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n Joint PDF of X and Y follows

n Are X and Y independent?

120 HSIEH: Probability and Statistics

Example 4.24
n Joint PDF of U and V follows

n Are U and V independent?

121 HSIEH: Probability and Statistics


123 HSIEH: Probability and Statistics

Example 4.25 Uniform distribution of X and Y over different
regions may have the same correlation coefficient

n Joint PMF of X and Y follows

n Are X and Y independent? Are X and Y uncorrelated?

124 HSIEH: Probability and Statistics

Event and Independence

125 HSIEH: Probability and Statistics

n Let X1, X2, … Xn be iid continuous uniform (0, 1)
random variables (n≥1)
n Find the PDF of

129 HSIEH: Probability and Statistics

Generating Gaussian Random Variables

130 HSIEH: Probability and Statistics


131 HSIEH: Probability and Statistics

Bivariate Gaussian PDF (Take 2)
n Define

n The joint Gaussian PDF can be written as

F A product form where µY depends on x

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140 HSIEH: Probability and Statistics

Marginal PDF is Gaussian

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Conditional Expectation is Linear
MMSE estimator is linear

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Correlation Coefficient is ρ

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Uncorrelated = Independent

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More on Independence
n Let random variables X and Y both have Gaussian
n If X and Y are independent, then X and Y are jointly
Gaussian (i.e. the joint PDF of X and Y follows the
bivariate Gaussian distribution with ρ = 0)
n If X and Y are not independent, then X and Y being
Gaussian does not imply that X and Y are jointly Gaussian
(i.e. the joint PDF is not that in Definition 4.17)

F Example

151 HSIEH: Probability and Statistics

Linear Combination is Gaussian
It means that both X and Y are Gaussian

152 HSIEH: Probability and Statistics

Linear Combination is Gaussian (cont.)
Linear combination of U and V is Gaussian
based on the previous theorem

153 HSIEH: Probability and Statistics

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