragon Dolphin
W 3 13 Serpent Whale
T 4 1 Death Whale
F 5 2 Deer Virgo
S 6 3 Yellow Full
S 7 4 Storm Virgo

M 8 5 Dog Bear
T 9 6 Monkey Bear
W 10 7 Teeth Serpent
T 11 8 Cane Serpent
F 12 9 Jaguar Sagittarius
S 13 10 Bird Sagittarius
S 14 11 Owl Capricorn

M 15 12 Conscience Capricorn
T 16 13 Obsidian Aquarius
W 17 1 Lightening & Thunder Aquarius
T 18 Ceh 2 Chief or lord Salmon
F 19 6: 3 Left-handed Salmon
S 20 4 Moon, wind, spirit New
S 21 5 Night Dragon

M 22 6 Dragon Ram
T 23 7 Serpent Ram
W 24 8 Death Tiger
T 25 9 Deer Tiger
F 26 10 Yellow Gemini
S 27 11 Storm Gemini
S 28 12 Dog Dolphin

M 29 13 Monkey Dolphin
T 30 1 Teeth Whale
W 31 2 Cane Whale


Gregorian Tzolkin Lunar

T 1 3 Jaguar Virgo
F 2 4 Bird Virgo
S 3 5 Owl Bear
S 4 6 Conscience Full

M 5 7 Obsidian Bear
T 6 8 Lightening & Thunder Serpent
W 7 Mac 9 Chief or lord Serpent
T 8 7: 10 Left-handed Sagittarius
F 9 11 Moon, wind, spirit Sagittarius
S 10 12 Night Capricorn
S 11 13 Dragon Capricorn

M 12 1 Serpent Aquarius
T 13 2 Death Aquarius
W 14 3 Deer Salmon
T 15 4 Yellow Salmon
F 16 5 Storm Dragon
S 17 6 Dog Dragon
S 18 7 Monkey Ram

M 19 8 Teeth New
T 20 9 Cane Ram
W 21 10 Jaguar Tiger
T 22 11 Bird Tiger
F 23 12 Owl Gemini
S 24 13 Conscience Gemini
S 25 1 Obsidian Dolphin

M 26 2 Lightening & Thunder Dolphin

T 27 Kankin 3 Chief or lord Whale
W 28 8: 4 Left-handed Whale
T 29 5 Moon, wind, spirit Virgo
F 30 6 Night Virgo


Gregorian Tzolkin Lunar

S 1 7 Dragon Bear
S 2 8 Serpent Bear

M 3 9 Death Serpent
T 4 10 Deer Full
W 5 11 Yellow Serpent
T 6 12 Storm Sagittarius
F 7 13 Dog 130 ½ Tzolkin Sagittarius
S 8 1 Monkey Capricorn
S 9 2 Teeth Capricorn

M 10 3 Cane Aquarius
T 11 4 Jaguar Aquarius
W 12 5 Bird Salmon
T 13 6 Owl Salmon
F 14 7 Conscience Dragon
S 15 8 Obsidian Dragon
S 16 9 Lightening & Thunder Ram

M 17 Muan 10 Chief or lord Ram

T 18 9: 11 Left-handed Tiger
W 19 12 Moon, wind, spirit New
T 20 13 Night Tiger
F 21 1 Dragon Gemini
S 22 2 Serpent Gemini
S 23 3 Death Dolphin

M 24 4 Deer Dolphin
T 25 5 Yellow Whale
W 26 6 Storm Whale
T 27 7 Dog Virgo
F 28 8 Monkey Virgo
S 29 9 Teeth Bear
S 30 10 Cane Bear

M 31 11 Jaguar Serpent


Gregorian Tzolkin Lunar

T 1 12 Bird Serpent
W 2 13 Owl Sagittarius
T 3 1 Conscience Full
F 4 2 Obsidian Sagittarius
S 5 3 Lightening & Thunder Capricorn
S 6 Pax 4 Chief or lord ½ Tun Capricorn

M 7 10: 5 Left-handed Aquarius

Venus Passage
T 8 6 Moon, wind, spirit Aquarius
W 9 7 Night Salmon
T 10 8 Dragon Salmon
F 11 9 Serpent Dragon
S 12 10 Death Dragon
S 13 11 Deer Ram

M 14 12 Yellow Ram
T 15 13 Storm Tiger
W 16 1 Dog Tiger
T 17 2 Monkey New
F 18 3 Teeth Gemini
S 19 4 Cane Dolphin
S 20 5 Jaguar Dolphin

M 21 6 Bird Whale
T 22 7 Owl Whale
W 23 8 Conscience Virgo
T 24 9 Obsidian Virgo
F 25 10 Lightening & Thunder Bear
S 26 Kayab 11 Chief or lord Bear
S 27 11: 12 Left-handed Serpent

M 28 13 Moon, wind, spirit Serpent

T 29 1 Night Sagittarius
W 30 2 Dragon Sagittarius


Gregorian Tzolkin Lunar

T 1 3 Serpent Capricorn
F 2 4 Death Full
S 3 5 Deer Capricorn
S 4 6 Yellow Aquarius

M 5 7 Storm Aquarius
T 6 8 Dog Salmon
W 7 9 Monkey Salmon
T 8 10 Teeth Dragon
F 9 11 Cane Dragon
S 10 12 Jaguar Ram
S 11 13 Bird Ram

M 12 1 Owl Tiger
T 13 2 Conscience Tiger
W 14 3 Obsidian Gemini
T 15 4 Lightening & Thunder Gemini
F 16 Cumku 5 Chief or lord Dolphin
S 17 12: 6 Left-handed New
S 18 7 Moon, wind, spirit Dolphin

M 19 8 Night Whale
T 20 9 Dragon Whale
W 21 10 Serpent Virgo
T 22 11 Death Virgo
F 23 12 Deer Bear
S 24 13 Yellow Bear
S 25 1 Storm Serpent

M 26 2 Dog Serpent
T 27 3 Monkey Sagittarius
W 28 4 Teeth Sagittarius
T 29 5 Cane Capricorn
F 30 6 Jaguar Capricorn
S 31 7 Bird Full


Gregorian Tzolkin Lunar

S 1 8 Owl Aquarius

M 2 9 Conscience Salmon
T 3 10 Obsidian Salmon
W 4 11 Lightening & Thunder Dragon
T 5 Uayeb 12 Chief or lord Dragon
F 6 13: 13 Left-handed Ram
S 7 1 Moon, wind, spirit Ram
S 8 2 Night Tiger

M 9 3 Dragon Tiger
T 10 4 Serpent Gemini
W 11 Pop 5 Death Gemini
T 12 6 Deer Dolphin
F 13 7 Yellow Dolphin
S 14 8 Storm Whale
S 15 9 Dog New

M 16 10 Monkey Whale
T 17 11 Teeth Virgo
W 18 12 Cane Virgo
T 19 13 Jaguar Bear
F 20 1 Bird Bear
S 21 2 Owl Serpent
S 22 3 Conscience Serpent

M 23 4 Obsidian Sagittarius
T 24 5 Lightening & Thunder Sagittarius
W 25 6 Chief or lord Capricorn
T 26 14: 7 Left-handed Capricorn
F 27 8 Moon, wind, spirit Aquarius
S 28 9 Night Aquarius
S 29 10 Dragon Salmon

M 30 11 Serpent Full
T 31 Uo 12 Death Salmon


Gregorian Tzolkin Lunar

W 1 13 Deer Dragon
T 2 1 Yellow Dragon
F 3 2 Storm Ram
S 4 3 Dog Ram
S 5 4 Monkey Tiger

M 6 5 Teeth Tiger
T 7 6 Cane Gemini
W 8 7 Jaguar Gemini
T 9 8 Bird Dolphin
F 10 9 Owl Dolphin
S 11 10 Conscience Whale
S 12 11 Obsidian Whale

M 13 12 Lightening & Thunder Virgo

T 14 260 13 Chief or lord New
W 15 15: 1 Left-handed Virgo
T 16 2 Moon, wind, spirit Bear
F 17 3 Night Bear
S 18 4 Dragon Serpent
S 19 5 Serpent Serpent

M 20 Zip 6 Death Sagittarius

T 21 7 Deer Sagittarius
W 22 8 Yellow Capricorn
T 23 9 Storm Capricorn
F 24 10 Dog Aquarius
S 25 11 Monkey Aquarius
S 26 12 Teeth Salmon

M 27 13 Cane Salmon
T 28 1 Jaguar Full
W 29 2 Bird Dragon
T 30 3 Owl Ram


Gregorian Tzolkin Lunar

F 1 4 Conscience Ram
S 2 5 Obsidian Tiger
S 3 6 Lightening & Thunder Tiger

M 4 7 Chief or lord Gemini

T 5 16: 8 Left-handed Gemini
W 6 9 Moon, wind, spirit Dolphin
T 7 10 Night Dolphin
F 8 11 Dragon Whale
S 9 12 Serpent Whale
S 10 Zotz 13 Death Virgo

M 11 1 Deer Virgo
T 12 2 Yellow Bear
W 13 3 Storm New
T 14 4 Dog Bear
F 15 5 Monkey Serpent
S 16 6 Teeth Serpent
S 17 7 Cane Sagittarius

M 18 8 Jaguar Sagittarius
T 19 9 Bird Capricorn
W 20 10 Owl Capricorn
T 21 11 Conscience Aquarius
F 22 12 Obsidian Aquarius
S 23 13 Lightening & Thunder Salmon
S 24 1 Chief or lord Salmon

M 25 17: 2 Left-handed Dragon

T 26 3 Moon, wind, spirit Dragon
W 27 4 Night Ram
T 28 5 Dragon Full
F 29 6 Serpent Ram
S 30 Tzec 7 Death Tiger
S 31 8 Deer Tiger


Gregorian Tzolkin Lunar

M 1 9 Yellow Gemini
T 2 10 Storm Gemini
W 3 11 Dog Dolphin
T 4 12 Monkey Dolphin
F 5 13 Teeth Whale
S 6 1 Cane Whale
S 7 2 Jaguar Virgo

M 8 3 Bird Virgo
T 9 4 Owl Bear
W 10 5 Conscience Bear
T 11 6 Obsidian Serpent
F 12 7 Lightening & Thunder New
S 13 8 Chief or lord Serpent
S 14 18: 9 Left-handed Sagittarius

M 15 10 Moon, wind, spirit Sagittarius

T 16 11 Night Capricorn
W 17 12 Dragon Capricorn
T 18 13 Serpent Aquarius
F 19 Xul 1 Death Aquarius
S 20 2 Deer Salmon
S 21 3 Yellow Salmon

M 22 4 Storm Dragon
T 23 5 Dog Dragon
W 24 6 Monkey Ram
T 25 7 Teeth Ram
F 26 8 Cane Tiger
S 27 9 Jaguar Full
S 28 10 Bird Gemini

M 29 11 Owl Gemini
T 30 12 Conscience Dolphin


Gregorian Tzolkin Lunar

W 1 13 Obsidian Dolphin
T 2 1 Lightening & Thunder Whale
F 3 360 2 Chief or lord Whale
S 4 1: 3 Left-handed Virgo
S 5 4 Moon, wind, spirit Virgo

M 6 5 Night Bear
T 7 6 Dragon Bear
W 8 7 Serpent Serpent
T 9 Yaxkin 8 Death Serpent
F 10 9 Deer Sagittarius
S 11 10 Yellow New
S 12 11 Storm Sagittarius

M 13 12 Dog Capricorn
T 14 13 Monkey Capricorn
W 15 1 Teeth Aquarius
T 16 2 Cane Aquarius
F 17 3 Jaguar Salmon
S 18 4 Bird Salmon
S 19 5 Owl Dragon

M 20 6 Conscience Dragon
T 21 7 Obsidian Ram
W 22 8 Lightening & Thunder Ram
T 23 9 Chief or lord Tiger
F 24 2: 10 Left-handed Tiger
S 25 11 Moon, wind, spirit Gemini
S 26 12 Night Full

M 27 13 Dragon Gemini
T 28 1 Serpent Dolphin
W 29 Mol 2 Death Dolphin
T 30 3 Deer Whale
F 31 4 Yellow Whale

January February

Gregorian Tzolkin
S 1 5 Storm
S 2 6 Dog

M 3 7 Monkey Gregorian Tzolkin

T 4 8 Teeth T 1 10 Chief or lord
W 5 9 Cane W 2 4: 11 Left-handed
T 6 10 Jaguar T 3 12 Moon, wind, spirit
F 7 11 Bird F 4 13 Night
S 8 12 Owl S 5 1 Dragon
S 9 New 13 Conscience S 6 2 Serpent

M 10 Capri 1 Obsidian M 7 Yax 3 Death

T 11 2 Lightening & Thunder T 8 New 4 Deer
W 12 3 Chief or lord W 9 Aquari 5 Yellow
T 13 3: 4 Left-handed T 10 6 Storm
F 14 5 Moon, wind, spirit F 11 7 Dog
S 15 6 Night S 12 8 Monkey
S 16 7 Dragon S 13 9 Teeth

M 17 8 Serpent M 14 10 Cane
T 18 Chen 9 Death T 15 11 Jaguar
W 19 10 Deer W 16 12 Bird
T 20 11 Yellow T 17 13 Owl
F 21 12 Storm F 18 1 Conscience
S 22 13 Dog 130 ½ Tzolkin S 19 2 Obsidian
S 23 1 Monkey S 20 3 Lightening & Thunder

M 24 2 Teeth M 21 4 Chief or lord

T 25 Full 3 Cane T 22 5: 5 Left-handed
W 26 Dolphin 4 Jaguar W 23 Full 6 Moon, wind, spirit
T 27 5 Bird T 24 Whale 7 Night
F 28 6 Owl F 25 8 Dragon
S 29 7 Conscience S 26 9 Serpent
S 30 8 Obsidian S 27 Zac 10 Death

M 31 9 Lightening & Thunder M 28 11 Deer

Night 4

7Th Tun = 10 Ahau

8Th Galactic Consciousness

(December 4, 2004 – November 28, 2005)

March April

T 1 12 Yellow F 1 4 Lightening & Thunder

W 2 13 Storm S 2 5 Chief or lord
T 3 1 Dog S 3 7: 6 Left-handed
F 4 2 Monkey
S 5 3 Teeth M 4 7 Moon, wind, spirit
S 6 4 Cane T 5 8 Night
W 6 9 Dragon
M 7 5 Jaguar T 7 Mac 10 Serpent
T 8 6 Bird F 8 New 11 Death
W 9 New 7 Owl S 9 Ram 12 Deer
T 10 Salmon 8 Conscience S 10 13 Yellow
F 11 9 Obsidian
S 12 10 Lightening & Thunder M 11 1 Storm
S 13 11 Chief or lord T 12 2 Dog
W 13 3 Monkey
M 14 6: 12 Left-handed T 14 4 Teeth
T 15 13 Moon, wind, spirit F 15 5 Cane
W 16 1 Night S 16 6 Jaguar
T 17 2 Dragon S 17 7 Bird
F 18 Ceh 3 Serpent
S 19 4 Death M 18 8 Owl
S 20 5 Deer T 19 9 Conscience
W 20 10 Obsidian
M 21 6 Yellow T 21 11 Lightening & Thunder
T 22 7 Storm F 22 Serpent 12 Chief or lord
W 23 Full 8 Dog S 23 8: 13 Left-handed
T 24 Virgo 9 Monkey S 24 1 Moon, wind, spirit
F 25 10 Teeth
S 26 11 Cane M 25 2 Night
S 27 12 Jaguar T 26 3 Dragon
W 27 Kankin 4 Serpent
M 28 13 Bird T 28 5 Death
T 29 1 Owl F 29 6 Deer
W 30 2 Conscience S 30 7 Yellow
T 31 3 Obsidian

May 2005 June
2,340 Days ½ Galactic Consciousness
S 1 8 Storm W 1 260 13 Chief or lord ½ Tun
T 2 10: 1 Left-handed
M 2 9 Dog F 3 2 Moon, wind, spirit
T 3 10 Monkey S 4 3 Night
W 4 11 Teeth S 5 4 Dragon
T 5 12 Cane
F 6 13 Jaguar M 6 Pax 5 Serpent
S 7 New 1 Bird T 7 Gemini 6 Death
S 8 Tiger 2 Owl W 8 7 Deer
T 9 8 Yellow
M 9 3 Conscience F 10 9 Storm
T 10 4 Obsidian S 11 10 Dog
W 11 5 Lightening & Thunder S 12 11 Monkey
T 12 6 Chief or lord
F 13 9: 7 Left-handed M 13 12 Teeth
S 14 8 Moon, wind, spirit T 14 13 Cane
S 15 9 Night W 15 1 Jaguar
T 16 2 Bird
M 16 10 Dragon F 17 3 Owl
T 17 Muan 11 Serpent S 18 4 Conscience
W 18 12 Death S 19 5 Obsidian
T 19 13 Deer
F 20 1 Yellow M 20 Full 6 Lightening & Thunder
S 21 2 Storm T 21 Capri 7 Chief or lord
S 22 Full 3 Dog W 22 11: 8 Left-handed
T 23 9 Moon, wind, spirit
M 23 Sagitt 4 Monkey F 24 10 Night
T 24 5 Teeth S 25 11 Dragon
W 25 6 Cane S 26 Kayab 12 Serpent
T 26 7 Jaguar
F 27 8 Bird M 27 13 Death
S 28 9 Owl T 28 1 Deer
S 29 10 Conscience W 29 2 Yellow
T 30 3 Storm
M 30 11 Obsidian
T 31 12 Lightening & Thunder

July August

F 1 4 Dog M 1 13: 9 Left-handed

S 2 5 Monkey T 2 10 Moon, wind, spirit
S 3 6 Teeth W 3 11 Night
T 4 Whale 12 Dragon
M 4 7 Cane F 5 Uayeb 13 Serpent
T 5 New 8 Jaguar S 6 1 Death
W 6 Dolphin 9 Bird S 7 2 Deer
T 7 10 Owl
F 8 11 Conscience M 8 3 Yellow
S 9 12 Obsidian T 9 4 Storm
S 10 13 Lightening & Thunder W 10 5 Dog
T 11 Pop 6 Monkey
M 11 1 Chief or lord F 12 7 Teeth
T 12 12: 2 Left-handed S 13 8 Cane
W 13 3 Moon, wind, spirit S 14 9 Jaguar
T 14 4 Night
F 15 5 Dragon M 15 10 Bird
S 16 Cumku 6 Serpent T 16 11 Owl
S 17 7 Death W 17 12 Conscience
T 18 13 Obsidian
M 18 8 Deer F 19 Full 1 Lightening & Thunder
T 19 9 Yellow S 20 Salmon 2 Chief or lord
W 20 Full 10 Storm S 21 14: 3 Left-handed
T 21 Aquari 11 Dog
F 22 12 Monkey M 22 4 Moon, wind, spirit
S 23 13 Teeth T 23 5 Night
S 24 1 Cane W 24 6 Dragon
T 25 7 Serpent
M 25 2 Jaguar F 26 8 Death
T 26 3 Bird S 27 9 Deer
W 27 4 Owl S 28 10 Yellow
T 28 5 Conscience
F 29 6 Obsidian M 29 11 Storm
S 30 7 Lightening & Thunder T 30 12 Dog
S 31 8 Chief or lord W 31 Uo 13 Monkey

September 2005 October

T 1 1 Teeth S 1 5 Moon, wind, spirit

F 2 2 Cane S 2 6 Night
S 3 New 3 Jaguar
S 4 Virgo 4 Bird M 3 New 7 Dragon
T 4 Bear 8 Serpent
M 5 5 Owl W 5 9 Death
T 6 6 Conscience T 6 10 Deer
W 7 7 Obsidian F 7 11 Yellow
T 8 8 Lightening & Thunder S 8 12 Storm
F 9 9 Chief or lord S 9 13 Dog 130 ½ Tzolkin
S 10 15: 10 Left-handed
S 11 11 Moon, wind, spirit M 10 Zotz 1 Monkey
T 11 2 Teeth
M 12 12 Night W 12 3 Cane
T 13 13 Dragon T 13 4 Jaguar
W 14 1 Serpent F 14 5 Bird
T 15 2 Death S 15 6 Owl
F 16 3 Deer S 16 7 Conscience
S 17 4 Yellow
S 18 Full 5 Storm M 17 Full 8 Obsidian
T 18 Ram 9 Lightening & Thunder
M 19 Dragon 6 Dog W 19 10 Chief or lord
T 20 Zip 7 Monkey T 20 17: 11 Left-handed
W 21 8 Teeth F 21 12 Moon, wind, spirit
T 22 9 Cane S 22 13 Night
F 23 10 Jaguar S 23 1 Dragon
S 24 11 Bird
S 25 12 Owl M 24 2 Serpent
T 25 3 Death
M 26 13 Conscience W 26 4 Deer
T 27 1 Obsidian T 27 5 Yellow
W 28 2 Lightening & Thunder F 28 6 Storm
T 29 3 Chief or lord S 29 7 Dog
F 30 16: 4 Left-handed S 30 Tzec 8 Monkey

M 31 9 Teeth

November 2005 December

T 1 10 Cane T 1 New 1 Night

W 2 New 11 Jaguar F 2 Sagitt 2 Dragon
T 3 Serpent 12 Bird S 3 3 Serpent
F 4 13 Owl S 4 4 Death
S 5 1 Conscience
S 6 2 Obsidian M 5 5 Deer
T 6 6 Yellow
M 7 3 Lightening & Thunder W 7 7 Storm
T 8 4 Chief or lord T 8 8 Dog
W 9 18: 5 Left-handed F 9 Yaxkin 9 Monkey
T 10 6 Moon, wind, spirit S 10 10 Teeth
F 11 7 Night S 11 11 Cane
S 12 8 Dragon
S 13 9 Serpent M 12 12 Jaguar
T 13 13 Bird
M 14 10 Death W 14 1 Owl
T 15 11 Deer T 15 Full 2 Conscience
W 16 Full 12 Yellow F 16 Gemini 3 Obsidian
T 17 Tiger 13 Storm S 17 4 Lightening & Thunder
F 18 1 Dog S 18 5 Chief or lord
S 19 Xul 2 Monkey
S 20 3 Teeth M 19 2: 6 Left-handed
T 20 7 Moon, wind, spirit
M 21 4 Cane W 21 8 Night
T 22 5 Jaguar T 22 9 Dragon
W 23 6 Bird F 23 10 Serpent
T 24 7 Owl S 24 11 Death
F 25 8 Conscience S 25 12 Deer
S 26 9 Obsidian
S 27 10 Lightening & Thunder M 26 13 Yellow
T 27 1 Storm
M 28 360 11 Chief or lord W 28 2 Dog
T 29 1: 12 Left-handed T 29 Mol 3 Monkey
W 30 13 Moon, wind, spirit F 30 4 Teeth
S 31 New 5 Cane

January February

Gregorian Tzolkin
S 1 Capri 6 Jaguar

M 2 7 Bird Gregorian Tzolkin

T 3 8 Owl W 1 11 Serpent
W 4 9 Conscience T 2 12 Death
T 5 10 Obsidian F 3 13 Deer
F 6 11 Lightening & Thunder S 4 1 Yellow
S 7 12 Chief or lord S 5 2 Storm
S 8 3: 13 Left-handed

M 9 1 Moon, wind, spirit M 6 3 Dog

T 10 2 Night T 7 Yax 4 Monkey
W 11 3 Dragon W 8 5 Teeth
T 12 4 Serpent T 9 6 Cane
F 13 5 Death F 10 7 Jaguar
S 14 Full 6 Deer S 11 8 Bird
S 15 Dolphin 7 Yellow S 12 9 Owl

M 16 8 Storm M 13 Full 10 Conscience

T 17 9 Dog T 14 Whale 11 Obsidian
W 18 Chen 10 Monkey W 15 12 Lightening & Thunder
T 19 11 Teeth T 16 260 13 Chief or lord
F 20 12 Cane F 17 5: 1 Left-handed
S 21 13 Jaguar S 18 2 Moon, wind, spirit
S 22 1 Bird S 19 3 Night

M 23 2 Owl M 20 4 Dragon
T 24 3 Conscience T 21 5 Serpent
W 25 4 Obsidian W 22 6 Death
T 26 5 Lightening & Thunder T 23 7 Deer
F 27 6 Chief or lord F 24 8 Yellow
S 28 4: 7 Left-handed S 25 9 Storm
S 29 New 8 Moon, wind, spirit S 26 10 Dog

M 30 Aquari 9 Night M 27 Zac 11 Monkey

T 31 10 Dragon T 28 New 12 Teeth

Day 4

8Th Tun = 4 Ahau

8Th Galactic Consciousness

(November 29, 2005 – November 23, 2006)

March April

W 1 Salmon 13 Cane S 1 5 Dragon

T 2 1 Jaguar S 2 6 Serpent
F 3 2 Bird
S 4 3 Owl M 3 7 Death
S 5 4 Conscience T 4 8 Deer
W 5 9 Yellow
M 6 5 Obsidian T 6 10 Storm
T 7 6 Lightening & Thunder F 7 Mac 11 Dog
W 8 7 Chief or lord S 8 12 Monkey
T 9 6: 8 Left-handed S 9 13 Teeth
F 10 9 Moon, wind, spirit
S 11 10 Night M 10 1 Cane
S 12 11 Dragon T 11 2 Jaguar
W 12 3 Bird
M 13 12 Serpent T 13 Full 4 Owl
T 14 13 Death F 14 Bear 5 Conscience
W 15 Full 1 Deer S 15 6 Obsidian
T 16 Virgo 2 Yellow S 16 7 Lightening & Thunder
F 17 3 Storm
S 18 Ceh 4 Dog M 17 8 Chief or lord
S 19 5 Monkey T 18 8: 9 Left-handed
W 19 10 Moon, wind, spirit
M 20 6 Teeth T 20 11 Night
T 21 7 Cane F 21 12 Dragon
W 22 8 Jaguar S 22 13 Serpent
T 23 9 Bird S 23 1 Death
F 24 10 Owl
S 25 11 Conscience M 24 2 Deer
S 26 12 Obsidian T 25 3 Yellow
W 26 4 Storm
M 27 13 Lightening & Thunder T 27 Kankin 5 Dog
T 28 1 Chief or lord F 28 Ram 6 Monkey
W 29 7: 2 Left-handed S 29 7 Teeth
T 30 New 3 Moon, wind, spirit S 30 8 Cane
F 31 Dragon 4 Night

May 2006 June

M 1 9 Jaguar T 1 1 Serpent
T 2 10 Bird F 2 2 Death
W 3 11 Owl S 3 3 Deer
T 4 12 Conscience S 4 4 Yellow
F 5 13 Obsidian
S 6 1 Lightening & Thunder M 5 5 Storm
S 7 2 Chief or lord T 6 Pax 6 Dog
W 7 7 Monkey
M 8 9: 3 Left-handed T 8 8 Teeth
T 9 4 Moon, wind, spirit F 9 9 Cane
W 10 5 Night S 10 10 Jaguar
T 11 6 Dragon S 11 Full 11 Bird
F 12 Full 7 Serpent
S 13 Serpent 8 Death M 12 Sagitt 12 Owl
S 14 9 Deer T 13 13 Conscience
W 14 1 Obsidian
M 15 10 Yellow T 15 2 Lightening & Thunder
T 16 11 Storm F 16 3 Chief or lord
W 17 Muan 12 Dog S 17 11: 4 Left-handed
T 18 13 Monkey S 18 5 Moon, wind, spirit
F 19 1 Teeth
S 20 2 Cane M 19 6 Night
S 21 3 Jaguar T 20 7 Dragon
W 21 8 Serpent
M 22 4 Bird T 22 9 Death
T 23 5 Owl F 23 10 Deer
W 24 6 Conscience S 24 11 Yellow
T 25 7 Obsidian S 25 Gemini 12 Storm
F 26 Tiger 8 Lightening & Thunder
S 27 ½ Tun 9 Chief or lord M 26 Kayab 13 Dog 130 ½ Tzolkin
S 28 10: 10 Left-handed T 27 1 Monkey
W 28 2 Teeth
M 29 11 Moon, wind, spirit T 29 3 Cane
T 30 12 Night F 30 4 Jaguar
W 31 13 Dragon

July August

S 1 5 Bird T 1 10 Death
S 2 6 Owl W 2 11 Deer
T 3 12 Yellow
M 3 7 Conscience F 4 13 Storm
T 4 8 Obsidian S 5 Uayeb 1 Dog
W 5 9 Lightening & Thunder S 6 2 Monkey
T 6 10 Chief or lord
F 7 12: 11 Left-handed M 7 3 Teeth
S 8 12 Moon, wind, spirit T 8 4 Cane
S 9 13 Night W 9 Full 5 Jaguar
T 10 Aquari 6 Bird
M 10 Full 1 Dragon F 11 Pop 7 Owl
T 11 Capri 2 Serpent S 12 8 Conscience
W 12 3 Death S 13 9 Obsidian
T 13 4 Deer
F 14 5 Yellow M 14 10 Lightening & Thunder
S 15 6 Storm T 15 11 Chief or lord
S 16 Cumku 7 Dog W 16 14: 12 Left-handed
T 17 13 Moon, wind, spirit
M 17 8 Monkey F 18 1 Night
T 18 9 Teeth S 19 2 Dragon
W 19 10 Cane S 20 3 Serpent
T 20 11 Jaguar
F 21 12 Bird M 21 4 Death
S 22 13 Owl T 22 5 Deer
S 23 1 Conscience W 23 New 6 Yellow
T 24 Whale 7 Storm
M 24 New 2 Obsidian F 25 8 Dog
T 25 Dolphin 3 Lightening & Thunder S 26 9 Monkey
W 26 4 Chief or lord S 27 10 Teeth
T 27 13: 5 Left-handed
F 28 6 Moon, wind, spirit M 28 11 Cane
S 29 7 Night T 29 12 Jaguar
S 30 8 Dragon W 30 13 Bird
T 31 Uo 1 Owl
M 31 9 Serpent

September 2006 October

F 1 2 Conscience S 1 6 Deer
S 2 3 Obsidian
S 3 4 Lightening & Thunder M 2 7 Yellow
T 3 8 Storm
M 4 5 Chief or lord W 4 9 Dog
T 5 15: 6 Left-handed T 5 10 Monkey
W 6 7 Moon, wind, spirit F 6 11 Teeth
T 7 Full 8 Night S 7 Full 12 Cane
F 8 Salmon 9 Dragon S 8 Dragon 13 Jaguar
S 9 10 Serpent
S 10 11 Death M 9 1 Bird
T 10 Zotz 2 Owl
M 11 12 Deer W 11 3 Conscience
T 12 13 Yellow T 12 4 Obsidian
W 13 1 Storm F 13 5 Lightening & Thunder
T 14 2 Dog S 14 6 Chief or lord
F 15 3 Monkey S 15 17: 7 Left-handed
S 16 4 Teeth
S 17 5 Cane M 16 8 Moon, wind, spirit
T 17 9 Night
M 18 6 Jaguar W 18 10 Dragon
T 19 7 Bird T 19 11 Serpent
W 20 Zip 8 Owl F 20 12 Death
T 21 9 Conscience S 21 13 Deer
F 22 New 10 Obsidian S 22 New 1 Yellow
S 23 Virgo 11 Lightening & Thunder
S 24 12 Chief or lord M 23 Bear 2 Storm
T 24 3 Dog
M 25 16: 13 Left-handed W 25 4 Monkey
T 26 1 Moon, wind, spirit T 26 5 Teeth
W 27 2 Night F 27 6 Cane
T 28 3 Dragon S 28 7 Jaguar
F 29 4 Serpent S 29 8 Bird
S 30 5 Death
M 30 Tzec 9 Owl
T 31 10 Conscience

November 2006 December

W 1 11 Obsidian F 1 2 Yellow
T 2 12 Lightening & Thunder S 2 3 Storm
F 3 260 13 Chief or lord S 3 4 Dog
S 4 18: 1 Left-handed
S 5 Full 2 Moon, wind, spirit M 4 5 Monkey
T 5 Full 6 Teeth
M 6 Ram 3 Night W 6 Tiger 7 Cane
T 7 4 Dragon T 7 8 Jaguar
W 8 5 Serpent F 8 9 Bird
T 9 6 Death S 9 Yaxkin 10 Owl
F 10 7 Deer S 10 11 Conscience
S 11 8 Yellow
S 12 9 Storm M 11 12 Obsidian
T 12 13 Lightening & Thunder
M 13 10 Dog W 13 1 Chief or lord
T 14 11 Monkey T 14 2: 2 Left-handed
W 15 12 Teeth F 15 3 Moon, wind, spirit
T 16 13 Cane S 16 4 Night
F 17 1 Jaguar S 17 5 Dragon
S 18 2 Bird
S 19 Zul 3 Owl M 18 6 Serpent
T 19 7 Death
M 20 New 4 Conscience W 20 New 8 Deer
T 21 Serpent 5 Obsidian T 21 Sagitt 9 Yellow
W 22 6 Lightening & Thunder F 22 10 Storm
T 23 360 7 Chief or lord S 23 11 Dog
F 24 1: 8 Left-handed S 24 12 Monkey
S 25 9 Moon, wind, spirit
S 26 10 Night M 25 13 Teeth
T 26 1 Cane
M 27 11 Dragon W 27 2 Jaguar
T 28 12 Serpent T 28 3 Bird
W 29 13 Death F 29 Mol 4 Owl
T 30 1 Deer S 30 5 Conscience
S 31 6 Obsidian

January February

Gregorian Tzolkin
M 1 7 Lightening & Thunder
T 2 8 Chief or lord
W 3 3: 9 Left-handed Gregorian Tzolkin
T 4 Full 10 Moon, wind, spirit T 1 12 Dog
F 5 Gemini 11 Night F 2 Full 13 Monkey
S 6 12 Dragon S 3 Dolphin 1 Teeth
S 7 13 Serpent S 4 2 Cane

M 8 1 Death M 5 3 Jaguar
T 9 2 Deer T 6 4 Bird
W 10 3 Yellow W 7 Yax 5 Owl
T 11 4 Storm T 8 6 Conscience
F 12 5 Dog F 9 7 Obsidian
S 13 6 Monkey S 10 8 Lightening & Thunder
S 14 7 Teeth S 11 9 Chief or lord

M 15 8 Cane M 12 5: 10 Left-handed
T 16 9 Jaguar T 13 11 Moon, wind, spirit
W 17 10 Bird W 14 12 Night
T 18 Chen 11 Owl T 15 13 Dragon
F 19 New 12 Conscience F 16 1 Serpent
S 20 Capri 13 Obsidian S 17 New 2 Death
S 21 1 Lightening & Thunder S 18 Aquari 3 Deer

M 22 2 Chief or lord M 19 4 Yellow

T 23 4: 3 Left-handed T 20 5 Storm
W 24 4 Moon, wind, spirit W 21 6 Dog
T 25 5 Night T 22 7 Monkey
F 26 6 Dragon F 23 8 Teeth
S 27 7 Serpent S 24 9 Cane
S 28 8 Death S 25 10 Jaguar

M 29 9 Deer M 26 11 Bird
T 30 10 Yellow T 27 Zac 12 Owl
W 31 11 Storm W 28 13 Conscience

Night 5

9Th Tun = 11 Ahau

8Th Galactic Consciousness

(November 24, 2006 – November 18, 2007)

March April

T 1 1 Obsidian S 1 6 Storm
F 2 2 Lightening & Thunder
S 3 Whale 3 Chief or lord M 2 Full 7 Dog
S 4 6: 4 Left-handed T 3 Virgo 8 Monkey
W 4 9 Teeth
M 5 5 Moon, wind, spirit T 5 10 Cane
T 6 6 Night F 6 11 Jaguar
W 7 7 Dragon S 7 Mac 12 Bird
T 8 8 Serpent S 8 13 Owl
F 9 9 Death
S 10 10 Deer M 9 1 Conscience
S 11 11 Yellow T 10 2 Obsidian
W 11 3 Lightening & Thunder
M 12 12 Storm T 12 4 Chief or lord
T 13 13 Dog 130 ½ Tzolkin F 13 8: 5 Left-handed
W 14 1 Monkey S 14 6 Moon, wind, spirit
T 15 2 Teeth S 15 7 Night
F 16 3 Cane
S 17 4 Jaguar M 16 8 Dragon
S 18 Ceh 5 Bird T 17 New 9 Serpent
W 18 Ram 10 Death
M 19 New 6 Owl T 19 11 Deer
T 20 Salmon 7 Conscience F 20 12 Yellow
W 21 8 Obsidian S 21 13 Storm
T 22 9 Lightening & Thunder S 22 1 Dog
F 23 10 Chief or lord
S 24 7: 11 Left-handed M 23 2 Monkey
S 25 12 Moon, wind, spirit T 24 3 Teeth
W 25 4 Cane
M 26 13 Night T 26 5 Jaguar
T 27 1 Dragon F 27 Kankin 6 Bird
W 28 2 Serpent S 28 7 Owl
T 29 3 Death S 29 8 Conscience
F 30 4 Deer
S 31 5 Yellow M 30 9 Obsidian

May 2007 June

T 1 Full 10 Lightening & Thunder F 1 Sagitt 2 Dog

W 2 Serpent 11 Chief or lord S 2 3 Monkey
T 3 9: 12 Left-handed S 3 4 Teeth
F 4 13 Moon, wind, spirit
S 5 1 Night M 4 5 Cane
S 6 2 Dragon T 5 6 Jaguar
W 6 Pax 7 Bird
M 7 3 Serpent T 7 8 Owl
T 8 4 Death F 8 9 Conscience
W 9 5 Deer S 9 10 Obsidian
T 10 6 Yellow S 10 11 Lightening & Thunder
F 11 7 Storm
S 12 8 Dog M 11 12 Chief or lord
S 13 9 Monkey T 12 11: 13 Left-handed
W 13 1 Moon, wind, spirit
M 14 10 Teeth T 14 2 Night
T 15 11 Cane F 15 New 3 Dragon
W 16 Tiger 12 Jaguar S 16 Gemini 4 Serpent
T 17 Muan 13 Bird S 17 5 Death
F 18 1 Owl
S 19 2 Conscience M 18 6 Deer
S 20 3 Obsidian T 19 7 Yellow
W 20 8 Storm
M 21 4 Lightening & Thunder T 21 9 Dog
T 22 ½ Tun 5 Chief or lord F 22 10 Monkey
W 23 10: 6 Left-handed S 23 11 Teeth
T 24 7 Moon, wind, spirit S 24 12 Cane
F 25 8 Night
S 26 9 Dragon M 25 13 Jaguar
S 27 10 Serpent T 26 Kayab 1 Bird
W 27 2 Owl
M 28 11 Death T 28 3 Conscience
T 29 12 Deer F 29 4 Obsidian
W 30 13 Yellow S 30 Full 5 Lightening & Thunder
T 31 Full 1 Storm

July August

S 1 Capri 6 Chief or lord W 1 11 Monkey

T 2 12 Teeth
M 2 12: 7 Left-handed F 3 13 Cane
T 3 8 Moon, wind, spirit S 4 1 Jaguar
W 4 9 Night S 5 Uayeb 2 Bird
T 5 10 Dragon
F 6 11 Serpent M 6 3 Owl
S 7 12 Death T 7 4 Conscience
S 8 13 Deer W 8 5 Obsidian
T 9 6 Lightening & Thunder
M 9 1 Yellow F 10 7 Chief or lord
T 10 2 Storm S 11 14:Pop 8 Left-handed
W 11 3 Dog S 12 9 Moon, wind, spirit
T 12 4 Monkey
F 13 5 Teeth M 13 New 10 Night
S 14 New 6 Cane T 14 Whale 11 Dragon
S 15 Dolphin 7 Jaguar W 15 12 Serpent
T 16 13 Death
M 16 Cumku 8 Bird F 17 1 Deer
T 17 9 Owl S 18 2 Yellow
W 18 10 Conscience S 19 3 Storm
T 19 11 Obsidian
F 20 12 Lightening & Thunder M 20 4 Dog
S 21 260 13 Chief or lord T 21 5 Monkey
S 22 13: 1 Left-handed W 22 6 Teeth
T 23 7 Cane
M 23 2 Moon, wind, spirit F 24 8 Jaguar
T 24 3 Night S 25 9 Bird
W 25 4 Dragon S 26 10 Owl
T 26 5 Serpent
F 27 6 Death M 27 11 Conscience
S 28 7 Deer T 28 Full 12 Obsidian
S 29 8 Yellow W 29 Salmon 13 Lightening & Thunder
T 30 1 Chief or lord
M 30 Full 9 Storm F 31 15:Uo 2 Left-handed
T 31 Aquari 10 Dog

September 2007 October

S 1 3 Moon, wind, spirit M 1 7 Teeth

S 2 4 Night T 2 8 Cane
W 3 9 Jaguar
M 3 5 Dragon T 4 10 Bird
T 4 6 Serpent F 5 11 Owl
W 5 7 Death S 6 12 Conscience
T 6 8 Deer S 7 13 Obsidian
F 7 9 Yellow
S 8 10 Storm M 8 1 Lightening & Thunder
S 9 11 Dog T 9 2 Chief or lord
W 10 17:Zotz 3 Left-handed
M 10 12 Monkey T 11 New 4 Moon, wind, spirit
T 11 13 Teeth F 12 Bear 5 Night
W 12 New 1 Cane S 13 6 Dragon
T 13 Virgo 2 Jaguar S 14 7 Serpent
F 14 3 Bird
S 15 4 Owl M 15 8 Death
S 16 5 Conscience T 16 9 Deer
W 17 10 Yellow
M 17 6 Obsidian T 18 11 Storm
T 18 7 Lightening & Thunder F 19 12 Dog
W 19 8 Chief or lord S 20 13 Monkey
T 20 16:Zip 9 Left-handed S 21 1 Teeth
F 21 10 Moon, wind, spirit
S 22 11 Night M 22 2 Cane
S 23 12 Dragon T 23 3 Jaguar
W 24 4 Bird
M 24 13 Serpent T 25 Full 5 Owl
T 25 1 Death F 26 Ram 6 Conscience
W 26 Full 2 Deer S 27 7 Obsidian
T 27 Dragon 3 Yellow S 28 8 Lightening & Thunder
F 28 4 Storm
S 29 5 Dog M 29 9 Chief or lord
S 30 6 Monkey T 30 18:Tzec 10 Left-handed
W 31 11 Moon, wind, spirit

November 2007 December

T 1 12 Night S 1 3 Cane
F 2 13 Dragon S 2 4 Jaguar
S 3 1 Serpent
S 4 2 Death M 3 5 Bird
T 4 6 Owl
M 5 3 Deer W 5 7 Conscience
T 6 4 Yellow T 6 8 Obsidian
W 7 5 Storm F 7 9 Lightening & Thunder
T 8 6 Dog S 8 Sagitt 10 Chief or lord
F 9 New 7 Monkey S 9 2:Yaxkin 11 Left-handed
S 10 Serpent 8 Teeth
S 11 9 Cane M 10 12 Moon, wind, spirit
T 11 13 Night
M 12 10 Jaguar W 12 1 Dragon
T 13 11 Bird T 13 2 Serpent
W 14 12 Owl F 14 3 Death
T 15 13 Conscience S 15 4 Deer
F 16 1 Obsidian S 16 5 Yellow
S 17 2 Lightening & Thunder
S 18 360 3 Chief or lord M 17 6 Storm
T 18 7 Dog
M 19 1:Xul 4 Left-handed W 19 8 Monkey
T 20 5 Moon, wind, spirit T 20 9 Teeth
W 21 6 Night F 21 10 Cane
T 22 7 Dragon S 22 11 Jaguar
F 23 8 Serpent S 23 Full 12 Bird
S 24 Full 9 Death
S 25 Tiger 10 Deer M 24 Gemini 13 Owl
T 25 1 Conscience
M 26 11 Yellow W 26 2 Obsidian
T 27 12 Storm T 27 3 Lightening & Thunder
W 28 13 Dog 130 ½ Tzolkin F 28 4 Chief or lord
T 29 1 Monkey S 29 3:Mol 5 Left-handed
F 30 2 Teeth S 30 6 Moon, wind, spirit

M 31 7 Night

January February

Gregorian Tzolkin
T 1 8 Dragon
W 2 9 Serpent
T 3 10 Death Gregorian Tzolkin
F 4 11 Deer F 1 13 Bird
S 5 12 Yellow S 2 1 Owl
S 6 13 Storm S 3 2 Conscience

M 7 New 1 Dog M 4 3 Obsidian

T 8 Capri 2 Monkey T 5 4 Lightening & Thunder
W 9 3 Teeth W 6 Aquari 5 Chief or lord
T 10 4 Cane T 7 5:Yax 6 Left-handed
F 11 5 Jaguar F 8 7 Moon, wind, spirit
S 12 6 Bird S 9 8 Night
S 13 7 Owl S 10 9 Dragon

M 14 8 Conscience M 11 10 Serpent
T 15 9 Obsidian T 12 11 Death
W 16 10 Lightening & Thunder W 13 12 Deer
T 17 11 Chief or lord T 14 13 Yellow
F 18 4:Chen 12 Left-handed F 15 1 Storm
S 19 13 Moon, wind, spirit S 16 2 Dog
S 20 1 Night S 17 3 Monkey

M 21 2 Dragon M 18 4 Teeth
T 22 Full 3 Serpent T 19 5 Cane
W 23 Dolphin 4 Death W 20 6 Jaguar
T 24 5 Deer T 21 Full 7 Bird
F 25 6 Yellow F 22 Whale 8 Owl
S 26 7 Storm S 23 9 Conscience
S 27 8 Dog S 24 10 Obsidian

M 28 9 Monkey M 25 11 Lightening & Thunder

T 29 10 Teeth T 26 12 Chief or lord
W 30 11 Cane W 27 6:Zac 13 Left-handed
T 31 12 Jaguar T 28 1 Moon, wind, spirit
F 29 2 Night

Day 5

10Th Tun = 5 Ahau

8Th Galactic Consciousness

(November 19, 2007 – November 12, 2008)

March April

S 1 3 Dragon T 1 8 Bird
S 2 4 Serpent W 2 9 Owl
T 3 10 Conscience
M 3 5 Death F 4 11 Obsidian
T 4 6 Deer S 5 Dragon 12 Lightening & Thunder
W 5 7 Yellow S 6 260 13 Chief or lord
T 6 8 Storm
F 7 New 9 Dog M 7 8:Mac 1 Left-handed
S 8 Salmon 10 Monkey T 8 2 Moon, wind, spirit
S 9 11 Teeth W 9 3 Night
T 10 4 Dragon
M 10 12 Cane F 11 5 Serpent
T 11 13 Jaguar S 12 6 Death
W 12 1 Bird S 13 7 Deer
T 13 2 Owl
F 14 3 Conscience M 14 8 Yellow
S 15 4 Obsidian T 15 9 Storm
S 16 5 Lightening & Thunder W 16 10 Dog
T 17 11 Monkey
M 17 6 Chief or lord F 18 12 Teeth
T 18 7:Ceh 7 Left-handed S 19 13 Cane
W 19 8 Moon, wind, spirit S 20 Full 1 Jaguar
T 20 9 Night
F 21 Full 10 Dragon M 21 Bear 2 Bird
S 22 Virgo 11 Serpent T 22 3 Owl
S 23 12 Death W 23 4 Conscience
T 24 5 Obsidian
M 24 13 Deer F 25 6 Lightening & Thunder
T 25 1 Yellow S 26 7 Chief or lord
W 26 2 Storm S 27 9:Kankin 8 Left-handed
T 27 3 Dog
F 28 4 Monkey M 28 9 Moon, wind, spirit
S 29 5 Teeth T 29 10 Night
S 30 6 Cane W 30 11 Dragon

M 31 7 Jaguar

May 2008 June

T 1 12 Serpent S 1 4 Owl
F 2 13 Death
S 3 1 Deer M 2 5 Conscience
S 4 2 Yellow T 3 New 6 Obsidian
W 4 Tiger 7 Lightening & Thunder
M 5 New 3 Storm T 5 8 Chief or lord
T 6 Ram 4 Dog F 6 11:Pax 9 Left-handed
W 7 5 Monkey S 7 10 Moon, wind, spirit
T 8 6 Teeth S 8 11 Night
F 9 7 Cane
S 10 8 Jaguar M 9 12 Dragon
S 11 9 Bird T 10 13 Serpent
W 11 1 Death
M 12 10 Owl T 12 2 Deer
T 13 11 Conscience F 13 3 Yellow
W 14 12 Obsidian S 14 4 Storm
T 15 13 Lightening & Thunder S 15 5 Dog
F 16 ½ Tun 1 Chief or lord
S 17 10:Muan 2 Left-handed M 16 6 Monkey
S 18 3 Moon, wind, spirit T 17 7 Teeth
W 18 Full 8 Cane
M 19 4 Night T 19 Sagitt 9 Jaguar
T 20 Full 5 Dragon F 20 10 Bird
W 21 Serpent 6 Serpent S 21 11 Owl
T 22 7 Death S 22 12 Conscience
F 23 8 Deer
S 24 9 Yellow M 23 13 Obsidian
S 25 10 Storm T 24 1 Lightening & Thunder
W 25 2 Chief or lord
M 26 11 Dog T 26 12:Kayab 3 Left-handed
T 27 12 Monkey F 27 4 Moon, wind, spirit
W 28 13 Teeth S 28 5 Night
T 29 1 Cane S 29 6 Dragon
F 30 2 Jaguar
S 31 3 Bird M 30 7 Serpent

July August

T 1 8 Death F 1 New 13 Conscience

W 2 9 Deer S 2 Dolphin 1 Obsidian
T 3 New 10 Yellow S 3 2 Lightening & Thunder
F 4 Gemini 11 Storm
S 5 12 Dog M 4 3 Chief or lord
S 6 13 Monkey T 5 14:Uayeb 4 Left-handed
W 6 5 Moon, wind, spirit
M 7 1 Teeth T 7 6 Night
T 8 2 Cane F 8 7 Dragon
W 9 3 Jaguar S 9 8 Serpent
T 10 4 Bird S 10 9 Death
F 11 5 Owl
S 12 6 Conscience M 11 Pop 10 Deer
S 13 7 Obsidian T 12 11 Yellow
W 13 12 Storm
M 14 8 Lightening & Thunder T 14 13 Dog 130 ½ Tzolkin
T 15 9 Chief or lord F 15 1 Monkey
W 1613:Cumku 10 Left-handed S 16 Full 2 Teeth
T 17 11 Moon, wind, spirit S 17 Aquari 3 Cane
F 18 Full 12 Night
S 19 Capri 13 Dragon M 18 4 Jaguar
S 20 1 Serpent T 19 5 Bird
W 20 6 Owl
M 21 2 Death T 21 7 Conscience
T 22 3 Deer F 22 8 Obsidian
W 23 4 Yellow S 23 9 Lightening & Thunder
T 24 5 Storm S 24 10 Chief or lord
F 25 6 Dog
S 26 7 Monkey M 25 15: 11 Left-handed
S 27 8 Teeth T 26 12 Moon, wind, spirit
W 27 13 Night
M 28 9 Cane T 28 1 Dragon
T 29 10 Jaguar F 29 2 Serpent
W 30 11 Bird S 30 Whale 3 Death
T 31 12 Owl S 31 Uo 4 Deer

September 2008 October

M 1 5 Yellow W 1 9 Obsidian
T 2 6 Storm T 2 10 Lightening & Thunder
W 3 7 Dog F 3 11 Chief or lord
T 4 8 Monkey S 4 17: 12 Left-handed
F 5 9 Teeth S 5 13 Moon, wind, spirit
S 6 10 Cane
S 7 11 Jaguar M 6 1 Night
T 7 2 Dragon
M 8 12 Bird W 8 3 Serpent
T 9 13 Owl T 9 4 Death
W 10 1 Conscience F 10 Zotz 5 Deer
T 11 2 Obsidian S 11 6 Yellow
F 12 3 Lightening & Thunder S 12 7 Storm
S 13 4 Chief or lord
S 14 16: 5 Left-handed M 13 8 Dog
T 14 Full 9 Monkey
M 15 Full 6 Moon, wind, spirit W 15 Dragon 10 Teeth
T 16 Salmon 7 Night T 16 11 Cane
W 17 8 Dragon F 17 12 Jaguar
T 18 9 Serpent S 18 13 Bird
F 19 10 Death S 19 1 Owl
S 20 Zip 11 Deer
S 21 12 Yellow M 20 2 Conscience
T 21 3 Obsidian
M 22 13 Storm W 22 4 Lightening & Thunder
T 23 1 Dog T 23 5 Chief or lord
W 24 2 Monkey F 24 18: 6 Left-handed
T 25 3 Teeth S 25 7 Moon, wind, spirit
F 26 4 Cane S 26 8 Night
S 27 5 Jaguar
S 28 6 Bird M 27 9 Dragon
T 28 10 Serpent
M 29 New 7 Owl W 29 Bear 11 Death
T 30 Virgo 8 Conscience T 30 Tzec 12 Deer
F 31 13 Yellow

November 2008 December

S 1 1 Storm M 1 5 Lightening & Thunder

S 2 2 Dog T 2 6 Chief or lord
W 3 2: 7 Left-handed
M 3 3 Monkey T 4 8 Moon, wind, spirit
T 4 4 Teeth F 5 9 Night
W 5 5 Cane S 6 10 Dragon
T 6 6 Jaguar S 7 11 Serpent
F 7 7 Bird
S 8 8 Owl M 8 12 Death
S 9 9 Conscience T 9 Yaxkin 13 Deer
W 10 1 Yellow
M 10 10 Obsidian T 11 Full 2 Storm
T 11 Ram 11 Lightening & Thunder F 12 Tiger 3 Dog
W 12 360 12 Chief or lord S 13 4 Monkey
T 13 1: 13 Left-handed S 14 5 Teeth
F 14 1 Moon, wind, spirit
S 15 2 Night M 15 6 Cane
S 16 3 Dragon T 16 7 Jaguar
W 17 8 Bird
M 17 4 Serpent T 18 9 Owl
T 18 5 Death F 19 10 Conscience
W 19 Xul 6 Deer S 20 11 Obsidian
T 20 7 Yellow S 21 12 Lightening & Thunder
F 21 8 Storm
S 22 9 Dog M 22 260 13 Chief or lord
S 23 10 Monkey T 23 3: 1 Left-handed
W 24 2 Moon, wind, spirit
M 24 11 Teeth T 25 3 Night
T 25 12 Cane F 26 New 4 Dragon
W 26 New 13 Jaguar S 27 Sagitt 5 Serpent
T 27 Serpent 1 Bird S 28 6 Death
F 28 2 Owl
S 29 3 Conscience M 29 Mol 7 Deer
S 30 4 Obsidian T 30 8 Yellow
W 31 9 Storm

January February

Gregorian Tzolkin
T 1 10 Dog
F 2 11 Monkey
S 3 12 Teeth Gregorian Tzolkin
S 4 13 Cane S 1 5: 2 Left-handed

M 5 1 Jaguar M 2 3 Moon, wind, spirit

T 6 2 Bird T 3 4 Night
W 7 3 Owl W 4 5 Dragon
T 8 4 Conscience T 5 6 Serpent
F 9 5 Obsidian F 6 7 Death
S 10 Full 6 Lightening & Thunder S 7 Yax 8 Deer
S 11 Gemini 7 Chief or lord S 8 9 Yellow

M 12 4: 8 Left-handed M 9 Full 10 Storm

T 13 9 Moon, wind, spirit T 10 Dolphin 11 Dog
W 14 10 Night W 11 12 Monkey
T 15 11 Dragon T 12 13 Teeth
F 16 12 Serpent F 13 1 Cane
S 17 13 Death S 14 2 Jaguar
S 18 Chen 1 Deer S 15 3 Bird

M 19 2 Yellow M 16 4 Owl
T 20 3 Storm T 17 5 Conscience
W 21 4 Dog W 18 6 Obsidian
T 22 5 Monkey T 19 7 Lightening & Thunder
F 23 6 Teeth F 20 8 Chief or lord
S 24 7 Cane S 21 6: 9 Left-handed
S 25 8 Jaguar S 22 10 Moon, wind, spirit

M 26 New 9 Bird M 23 11 Night

T 27 Capri 10 Owl T 24 12 Dragon
W 28 11 Conscience W 25 New 13 Serpent
T 29 12 Obsidian T 26 Aquari 1 Death
F 30 13 Lightening & Thunder F 27 Zac 2 Deer
S 31 1 Chief or lord S 28 3 Yellow

Night 6

11Th Tun = 12 Ahau

8Th Galactic Consciousness

(November 13, 2008 – November 7, 2009)

March April

S 1 4 Storm W 1 9 Chief or lord

T 2 8: 10 Left-handed
M 2 5 Dog F 3 11 Moon, wind, spirit
T 3 6 Monkey S 4 12 Night
W 4 7 Teeth S 5 13 Dragon
T 5 8 Cane
F 6 9 Jaguar M 6 1 Serpent
S 7 10 Bird T 7 Mac 2 Death
S 8 11 Owl W 8 3 Deer
T 9 Full 4 Yellow
M 9 12 Conscience F 10 Virgo 5 Storm
T 10 13 Obsidian S 11 6 Dog
W 11 Full 1 Lightening & Thunder S 12 7 Monkey
T 12 Whale 2 Chief or lord
F 13 7: 3 Left-handed M 13 8 Teeth
S 14 4 Moon, wind, spirit T 14 9 Cane
S 15 5 Night W 15 10 Jaguar
T 16 11 Bird
M 16 6 Dragon F 17 12 Owl
T 17 7 Serpent S 18 13 Conscience
W 18 Ceh 8 Death S 19 1 Obsidian
T 19 9 Deer
F 20 10 Yellow M 20 2 Lightening & Thunder
S 21 11 Storm T 21 3 Chief or lord
S 22 12 Dog W 22 9: 4 Left-handed
T 23 5 Moon, wind, spirit
M 23 13 Monkey F 24 6 Night
T 24 1 Teeth S 25 New 7 Dragon
W 25 2 Cane S 26 Ram 8 Serpent
T 26 New 3 Jaguar
F 27 Salmon 4 Bird M 27 Kankin 9 Death
S 28 5 Owl T 28 10 Deer
S 29 6 Conscience W 29 11 Yellow
T 30 12 Storm
M 30 7 Obsidian
T 31 8 Lightening & Thunder

May 2009 June

F 1 13 Dog 130 ½ Tzolkin M 1 11: 5 Left-handed

S 2 1 Monkey T 2 6 Moon, wind, spirit
S 3 2 Teeth W 3 7 Night
T 4 8 Dragon
M 4 3 Cane F 5 9 Serpent
T 5 4 Jaguar S 6 Pax 10 Death
W 6 5 Bird S 7 Full 11 Deer
T 7 6 Owl
F 8 7 Conscience M 8 Sagitt 12 Yellow
S 9 Full 8 Obsidian T 9 13 Storm
S 10 Serpent 9 Lightening & Thunder W 10 1 Dog
T 11 2 Monkey
M 11 ½ Tun 10 Chief or lord F 12 3 Teeth
T 12 10: 11 Left-handed S 13 4 Cane
W 13 12 Moon, wind, spirit S 14 5 Jaguar
T 14 13 Night
F 15 1 Dragon M 15 6 Bird
S 16 2 Serpent T 16 7 Owl
S 17 Muan 3 Death W 17 8 Conscience
T 18 9 Obsidian
M 18 4 Deer F 19 10 Lightening & Thunder
T 19 5 Yellow S 20 11 Chief or lord
W 20 6 Storm S 21 12: 12 Left-handed
T 21 7 Dog
F 22 8 Monkey M 22 New 13 Moon, wind, spirit
S 23 9 Teeth T 23 Gemini 1 Night
S 24 New 10 Cane W 24 2 Dragon
T 25 3 Serpent
M 25 Tiger 11 Jaguar F 26 Kayab 4 Death
T 26 12 Bird S 27 5 Deer
W 27 13 Owl S 28 6 Yellow
T 28 1 Conscience
F 29 2 Obsidian M 29 7 Storm
S 30 3 Lightening & Thunder T 30 8 Dog
S 31 4 Chief or lord

July August

W 1 9 Monkey S 1 1 Moon, wind, spirit

T 2 10 Teeth S 2 2 Night
F 3 11 Cane
S 4 12 Jaguar M 3 3 Dragon
S 5 13 Bird T 4 4 Serpent
W 5 Uayeb 5 Death
M 6 1 Owl T 6 Full 6 Deer
T 7 Full 2 Conscience F 7 Aquari 7 Yellow
W 8 Capri 3 Obsidian S 8 8 Storm
T 9 4 Lightening & Thunder S 9 9 Dog
F 10 5 Chief or lord
S 11 13: 6 Left-handed M 10 10 Monkey
S 12 7 Moon, wind, spirit T 11 Pop 11 Teeth
W 12 12 Cane
M 13 8 Night T 13 13 Jaguar
T 14 9 Dragon F 14 1 Bird
W 15 10 Serpent S 15 2 Owl
T 16 Cumku 11 Death S 16 3 Conscience
F 17 12 Deer
S 18 13 Yellow M 17 4 Obsidian
S 19 1 Storm T 18 5 Lightening & Thunder
W 19 6 Chief or lord
M 20 2 Dog T 20 15: 7 Left-handed
T 21 3 Monkey F 21 New 8 Moon, wind, spirit
W 22 New 4 Teeth S 22 Whale 9 Night
T 23 Dolphin 5 Cane S 23 10 Dragon
F 24 6 Jaguar
S 25 7 Bird M 24 11 Serpent
S 26 8 Owl T 25 12 Death
W 26 13 Deer
M 27 9 Conscience T 27 1 Yellow
T 28 10 Obsidian F 28 2 Storm
W 29 11 Lightening & Thunder S 29 3 Dog
T 30 12 Chief or lord S 30 4 Monkey
F 31 14: 13 Left-handed
M 31 Uo 5 Teeth

September 2009 October

T 1 6 Cane T 1 10 Night
W 2 7 Jaguar F 2 11 Dragon
T 3 8 Bird S 3 12 Serpent
F 4 Full 9 Owl S 4 Full 13 Death
S 5 Salmon 10 Conscience
S 6 11 Obsidian M 5 Dragon 1 Deer
T 6 2 Yellow
M 7 12 Lightening & Thunder W 7 3 Storm
T 8 260 13 Chief or lord T 8 4 Dog
W 9 16: 1 Left-handed F 9 5 Monkey
T 10 2 Moon, wind, spirit S 10 Zotz 6 Teeth
F 11 3 Night S 11 7 Cane
S 12 4 Dragon
S 13 5 Serpent M 12 8 Jaguar
T 13 9 Bird
M 14 6 Death W 14 10 Owl
T 15 7 Deer T 15 11 Conscience
W 16 8 Yellow F 16 12 Obsidian
T 17 9 Storm S 17 New 13 Lightening & Thunder
F 18 New 10 Dog S 18 Bear 1 Chief or lord
S 19 Virgo 11 Monkey
S 20 Zip 12 Teeth M 19 18: 2 Left-handed
T 20 3 Moon, wind, spirit
M 21 13 Cane W 21 4 Night
T 22 1 Jaguar T 22 5 Dragon
W 23 2 Bird F 23 6 Serpent
T 24 3 Owl S 24 7 Death
F 25 4 Conscience S 25 8 Deer
S 26 5 Obsidian
S 27 6 Lightening & Thunder M 26 9 Yellow
T 27 10 Storm
M 28 7 Chief or lord W 28 11 Dog
T 29 17: 8 Left-handed T 29 12 Monkey
W 30 9 Moon, wind, spirit F 30 Tzec 13 Teeth
S 31 1 Cane

November 2009 December

S 1 2 Jaguar T 1 6 Dragon
W 2 Full 7 Serpent
M 2 Full 3 Bird T 3 Tiger 8 Death
T 3 Ram 4 Owl F 4 9 Deer
W 4 5 Conscience S 5 10 Yellow
T 5 6 Obsidian S 6 11 Storm
F 6 7 Lightening & Thunder
S 7 360 8 Chief or lord M 7 12 Dog
S 8 1: 9 Left-handed T 8 13 Monkey
W 9 Yaxkin 1 Teeth
M 9 10 Moon, wind, spirit T 10 2 Cane
T 10 11 Night F 11 3 Jaguar
W 11 12 Dragon S 12 4 Bird
T 12 13 Serpent S 13 5 Owl
F 13 1 Death
S 14 2 Deer M 14 6 Conscience
S 15 3 Yellow T 15 7 Obsidian
W 16 New 8 Lightening & Thunder
M 16 New 4 Storm T 17 Sagitt 9 Chief or lord
T 17 Serpent 5 Dog F 18 3: 10 Left-handed
W 18 6 Monkey S 19 11 Moon, wind, spirit
T 19 Xul 7 Teeth S 20 12 Night
F 20 8 Cane
S 21 9 Jaguar M 21 13 Dragon
S 22 10 Bird T 22 1 Serpent
W 23 2 Death
M 23 11 Owl T 24 3 Deer
T 24 12 Conscience F 25 4 Yellow
W 25 13 Obsidian S 26 5 Storm
T 26 1 Lightening & Thunder S 27 6 Dog
F 27 2 Chief or lord
S 28 2: 3 Left-handed M 28 7 Monkey
S 29 4 Moon, wind, spirit T 29 Mol 8 Teeth
W 30 9 Cane
M 30 5 Night T 31 Full 10 Jaguar

January February

Gregorian Tzolkin
F 1 Gemini 11 Bird
S 2 12 Owl
S 3 13 Conscience
Gregorian Tzolkin
M 4 1 Obsidian M 1 3 Death
T 5 2 Lightening & Thunder T 2 4 Deer
W 6 3 Chief or lord W 3 5 Yellow
T 7 4: 4 Left-handed T 4 6 Storm
F 8 5 Moon, wind, spirit F 5 7 Dog
S 9 6 Night S 6 8 Monkey
S 10 7 Dragon S 7 Yax 9 Teeth

M 11 8 Serpent M 8 10 Cane
T 12 9 Death T 9 11 Jaguar
W 13 10 Deer W 10 12 Bird
T 14 11 Yellow T 11 13 Owl
F 15 New 12 Storm F 12 1 Conscience
S 16 Capri 13 Dog 130 ½ Tzolkin S 13 2 Obsidian
S 17 1 Monkey S 14 New 3 Lightening & Thunder

M 18 Chen 2 Teeth M 15 Aquari 4 Chief or lord

T 19 3 Cane T 16 6: 5 Left-handed
W 20 4 Jaguar W 17 6 Moon, wind, spirit
T 21 5 Bird T 18 7 Night
F 22 6 Owl F 19 8 Dragon
S 23 7 Conscience S 20 9 Serpent
S 24 8 Obsidian S 21 10 Death

M 25 9 Lightening & Thunder M 22 11 Deer

T 26 10 Chief or lord T 23 12 Yellow
W 27 5: 11 Left-handed W 24 13 Storm
T 28 12 Moon, wind, spirit T 25 1 Dog
F 29 13 Night F 26 2 Monkey
S 30 Full 1 Dragon S 27 Zac 3 Teeth
S 31 Dolphin 2 Serpent S 28 Full 4 Cane

Day 6

12Th Tun = 6 Ahau

8Th Galactic Consciousness

(November 8, 2009 – November 2, 2010)

March April

M 1 Whale 5 Jaguar T 1 10 Serpent

T 2 6 Bird F 2 11 Death
W 3 7 Owl S 3 12 Deer
T 4 8 Conscience S 4 13 Yellow
F 5 9 Obsidian
S 6 10 Lightening & Thunder M 5 1 Storm
S 7 11 Chief or lord T 6 2 Dog
W 7 Mac 3 Monkey
M 8 7: 12 Left-handed T 8 4 Teeth
T 9 13 Moon, wind, spirit F 9 5 Cane
W 10 1 Night S 10 6 Jaguar
T 11 2 Dragon S 11 7 Bird
F 12 3 Serpent
S 13 4 Death M 12 8 Owl
S 14 New 5 Deer T 13 New 9 Conscience
W 14 Ram 10 Obsidian
M 15 Salmon 6 Yellow T 15 11 Lightening & Thunder
T 16 7 Storm F 16 12 Chief or lord
W 17 8 Dog S 17 9: 13 Left-handed
T 18 Ceh 9 Monkey S 18 1 Moon, wind, spirit
F 19 10 Teeth
S 20 11 Cane M 19 2 Night
S 21 12 Jaguar T 20 3 Dragon
W 21 4 Serpent
M 22 13 Bird T 22 5 Death
T 23 1 Owl F 23 6 Deer
W 24 2 Conscience S 24 7 Yellow
T 25 3 Obsidian S 25 8 Storm
F 26 4 Lightening & Thunder
S 27 5 Chief or lord M 26 9 Dog
S 28 8: 6 Left-handed T 27 Kankin 10 Monkey
W 28 Full 11 Teeth
M 29 Full 7 Moon, wind, spirit T 29 Serpent 12 Cane
T 30 Virgo 8 Night F 30 13 Jaguar
W 31 9 Dragon

May 2010 June

S 1 1 Bird T 1 6 Death
S 2 2 Owl W 2 7 Deer
T 3 8 Yellow
M 3 3 Conscience F 4 9 Storm
T 4 4 Obsidian S 5 10 Dog
W 5 5 Lightening & Thunder S 6 Pax 11 Monkey
T 6 ½ Tun 6 Chief or lord
F 7 10: 7 Left-handed M 7 12 Teeth
S 8 8 Moon, wind, spirit T 8 13 Cane
S 9 9 Night W 9 1 Jaguar
T 10 2 Bird
M 10 10 Dragon F 11 3 Owl
T 11 11 Serpent S 12 New 4 Conscience
W 12 12 Death S 13 Gemini 5 Obsidian
T 13 New 13 Deer
F 14 Tiger 1 Yellow M 14 6 Lightening & Thunder
S 15 2 Storm T 15 7 Chief or lord
S 16 3 Dog W 16 12: 8 Left-handed
T 17 9 Moon, wind, spirit
M 17 Muan 4 Monkey F 18 10 Night
T 18 5 Teeth S 19 11 Dragon
W 19 6 Cane S 20 12 Serpent
T 20 7 Jaguar
F 21 8 Bird M 21 13 Death
S 22 9 Owl T 22 1 Deer
S 23 10 Conscience W 23 2 Yellow
T 24 3 Storm
M 24 11 Obsidian F 25 4 Dog
T 25 12 Lightening & Thunder S 26 Kayab 5 Monkey
W 26 260 13 Chief or lord S 27 Capri 6 Teeth
T 27 11: 1 Left-handed
F 28 Full 2 Moon, wind, spirit M 28 7 Cane
S 29 Sagitt 3 Night T 29 8 Jaguar
S 30 4 Dragon W 30 9 Bird

M 31 5 Serpent

July August

T 1 10 Owl S 1 2 Deer
F 2 11 Conscience
S 3 12 Obsidian M 2 3 Yellow
S 4 13 Lightening & Thunder T 3 4 Storm
W 4 5 Dog
M 5 1 Chief or lord T 5 Uayeb 6 Monkey
T 6 13: 2 Left-handed F 6 7 Teeth
W 7 3 Moon, wind, spirit S 7 8 Cane
T 8 4 Night S 8 9 Jaguar
F 9 5 Dragon
S 10 6 Serpent M 9 10 Bird
S 11 New 7 Death T 10 Whale 11 Owl
W 11 Pop 12 Conscience
M 12 Dolphin 8 Deer T 12 13 Obsidian
T 13 9 Yellow F 13 1 Lightening & Thunder
W 14 10 Storm S 14 2 Chief or lord
T 15 11 Dog S 15 15: 3 Left-handed
F 16 Cumku 12 Monkey
S 17 13 Teeth M 16 4 Moon, wind, spirit
S 18 1 Cane T 17 5 Night
W 18 6 Dragon
M 19 2 Jaguar T 19 7 Serpent
T 20 3 Bird F 20 8 Death
W 21 4 Owl S 21 9 Deer
T 22 5 Conscience S 22 10 Yellow
F 23 6 Obsidian
S 24 7 Lightening & Thunder M 23 11 Storm
S 25 8 Chief or lord T 24 Full 12 Dog
W 25 Salmon 13 Monkey
M 26 14: 9 Left-handed T 26 1 Teeth
T 27 Full 10 Moon, wind, spirit F 27 2 Cane
W 28 Aquari 11 Night S 28 3 Jaguar
T 29 12 Dragon S 29 4 Bird
F 30 13 Serpent
S 31 1 Death M 30 5 Owl
T 31 Uo 6 Conscience

September 2010 October

W 1 7 Obsidian F 1 11 Yellow
T 2 8 Lightening & Thunder S 2 12 Storm
F 3 9 Chief or lord S 3 13 Dog 130 ½ Tzolkin
S 4 16: 10 Left-handed
S 5 11 Moon, wind, spirit M 4 1 Monkey
T 5 2 Teeth
M 6 12 Night W 6 3 Cane
T 7 13 Dragon T 7 4 Jaguar
W 8 New 1 Serpent F 8 New 5 Bird
T 9 Virgo 2 Death S 9 Bear 6 Owl
F 10 3 Deer S 10 Zotz 7 Conscience
S 11 4 Yellow
S 12 5 Storm M 11 8 Obsidian
T 12 9 Lightening & Thunder
M 13 6 Dog W 13 10 Chief or lord
T 14 7 Monkey T 14 18: 11 Left-handed
W 15 8 Teeth F 15 12 Moon, wind, spirit
T 16 9 Cane S 16 13 Night
F 17 10 Jaguar S 17 1 Dragon
S 18 11 Bird
S 19 12 Owl M 18 2 Serpent
T 19 3 Death
M 20 Zip 13 Conscience W 20 4 Deer
T 21 1 Obsidian T 21 5 Yellow
W 22 2 Lightening & Thunder F 22 6 Storm
T 23 Dragon 3 Chief or lord S 23 Full 7 Dog
F 24 17: 4 Left-handed S 24 Ram 8 Monkey
S 25 5 Moon, wind, spirit
S 26 6 Night M 25 9 Teeth
T 26 10 Cane
M 27 7 Dragon W 27 11 Jaguar
T 28 8 Serpent T 28 12 Bird
W 29 9 Death F 29 13 Owl
T 30 10 Deer S 30 Tzec 1 Conscience
S 31 2 Obsidian

November 2010 December

M 1 3 Lightening & Thunder W 1 7 Storm

T 2 360 4 Chief or lord T 2 8 Dog
W 3 1: 5 Left-handed F 3 9 Monkey
T 4 6 Moon, wind, spirit S 4 10 Teeth
F 5 7 Night S 5 11 Cane
S 6 8 Dragon
S 7 New 9 Serpent M 6 12 Jaguar
T 7 New 13 Bird
M 8 Serpent 10 Death W 8 Sagitt 1 Owl
T 9 11 Deer T 9 Yaxkin 2 Conscience
W 10 12 Yellow F 10 3 Obsidian
T 11 13 Storm S 11 4 Lightening & Thunder
F 12 1 Dog S 12 5 Chief or lord
S 13 2 Monkey
S 14 3 Teeth M 13 3: 6 Left-handed
T 14 7 Moon, wind, spirit
M 15 4 Cane W 15 8 Night
T 16 5 Jaguar T 16 9 Dragon
W 17 6 Bird F 17 10 Serpent
T 18 7 Owl S 18 11 Death
F 19 Xul 8 Conscience S 19 12 Deer
S 20 9 Obsidian
S 21 10 Lightening & Thunder M 20 13 Yellow
T 21 1 Storm
M 22 Tiger 11 Chief or lord W 22 Full 2 Dog
T 23 2: 12 Left-handed T 23 Gemini 3 Monkey
W 24 13 Moon, wind, spirit F 24 4 Teeth
T 25 1 Night S 25 5 Cane
F 26 2 Dragon S 26 6 Jaguar
S 27 3 Serpent
S 28 4 Death M 27 7 Bird
T 28 8 Owl
M 29 5 Deer W 29 Mol 9 Conscience
T 30 6 Yellow T 30 10 Obsidian
F 31 11 Lightening & Thunder

January February

Gregorian Tzolkin
S 1 12 Chief or lord
S 2 4: 13 Left-handed
Gregorian Tzolkin
M 3 1 Moon, wind, spirit T 1 4 Monkey
T 4 2 Night W 2 5 Teeth
W 5 3 Dragon T 3 6 Cane
T 6 New 4 Serpent F 4 New 7 Jaguar
F 7 Capri 5 Death S 5 Aquari 8 Bird
S 8 6 Deer S 6 9 Owl
S 9 7 Yellow
M 7 Yax 10 Conscience
M 10 8 Storm T 8 11 Obsidian
T 11 9 Dog W 9 12 Lightening & Thunder
W 12 10 Monkey T 10 260 13 Chief or lord
T 13 11 Teeth 9 Universal Consciousness
F 14 12 Cane F 11 6: 1 Imix
S 15 13 Jaguar S 12 2 Ik
S 16 1 Bird S 13 3 Akbal

M 17 2 Owl M 14 4 Kan
T 18 Chen 3 Conscience T 15 5 Chicchan
W 19 4 Obsidian W 16 6 Cimi
T 20 Full 5 Lightening & Thunder T 17 7 Manik
F 21 Dolphin 6 Chief or lord F 18 Full 8 Lamat
S 22 5: 7 Left-handed S 19 Whale 9 Muluc
S 23 8 Moon, wind, spirit S 20 10 Oc

M 24 9 Night M 21 11 Chuen
T 25 10 Dragon T 22 12 Eb
W 26 11 Serpent W 23 13 Ben
T 27 12 Death T 24 1 Ix
F 28 13 Deer F 25 2 Men
S 29 1 Yellow S 26 3 Cib
S 30 2 Storm S 27 Zac 4 Caban

M 31 3 Dog M 28 5 Etz’nab

Day 7

13Th Tun = 13 Ahau

8Th Galactic Consciousness

(November 3, 2010 – October 28, 2011)

March April

T 1 6 Cauac F 1 New 11 Oc
W 2 7 Ahau S 2 Dragon 12 Chuen
T 3 7: 8 Imix S 3 13 Eb
F 4 New 9 Ik
S 5 Salmon 10 Akbal M 4 1 Ben
S 6 11 Kan T 5 2 Ix
W 6 3 Men
M 7 12 Chicchan T 7 Mac 4 Cib
T 8 13 Cimi F 8 5 Caban
W 9 1 Manik S 9 6 Etz’nab
T 10 2 Lamat S 10 7 Cauac
F 11 3 Muluc
S 12 4 Oc M 11 8 Ahau
S 13 5 Chuen T 12 9: 9 Imix
W 13 10 Ik
M 14 6 Eb T 14 11 Akbal
T 15 7 Ben F 15 Full 12 Kan
W 16 8 Ix S 16 Bear 13 Chicchan
T 17 9 Men S 17 1 Cimi
F 18 Ceh 10 Cib
S 19 Virgo 11 Caban M 18 2 Manik
S 20 12 Etz’nab T 19 3 Lamat
W 20 4 Muluc
M 21 13 Cauac T 21 5 Oc
T 22 1 Ahau F 22 6 Chuen
W 23 8: 2 Imix S 23 7 Eb
T 24 3 Ik S 24 8 Ben
F 25 4 Akbal
S 26 5 Kan M 25 9 Ix
S 27 6 Chicchan T 26 10 Men
W 27 Kankin 11 Cib
M 28 7 Cimi T 28 12 Caban
T 29 8 Manik F 29 New 13 Etz’nab
W 30 9 Lamat S 30 Ram 1 Cauac
T 31 10 Muluc

May 2011 June

S 1 2 Ahau 180 ½ Tun W 1 7 Chuen

T 2 8 Eb
M 2 10: 3 Imix F 3 9 Ben
T 3 4 Ik S 4 10 Ix
W 4 5 Akbal S 5 11 Men
T 5 6 Kan
F 6 7 Chicchan M 6 Pax 12 Cib
S 7 8 Cimi T 7 13 Caban
S 8 9 Manik W 8 1 Etz’nab
T 9 2 Cauac
M 9 10 Lamat F 10 Sagitt 3 Ahau
T 10 11 Muluc S 11 12: 4 Imix
W 11 12 Oc S 12 5 Ik
T 12 13 Chuen
F 13 Full 1 Eb M 13 6 Akbal
S 14 Serpent 2 Ben T 14 7 Kan
S 15 3 Ix W 15 8 Chicchan
T 16 9 Cimi
M 16 4 Men F 17 10 Manik
T 17 Muan 5 Cib S 18 11 Lamat
W 18 6 Caban S 19 12 Muluc
T 19 7 Etz’nab ½ 9Th Universal Consciousness
F 20 8 Cauac M 20 13 Oc 130 ½ Tzolkin
S 21 9 Ahau T 21 1 Chuen
S 22 11: 10 Imix W 22 2 Eb
T 23 3 Ben
M 23 11 Ik F 24 New 4 Ix
T 24 12 Akbal S 25 Gemini 5 Men
W 25 13 Kan S 26 Kayab 6 Cib
T 26 1 Chicchan
F 27 New 2 Cimi M 27 7 Caban
S 28 Tiger 3 Manik T 28 8 Etz’nab
S 29 4 Lamat W 29 9 Cauac
T 30 10 Ahau
M 30 5 Muluc
T 31 6 Oc

July August

F 1 13: 11 Imix M 1 3 Eb
S 2 12 Ik T 2 4 Ben
S 3 13 Akbal W 3 5 Ix
T 4 6 Men
M 4 1 Kan F 5 Uayeb 7 Cib
T 5 2 Chicchan S 6 Aquari 8 Caban
W 6 3 Cimi S 7 9 Etz’nab
T 7 4 Manik
F 8 Full 5 Lamat M 8 10 Cauac
S 9 Capri 6 Muluc T 9 11 Ahau
S 10 7 Oc W 10 15: 12 Imix
T 11 Pop 13 Ik
M 11 8 Chuen F 12 1 Akbal
T 12 9 Eb S 13 2 Kan
W 13 10 Ben S 14 3 Chicchan
T 14 11 Ix
F 15 12 Men M 15 4 Cimi
S 16 Cumku 13 Cib T 16 5 Manik
S 17 1 Caban W 17 6 Lamat
T 18 7 Muluc
M 18 2 Etz’nab F 19 New 8 Oc
T 19 3 Cauac S 20 Whale 9 Chuen
W 20 4 Ahau S 21 10 Eb
T 21 14: 5 Imix
F 22 New 6 Ik M 22 11 Ben
S 23 Dolphin 7 Akbal T 23 12 Ix
S 24 8 Kan W 24 13 Men
T 25 1 Cib
M 25 9 Chicchan F 26 2 Caban
T 26 10 Cimi S 27 3 Etz’nab
W 27 11 Manik S 28 4 Cauac
T 28 12 Lamat
F 29 13 Muluc M 29 5 Ahau
S 30 1 Oc T 30 16: 6 Imix
S 31 2 Chuen W 31 Uo 7 Ik

September 2011 October

T 1 8 Akbal S 1 Dragon 12 Ben

F 2 Full 9 Kan S 2 13 Ix
S 3 Salmon 10 Chicchan
S 4 11 Cimi M 3 1 Men
T 4 2 Cib
M 5 12 Manik W 5 3 Caban
T 6 13 Lamat T 6 4 Etz’nab
W 7 1 Muluc F 7 5 Cauac
T 8 2 Oc S 8 6 Ahau
F 9 3 Chuen 10Th Alpha & Omega (Polar – Reversal)
S 10 4 Eb S 9 18: 7 Imix
S 11 5 Ben
M 10 Zotz 8 Ik
M 12 6 Ix T 11 9 Akbal
T 13 7 Men W 12 10 Kan
W 14 8 Cib T 13 11 Chicchan
T 15 9 Caban F 14 New 12 Cimi
F 16 New 10 Etz’nab S 15 Bear 13 Manik
S 17 Virgo 11 Cauac S 16 1 Lamat
S 18 12 Ahau
M 17 2 Muluc
M 19 17: 13 Imix T 18 3 Oc
T 20 Zip 1 Ik W 19 4 Chuen
W 21 2 Akbal T 20 5 Eb
T 22 3 Kan F 21 6 Ben
F 23 4 Chicchan S 22 Day 1 7 Ix
S 24 5 Cimi S 23 Day 2 8 Men
S 25 6 Manik
M 24 Day 3 9 Cib
M 26 7 Lamat T 25 Day 4 10 Caban
T 27 8 Muluc W 26 Day 5 11 Etz’nab
W 28 9 Oc T 27 Day 6 12 Cauac
T 29 10 Chuen F 28 Day 7 13 Ahau
F 30 Full 11 Eb

8Th Galactic Consciousness
2004 – 2011
(Spiritual Matrix)
Jan. 1 Year May 1 Oct. 28 Deity Ruling Ahau
3 Akbal 2004 7 Kan 5 goddess of love 3
5 Muluc 2005 8 Muluc 6 Lord of Darkness
god of rain & water 10
6 Ix 2006 9 Ix 7 goddess of birth
god of maize & sustenance 4
7 Cauac 2007 10 Cauac 8 god of fire & time
Lord of Darkness 11
8 Kan 2008 12 Chicchan 10 god of warriors & the sun
Lady of Light 5
10 Oc 2009 13 Oc 11 god of rain & water
god ruling before dawn 12
11 Men 2010 1 Men 12 Lady of Light
goddess of birth 6
12 Ahau 2011 2 Ahau 13 Lady & Lord of Duality 13

Zero Points
2004 Kan Apr.8 – 27 Dec.24 – Jan.12
2004 3 Ahau Apr.8 – 27 June 8 :–: 6 Ik Venus Passage
2005 Muluc Feb.22 – Mar.13 Nov.9 – 28
2005 10 Ahau Jan.13 – Feb.1 Sept.30 – Oct.19
2006 Ix Jan.8 – 27 Sept.25 – Oct.14
2006 4 Ahau July 7 – 26
2007 Cauac Aug.11 – 30
2007 11 Ahau Apr.13 – May 2
2008 Chicchan June 6 – 25
2008 5 Ahau Jan.18 – Feb.6 Oct.4 – 23
2009 Oc Apr.22 – May 11
2009 12 Ahau July 11 – 30
2010 Men Mar.8 – 27 Nov.23 – Dec.12
2010 6 Ahau April 17 – May 6
2011 13 Ahau Jan.22 – Feb.10 Oct.9 – 28

Day 7 13 Ahau
2004 Aug.26 – Sept.14
2005 May 13 – June 1 ½ Galactic Consciousness
2006 Jan.28 – Feb.16 Oct.15 – Nov.3
2007 July 2 – 21
2008 Mar.18 – April 6 Dec.3 – 22
2009 Aug.20 – Sept.8
2010 May 7 – 26
2011 Jan.22 – Feb.10 Oct.9 – 28


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