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Economic Operation of Power Systems

Optimal Pricing of Energy

J. M. Vignolo, Member, IEEE, and R. Zeballos, Nonmember

ignored, except for somewhat crude representation of

transmission and generation operation limits.
The approach used in this paper consists of looking for the
Abstract—In this work the equations that determine the short optimal economic signals that generators and consumers
term optimal point of operation of a power system are obtained must receive so that their behaviour, is consistent with the
from two different perspectives. The first one, optimizing the
goal of a correct regulatory policy: the maximization of
system from a global point of view. The second one, takes into
account the invididual agent’s behaviour which buys and sells global net social benefit. This idea was presented by Pérez-
electricity at each of the power systems’ busbars. From the Arriaga et al. in [11].
comparison of the equations obtained from each case, the prices However, in this work, we go deeper in the interpretation
of active and reactive energy that optimize the system from the of the system marginal price and we define the nodal factors.
global perspective and from the individual agents’ perspective at Nodal factors have been used in many regulation frameworks
the same time, are deduced. This leads to the definition of the such as the argentine and chilean. We will see how they may
system marginal price and the nodal factors. An interpretation
of these magnitudes is done and the current practices for nodal be used for the economical dispatch and how nodal factor
factor calculations is analysed, looking at possible calculation may affect the optimal economic operation of the
inconviniencies and contradictions. Finally, a particular case, power system.
considering the uruguayan power system is studied. In Section II of this paper we will address the global
optimization of a power system. In Section III we will
Index Terms— Electricity Pricing, Optimization, Market consider the individual agents’ behaviour in a competitive
Place, Nodal Factors, System Marginal Price.
power system. In Section IV, by comparing the equations
obtained in the previous cases, we will establish the prices for
active and reactive energy that optimizes the system from the

T HE basic theory of real-time or spot market pricing of

electricity was developed by Vickery [1] and Schweppe,
et. al [2]. As set forth by Schweppe, et. al., the optimal price
two perspectives (the global and the individual) at the same
time. Finally, in Section V we will address the interpretation
of the system marginal price, we will define and discuss the
for electricity is differenciated in space and time and calculation of the nodal factors and how they may be used for
accounts for the variable costs of producing any electricity at the system economic dispatch.
the time it is used, any added requirements to compensate for
whatever transmission losses accompany the supply and II. GLOBAL POWER SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION
delivery of the electricity used, and any generation or
Let us consider the generic power system of Fig. 1 which
transmission capacity limitations that might influence the
is composed by ng generation busbars and ne demand
availability of supply as a function of time.
Extensions to the basic theory of real-time pricing have Gke , Qke
been reported. The basic theory of real-time pricing has been
extended to consider system security by Caramanis, Bohn,
1g kg ng
and Schweppe [3], Alvarado et al. [4], and Kaye, et. al. [5].
Use of real-time pricing to assist in load frequency control 1e ke ne

was addressed by Berger and Schweppe [6]. Real-time

pricing of reactive power was the topic of Baughman and Dke , Qke
Siddiqi [7], while pricing of spinning reserve was discussed Fig. 1. Generation and demand busbars in the power
in Siddiqi and Baughman [8]. Also, extensions to the theory system.
that includes constraints on power quality and
We define:
environmental impact may be found in [9] and [10].
G k , Q k respectively, as the active and reactive power
In this work, howerver, all network aspects have been g g

injected by generator kg into busbar kg.

Dke , Qke respectively, as the active and reactive power To sum up, the problem of optimal global dispatch of the
power system may be expressed as follows,
consumed by demand ke and extracted from busbar ke. ne ng

In order to simplify the notation we asume that a busbar may

Max B glob = ∑ Bk ( Dk , Qk ) − k∑=1Ck
k =1
e e e g
(Gk , Qk )
g g
e g

only be a generating busbar or a demand busbar. subject to,

In addition, we also assume that all power injections and ng ne
extractions are independent of each other. 1) Loss (G, D, Q) − ∑ G k + ∑ D k = 0 g e
(electric balance)
k g =1 k e =1

Let’s Bk be the valued production function or total revenue

2) R _ Ri (G, D, Q) ≤ 0 ∀i ∈ [1, p ] (network constraints).
determined by the use of the electricity at demand busbar ke.
We can write:
 R _ Gk (Gk , Qk ) ≤ 0 ∀k g ≤ ng (generators’ constraints)
Bk = Bk ( Dk , Qk )  g g g

( ) is 3) 
e e e e

Let’s Ck be the total cost produced when Gk , Qk  R _ Dk e ( Dk e , Qk e ) ≤ 0 ∀ke ≤ ne (loads’ constraints)

g g g

injected into busbar kg. In the same way, we may write,
Ck = Ck (Gk , Qk ) The Lagrangian of this problem is,
g g g g
 n n g e 
L(G, D, Q, λ , µ ,η ,ξ ) =  ∑ Ck (Gk , Qk ) − ∑ Bk ( Dk , Qk ) +
The maximization of the global net social benefit consists in k =1 k =1 g
g g g
e e e
the following problem: to find Gk , Qk , Dk , Qk ∀k g , ke  n n g e   Contribution from the power
+ λ  Loss − ∑ Gk + ∑ Dk  +
g g e e

so that,  k =1 k =1 g
  system without constraints
ne ng
B glob = ∑ Bk ( Dk , Qk ) − k∑=1Ck
k e =1
e e e g
(Gk , Qk ) is maximum.
g g
 p n
+ ∑ µ k R _ Rk (G, D, Q) + ∑ηk R _ Gk (Gk , Qk ) +

 k =1
g g g g g
k =1 g

The following constraints apply,

n e  Contribution from physical
+ ∑ξ k R _ Dk ( Dk , Qk )
1. The power system must operate in steady state, so that, k =1
 e e e constraints

The Karush-Khun-Tucker conditions are,

Active power generation= Active power demand + Losses
∂L ∂L
= 0 ∀ k g ≤ ng ; = 0 ∀ k g ≤ ng
Let us consider the losses function, ∂Gk g ∂Qk g (1.1)
 
  ∂L ∂L
= 0 ∀ ke ≤ ne ; = 0 ∀ ke ≤ ne
  ∂Dk e ∂Qk e
Loss = Loss(G ,...,G ); (D ,...,D ); (Q ,...,Q ); (Q ,...Q )
1g ng 1142e4 43 ne
4 14 1g ng 1e ne
14 4244 3 4244 3 14243
 G D Q Q 
 g e  ∂L
Loss = Loss(G, D, Q , Q ) =0 (1.2)
g e ∂λ
Then the equality constraint may be written as,
ng ne R _ Ri (G, D, Q) ≤ 0 ∀i ∈ [1, p ]
∑ G k − k∑=1 Dk
g e
= Loss (G, D, Q).
k =1
g e R _ Gk (Gk , Qk ) ≤ 0
g g g
∀k g ≤ ng (1.3)
2. The transmission network may present a set of p
operating limits which may be expressed as inequality R _ Dk ( Dk , Qk ) ≤ 0
e e e
∀ke ≤ ne
constraints involving magnitudes G, D and Q.
R _ Ri (G, D, Q) ≤ 0 ∀i ∈ [1, p ]. µi ( R _ Ri (G, D, Q)) = 0 ; µi ≥ 0 ∀i ∈ [1, p ]
3. Similar to the case of transmission, we establish
ηk ( R _ Gk (Gk , Qk )) = 0 ; ηk ≥ 0 ∀k g ≤ ng (1.4)
operating constraints for the generators which consider g g g g g

the generators’ load curves and also constraints for the ξ k ( R _ Dk ( Dk , Qk )) = 0 ; ξ k ≥ 0 ∀ke ≤ ne
e e e e e
 R _ Gk (Gk , Qk ) ≤ 0 ∀k g ≤ ng As a result, we have found that in order to determine the
 g g g

 power system operating point which maximizes the global

 R _ Dk ( Dk , Qk ) ≤ 0 ∀ke ≤ ne net social benefit, we must find the value of
 e e e

(3(ng + ne) + 1 + p ) unknown variables. The number of

unknown variables equals three times the number of R _ Gkindg ( Dk g , Qk g ) , the electrical constraint imposed by the
generating and demand busbars, plus p (the number of
physical constraints imposed by the electric network that generator at busbar kg.
links the busbars), plus one (the λ, from the Lagrangian, prk , prk , similar definitions but for the reactive energy.
g e

which characterizes the whole power system).

On the other hand, we have obtained the same number of Each agent will try to maximize its net benefit. We will
equations plus some inequations that must be satisfied. establish the equations which dictate the agent’s behaviour.

Equations (1.1) and (1.2) may be also expressed as,

A. Demand type agent
∂L ∂C k  ∂Loss 
= + λ − 1 + The problem we have to solve is,

∂G k ∂G k  ∂G k  ng equations
 
[ ]
g g g
Type 1.1A Max Bkind ( Dk , Qk ) − ( pak Dk + prk Qk )
∂R _ R k ∂R _ G k
+ ∑ µk
e e e e e e e

+ηk =0

∂G k ∂G k g subject to:
k =1
R _ Dkind ( Dke , Qke ) ≤ 0 ke = 1,
g g

∂B k  ∂Loss 
∂L ne equations
=− + λ 1 + e
∂D k ∂D k  ∂D  Type 1.1B
e  ke  e The Lagrangian of this problem is,
∂R _ R k ∂R _ D Lk ( Dk , Qk , ξ kind ) = pa k Dk + prk Qk − Bkind ( Dk , Qk ) +
+ ∑ µk
+ξk =0 e e e e e e e e e e e e

k =1 ∂D k ∂D ek
e +ξ ind
ke (R _ D ind
ke )
∂L ∂C k
∂Loss The Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions are,
= +λ +

∂Q k ∂Q k ∂Q k ng equations ∂Lk ∂Lk

g g g =0 ; e
=0 (2.1.1) e

Type 1.1C ∂Dk ∂Qk

∂R _ R k ∂R _ G k e e

+ ∑ µk +ηk =0

∂Q k ∂Q k g R _ Dkind ( Dk , Qk ) ≤ 0 (2.1.2)
k =1 g g
e e e

∂L ∂Bk ∂Loss ξ ind

ke ( R _ D ( Dk , Qk )) = 0ind
=− +λ +
e e
∂Qk ∂Qk ∂Qk ξ ind
e e e ne equations ke
∂R _ Rk ∂R _ Dk Type 1.1D Consequently, for each demand busbar we have a system of
+ ∑ µk + ξk =0 e
three equations with three unknown variables. Then, it is
k =1 ∂Qk ∂Qk e
e e
possible to determine the values of that variables that
∂L ne
1 equations maximizes the agents’ net benfit.
= Loss − ∑ G k + ∑ D k = 0
∂λ k =1 k =1
g e Type 1.2 Equations (2.1) may also be written as,
g e
∂Lk ∂Bkind ∂R _ Dkind
= pak −e
+ ξ kind =0 e e


∂Dk ∂Dk e
(2.1.1B) e

Let us study the behaviour of an individual agent that plays ∂Lk e ∂Bkind ∂R _ Dkind
in a competitive electricity market. This agent must find the = prk e − e
+ ξ kind e
=0 (2.1.1D)
∂Qk e ∂Qk e e
∂Qk e
values of Gk , Qk (if generator) or Dk , Qk (if demand), at
g g e e

busbar kg or ke in the power system.

B. Generator type agent
We define the following variables, For this agent, the optimization problem may be expressed as
pak e , the price that a demand type agent will pay for one follows,

unit of active energy at busbar ke.

Bkind , the total revenue (or benefit) of the demand type agent
Max ( pak Gk + prk Qk ) − Ckind g g g g g
subject to,
corresponding to the use of the active energy at busbar ke.
R _ Gkind (Gk , Qk ) ≤ 0 k g = 1,
R _ Dkind
( Dk e , Qk e ) , the electrical constraint imposed by the g g g

demand type agent’s equipment at busbar ke. The Lagrangian of this problem is,
pak , the price that a generating type agent will offer for
g Lk (Gk , Qk ,η kind ) = C kind (Gk , Qk ) − pak Gk − prk Qk +
g g g g g g g g g g g
one unit of active energy at busbar kg.
+η ind
(R _ G ind
Ckind , the individual cost for the generating type agent to
kg kg

produce active energy at busbar kg.

The Karush-Khun-Tucker conditions are, Consequently, if we assign the price pak to the active energy g

∂Lk ∂Lk of generator kg, then we will be optimizing the global system
=0 ; g
=0 (2.2.1) g

∂Gk ∂Qk g g
and the individual agents’ behaviour at the same time.
In the same way, if we apply the same procedure to the
R _ Gkind (Gk , Qk ) ≤ 0
g g g
(2.2.2) equations from the global optimization 1.1B, 1.1C and 1.1D,
ηkind ( R _ Gkind (Gk , Qk )) = 0 and from the individual optimizacion 2.1.1B, 2.1.1C and
g g g g
(2.2.3) 2.2.1D, we may obtain the values of pak , prk , prk .
η ind
e g e
The results are summarized below,
Consequently, for each generator busbar we have a system of
 ∂Loss  p
pak = λ 1 −  − µ ∂R _ Rk
three equations with three unknown variables. Then, it is
possible to determine the values of the variables that g
 ∂Gk  k =1
∑ k ∂G (3.2)
  g k g

maximizes the agents’ net benefit.

 ∂Loss  p
Equations (2.2) may also be written as,
prk = −λ   − µ ∂R _ Rk
 ∂Qk  ∑ k (3.3)
∂Lk ∂Ckind ∂R _ Gkind g
= g
− pak + ηkind g
=0 (2.2.1A)
g   k =1
g g

∂Gk ∂Gk ∂Gk g g

 ∂Loss  p
pak = λ 1 +  + ∑ µ k ∂R _ Rk (3.4)
g g g

∂Lk ∂C ind
∂R _ Gkind e  ∂Dk  k =1 ∂Dk
− prk + ηkind g
=0 (2.2.1C)  e e

∂Qk ∂Qk g g
∂Qk  ∂Loss  p
 + µ k ∂R _ Rk
 ∂Qk  ∑
prk = λ 
g g g


  k =1 ∂Qk

Let us compare the magnitudes and equations obtained in

Section II and III.
A. Magnitudes
A. System Marginal Price
The magnitudes that appear in both cases are: revenue, total
cost and constraints. As seen in the previous Section the energy prices are
In the equations for the global system optimization, the basically composed by two terms. The first one, is the
magnitudes that appear are: Bk , Ck , R _ Gk , R _ Dk . We product between λ and a real number. The second one,
e g g e
depends on the operating constraints imposed by the
may observe that this magnitudes were defined for each network.
busbar independently. As also observed before, λ is the (unique) lagrangian variable
On the other hand, in the equations for the individual associated to the whole power system. In addition, the
optimization the magnitudes Bkind , Ckind , R _ Gkind , R _ Dkind , e g g e
dimensional units for λ are the same as for the prices.
correspond to each busbar. Then, Therefore, λ must be a price and due to the first consideration
must be regarded as the system price, as it is related to the
Bkind = Bk ; Ckind = Ck ; R _ Gkind = R _ Gk ; R _ Dkind = R _ Dk ;
e e g g g g e e
whole power system.
In addition, from 2.1.1B, 2.1.1D, 2.2.1A and 2.2.1C, results
that the energy prices represent, either the generator marginal
cost or the demand marginal benefit. As a result we can say
B. Equations
that λ is a marginal price.
For the global system optimization we have ng equations In sum, we can consider λ as the System Marginal Price.
of type 1.1A ,
∂Ck  ∂Loss  p ∂R _ Rk ∂R _ Gk This interpretation may be obtained in a more formal way.
+ λ − 1 + ∑ µ k + ηk = 0 (1.1A) g

∂Gk  ∂Gk  k =1 ∂Gk ∂Gk g

Let us consider the power system optimization problem
g   g g g

without constraints. The problem to solve is then,

On the other hand, for each of the ng generator busbars we
have the equations 2.2.1A, ng
∂Ckind ∂R _ Gkind Max π (G, D, Q ) = ∑ Bk ( Dk , Qk ) − ∑ C k (Gk , Qk )
− pak + ηk
g ind
=0 (2.2.1A) g

k e =1
e e e
k g =1
g g g

∂Gk g
∂Gk g g
subject to:
But, if we take into account 3.1 and we choose pak as, g ng ne

 ∂Loss  p Loss(G, D, Q) − ∑ G k + ∑ D k = 0
pak = λ 1 −  − µ ∂R _ Rk
g e

 g ∑ k ∂G
∂Gk  k =1
(3.2) k g =1 k e =1

  k g g Let us define the system balance funcion as follows,

then, equations (1.1A) and (2.2.1A) result the same.
ng ne ∂Loss
A(G, D, Q) = Loss (G, D, Q) − ∑ G k + ∑ D k - (1 + ) in the case of a demand busbar.
k g =1
k e =1
e ∂D k e

If we consider virtual displacements in π (G, D, Q) and If we make the following change of variables,
A(G , D, Q) then, Pk = Dk ; Pk = −Gk
e g

n ∂B n ∂B ∂Loss
then, it results, pa k = λ (1 + ).
e e

dπ = ∑ dD k + ∑
k k
dQ k − e

k =1 ∂D k =1 ∂ Q e e
k e ek
(4.1.1) e e

n ∂C n ∂C ∂Loss
g g
Therefore, we define fn k = (1 + ) as the Nodal Factor
−∑ dG k − ∑
k k
dQ k ∂Pk
g g

k =1 ∂G k k =1 ∂Q k
g g
g g g g
corresponding to busbar k.
ng ng
∂Loss n
∂Loss ∂Loss e

dA = ∑ dGk + ∑ dDk + ∑ dQk +

k =1 ∂Gk g k =1 ∂Dk g
k =1 ∂Qk
e e
g g
We observe that the partial derivative of the power system
ng losses with respect to the extracted power at busbar k must be
∂Loss n e

∑ =1 ∂Qk
dQk − ∑ dGk + ∑ dDk
e g e
(4.1.2) evaluated at the values of the electrical variables that
ke k =1
k =1 g e correspond to the steady state equilibrium point for a given
In addition, for the maximum we have, optimal dispatch.
∂Bk  ∂Loss  ∂B k ∂Loss
= λ 1 +
e  =λ e

∂Dk  ∂Dk   ∂Q ∂Q k C. Optimal Dispatch

k e e e

Taking into account the previous results and definitions, we

∂Ck g  ∂Loss  ∂C k ∂Loss can say that if the power system is operated at the economic
= λ 1 −  = −λ

∂Gk g  ∂Gk g  ∂Q k ∂Q k optimum from both the global persective and the individual
  g g
agents’ perspective, then the energy marginal cost at each
Then, substituting this expressions in 4.1.1, we have, busbar k is given by,
∂R _ Rip

 ∂Loss  pa k = λ. fn k + ∑ µ i
dD k + ∑ λ ∂Loss dQ k −
ne n e
dπ = ∑ λ 1 + i =1

k =1  ∂D k  k =1 ∂Q k e e
In particular, this must be valid for the marginal generator
e e e e

(4.1.3) connected at busbar m. Thus,

n  ∂Loss 
g n
∂ Loss g

− ∑ λ 1 − dG +
∑ λ ∂Q dQk ∂ RR i

 ∂G k 
k g g pmar m − ∑ µ i
k =1
  k =1 k ∂ Pm
λ= i =1
g g g g

fn m
Moreover, 4.1.2 may be written as, Let us suppose, that there are not network constraints. Then
n 
∂Loss 
e n
∂Loss e if we want that the power system moves in a process of
dA = ∑ 1 + dD k + ∑ dQ k continuous optimum economic states, the dispatch must be

k =1  ∂D k   k =1 ∂Q k
e e
e e e e done ordering the generators in accordance to the ratio of the
n  marginal cost to the nodal factor, from the smallest to the
∂Loss 
∂Loss g

− ∑ 1 − dG k + ∑ dQ k biggest.
 ∂G  k =1 ∂Q k
g g
k =1g k  g g g

D. Nodal Factor Calculation

Then, comparing the last two equations we have,
dπ As we have seen, nodal factors are defined as the partial
dπ = λdA ⇒ λ = derivatives of the total system losses with respect to the
dA extracted power at the considered node.
Consequently, λ represents the system benefit (cost) marginal As total system losses depend on all variables
change when there is a balance displacement. Gk , Qk , Dk , Qk , then nodal factors will necessarily depend
g g e e

on the same variables. Consequently, nodal factors depend

B. Nodal Factors on the particular load-generation state.
As seen before, the active energy marginal prices result It is not difficult to find examples where a given busbar
(without regarding the constraints) from the product of λ by changes from being exporting power to be importing power
the factor, when there is a change in the load-generation pattern. In this
∂Loss case, the nodal factor of that particular busbar will change
- (1 − ) in the case of a generator busbar. from having a value less than one, to have a value greater
∂G k g
than one. This has economic implications as we have seen
that the active energy price in a busbar results from the
product of the system marginal price and the nodal factor. If
we assume that the system marginal price remains
unchanged, a change in the busbar nodal factor will produce In the figure it is shown substation Artigas 150 kV
a change in the active energy price at that busbar. (SEA150), the busbar corresponding to Salto Grande
However, in some regulations such as the argentine, the Uruguay (SGU) and the busbar Montevideo B 500 kV
dynamic characteristic of nodal factors is averaged through (MvdeoB500). In addition, the transmission network
seasonal nodal factors [12] that take into account just an between those busbars is represented.
averaged seasonal load-generation pattern. This may lead to We would like to calculate the nodal factor of busbar
considerable errors in the determination of marginal prices, SEA150. If we take SGU as the slack busbar, then when we
particularly in a system with dispersed hydro-thermic
simulate an increment in the power consumed by SEA150,
generation, where the power flux may reverse in some
that increment will be provided by SGU. The power flux
transmission lines from one generation-load pattern to
through the transmission line to MvdeoB500 will remain
unchanged, the total system losses will increase (because of
The other important simplification that may be observed in the increase in power flux in the transmission line from SGU
some regulation practices is related to the calculation of to SEA150) and the nodal factor for busbar SEA150 will be
nodal factors. Normally, nodal factors are determined from greater than one.
solving a power flow. On the other hand, if we take MvdeoB500 as the slack
To calculate the nodal factor of a given busbar, a small power busbar, then an increment in the power demanded by
variation is assumed at the busbar, calculating then the SEA150 will be provided by MvdeoB500. Thus, the power
change in power system losses. The additional power to flux through the transmission line to MvdeoB500 will
satisfy the new condition from the initial state is provided by decrease and the total system losses will also decrease (the
the slack busbar. This busbar is choosen to be the “market increment of power flux in the transmission line from SGU to
busbar” which is established to be unchanged. Although the SEA150 is less than the decrease of power flux in the
economic conceptual convenience of having a market place, transmission line from SGU to MvdeoB500). As a result, the
where the energy is traded, the calculation of nodal factors Nodal Factor will be less than one.
considering that busbar may lead to inaccurate results.
As it results from the optimal economic dispatch
methodology, the generator which must balance the power VI. CONCLUSIONS
changes is the marginal generator. This means that the
“market busbar” is necessarily changing as the marginal
generator changes. If we assume an unchanged system slack In this work we have determined the regulated prices for a
busbar for nodal factor calculation, there will appear wholesale electricity market that optimize at the same time
inaccuracies because of not taking the real active and the global power system and the individual agents’
reactive network power fluxes. behaviour.
In order to show this situation we will present a simple Moreover, we have defined the system marginal price and the
example taken from the uruguayan system. nodal factors making an in deep interpretation of both
Let us consider the small part of the uruguayan system shown magnitudes.
in Fig. 2. In addition, we have discussed the influence of nodal factor
calculation on the optimization of the power system,
SEA150 analysing a simple example taken from the ururguayan
system. It results that inaccuracies may occur if averaging
nodal factors, particularly for systems with high transmission
Demand losses.
In further publications, we will present the detailed
simulation of various power systems comparing the results
generator for the following cases:
• Dispatch and pricing with exact nodal factor calculation.
• Dispatch and pricing with seasonal nodal factor
500/150 kV
• Dispatch and pricing neglecting losses (unity nodal


Fig. 2. Simplified uruguayan network.
[1] Vickery, William, “Responsive Pricing and Public Utility Services”,
Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, Vol. 2, 1971,
[2] Schweppe, Fred, Caramanis, Michael, Tabors, Richard, and Bohn,
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Mario Vignolo (M’1997) was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1972. He

graduated from the School of Engineering, UDELAR, Montevideo in 1998.
He received an MSc. Degree in Electrical Power Systems from UMIST,
Manchester, U.K. in Dec. 2000. At the moment, he is an Assistant Professor
at the School of Engineering in Montevideo and works with the Electricity
Regulator of Uruguay in the implementation of the regulatory framework for
the uruguayan electricity market.

Raul Zeballos was born in Canelones, Uruguay, in 1955. He graduated

from the School of Engineering, UDELAR, Montevideo in 1979. He has
been working with the utility at Uruguay for many years having great
experience on generation and transmissin systems. At the moment, he is an
Assistant Professor at the School of Engineering in Montevideo.

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