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Ghougha Ammar Middle School Year : 2018-2019

Name: ……………………………… Class: 1MS

The Second Term Exam
My name is james. I am 12 years old. I live in London with my
family. I like playing basketball.I have one brother and one sister. I
have got a dog. It is called skooby doo,it is 2 years old .
Every day morning, I get up at half past six. I have breakfast.
Then, I go to school at half past seven. I finish school at 2 :00 ,I go
back home. In the evening ,I do my homework and I have dinner
with my family. I watch TV and I go to bed at 9:30 pm .

Reading comprehension
Task one: I read the text carefully and complete the following table : (2pts)

Time Event
Half past six . I …………………………..
……………………… I go to school.
Two o’clock . …………………………….
……………………… I go to bed .

Task two: I answer the following questions: (3pts)

1. Does james like playing football ?
2. What time does he go to school ?
3. Does he watch TV at half past nine ?

Task three: I find synonymes of the following : (2pts)

end = …………… wake up = ……………..

mastery of language
Task one: I put the verbs between brackets in the simple present tense : (2pts)

I have two friends. They like sports, Mohamed ( practise) ……………… basketball and Ali
(play)………. Tennis .
Task two: I say what time is it : (3pts)

2:50 9:30 2:00

.................................. ................................... ………………………………..

Task three: I classify the following words in the right column: ( 2pts)

goes – finishes – reads – visits

\s\ \z\ \iz\

I integrate
James is my friend. I write an e-mail to James in which I say what I do at the weekend . ( 6pts)

go to the park wash pet go to al-masjid visit grand-parents

go shopping

Hi, James
At the weekend, I ……………………………… . On Friday morning, I ……………………, I …………………
……………………… .
In the afternoon, ………………. , …………………… , …………………… .
On Saturday, …………………………………………………………………………………………………........................
……………………………………………………………………………………….. .


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