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Privy Councillor to The Most Serene Duke of Lorraine,
and Public Advocate to his Duchy

Transla 化d by 正 . 儿 从 ■ 牛 Edi 化d wi化 Introduc­

tion and Not扮 bv the 兄EF. 五17丽 故 《

體 t e a


、 H E crowning 奶il o f all 化e misery and cahmities into which our

times hane fallen , 0 Most 巧lus打iotis Prince, is that
now so easjy or so li巧
umlee acco扣舶d
accotmte汪as jo
forr men not on'
the institutions o f ourfo re f 任thers and to i肋erU and contri说f i
strange religious cults o f whatsoever kind and whenever th ^ phase, but
e。饥 to put auk^ fm n them and abjure 访e i r 。 巧 fa ith and belief in
Godf ivhom all 0化er cuatur" and 舶 ngs created ob巧. Some o f these
owe fkeir fa U to their persistent and over-curious tm erify in inquiring
into and weighit^ wUk their native reason those 化ings 议hick must
necessarily transcend the understanding o f all the senses: and hauing
**set their course by the light o f human reason** th ^ htm been ship-
xvrecked and have overwhelmed thmselves in the terrible surses d id
* CHARLES OF LORRAINE. The third o f M s aa and title; son c f,
I I I o f Lanm u and Claude de B0urb0nf daughter o f Henri jII. H t was bomai JV
:汝^, w d 締 _ er the death 蛛 his 的usirt the 爸0啤 紛心 与 此 》t 巧8 , 成£ see 皆 M etz& r whi成
n il de Gaisi
挺 was destii

destined was aiadnisteui by Nicolas Bosmard, ' BislM o f Verim. On •n t4
14 hec
LHcm on*
!祈 ,(AarUs o f Lonebu urn cr曲 4 a Cardinal Dioccn fy 缸 ius V, and
hi was at Rom , Gr巧巧y X IV raiwd him to the ArU
Sm ia Agata. So great were the Itaming and tmpUuy piety o f Me ptdaU that h was
•shop o f Strasburg、》Af巧,! 巧 an decHon•Uetio* £djf tovfirm ei by Cltnunt VIIL

was stmek down by paralysis^ and, ihe
曲 《ilu ju s t a t
Ambr&sioas to kis 成
timise Amoronc
(he Gmrdi
4 j^ooember, , 的 * Amongst

; HefoujuUd mW-houses
A ■ - *•
Church h s!。 wortfy and devoUd SM u4un
iuses 0 C^iputhins and Minims*
• 、
m d tfu
oihr Orders he tvtlco.
o f Us devotion he c man, precious to the ganctua^
" of ~ includtng
including a• Crw. a
CkaUci two massivg amdUsticksf cnutf> c pcx* and asper卸
ChaUcg, m J 苗fy waUr pet, paii a box
fo r 众£ hosts, att 蛛^crystal end gold 蛛 4X批 siU w a r h r u i • 成巧说 mo巧 nobU gifts to his
Chunk 讀 S, A gika al Rom 、 M d to A ittz CciJudral he presinUd iiu rich t〇 PestrU$ thatfw
long yean ih€ fOM rfestipaU*


whirlpools o f the rankest blaspken^. Others, on the contrary, hose been

destrcyed by A eir sluggishness and slow stupidi^ o f understandings by
which th ^ are chie曲 exposed to credulity when th巧 are fanned 每 the
wind o f anger or desire and other po议巧fid aff说tions. 拉 is in stuh
preserves that the devil lo i^ fo r Ms pr巧, and he does riot cease to hunt
fo r the man o f such mental sloth who has been led on by poverty to
despair, by injwy to revenge, or the desire o f something to the seizure
and oc^asiHon thereof. For by such spurs he urges them m , and tiien he
moulds than into a readiness to embrace a ^ p lm that he suggests, and
leads them bjf 典 ent and specious promises to swear allegiance to
The atheists o f ^ form er class are begotten^ bred and protected hy
the freedom which in our time has arisen J r ^ the oartety and confasion
o f nations, and it is generalfy sai注 that tkeir m akers haoe reached a
figure that is not easily creditable. But ei&ter became brood in
sUence over their Ma^hinUes and,hi出ng behind the cover o f whatever
form o f "ligion comes to their hand, escape detection and aecus狂技on;
or else because th巧 do not, out q f 從al fo r 啦 idoiis, collect a
folloiving, th巧 are 奶erlooked and are onfy called~a term o f the basest
inadequacy in view o f the enormify o f their impiety—Ucentims: in 化巧
case no proceedings are taken against them, nor are th巧 hd d tip fo r a
public example.
As fo r those o f the second class who are befouled in the mire o f
witchcraft, I would U) God that U were false indeed that their numbers
have bee打increased bjy the negligence 腑3 lazinm o f 舶fse whose dufy if
is to pre江ck from the public ptdpits and to instruct and c的如m the 扣^ o f
men in piety! But the truth is indicated 岐 the fa ct that tke greater
p 财t o f suck men is drawn from the cillagers and peasants 泌ko 傷前 but
•frigid and inJireqmU discoums, it may be even no sermons at alUo说em-
in复God and the things bj which a sound 抑 tfi (our chief protection
against the wiles o f that Crafty one) is established, nourished and d6tp~
rooted in 化e hearts o f Cfiristicms. This fa ct has k d to the opinion
that 泌 e should rather pitjy than pimisk suck m n ; since it is not o j their
own wish and desire tiat th巧 ha桃 sw成化 suck a I仰el o f foulest depravity,
biU owing 化化e inevitable 讯isforUm o f their tveakne" and utterf e 洗h -
MSS; a n i that whatever their sin m巧 be, it is as it were confined 泌 ithin
the bounds o f their own folly and error o f he的t, and does not 血 OJ巧
exterior ham 化 other people. JU is 台Qss化le that suck considerations k (^
h p t mariy Frenchmen (who in other respects are in no wajy iriferior to

Other in their intellectiuU actim你 and soundness o f .ju d gm en t fro ‘

having implicit belief m ivitchcraft. But whether it be ma击u or
impie巧,化is crime ;s alwqysassociaUd with and inseparablefrom sorce巧
and t知打扣rial harming o f otherfolk and other suck manifMt iniqui巧" 化(U
it i s 。押 啦 。 complete marvel all men have not recognised tke fire beneath
such smoke.
And fo r my part, since my lot has been fo r so many years to
conduct the trial o f capital offences in Lorraine, it has seemed that there
is no £〇 u r" left me but U) publish i h truth o f all the prodigious tales
that a付 told o f this sort o f tvitchcrqft, p a rticu la r^《 说‘h as have com
ivithi打W 0化n experi饥ce in examinati(瓜 o f eases zvhick haue passed
through my own hands. This zvas not (Ufir別讯jy de献 erate design and
purpose, since I knew 化at many excellent 任打d weightjy columes kaue
alreaffy been published on this su复 ject 吟 the most learned authoTS, and
since neither tnj priuate nor pubUc affairs left me leisure enough to
write anjtkifig but cm U^amstructed and inadequate (reatisg. BtU is
mjf custom 化 rest myse{f betwMn 巧y periods o f ojpce, and as fa r as
possibU to relieve the tedium o f laSour b j 公m e pleasant variety; and
since I retiredfrom m j judicial ojice to turn to more congenial studies,
andfrom lakat I have recaUfy read or heard then was in冷resstd upon
my memo^ somewhat as jfet untold relating to 瓜 illusions and spells
〇y loitches; wherefore I cone饥traUd 啤俯 this as i f it had been 前me
poetic fable (and certainly then might well appe町 to be some
between the two), and zvrote a copy o f ixrses upon A e subject, which
rhymes I later threw careUssfy into my coffers. A ll the profit I expected
from this zoos agreeably to pass away my hours o f ease and not 炒X 巧
s eff up entirefy 化 sloth and 1化汝w s. But at last, yielding to considerable
luragement, and being provided loith the necessaiy leisuri
pes巧lence 泌hick was 化en ir^estir巧化e ci皆, ihe desire came upo
we脚e together these Mattered <m3 disordered twi巧,巧uU
might as fa r as I could sweep away 曲巧 d<mbt &at might
man’s mind which kept him from accep插ig the '
But because 抑en 巧 work 出d not s的m to c狂ny enough conviction (fo r
who m巧 not suspect even the truth to be a ]ictio打 in that kind o f
w ritingf), 2 had recourse 化 。 method which is apt 化 carry the most
weight and autkori巧 in persuading men o f the tru化;namelj), the exact
and eUar dwignation o f $ke 巧ents, persons, pla c" and times comprised
in wo戍: not indeid o f aU o f them, but onlj o f those which I had
noted and remarked in recent years. For, as I have said, it was not at the

Jirst mj> intention to gather together this bundle 皆 tales, nor had I pre­
pared myselffo r 化 extensive a work.
However, such as this book is which I have in 0ie end completed,
rather chance tka打bj inten&on, I have been the more easify persuaded
to pubhsk it since I heardfrom that 说口 (User说t and eminent man, my
good frien d , Thierry A lix, Master o f Acem pts in the realm o f
Lorraine, that such a step wouldjind favour with our Most Serene Duke,
jyouT Father, with whom he told me iU had actually spoken on the subject.
It then rm ainedfoT me 化 choosefo r 巧 a patron <m whoM protection and
cham护onship 巧 might refy against the malice o f 舶ise who ea梦rl, and
carpinglj note and observe aw^thing in order to find fa u lt w{^k 巧. To
ha说 饥 fo r this office youT noble so great a frin ce and so near
in blood to all the nUghtie巧 Kings o f (Christian Europe, wmld have been
the extreme o f audacity were it not that I am a man o f Lorraine, bom
and bred, bringing out 蛛 coun的 *5《 化res that tokich I think be
o f some use, and thus as it were native cot^idence I venture to beg this
favour o f you, who are the chief glory and omamait o f Lorraine;
rath" were ft notfo r your gracious kindliness which 做 one has yet sought
and be抓 d饰ied, andjbr jo u r favour and benevolence towards all wi^om
j/oit know 化 have earned a!巧 comme打化执讯 in biters, 前 that it is said
化任t ih价£ is no sur林巧ad than this U>your 任 pprobation.
I f,packancew er-cor^dent,IdareU >eTn‘bellisha nd ad om th ism j
th a tIm a j^th e‘bettersaue<m dsa!v6itfrom darknessand^leen,itzviU
be jiour kindliest indulgence alone shouldjiou allow it fo r the reasons and
causes I have rehearsed above, which all have their origin in you:and
although it is unworthy o f your high renown and greatness, yet I
would humbly entreat you to accept it as a free gift from him who vows
and devotes fiim sdf wholly to 文〇11 with all possible lowliness and humility,
and who wi化 never cease 化pr巧 化 e Supreme Maker o f all long 化 pre­
serve JO" s狂 f e 狂nd unharmed in alljo u r manjy and difficult tasks,and mqy
H e ever grant jyou, dear Lord, all jo u r desires, and JidJil j/our 奶6巧
From Nancy.

. , . ! f


G O U 及T E O U S R E A D E R

了 is the custom o f tkose u ^ offer a book to the fmMic lo pufacc 妨me explana­
tion o f 伍e chrcttmtane坊泌 have led 化 the writing o f it, 妨 that 拓巧 majf
not be dmged either with a rash adoentuTCy or with arrogance in concealing the
\ty o f tiieir motives. In order tiuU / may escape suck an aceusatioiiy espedally
having regard to the subject o f w which has bten tTMtai so variousfy
with suck eontrover巧 fy 巧 mo巧 authors, I ha说 taken care, hormrtd Reaiier, to
that I had indeed smu ffxfd const fo r w 心 巧 i 化Wy i f
should at aU come home 化 you, th巧 油 ould bt not without sotM
When a man’s attention is contimunufy 饰gaged wi化 a certain 扣岭cf,妃
mind becomes sofull o f it that often hefom s the 占si巧 o f recor出ng his opinions
o f it in writing, either to 〇€〇1拉> his moments o f l e ^ e , or nu^liap because ke
ihinks that his absenations wUi Mt be M份也 without service to a ^ s . I 洗all
not de巧 that in tvriting 舱sJy灯nonolsi行y whkh I nowpuMish, I was (utuabd
by both the above motives^ but by tack in a different degree. For while I wasfo r
nearlyfijkcnjft的s contimousfy conducting the trials o f criminals in Lorraine, mj
head was enlirefy filed with considerations o f the monstrous assmblus o f the
ivitcheSf who were frequently among those who came up before mefo r trulls
with Noughts o f their banguetings, dancingSy charm and speU!, theirjw rn ^ngs
through the airy the horrid practices o f their carnal relations with the Demn^
theirfrequent transmutation into other shapes andfo rm {for so it semed)y and
all the crimes and blasphemies with wMcft ii is we" known that their lives are
polluted and utterly 的也山 And i f at times mjf indinations turned to 比e gentUr
muses {as must the en^ne o f any man who has some liUraty bent), and I wished
agne& lj to occupy mj leisurefrom myjudicial 议ork xvitk the making o f verses,
it was the thought o fstoA subjects as I havejust mmurated that, from mjf recent
memories o f them,妨ed 化 beat at mjf brain fo r expression andfound nu not un­
willing to give it words; fo r H 從m ed to me 化 be a subject not unsuiUtMefo r
verses, which it was my pleasure to make during my vacations. Accordinglyy I
, it chanced to amu to
o f this OT that aspect o f the subject at haphazard! as
xind; and / was like, ione who makes a " b t and careiessfy throws aside 化6


cutHngj iti。 disordered he碑 ; but later, when th巧 haw groum to。 certain number,
takes each one out atreJUlfy aad uses those pi,ces that are suitable如 the making
o f a patchwork garment wMe、 i f it has no other merit, maj> like a piece o f mosaic
own ssme beautyfrom its very variety.
But because the narration o f actual facts {of which this nudl巧 is JUH)
is the best means o f coming at tke 瓜 ar light o f trulk; and because suchfacts are
"a d wi成 man atiaUion than fa M " or inven曲沉s; and b执ause men can more
easily occupy their time with a loork which combines entertainment with utility: J
thought thai I should not ill employ my labour i f I savedfrom so unmerited a
judgement those parts o f my work which, owing 化 their strangeness and novelty
and theform in which th^ au written, might not command M 峨 and therefore
I had recourse to 。 metkok which usuaUjr carried the most conviction o f the 占1化,
瓜id so I 讯rengthened the authority q f arguments by an exact 也sigmtim o f the
persons, places and times w总 A I ha说 【
events, hronicied. But since ! had notfrom
tfu fa st been collecting the tucessaiy material, and I had (as I have said) onfy
jotted doom suck details in le i^ e as th巧 occumd 化 me fr m Hme 化 time
singfy out o f 说 vast and scattered a store; I b巧an to select and r成ord whatever
semed best suited to my purpose 哪 examinations o f prisoners during the
lastfineyears’ andlmdeaooundtorecoliectiohatJUouMyromthoseoftlujKaTS
before, ivfiick I had something neglected,巧曲at 巧y ob訪rvoHons might be tlie b*t-
ter amplifttd, PinaUjf, 泌ishing to於 id some congenial occupationfo r 巧y solitude
i扣the country (whither I had retired ott account o f the pU ^ u 设 心 h was ra接ng
in the city), i found among papers ihe materials ! requiredfor these com-
mentaries,加d clas诗Ud 化em under their prop押 luads, and 化 I was able to 础 'ect
some cohesion throughout the whole.
These I now put beforeyou, honoured Header, aU dufy andfaitkfidly record-
ing the results o f 仇y long 〇-bservation and experience. And ! iMnk thatyou will
haue no cause 化 coiid的nn ivork, unit" perhaps th巧 are right who 5巧 that wt
oughi 打ot to tol许ate those who abuse their Itisure in terrij^ 打 g men's minds b j
uiling far-fetched stories o f UU andfu tile matters ivhicft cotU d^d^y kaoe gained
any credence 巧化 in the dark dqys o f ignorant 前itiguitj). And althoi巧h this 〇y 〇>
tion is sufficiently met what I have just said o j the authetUicUjy 蛛 all the cir-
cumstances, ivitn的sed by the public Tec的ds o f 化e places w hm each o f th侃 oc-
curred: je t , that I mig-fit siveef awqy d l scruples and doubts from 在e minds o f
those who come as strangers 凸nd guests to this book, I have not iusiUiUd 化ampli挺
it with c押tain similar and Jmrallel incid饥ts tak化f i m 0化押 Uarj似I and ehqiunt
authors; since 2 thought thai 化6 narrotion o f 〇化灯 eoents "hick affree with
own experience would in no small d巧r扣 bring yet 巧eaUr light 化 bear upon 成t



1 have given my work the title o f Demonolatry. For although tfuir meta-
morJ)hos", spells, strange iMckcraJl,glamours, raising o f storms, and other such
portents haue each o f them material Mougit 化 m erit。 sepwaU title; 2 thought
that the greatest emphasis should be laid upon tke abominaWe blasphemy 〇辛their
impious cult, since that is the cause from which all the otfur manifesiations o f
w U chcraJifiim theiroriginandbegittning.Itisihis’ indM dfivhichhaSffromits
ve巧 d部 cul巧 and magnitude, persuaded the more ignorant that there is in 。some-
thing o f a dinine nature; fo r it is fo r wretched mortals 化 mistake 化e false
fo r the true. Who ind牌d would not woTship as a god a being 议ho can at ivill
change the shape and appearance o f things; can in a moment take awqy life, and
again restore it as though recalled from 化e dead; whom the B巧y eleme打ts ob巧;
who can foreW l the future; emd can perform coun抹" s other prodigUs ivftick are
fa r b巧and the eapaciti的扣id str的巧th o f hum凸nity?
I f 会erhaps som抑ne may objtct 化a t ! have used little art or TMthod or order
i 打settingforih these observations, J sluUl take no great offence, siruf I have an^le
excuse. For tvho, as the old 护TO。 押b sajs ,can make bricks without straw? Wever-
tfieless,! decided 化present them 化 the reader such as 历巧前6, without method ■
order, ra化价 than through f t 前 o f their being too discomucted 化 aUo扣 them
rm a tn longer hidden and wrapped round with the thick darkness o f silence.
For I knew th^ th^ cont<nned much which (a j fa r as I have heard) no one has
mor^> and (Hstinfftishek with such varie矿 J>for has at^ writer in his narrative
adduced 的 g u a t。 number o f ewes as ! haw ban able to bringforward and at
first hand. Accordingfyy as I have saUt ajler an individual consideration o f my
examples andfacts I was led to do no less than coll坊t ihm tog幻her in one b〇4)f;
but since much o f nij work Motud to adapt its,皆化 suck a form, and I was not
公>巧ffo r the m pl巧merU it gave me, I was deUmined to p u t。 all together,hoto-
ever roughlyy in the mcaaur in whichjmu now set it: even asfrom afew mattered
houses in the course o f time cities come into being with crooked and disordered
struts, because the whole city was no%plamud as such from the beg^nmngy but
gjtw up haphazard with no知 edpurpose,b^fond the c h ^ t o f。 uUiier more level
siUfor bu在ding ken and t/ierc. this collection is not 化 entiufy without som
method that U has not。 continuous thread; not indeed suck as is demanded fy the
canful andpr妨ise tr化litions andprecepts o f art, but such as is 似化U in the telling
o f tales, wheu each incidaU is recorded in accordaru* wUh the order and place o f
its occurrence.
Thus I selected to write in 也hat ma it is that m njirst b彷onu infgckd
with tfu taint o f wUchcraJls in what arts 化巧 a u instructed, and hew th巧Journ^
to their Sabbats* and the plots thejf weave ^urt; how th ^ cause siekiuss an d,heal

Xl l T O T H E C O U R T E O U S R 巨 ADER

it at 比eir w ill; how ik巧 bring ruin upon the crops; ivhetker, whe打化巧are brought
to trial, th巧 Mpent, or whither th巧 are so hardened in their obstinacj 化at they
defeat the sagacity o f eve打比6 wisest Judge; and how they devise and perfoT饥many
more effects o f this sort, which it would take too long 化 enum灯aU. For from all
these facts it will be easy 化 understand and be fu 吵 convinced 化at 化ere are
witches,unU" ive deUberatelj intend U> s" and understand nothing. This indeed
m aj be ihe知 St and most imporUmt question in this dispute. And ( f my ivork as a
whole should not meet 扣ith approval, as being too prolix and diffuse, yet perhaps
the reader w illJind some pUosure in 饥any o f its details,化ken s巧 打 b j tkm -
It 饥巧 be that 扣me will accuse me o f btin呂打otfii打 g but a utail灯 o f maTvd-
lous stories, s枕ing that I sp化k o f witches raising 邸 clouds and tra口舰ngtkrouglt
the air, pe 打etrating through the 打arrowest openin护, e凸ting, dancing 凸nd lying
with Demons, andperforming manj 0 化er such prodigies andportents. But J would
li脚e them kno化知 St 化at it was from no "(Utered fumours, but from ifie inde-
pendent 江〇(1 concordant testimonj o f mar^ witnesses AeU, as I have said, I have
reported these things as certain facts; secondly, that I haue 的giud these 讯atters
not captiously but iogicallj, and have alwajys tried to adduce proofs which are in
accordance with the spirit o f the Christian religion; andfinally, that all who wish
U> do so are perf说tly free 化 disagree wi化 me, fo r I do 打ot prof时s to give utter-
扣做化 infalKMe decrees. However, i f anjane should ask nu opinion o f these
rela&ons, I should s巧 that thej are not 如 from the truth, and that are
certainly more worthy o f credence than are several other tales which, Tieverthdess,
the writers o f ancient times regarded as beyond all doubt. For what are we to
think o f the story to be found in the Commentaries o f € . Epidius、 o f tw s and
oxen and 饥en as:es speaking? Or o f an olive-jard crossing the public road, and
a ploughedfield crossing 机许 to take its place? Pliny * sqy$ that this happened
in his day in the land o f the Marrucini. Wkat are 出e to think o f tfu stories o f
Amphion、 leading wild beasts 凸nd trees, and Orpheus rocks,的 iheir singing
and music? Tet Patisanias (H eliakon 2) ivrites that an Egyptian told him that
their Magicians, who were 说ryfamous in their art, could aciuallj do this. What
o f two fiiUs rushing 化另ether like rams, and flying ap的t again? Yd Roman
• ''Hiitoria N aiuralhr Thebes and husband o f }fwbe. See
8 3 : " 斯 。 minus inm ostentum el nostra
扣 ijginus, '^FabelUu: ' V I and VII. Also
cogiwuitaetas,化讯0 N " 饰is principi:扣premo, 书trace, "A ts Poetica,"巧 i~g6:
sicutin "bus eius expotuimus, pratis oUisque,
intercedenU uia publica, in contraruis sedes siluestris homines socer inierpreique deorum
trans巧t" is , in agro Mamuino, praediis caedibus " idc山 知 do deuiruU Q,p}uus,
Uectii Marcelli eqmtis Rojiumi, res Neronis dictus ob Unire iigris rabuUsque
proeuTontis.'* i^ 'o R , Thebanae conditer urbis,
sono U
tesUiiinis etprue blanda
f *'Amphion'' Son o f Antiope by Jupiter;


History * testyUs that this occurred once near Modena. What, finally^ o f the
seed sowing itself while the sowers took their rest: o f chairs ivalking about and
pouring out wine and water: o f b rw 扣 化 的 •前" s o ffin g the 邸 ; all o f 设hick
Apollonius t said that he saw at the house o f larchas and other GymrwsopkisU?
narrafioti must 彻t, therefore, be doubted on the ground that it contains much
that is new and unheard-ofand contrmy to the laws o f natare: fo r much that the
Demons,泌 诚 their mightypowers,前e oMe to perform is entkeljf inconsistent with
the nornud limitations o f nature. Xo one then will tJdnk my nana^n unworti^
on that account to be handed down to posterity, as long as it is free from all
absurdily. For I know that there are maj^ whoy because o f suck repoTts, are ready
to believe 0化ers which are utterlj ridiculous: 化 that witches can by tkeir spells
change 讯en from being men and turn them into beasts; that their souls at times
departfrom 化 如 bodies, and return again 化 than as 皆 by rightofpostUmi巧;that
those wi化 who讯 执 e Datum lies become p u巧 ant by him; and m a^ 0成er suck
vanities "hick ih^ tell 似 in all s打iousness, tiying to persuade us 〇
y their
But I have no more in common wi化 those 访ho in this let the uins o f their
credulity go loose,than I have with those who hold them in 扣0 tight. For both
a " in error; 化efolk <mthe one hand who n j彷t the eviden访 o f logic and dailj ex-
perience; and on 游 other hand 献 fo 陡 who believe and accept 议hat must be
repugnarUia the under成mditig o f wise mm.
Let the gentU reader, then, estimate and judge everj化ing by the light o f his
own reason. And i f I have been led by credulity to which even the best o f us are
at times subject, to accept too strange a matterfo r the tr社化;的皆化 rough excess
o f criticism, o f which sometimes even the most modest art guiltjy, i have too
rej妨ted a 巧thing; the read押 w ill pardon it in consideration o f the experience and
cor^m ce tvhich^ fn m mjf long judicUU practice, I haw won in this SMt o f dis­
quisition, fo r when 。man has him sdfSMn and heard these things,H gi 〇 €s him
the greater cot^eacs to speak o f ^tan, and tke greater Ttsolve i。 (Uftnding his
* "Romm Hist货y .,> Pli巧, "HisUnia sages m d chief o j ttu Brahmins^ enUrtmmi
WiiuraUs、*>U , 83: Mpadum tst et hoc setM与 A j^ hnius phihsophn visiUd ImlUL
ouod equidem in Etmscae £sciptiruu See
心 心 the "u iia A批 l0nit, f o f PM osir地IS,
bus inuenif in^ns ierrarum porUntum, L. Book III. The chairs and dumtMvaiters w m
Marcio, Sex. lulio coss. m 4igro MuHfmst.
Jiamque monies duo itUer u tonctsrrmuU,
roi>¥ npa C kS«
*s. Book V> x ii, has:
〇 4 rov% tp(voSa\
crepiiu maximo adsuIianUs, reetdenUsquey inter
easfimma JmoquB in coelttm exeunU inierdui^
^pecUaUe e uia magna t 知 turn Rotna^ 巧 jo
ft; O^'(〇
从•知如 '知
,向 S'oifc
norum*fomilimonque ttiaiorum muUituJiw. IVhen mtong (hi Indtcm he beheld
Eo conettrsu mUat m m s tlis<u: animalia thHr tripods and their dumb waiters end other
penmdta, quae ifUra Jkm m i,€x<mifM!a swU、 automata, wkkh I describtd as enUfing the
amw m ie 4〇 ciaU beUmn, quod hand scio an r〇(m o f their own accord^ he did not ask how
fuimtius terror ipsi lUtUaefuerU quamciuilia." were eorUrived,n&r did fu ask to be
informed; he otdy praised ihm, but did not
aspirt to irniiaU 沁 nu
Claude and Emanuel
to their Father*s

INCE the same author* gave you birth

S Who brought 似 also to this eaiih,
We are your brothers; and ,twQuld look
HI and unbrotherfy, 0 Book,
I f from your home you should go out
jm r zvanderi打 gs zvitkout
Some parting gift or blessing. So,
Seeing no better way we know
As n ee^ scholars, we must use
The scholars’ way, who court 化e Muse
E i化押 to bless theirfriend s, or curse
Their enem i" in feeb k verse.
First, Ut no carping critic dare
ScciTck you f o ' faults zvhich ate not theire:
Ofj i f he needs must heave his gorge
A tiv o ir k n o tw T o iig h tc U h is o w T ifo ir g c ,
To drink the poison o f his tongue
May he grow ears more rough and long
Than 化〇巧 the fool King once pressed flat
To hide 化抑I ’neath his Phrygian hat.
S打ong in 化is wi洗 go boldly hence
And enter wi化 all confidence
The Courts o f Justice:fa n the fire
Before it flic良化肌d expire
Untended 吟 some Judge too shw
To stir its embers to a glow ;
For in these days there are toofew
Who will rekntlessijy pursue
Witches until, fo r vengeance sake.
They bring them to the hurni打 g sUike,
’舶< flW
or.Theoi*iginaIversesare€(〇公江)玉 11 1116 711 1

E D I T O R ’S I N T R O D U C T I O N
^ H E G au ls, rem arks J u liu s C a esa r, in his De Bello GallicOy V I , a rc
am on g th e m ost supe 巧titious o f a ll n ations o n th e fa ce o f th e
earth. N o t o n ly d o th e y offer h u m a n sacrifices, b u t th e y have
a m ysterious co lleg e o f pri 访位,化 e D ru id s, w h o perform these
lo a th ly rites w ith m a n y strange a n d h orrid cerem onies a n d w h o stra itly
en cou rage a n d n u rtu re this a b o m in ab le superstition. M oreover, as e a rly
a s 。8〇。•私 , accord in g to th e h istorian J u stin , w h en Brennus w as in v a d in g
M aced on ia an d G reece, n o 巧ep d id he ta k e unless th e om ens o f th e sacreS
birds b ad 6rst bee 凸 consulted a n d fou nd fa vo u ra b le, for th e G a u ls are
m ore versed th a n a n y oth er folk in tl u ts o f a u g—u ry a n d d ivin ation ,
W ritin g a cen tu ry after th e tim e o f C laesar, a esa 。 Pom ponius M ela e la , th e
geographer, d " c r ib e s 化 e G a u ls as a sp le e n & l a n d superstitious ra ce , a
peop le savage an d dangerous to th e la st d egree, since th ey considered
th a t 出 e ir gods could b e best p la ca te d w ith m o rta l b lood . T h e re
existed am on g th em secret societies w h o w ere instructed b y th e D n iid s
in occu lt lo r e ; th ey w ere observers o f th e hosts o f h eaven , a n d from
th e trail o f a swi 行 vagrom com et o r th e b la 玄e o f a 位llin g sta r th e y
revealed to the jjeople th e im p lacab le a n d relentless w ill o f th e ir d ark
deities. T h ese w izard m asters claim ed as th eir disciples th e scions o f
the nobl 巧 t hou 化 s ; th ey toi*e yo u n e an d lik e ly lads from th e ir hom es
to 化ain them in every hidd en a r t ; & e ir schools w ere th e so lita ry caves
o f th e co ld pathless m ountains or th e darkest depths o f fe a rfu lly
haunted woods. T h e sam e w riter tells o f th e m aid en priestesses, nine
in num ber, w ho dw elt upon the lo 打e Isle o f S ein am id the surges o f
the A tlan tic, o f f the coast o f B rittany, w eird w om en w h o w ere b elieved
to h ave the pow er o f raising storms a t sea an d o f lu llin g the w aves to
rest again b y their po 化 nt ch arm s; n a y, m ore, w h o co u ld transform
them selves into the shape o f an y beast or b ird o f prey, w h o co u ld send
pestilence an d fam ine, or i f th ey w o u ld co u ld heal an y m anner o f dis­
ease even such as leech craft m igh t not to u ch , w h o kn ew th e future
and could 化 U it.
I t was at the com m e 打cem ent o f the fifth cen tu ry th a t the Franks b egan
to o ccu p y G a u l, and in th e cou 巧c o f n ot a g re a t m an y years th e ancient
Frankish legislation, the S a lic L a w , w as redu ced to a w ritten form , to
be finally sanctioned under K in g C lovis, w h o ru led from 4 8 1 - 5 1 1 .
T h a t secret ri 化s an d w k c h c ra 打 w ere 技r from uncom m on is a m p ly
evidenced b y the provisions o f this ven erab le code. A t first h e a v y fines
w ere inflic 化d. Seventy-tw o sous an d H aifa g old en co i 打w as the p en alty
川 |


for 拉shioning th a t ch arm o f bale, the dreaded w itch ,s k n o t; a n y w ho

accused his 打eigiib ou r o f sorcery y e t was un 互ble to prove the charge
m igh t be am erced i 打 the sam e su m ; an equ al m ulct th e statu 化 de­
m anded from th e m a n w h o said un 化u ly th at such a one had been
prese 凸t a t th e S a b b a t ; a 多ain a y e t la rg er fi打e, one hundred an d eighty-
seven sous, w as im posed for de 位m in g a n y w om an as a w itch unless
clearest ^ ro o f o f h er iniquities w ere forth com in g; w hilst i f a n y w itch
w as c o n v ic b d o f h a vin g ftastied upon the flesh o f children, the enormous
sum o f tw o h u n d red sous w as levied.
T h e code o f th e V isigoths p re 化ribed y e t s化m e r measures. T h e
w arlo ck w h o k a d 心 lied 江n y person b y his spells and i 凸ca 打记tions was
to b e punished w ith d e a th ; i f he h ad harm ed goods or th e crops in
th e fid d s, b u t it co u ld 打ot be show n th a t he h ad tak en li 拓, his mis­
deeds w 灯 e rew ard ed w ith scourging a n d ser 妇 om . S u ch w as th e fa 化
o f **workcrs o f evil an d those w h o raised tempests, those w h o are said
to destroy th e vines o r harvest b y their incantations, those w ho b y the
in vocation o f devils trou ble their neighbours or w h o sacrifice a t n igh t
to th e D em on w h om in their w ickedn 巧s th ey caU u p on w ith im pious
p rayers."
Ecclesiastical a u th o rity n ow to o k u p th e m atter. A t th e beginnii^;
o f th e sixth cen tu ry th e bishops com plained th a t th e south o f F ran ce
w as in 拓$巧d b y a u g u 。 an d diviners w h o exercised such a n untow ard
influ en ce o v e r n o t m erely th e peasants b u t m en o f p u b lic position an d
吟 w er 化 a t in som e districts & e r e w as h a rd ly a person to b e found ,
ric h o r p oor, m in d ed to en g ag e u po 凸 a n y serious un dertakin g w ith ­
o u t h a vin g p revio u sly consulted these charlatans a n d w o n e than
ch arlatan s, w h o n o t o n ly em p tied th e purses o f th eir dupes b u t m ade
th eir lives m iserable w ith th eir ly in g prophecies a n d predictions. T h e
bishops ord ered th a t so fa r from resorting to these w retches, th eir
q u o n d am clients ra th er to d enounce th em to th e lo cal authorities^
a n d after h a v in g b ee n d u ly pim ished, th e cre w o f £ilse diviners and
paynim haruspices w ill b e sold in to b itter b on d age an d slavery.
抑 tchcraft, an d accusations o f w itch craft, b 说 a m e prom inent in
con n exion w ith th e p o litical gam e o f kings a n d queens. W hen in 578
F redegonde lost on e o f h e r sons, she p rom p tly con trived th a t the
gen eral M u m m o l, w h o m she o p en ly b ated , should b e accused o f h avin g
killed th e y o u n g p rin ce b y sorcery. I t w as a lleged th a t h e h a d con-
扣 Ited w i 化 a n d o b ta i 凸ed envenom ed charm s 岳 3m certain e v il hags
w h o la y u n d er th e liveliest suspicions o f b ein g adep 色 in poisoning and
th e b la ck a rt. H o w e v er 化 a t m a y b e, he w as arrested, w & ls t 五m m iber
o f th e w itches co n cern ed w ith him w ere b urn ed a t th e stake, drow ned
o r b roken on th e w h e el. S in ce ;口 spi 化 o f repeated tortures no confes-
sio 凸 co u ld b e extorted from M u m m ol himself, h;s " 拓 w as spared, b u t
h e h ad been so m a ltrea ted th a t h e survived o n ly a few days, an d k
w as rum oured a t th e tim e th a t he w as, in fact, incontinently assassinated
b y th e ro y a l com m an d .
m m m m

W h en tw o o th er ch ild ren o f G h ilp eric a n d F red egon de d ied su dd en ly

in sw i 化successio 凸, this fU m ished grou 凸d 拍 " h e r accusations o f w iteh -
cra ft against p rom inent peop le w h o stood in th e o ld queen’s w a y a n d
w h o m she 出各 n o t hesitate to p u t to d ea th . A t 出 e sam e tim e F red e­
g o n d e h erself w as g iv e n o v e r to th e grossest 扣 perstitions, a n d she
m aintained a p a ck o f fortune-tellers a n d w a r l o ^ , in pa^ ticular 汪
w om an possessed b y a p yth o n icai spirit, in w h cee p>owers she trusted
to secure h er fro m th e consequences o f h e r crim es. B y m eans o f these
& u l satellites she succeeded in terro rizin g th e kin gd om u n til h e r d eath
in 59 7. H e r g re a t riv a l, B ru n eh au t, w a s executied a t 此 e co m m an d o f
C lo ^ a ir e I I in th e y e a r 6 13 . S h e aJso w a s co m m on ly rep uted to b e a
w itch , a n d 化 w as said th a t 孟 e w as esp ecially skilled in th e frig id ch arm
o f im poten cy kn ow n as nouer VaiffiHletU^ a d ev ice w h ich w as re gard ed
w i 化 especial hoiTor a n d detestation, as b ein g au daciou sly a n S m ost
contum eliously opposed to th e d irect co m m an d o f th e C reator.
G h ilp eric I I I in 742 issued a n a p p e a l to th e ecclesiastical authorities
to assist h im in suppressing a ll Icmds o f d iv in a tio n ; sacrifices to th e
fie n d ; h u m an sacrifices w h ich w ere still offered in d ark co m ers a n d
th e rem oter d is tr k 色, w h ere th e H反 o f a slave co u n ted fo r little ; w orship
o f th e d ea d a n d necrom ancy, th e con fection o f poisons an d u n clean
love-am ulets, w ith m a n y o th er dangerous crafts a n d conjurations.
U 口d er C lia rlem a g n c th e statutes b ecom e even m ore d e 巧n ite a n d
w ere m ore strictly enforced. A la w w as passed w h ich p roh ib ited in
m ost ab 化 lu 化 化 rms a n y consul 化 tions w i 沾 com m on fortune-tellers o r
a n y in q u iry from such fo 比 as to th e m ean in g o f dream s o r a n y k in d o f
p ee lin g into the fu tu re ; m agicians, en chan 化 rs, tho 化 w h o p reten d to a
know ledge o f th e years to com e, those w h o feign to b e ab le to evoke
ra in or 化m p 的位 or w h o claim th a t th ey ca n p rocu re 位ir w eath er,
observers o f tim 的, scryers a 打d m edium s, are threatened w ith th e
closest im prisonm ent u n til it ca n be show n th at th e y h a v e w h o lly
turned from th eir w icked w ays. A n y places such as a g rove, a D ru id
dolm en, a p a g a n w e ll, w here it is repu 巧 d th a t wUches h o ld th eir
rendezvous are to be u tterly dem olished an d b urn ed w ith fire.
W hen this code w as first p rom ulgated w ith i 拉 provision a llo w in g fbr
lib e 巧 upon am endm ent after a b r ie f 化 rm o f im prisonm ent, i t is d e a r
化 a t tlic 如 1 ex 化nt o f 化 e evU and 化 e d a 打g e r to society h a i n ot b een
fu lly recognized. F or th e son o f C h a rlem a g n e, L ou is d e D ebozinaire
y e P ieux), w h o succeeded his fath er in 8 14 , an d w h o w as g re a tly
beloved b y his subjects 拓 r his gen tlen 巧 5 a n d sw eet 化 m per, soon fcTt
n o little alarm at th e co n tin u al reports w h ich reach ed him . M o re ­
over, a C o u n cil o f Paris in 829 addressed a v e r y solem n ap p ea l to th e
sovereign to 扣 sist b y th e secular arm H o ly C h u rch i 凸 th e crusade
against w itchcraft, an d it has been w ell said b y D e C auzon s th a t in
出 is s化 tulie is contain ed th e basis o f a ll fu tu re legislation against this
horrid crinw . A g a in , it proves 化 a t 化 e p o w er o f 化 e sorcerer a n d o f
the m agician w as 化 rio u sV regard ed as som ething v e ry noxious an d

dangerous in th e h igh 货 t d egree. " C c canon a d e I’im portan ce, ca r il

fa it a p p e l a u b ras s知 u lie r con tre les sorciers, d c plus U affirm e assez
cla ircm cn t q u e le u r p o u vo ir n ’est pas c h im & iq u e ." T h e C o u n cil d e­
clares th a t am on g th e m ost cry in g evUs o f th e d a y is th e terrible fact
th a t on every sid e, in e v e ry to w n a n d th rou ghou t th e w h o le country
Satan’s gonfkioniers ,necrom ancers, d ivin e 巧,sibyls, poisoners ,
prophets, enchanters, those w h o reveal dream s, rcw arders o f
fam iliars, a n d these th e D iv in e la w orders sh all b e punished w ith ou t
V a rio u s B ib lica l ordinances a rc recited, such as m an, or
w om an in w h o m th ere is a p yth on ical o r d ivin in g spirit, d yin g le t them
出e" ( 以 XX, 2 7), an 台 "W iza rd s thou sh 店t n ot suffer to liv e ,"
(■ 4 .F . " T h o u s h a ll 凸o t suffer a w itch 化 liv e ," £!«)心 ,x x ii, i 8 ) . 。 is
v e ry im p o rtan t a n d significant th a t th e tim e has now been reached
w hen these texts a r c le g a lly q u o ted n ot to ju stify b u t to enforce the
execu tion o f w itches. I t m a y b e rem arked tlia t a certain suspicion or
v e in o f treason w as alw ays c o n s id a e d t o b e c o m m in g le d w it h w k c h -
, since th e person h a d transform ed his allegian ce from th e law fu l
sovereign, th e P rin ce o f th e la n d , to a n alien, th e d evil. T h is id e a was
afterw arcb elab o ra ted in fu ller d etail b y th e jurists, a n d an even d arker
shade w as given to i t w h en th e w itch w as held to be guU ty o f
m ajesty, a fklse tra ito r to A lm ig h ty G o d .
T h e legislation o f C h a rle s le C h a u v e, w h o d ied in 8 77, is as drastic
an d as p reg 打a n t in its im p o rt as a 凸y p a n d ect o f A e s ix te e n th o r s e v e n -
化 enth ce iu u h es. I t is n oticeab le 化 o th a t the code enac 拉 th a t offenders
i 凸 this kind are to be sou ght o u t a 打d arrested. I t is no lon ger a ques­
tio n o f unsham ed a n d notorious w izard ry, b u t those 化 w h om a n y
o ve rt suspicion a ttach es are to be b ro u g h t to triaJ. **If th ey be found
g u ilty , w hether m en o r w h eth er w om en, le t them d ie th e d eath as
la w an d ju stice d em an d . A n d n o t o n ly the principals in this abom ina­
tion, b u t also those w h o consort w ith o r consult 化 em , sh all p a y th e
p en a lty in ord er th a t th e v e r y m em ory o f so heinous a crim e m a y be
u tterly abolished a n d uprootod from ou r land.**
T h e effect o f these m easures w as to d rive the evil underground. T h e
n i 打th an d tienth centuries fo r F ra n ce uneasy an d m ost w re 化hc<i
years, a d ark era o f invasions, o f c iv il w ars, o f revolting provinces, and
th e thousand b itte r w oes such disturbances brin g in th eir train. I t was
la rg ely a p eriod o f ch aos a n d a n a rch y , since th e princes fo r th e most
p a rt w ere to o m u ch occu p ied in m ain tain in g th eir position b y fbrcc o f
arm s to a p p ly th e la w in its 化 U rig o u 。 O ccasion al prosecutions are
record ed , such as th a t a t O rlea n s u n d er R o b e rt Ic P ieu x in 1022, o f
th e C a th a ri, a n o t uim um erous society o f devil-w orshippers, an d con­
tem p orary ch roniclers record m a n y a history o f possession an d hideous
sortilege w h en 化 c p o w c。 o f e v il w ere exalted.
A c tu a lly th e official records are few , b u t so soon as a m ore general
o rd er is restored w e find th a t am ongst th e ch eck in g o f o th er crim es and
abuses, this e v il also, w h ich ow in g to th e sad accidents o f th e state had

SO lo n g co n tin u W alm ost scatheless, is d e a lt 'with b y au th o rity w ith n o

faltering han d . I t w as in A p ril, 1 。33, th a t G re g o ry XX o ffid 曲 y estab ­
lish ed 祐 e O r d e r o f P rea (追ers as 山 e P on tifical Inquisitors fo r al!
dioceses o f F ran ce, m ore esp ecially co m m en d in g to th eir ca re th e
southern provinces, th a t th e y m igh t a id to su bd u e th e sedition a n d
insu rgency w h ich u n h a p p ily ra n rio t there. T h e g o o d friars a t o n ce
b eg a n to ta k e co gn izan ce o f th e d a rk crim e o f w itch cra ft, a n d from
a b o u t th e m idd le o f th e th irteen th ce n tu ry a n u m ber o f trials a n d
ju cu
d iccia
ia iliiiq u ir ie s are
inquiries a r e rre 〇T
e cco radeea d
. .IItt iIS
s ttrue
r u e th a t in i2 5 7 ,w h e n th e q u e s -
tion w as posed to A lex a n d e r I V w hether :w as th e p a rticu la r p ro vin ce
o f th e Inquisition to d e a l w ith cases o f'so so rcery, th a t P o n tiff in his b u ll,
Qmd super nonmillis, d irects th a t th e y should sh< n o t extend th e sphere o f
th eir duties unless in th e accusation th ere is m anifest heresy in v o lv e d ;
a n d this ru le w as a ctu a lly em bod ied in th e ca n o n la w b y B o n i& ce V I I I ,
w h o reigned from 1 。94_ 巧 03, b u t th e p oi 凸t aris 坊 w h eth er th e in v o ca ­
tion o f dem ons is n ot 斬 " heretical, a n d th e g re a t au th o rity S ylvester
M azzoU m decides th a t such in d eed m ust b e th e case, th a t a ll w itches
are, in fkct, heretics, m aterial or form al. B ern ard o 出 C o m o in his
价 w /n胖 站 forum, u n d e r th e title "D a e m o n e s In u o c a re ," discu 巧es
"D aem on es In u o care a n sit h aereticu m ,, , a n d allow s th a t th ere are
tw o probable opinions eith er o f w h ich m a y b e follow ed . I t is necessary
仍 m ake som e v e ry ca re fb l a n d n ice distinctions here, b u t 仿 r m y p a r t
I sub 化ribe to L ap u s, w h o says, "Im io c a n s daem ones est haere 扫cus,
cu m attr 化 u a t eis id quod esc D e i, p e r q u em o m n ia fa cta s u n t." A t
the 巧 m e tim e it is on y 拉 ir to a d d th a t one m u 巧 distinguish, a n d in
1473 the C a rm elit 的 o f B ologn a held th a t it w as n ot necessarily a lw a ys
heretical, an d U go lin i Z an gh in o, in his Tractatus de Haereticis^ x x ii,
w rkes th at there arc certain operations o f m agic w h ich d o 打ot in vo lve
th e m alice o f heresy. O n th e other hand , as B ern ardo d i C o m o lays
d o w n : "Im p lo ra rc au xiliu m a daem one in his q u a e sunt supra fectd-
拉化 m hu m anam , sicut in u aticinatione d e futuro, et in aliis operibus
m a g ic is ,in q u ib u s c o m p Ie m e n tu m o p e r is e x u ir tu te d a e m o n u m e x p e c -
tatur, est apostasia a fide, p er p a ctu m in itum cu m daem one, u el
uerbo 化 nus si inuocatio intersit, u el facto a liq u o , etiam si sacrificia
d 货in t.’ ’
In cid en tally it m ay b e rem em bered th a t ch arges o f sorcery o 打en
resolved them selves into charges o f m urder, for th e w k ch es o f all
countries w ere adepts in th e art o f poisoning, an d in such cases the
offences w ere tried before th e civil courts. T h u s one o f th e accusations
against B ernard D elicieu x was th a t h e h a d attem p ted the life o f
^ n e d ic t X I b y m agic a rts; an d in 1308 th e S ire d*U lm et w as b rou gh t
to Pa^s upon a ch arge o f attem p tin g to kill his w ife b y sorcery, w hilst
tlie hags w hom he h ad em p loyed w ere b u ried alive or b urn ed a t the
stake. T h ree centuries !at;er in th e E nglish trials for w itch cra ft th e
:used w hen sentenced are condem ned as b ein g g u ilty o f m urder,
a cci
Thu the 位 mous case o f th e L an cash ire w itches o f 1 6 1 2, th e a ccu 化 d

___ d ire ctly in d icted fo r h a vin g k ille d certain persons b y ^ e ir

a n d , to q u o te o n ly o n e verdict> th e ju r y fou nd **Arae Irhittle, alias
C/uUtoXy Elizabeth Deuice, a n d lanus Deuice, ^ i l t i e o f th e seuerall m urthers
by r a ft, con
占hcraj^, contain
tamed ed in
m ththee Indictm
in d ictments
en ts ag
a gaiM
a imtt th
em ,: an
andd euery
e u e iy
sim ilar ins 它a ^ e s might_be c i 品 , b u t i t 'v ^ l suffice to
p oint o u t th 1 a t in G e o rg e G iffo rd 's A Dialogue cotuernitig Witches
Witchcraftsy 1593,1593. w wh-h e n D a n iel says a w itch b y th e w ord o f G o d o u g h t
to 出 e d ea th n o t because she kills m en, for she can n o t (except
b y poison) > b u t because she deals in devils, th e interlocu tor retorts
th a t th e i^ g lis h la w does n o t p u t th em to d ea 出 for sorcery b u t fbr
T y p ic a l cases w h ich c:a m e before th e Inquisition w ere su ch as th a t o f
A ngM c .de l a B a th e in 1 。7 5 , w h o confessed she h a b itu a lly copulated
to w h o m she h a d b o m e a m onstrous c h ild ; a n d m 1459
th a t o f a m ysterious h erm it, R o b in e t d e V a u lx , w h ich latter
g a v e rise to th e prosecutions a t A rra s, im pH cadng a lai^ e
o f persons, o f nobles a n d w e a lth y b u tch ers as w ell as com m on folk.
A lth o u g h G re g o ry X I in 13 74 a u th o r i2 ^ th e Inquisition to prosecute
a ll cases o f s o r c e r y , 出 e lo c。 fa rle m e n ts g ra d u a lly w eaned th k offence
from ecclesiastic 占 ju ris 出 ctio n . I n 巧—9 〇 a secular o 巧 cia l b y nam e
P ou lallier, Prevost M a rsh al o f th e district, arrested several sorcerers
a t L a o n , a n d B o d in , D e la Dhaanamamt Sorciers, I V , i , says that
th ere a iier co g n iza n ce o f these offenc 坊 w as confined to the secular
trib un als. **Mais depuis la cognoissance fust attribuee a u x lu g e z laiz,
p riu a tiu e m o it a u x gens d*£glise p a r arrest d u m esm e P arlem ent Tan
m 。 trois cens n on an 巧, q u i 扣 1 sainctem ent ordonn《 . " A ccord in gly,
alth ou gh JeaneU e N e u v e w as tried a n d sent to th e stake b y th e court
o f th e A b b e y o f Saint-ChafTre, th is w as in its ca p a city as haut-justidert
an d n ot as an ecclesiastical trib u n al. M oreover, poisoning w as la id to
h er ch arge, for 击 6 W re 如 B u rzet, h a vin g 拉l!en o u t w ith bis w ife an d
w ishing to be reconciled, a p p lied to Jea n ette for a potion. She g ave
h im som e m ys 化rious drug, w h ich w as secre 过y adm inistered in a cu p
o f w ine to th e la d y , w h o w ith in a v e ry few horns w as dead.
I t m a y b e noted th a t o f th e g rea t w riters u p on demonologjy, four a t
least, J e a n B odin, N icolas 民 em y, H en ri B o gu et a n d P ierre d e L an cre,
w ere secuilar m agktrates an d predd en ts o f secular courts.
S u p 化 m ely in 化resting an d o f th e first im portance as th ey are: b u t
b are mention, m ust b e m ade o f th e th ree g rea t cases o f th e K n igh ts
T em p lars, S. J o a n o f A r c , an d G illes d e R ^ .
I t has been said th a t th e b egu m in g o f th e fourteenth cen tu ry
a ll C hris 化ndom , from G r e a t B ritain to C yp ru s, w a s convulsed b y liie
trag ic catastrophe o f th e K n ig h ts T em p la rs, t h w w h ich history Imows
n o m ore form id able tr ia l, n o r h as th e final verd ict been given even
to-day.** T h e e x a c t source w hence proceeded th e im m ediate denuncia-
tic 打 o f th e T em p la rs is u n certain . I t m a y certa in ly b e allow ed th at
P h ilip L e B el regard ed w ith je a lo u s suspicion th e strongholds th a t th e
T em plars h ad b u ih Up and d o w n 出 rou gh ou t F r a n c e ; it h inco 凸te sb
ab le th at he not only coveted b u t (eared th e vast riches o f th e O rd e r.
Y e t it is difHcuh to th in k th a t h e d id n o t cre d it a t least som e o f th e
charges w h ich w ere b rou ght again st th e O i^ c r , fo r it is cle a r th a t
m an y o f these w ere substantially es 化 W ished. N o d o u b t e x tra va g a n t
stories w ere bruited an d believed in m a n y quarters^ th e episode w o u ld
b e unique in hum an his 化 r y w ere it 打o t so. M a n y m em be 巧 protested
th eir entire i 凸nocence, an d it is n ot to b e supposed th a t 山 c m ore
occu lt m ysteries and inner secrets o f Baphomet» th e osculum obscoenum
an d 化 e G nostic li 化 rg y w ere revealed to a n y save to th e m ost trusted
E ven in this lon g 巧ri 的 o f trials, w h ich in variou s countries o f
E urope and 化 roughout 化 e cities a 打身 provinces o f F ra n ce extended
over a period o f m ore th a 打 five y e a 口,th e procee 出 巧 ;s o f tw o sep arate
courts, can be 出 stinguhhed, th e p a p a l com m ission a n d th e ro y a l
W ith regard 化 th e condem na 巧on o f 义 J o a n o f A r c as "m entercssc,
pem icieuse, divinesse, superstitieusC} blasphem eresse d e Dieu> ydoIatre>
invocateresse d e d 紅 b k s , aposta 化 , scism atique c t h 紅汾 igu e / , 化 is
superfluous to p oint o u t th a t P ierre C a u e b o n , w h o cla im ed th e M a id
拓r th e ecclesiastical arm , w as m erely an a g e n t o f th e E nglish, a n d
even i f 化 e tribun al befbre w h ich she w as b rou 班 t h a d acq u itte d h e r
油 e w ou ld y e t have rem ained 化 e prisoner o f 化 e K in g o f 技 igUm d. I t
w as in 1449 th a t Charles V I I op en ed th e process fo r th e revision o f this
irregu lar trial, and P ope C a l i ^ ^ i n ap p oin ted a com m ission o f 化 e
highest a 打d m ost rev 灯 end prelates to investigate th e m atter. T h e
A ^ h b ish o p o f 民heim s, th e Bishop o f Paris, th e B ishop o f G outances
an d th e G ra n d In<juisitor o f F ran ce, J e a n B reh al, on th e 7 th J u ly ,
I 化 6, delivered 化 eir judgem ent* T h e y d ecid ed th e process w as
uncanonical, unjust ,紅 u 加 en t a n d m a licio u s ; 化 巧 an n u lled , re p u d i­
ated, revoked, pronounced in v a lid a n d d eclared u tte rly miU a n d vo id
化 e sentence, so th a t th e w h o le tr ia l w as quashed 泌 a m anifest error
b oth in rig h t a n d in ju stice, proceedings w h ich w ere perfidious an d
defam ed, false an d in ^ g n , a p e iju re d process fu ll o f m anifest contra-
T h e suprem e cu ria before w h ich in O c to b e r, i4 4 〇> w as b ro u g h t
GHIes d e consisted o f tw o tr ib u n a ls , 化 e ecclesiastical co u rt w hose
president w as J e a n d e M alestroit, Bishem o f N a n te s; an d th e civil
co u rt w h ich as its shrieve I 1 erre d e F H osp ital, C h a n ce llo r o f
B rittan y. T h e fin d ii^ o f th e ecclesiastical co u rt w as d ia t G illes w as
sham efully g u ilty o f w itch craft, Satanism , heresy, s a cril^ ^ , apostasy,
a n d oth er heinous o im e s , w h^ i'dbre h e w as b an 合ed o v e r 化 在 e ci 向
arm to receive th e punishm ent d u e to such deeds. T h e secu lar co u rt
sentenced him to d eath on m u ltip lied ch arg 树 o f m u rd er as 〜 e " as fo r
th e aforesaid offences.
I t m ay b e rem arked th a t w h en th e In q u isitio a a n d th e Bishops

d elegated th eir ju risd ictio n in these cases to th e civil courts^ the accused
were treated w i 化 fk r g rea ter severity an d even th e innocent h ad little
:h an ce o f escape. M ich elet, La Sorciire, I I , 3, sa ys: ** P a ito u t oil les
trib u n au x laiq u es reven d iqu en t ces affaires, elles devieim ent

o) f course,
isparaissent d u loins p o u r cen t annees ch ez nous, 1450 -1550 ___ N o lle
con dam n ation sous C h a rles V I I I , L ou is X I I , ~ I V , 一T h is
g re a tly exaggerated , a n d cases could b e q uoted during the
lu n d red years m en tioned b y M ich elet, and in th e reigns o f these three
kings, th a t is to say, from 1483 to 1547. T h u s o n 3 ic 9th O ctob er,
15 19 , C a th erin e Peyretonne w as executed a t M ontpezat. She con­
fessed to h a b itu a l atten d an ce a t th e S abb at, an d for m any years she
h a d stolen infants from th e crad le, sacrificing them to h er fam iliar,
a n d a d o rin g th e fiend w ith obscene ritual. In 1521 at
s h e p h e r d , lycanthropes, M ichel V e rd u n an d Pierre
B u 巧 o i, b u rn ed alive. U n d e r Francois I 化 ere w ere 化rrible
scandals a t th e co n ven t o f St. P ierre a t L yons, w hich w as convulsed b y
an o u tb reak o f d em on iacal pc^cssion. T h e re w as an exec 山 ion in
1539, a n d a g a in in 1540 a t T ou lou se. I n th e sam e y e a r th e N orm an
P arliam ent G um ed in 化 6 old m arket-pla 说 a t R o u en tw o shepherds o f
T o sn y, a h a m le t nesu- G is o n , b y nam e D elaru e an d M orin , obstinate
a n d sd^ confessed Satanists o f lo n g continuance.
tru e th a t u n d e r such a k in g as Frangois I , w hose pose w as to
b e th e b aro q u e A m a d is o f raon arch s; w h o w as fantastic an d fickle in
his show y c h iv a lr y ; as va riab le as h e w as VC口a tile ; whose ideal w as the
useless m agnificence o f th e Field o f th e C lo th o f G o ld ; whose nature
w as a t th e bottom p rofou n d ly in d ifferen t; w h o took love and devotion
b u t w h o g a v e n ot even g ra titu d e ; un der such a kin g as this k is true
th a t it w as n ot to b e exp ected th e law s w ou ld receive an y im petus or
w eigh t. P riva tely, b o th h e a n d his m other w ere incredibly la x an d
frivolous as regards th eir view s upon religion, b u t a t the same tim e
officially th ey recognised th a t the C a th o lic C h u rch w as o f immense
impOTtance a n d h a d a grea t 化 m poral au thori 巧 . T h e b rutal bias*
phem ies o f th e i8 th a n d 19th O cto b er, 1534, w h en H o ly M ass w as
reviled a n d th e ven erated statue o f O u r L a d y m u tilated, w ere righ tly
aven ged w ith th e g ib b e t a n d th e stake.
A v e r y 出 fferent ch a ra c 化r w as H en ri, this second son, w h o upon
th e d eath o f th e y o u n g d au p h in Francois b ecam e h eir to th e t h r o n t
**I1 est Satum ien,** w as th e clever m o t o f Sim on R e n a r d ; a n d a
V e n e tia n am bassador w r o h : " H e is m elancholy, sayin g litlie, and
d ev o id o f re p a rte e ; b u t w h en o n ce h e has said a ^ i n g he holds to it
fo r h e is v e ry c k a r an d d ecid ed as to his op in ion s." " H e is
b rav e, a n d loves h u n tin g an d fig h tin g ; an d h e is v e r y religious, and
w ill n o t rid e on Sundays.** S o ju d g e d M atteo D and oio. A n d one o f
th e opinioDS to w h ich this v e ry rd ig io u s yo u n g k in g h eld in his decided
w a y w as th a t F ra n ce m ust b e cleared o f the w itches a n d devil-w or­
shippers w h o w ere recru itin g th eir ranks from every q u arter, to the great

c o n k m p t o f G o d and H is 打 o ly M oth er. A t th e side o f H en ri I I , solem n

and wal:chful as a Spanish grandee, there 巧ood n ot his w i 托, the
Florentine C atherin e de* M ed ici, **the shopkeeper*s daughter** as th ey
cru elly d u b b ed her, b u t a la d y o f exquisite b eau ty, la grande Seneschale.
H en ri was eiglueen years old w hen he fell u n der th e enchantm ent o f
D ian e de Poitiers, and w hen he d ied tw enty-three years later h e was
no le 拍 devoted. Pale, tall and slender, she w as ever soberly cla d , for
a t the tim e H en ri first becam e her lo v er she w ore q u iet w eeds for h er
husband, and in knightly wise he also adop ted for his b ad g e the silver
and black his la d y favoured, em blazon i 打g everyw h 灯 e her d evice, a
crescent m oon w ith the m otto Donee totum impleat orbem, D ian e w as a ll
reserve an d m ys 化r y ; irUensely religious an d jea lo u s o f the honour o f
her faith, she looked w ith p ro u d ly i 打toleran t ey 巧 u p on th e scandals
w rou gh t b y sorcery and w itch craft th ro u g h o u t th e fair realm o f F rance.
T h is g rea t la d y ,w ho, as she said, "w o u ld n ot fbr an em pire h a ve
spoken to a H u g u en o t," d id n ot suffer the la w to sleep. **Le som bre
regne d 'H en ri I I c t de D ian e de Poitiers finit Ic tem ps d e tolerance.
O n brule, sous D iane, les heretiques et Ics sorciers. C ath erin e d e M ^dicis,
au contraire: entour 知 d ’astrologues et d e m agiciens, e 丘t vou lu p ro 佔ger
c 州 x-ci.’’ E ven during h er husba 打d ’s 1报 tim e Q p een C ath erin e fou nd
m eans to have continually in her retinue 注 n u m ber o f occultists, som e
o f no v e ry good repiUe. I t was w hispered th a t 化 e ir royal mistress
herself w as not infrequ ently present a t u n h allow ed rites, b u t v e ry
化 cretly for fea r n ot so m uch o f th e k in g , as o f th e om nipotent D uchesse
d e V a le 凸dnois. C erta in ly C ath erin e h ad consulted h e r astrologers o n
th e eve o f th e 29th J u n e , 1559, for e a r ly th a t m orning she 化 n t u rgen t
messages to H en ri be 煤 in g him n o t to ven 化 re 化 化 e jousts. H e r
w arnings w ere laughed a t, and, as 技化 w illed an d th e H uguenots
planned, th e la n ce o f M o n 巧 om eri lod ged a sp lin 化r ;n the royal b rain .
A t once th e 游 een assum ed control o f a 航 irs, and D ia n e w i r e d to
h er splendid ch ateau o f A n et. A lth o u g h C a th erin e de* M edici m a y h a ve
prot:说 ted th e m agicians, those subtle poisoners an d d ark d iviners im ­
m ediately 加 lo n g h er o w n entourage, w u h 化 a t curious o 巧 cial o r 出 o d o x y
w h ich so often accom panies a n irregu lar m ysticism and uneasy cu riosity
concerning th e 扣 扣 re, she d id n ot in a n y w a y a t 化m p t to re la x the
com m on la w n o r d id she shelter th e sm aller fry. In d eed th rou gh ou t
th e reigns o f h e r three sons, Francois I I , 15 5 9 -15 6 0 ; C h arles I X , 15 6 0 -
15 7 4 ; an d H en ri I I I , 15 7 4 -15 8 9 , th e w itch prosecutions w ere pursued
w ith th e utm ost en ergy an d vigou r. N o t in d eed th at th ey in a n y w a y
relaxed w h ik t H en ri I V an d C ouis X i n occu p ied th e th r o n e ; w hilst
even u n d er L o u is X I V th ere w ere som e terrible cases o f Satanism in
the provinces, an d in Paris itself occu rred th e resounding scandals o f
la V oisin an d h er vile a sso cia te.
O f th e V a lo is, C h arles I X an d H en ri I I I w ere m ore th a n suspected
o f h avin g d ab b led in 化 ese 出 -om ened secrets. B odin 化 化 地 th a t
C h arles I X , u ig e d i t w o u ld seem b y tick lin g curiosity, h im self interro-

gated in liveliest detaU the notorious Trois-E chellcs, w hose crim es he

p ard o 打ed on CO打dition th a t th e w arlock g ave him a full description
o f the S a b b a t an d oth er fbul practices. " L c R o y C harles 9. apres disner
co m m an d a qu*on lu y am enast Trois>Echelles, au qu el il au oit donn^
gra ce p o u r accuser ses com plices. E t confessa deuant le R o y en
presence d e plusiers grad Seigneurs, la fagon du transport dcs sorcieres,
des dances, des sacrifices faicti 主S atan , d w palllardises auec les D iables
figure d'hom m es d e fem m es: & que ch acu n prenoit des poudres
faire m ou rir hom m es, bestes , 巧 iVuits."
W h eth er H en ri I I I a ctu a lly d ab b led in occu lt arts o r n o is uncertain^
化 r 化 e evid ence w h ich has com e d ow n 化 us is m w t violen tly prejudiced
an d in im ical, b u t w h a tever m a y b« the truth o f th e m atter, it is lairly
w ell established th a t th e assassination o f this m onarch o 凸 I St A u gust,
1^89, w as la rg e ly th e result o f reports w hich w ere m ost industriously
circu lated b y th e L eagu ers, op en ly accusing him o f sorcery. E arly in
1589 w as published a p am p h let entitled 沁化巧巧么
et les oblations qu'il faisoit au diabU dans U bois de Vincennes, and this is
exceed in gly preci 化 in its details. E v e n m ore 拉ntastic stories o f 化 h oo k
for b lack m agic b ein g h eld a t th e L o u vre are related in Remonstraiuxs
d Hemy de Valois sur ks chases horribUs tnvqydes par un 飾 ant de Paris、
巧 89.
A t th e end o f th e six 化 enth ce 凸tu ry F rance w as Ikerarily hon ey­
com bed b y th e v a st secret society o f w i 化hes, whose m em be 打,ever
busy a t th eir e v il w ork , m igh t b e found everyw here, in crow ded cap ital
and in rem ote ham let, in p alace and in cottage, o f both sexes and o f
all ages, even th e v e r y youngest, for, as was proved tim e after tim e,
th e old er a d ra ts train ed u p th eir ch ild ren alm ost from the crad le in their
:raft. N o w h it <^oes B odin exaggerate w h en h e says, la
des lu g e s ces 化 verm ine a si bien multipU 句 q u e Trois-
eschelles 出 St a u 反 o y C h arles ix q u ,U y en a u o k plus d e trois cens
mUle 饥 ce R o y a u m e " (公 柄 onoma前6, I V , 5). T h e re w ere h ap p ily also
m a n y b rave hearts w h o w ere found faithful to th eir duty, and not a
亿w works o f g re a t va lu e w ere penned b y deep scholars, priest and la y ­
m an alike, investigatin g m agistra 化 w 良o 巧 official task, and private
o b s e r v e r w h o s c in 3 i v i d u a l r e s p o n s i b i I i t y ,s e t t h e q u i n t o t h c p a p e r .
A s w e h a ve a lre a d y rem arked, four g rea t and honourable names s化 nd
o u t pre-em inently a t 化 is period 化 r th e noble services w h ich a t n o
sm all cost a n d pains th ey rendered hum an society.
J e a n B o d in , to w h o m Brim e 似 rc assigns a p lace in F rench " 化rature
beside H en ri Estienne an d A m yo t, w as b o m a t A ngers in 1520, and
died a t L a o n in 1596. H is fam ous De la Dimonomanie du Sorciers, w hich
w as first published a t Paris, 4 化 ,1 5 8 0 , ran irUo m an y editions and had
an im m ense infiu c 打ce in i 位 day.
T h e jDiwou口 rfw iSofa‘w o f H e n r y B o g u e t , " G r a n d J u g e d e S t .
C la u d e, a u C o m t 4 d e B o u rg o g n e," w h ich has been w ell 化rm ed " a
book precious as gold/* was published (in its present am plified form)


a t L yon s in 1602. B oguet died in i 6 巧 ;a n d his WO比 ,a sum m azy o f

his activiti 巧 in th e D olonais district, has recen tly been translated in 化
English as 打应xflm如 q/* (王ohn 民 o d k e r , 巧 巧 ).
In 1603 th e P arliam en t o f B o rd e au x g a v e P ierre d e L a n cre a
special com m ission to visit on a circu it extraord in ary th e provinces o f
B ayonne and L ab ou rd . H e h 扣 left a record o f bis a ctiviti 时 in th at
g re a t w ork 成 /, /化TO似 d扣 乂 W 公妨1。 化 , w h ich is
universally regarded as one o f the m ost va lu a b le a n d au thoritative in
th e w hole Hbrary o f dem ono!ogis 拉. T h e b o o k w as published in 1610,
b u t 化 e first issue, "a s correc 化d a 打d revised ," is 16 13, D e L a n cre
died a t Paris ab o u t th e y e a r 1630. T w o les 扣r kn ow n b u t eq u a lly
valu ab le works b y th e sam e au th o r are Vincreduliti it mescreance m
MrtiY巧6, Paris, 1622; a n d 。扛 巧g (巧>16 1627. .
N icolas R e m y w as b orn in 1530 a t C harm es, o f w hich to w n his
拉ther, an honoured an d active m agistra 化 , w as m ayor. D estined from
his earliest y e a 口 to the leg al pro 拓ssion, since a t this tim e L o rrain e did
not y e t boast a U niversity, he pursued his 8tu出 es in F rance, p ro b a b ly
at O rleans. H e proceeded to the degree o f L icen tia 化 in L aw s, an d for
one-and-tw enty years occupied the chairs both o f L aw s an d L itera tu re
in m ore th an one ancient college. I n lette 扣 p aten t w h ich w ere granted
to 民em y he is quaUfied as "licencW 6s loU dcs U n iversit 紅 d e F ran ce,
oh U auroU versS r 的pace de vin gt u n g ans, fkisant profesdon, la p lu p a rt
dUceulx, d*enseigner tan t les iettres hum aines q u e les droietz.** O n 15
M arch , 1570, one o f his m atern al uncles, Francois M itta t, retired in his
拉v o u r from th e office o f lieu 化 nant-general o f th e b ailiw ick o f th e
Vosges^ one o f th e three c h ie f bailiw icks in to w h ich L o rrain e w as
divided, an d fo r th e sp ace o f five years fro m th is d ate R e m y resided a t
M ireco u it, w inn ing 化 roughout 在 e d istrict n o sm all rep utation as a
m ost ju s t an d honourable adm inistrator. O n 4 N o v e m b e r , 巧 75, D u k e
C harles n i sum m oned 民e m y 化 N a n cy in th e c a p a c ity o f Kis p riv a te
secretary. I n th e follow ing y e a r the D u k e p r o m o t ^ h im as a m em b er
o f 化 e tribun al o f the & A ^ M 〇r P r o v o s ts o fN a n c y .
T h e Provosts o f N a n cy w ere a d ucal co u rt, senators, fbur o r sjix in
num ber, w h o w ere appointed b y th e D u k e him self. T h e ir president
w as the M aster Provost, an d as in e arlier d ays th e co u rt had consisted
o f on ly tw o m a g is tr a te s , 民em y often s口eaks o f tills trib u n al as th e
..... .......... T.........
h e Provosts
——• — ju一 d—g口e d aJl c r im in g cases th rou ghou t th e w apen-

take an d tith in _ g o f N an
a n cy,
cy , a region com prising som e seventy-tw o v il­
lages, from F rouard in th e north to AfTracourt, X ir o c o u " an d V a u 化
vilie in the extrem e southern inarches. D u rin g these years vast num bers

o f cases o f sorcery w ere investigated th rou gh ou t th is lo cality, a n d R e m y

as a ju d g e h a d little leisure & om his avocation . M oreover, th e v e ry

m a n y p etty courts o f Lorraine^ seignorial tribun als, co m m u n al tri-
b u n ^ an d o 出 ers, con tin u ally referred in tricate an d 出 fficu k cases to


N a n cy . In & c t even tu ally 化 ere w ere b u t a few independent tribun als

such as those o f S ainte-M x-M ines an d SaiiU -H ippolyte w h ich

e 打jo y e d th e rig h t o f pronouncing a capital sen 化nee w ithout the con­

firm ation o f 化 e Provosts o f N an cy.
From 1576 to R e m y was not the least active m em ber o f this
distin 邑uished body, f v e r y case and process o f sorcery in L o 打aine cam e
under his notice for exam ination. E ven those w hich he himseli* did 打ot
ju d g e in person w ere subm itted to him b y the am plest sworn reports.
I t w as ow ing to his zeal in this function that he obtained the title
' ‘ 化 ourge o f w i 防h es," an d on 9 A p ril, 1583, C harles I I I raised him to
noble ran k as a recognition o f the tireless services he had rendered the
State. T h e lette 内 patent say: " E n chacune de ces charges il se 巧 rail
com porte a ve c tel acq u it et satisfaction de son devoir que nous en
aurions toujours regu bon contentem ent." O n i A ugust, 1589, R em y
on account o f his extraord in ary legal know ledge and immense erudition
was honoured w ith the title o f C ou n cillor o f th e P rivy C o u 打cil o f Lor-
raine. T h e D u k e n ow entrusted him w ith various commissions o f the
first im portance, an d o n 24 A u g u s t , 巧 91, w hen 反em y was sixty-one
years old he w as nam ed in succession to G eorge M aim b ou rg Procureur-
G eneral o f 化 e D u ch y o f L o r r a in e , 化 a t is 化 say. L o rd ft ig h Justi 说
w ith suprem e p ow er and jurisdiction. A rm ed w ith com plete control
over all th e courts throughout th e d u ch y, n ot o n ly d id he encourage
the m agistra 化s to exerci 化 the utm ost vigilance i 凸 th e pursuit, an d tile
m ost unrelenting severity in th e condem nation o f witches, b ut, par­
ticu larly d u rin g the y e a r 1596, h e h im self jo u rn eyed u p an d dow n the
jrovince, exam in in g suspects, searching ou t even th e m ost rem ote vil-
ages an d ham lets, an d in q u irin g in to a ll cases w ith th e most indefatig­
ab le energy an d perseverance. R e m y filled th e h igh office o f Procurer-
G en eral from 1591 to 1606.
D u rin g the few intervals o f leisure his duties allow ed h e was w ont
to retire to his country-house a t Saint-M ard, near B ayon, where he
deUglned 化 化 rn to K化r a ^ studies, 饥 j 化 娜 an d w oo the M use
both in F rench an d in L a tin . D u rin g term -tim e he lived a t N an cy in a
house in th e R u e du H aut-Bourgeois, as appears from a list o f the house­
holders o f N a n cy d raw n u p in 1589, an d preserved in the lib rary o f th at
t o w n . 民em y w as m arried, b y som e it is said to an Italian lady, an d he
was the father o f a num erous 扫m ily, o f w hom his three sons, C laude,
E m m anuel, and Scipione w ere especially distinguished. O n 3 Jun e,
1598, a son o f N icolas R em y, w h o was then sixty-eight years old, was
bap tized a t th e parish church o f N otre-D am e de N an cy, as appears
from the regis 化 rs o f th at d a 化 . It w ere superfluous to recount in detail
化 e honours w hich w ere heaped upon him b y his sove 巧 ign and his
fellow -citizens. O n 26 A ugust, 1599, th e D uke a t the request o f his
daughter-i 打-law , C ath erin e de Bourbo 凸 (sister o f H enry I V o f France):
granted 化 CUaude: & e m y 、 eldest soii> tlie reversion o f the pcist o f Pro-
c u r e r -G e n e r a l. 民em y him 化If a ctu a lly 611ed the office u 打ti! 1606, when
C la u d e, w h o had ju s t complelied a b rilliant course o f study at Paris,
was re ad y to undertake the duties from his father, w ho a t the age o f

化venty-tw o retired to C harm es to rest in the eventide o f a lon g and

honoured life. H e was required, how ever, to pen a description o f the
cerem onies w hich 化 ok p lace w hen M a rg h erita de G on zaga, d au g h 化 r
o f th e D uke o f M an tu a and 化cond w ife o f H en ri le Bon, D ue de Bar,
m ade her 巧ate entry i 打to N a n cy on 15 J u n e, i6 〇6. T h e brochure,
、 、’ritten in most elegant L a tin , is entitled 每 。 6 ja 打《 义 P7 7 C 。/ . 丸 /.血
M .。 €. VI. ho打oris ergo exhibitaque a出untante primum ad W'anceium Sereniss.
Margarita, C lariloci ad N anceiu m , excu d ebat loan n es Sauine typo-
graphus. A gain , w hen H e n r i l e B ^ n , n o \ v b e c o m e H e n r i I I o f I ^ r -
raine, was arranging his entry into his good c ity o f N a n cy in 1609, th e
pain 化r F!orent D rouin w as sent to 民em y th at h e m igh t confer w ith
化 e old councillor cone 灯 ning th e m ottoes an d verses p roper to be in­
scribed upon the tablatures and trium phal arches. A few m onths pre-
viously, on 7 M arch, 1609, H enri I I as a p articu lar m ark o f his esteem
had granlied R e m y an additional pension o f 300 francs. T h e D u k e ’s
entry actu ally 1:00k p lace on 20 入pril, 1610, an d am ong th e most
em inent guests a t th e state b an qu et w h ich w as held a t th e Hdtel-de«
V ille , w ere N icolas R e m y an d his son th e P rocurer-G eneral, C la u d e .
T h e veirses 民e m y h ad w ritten for the occasion, althou 客h n ot a ctu a lly
inscribed in golden letters on th e arches, since th e D u k e h ad ordered
the strictest econom y, w ere printed, pritnum soUnnius i。 urbetn
Nanceium ingrediejiti Henrico I I auci Lotharingiae. . . . dues adomabanty nisiy
W 说化r 如 r " r 地 。 妃化如 , N a n ce ii 1 6 1 0 . 民em y died
化 e death o f 化 e ju s t a t C harm es in A p ril, 161 么
As m ight h a ve been exp ected from so g rea t a lo ver o f books, N icolas
民em y left a large and v a lu a b le library. M a n y o f these volum es w ith
his signature are in the M u s ^ lorrain a t N a n c y ; othe 巧 h a ve passed
int:o 苑 e hands o f collectors, an d in p a rticu la r M . L u cic n W ien er pos-
巧sses seve 巧 I o f 化 ese treasu 化 s. A p o rtra it o f R e m y , e i^ ra v c d b y
W ogriot, has been pre 化 rved. I t is an oval m ed allion. T h e counten­
ance is m arked b y the highest im e 化 gen ce ,an d there is an a ir o f pro-
found gravity. Form erly th e Mus6e Yorrain exhib ited as a p ortrait o f
R e m y an oil painting w hich w as reproduced b y L eclerc in the Mimoires
de VAcadimie de Stanislas^ 1868 (p. x x x ix ), b u t it is unlike the genuine
portrait and is now th ou ght b y mo 巧 authorities to b e C la u d e 民em y,
the eldest 化 n o f N icolas. D etails o f this m a y be found in the Journal
de la Sociiti d^arckeologie lorraine, 1857, pp . 240 -1.
T h e fruit o f N icolas R e m y ’s fiisitorical studies m ay be seen in his
Discours Des Choses Adve打ves En Lorraine, depuis le decez du Due Wicolas
及抑e'- T h is treatise w as d ed ica 化d " A Serenissime
Prince M o 打化igneur M axim ilian C om te P alatin du R h in , D u e d e la
haute & basse Bauiere, and w as printed at Pont- 4 -Mousson
" P a r M elchior Bernard, im prim eur de M onseigneur le D u e de
Lorraine en son V niuersit 這, , , 4to, 1605. In this edition th e very
beautiful engraved title w ith the figures o f P rude 打ce an d Strength
should be K m arked. T h is book was reprinted in 1617 and 1626. T h e

d eath o f D u k e C harles i n w as signalized b y an E legy 任om R e m y’s

B u t th e m ost fam ous o f a ll his productions is his D em onolatry,
terrible, an d in som e sense a n aw e-inspiring volu m e.** Nicolai
Remigii, Sereniss. Duds Lo化aringiae A €q扣 Hits Int灯ioribus Et In Eius
Ditio胜 Lo成arin的 a cognitoris publici daem onolatreiae u b r i tres .
Ex ludiciis capiUdibus non呂etUorum plus mimis hominum, gui soHU巧 ii crime扣
infra annos quindecim in Lotharingia capite luerunt. T h e first edition was
published a t L yon s, 4to, 1595, an d in the sam e y e a r it was issued a t
C ologn e, **apud H en ricum Faikenburg/* T h e re is a duodecim o
edition o f F rankfort, **In officina Palthenii/* T h is w as reprinted in
I s p y , a n d the F ran kfort bookseller Z ach arias P a ltcn d ed icated his
cS itio 打 化 化 e ‘ ‘h ig h ly renow ned and m ost distinguislied scholar, O tto
C asm ann, school-rector, som etim e p reach er a t Stadc,** because h e in
his 化a ch in g w as i 口 扣 11 agreem e 打l w ith this adm irable treatise. In
his 祝 诚 口 如 f知 German A o 如 6, P a rt U I , v i, Janssen s a y s : " T h is w o rk
w as found to b e o f such g en eral usefulness th a t in th e years 1596 an d
巧 98 a G e rm a 打 杠 anslation o f i t w a s b rou ght o u t u n der th e title
•D aem onolatria, ,: '.f, *V on U n h o ld en und Zaubergeistern, des E 出 en
Ehrenvesten u n d h och gelarten H e r m W c o la i R e m ig iiw e lc h e w u n d e r-
b arlich e H istorien, so sich m it d 订 H e x e n deren 扭6 化 8〇〇1〇1 换 口 嘴 -
tu m L oth arin gen verbrennet, zu getr 谭 en, sehr n 社杠lich, liebK ch und
打otw en 出 g zu lesen., " T h e t r a ^ a t i o n w as b y T eu crid es Annaeus
Privatus, F ran kfort, a t th e shop o f G ratan d n is Palthenius. R em 户s
w o rk w as rep rin ted a t H a m b u rg , q u arto, in 1693 an d 1698. T h e re is
also a G e rm a n translation w ith an engraved frontispiece o f consider­
a b le m erit) H a m b u i ^ ,o cta vo , 1693.
A s p erh ap s m ig S t h a ve b een exp ec 化d, the energy an d vigo u r o f
N icolas R e m y earn ed him m a n y encm i 货 am on g th e Satanists, an d
al 化 o u g h th e y h a rd ly d ared op 户ose him op en ly d u rin g his lifetime^
after 品 d e a th th e m ost ign o b fe an d lyin g legends weire circulated
con cern in g th is n e a t a n d n ob le nam e. I t w ou ld perhaps h a rd ly seem
w o r 化 w h ile reference to such stories, b u t u n foitim ately th ey
w o n credence am ongst those w h o w ished to believe them , an d as th ey
h a v e a ctu a lly a p p eared in p rin t an d are q u o te d , tiie 巧 calum nies
can n o t entir^ X b e passed over in silence, f h e follow ing riWculous
ca n a rd is r e t t e d &y A lex an d re E rd a n in ^is i>a 仍 地 與 ,
second edition , A m sterd am , 1858, V o l. I , p. 133, x l, w here w e are
to ld o f R e m y : **Ge m iserable p a rla ta n t et si ardem m ent d u d ^ o n ,
qu*il fin it p a r m p erd re la te t e ; il a lia , u n beau jo u r , se d ^ io n cer lu i-
m em c com m e so rd e r, et UJut hruUpubliqument*' **If th ey h a ve called
化 c good m an o f th e house SeelzdG ub, h o w m u ch m ore them o f his
h oiw eh old ?" T h e foU ow ii^ accou n t oi* R e m y I have "a n sla te d from
th a t m ost eru d ite w ork , Bibliotheque Lorraine, ou Histoire des Hommes
/■ "ujfrM, folio. N a n 叩 17 5 1. TTiis w c o w e to 出 e learn ing a 凸d labours
o f 化 c fam ous B ened ictine D o m A u gu stin e C alm et, one o f th e greatest
说 holars o f the eigh 化enth cen tu ry, w h o w as b orn a t M en il-la-H orgn e,
L orraine, on 化 e 。6化 F 成 ru a ry, ,6 7 。; an d 出 ed a t 化 e A b b 巧 o f
Senoncs, 25th O ctob er, 1757.
N ico las R e m y , w h o w as a P riv y C o u n cillo r o f D u k e H en ri I I
3 MMw.s

le Bon, and Lieut;enant-Ge 打eral o f L orrain e, w ro 化 化 veral w orks,

am ongst w h ich are th e follow in g th ree volum es. D a 伽 ono'c化巧'ce
tm , ex judiciis Capital化us 肋ngmtorum fh is nUnus hminum gui sortilegii
crim饥 intr。 amos gttindecim in Lotharingia capiU hierunt. iMgdtmi in Officjna
F !•做饼化 1 5 9 5 . 如 •/〇/• T h e re IS a 打other edition, octavo, w h ich
w as published at C ologn e a 化w ^ c a r s la 化r.
心化 .shA-

2 . 扭 巧 iae in laudem Caro。 加 Lothar, Dticis. 了hese threnodies a化

quoted in the funeral p a n eg yric o f th e G re a t D u k e C harles I I I w h ich
is entitled Afacarinniw, p. 254; and also in th e H is 化 r y o f th e U n iv e n ity
o f Pont-^-M ousson , Pfe化 A b ra m , S .J q B ook 6.
3 . Discours des Choses 的谢iius 饥 l^rrauie, depuis U decis du Due Wcolas
<打 1473 J’u巧 K,d w/w• 此 。 w 戊en/ i/ . T h e re are several editions o f this
book, for it w as published a t Pont-a-M ousson b y M elch io r B ern ard in

i 6 〇9 ; and repri 已ted a t E p ih a l in 16 17 an d 1626. M . R e m y , w ritin g

d u rin g the reig 打 o f D u k e H en ri I I le Bon, is anxious to p ro ve th a t 化 e
k w

D ukedom o f L orraine descends in th e fem ale line, b u t this is against

a ll other authorities a n d con 化a ry to th e established o p i n io n . [良 em y
a d 巧 ted this argum ent b cca u 化 化 e ch ild ren o f H 饥 ri I I an d M a rg h erita
d i G o n za g a w ere tw o daughters, N ico le an d C l a u d t ] T h is celeb rated
a u 化 or, w h 放 e L a tin ity w as most elegant, is 山 stingiushed as n o m ean
poet. In th 的 e days L o rra in e w 扣 in 泻8ted w ith w itches, a n d as h e w as
和 ea 过y occupied ....................................................
i 打 co n d u ctin g th eir trials, — —h e.■ju d g W— 出
■ 2 -【 w o u ld

be a useful task to com m it to w ritia g th e m em orials o f t

d tTA

v^hich he has indeed accom plished _ in his Dmonolat^. _ ; says in th e

d ed icato ry Epistle w h ich p.re垃ces this w o rk th a t T h e o d o re d , Ulis>
presid 证 t o f the E xch 巧 u 饥 o f L orrain e, h ad inform ed him th a t su ch a
m 巧可 KwK,K

book w ould im m ensely g ra tify D u k e C harles I I I . A t th e end o f th e

Preface are printed som e copies o f verse w ritten b y C la u d e , E m m an u el
a n d Scipione, th e th ree sons o f M . R e m y , lines com posed in h o n o u r o f
th eir 拉 ther and his W ork.
I n addition to these w e have a R e cu e il des p rin d p a u x p o in 怯 d e
la rem ontrance fa k e a I’ou vcrtu re des Plaidoiries des D u eW s d e L o r ­
rain e, apres les 民ois en l ,an 15 巧 , p a r N icolas 及 em y, C onseiller de
Son A h 的se en son G onseil d 'E ta t, & son P rocu reu r-G en eral en
L o 打 a i n t T h is book w as published, quarto, 1597, a t M etz b y A b ra h a m
F ab ert, "Im p rim eu r ordm aire 巧 ju r6 en la d ite V U le ." M . R e m y in
this R ecu eil explains an d com m en 怯 upon six articles concerning the
mw 巧

duties and obligations o f advocates. H e says, for e x a m p le : Mo advocate

sho社Id knowing^ und押Uike any cause ivkatsoever 化hich appears to him U) be
unjust, and i f he should discover U to be unj.ust ajler he has und押化ken it, then
!et him throw it lip and 田bsoliUefy relinguish it. O n p a g c a o h e r e m a s k s :
As regards UsagSi Precedents a品 Tit!时,! w i" s巧扣0 mo" he" except that

these are now brought into order, rt山ictd to iL’rUing, homologized and pubUshed,
Kcord which Lo打aim has nev打 pcswucd htfoK, 扣 that 打0 advocaU may for
the future be able to Jind any matter fo r complaint, and allege 比at in such a
difficulty and stick a doubt it is impossible to establish any ruling by precedent,
which has i打 the past 化〇 often been the ease.
In fine, before the reign o f C h arles I I I in L orrain e no b o d y o f
had been w ritten dow n and there was no reliable appeal to p re­
cedent. M . R e m y , in this w ork, w h ich is com posed in F rench, quotes
la 巧 e n u m b 灯 o f passages from G re ek and L atin a u 化 ors, and it is
em bellished, as is usual w ith his pages, with the am ple fruits o f his
w id e learn in g and m ost elegan t erudition.
T h e praise o f so g rea t a scholar as C alm et m eans m uch, and it
w ere superfluous to em phasize his encom ium o f the adm irable 民emy.
W e h a v e b riefly review ed th e events, th e continuance and increase o f
化 c a b o m in ab le society o f w itches, w W ch led up to and necessita 化d his
crusade in L o rrain e a t the end o f the six 化enth century. N o his 化 rical
record co u ld b e m ore va lu a b le , no record could be m ore 玉 nter 仿 ting
th a n this g ra p h ic acco u n t com piled from firsth a n d know ledge and the
exp erien ce o f m a n y years w h ich R c m y has given us. T h a t it is in
every, essential tru e i see no reason to doubt. D om C a lm d in his
Ifistoire £ccksiastique el CiifiU 瓜 Lorraine, livre 'xxxiii (folio, N utky ,
1728), w rite s: **Com m ent de persuader qu*une infinite de Procedures
色 i 化s a v e c ta n t de soin et d e m a 化 rit€, p ar de t•地 g ra v 巧 M agistrals,
货 p a r des J u g 抗 t r k 6clairez, soient t^outes 包usses? q u e des effets aussi
ree s q u e ceu x que raconten t, p a r exem ple, M . R cm y, hom m e grave
货 s^avent : 巧 a o n t il a rem pli I货 trois Livres d e sa D em onoU trie,
a y a n t exercc pen dant plus d e q u in ze ans Toffice de J u g e & d c Pro-
cu re u r G en era l d e L o r r a in e ; q u e to u t ce q u i a 6te ^crit sur ce sujet par
Binsield SufTragant d e T rev es, hom m e t r « sage & t r « c a p a b le ; que
tous les p ro c & d c Sorciers 疫 d c Sorcieres dont Ics Greffes 疫 les
A rch ives d e la P rovin ce sont rempilis, nc contiennent que des illusions
巧 des fausse 化z? Si Ton nous ck o it des chos 技 过 oigne 货,arriv^es dans
u 打 autre p ays , 巧 dans u n s化d e d ’ign oran cc 巧 recuW, j e 凸,en dcGcrois
b ea u co u p d a v a n t a g e : m ais les A u teu rs dont i'a i parl6, vivoien t dans
Ic s i k l e m em e ou CCS choses se passoient . 成 Ics cn 化ntioient, 货 en
etoient tres b icn inform ez. Ils ont ccrit dans le 化mps le plus eclair 爸,
《 le p lu s ftco n d en h a b n 货,q u ’a it cu t la L orraine. M . 民cm y cite Ics
nom s 货 surnom s des person nes; il m arqu e les dates, les b m U lcs, les
dem eures & villages des accusez, & dcs tem oins qui ont ct^ ouis> &
q u i on t co m p aru d eva n t lu i depuis les annees 1580 ju$qu*en 1590, k
& a n c y , 贷 dans les V illa g e s des environs."
T h a t 民 e m y should h a ve stam ped ou t the evil w as, hum anly
speaking, im possible, b u t he certa in ly SCO化 hed it. H a d it not been
fo r hU efforts a 打d the effewts o f 0出 e r g re a t and b rave m en, his con­
tem poraries, it is difficult to say to w h a t a height 化 is p lagu e o f evil
might not have grow n . As it w as there were terrible scandals during
■ H

化 e first h a lf o f the seven 化cn th cenU iry, b u t it w as th e w ork an d the

w ritin g o f 民em y, Boguet, B o 出 n, D e L a n cre an d o 化 ers w h i ch enabled
th e authorities to deal d rastically w ith 化 e sorcerer an d 化 e S a 化 nist.
It is unnece 站ary to do m ore th an refer to th e cas 巧 o f L ou is G au frid i
in i 6 n ; o f U r b a i n G ra n d ie r in 1 6 1 7 ; o f M ad elein e B a ven t in 1647;
and the terrible sea 打dais w h ich convulsed P a d s in i 679~82. A c tu 立ly
the last execution in F ra n ce for w h ch cra ft 化 ems to h a v e been th a t o f
a m an w ho was condem ned u p on m u ltip lied charges b y th e P arliam en t
o f Bordeaux in 1718.
T h e prosecution, it is true, g ra d u a lly ceased, b u t the devH-wor-
shippers, albeit m ore secretly, continued th eir vile cult, and exam ples
o f their activities m igh t b e g i v e n t h r o u g h o u t t h e w h o l e o f t h e m n e -
化enth century. T o m ention b u t three o f even la ter d a 化 , the h orrible
events w hich took p la ce in F eb ru a ry 1922, in 1924, an d a g a in at
B ordeaux in J a n u a ry , 1926, th e M esm in scandals, assuredly called for
the ju d g em en t o f a R c m y or a D e L a n cre . O n T u esd ay , 24th S ep tem b er,
1929, trie Daily Express published an article u p on th e **Rcvival o f
Sorcery in France.** M a itre M au rice G a rco n , a le a d in g F ren ch
barns 化r, declared that scarcely a w e 注 passes b u t som e case o f w itch-
craft comes u p in one p a rt o f co u n try o r another. T h is gen tlem an
has m ade a special 8化 d y o f th e su T viv^ o f sorcery, w itch cra ft an d
B lack M ass 的 in F ran ce, a n d has ap p eared in co u rt in m a n y cases
involving these d ark p ractices. H e has a ctu a lly exam in ed th e pacts
w ritten an d signed in b lood , com posed w ith e v e ry circu m stan ce o f
legal p h r a s e o l( ^ , b y w h ich som e w retches assign th eir souls to th e
devil in return fb r m a 化r ia l beneGts, p o w er ,m oney, o r 化 e gra tifica tio n
o f th eir base lusts.
N o r m ust i t b e supposed th a t F ra n ce is sin gu lar in this respect.
T h e sam e horrid co n trac 技 a re m ade in E n g la n d to>day as w ere si沪 ed
and sealed b y A lice K y te le r , b y D em d 化 e an d J u lia n C o x ; b y P ierre
A u p etit, b y Bouile, b y G ran d ier, b y l*abb6 G u ib o u rg . W itd ic r a ft is
practised in secret an d alm ost overtly. Y e t th ere stands th e la w d ivin e
w hich N icolas 反em y inscribed u p on the title-p age o f his m ig h ty w ork
weU-nigh three and a h a l f cen tu n es a g o : t/ir siae mtdier, in quilms
Pythonicus uel diuinationis fuerit spiritus morU moriatur.

M on ta g u e

In Festo Ssmi. Rosarii 1929.

r might, perhaps, (Umst be said that the but cmmentari" upon Mcoias
路巧/ $ 食的nonol在tceia were ihe vo!urrus o f t/u 0此er mineni authoritiw,
Bogtut, De Lanere, Guazzo end 化6 rest; aboM all the sup"机e w的k o f Spreng打
<m 3 Kramer, Uf ivMck subsequent writers … constanify refer, the 'hiallens
M a i 地 carum .
Thest great nun 议ithoiit exception wrotefrom the same point o f view, tfuj
were <!〇打技71凉113 agairui ikf same malign 〇品 baleful Mcie^, which, howmer
divergent in its seemingly endless ramifications throughout Europe, however
paried i打讯inor detaib sup巧ficia巧y mod东ed fy local tradition and‘peculiar use,
was and is MMtttially and eUmaUy the sanu, hav沁g as its obj坊t and aim the
sam adoration and dominion oj" the da戍 powers, working evil'll 枕etywhere Ike
sanu *t)il works. As notably proves the case, the logical cons巧uenee follows
that 化e pages o f Ren\y should be illustratice oj" the chapters o f De Lanert, and
that De Lancre should colligaU the Manual o f Boguet, whilst Boguet in France
so sirikingb paroUds the 品 mired Cuazzo 〇 J Milan,
There tr one fact which stands out clearlj/ from an intensive study o f the
demonologists^ and as a contrary and entirely baseless tnor has been advocated
for ihe aeuptance o f tho" tvho have littli knowifd巧 o f 化is "ast library, it mqy
not be impertifunt 化 com et。 mistake that might 抑 occasion mislead the Uss
ir^ormed. I( has b"n said that the witch CO石 tns o f ike Middle Ages and later
a 打ha如s w €u。 continuation oj' some old pajmim religion (oth;ivise tolaUj
unknown), to which ihe name "Dianic cult" has bun 如 化 - This is nurest
fanUuj. i) f recentyears the theoiy has hun put forward by the author o f 了he
\打 ■West灯n EuTOpt,
W itch -C u lt ii - but this signal衫 failed to pr饥e fur
pro^sUioft, It has ^ 饥 i/mght to be an orig^ial 泌终£3妃>〇^ although aciualpf
sum is veryfa r from the case. The same conceit, considerably elaboraUd, will be
found in the work D e l Congresso N o ttu m o d ellc L a m m ie by Girolamo
TartarotU o f Ro石 ereto, wkkh was publishtd at this town m i"j供 . O f consider-
able inUrgst f 扣m tiu fiistorical point o f vUiv、了ortarat托s work, 巧 fa r as his
arguments conclusions are " 柏饥u 3 , has hng since been entirely Sisendikd.
Thi rubric o f Chapter I X o f the First Book runs: S i m ostra I'identita d ella
Socic 位 D ian ian a coUa m o d em a S tr 巧 heria. Unfortunately fo r himself^
suck demonstration "as inevitablj b0〇 nd the au化or、s powers, although he
makes。migh巧 巧 ort to bolste' up his 灯otclut. But tiun TartaroUifor ml his
oddities and his id^e fixe was a scholar, and he had read the authors from
whom he quotes.
In p肋suance o f the general plan o f tfu preserU Sgries I have furnished this
work o f Remj wUH。 m讯imam o f annotation. As ! haue alwadj nm助ked in

the C om p en dium M alcficaru m , / am constantly being

requested 化 equip these manuals o f tlu demonologists 访Uh far more "tensive
comment册ies. A l化抓gh I am bound 化 believe 化at such glosses 泌ou!d be useful,
凸打d 1 hope uahable 化 sUidents o f this vastyet aU-imp〇rta打t subj成 化 provide
such a打 excursus is h前dly practicable; since, maug村 the fact that it were a
’jork o f al化ge巧ler ew巧tioml int灯est, in cigw o f 化e immense amount o f accum-
hted m凸taial o f which muck is 化e gathering o f 巧y own exp灯ience,泌hilsi
muck has be你 饥 nv巧ed 化 me by ma巧 correspondents whom I am tvell pUased
to hjcm <m ofp的tuni巧 o f thanici打呂for tfuir conUmud kindness, suck an iindeir-
taking luoiUd necessitate the wr化ng a 扫isto巧 wi化 " lations ivefl-mgk as copious
and SetaiUd as those transmuted 化 us 的 the indefatigable andjudicious 衣饥\y
best thanks, are due to Dr. H, J . Noman for giving much o f his
valuable ti讯e to reading through the proofs o f this book as also jbr the gen杆ous
loan o f not 狂few rare pi扣es on witchcrqfi from amon呂 Ike many treasures of
his library.







c The Induetments by which

M in jifw be led
i?巧 。巧 A?
anoi/U (heir Hands 〇
their tnUre BodUs with
falling become Dcahrs in (heir Magic Ointmenis;
yei i f they but touch the
Edge o f a Pirson*i Gar-
ment it will at onci prov$
脚 al 化 such a one, pro.
wo。 巧 t/ietr iMfimng, vided that U is 化♦ fVitch>s
〇TUggedPowder:,W<m^ , intenn〇Jiurt,Forothir-
Oinirrmts and Various zvisg suchi!!onUictis ham ,
Venoms of tke 玉
ort: some Iw and dots not injun
o f which cause Death, That when JOmonsfirst
some only Sickness, and proaek Ouir Followers,
some even Healing, And th$y bring them Money:
how these things w not but qflerwardSf when ttu
如 义 f, or / 肿巧W A/w, Glamour has vanishid^ it
poisonous: since thm isfm nd 化 bf nothing hut
mqy be found some who Dung, BriekSf Learn or
are uninjured by J h *
queni Applications o f 化巧 camW 知 w trus
tkm , mUibly they whoM Aiomjf, although they an
OJUc m i Businw it is said to bi the Guardians
化 condmn fViUfw to and K i•p^rsoJ'tfuTrw -
Dwth suns buried in the Earth
f fwt enough for carefully instruct their
Demns to hold 诗m Subjects to Avoid all
bound and fettered fy a Cleanlinesst especially of
Verbal 〇M : but they the Hands, the Washing
Juttkemort mark t/um of which is a Hindrance
wi化 :luir Tohns as M to Wiuher辦 . And how
Enduring IVitmss of tlu this shoula hi Under­
Servitude to which they stood
have subjected them, fn "^hat WitcheSy just as ikey
what Part of the Body erg said to Have done in
成is Mark is most o/ien
nuuU: md how IfuU part ........ 一 Offerings to
i f 佩hV《妙 / 化wnJiV沁6 。打 their Demons拆 the pur­
Devoid o f Fttling pose eUher o f AveWing
That Demons lie with Men^ the Menace Blows, or
bul in a Aiannfr which is o f Winning Exemption
Coldy JojfUss, Vain and from thi kss Phasont o f
Barren. Thai (hey never^ the Duties 化 which t咕
theUss ulebraU Mar* are Pledged by their PacU
ridgfs, and ewn simtilaf* And that such Offerings^
and pretend Jeaiou^ when they are Am m ^^
must beentirtljf Black
That Danom condense for That when Witches mean
thenw hes 。Bo却 otU o f to Fly h thiir Sabbat,
some Matter ana assume tk ^ th$ Jedou^
the Shapes o f various Liv^ o f thiir Husbands by
ing Things; m d attimes fyuUTning them into a deep
even take a Human Shape, Sleep, or bjf Substituting
but o f a Low and Dt^ soTM Obj抗t in their own
praoed Countenance, and LikiMSs to taki thiir
alwqys luith tfuir Hands Place
and Fwt hooked and bent
like Birds o f Pr巧 Thai then art many Faults
for which the Demons
Thai Demons use the Speech bring Witchs to task
o f the Women with whom with ths utmost Sfverify;
Ouy Corwerse; but their such as Failure to at扁 d
Uiterance is ind从inct, tfu J^ocHtmal Assem^
thin》 Ofui a hoanc mtfffUi bites; the Healing o f
Murmur Diseases without Per­
That SdUm ojlen D duda mission: suffering M in.
' to be ufuw ^ed;
men ty an ^kppearance o f
Righteousness; and he has S urc 化如 Evilf 筑ib,
his Di说味hs as M lled as bomnsss: dissuading an^
Possible in 此e same other Jhm Wrongdoing;
Jfocrisy^ihattfuirlVic- cofifessing their 游 ilt to
kedtu巧 mqy b, the man 。 Jtidgg; using their
Secret and less 〇 ptn 化 SpMs without Success;
Conjtciure and Suspicion and very many other
Shortcomings o f this
The essential Filthiness o f Kind. For these they ore
Demons is proved by tiU punished with the m st
Fact 化at their Appear- Savage Beatings or els€
once if alw巧s am m , 抑 must (UoM抑 ihm
panitd l y 。 Loathsome b, some Serious Loss <f
SUnch; and that th ^ so m ir own Goods
back to back —
Thai th ^ a n always a
ready Source o f Vice; and
corns little short o f Med"

bind thm r
,olemn Oo成,
repeat efUr th$
Demon &msdf、 not to b€-
tray their CompMums in
Crime 化曲e Judge. But
, trust to that
alone: fo r they take
thsT rrecautions against
such a RisA fy concealing
their Wames, m d fy cowr>
iftg their ^^Qces wUh a
Maskar Valor sm s suck
owever joyUss
less and even
ridiculous tfu• Songs
~ and
必w 。 1' the Demons^
Aswnblies,> , n ev9rtheUs^
the Witches on taking
their Departure have ic
return T%anks as i f th^ih ^
had mjiffed the greatest o f
That Demons ofiUr ihiif
A ss^blies after the Man^
ner o f Men^ and teceioe
ihs customary Kiss o f
Homagi from ihpr Sub^
jeciss a n i that there is one
o f 如 r Wumbet wh^ if
the Chiefs to whom such
Honours CTi paid
Thai Demons oJUn, send
upon the Fruits anJ Cr冷s
great Jiumbtrs o f Small
Animals o f Different Sort
which destroy and devou
ihem in a 麻俯ent. And
fmv this comes about
That IVitekiS must clw<fys
havs to nport some Fresh
Jffjury worked t^onaFgl-
iow CMoiuu siw i last
Meeting; 加 岭 也 not
escape Punishmint i f th ^
erne to the next Meeting
guiltlsss o f sm $ Crimi o f
That Demons change them- is not without Cause that
selvesfor the time into the Bells are often
Shapes o f Various Ani­ when Hoilstoms and
mals according io their other Tmpests, in which
Requirements, And ivksn IVifchis, Work is stis-
they ivish 化 mix ivitk Ikeir pectidy are brooding and
Subjects they 打e前 Ijt al- threatening
w 巧 s assume 化e S/i^pe o f CH. XXVII That which is struck by
aGoat,fspeciallywhe打they Lightning is qfUn seen U)
publicly manifest them- be M arhd and Scored as
selves in order to be W ot- it were fy Claws; and this
shipped and Revered has led many to believe
了he 了raruv扣。0打 q f Me 打 that the Demon plays
iliTotigh the Air b j Good
Angels^ o f which we read thought thatj when he as^
in Time past, uuis cdhn sumfs a Boky> he prefers
and free from Labour; to take one provided wUh
that by which Witches are Claws and Talons after
now transported bjf De- the Manner o f the Wild
mons is fu ll o f Pain and Beasts
Weariness 巧 Error who,fol-
ihe Epicureans,
However incredible it may t Demons accost
appear, yet all Witches t them with
wUhone Voice<1祝1的6 化如 their 《,巧诚6 化em
thejf are often endued by zvitk Tmofy set Snaresfor
their Demons with ike tkm> and ore Evil, Bale,
Power o f raising the fill and Injurious U>A1《 n;
Clouds; and (hat, being foT ihe 予ruth o f this is
borne up in these^ theydrive shown i打counUfSS StorUs
and thrust them zvhitker boVi SacTcd Qnd Profane;
they wWl, and even, i f and 文 1 is eo嗦rmed ly tlie
nothing obsirvefs Otm , unanimous Statements o f
shake them down in Rain OUT Witches of to-day
upon the Barth. Together
with (he Circumstances Not only are Witches^ as kas
mentioned by them as 公Ire品y been said,
J^ewsary <xnd Peculi前 to Arough the Air
the Accomplishment o f mons; but being ....... .
this Motter A it they devise and work
74 muck 换 m h Men: and
The Sounds o f Bell, becowe finally ate they gently and
they call Men to Holy quietly placed down upon
Prayer^ is odious and ifu Grou打d, even 05 Birds
baleful to Demons; and alight


C" That U is no( in the Demon's

Power to recall ike Sotds
o f the Dead 化theirBodies,
Dead andfromitilkin give
thm Motion lik^ that o f
the Livings just as we see
SiU since t h e y t h e in the ease o f Automatons.
greatest Mimickers o f the Also ike History o f the
Works o f God^ they often Blasphemyy Parricide, and
appear 化do this when tfuj Monstrous Loves o f Pet-
enter into the Bo出es o f tiie rone o f Dalheim 86
And 〇 !•
False Ap*
■ accom*
•panied by AcUons which
ere found to he perfecUy
Genuine^ this d
prove the Truth
Metamorphoses; ^
agreed i心t suck Actions
performed by the
Dmons ivhich control the
whole Matter; they being
by J^ature abie very quick-
ly to bring their Designs
Thai Satai
his Subjects
sory U> his Dark
andfor that Purpose uses
many Things which are
not o f themelves Veno­
mous or Poisonous^ but
merely Rotten and Stink*
ing; and why he does tfds i 【 4
That the SnoTW set by
Witchesfor Mankind cm Examples o f the Various
wUh the gnaUst Difficulty Ills that Wiiefus secretly
be avoided; fo r in sorm bring upon A{闲, showing
unknown Shape and Form how greatljf ih苗 聋 cl己
ihej slijf irUo Locked and and Snares are to befeated 夏
Barrea Houses by Mghti The Herbs, Pow(Ur, Slraws》
and by their Dread Arts and other such Trask
overpower with the Hecvi^ which Witches sim v on
est Sleep those who are the Ground w a cainin
there in Bed, and do many Cause c f DeQ化 or Illness
other Marvels; against to those who W dk upon
which there is no mou them、 provided that it is
部 ective Protection than the inUntion and
t援 Pr< ^s wUh which we wish to injuM t/um^ InU
m accustomed io entrust ikose against whom w
and commend ourselves Evil U conlmflated can
to God on going io Bed. Walk safe ana unharmed
With somewhat concern* over them. And this clear-
tki Method by which Ij shows the Cunning and
fVile o f Ae Devil in
Afflicting and Destroying
(he much-talked^of Men i
Examples o f Meiamor* For what Reason U is that
phosis, bo化 in Ancient the Devil often demands
and RearU Times, the IViUhes' Consent when
true in Appea lu is PhUing end con­
but not in Fa — triving EvU against an方
Eyes are decnntd , one: withsem 苗ExampUs
Glamorous Ari o f ifu to show that suck is his
Demons which ise such Usual Predict i
SomefuTther Examples; and
how Demons and their
Attendant Witches set
F in 化 fious" and
Buildings 133

Tivo moTe Examples; and

how at the Prayer o f their
Disciples ifu Demons oh,
struct th Breath and choke
the L iji o f tho巧 upon


otherExamples: and UuU

Demons straightway in^
fixet Wounds upon those
dateJh m a Witch to In.


That when 议e would have Ust a slight Evil be ex^

the Saints h be the changed for a Greeter^
Authors o f Sicknesses, a tte n d with even heavier
labour under the same Lo此 了 he common Pro-
Error which made the etduTt in 化is MaUer is
formerly impute d说lared; afid U is dis*
aus€ o f their A/tr- puUd whether or noi such
fortuTi 知 cible Exioriion o f a
Gods. And this hasgi说n Cur* can be practised
rise to another Errory that without Mortal 片uri to
we must go 化 the his Soul ivho uses ii
Source fo r our That the Cures o f Demon!
do diose ivho are stung are always disguised under
b, Scorpions> That /Au some Appearance o f Reli-
丘rr饰 打 拉 。 0 公 6-
g m eor^firmed bjf 化e speci­ gio打 ; akd that tb y art
ous Miracles performed gff说ted through the
by Demons in their Por^ Agency o f some Man in
Urits; and U is disputed High Position^ that ih ^
ivfu免tr the巧 are merely may acquire even Greater
Illusions, or whither therg Authoriij. But that the
打 明 y Th
Demons oi times betray
their Baseness by the use
More o f the Cunning o f D ^- q f Foul 公nd Obscene Afat.
mons in Destroying and Urs in their Cures
Polluting Mankind hai there are many Ob^
That thm is nothing which Stacies which are admitted
can so quickly arid effect^ by Witches to hinder them
ively inkuce i^^itekes to u* from Curing ike Ills which
mo说 an Evil Spdl as 成巧 have brought upon
TTireats and Blows and Others, And what these
Violence. But 化at no art is declared by Relevant
small Cart must be taken Examples and Theories 巧8

Another^ <
Evil wiih Another ! 6?
Thai Knowledge
凤 化 " bdimgs
d i f the Demons appear
be endowed wUh such
KnowUdge, U is nothing
but a PreuntimerU aiii
Cortj巧Uir* drawn by
shrewd Inductionfrom tfie
Past; or a simulated Pre^
Eumts which
have themselves al-
■ deUrmined upon;
如 山 如 。 Wiy 皆
•emrU, made pos­
sible by their marvellous
SpMd, o f Events which
have takenplace in various
distant Regions
T h u U Med not seem mar­
vellous (0 an八 M (hai the
Demons remain tvilk thtir
Disciples even during the
Sessions o f the Court;
since thqf are also found
to fitguent the inUrior o f
ChuTchs and Places hal^
lowed fy the Majesty q f
Go<Ts Presencey Irwx^
dentclly 。 MemoTobk
Exam參le《 this is wlaUd;
dmf瓜 远 似 舶 巧 己 化 -
puUd wheilur Demons
can render themselves
visible to tim e <d〇 7U
whom th ^ will, aUhough
many other Men an
present the Time 巧4
That th ^ are in Error who
diny (hai IViiches ought
bepunished at all; aiid the
Arguments with
they commonly
化tir Opinions an
one Cori/Uted

D E M O N O L 乂T 民Y
Epim etheuSy and appetite,
T W w e pass, t>y say that Satan
assails mankina not only through
th e ir secret and domestic affectioiis
i< l(ifIm aysocxp ressk)b yb iu T 〇w-
which Mtn may first g into their very hearts, but also
mans, and so}ahing openly and in declared
c ^ e d . For he open
I N E X P E R I E N C E itsdC y word o f mou 化, and appe 严5
own great loss and bane, affords m visible person to converse with
I 1 . us sad proof that Satan seizes them» as he did when he contended
Jk ^ as ma 打y opportunities o f d 氏 with the Saviour in the wilderness
ceiving and destroyii^ mankind as {S. Matthew iv). But this he does the
there are difTercnt moods and affections more easily when he finds a man
natural to the human character* For weakened by the hardships and cares
such as are given over to their lusts o f life; for 化 en he 如 gges反 (o the
a 打d to love he wins
V b y o 任ering 1 man that he is grieved at his mis*
the he* 一
lope of gainii^一their desires: fortunes and is willing to come to
are bowed under the loa help him. But not even so can he aid
poverty, he allures and assise any man unless
some l&i^e and ample pr has broken bai
baptismal pledge and
riches: or he tempts them by showing to t] ier his aU^iance to
them the means o f avenging them* him and acknowia 咬e him as his
selves when they have b c ^ an^red M 公化r. But i f he cannot gain his
by some iqjury or hurt received: ;n 〇t)ject in this way by n^re persuasion,
short, by whatever other corruption then Satan employs those 苗lu 巧ments
luxury they have been depraved, and temptations which 1 have already
draws them into ower ai mentioned: he fabricates some fair
hold》 them 汹 it were .d to him. and 扣 ectable body aod offc巧 k for
But it is not our purpose to discuss a m扭 ,s enjoyment: or he can do
here what are those blind t much b y means o f 这 false display oif
and desires by which men may be led riches: or by providing drugs to
into $in; for it would be a was巧 o f poison those upon whom a man
time and an abuse o f learnii^ to in* wbhes (o be avenged, or to heal those
volve ourselves in the much-wom con* to whom a man owes a debt 啤 grati-
w between ! indeed, the 一

:i i r

forcibly drive and compel men into Therefore we may first conclude
compliance by fierce threats and revil­ that it i3 no mere fable that witches
in g , or by the fear o f the lash or meet and converse with Demons ;n
Dnson. For men may just as easily be very pe巧0打,Secondly, it is clear that
cd by violence to practise sorcery as Demons use the two most powerful
3y coaxing and b!站kUshment,化ough weapons o f persuasion against the
I shall not here adduce examples to 纪eb e wills or mortals, namely, hope
substantiate this statement, since this and 化ar, desh*e and 化r r o r ; 后r they
matter will be considered more 化liy well know how to induce and inspire
in i位 due place; 化r tlie 护苗ent I am such emotions.
content to say that I have Found it to be
the rarer case for a sorcerer to be driven
by force im 〇his abominable practices.
The truth is 出at;, when Satan can­
not move a man by fair wo地 ,he
compels him by fear and 也托ats of
danger. When Claude Morfele, who C H A PTER
was convicted o f witchcr泌 at Sene 'emons brepare^for thosi whom they
(5th Dec., 1586), was asked what was have won Ijf their Cuming, Dru游 品
the chief inducement that had first Powdersiers, * i^ands, Ointments and 巧ri.
led him 化 give himself 化 tile Demon, cus Venoms sort; s m i、o f which
he answered 出at he had withsU)〇d cause Death, only SUknesSf and
the temptation o f all the Demon’s even Healing* And • these
fair woras, and had only yielded not always^ or for cll
when Sa 化n had threa化ned to kill his poisonous: SUM theu V be f<nmd
wife and children. A t Gueimingen, uAo are uninjuud fy frequetU
巧出 Dec.* 巧 的 ,A n tc^ e Welch no iicatims ^ them^ notably wfwe
lo ite r dared to oppose the Demon in <md iSusmi
anjrtbing 地 " he lia d 化reatened 化 7it£lus to DaUlu
twist his neck unless he obeyed his
化 O M the veiy b^^inning 化e
commands, for he seemed on me very
point o f fulfilling his threat. A t B a r 矣 F Devi! was a murderer 口• 沪 As
viii), and never has he ceasea to
court, 10化 Nov*, 15賊 when he
could by no promises persuade A 1 如 e tempt the impious to commit slaughter
Driget to dedicate herself to him> the and p a r r ic i^ Therefore it •
Demon at last threatened to destroy woader that, once he has caught
caug men
the house in whi出 丸 e lived : and this
misfortune her not lo雌 * "druggedpowdm尸 化 was believed that
afterwards; but it will be more con- witches spreadfilague andpesHknee bv rwans
venient to discuss elsewhere whether 0jfihese diaboltcalpowders. Dttring the visita*
he was the actual cause o f or tiat sickness at Miian in U waspo批
whether he merely foresaw that iarljf held that a batid s<nverer$hadengaged
would happen, G^rtaiiily th灯e are ik^isehes io JissemimUe ike diseau. For ih^
m any examples in the pa^an histories same reason the plague of MUon in 1620-^
o f houses being cast down, the des化uc* wasknownas **LaPesied€gUUnt0H.** Jkm
wteiches daubed wallsy doors^ and furniture
tion o f the crops, chasms in 化 6 *arth> xvitk seme^untlent maiur^ md thty also scoi^
fiery blasts and other such disastrous tend magu pawderf in a 碱de tifi <uid
tempests stirred up 吵 Demons for the ike streets. To sHf 〇 0i in 化
destnicdon o f m e n 《 >r no other pur* cerUm distnmHon. See my
pose than to bind their minds to the Witekr^^、pp. St*
observance o f some new cult and to Exanm of Witches^* (
establish their mastery more and more ^9^1 xxiii, **0/ ih$
• them.


his toils, his fint care is to furnish received by wUches after their enlisb
them with the implements and in- ment in that army o f wickedness; for
struct them in 化e jjra^tices o f wi 化h- that imtial 8化p has a kind o f pref灯-
craA. And lest 化e Qusin的s should be ence.
delayed or hindered through lack o f But it is a matter o f no small wonder
poison or 出巧cuky in adminis化ring that wit评 es not. only impregnatie with
It, he provides 出em at 华 e very first such poisons articles o f whic^ the pur-
with a fine powder which must in­ )〇se and use is to drive away Demons,
fallibly cause the sickness or death of nit even make u巧 o f 也 em durin是 the
those against whom it is used: nor very time o f prayer and the perform­
do货 its harmfulness o f necessity de­ ance o f the Sacraments. A t Seaulx,
pend upon its being minglC-d wi 出 a I ith Oct., 1587, jacobeta Weher was
man's food or drink, or applied to his envious o f tKe lover o f 化e daugh 化r
bare flesh; for it is enough i f but his o f her fellow-countrymen Petrone, but
cloth的 be lightly dus化d with it. T 占e could not injure as she wished;
powder which ki化 is 村ack; that for the girl had emphatically bidden
which only caus 货 sickness is ashen, or her beware o f t r y i^ to h a m her.
sometimes reddish ;打 colour. And But at last, under pretext o f d c^ g
since witches are 地 边 led b y fear or something d ^ , she infect^ an asperge
bribeiy, and sometimes even b y pity wi也 the pedson powder and sprlnlded
(of which they rlaim that they are not the girl with 化 as she was prayi巧 in
entirely destitute), to heal those who church: and at once she was stridun
been strickoi in this manner, with ness and soon alter
they are not wi也out 这 remedy to 左ed. , i6th _Jan., 1587,
their hand; for they are given a third bouiiiood, except
the whole neighbouiiiood,
powder, \ ^ t e in colour, with which Alex 知 BelheurCj had been invited to
the^ dust the sick, or m ix it with a feast given by a noble knight named
& arfo odo rdrin k,an dw & esick- DamieUe on me occasion o f his son's
dispersed. And these drugs o f baptism. Ill brooking this slight, she
varying properties and virtue are dis­ e v ^ e d the olnervation o f those who
tinguishable only by their colour. were carrying the newly baptued
C l… de F e l k t 《 at Mazi妊es, gth Nov., child and, mrinkling it with a poison
1584), Jeanne le Ban (at Masmun- powder o f this kind, killed it.
ster, 3rd Jan., 1585), CJolctte Fischer A nd since 化 is not convenient 化r
(at Gerbeville, 7 th M ay, 1585), them always to keep this powder
and nearly all the women o f t h ^ ready in th d r hand to throw, they
树 lowship, record that they always have also wands imbued
fbund the effects of their powders smeared with some u i ^ c
such as we have said. But this dis- venomous matter, which they com-
tinedon in 出e colou拍 U not so much monly ca n y as 化 drivjng cattle.
to ensure the sel说tioa o f the required Wi 化 出 esc they often* as it were in
poison (化r 出e drugs owe their potency joke, strike 化e men or 也 e cattle
to 化 e Demon, n 的 to any 山herent whi山 they wijh to injure: and th 弓t
{properties of their own), as a visible this is no vain or innocent touch is
sign o f the pa 巧 between the wi 化h testified by the confessions o f Francois
and the Demon, and a guarantee o f Fdlet 泌化res, 。化 〇 旅 ,【 583),
faith. Matteole Guilleraea fat Maz- Ma 巧 lere 化 Warn 扣 ( at Roncham 氏
巧res, 4化 Dec., 1584) and Jeanne ist Dec,, 】 586 , M u 化ole GuiUeret
Alberte S . 巧 erre•试 ont, 8山 Nov ., (at Pagny-sur>M oselle, 巧 8 4 ) , 严 d
巧 81) add that although the ashen- Jacobeta Weher whom I have just
coloured powder do巧 not as a rule mentioned.
. 位tal sickness, it has 116\^押出6* Y et there are th 的e who, thanks to
】ess 出e power to kill when it is first some singular blessing from Heaven,


are immune from such attacks;* for spite: but he, knowing her fblly
wkches have not always unlimked towards herself in this matter, kept
power against all men, as Jeanne pleading different excuses for post-
Gransaint (at Condi-sur-l, Escaut, poning the Affair a 打d hivcnti巧g reasons

lii 1582) and C a 化ari打a Ruffe (at why should 打ot comply with her
^ilic-sur-Mosclle, 28th July, 1587) wish. But at length^ since Xaluetia
have recorded that they were more did not cease to importune him, he
than once informed by their Demons. told her ;n shame and 妒 e f that, in
1 remember questioning that woman of place o f 化at fortune w也 ch he had
Nancy calkd Lasnier (Arm aria), 打om often fbretold for her, her own fbUy
her husband the ass-driver, upon the and impo化nee would be exposed an4
stawments o f the witnesses, an<i especi. would betray her. " I have always^
ally CO打cerning this particular point; m y Xalu 刮ia," he said, “ endured very
and she spoke with great hidignation hardly the unbridled severity o f ihosR
as JbUows: " I t is weTl fbr you Judges execu done巧 towards you, and often
that wc can do nothing against yo u ! in the past have I had a mind to be
For there are none upon whom we re v e n g ^ : but i openly admit that all
would more gladly work our spi化 my at化mpts come 化 曰 othing. For
than you who are ^ways harrying us they are in His guardianship and pro-
fb化 with every torture and punish, 化ction who alone can oppose my
ment/* Jaqueline Xaluetia (at Grand* dcsi沪 s. gut I can repay these officers
Boux化res-sous-Amance, 29th April, for meir persecutions by causing them
1588), freely and without any previous to share in a common 尬 as化r, and
义uestioning, acknowledged the same. will strike the crops and the fields
This woman, having long been sus- far a 打d wide with a 化mpest and lay
pec 化d o f witchcraft, was put in them was化 03 much as I am able,"
chains; but afier a little she was liber* 凡 is is not unlike 也 e sta化men t of
ated by order o f the Judge, because Nicole M orde (at Se打e,24th Jan.,
she had endured all the torture of 1587), that Demons arc impregnated
her questioni打g in an obstinate silence. and scared with an especial hatred
After much turning o f the matter over towards tho巧 who put into operation
in her mhad, she could 打ot rest until the law against wkehes, but t七at it IS
she had worked some evil upon the in vain that they at 化mpt or seek to
Judge who had treated her with such wreak any vengeance against them.
severity; for the filthy rabble of See how God defends and pro化cts
witches is commonly desirous o f r o the authorUy o f those to whom He
vengc. Therefore she ceased not to has given 山e manda化 o f His power
pester her Demon to find 5〇mc safe upon earth, and how He has there-
and caay way for her lo vent her fore made 化cm partake巧 o f His pre-
rogative and honour, calling them
> "immuneffom such aUacks," }Cing Janus Gods even as Him sdf ( 化 IxxxH): so
J in his "DamonoUgie," Second Book, chapter that without doubt they are sacro­
viy discusses xvhai power witches may have (0 sanct and, by reason o f their duty and
harm the MagislrdU."^fhebesloutfifullto- their office, invulnerable even to the
wardes them, God is vetU abU to make them spells o f witches. Indeed they arc not
instrum£ntes to wake只and punish Ms siotuh., ,
BiU 皆he is diligeni in examining andpunish- even bound in the least by the com­
o f them: ^'GOD will not permit ttuir mands o f the Demoni themselves,
tToubU or hinder so ^ood a wo&rke. even though they may have previously
w hat God begitims uiUlU to 別rike vowed allegiance to them and have
his laivfull LieulennenUs, U is not in tfu been touched with the Slain o f that
DeuUUs power lo defraude or bereaue him of oath. For that wi化hes bcneBt by the
the 0取 e, or effect o f his powf^ult and "lung­ pro 化ctio打 o f the sanctity o f a lifagis-
ing Scepkr," 化ate,s office (at least fbr as !ong as

they hold such office)^ so that they are "W ho knew all 护 that the wide
free from all the most importunate earth breeds*"
complaints and insdi^ 曲瓜s o f their
For they are in the discipline and
Liule Masters, who testified by service o f that Master who is ignorant
Didier Finance
Fim (at Saint-Di^ 14th

July ,巧 81) >who said that during the o f nothii^ which has power to destroy
whole o f his magistracy he
ncvei once saw his familiar spirit, But I would rather that such matters
remain hidden jn tile b^ om o f Nature
who at aU other times had been his than that, through m y naming then%
most sedulous adviser on every occa-
they should come to any man^s know*
Sion , Thercfore let the Magistrate
ledge. And it is for this reason that I
undertake duties with confidence,
have always been led, whenever I have
k n o w ^ that he is purs\iing a voca­ found such things written down the
tion i。 which he will always have
examination o f prison巧。 , to have
God as his champion and pro 化ctor.
them altc^ether suppressed: 〇【 at
By reason o f a like sanctity Marcus,
least I would advise, or rather ad,
in the Ih Operatume Damonum o f monish, the actuary to omit them
I ^ lu s , tells t ^ t his Demon uttered wlien he reads out such examinations
no sound upon the days when the
in pipublic. For in Lorraine it is the
C^cifixion and Resurrection are com*
memorated,* although he 巧rove his custo: refer the judgement o f
capital crimes to the votes o f the
utmost to do so. Moreover, the poisons i巧 orant and excited multitude, giving
which Demons give to witches are 在 em full power, and having no regard
thus harmle 巧 only 化 化 ose Judges to the provocation caused by a public
whom I have just mentioned: for exhibition o f the accused; a lth o u ^
there can be 打o doubt that the poisons this is coatrary to the recommen^<*
which they gather and concoct with
tion o f Oljum vin o f Nancy, to
their own nands are equally injurious whom the whole matter 洗 ould first
to aU men cl化 and are imbued with be referred. Would that 化 ese matte 巧
巧 ual venom against all. It has, more­
over, often been proved by experience ere not now $0 publicly known! But
ha^ come to pass after the
that wUches also have their own wont o f mankinds who wi【h imperious
laboratories buffed fuU o f animals,
rashness thru$t into the light those
plants and metals e打dowed with some matte。 which 洗 ould more particularly
natural poiso打; and these are so be k 巧 t h i d d w and the memory o f
numerous and various that they may such thin^ lives longer and is often
be reckoned as many as those which
more curious and pleasant to dwell
Agamedef in Homer (巧!•化/,xi. 741) that or natural h u n ^
is said to have known:
happem : I q this way the Scholiast
f Thco , wrote iKat after many
thus Uirned with wonder at Mount
Mortlle his Latin
tin version o f icily 化 e very moitare in
>EvcpY"'as . I qwU Jrm
edition o f GU6ert Gaaltrgfnj 1615: which Circe and Medea brewed th d r
N f men have so •prized
sub Crwis P assianis^ dies, atgfie ip s ^ nobis poisons. And
turuT<mdam Resumetionem^ m ikl cmtdno
the mere implemen。 , as they were
guamlibet extfpimti suggerm uulL" the earthen lamp o f Epictetus, what
must we ihink they would have done
i Theocritus," ,

1^ .
The scludiati
Xaifi *Estfdn
^dfifioxa ravr’ 2 ^ w 户和。
•the wUck Pirimd$. ,
扣m 如卢和• 知成t 姆巧

i f th 巧r had found 化e acUial poisons, the guidance and advice o f the

or the secret rule o f compounding Demon. Indeed we know from experi**
them inscribed upon some monu- ence that the poison can with
meat? pu 打ity be handled and touched by
anybody after the witches have been
throvm into prison and have re­
nounced their partnership with the
Demon; and the office巧 who are sent
to search for their boxes o f poison are
W iU hs can with saUty anoint their able to bring them back in their hands
Hands and ifuir entire id iie s wUh their with safety.
Magic Ointments: yet i f they but i(nich This was proved not long since
• Edge o f a Personas Garment it w ill (2nd Sept., 1589) at Furscheim, a
prove fU a l 化 such a one, pro, village in German Lorraine. Mai^ie
vidid 化at it is tki intent to Alberte and Gatharina Praevotte,
Hurt, For o化e m iu such Contact is just before they were serucnccd for
harmless and does not injure. witchcraft, were asked to say whether
IT C H E S have doother most they had left any o f their evil poisons
treacherous man打灯 o f apply­ at home, so 出at after they were dead
ing their poison; for, having their these venoms might not be a danger
hands smeared with it, they take hold 化 any. They at once l;oId where 化 c
o f 中 e very ends o f a man , 。 could be found; and 化e
as it were to entreat and propitiate search俯 brought two earthenware
him» Thus it is hardly possible for vessels coiUaimng bitumen spotted
you 仿 be on your guanf and avoid with ycUow and white and gUs化ning
them, si打ce the action has an appear­ here and there with specks o f mctal«
ance o f kindness rather than o f injury. Otillia Kelvers and Anguel Yzarts
Nevertheless, it ;s a most instant (6化 and 7 比 Aug‘ ,1589) o f the same
poison to the body, as has been made town, and s e v e ^ other wi化hes in
manifest b y frequent experience: and other towns, were found to have done
it is the more marveUous becaiise the the sa m e . 知 me may think that the
whch、 bare hand endures with com. w ishes give such infbnnatioii in order
pic 化 safety the poison which thus to curry favour with their Judges,
penetrat巧 even several fold》 o f clotii- and that they cunningly indicate
u g . You may say that there have some unguent which they have pre-
httn men who have transmitted the pared ibr some 0化 er and ordinary
infection o f the p la ^ e to others domestic use instead o f the true
although they themsc了ves were free poison; but this is not the case, and
• ' \ not a parallel case. there are many clear proo& that there
For, a$ w "l be cx必 ained elsewhere pre化ncc or simulation in this
巧 k. I , ,Chaj>> X X ^ V I I ) ,化 is touch matter.
o f a witch IS noxious and fatal in the first pi
to those whom the wUch wishes — are put upon the fire 化ey
吗 ure: whereas A c infecdon o f 化e Bare and splut 化r and glitter as 日oth,
plague strikes those whom you least else can* Jeanne Michaelis of
w i^ 1 And this forces me 化 Etival (2nd June? 1500) ha2 testified
化at^ ;口 the case wc are con­ to this fact. A ^ a in , 在 e巧 have been
sidering ,兴 mething is due to the seen cases o f witches who as soon as
hidden ministry o f the Demon, which the Judge has given them permission
docs not appear but works in s w t t ; to rub or anoiot tbemselv巧 with the
and 化 at 么 e imgue打t is m erdy 化e u 打^ e n t, h&ve at once bee打 carried
outward symbol o f the wretched aloTt aad have d isap p ^ ed . Lucius
witches complicity in the crime under Apuldus (Bk. I 1 I> 公 乂 iho ilurw) 化山
SR« h CH« IV.

o f Famphile* that she in the same have i打their possession all the greater
w ay ap 片ied such a 。 u 打guent to her. treasures which have been dug out o f
sell at^, a 化cr a few 化]native leaps or lie hidden i打 the earth, that never*
from the 打d, flew up and away theless they can never drav
draw from them
in 化 1 mght. And however muen any, even the very smallest, solid proof
witches may differ concerning other o f tkeir frequent promises o f munifi­
m ath。 , they are all^ when ques­ cence and liDcralitV to their followers:
tioned, agreci^d about 也 6 magic use, and if they do indeed produce and
properties and powers o f 化 IS oint­ display any such wealthy they do so
m ent T h 巧 arc even partic 山扣 in widi no in 化nt to enabie men to make
describing hs colour; and this pro, use o f it, but rather u 化 it a$ a bait to
vidw Anther proof that the mat化r is lure their dupes to d 拉tniction, ruin
no dream^ but visible and perceptible and death. Melancthon (Pro巧 mnas.
to 出 e 巧 es. A t S t Dominique, 2nd m。妃 户 4>喊 w , 方足• 巧 wro 化 IKat it
De 。,。咕 Jeanne Gall知 化 Us 化户 happen^ so to a man o f Nuremberg
化 e Demo打 gave it to her wrapped in in year 15 等〇> A Demon pointed
oak Icav巧, and that its colour was out to nim a place where, he said, a
white : and that she nearly always 巧 eat treasu巧 had fbrmerly been
had her hands smeared witn it that hidden; and in his greed for riches
she might 打ever be without the 風cans he at once opened up the place« He
o f doing an injury on any occasion. found a vault in which was a chest
A t liaraucourt, 2打d I^ov, ,1586, Alex 名e guarded by a black w& and
Drigie agrees with this, except Chat as he went in to seize it^ the vault
she declared hers was redai油 in coUapsed and crushed him to death
colour: and she adds that when, at ;n a mo讯ent. One o f his servants had
the instigation o f the Demon, she been a witness o f his attempt; and on
anoin化d wi化 it her husband who was 化eing this he fled in terror at the
lying asleep by her side he very soon great danger and spread abroad the
山ed g re a t,
a巧)!iy, wrUhing and account m all that he had ivitnessed.
coatorting all his limbs. Y o u see how the Demon would not
make this man a sharer even o f this
A world's riches, although
him on with a sure and
C H A P T E R IV o f them. But there ha ,
instances to prove that this
That whvi Demons first approach their and deceit used o f old
Followers, thejf bring them Mon巧; but Demons.
afUrwardSy when the Glamour has Now it would certainly
vanished^ it is found io be nothing bul 化 believe that they act in this manner
Dungi Bricks、 Leaves or some such through parsimony or a desire to keep
Matter. Why tfi巧 give true 化 at o f which 化 ey stand 玉打no need.
Money, although 化巧 arc said to be R a 化巧 has God, m His infini化 good­
tfu Guardians and Keepers o f the ness to men, by His providence so
Treasures buried in tfu Earth.
T ;s surprising, since.
! :ording to 化eologian, Uued in the twelflk centuiy under
I Cedre打us 技9 notes
Demons are believed 化
I Zonaras, Alexius 1 Comnenus and Calo^Joannes. Mis
"Annales,、, 。 chronkU o f Ou world from the
Creatio。的化e accession q f John Commnus in
• "Metamorphosgim、 、、i!I、. P a m p h i l e z u 3 ivas muck used in ifu Afiddk Ag*s,
the witch transy'ofmid lursi^ into an oivi, and Gwrgius CedrenuSf Byiantifu historian, if
then "paulaUm t,"o resuftot, mox in 。 1 化m the au京or o f an historical wwk which b*gins
StiblimaUifo^ns4CUftoUs<Uisettol(U.n wUfi the Cuation m d goa down to
Joannes ^onaras, Byianiim historian and Edited bjf Bekkfr,Bonn> 巧 弁 觀 ,

lest, Demons were to

men with true wealth, no CH APTER
man's integrity should be secure from 《
rm如 fo r Demons to hdd
so great temptation; and lest such AUn bound M d JiclUred f y 。 Verbal
money, once a cq u ii^ , should pro­ Oath: but tk^ Jurtlurmare mark them
vide the means for indulgence every with thiir T 石ons as M Enduring Wit*
and wickedness: for Thai 货♦
ness o f Itu Sm iludt U> which 骑 have
that money has tc 打 化 ousand
d n j« to ;ndu说 evil. There 化rc (as 巧吟cUd thsm. h what Part o f the
B 啼 ihis Mark
- ojhn made:
P$ellus asserts) Demons cannot actually ana h w that dart is ent\ efy Insensilive
fulfil any o f their promises^ but can and Devoid o f
ofler their w orshipp^ the appearance
only o f certain empty» inconstant and
unstable matters.
A t Dieuze, 30化 S ep t; I 弓86> Sen-
towards their slaves
said that in olden
: lelty and barbarity
many ways
nel o f Armentiircs receivea, a$ she
thought, a gi化 o f money from a f devoid o f ftiling.^* There are tHty
Demon^ and joyfully ran home to
count i t : but whe 打 she shook out the
S records in trials o f the insensibility o f the
s mark. Robert Minto, nwasier at
Abtrjbik、 in his 一Stem CmmonweaUh、 、
文found nothing but bits o f (! 如 )wriUs: "A $p〇 i that I him seen, ds
1 coal. Cathari打e o f Metin* 。 small hornvp and brown^oloured;
、 D ie u z c ,^ h N o v .,i5 W ) (hww which mork> w若。 a Ur护 pin was (hmst
found swine^s dung. Claude MorMe (at (both in buihek, and Tooffo f the mtmth)^
Se 打e, 3rd Dec•,巧 8巧 , Benoit Dri会ie till it bomJ and bteeme 7te crooMf
ct* the i '
(at Haraucourt, 15m Dec., 1585), both men and wonun^ Mitlur felt a pain nor
Dominique Pitrone (at Pagny, 20th did ble<d, knew the precise time uAen (his
O ct•,巧 8巧 , and several othe巧 fbuzid urn doing (0 them {their eyes only being
the leaves o f 化ees. Jeanne le Ban covered),** On loik Marcky /6//> Lotus Gau^
(at Masmunster, 5th June, 1585) fridi, 。 priest o f AccauUs iti 化c diocese qf
tbund on the road a gold coin wrappra Marsetllis, was vistied inprison^ white hs lay
i 打 paper as the Demon had foretold; under multiplied charges o f spreerjf, by two
physicians and two surgeons who xvere 〇 p^
but whe打 she eagerly showed it to
pointed to scorchJhr the OeoiPs mark. Their
her husband she discovered, not with­ report st^s th^ discovered three tnorks. The
out shame, that instead o f gold she one was 中 n the right 曲帥• "Wfun we kad
had a rusty-colourcd stone which pier说d this wUh a needle to the dep化 《 two
crumbled to powder at the very first fafgfr/ breadth hefeUnopai^yneiAwdulmy
touch. O f alHhese whom 1 have tried bliod or oAff humimr exudefn (he incision."
on a capital charge, Catharina RufTa The second was in the repu o f the loins,
(at Ville-sur^Moselle, 28th July, 1587) "Herein ' dnm the fo r ikw fingers》
^one admitted that she had once had breadth « . . and yet all the while Uu said
three coins from her Demon with no Gmtfridj felt no nor was there atgf
deception* effluxion 〇]" blood or oihir kumour 分。 巧 kind.
At first the needle was introduced witkwU any
•"T haU s.,, A( 化ally ThaUs left 。〇 sensation beingfeliy as in theprmous instances.
works bihind him, and Ou "D t Coillatiordbus But when the place was probed with som force
DiuUicrum it uirUitis、" wlurut tkis is guoUil, he said hefelt pain^ Imiyet no m ^lun distiUed
must cccourUtd spurious. from this heerathfu, 、 Oft sSth April,1634,
during the famous Loudm trials^ Urbim
Grandier^ the accused, was examined to discover
the DevWs mark. Two such marks wer,found,
one upon Ae skoulder-blade, the other upon the
ihigh^ hoA o f which traved insinsibU even
whnt d a fy pierced with a sharp.
d e u o n o l a t r y

grievous, but its most intolerable brows* Qpirina Xallaea (at Blam-
泣 anifestation was that they scarred vilte> 3 舟 Feb., 1^87) was branded
precaution on the back o f the head: Claude
旅 汾 that Fell知 ( at Mazi 如es,9化 Nov•,巧84)
and on the breast and back: Dominique
Devil Euraea (at Charme$, 2?th Nov.,
whom he has 1584) on the hip: Jana Schwait2
newly claimed as his own with such l^iach^ s8th March, 1588) on tne
tokens o f harsh and inhuman slavery, right) and Jaquelina A ^ u eta (at
marking them especially (as some Grand^Bouxi^res^sous^Amance, 。梦化
say) on that part o f the body which A p r i l , 巧 城 ) on 化 e left 洗 oul才er.
was anointed by the priest on the And they said that the Demon had
day o f their baptism; just as leves put these marks upon them at the
change t 丘c brancl on stolen
stolen ccatuc
a ttle to v c ^ moment when When 化巧
they acmea
th d r own m。戍 • Y et I am not per- FaUh. T he matter moreover, pro
suaded of the sounc^ess o f this last by the sea巧 themselves, which are
a ilm e n t ; for it will be shown later shown by a slight hardening o f the
how the Demons more often soil and skin, i f anyone is doubtful and wishes
befoul with their 化Ions th( parts to test the 化口th o fit. And what may
which the priest has in no way seem more wonderful is that the place
touched. Similarly, I cannot readily is entirely bloodless and ;n5eimtive,
endorse the opinion o f those who deny so that even a needle be deeply
such devils^ marks, by wimng thrust in, no pain b felt and not a
outward sign o f baptis听 drop o f blood ;s shed. This fact is
become as it were a symbol o f its held to be so certain a proof o f capital
opposi化, For they argue that it is guilt that tt often made the base o f
vain to attempt to expunge from the examination and tortu化 ; and such
body a 化ken which is deeply ‘ • was case not long ^ c e at Epinal
pU 打ted in the soul: yet 的 me same 巧化 May, 1588) • For Isabelle Pard 知
reaso打ing might be said that it is was there taken upon a charge o f
superfluous i打 b 巧 tism to sprinkle the wUchcraA:, and told the M ayor o f
body with wa 化r, aUhough this is the the town in which part o f her body
sign o f the inward cleansing o f the she had been thus marked by the
soul. Demon; upon which he decided to
But wha 化ver may be the truth ol test the truth o f this alleged ;nsensi,
the mat化r> the fket Itself is beyond all tiveness. So he ordered a needle to
doubt. For not only is admitted be thrust and deeply forced into the
by various pc打ons who, ;n diffei*e丘t place the presence o f a sufficient
places and at different times, have to number o f witnesses; and no drop o f
their own loss experienced it, but they blood ;ssued from the wound, and
have even proved it by showing the the wi 化h gave not the sKghtest sign
traces o f the marks visible to the eye. o f any pain. A t Porrentruy (30th
And it is a strange and marvellous O c t, 1590), again, Claude B^gaW
fact that they can endure the deepest was about to be put to the torture
wound in that part which has been and, as the CHS化m is, had had her
markecU。 this manner by the Demon>s head shaved. A scar on the top o f
talon without feeling any pain* Alexee her forehead was thus plainly brought
Belhcure (at Biaiaville, i6th Jan., to light. Thereupon tne Judge, sus*
巧台7 ) , 如 col如 Mor^e (at Serre, 3rd peeling the truth, namely^ that this
D e c . , 巧8巧, and Jeanne Gers^dine the mark o f the Demon^s uIon»
(at Fagny» 21st Nov., 1584) agreed which had before been hidden by her
* ........
saying that they hadJ . 化 at symbol
* - ‘L h^T, ordered a pin to be thrust deeply
their perfidy branded their and when this done

was seen that she felt no pain, and **The blood* grows sluggish with
that the wound did not itieed in 化 e advancing ase.
very least. Y e t she persistol in deny­ And all the b o ^ $ strength is frozen
ing the truth, saying that her numl^ up."
ness to pain was due to an old blow
from a stone ; but after she was A^ain,出ow parts in livi啤 animals
brought to the torture she not only which have the least heat nave also
acknowledged 比 at the mark had 化 e least power o f iiseling, suck as 出e
been made by a Demon, but re- hai.r, bones^tee出 and 0左er lilw parts
cou.nted sevei^al other cru d injuries whi沾 , as Disarius says in tile 么化r-
which 化 e had received from him. 舶姑 t o f Macrobi叫 V II, g, are
And quhe recently (14 山 July, 1591) impervious to feeling.
at.Ess巧 , a village a mhe &s 化nt 耗 )m For it cannot be lield that such is
this c i t y , 出 。 present magbtra 化 o f the quali巧 o f the numbn的s in a living
the place ordered 化e 化巧eant 化 crea化 re,s Hmbs caused by the Demon’s
&昨 岭 this test to M 巧 ette, who was mark. In the first place becauM, ii*
c t 扣备ed wi 比 witchcra 江. Tlie 化巧cant anyone touches such a place with his
therefore stripped her tt) see 让 he hand, he can distinguish no difierence
could find suen a mark, and at last or change in it. Secondly, because
fbund it on her 1泌 thi班 as big as a when■ 出e causes o f a natural effect,
wart; and when he probed this as 巧pecially if they are extrinsic causa,
de 叩 ly as DOSS化Ic wit、 his s化e!, he are removed, the effect al扣 must 出s-
could neitner force a Broan from appear. But it is the nature o f the
Mugette nor any droj) o 巧 b od from Demons* touch, of which we are speak­
出 e wound. But when he barely ing, that the insensitiveness which it
pricked 比 e place next to 出 e marl^ induces endures fbr ever; and the
she uttered a great cry o f pain and &rthcr h is removed from 化 cause
the blood p o u i^ out. the more pronounced it becomes.
Now 也e poss化le cause o f 化is uuer Again, witches* hands, which Demons
insensibility n 说 d not be a matter o f endow with the same fatal
very deep inquiry for any person who are often warm and lacking m Urn
c o n f e r s how nothing con " kind o f fHgidity; yet limbs touched
man from a Demon can ever be any­. . by them, even though protected by
thing but jnoita] and pernicious. For clothes, are afflicted widia an aiduriog
it seems to me 出at they are very & r numbness o f this sor^ as has m(
from the truth who ascribe this matter than once been proved by experience.
to natural causes, arguing in the fol­ Finally, speaking in surgical terms, an
lowing maimer; tiiat the & 出 货 which abrasion or excoriatioD o f the skin
Demons form fot themselves arc o f only consists! unless there is any
more 化 an icy coldness;
than coldnc that Airdi扣 complication, in the ski。alone,
which arc imoiight ii into contact with and lies no deeper; whereas in the
or surrounded W• extreme口 cold ar« case o f even the slightest wound o f
dull and insensitive; just as, the sort we are discussiog, every part
depth o f winter: we become benea化 it 拓r as far as 化e longest
slu^ish and languid; and when pm can per >enetrate is endrdy drained
come to old agc> is as it o f all feetofi
were the beginning o f death (and the
dead ceitaim y are cold e n o u ^ ; and, • " r 沁 Woorf," 化 肿 ‘加 诚 ’’
as Plutarch says in his Moima, i f a *W enim gelidus tardaate stnecla
razor be placed in ice it becomes Sanguis hebet, Jngentque tffoetae n corport
blunt through the extreme cold), • f.,>

all our senses are duller and more tuTtudia.'

•Satur VII, 9:
toipid. :
m ea n t'

ause must
thing endrdy different from cold o f CHAPTER VI
this sort, however Utter Dr hard. And
I think that it bears the same Fdadon hat Demons He untk but in a M<m^
to lightning, which» according to cer* ner which is Cold, 3 巧less. Vain md
Barren. That th^ nmrthiUss ceUbraU
tain meteondogists, causes an endur*
MarriageSy end evensinudaU endpretend
ing bloodlessness and insensitiveiitss
in the limbs o f*animals which it strikes
ton啤 cs. For 1 棘 tning is, by 1* P L U T A R C H in hi$ Muma^ a m in g
o •f i Lfiery nature a n d has been JT against the b e lie f o f the
cause o f maDY conflagrations, as tians, says that it is absurd to believe
Seneca, has shown in his that Demons are captivated by human
IfaUtrales. I conclude, then, 1, that beauty and grace, and have inter*
must emphatically insist upon what I COU13C with mankind for the sake o f
have just said, namely, m at there is carnal pleasure* For Nature provides
in Satan some secret powCT to hurt physical beauty as a stimulant to pro*
and destroy^ not govm icd b y any pagadon^ o f which Demons have no
natural laws: that they do but t ^ e Deed) since ihty were created in the
time who seek to reconcile his actions b^;iiming o f a certain fixed number
vdth natural causes; as i f he were Dot (掠 iantius> 也 falsa rglighne: I. B), It
ra ^ er at perpetual strife and ever* must fo U ^ , t h e n , 化 at such
lasting wanare with nature. This can course is poweiless to generate so
be most abundantly proved by the won 占erftil a crcatioii 公 man. For, in
fo llo w in g sin 如 exw iple (which may the 巧rst place^ there must be a com*
se rv e a s a c o r o lla r y t o what h a s been plementary correlation between the
said b e fo r e ), w h ic h I h e a r d lately, specks; and this cannot exist between
while I was living 文 11 the country at a Demoo 如 d a m an; so utterly 巧中〇•
SaiW-Mard,t from the husba凸d o f a ske b y 。&化 巧 a r e the m oit^ amf
woman who chanced at that time to Smmortal, the c o r p o r e a l a n d the in *
be convicted o f witchcraA. He s a id corporeal^ th e s e n tie n t and th e insen*
that he bad for long suspected her o f tientj or a n y tw o c r e a tu r e s which arc
black m a g ic , chi曲 becau化 , e v e ry e v e n m o r e o p p o s ite a n d c o n t r a iy
T h u r s d a y n ig h t when be went to b e d , • o th e r . H o w s u c h in c o m p a tib le s
he a lw a y s f e lt her grow as cold as i c e . can m in g le a n d c o p u la 化 to g e th e r
For (a s w e point out elsewhere) that p asses m y im d e rs 化打d m g ; a n d c e r te s I
in L ^ r r a i 打e is 坤 out 化 e time w h e n c a n n o t Deli' - 一 or
化 e S a b b a t is d isp e 巧 ed and witches c o m p le te is su e c a n b e b r o u g h t t o life
山 p a r t fr o m their ^Little Mas 化 巧 ; a n d b y s u c h a u n io n * F o r t h e r e m u s t
it is no rid icu lo u s or absurd belief 化 a lw a y s b e s o m e p r o p o r tio n b e tw e e n
hol^ t h a t w itc h e s coiUract and c a n th e a c t iv e a n d t h e p a ssiv e ag en t^ a n d
retain f o r so m e time this 3〇的 o f th e e x tr e m e s m u s t m e e t i 打 s o m e c o m ­
f r ig i 出巧 fr o m their contact wi 化 m o n m e a n ,i f th e y a r e t o p r o d u c e a n y
D em o n s* M o r e o v e r , it is not e a s y to resu lt*
conjecture any other cause than that M o r e o v e r , i f lik e is b o m fr o m likC i
which w e h a v e just propounded. h o w , I a s k , c a 打 a liv in g b e in g s p r in g
fr o m 化 e u n io n o f s u c h o p p o s ite a n g
* "Seneca." Qjuiestionum Wciuralitm 化 s s im ila r n a tu r e s ? I k n o w t h a t y o u
Itibri scptem (^addressed U> iMcilius Junior), w ill s a y t h a t w h e n D e m o n s s e t th e m *
selv es to th is b u sin es s th e y ^ s u m c
、"Saint-Mord.、, Wgar B 巧on, H w lUmj s o m e b o d y w h ic h th e y e n d o w w ith th e
had his counity-house. o w m , n a tu re a n d a p p e a ra n ce o f a
S v in g h u r n a 口 fb r m (fo r m a n i3 c o m ­
p o sed o f s p ir it a n d b o d y ) , L 巧 i t b e
g ra n te t h a t th e y a s s u m e s o m e b o d y , if they have any, it b very little: what
for sol r 1 a m i n a g r e e m e n t w ith y o u ; setds o f life, 1 ask, what elements o f
»ut 1 th in lc t h a t b o d y w ill b e birth can look苗 for from sucK a
b e co rp se 〇 ( a d ead m a n , o r nebulous parent which, being itself
Dine c o n c r e t io n a n d c o n d e n s a tio n o f sprung from no 杠thcr, has in Stself no
apou 巧 ; f o r m e th in k s t h a t I s a y e lse * heat which it can infuse and com­
vhere t h a t th e y u s u a lly a d o p t o n e o f municate by the act o f procreation ?
le s e t\ m e th o d s o f m a n ife s tin g I【 a fket that all witches who
le m s e h :〇 us» B u t , I a s k , c a n a n y * make a Demon free o f their bodies
th in g m o r e a b s u r d o r in c r e d ib le b e (and 化is 化ey all do when enter
s a id o r i m a g e d t h a n t h a t t h a t w h ic h his service, ancHt b as it were tke first
is d e v o id o f a n im a l lif e c a n h a v e a n y pledge o f cheir pact with him) are com-
p o w e r o r e f f ic a c y t o im p a r t lif e to pie 化ly in agreement in saying that, if
a n o t h e r ? F o r th is p ro cess o f p r o c r c a * the Demon emits aay semen, it is so
t i o n is ^ v e r n e d b y t h e la w s o f n a tu re^ c o l d ! 出at they recoil wi化 horror on
a c c o r d in g t o w h i w n o s e m e n c a n b e
f e r t ile u n le ss i t c o m e s fr o m a liv in g
m a n . I a m a w a re th a t P e te r o f P a *
u so coU尸了 he pfysical coldness q f
lu d e ^ a n d M a r t i n o f A r l e s f h a v e sa id
the Devil end the repeated assertion at the trials
that his umert tvas nij索ing m d g成d point
t h a t w h e n D e m o n s g o a b o u t th is w o rk U>ilu US* upon ouasto。皆 an artyicial penis.
th e y , a s i t w e r e , m ilk t h e s e m e n fro m Bogtut》 wAn Examm o f Witches、、、 ckapUr xii
t h e b o d ie s o f d e a d m e n ; b u t th is is a s (John Rodk",巧巧),writes: "The witches,
r id ic u lo u s a s t h e p r o v e r b ia l d e a d d o 。, co^ftsshns U)(iUh I llave had make me think
k e y 's f a r t . Ikal 化巧t is Iru化 in (his mU如 ifif 化tual
A n d i f , a s S . B a s il (On Isaiah^ X ) copulation); /o r ilw hap€ M edmitud that
a n d m a n y o th e r s h a v e m ^ n t a i n o d , t h e th巧 have wt化 the D 仍il> and that his
D e m o n ’s b o d y is fo r m e d fr o m a c o n * stm n was vay cold; m d this is Cimjimed ty
c r e tio n o f CO打 d en se d v a p o u rs , s t ill th e the reports o f Paul GriiUaid and the InqtdsiioTS
b u sin ess w ill g o fo r w a rd w ith 打o o f the FaiOi. Jacquma Paget added that she
g r e a t e r success^ a n d s u c h a b o d y w ill had several times taken in her hand tiu member
b e 打o m o r e a d a p 化 d t o t h e w o rk th a n o f the Demon which b y wi化 her, and that it
t h a t o f w h ic h I n a v e ju s t sp o k e n . F o r
was as cold as ice and a goodfin 护户《 lengthy
if , as C ic e r o 6&ys ( D f a a 化M D w rum ,
but noi so thick as tfuU o f a man." De Lancre
records: "TotUfs hs Sorciires $、accordant en
I I ) , t h e v it a l f b r e e w h k h p e rm e a te s eela, que la semence,gu、 e!l巧 ufoiue打(
t h e w h o le w o rld sp rin g s o n ly fro m th e DiobU, estfroide comme ^!ac《 : , . . Qjis si la
打a tu r e o f f ir e , w i 成 o u t w h ic h th e 化 c a n smewe est ainsi froide、 il y 机suit es(
b e 打o p o w e r o r c a u s e o f p r o c r e a tio n destituie de sw Mprits vitaux、4t cinsi qu, sil6
o r g e n e r a t io n : if, a s P lu ta r c h say s in en pent istre cause d^aucune gMration.^* Hi
h is Moralia^^ th e r e is n o re a s o n f o r th e also gives the 饼fission o f 3 《 <innitU d,Abadic,
la c k o f i 打 w as 化 c o u n tr ie s a n d a witch sixUm yews ol《 泌ko said: "ElU
t h e ru g g e d ro c k s o f m o u n ta in s e x c e p t l>accoupUnmt du Did>U, d cause
t h a t th e y a r e e n t ir e ly d ev o id o f fire , ;on mmbrg fiic i 6。 ewailUs il 夫mt
txtreme douleur; outn que la
Peter oj Paluiiy of the Order semence est MtresnwnsrU乐 si lieu qu、4lh
如ed 巧护 • H, u considered om of n^engrosse iamaiSf ni ceue des autw homrMS
distinguished Ttumi地 c theologians au sabhat> li 饥 qu, 6!U soil naiuniU." Widow
during theJirstTia皆 of thfouTUenth cerUwy. Biuh o f Barton、 m English witch, confessed
*1* Martin of Arles.^* Marlin de ArUs of that the Devil who knew her as a ^ m g black
A 心 osUla,duihor of "TroctaUiS insignis man "tvas coUw than man, and havlir, anj
Supmtiiionibus> contra Maljlicia,sguSorti- could not p^forme nature as man," Iw M
legia^ quae hodit uigent in Orbe ierrarum^ in Gowdie and Janit Breadhetd, two Scotch
fdUus a Martino 如 ArUs," witches o f th$ Auldearne coven, confessed that
巧 vj、 Therg is <mthtr edition, Rmg, the Dgvil was mgikle, blak, roch tnan> Witie
cold; and Ifand his nature qU coU wUhiA nu

In 氏 ellus, 万化mm巧ea, two methods o f pFocuzing this

kes the same statement: strous procreadonl
it they qacula 化 any semen ♦ like perhaps more credible and probable.
the body from which it comes, lack , Accoraing to them, the Demons inject
ing in warmth that nothing can be as Incubi the semen which they have
more unfit or unsuitable for procrea- previously r e c e iv e as Succubi; and
tion. this view can reasonably be supported
I need not here run through all the by the fact that this method differs
a i^ iments
m which are usually
sually adduced
adc fit>m the natural and customary w ay
in support this opinion; fo! the o f men only in respect o f a very b ri^
fact is pro、 by actual intermission in its accomplishment*
Alexandro (Genialium
Alexander ab Alexandro* This objection, moreover, m ey easily
dtemniy II, g) records that he knew a overcome by quoting the ectraordin-
nian who told him that the appear­ ary skill o f Demons in pre
ance o f a friend who had lately died ters from their natural
(but it is probable that this was a But whether 化 be a
spectral illusion o f a Demon) came who is cancemed,
tm^ very pale and wasted, and work o f nature must be frw , and there
tried to get in b bed with him : and must be nothing to delay or impede 化
although he fought with him and pre- in the very least. I f shame,fear, horror
ven t^ him from doing this, he yet or some stronger fe e li^ is present^ all
succeeded in inserdi^ one foot, which that comes 抗 • m the loins is spent
was so cold and rigid that no ice;coukl
could vain and nature becomes sterile ;and
be compared witb t also for this reason the very consummation
tells a similar stor^ friend o f his o f love and carnal warmth which it
who went to bed in a chamber whi<ich implies will act as a spur to the accom*
had 化rmerly been notoriously haunted pUshment o f the venerea) act* But all
by Demons, and felM he touch o f an they who have spoken to us o f their
cold hand. But to come nearer copuUtions with bemons agree in say.
h o m e , 化 e cemfessio。 , o f Poosite o f ing that 〇〇出案〇€ colder or more un­
£ 巧巧, who was convicted o f wi pleasant could be irntfined or do*
crafl at ^ioIUlh 句 嗦 h A p 畔 巧 83), scribed* A t Dalheim, Petrone o f Ar*
agre巧 with what has Deen said aSove, mentieres declared that» as soon as he
She said that whenever^ as is the way embraced his Abra/ul^ d l his limbs at
o f lovers^ she put her hand in her once grew sdff. Hennezei at Vergaville^
Demon^s bosom she felt it as hard and
x*igid as ma比 le> Monstrous proewUion• " 始 GuezZO,
Avcnr〇gs> Ble巧ed Albertus Magnus, 'Compendium AfaUJUarum," Book I>
and scvcr&l others add d (John RodkeTf t ^ ) f **Whetherthere Truly
ve Incubus and Stucubus Devils^ <md whelhir
*ring.ivell-waUr.> Isobel added: *成 Clnldrm can be Gentraud ^ Copulation with
abler for ws that waj then any man can be, tkem*,> Ludovico Maria Sinistrari,"£>mon*
orUU hi ves keavie I ruih^ek;。 hudg iali巧 wonun au desirous
nature,m U cold, as of becoming pugnant by the Demon {wkkk
♦ "AUxaruUr.,, Alessandro occurs only with Uu consent end cl Uu express
bom in 1461; died circa wish qf &$ said women、 , the Darw。 is (fans*
J/eapolilM jurisconsvlt wtoU leamally formed into a S^ueubus^ and during ifu aci of
arc&uologicalsubjects.flisfarnousWGeTiiai- coition with som mm receives tiuryr<m humM
ium Dicrum Libri S e x ," 议as first published umen; or else he proatns pollutionfiom a mm
at Paris in I巧2. Airing his sleep, and then /upreserves the $pUt
, Girolamo
卞 " G ir& n ., CardanOy the semen at its natural keat^ eons^rmng it itnth
/amous p/^sician, nuUhenmticSa打、a只 d philoso^ the viud essence. Thisj whm h has cofmextim
phir, was bom cU Paida in 巧0! and dUd at wUk the woman, he iniroducts into her womb>
Rom in 巧76. whencefollows impregnation.^^

sheets were drenched with blood. And

all witches protest that it i$
wholly againstt th d r will that theicy a
embraced by Demons, but 化 aiit it
u化I巧$ for them to resist,
Ther 曲 re X think that it is manifest
and plai凸enough that such copulation
cannot so titillate the nerves as to
evoke any semen; and everyone knows
that without semen there can be no
procreation, But let us assume that
there are t lose whose lu 巧
long aroused by such frigid and jo^€SS em-
which sshe braces, and that the Demon can find
pomteci to as she $ Spoke; an过化
^ k e; and that
ae there here a man and there a woman o f such
were neither• testicles nnr nor «^TOtUin*
scrotum* andktu sgran t& athegoesiit> m
at Ma* one to the other 〜 i化 great s戶eed like
泌 res, 2nd Nov.,1584) said that she a stage t : even though the de-
id often felt it like a spindle swollen lay invcdved o f the shortest, the vj 心
an immcDse size $0 that it could not dement must 扣 rel^ be lacking (br the
contained by even the most capa* o f $0 great 么 m a tw
•us woman w{出out gr甲 t pain• 枕 lis propagation. Ph^idan$ say that no
a 扩 ees with the complaint o f Nicole upbng can have fertile results unless
M ordc (at Seire , 巧化 Jan., 1587^ ife member penetrates 化 tiic
化 at, after such m iw 加 c copulation, »lace> for (be seed must be
she always had to gp straight to bed in one place and must not
as i f she had beea dred out by some eot or dissipated on the way.
long and violent agitation* Didatia 巧 suppose 山 at as Plutarch re*
Miremont (at Preny> g u t J u l y , 巧 撕 ) cords in his Maralia Zeno was right in
also said that, although she hac§ many saying 化at semen is a mixtu巧 ex.
yea 巧, experience o f me打, she was trac 化d from ail 化e forces o f life, and
always so stretched by the huge, swol­ that i( loses all 玉拉po化ncy and virtue
len membert o f her Demon that the unless it has a straight and uninter*
rupted passa長e 化 化 € womb. There-
"J^eUfur Usticks tior scToUim." BtU a 拉 rc G akn (公< 2^ 抑 r/tWi, X V ) saili
ivith whom a witch condemned by £>6 tiiat a nian,s yard must be at its mo巧
Lancre had connexion was othitwise provided. rigid in the act o f coition so that tilie
"Ce mauuais Demon ait fon m m bu mjfparp, semen may be carried as far as pos-
moitU defir , moitU dc chair tout de son long, 加 le> For even 化ough 化e 化men may
dt mesms ies genUoires、。 be 化rtile it is entirely incapable of
寺"hu於 swoiUn 研ember." Boguei, "An
Examen 去 WiUkes、,, 《 hapUr xiiy records; Black Goat with a Candle betwein
"Thievenne Paget said, nwiQ说T, that when Horns^ • •. He had camel know L
vledgt of htTy
S<Uan coupled wUh her sh* had as much pain with greeU Pain., ' Hutchinson^
o s 。 ivoman in trav山!. Franfoise SecreUiin "Ifistorical Essay Concerning Witchcraft
said that、 whilst she was in the act, stu feU {second iditioni 1720, pp, 4^3) • Thi witches
somethin襄burning in her stomach; ond marly told Di Lanere that DioSliy soil guHl cyt
all witcKes ([ffim tkai this coupling is tjy no
m ans pleasurable 化 ikm , both because o f Bouc, 。 fousiom vn mmbrg Je miSgt,巧ant
Satan^s ugliness and defom i^t and because o f choi〇f, en ;mhwion 如从 t animal wmnu
the fhjfsical pain which it CMses them as W6 i, miiux pourueu." Also, '心 mmbw dti
w!•么,W。 公or杰。 。 DM U fsl long ermiron h moitU <i、VM mine,
ftssed before the High Cnambw of Justice 公 * rrudiom wowur, rctigg,obscur, ,t torUi,
Bordeaux that the D t great ! pifuant,"

procreation i f it cannot be deeply He had already formed from the

enough injected, as happens in the dust.*" Certainly the soul does not flow
case o f those who are too quickly unimemip 化 dly through posterity like
brought to the crisis. a river from lU, source; 化。亩 h I
Furthermore, if we coiild accept as once discus化d this mat化r w i 化 a man
truth all that has been affirmed on o f no mean learning who tried to con*
this subject, it would necessarily follow vince me that this was the ca$e» basmg
that God is the abettor and co*pro» his opinioa upon the words which
襄enitor o f 化ese monstrous o 占 cenities. precede the alravc passage: increase
For if Demons
lemons can contribute nothing AND tfutnPLY. For su<m generation
more • dian k naturally
propagation o f soul from soul is qukc incom.
contribut ited Dy men, namely^ the fer* patible with the immortality o f the
tilizing seed hy which animal life soul,.....................
which is, ho & c t beyond
lerated,1, and»
and, as it were
were, passed o n ; all doubt: because which
should fbUow that 化 e resuh owes its cause and inc巧 仿 瓜 仿 some*
出 ould be a perfect and absolute thing else must also have its own end*
human being endowed with a reason* w and death. The T he Essen巧, ♦ as
ing soul. T he necessary conclusion is,
啤 cref气rc> that either the process is 1曲
jo an incom片etc and imperfect form,
Josef hus tells i
y , were 1虹 wiser, who
said that so证 came from the 】 •arest
or God Himself puts the last touch to pper 血
upper air and, and, drawn 卸 b y some
this imperfecdou and, in some sense, natural lure, e n tm d into b ^ e s as
sets HU 化al to For> as Aristotle ;nto prisons* And the greater
says {从 or化 如的t•化♦ 化 . II), it is should be allowed to their opinion^
certau that the mind comes from because th d r earliest youth they
without and is divine by nature nature^ and carefully 》 化died the sacred books and
that i 技 origin is not ih the l^uman the utterances o f die prophets and
semen. And Seneca {De consolations ad were far better fitted than any oth<
^ 化如am, cap, V 。 says: " I f you con- to interpret the 如 the -his.
sider the true origin o f the mind, ; ot Moses he great­
do 巧 not grow from the gross earthly est shame to us not to ag;ree with them
body, but d 的cends from that Heavenly in this maUer; fbr their opinion was
Spirit/* lamblicus {De Mysteriis Aegy^ upheld by that o f men far removed
tiorum) also tells that^ according to the 行cm the worship o f the true God, Let
化 eology o f 出e Egyptians anS Assy­ us hear what Porphyry,f the most
rians, man derives his material body stubborn foe to the G n ^ tian faith,
from the human act o f coition, but his says on this subject: " I t is a fixed
charac化r from 化e higher and uni. principle o f the religion and philo*
ve 巧al Cause, And it is 化e opinion o f
all devout thinkers (S. Augustine, *"Essenes,,* One o f the three leading
i ut . noui Ustam;post sententiam Jewish stUs whichflourished in the second cen­
Jtabinorum David 扮 mchi m 《achar. 12. tury. Amongst them Moses was held in such
色 Mosis Aegyptii) that the soul en­ high 巧U m that to blasphemi his narm memt
dowed with reason is divinely created death. T h y fuU that mortal dissolution was
and implaiued in 化e body at the ti me welcome, since "bodies arc corrupt化k and the
w:hen the limbs take their shape md maUer cornposi只g ih洗i is not lasting,but souls
,曲 at is, about fbrty-ftve days
a n immortal and live for ana ptoaeding
fo from tkf 讯Mt subde 0 〇i0r hav,
•ihw 去rmm
been 3
hav* btgn aim into
after CO打ceptio打(打ippocrates, hdi,s as in化prisons fy som Mturallofi押 g."
foetus). " l ie breatted ;nto his nos- t " 户 肿 的 >巧 •"化 w 乂 C , 巧 • 仇 a 巧 ji
trils,A 化 ys Mos巧 ( G饼 6山 ," 出c o f his work, "Against the ^irisiian, tn
breath o f 1航 •,: which Josephus J^ ift bcokSf onljf a few JragnunU
{*IovBaiK^ *Apyai〇 Xoyia, 1 >i) interprets^ (k the writing! of 瓜 趴 。 t Apolo巧sts haw
endowed with a spirit man whom come down to us.

sophy o f the Essenes, a most not aj)pear absurd that b o d breathes

Ix^ y o f men,化 at there are immortal His divine spirit into such, just as He
souls which descend from the rarer does into those bom in In tim a te wed­
upper air and enter into bodies, being lock; nor need anybody tor this reason
drawn to the bodies b y a sort o f irre* protest that God is the aider and
sisti村e natural instinct*" These are abettor 分 such crimijial lusts. In d c ^
not the words o f one who merely re- it is 这matter o f great moment whether
cords the opinions and b 过iefs o f o在 ers, the order and course o f nature insti*
but o f one who approves and praises tuted from the beginning b y God shall
them, Proclus> again》 who was second be preserved, or whedicr m spite of,
>rphyrius in his fierce baying and rather in contempt o f Him some
against the le Christians in his Epic^ire-
Epkk mockery o f ;t be set in modon. His
maiay writes (De (J t I Daemone.) first, supreme and eternal command
follows o f this migration o f souls from respecting human propagation was
the upper r ^ o n s into human bodies, INCREASE AND MULTIPLY. It is direct
and o f the consequent notable change and simple. And just as, in legal
in their condidons: "T h e d 巧cent o f ph 地 e o lc^ , a direct heir is one who
the soul into the body cuts it o ff from inherits str;— from the testator
the divine spirit from which without interposition o f a third
巧Ued with understanding, commonly called^
purity; but makes itpaitakeringener- immediately; so does procreation pro­
atioo, nature and material things, by ceed directly from man to man, and
whicl^ it ;s imbued with oblivion, sin cannot be communicated through the
and ignorance/* It is clear from this work o f Demons* **Thcre is no incon­
that the mind is o f divine origin, and gruity,** says Peter Lom bardf (*SCTifen-
is not infused or communicated by the tumariy XI; Distwetio^ 32), the tact
seed the parents. Such also was the that God ^ oiild k e ^ unchanged the
化辽ching o f A r i s t o t l e o f f t ’iTUi, I, 4) plan which He formed in A e begin*
when he said that the mind i$ some ning o f the human race, even though
substance which seems to come from human sin ha$ in化rfered whh U."
elsewhere and does not perish; that is 了he$e thin巧 arc o f the depth o f the
(as Lactantius explains more clearly wisdom ana knowledge o f God^ Whose
a 打d at greater length), it is joined to judgements arc unsearchable (Romans
the ma 化rial body only for so long as x i , 巧 )• For so did God will that Abra*
this lives and is nourished. For in the ham should by Hagar the Egyptian
Seventh Book o f his De InslituU<me beget Isbmael, the forefather o f many
i ) 沁:•巧。 he writes as follows again 巧 the nations {Genesis xvi, io)» and Lot, his
heathen: "T h e mind is not the same adopted nephew, through lying ince^
as the soul. Therefore from the time tuously with hjs daughters, begot
也 at it recdv 巧 the faculty o f breath­
ing" (that is> as I interpret it, from the Lombard*^ ^'MagisUr ScnUnlia^
time that U becomes part o f 山 e animal rum..* circa Jioo; died circa nSo-64.
life), **it continues with the body till Thi"SenUnw、 ,( "Q^aUwrUl>riStntfrUi<i-
the end, until it is freed from its rum^*) may be ugardea as ike iheohgical iv&rk
prison and 山c$ back to its owD RUce/ , whichgim Feltr Lombarda special^ace amid
But perhaps somebody will raise the about the auifwritUs 分 化 t Middi< Ages. WfUun
(his guct opus covers the whole
comideratjon o f the 姑 lowing argu. body 0/ tjuological doctrine. Towards the
m ent; that children are bom from ihiiiwih wUur, th wtrhus books wm divided
obscene, incestuo吗 aduUerous and inU> "disdrution^,,* M 々U Laim term i/uU
other a^m inable loves. Y et it should Jirst meofU c pause in Trading and tiun a 4ivi*
sion into chapurs. But the author has done no
讯 oclus.,
,公ontifi mr《化an iH one Questimfallow another ivitk-
out separate sections.

Moab and Ammon, from whom the women, called in their native tongue
very populous nation o f the Coele* v4化)m巧 巧 公 [Haliurunae\y who were
Syrians* 化ace their origin (C?机wir xix, driven by Fiiimcr the Gothic king into
37, 38). the farthest deserts, where they were
But it must be thought quite another embraced by unclean spirits and gave
matter if a man sacrifices his seed to birth to hideous, 6erce dwa 论 from
Moloch, or us巧 it in any way 0化er whom the Huns were descended. Wil
出 an that which is in 化nded in that liam o f Paris,! Thomas o f Brabant
eternal comma打d, or than is demanded {De unmrsali ocno)^ Vincent o f Beau
吟 order or required by use an 过neces- vaisi (X X I ,30), Hec 化r Boece^j (Bk
Sity. Indeed not even the heathen V l i i ) , Joiann Nidei*** (仍
麵 losophcrs app 巧ved 化 e lice 打说 o f V , 10), and others have CO打fide打tl;
芦Dels i打 化 is maUcr, when they dis­ 扣sexted the same about the inhabit
played on the stage the loves, mar­ an 任 o f Cyprus, the Hellequins, the
riages, lusts and adul 化ri巧 of their
gods; and fbr that reason Pla 化 re-
je c 化d Homer from his Re 戶ublic j and t "mWam of Paris." William of
the Athenians pronounced him to be AtiMrgtu, Bishop <ifPorif、 mtdiaevai phibso*
pker and thfo碱 M, bom towards Uu md of
insane becau巧, as Cornelius Nepos tki (wel/lh ctnfuty; died at Paris, 12巧 . 脱
巧ys, he wro巧 of gods at war with me打, wofksxvercfiTstcollwUd andprinted at
This subject was more widely dis- berg* 14於 and thm hov, 6i€n siXferal subse^
cus化d by Scrapion in hU Panegyric, quent tdiiions^ oru of ike Iciest 0/ which is
It is therefore the more surprising that OrUans,斬 4^
so many wri 化rs who profess Chris* S "T h o t^ 蛛 ErabmL" A Dominican^
Vanity should cleave to such an ani bishop,i2〇z—7〇.成 is gfioeralfy
opinio打 and even tenaciously defend ,tftned to as Thomas CanlimpraiamUj or
For even Jornandes^ who was Thomas of Caniimpri^ His famous loark^
o f die Goths when Justinian "Bonum unitursaU 也 Ap化uf>" was inh
was Amperor, did not hesitate 1。 his menseljf Mndar^ but is m v of ifu last
book on the origin o f the Getae to rarity. / have used the Douai editi^ 0/
a^rm that there were in Scythi么witch
化 w n , ^ 化。 •"仿风化
0/l/u birth end death o f th is ceUbraUd tncjKUh
• "Coel巧frims.*, The nam Coel* pw H sl AM uncertain, but the data mas$ f 於
巧 KoiX, Svpia 二 hollow ifyrt。 ) assigned Ar•。 妒and I
gtvtn to the iouhl^fing part i^iwan h is thought that he joined tiu Dmimean
out Aniilibamts tn the 々
/ 成f Ordn shrilf after isiS^ and iha^
Oreonus and IMa; but it was extended practic<Uljf nis uAoU life in his m
hide the counUy MSl q f AntiUbams DecupaiSy incessanily occupied with his
m0us uwk, o f which thegeneral title is ^'Specu-
*Filimer^ rex lum Maius,、>amicining 80 books dhdded into
• • * m et i Srihicas cum —
genk ^$85 c'/utters.
tntrotsse si^m us a natis diefus reperil in 巧 "Ifector Boea." Chronicler, and one 分
populo suo quasdam magus fmditHSy qtias (he founders o f Aberdeen Umversity^ ^4^5 ^
p ^ o semone 访 Uiurmas is ipM cogruminal, 1 巧6. Thein^eiuskeffiueiohisioriails^dies
€Csqiu habens suspectasy d$ medio sui protur-- at Aberdeen was o f lasting effect. H is UHffks^
longeque ab txercitu suofu^aias in 4〇 litu^ particularly the ^^Seotomm Uistonae,* ur4
dituntf coegit ertafe* Q t^ sf>trUtu immundi highly €sUemed.
per eremum uago\ emtm ** Johann JViwfer.** Prior o f the imparlant
ui conUfUxibu mucuxss€nty Diminicm house al Bask, Papal Inquisitor
. . Tali Hunni m d Rteior o f thi Unhersity Vienna.
surpecreatiy 1 Afinilmadueruu、 ,、Jw, ,• 喊 •爪 m u « n i山,( 々r ",
"化 i n situ Go化m m arigine, 、、 心 J。 動 w、 and theu an
s, SbiUgart, s96i (fip. S3^ sUmt —— s to %is Auihcii 耸
uihari^^,T/u tditiim
have usid that of Douci> !6c

Ursini, and the English M erlin*; and from the truth is cIcaHy enough
Ecclesiastical History has given &i1h aiiuwii shown by v j the
WG commentators
wisuuvuiaWA» on vit that
and authority to these tales, FoUow-
the examjde o f Lactantius,千 化 XXXU-XXXIV {translation by th
Origine Eranis^ II, 14 (whose error in
pfesaii wriUr, Farturu Press, t^ j) says
also read in the BibU, 'GenesUy chap. Sy
this matter was^ nevertheless, Icmg vem 4, that gianb m u hm w/un the 说ns 分
since refuted)^ they uphold their God wmi in to 化< daughtwf of nun: this ts
opinion on the ground that we read ih£ actual text* thou giants wm mn 乂
in Genesis vi that the Sons o f God lay gnat sMuu, 、s巧f •iaru^,>chaf. 3, vm, 成
with the daughters o f men. But how andfar to other men* wdy w$u
very 拉r th ey; twist the meaning of th^ disHnmish^ by their huge sizfi^ bui ^ 0
by theirpkjfsical dower, their rapine and their
* BoeUf "Scotonm His- tyrant^. Umugh thdr mhdet山 the gUoUs,
tariae>,>folio、J526* VIII,sqffs: MConstms acant&tg U>Q!^U us a Lqpids, in his 乂 ^於
hm fm a eraf, Meriitm tnadn^ ac nohilis meniaiy an Genesisy were the primary and
~' — - prineipal cause ofthe Flood. Some amiind that
maguis cammibn 巧巧化r 巧m o m 化 by Sons of God are meatti ike sons of Sitk^
kis qufJuiura essetU co^ and by daugftUrs of men ihe daughters of Csut,
fclerus in kis **Chrom£〇ny" because thefomer practised批 斯 religion and
t, generatio xu, wriUs: **In €V€iy other viriae, whibt the desce^ionts of
scens dktus M€rUnus^ adus Cain werf quiU the reverse; tnU^ wiik all dm
ot^essa estu a spiriiu in specie htminist to
化 S>
& JiAn
地 t C%巧 占 汾 文 S.• Cvril.
旬 n7 , S.

isUf hoc €st, per inet^m. Hie Me * wvuv,* o f StudUm, Abbot 蛛
tinbrasius dicUts naius €x 解 a regis S. U ila y a id others uJto are that 4>pitiumy
J€meia, _ it must be ameeded that it hardly agrees with
nob has "Ai巧Urns 曲 imubo damone t the obuiws meaning o f the UxL Seripiure
tus》 ,p• 巧典护 Ho, Cologne* 1巧典 Ma
, in faety that o f the cotgunctim o f &e Sons of
iniic/insiOf** Hbri Sedmdus^ ix^ nates: end the daughters o f men were bom men
"Affrlinwn sgu AUlkiimm Anglicum uaUnty o f htg€ bodily size:const^uaiilj, those giants
ir<md〇4fabulaet nenaniUTy ex d w€T€ not prmcusly in exisUncCf and i f tluit
inctih 狂t fUii Caroii tnagrU &icra utrgw birth was ike result o f ihal conjmetiotty it can*
龄ni(U《巧/tMt.》 ,C m mqy 抑nsuli "。心Sagfn not be ascribed to the intmo 狙:g 蛛 ilu sons 々 J
碱 从 如 如 } 乂 化 b (乂 Seth and ike daughUrs o f Cavtf who^ betn^
化 化 ,化0,/巧义 themselves o f ordvuuy statur$^ amid but pr<h
f "Lacianitux," "Dsuf • • • misit angi!os cTioie diUdrm o f ordinal^ stature. Thereforti
ad UiUlam, cuitwngue generis hmaai. Qjdbus t f the inUrc&um in question gODe tirik to beings
quia Ubsrutn arbiirium erat datumj praec^fU huge siaturc, the reason is that U was nol
ante mni。 , ne ttrroi coniagioM maadati, ilu common connexion between man and w&mani
substantiae caelestis omUtercrU digmUUem^ but the eperaiim o f /nof&i whoy frern iheu
scilicet id eosfacere prohibuU, quodscUImU ess* mlur$y vay vDdl be st^ed Sons o f God,
JjiCtuTos, tU uenitxmsp巧巧e nonpossaU, liaque Such is the opiaian o f the Plaionist Phihs&-
illos cum hominibus commorarUesdondaaior ilU phers and o f Ftenctsco Giorgio the Venetian;
Urrae^allacissimus, consuetiuhne ipsapaulatim nor is it disenpaniJ^om that 蛛 J m 嗦kus iki
aduhuipeUexUWmulUmncongmsiiusinqtd- Historian^ Jfudaats,S, 3.ustin Martyr、
nauit* • • . Qui atUm ex his procreatii quia CUment q f Alexandria^ Terttdiim, and Hugh
neque homingsfuermt^ sed mmam quondam o f S. Victory who look Itwubi as eorpcfioi
n号turam 炉 enUs; non smU ad 邸 eras T€cepti> Aj^ 也 who haoefalUn into the sia o f tewdnesi
sicuti in coelumparerUis eonm. Ita duo genera wiih womtn. Indeed^ as shall be shown here-
deemonumfacta suni^ unum coeUstCy alUnm tfumgh seamngljf distiwt, those tm
ten€rmm.'* Libri //, 14. Jt nu^ remarked <iptnion$ OT4 but one am the seme.
that Rtmjf wholfy mismdersUmds the passage "If> Amforc, ikes* Incubi> as is so eonu
yh) 巧Cfite•记• mnfy he成 hav< bi弘 iUn gUMs fy mans 巧
X "Sons qf God," This passage has bten smen tak<nfrommM, it i$imbossibU, as
nuich dixussed by the exegeUs, akd one may said, that ^ that semen sfumd kojH been bm
pti^iably consult the commenUay in loco of 曲jf but mn of 呼proximatel,瓜 si^ Ci
the teamed Simstrari^ uAo in ^ **Demom^ hifftm whom U tame;fer it u>ould bt in vak
. I 1. , • : . , •

passage, who say that it do 巧 not speak Dialogue 1X1, Demons do not pei^orm
o f sons o f God b y nature and genera* this act fbr tkc purpose o f raising issue,
巧処, but o f those u 巧>0 whom Cod or in order 化 give or receive any
bestowed some peciutar benefit and pleasure. Pliny; says 化at it is but
loved m o rt than others and adopted childish bai>bUag 化 maintain that 化 e
into His femily as especially dear 化 god$ married among 化enudves, but
H im : such as were tne sons o f Seth* that in all those ages no issue was bom
Those, on the contrary^ are called the to them.) Their purpose is rather^ by
daughters o f men wfiosc only com* the practice o f such lewdness^ to sink
mendation was that they were born o f deeper and deeper into iniquity those
the race o f m o i; and such were the whom they have once ensnared. It ^5
daugh 化rs o f Cain. Moreover S , ridiculous, therefbre, when (hey assert
Augustine (i>6 妨 化 Z)巧•> X V , that they are influenced by the passion
docs not understand (his passage m love ^God sa w the mark !)• Ye( it
chc literal sense> although he is fully b true> as will be told ebewhere (Bk*
aware o f the old heathen tales o f II> 2)> that 出 ey contract and 心 护
locubi^ and Succubi and definitely bnue marriages with all the aduk
affirms onl义 just befbre 化 at it is no 化巧r^$ or rivers i历patience which
色ble that t)<mon5 Kc wuh men, to be 化uod among men* Nicole
I too am o f opmion that we must kiortle (at Serre, 3〇出 Jaiu> 1587)
accept the truth o f this fact. But said A a t when slie had reached 此€
Torquemadaf says in his 分 age at which maids are wooed^ and
many suitors came to court It h er her
fo r thg Demon, when acting Uu part o f a Sue* Little Master! oflcn beat her cnieUy
心 IV,化drawJhmmananmwonUdfuanUfjf because she admitted them, and
o ff)T〇li知 liquor in w 也r to proertaU 成ertfrom ^reatened her with worse punidunjent
childunqfhigher sUUuu; quantity is 江 $1记 did not r 地 ain from so in
sinc4 all d^tnds, as we have $<dd^ upon ttu 化 e fu化 re. And in the tche^ Sab*
uit如Ujf o f that liquor, not up<m《is quantUjf. bats it is a crime (as they Dearly all
fVi 0T6 boundf thsrejbre,化 !kat giants ore affirm) to 化uch ,or even lewdly to
born o f another smen 化an man% and that, solicit, 这woman who has been joined
说nsiguintljf, tfu Incubus, fo r the purpose 冻
generation, uus a Sinm which is not man>s. in wedlock to another: so crafhly do
But whu, th in , 斯• W4 to $巧 wUh r巧ard to Demons play the part o f the jedous
ihU? lover. I 丘this coimexioA Erasmus tells
"Subject 化 cometion by our Holjf Mother (巧打拉/獻 /om说a w , X ^ V I I , 2 0 ) 化 at
Churchy and as a meu e^r^ssion o f private 么 ere was a town in Swi位erland called
opinion、 I 5巧 ikat thi Incubus,when having Schiltach , which was completely
intercourse wUh womitif begets the human burned by a! 1 evU Demon fbr no other
feetusfrom his own sttd** reaso打 than that the son o f an inn-
* r【 細 ubi." CiuitaU D*i,、 ,XV> 巧 .
S. AtigusUne SQ八 that ihifi CM be no 之 oubt lions of 巧化, Ljfons;巧鸣, Paris; i6 i 〇t
t/uU 获e 《巧vans and Pans, commonljf colled Rouen. T& third dajf treats qf t/u iruubus oni
Incubi, I似t qfter and hove lain wUk wmen; 成 如 化
in foci certain Celtic spiriU, Dusii (guosdam 支 " 巧 !命 " " 俄 觀 加 的 化 M议 ! " 巧 7;
daemontSf quos Dusics Galli nuncupani) are "Jikairimonia quidm inUr 如0Smdi, tantoqus
•xctgdin&f lascivious and ;n thgir lusts con- aeuo ex his neminem nofci • • •puerilium ffro/fi
tinualljfjomicate and swive. The Holy Doctor deliramntorum
ihat this fact ;s so iViU wlablished U § "Zi "知 MasUr." Afa护 Ulluf. 0 *M〇 >
wtr$ shetr impudence to (Uny U. "&isguisUiows Mcgicoff" 化 xvi> $巧: that
f " 打 巧 w 府a id ," 化;iw Tumcfematay a witch is summontll to the Sabbat,'fEuocd-
"Jardin de las Fhrw curiosas,, 、Sola* batur uoce quadam uelut humana ab ipso
用化從》巧巧》化似 translaUd into French by dtmone^gumnonuocantdamorumMdAfagij-
Gabriel as *^Hixamero ron\ OU SIX temliim, 〇1心 MarUMHum hunc> siu$ ^iar•
•ioumits,、 、吩 ns、巧舟 • 4T4 tinelium."

keeper (from whose house the fiames Pollux, Bacchus, Alexander, Romulus,
began) had won the favour o f the Aesculapius^ and other such demi-
Demon,s mistress: a story which wHI gods: that 苗ey b^otten by those
be fu "y narrated due course. who were at that time callal go也 but
But their great care to Simula化 all we call Demons, who hid themselves
these emotions does but show how (ar in an assumed shape and so embraced
they are from being true; for never is the mothe口 o f mese men. And the
there so busy an ostentation o f truth witches o f 〇" 【 day assert 化at this is
as when it conceals a lie, like a snake still easily accomplished by Incubus
hiding in the grass. For wedlock was Devils, and that they are no less en­
instituted in oi^er to prevent fornica­ dowed wUh the requisite powe巧 o f
tion and for the procreation o f chil­ procreation.
dren ; but, as has been said, i It may be argued that such a claim
apply to Demons, sii is a mere invention, evolved for the
neither attracted by ve concu- sole purpose o f hiding the shame o f
pisccnce, nor have the) ly need to 化 e mothers; since it would have dis­
D^et children: therefore : must fol- graced 打obly born women they had
low that all this matter is deception, admiued their adukedes, incests and
a contrivance, a 创 lacy id a delu- obsc州 iti巧; and , moreover, that it
siou. The truth o f this is made the would have been unseemly to asperse
clearer and more manifest by the fact with any evil pollution the birth o f
that they who maintain famous and pre-eminent in
ship Demons are nevertheless both war and peace, who so well
o d ^ with each other when they would served 化cir country by th 也 labou巧
determine the ori rin, nature and man­ and their heroic deeds. Y et even to
ner o f the impUed act: for this dissen- this day nearly all men show by their
sion CO打ceming one matter is a clear speech and their though巧 that they
argument for its falsity. Some main* tnily and firmly believe in the pro*
tain that such Devils, progeny i$ be. creation o f men by Demons; and they
gottc打 by 打one but huma 打 semen by 化ink 化 at 化eir stron各est and most
those means which I have just dis- unassailable proof lies in the fact that
cu 巧cd, namely, by a rapid alternation they can poi打t to certain women who
o f the male and 食male ofHc巧 on the have lain with Demons a 打d have given
part o f the Demo 打i and the children birth to deformed and portentous
so bom they call Adamitici^ as though mons化n , such as have bee打 no化d by
they descended in a打 unbroken line Cardan «onV化捉,X V I. 3〇)
from Adam like the rest o f men; and Scotland, by Levin Lemne* 巧 *
they say that in 化d r infancy such M iraailis Occultis Naturaey I, 8) in Bel-
children cry day and night, and are gium, and more than 0打cc by our­
heavy but emacia 化d, and yet ca 打suck selves in Lorraine during our examina­
five nu巧的 d r y ; a 打d that tlicsc defects tions o f wi 化hes. But this argument
arc due to the impurity and the trans­ can easily be refiuedf by anyone wlio
ference o f that semen. (So William of cares to probe and delve more deeply
Paris, C/twW口, pa 巧 ult.) CHhers, i 打to 比 e whole matter. For, as Ulpian
on 化 c 0化 er hand, claim superhuman
powers for such children, and as化rt * Levin Lemne,^^ The celebraiid Dutch
that they po巧ess some aUributes of philosopher, bom a t 《irickseCi《ciand, in 13巧 .
divinity, such as the a 打cients u化d to He died ihere in r南 8. A disciple 如 Conrad
ascribe to their heroes, who, according Gesrur, he long practised medicine in his native
to Lucian, were held to be neither town.
gods 打or men, but bo化 . O f 化is we f "TMs argtmenl can easify b* routed,"
hayc 化 e fullest proof in what we find It may be remarked that the leading QutkorUUs
wdtte 打 o f the birth o f Castor and do not。各w ufith Rerriy,

ssiys (In I, osk打turn, D e u巧borum sign^fi- by Pliny (V II, 2 and V , 8); fbr 化e
mtiomif phenomena o f this sort are 化rentage o f such creatures is said to
against 打ature; and I take him to lave bee打 known; but their shape
mean by this that they are disaccor- and appearance was so depraved and
dant with the common laws o f nature. hideous that their very fbuln戸巧 and
For either they exceed the measure ugliness struck the beholder with hor-
prescribed by nature with superfluous ror. Chrisdanus Mas巧cusf (CA化a沁)巧,
and extravagant limbs, as when one is Bk. X X ) wri 化s o f erne such which was
born with three hands or, maybe, observed not many days before the
diree feet or in some other part 〇i the sack o f Ravenna; namely, a her-
body is endowed in a preternauiral maphrodi w c h ild w ith o n e h o r n p r o -
manner. Such was the child o f which acting from its foreheadj with arms
Ammianus Marcellinus (Rerum gesla-- ike wings, an eye in its kKee,化 e feet
fwn Bk** X I 與 records the bir 左 at of a hawk, and marked upon the
Daphne ;a fair and prom ssive suburb breast with 化巧〇 marks— V The
o f A 打tioch, which had two mouths, fbllowing example is no less as的u 打d-
two 化ts o f 化e化, a long be扣 d , 扣id ing, fbr Levi打 如 化 抑 4 a •妃的 testifies
four eyes* And in our own time many that he himself saw it* It had a hooked
children have be饥 bom whh two beak, 江 long smooth Deck, quiverjbig
heads, with six fingers, with two eyes, a poirued tail, a strident voice,
bodies^ and with other limbs dupli­ and very swift feet upon which it ran
cated 案 11 a marvellous manner. O r rapidly to and fro as if seeking for
else, on 化e contrary, they arc lacking some hiding-place in its stable*
in the 打ecessary an含 usual equipment But nobray, who is amenable to the
of 化e human body. Such was that processes recesses o f reasoning v ^ c h always
shapeless mass like a palpUating carry the most w e^f this kinc
nd o f
sponge or marine zoophy^ wiih every argument, will fail
evide打ce of life, wh础 Levin Lenine that a " these c 巧a 化re$,
says (De Afiraculis OccuUisNaturae^ 1, 8) the formation o f their animal bodies,
an island woman brou班 t to b ir ^ not owe their inception to the same causes
long since in Lower Germany. I need which actuate Nature in her under*
not here mention the Monosceli^ taking o f other mat化rs, I shall leave
had but one leg, the headl< o 口t 述 account the duplications and
and the Arimas^ who had one superfluiti货 parts o f the body; for
their foreheads, o f whom we such cases come le under less suspicion
o f being the result o f carnal relation
•Monosedi.、, B ttkr luf店 wi化 Demons, since it is agreed that
戸1如 ,VII、s : "hamimm gams, qid they arc due to an excessive abun-
去 dance o f semen, and there
bemuitai d saltum* Gdtius、化
aUum.,, —Aulus UMiuSy I Ay, monstrous in th d r anatomy; and
€SS€ in montibus terrac Indiae shall base m y argument upon that
• •• hondtus 如jtd monoeoli
monaeoli appillmtur,
appeUmtur, singidis
singulis shapeless and unfinished mass wWeb
<ru$ibus salUiolim atrrenUSy utaacissimae per* I have mentioned. Not even among
nidtaHs: quosdam etiam esse m ltis ceruidbuSf physicians is 化ere any doubt that this
cculos in humeris kab€ntes'^ The
• Plmy, Vy
begotten in the natural manner:
abessis ore only difier in th dr o p ^ o n o f
\djixis: cause o f its deformity* For some
The j maspiWi !Sl^>pOS€d 沁h t 。S 巧舶A ascribe it to a m边 ormation o f the
people o f Jiorthm Europe. Pli^^ V II,. womb; some to unclean and evilly
l&ed "hmd pro^ ab ip$o Aquilonis
TTt^wm"mo〇€uloinJhnUmedi<i \ ‘ iChristimus Mass<ieu$.、、 Chfommtm
insignes, ^bus assidue belbm esst circa metaUa nudt^licis histon<u tUtius^ UsUmunH * • •
libri 巧與 •

infec化d 化m en; some t the 玉 打&11€1166

which Nature may not cknowledge
o f the stars and the heavens, and as her own work. For i is apparent
especially that silent quar化r o f the that Nature uses very lar^e variety
moon which Varro calls interme。 - moul出n o f nan km d espe-
1 her moukUng
strual;* while othe巧 argue that it was ially; to such an extent that o f all
due to other 打atural causes; and any men living it would be hard to find
one o f those causes, or all o f them two who arc absolutely alike in
together, would prevent the child features and habits, even if they be
from bei打g bom with a normal and born 化gether at one bii^th. This was
proper bo 如 . Othe 巧 agai打argue that clearly proved o f old in the case of
It h due to 化 e lustful imagina巧on o f a Esau and Jacob. No physician would
prurient woman without copulation jump to the conclusion that this is due
with any man, by means o f which it to some quality in the semen, as if
is possible Ibr such abnormalities to be Nature should oring fbrth such ut化rly
brought to birth. For without the co* diff肿ent c 祇 0。 from one and the same
operatio打o f a cock, hens can lay 巧 gs; cause; for, on the contraiy (as Cicero
but because o f that deficiency w ey says in his Cato^ and his LaeHu$t)y the
will not qu 姊 however long they w ay 〇r Nature is always simple^ ever
are incubated, but rather become aiming at and $化iving fbr uniformity.
rot化n , Then to what 如巧dcntly probal^e
Whatever may be the truth o f it, I caw e can we ascribe this great vadety?
have never yet heard any suggestion There has been great prolixity o f a r ^ -
made that a fistus o f this sort origin* m ent& boutit’ D u tith asb een gcn er-
a 化s from nature, and not from &1炒 agreed that must be chiefly
Demons. Por even lione$t matrons, rc 良rable to the mothe於 •
far from the least suspicion o f such And in this point it should be
execrable copulation) have often been what the Scriptures say concerning
know。 to give birth to such a 血 Id* Jacob 38). i l c bargain
A 打d, on the o 化征 hand, witches with hjs father-in-law Laban that he
are said to have daily carnal relal should have for his own
o\ all those sheep
〜U h Demo 打s often bear children com. which V spotted or speckled; and
pletc with every natural attribute and in order that as many as possible
absolutely perfect. should be bom o f that sort, wnen the
Now w kh r 巧 ard to 化〇巧 horrific sheep came down to drink he set rods
infants which, as soo打 as ever 化 ey 化e of poplar and almood and plane tree
the lightj are manifestly fearsome by upon which he had peeled whUe
o一 * citiesi and twistines
f their mgs and bands; so 化at b y CO打stant gazing a(
appearance, which the sortthese the 巧nses o f the sheep 嚴 ould be
>Dpulariy ascribed to Demons; it may affected) and the lambs which were to
urged that there is much to support be born should take the imprint of
the opinion that they are begotten by those rods. And this wariness was not
Demons. Y et Euripides in his Electra i 打vain; fbr nearly all those sheep gave
says; birth 化 spotted lambs,al化ougK mere
was not one such ram in the whole
••There is no birth but Nature is Us
mo化灯 flock. This proved discrepancy, there-
fore, was not due to a 打y in化insic pro-
But if the operative causes be a little per^ o f the semen, but to the imaged
more carefully exami打ed, it will be o f the rods operati打g c 试rinsicaUy, f ut
found that there is nothing in them
于 "C 。化" "CWoA/a如 舶 c化的"
•the 33:^^Una uia naturae eaqu0 simplex*'
time o f the new 讯oon." Varro, "Di ; "L cciiu s." "La4iiuf siue D * AmicUio,"
扣从!Va," 狀 化 32; "Wolura mu化ri rm pokst."

if Na 化 re allows such force a 打d faculty rods as a sort o f means or ;ns化ument

to mere bru 化 animals which have no o f His work, whidi there is little doubt
power of thought, what can we expect that He bases upon purely natural
In 化 e case o f m辽nldnd whose mi打d is, causes? Indeed, v a ir is hoist with his
33 Plato says, da^vyro?, which own pe 化r d ; 化r he 化rthwith praises
Cicero* (Tuscidamrum D i巧iitationum, the opinion o f S. A u 护 Stine to the
I, 22) interprets as meaning "always con化aiy (从 CV如 地 X I " and, in
moving itself, always doing something, 化 e 20th chapter o f his great book he
never free from agitation even in adduces arguments against such an
sleep"? For in skep man,s mind is opinion, where he says that by means
troubled by visio打s of his deeds and o f those vai*i%a化d rods Jacob de.
thoughts wAilst he was awake {Macro- frauded his I'ather-in-law o f a great
bius^ Libit }, In Somnium Scipionis,cAp. part o f his 巧ocks and caused him not.
3). I think it was for this reason that able loss; and he adds that it is cxis-
R in yf 代 比 12) said that 化 ere were t>omary lo place belbre sitting hens
more (iifferen说 s among men than those colours with which we w 巧h the
amo打g all the other animals; since chicks to be marked; and this pre-
their o f thought, their mental caution and forethouglit is most la 巧 ely
agility and varie 巧 in contrivance must exercised by the 化 who take care for
set many distinctive marks upon them : their children by seeing that the bed
whereas the minds of the other animals o f confinement shall have no pictures
arc inert and each one is like every or decorations except such as arc dc-
other o f its kind. And although ce打t and ennobling* For Pliny says
iLconard Vair,§ in his treatise 0 巧 /巧- (V II ,1 2 ) 化 at 化e mind ;s very reten-
從fltoWcw ( n , 7), argues 化 at the tive o f such images, and 化 at much
variety of spots upon Jacobis sheep that is popularly ascribed to mere
was Que to the secret might o f the ^ a n ce 13 due to tlxe influence o f t h ii^
Divine will rather 化 an to the infl。 * seen, heard, remembered or imagined
ence o f the striped rods, yet i f the veiy at actual time o f conception.
tni 化 o f the story be carefully con­ Plutarch {De plac. phSos. V , i2) says
sidered k must obviously prove him to that many women have hem u o w n
l)e in error. For if God lUd iiucnded to give birth to childrcD resembling
to bring this thing about, what need those pictures and statues in which
would there have been to use those they taken pleasure.
ow I do not undentand this to
* **Cuero.** ^*Tus(uIanarum Dispuiaiio^ that every individual must
mm,,>J, "ArisiaUUs . • • ipsum mimum,
^cXc^cttu* 。〇"0 nmirUy quasi ril^ derive his appearance and
guamdam continuaiam motionm《(p^mtem., , characteristics from sudh a cause. For
、 "Afacrobius." "Jn Somnium Scipjonis,** the operation o f Nature^s laws is shown
I,3 : "Qtra^^msi 佩Mcorp&risuisiucfor* b y the fact that w e find the features,
c! quaUs ui安lanUm fatigauerat iaU^ se mannerisms, voice, gait» and even the
statute o f the parents reappearing not
*Pliny. ^Historia J/^ituraUs* only in th d r childrexi but in their
IS :Plum in hamM、
lures 從 tn "U ris onmtbus granddiildren after the lapse o f many
thus differeiUice^ ^ n ia m tulocUas cog^*§ years. O Aea 化巧 have a 啤 tiiictiye
tatiom gt in g ^ i uarietas marie on some ^art o f their bodies
nuilHi es notas imprimat: cum ceteris <n»- peculiar to their family: as the sons
immobiles s in t 。 。 诚, similes and grandsons o f Scleucius had an
omnibuSy singtdisque in suo cmque genere** anchor on 化 e thi班 ( Jus山 ,11 X V ) ;
§ *^I^nard F o tr /' Bom c i BmeoerUOy
Spomshdtsant^ d r e a i$ 4〇\ B idw p q fP 〇
z z ^ \
uA^re h i died in j 6〇3 . His^^DeFaseinOfLibri H‘7 論 :, •成 獻 fioe," ATF, iv:
Paris* V tnetiii 呼叫 AUwin> " 巧巧If。化 qu^ infmor< Sdeid nata
•5 如• i s 。 u m k o f sirtguUtr €Tu£iimt. am it
BK. !• CH. VI.

and it is said that the Dacians (Pliny,* fourth degi*ee from an Ethiopian. The
V II, 1 1) even to the fourth generation children of a sorceress of Nisibis|| had
had on the arm a clear mark belonging o 打 thdr bodies the mark of a spear,
to their race. A t Bergamo 脚 s化ria the symbol of the Spartans; and this,
於 the males of the 坛mily of i 打spite of the great fapse o f dme, gave
the Collconi were peculiar in that ri化 to a conviction that she was
most o f them were born with three descended from a very noble family.
化sticks, a feature which was excel- Now when a child is bor打 with some
Ic打tly exemplified in the famous fiar- hideous defbrmity which distinguishes
tolomeo Collconi, whose equestrian it from normal huma打 appearance,
statue still s化nds at Venice befb化 the this ge 打巧ally proceeds from some sudi
Church o f SS. Giovanni e Paolo ;十and excessive activity o f the imagination
fbr 化at reason 化e family still uses 山e as we have mentioned. For if a woman
seal and symbol o f three black 化Sticks, receives a strong mental impre巧ion
In the 技mily oi' the Lepi山 ( Pliny,t and dwells deeply upon it, either at
V II, 12^ three were at different times the time of conception or some time
born with a m em braneoverthecyCi during gestation, the image o f that
inhere A e undoubted insta打ce oi* thought will generally be imprinted
Nicacus>g a member o f a noble 忘mily upon her child: if she fixedly CO打cen-
o f Byzantium, who was born through trates her at化ntion upon some real or
his mothcr^s adultery with an Ethio­ wished-for object, the result is that her
pian ; and although he was quite free vital essences are affec化d by it, and
flrom any colour, his son was a puM i 位 image is transferred to and im-
Ethiopian. Similar to this is PhUarch,s printed upo打 the child in her womb,
instance o f & G 巧ek woman who gave PliUarch (/>6 如化: . 少知7〇玉,\^, I quotes
birth to a black child and was there­ En^edodes to the effect t!ha( a chU<i
fore convicted o f aduhery; but it was fWiioned in the "keness o f some
化und that she was desce凸ded ;n the ol)ject seen at the time o f conception;
aim the truth o f this is fully proved by
* "Plitfy." "HistoriaWaturalis,*>VII>xi: instances given by trustworthy writers.
**Quario p a ^ Dacorum crigims nota in Heliodonis^^I Bishop o f Tricca, in his
brackto reddiUirJ**
、 " 说 • Giovanni e Paolo,,、 Tlu churchy
better known as San ZatUpolo、 was built 巧46^ \\ "M sibis." 0 , Msebis (now Msibin);
and belongs to Ae i)ominicans. The als0 Antiockia Mygdom<Uy a ceUbraUd city o f
i sitUus q f Bioiohmeo CoUeoni, Uu Maopotamia, cm the a ^u U o f Mjgdoma.
equeslrim status raised in Italy aJUr It urn 乂 gnat i巧portance as a m成U巧 post,
the revival o f the ariSf was designed and qftm being taken and na^tured. Finally it
modelled fy Andrea Verrochio and cast in I4g6 fiU into the hands o f the Persians in t/u reign
by Alessmdro Leopardi. ojJovicn.
CoUi {coleus = koXcoc, Ion. vouXm) ore 奇 " 化 化 曲 ntf *,, The idenlificalion of
tfu Usticies, as in the "PriapeiOf" xxviii; HHiodtfTuSj ihs author o f *^Thecgaus and
Charklfd,、, with H 成odarus, Bishop 〇 $
Sed guum tu, f )〇 sit〇ydeuSypudoTt^ T fk a i in Tkessafy,founded upon 々passage tn
Oskndas mtAt coUospaUnieSy SocraUSy the ecclesiastical hisUfriMy has hem
Cum 1 disptUed. There is, however^ m uason
Francesco FU^o Rhode dumid be /M owed in this grouttdUss
US9^ i 4 frequently that was si^esHon. On other hand^ tlu staUmmt
^iTficiphorus CoUistus (who died about 1350)
t "JPU巧•,> " H iM •• ••一cUiiasticid his的 t,, iiuU 戚 i护
I。 : "In Lefidorum g€ttU tns.. bidden r^udtaU kis romance or
ordine, obducto mmbrana oculo, • m d cKm ( h latUr aiumative,
pimus** isjustajjubis.
言wWkiuus•巧了kis is Jirom PKnj> The pickire uAiCi
.......................... VII, M . the mother •

BK,I, CK, D E M O N O L A T 民Y
Historia Aelkiopicc^ [^AidmmKujv pt^Xia his forehead as he was sleeping, be*
8知a), relates a «〇女 w h ich , 化ough it cau 化 his mind was 化〇 ^ e p ly exer,
may be mere ficrio打, yet bears the d 化d in dreams with some oxen in
mark o f truth and is in accordance which he had been interested during
with all the probabilities. He says that the day. A young Spaniard named
an E 化iopian wo访an iVeed her hus- Diego Ozorio went grey-headed in a
band o f all scruples i打 ack打owkdgiii弓 single night because he was 化化d to
his daughter Ghariclea when she told die on the following day. And al­
him that she had had a picture o f though I k 打ow that th巧e instances
Andromache before her eyes at the will appear to many i打credible, yet I
time that she fulfilled her wifely func- have 化 ought fit to mentio打 化 em so
tion; and the husba打d, who was a that, through rough and thorny places,
most keen-witted man, did not reject a smooth and easier way may be pre­
this as a reason fbr hts daugh 化r , s, pared towards the truth.
whiteness, which was contrary to In view o f the above examples o f the
nature a 打d to the u化 o f the country. )ower o f imagination, what should
The story o f Marcus Damascene is under us from CO打丘de打tly ascribing
weU known, o f 化c woma 打 who gave to the in 巧uence o f sight tiiose hideous
birth to a child brbtling with earners births accomplished by N ature ; as
hair, for no other reason than that, in when, either at the time o f concep­
the act o f procreation, she had gazed tion or during pregnancy, women may
upon a pic化re o f S. John the Baptist. study too eagerly the picture o f some
It was for this cause that^ when his Cacodemon such as may be seen in
niece had given bir化 化 a somewhat gaintings o f S. Michael,t S> E|>vtc,§
hairy child, Pope Nicoias III* by a 打 D. Antonyll and others? And therefore
edict ordered the removal o f all the the great jurists in th d 【 legal writings
pictures in 民ome (Guillaume de Paris,
伽 owVon 加 au沉獻,46). Another man 梦 n姑•hwnrn de were immensefy
at Hertogenbosch, as V a ir tells in popular. PMishid PcHs in 1妨 >y 〇ur茲
Book I, c h a p .、 , , De Incantationibus, am c0mpUu edition was is^ d at Toumon
had bcc^ acting 化e part o f a demon ;n in ,6,6. Theprwnt ftfmwe is io L hn 7*
t "S. M kfuul." 化0 is gennailj
a Miracle and had not yet removed senkd cruskin冬ih fiend, as in the pkium
his mask, chanced to meet h h wife Raphael, GuiSo Rtni, 如ariin Sch心, Signor*
and, impatient o f further d d ay ,em. tlUy and 0th ^ grtat masters.
braced her: she then became pregnant ^ "S. E pvu." Or S. A m . S. Aper,Bis*
and gave birth to a child similar in hop o f Tout, 500-505* This Sainl^ w/me
appearance to her husband, upon fia si Jells on S<ptember^ was ceUbraUd/or
whom she had closely gazed during his powtr over demons m d locatfy is fuld in Uu
their eml^aces. It b tol ~ highest v^ruration. The see o f is ^ as it
K ing Gippust that W€U, the htir o f the ancient see o f TouL Upon
the Pliue <Ula Cdrriirc、 is ih* modern
0/ Andrwnaeki {as Rmy a Us by a 此p) but church o f S. Eptrrt^ hmh in a Gothic stjfU by
o f Andromeda, At the hou o f ncog^iioH it PUrt, Mor巧. T 占 inUriar is w , in
was produced^ and King Hj^aspes is amply decoraiion.
contnnetxd o / Uu identity o f las daughter. U 如 /巧 X、" & 瓜 的 & 佩 伯 > 化
Micolas IIIJ* GioDontd Cc4tcni CreaL He is invoked as a paiiictdar proUcter
bom eUetti at against evU spirits. The Temptation o f S,
ViUrbo、 25 Wmmber、 T巧7; £ id ai Soriem、 Antony has been tiu stthjeci o f a tfdst number
mcr ViUrbo^ 92 August^ o f painttMSf s<m$ o f most weird end fta rju l
、一Kin寒C 够 us., 、卡hisisTdaUdb, DUgo power,T % n w pictures by Martin
Aifxi。 , 。 SpMish wriUr Seville, wio dwelt T<nU" (wfu> p^nU d ihis scene tw€lv0 times)、
iMg in P w arid did muck to he皆曲d jUMisk BreugMf C ^lot, Riberaf SalwUor Rasa^
early Peruticn literature. Translated 如化 Ccraai, haac van AMteUn, m d mat^y 0 ^ ^
French,"L$s diverses Isfms de Piem

excuse women o f such < fact that, at the coDcepUoQ or

being due to fa 化 and not the formation of the diild, its mother
own f&uit, But a picture 气〇 has had frequoit intercouxse with a
effect such a result, much more will Demon, the s i^ t o f whom has so
the actual presence o f a Demon. And strongly worked upon her imagination
it has been clearly enough shown that as to affect the appearance o f the
Demons are otten vis化ly present to child. As for A d r savage utterance
witches in one form or another* and th dr unnatural gait and running
Therefore it should DOt seem wonder* about, these are altc^ether from the
ful that they at times give birth to Demon ^ o , ^idq)endently o f the
children o f such prodigious deformity^ mo出er^s will, has entered i 凸to the
(although 1 fin店 (hat this has omy living child in the womb or into such
rarely happened)* as are untimely bom throu班 abor.
A harder matter to undentand is doiu And this, as Alexander ab Alex«
化 e horrid harsh hi$sin《 which such andro says {Gemalmm dientm^ Il> 郑
in&nts utter instead o f wailing , 出 血 and V ,。7), is the reason why 3。身i
headlong gmt and their manner • were formerly thrown into a
searching into hidden places: for none r die sea, or else banished to the
o f those things can be caused b y any ends o f the e a ^ . And at the present
silent picture devoid o f sense or time the Church considers them unfit
motion,whk 占 affects the sight only, Ghiisdan baptism,t wid we
dBcl not any o f 化6 0化er seises i 。扣山 巧 smoth狂 也 cm to death as
a w ay as to influence the embryo* 巧 are bom ; doubtless be.
Here we must confess fliat the Demons carry suspidon o f the hid*
actively interfere and, for the most den presence o f a Demon lurking
part) enter either the mothers or their within 化enu
unlM ^ ( ^ d r e n and endue them widi It is, then, most certain that such
powers 化at arc altogether sup^* arc the Sssue o f men, not o f Demons,
na 化巧 1, This question we deal wi 化 even thou知 th dr shape and entire
la 化r, when we discu巧 their supposed composition may seem hardly human*
power o f meUimorphosis (II, 5 ), Cicero says {De fmbus bon. & mo/., I)
Gran 化d the aGove premises and that to understaiid the nature o f any*
postulates, it is not, I thmk, absurd to thing) two points are to be considered:
$ay that the birth o f such monstrous 6 巧 the material from which a thin兵
and defbrmed children is due to 化e is made; s说o n d , 化 e fbree by which u
is made. Now l^ th these are in the
* “prod皆 ous deJbrmUju" For Ou question control o f man, whereas neither o f
wh曲 r chilkrm am bggmratsd bjf copulation 化 em is at the elective command o f a
wiOi Incubus or Succtibus (Uvils sw GuauOf Demon in the matter o f such procrea*
"Compendium Makjicamn" (Jiodker,! w )> tion. It !s useless for certain men o f
I ,chap,xi» As :his 巧Hit authority s巧s,t&rc ill-employed leisure to maintain to us
can be no 如ubt that a wikh may bwr a child
from connexion with an Incubus dfvil, and aU 、 "WffiUoreceiveChHstimbqpiism." This
orgume打(s 化 tfu contra^ aw vain and m 若tjf. is cUan amtTGty 化曲e (3mrdi、s teaching. The
Dr. Umlock Ellis l^as trwttd in dgtak the following rufka m from 化 "Jlituale
P巧chic State in Pr巧none, and ih$ pre-naUU Jtofnanum"; "Jn nwastris aero baptizMi^, si
imprmions 蛛 the woman in his "jSrWic Sym. casus eueniat, magna catdio adhibenda est: de
holism,,, bgtng volUTM V 分 tfu "Studies in quo si opus fuerit Ordhtarius loci^ uel clu
ilu Psychology of li% tills us that pm ii consulanittr, nisi mortis periadum im*
large number ofcases offatal d^ormities, sup^ mineaL
posed to he due h maternal impwssioru, cannot *^Monstnan, quod htmanam specian non
一 sed.•Many
cau..... • • authorities
nties kavi prae u fmUy 峰 Hzori non debet: de qtto, si
absolutely denUd tk$ ualiiy 〇 / maternal 4hibium/uerit, b^t&zctvrsyb hoc canM^am:
pre:sums. 4$i tu es hmo, ego te baptizio, cte,* **
that such gemina化 and hybi •brid births the particular purpose which they
are due to external and ad^ Ivenddous have in view ; and 山eir diflTerent
causes. In 洗 ort, to return to the point shapes
snapes and appearances m ay be bi said
from which we digressed, there sccins to be as limidess as those adopted by
tru& the opinion o f those who Proteus in his various forms. For just
deny that such procreation is due to as the exhalations o f the earth form
the borrowing (if I m ay so call it) o f themselves into clouds which, when
semen by Demons. Y e t I know that shaken b y 化 e winds, take an infini化
the contrary opinion is h d d ^ many variety o f shapes; so ako do the
learned authors with whom it would Demons, b y means o f their fluency and
seem rash to disagree 江 this were a rapid dexterity, shape 化 如
question o f religion or sacred matters; from a concrete condensation o f air
>ut since 化 does not toudx & e p r in - and vapours into whatever form they
iples o f faith^ and even the Fathera desire. S« Basil agaiD) oa Isaiah ii> says
at the matter as purely problemati- that they often freakishly infest men
, I do not think that I have at all in 在 e form o f a cat or a fly or a dog
placed my or化odoxy ;订 question by a lamblicus {De Afysteriis At^twrum)
free exposition of the reasons whidi and I^ellus {De Damonibus) write that
have led me to favour one opinion it is not possible to compute the
rather than any other. various fonns in which they busy
themselves: for now they will conime
themselves within the very $malie$t o f
bo 化es, and now diia 化山 emselves ;nto
mon巧的us size; sometimes they appear
as men, sometimes as women; they
will roar 1化e lions, or leap like pan.
了hat Demons condense for themselves a 化 ers, or bark like dogs; and at tunes
电 out q/ som Matter and assume ihe W^I transform themselves into the
Shapes of various Living Things; md at shape o f 江 wine-skin or some other
times mn tab a Human Shape, but of a ves化L Alvarado a Minues, Oviedo,
Low (2nd Dtpravtd Countenc and those who have written o f the
always with tneir Hands and Feet hooked customs o f the West Indians, testify to
md Imt Uk* Birds of Pwy, very frequent meetings with Demons
EMONS are by nature incor­ appearing now in the shape one
poreal (Psalm civ, 4 ; • and animal^ now in that o f another* And
Hebrews i, 7); but it was agreed even here ;t is wordi while to 巧t down the
the PlMonists that they can fbr a Qus shapes and forms in which
time assume and make u化 o f a body t i ^ l have manifested ^emselvcs to the
condensed out o f the air or from some itches o f oxir own time.
grosser matter; and S. Augustine, in 入t Seire, on the 巧化 January, 15849
h i s j V a 化 饥 0巧u所, d o ^ 凸ot deny Nicole M orde avowed that, when her
that he is o f the same Of^ion* S* Basil Little Master visited her in prison, he
also, on /王 幻I’oA X, writes that the bodies appeared in the shape and form either
o f Demons are sometimes o f air anH o f a bird flying in b y the window, or
sometimes o f fire» and often com^ (rf*a hare or mouse running around^ or
pounded o f both 化。 e elements: o f a man by whom she was
can, indeed, be no doubt defiled. Jeanne Gerardine^ at Pagny-
Demons take upon themselves just that sur-M os&e on 化 e 23rd Novem b^,
Lcre化 body which ans 、
answers 1584^ said that he likewise
to her in prison ;D 化 e 洗 ape <
♦ "Aafal" 4. Who makiik his dog. A woman called Laszucr
mgtls spirits,,、 i is quotedin ihe "Epis瓜 Nanc^ answered diat she had see
化化总如 him in the likeness o f a crab, when
BK. I, CH. V II.

questioned her as Examining Magis- and shapekss (a charac化ristic no化d

狂a 化 concerning the depositions o f the by Jornandes of the Huns, who arc
witnesses* Nearly all the women ap­ said to be descended from Incubus
prehended throughout the whole wide Demons); that their eyes were deep
prov ミ ncc of Lorraine have admitted set, yet flashing like flames; that the
that the Demon used to visit them by opening of their mou化s was wide and
night, creeping through the window deep, a 打d always gave forth a sulphur­
bars in 化e fbrm o f a cat or some other ous smell; 化 at 化 d r hands were 化in
small beasL In fact there is no animal and deformed with hai打 and talons;
whose shape they do not at times their feet of horn 么打d cloven; their
usurp, when they are setting their stature never in proportion, but always
snares and plotting iheir schem巧 :yet, unnaturally small or great; and that
as the Abbot John Trithemius* ob­ they were in all respects out o f due
serves, there is no shape which they measurement. Alexcc Bclheurc, at
more readily assume 化 an that o f man, Blainville on the 16th January, 1587,
since that IS the most convenie 打t in added that she had sometimes seen
which 化 meet and converse with their her Demon appear wkhout a hea过, or
sul^ects. whh one fbot missing, when she joined
And herein is most wonderfully with her companions in their noctur-
ma 打ifesled the lovi打g-kindness o f God nal danc巧,
towards wretched mortals: for Demons This bri打gs to my mind the rumour
can never so com plekly ape the which, in my childhood, was &pr^d
huma 打 shape but that the deception concerning certain hobgoblins which
is apparent to even the mo巧巧 upid> were said to be seen often dancing at
Ehher 化eir ecu 打tcnancc is o f a hide- D邮 t at the cross-roads, and were
ous 化ulness; or their hands and feet called " 厶t 抽 巧 m ,"t that is
arc distorted and hooked wi(h claws
like 化 osc o f obsce打e vultures; or dsc • ^^HainequinJ* Mtuh folk-lore and
they are conspicuous b y reason o f some iion, old and new, are gAihered armmd 化is
evident mark which betn goblin host. The word itselfocatn in m extra.
oariety offomSy amongst ike mare
ness of their nature. Johaim Fischer at 皆 which m "herhqtiin,,' "herkkift, ,,
Gcrbcville the 4th
_ May, 1585; "lderUkin>, ,‘‘hdU^tdn,》、 md "helUldn*、、 In
Hennezel, at V e r g a ^ e _ ihi "Aliuick de Soint E h i" the nameHerlakm
Ju 打c, 1586; Salome, at the same place sems to be used as。巧nonjmfor Satan in the
on the 27th August, 1586; Catharine phrase "par le amsd de This
Balandre, at 巧arberg on the 3rd form itm survives in some rmoUr ptommial
December,1584; Nicole Gana 化r, at dis化icts of France as a termfor 瓜 wilW-
Mein 耗Id on 庄c 8化 July ,巧 85; Sennel the-wisp,化id in Dors加 hin "harlican" d护
o f Arme 打tieres, at 35ieuze 〇打 30th not巧 a iroubksome or jidgefy youft巧
September, 1587; and Jeanne Gerar- Jn Old Fwnch Jfoms and romances tU MtM
dine> at Pagny-sur-Mo化Ue on the 24th denotes a ghost食 being ivho was the Udder qf
November, 1584, affirmed that they ifu shadowy hests 却凉e dead. In the thirUcnlh
had often observed their Little Masters ceniuty French 议ri(e口 speak of "Lc TMisnU
戍 erlikin" or "La maisnie 片el巧tiin" 化 如
carefully and at 化ntively when they scr 化6。 random rout ofphantoms or evil spirits
had appeared to converse with them, who rod* abroad on stormjf nights in wild
and had noticed that their fea化res CQvakad*. In Holland Mellekin is still Ihe
always appeared dark and obscure, wild hunter, w fmUiar from German tales、
who scours the darkling air wUh his fearful
• **Abbot TrUhemius,》、 This famous pack. WdUr Ma^speaksqfairoopofnigftt-
BifiedictiM schohr ivas born <U Tritterifuim on wandinrSf called HerUihingi (phalanges noetic
the Moselle, i Februarjf, 2462; and died ai uast g " " IM tihi啼 die品arU), amongst
W f 如 带 。从成7«*价>巧/ & 皆 Aix巧。 " 化<1。 wKm "Iherc QfipwrgS alive mar\y ivho
tigh巧works a port 店 ve appeared in prirU, known 化 kav6 hten long since de品 , 、

化 e Helk . For writers o f CHAPTER

repiUe that the Helle**
qums traced their o origin to Incubus
r ig in 化 扔如公饼巧似化> 9批化&皆
Demons; but we have already dis* mthwhomth^Converse; but ut their Utter-
cu $ sed w h e& ersu ch ad ^ m isrigh to r ana is indistinct, thin, and
an a hoarse
wrong. It is, however, a fact that even mujkd Mu
among the ancients Hccatc* was be­
l t h o u g h , as we ha\
lieved to go on one foot, as has been
amply described and discussed by the
commentators on Aristophanes and
A said in the 6 巧t chapU
Book> the Devil works c h i^ y by subtle
Homer; and she appeared not only and secret ways to drive men 1
during the night-time, but very often yet at times he employs for th;
also at noo打dde^t sp ecially when pose the power o f speech such as men
sacrifices were offered to the shades o f use in their intercourse with each cacn
the dead. I do not know whether this other ;especially when he is scheming
may rightly be referred to 化 e pa 巧age to bind men to him by a formal con-
in the Psalms (xci. 6) where it speaks tr注ct IB witchcraft.
o f the De 巧ruction that was化th at this is ordinary and momentary
noonday; though there are some who desertio打 to the Devil, like our lapses
think that by this is mea打t Demons ^nto sin due : human frailty: ;t i$ a
who transform themselves into angels documentary naking over o f our-
oflight, or o f noonday. 及ut will be selves, in the same manner
shown la 化r (Bk. I. chap. 14) that the and servant en化r into an agreement
Demons do perform their dances even legally expressed i打set 化rms and con,
at noonday. And more will be said in ditions o f authority a 打d obedience.
its due place (I. 23) concerning their For this rcaso打a persona! meeting and
thousand variations. CO打versation is needed in order that
each party mav ratify such a pact.
that companUs of these troops **were ven> ufell It has already been shown that the
mwn in England even to the JnewtU 品y, tk£ Devil often m&nifes巧 himself to man
sign of our 哀ing Hmy II、" and he UUs of a in human shape. 11 will be no less easy
' tfu to believe that he also holds vocaJ
Marshes of Herejord and Wales in //5^. in 化化oursc with men. For 江 he can
Odericus VUalis》 "Ecclesiastical Kistory, , form for himself a human shape out o f
Vllly c. has an account of a priest named condensed air, what is to prevent him
IVakdin,议ko> in Januaiy r〇pi> sauj at Bon. IVom making use o f the vibrations o f
neval。 company of HarHqiiin ("//如 , the same maUcr to counterfeit the
於 峨 , including man^ kni&his* 始 ies md
lesiastics long sinu 策。 (L See *‘*The
eccUs human voice? For by the reception
p in in Europi、、 by MoMogue Summers, c lu ^ and repercussion o f such vibrations,
ter Sy pp. 9 7 ^$ 6 . T h ^ are o jlm comecUd even valleys often repeat and very
w ith a i^fihiccl Herhy K ing o f the Britons articulately imitate 山 e V山ce«
in the old (inu、, o f Uffwn 筑 apes UUs. fact) indee<l> led the ancients in their
* **HecaU.^* Sef **Thc Geogr(^y o f ignora 口CO to r 巧 ard certain statues,
Wilchcr^l," bj Aioniagtu Summers,pp. & ^ , oaks and caverns as their oracles.
Owt«i\7j,Arif- Apollonius (according to the Life by
P&ilos化 VI> 4) says 化 at they
io奔 . ascribed the power o f speech to the
、一/foottiidt." The Htrle成ingi ivho w m statue o f Mtmnon at the moment
seen on the Welsh borders 皆 Her身舟dddre 命 when the sun touched its lips, as it did
peered ai rwoHy which Ufos remarked as extras Nicephorus G r^ oras} in
仍dinaty. Ltotu AUccci iells q f a v a n ^ c in
the island o f Chios who appeared ai middigf ii Gregaras** A Byzmiin
the於 Us on the hi如 rooJs. "TTu Vatr^ire i 々S—
circa , 铅 一tViQ.
城 . H is work is iw
Europe," ch^fkr ;。 . tMrij^gki Mesy 化

his ByzAntim History^ Bk. V , says: Feather-wiper Th 说e who use the

There are those who believe cer- 民oma打ce to打gue (巧r the inhabitants
Spirits, both good and evil, ac­ o f Lorraine are divided between the
quaint mankind with a knowledge of two la 。巧 ages) mention $"ch names
tlie future by means o f a voice formed 今ersil、Jdy峡ois,V《 rdeUt> S〇 uU-
out o f the air and 巧nsibly pounding in &«打的。 , and many other such which
化 e ears o f men." A na just as the would be idle 化 repeat
sou打ds o f the vocal or护打5 can be re- But just as they can never so com*
produced in 化 eir va 巧ous to打es and pie 化ly adopt a human appears
accents merely by the control o f the that there remains something
vibrations o f a comb (as Juvenal** pose the fraud and decepuoi ^
says^; 80 alsOj thanks to their skill in shown in Chapter V I I ; $0 they cannot
illusions^ do the Demons^ without 30 perfectly imitate the human voice
to 打沪e or p&la巧 or any functioning th&t the and pre 化打说 o f it is not
o f tneir throat or sides or lunsSj inform easily perceived by tlieir hearers,
the air with any speech or iaiom they Nicole Ganater at Mdnfeld on 化 e mh
please. Those who formcri心 nhabi化 d July, 158^, Eva Hesolcttc who lived in
Greece (says Psellus in his t>$ Daemon^ the vicinuy o f the Abbey o f St* Epvre,
巧w) gave their replies in the heroic Jana Schwartz, a native o f Armcourt,
ma 打打e r : those amo打g the Ghaldaeans at L 化 ch OD A e 化 M a r c h , 巧 88,
u 巧 d the speech o f the Chaldaeans: in and many other women said 化 at 盛 eir
Egypt they spoke Egyptia 打; and when Demons spoke as if their mouths were
those who lived Armenia 扣 igrated in a ja r or cracked pitcher* And on
to other parts, they used the vernacu- that account always th dr wont
lar to打gue o f the Snhabit&nts. when spe山 ng to hold th 姐 heads
And still to this day wUches affirm down, as do those who speak in shame,
that their Little Masters speak to them being conscious o f guilt. O r else their
th dr GW打 tongue as 打aturally and voice is feeble and weak. For H erm o
idiomatically as one who has never laus Berbanis (Petrus Crinitus^f De
left his native country; a 打d 化 at they • 游 吩 病 0, V 化 2) U)ld A a t '
eve 打 take upon themselves names in heard the voice o f a whispering D
commo打口巧 in the vernacular speech, answering a qu^tion which he
Margaret Luodman, at VergaviUe <m Georgius Placcntinus had put
化 e 22 nd January, 1587, said that hi评 concerning the cn 化lechy o f Aristotle*
Familiar*5 name was Ungluck^ that is Pliny (X a X , 2) writes that the same
M ischance: Sybilla Haar, at the sort o f curiosi^ caused Apion the
place on the 14th November, grammarian, a learned m拥 , whom in
said that hers was named Mt his youth he had himself often seen,
化 at is H a n n & l ; 化 at o f d a t to summon a spirit to red 化 Homer,
Haffner, as she said at the same place and asked it to tell what was its coun­
on t h e S e p t e m b e r ! 1586, was try and parentage^ but did not dare to
Tzum W<Ut Vliepen^ that is Flying-to-
the*Woods; and i^exia Bernhard, at 卞 " 化 w Criniltu*^ Petro Crimto or
Guermingen on the 25th January, Riccio.• Bom
Born at Florence oIm U i 妈 ♦ died
1590, gave (he name that ^5〇4> A pu^l of Poliziiin0y ne became
fme of Uii most CMbrcUd liUraty men of hts
aiptw€ of ConstantinopUly ike Latins in 1204 day. His honesta disciplina^^ rm into
and concluding thejfcar 1觀 . Twenfy^ editions; Jirsi^ Fhrence, folio, ts〇〇*
four bi>oks have been printed ceniaimng the ••Vtt〇4 PcHarum Latinmm,、 um 於
period ! 汾 4 化 , 巧 1, EkiiedfySch(^pen,iom, nown, and his 9wn weu hi典,cm^
i8s^. ^imenUd, Ugolino Verrio sajnng:
、VI, 班I; mtmgraUur ••Discipuli^ ’
• chrdci.、*

relate ^ts reply* I take this mean evoke Demons which gave utteranc
that the Demon spoke in a through the pelvis in a harsh> thin
confused, ambiguous, muffled and hissing* A ll these histance^^ 化 prove
feeble that he could understand no that imitation, which (as 耗 bius says,
d ear and certain meaning to report 化 成 々ML III ,5) is proper to art, can
afterwaids. For Psdius (此 never so completely ape nature that
ibu$) sa^ that DemonSi for all their there not 苗ways some difference,
effort, give ut 化巧nee to a thi打,weak and that the very truth far outstrips
voice, so that by reason o f 化 e mdU, the simulation which would follow in
tinct obscurity o f it their Hes may be 五任tracks.
the harder to detect. S. Gennadius,*
Patn&rchofConWantinoplc, heardthe
confused voice o f a spectre s化ndi打g by
night befbre the ahar, whe 打 he CHAPTER
solcm打ly cursed it: as is t巧t巧 ed in
化 eir historical writings by Cedre打us,t 了hat《at<m often Delu(Us mtt by M
Caliistu巧 and Theodoras Lee 化r.§ PiAranc♦ 凉 Righteousness; Md he 心
The Demon U lm us!( 识Va 献 mV by his Disciples as skilled as PossibU in
ths sm f ffypocrisjf、 that 化eir Wicked-
Phil的化atus,V I, 10 , which I conjeo*
nw m臀 be tke more Semi md l!ss 〇 pin
ture to be 泣word fbrmed from
an d m , was summoned by Thespesio打, to Conjecture and Siispidon.
the eld 巧t of the GymnosophUtSj and T AlM B U IC U S (gtiando a!ia numina ali-
gree化d the sage Apollonius as he ap* JL'外过必獻伽句 says: ‘‘EvU spirits often
preached them. Tne Iccanomancy of usurp the likeness o f good a 打gels."
化e As 巧i^ians and Chaldeans used to And S, Paul 巧1> (7om!/u•。似 x i 14)
says that Satan most often fashioneth
Patriarch him 巧化 an angel o f light; and alwa 乃
巧 巧I吏 巧 8-47!,
/Iino he wraps himseir in some covering
"Ce如m is." Georgius Cedrenus, B jzo 私 that he may the more easily deceive
tifu hisiorian. His chronicle commences wUh
and destroy mankind. For who is so
the Cuation and t
Edited by B^kluf、 疋onn,巧班••g.
confident and secure that he would
X "ColUsUis." CclKstus 泉品 h嗦 uIusM^. not at once take ca 巧 to ivoid and flee
phorus um born in the laUer part of the 化ir. from the Devil, if he showed himself
tten此 wniwy and 成 fd about
4itd • 巧_ 併 .脱 wi化 his horns hideously standing out>
clesiastical history* has been i^ied fy Duch^ as t( were, from his forraead, ana thus
hu, s Dols;folio, Paris,1630. openly manifested his pernicious 適心
lector tents ? Therefore, just a$
C&trch ofSanta Sophia o f ConstanUno^ early
、i e sixth ciniufjf. 成 comfMsed varwus his- " T o coax a child to drink o f bitter
cai works, but ■ these the **Hist0na wormwood,
TriparHta** exists in an im ^ fe e t M S.f and Docto 巧 first sweewn the cup with
his cotUinuation q f (he rtamUive is onfy known golden honey
frtm two Ungthj txcerpts. $0 the Evil One, to make his worthless
" "W w ttf." Sow ,,• 《 种
ITT从名K& 於, rp/iw <hr•矣k /»*pv 在♦ •令&<入。〇»^〇, wares appear to men more saleable^
〇 〇批' •A, oAX(S»^w," , a ; , /» covers 山em wi化 a specious coating
<r<7c< a在 ro r• 么f ri 供^,今 and (a$ Seneca said o f the philosophers
兴 ;, & a p ^ K r< o f his time), after the manner o f
衣 T o v , f o t r o * /MTatTTj}cr"K apothecaries, conceab his ' ‘
片仿w •AToXXcino)* W ip 。 知占' 巧,
vavra%X^/owrtlvitiv koI "《 oUbi 於w " 王化wft’ur,
It will ^ seen that the nanaHoe smewhat "pU€i absinthia laetia medentes
differs from Rengfs ccanmi; dare e〇MfUur> prius oras pw^jula drew)
conUingunt mellis dukifiauoque liqum. .

boxes bearing the labels o f the most and CO打tinually crossed herself: on no
beneficial drugs. The more easily to day did she fail to approach as a sup-*
attract a buyer^ Satan assumes the pliant 化 c 江 ri打《 o f the Saints; sAe
guise of a rich and prosperous mcr- used her rosary well and a^iduously:
chant 5 and to beget CO打fide打ce, he she most rigidly observed all tne
takes care to conceal aU that is sordid, solemn fasts: siic addr巧化d tho 化
deceptive or unavailing. Even so do whom she met gently and humbly: in
horse-dealers point to the splendour short she failed in no single particular
o f the trappings and caparisons as to give evide打cc o f 江 lowly, pious and
proof o f a no口e,s breeding. And no^ religious mind. Yet this woman, so
withstanding that he holds nothing in comme打ded fbr her great saintliness,
such ut 化r dc 化station as the worship was afterwards proveS to be guUty of
o f God and religious cxercis巧, yet in count!的8 crim巧 o f witchcraft, and
his illusions and incantations he does was justly sentenced by the Judge to
not forbear to make u 化 of devout be burned,And, as far as I have
pilgrimages, offerings, libations, holy hkherto been able to understand from
rites and lustrations, solemn prayers, their confusions, nearly all women
expiations^ alms, and all such matters convicted of this crime have always
which smack o f zeal in religion, a de- cloaked the abomination o f their lives
vice which wHl be shown Tater in ;ts under a similar cover o f false and pre­
place* It is for this reason that he tended piety* Satan himself, tneir
化aches his subjec化 to acquire as great chief and their head, when he first
a familiarity with religious usages as approaches them, arrays him巧If in
with their evil superstitions, that they such a ma打打cr as to ;nducc the hope
may keep themse ves the farther from o f some gain and profit, as we have
su巧 icion o f their crim 巧 . already pointed out. It would be no
therefore no one need marvel 化at difficult matter to instance facts in
witchK> who daiW consort with D o confirmation o f these conclusions,
mons, 汾 apUy ami exceilendy imitate In the very cradle o f the world, in
this h y p o c risy : 化r> as Cicero says the form o f a sement he used coaxing
{Epistola ad Atticumy i i ) ; ''Like mas­ words to impel £ve to pluck and eat
ter, like man/^ A$ to the nature o f 化 。 forbidden firuU o f 化 e tree o f know-
this mask) no fuller d ^ rip tio n can be ledge {Genesis iii). According to Jose­
found 化 an 化at o f S. Paul (CW々 > phus {*IovSai$<7f *i4/>;(<uoAoyia I, i), he
姑汾f u. S3) where he shows the true was then living on w nm o f
colours o f such fd 护 ed wisdom, which wi化 Adam and his wife. Later,
are superstition, 始 se humility o f min
and hurtful neglect o f ihe TOdy: for
E IS exhibited his image in bronze
to the Hebrews, that by bdiolding it
Satan so often lights up his darkness they might be healed o f the poisonous
with this dec^tion that it doc$ not bites o f snakes {lumbers xxi, 8 and
percq^tibly diner from the light. I和 • A g a in , 化 e God Aescu*
In Met之in our own time A cre was iapius was Wought in that shape from
a parish priest o f holy life, who very E 如 aurus to 民ome ;n order to allay
gravely expostulated wi化 a magis* the plague. It wa$ for this reason that
trate for ordering the arrest o f one 〇r manv o f the interpreters o f the Hiero*
his parisbione巧,a woman who, in hi$ glypfiics supposed 化 at the 化 rp宁It was
opinion, more 化an all others pracdse^ at that time the symbol o f t x ^ y and
her religion with the grcM e" devotion spiritual health; and therefore re*
and piety. For she was always ‘ pulsiveness o f this hideous and loath*
firstatalM h eH olyO ffices> an c‘ some beast is here no valid o 巧ection
the last to leave the church, and that to our argument. It may^ however^
with reluc化n c c : she 打ever ceased be more helpflii to quo化 more recent
from prayer even as she went her way, and definite authority. S. Gregory

• i •"M


{Didogu^^ Ij 4) writes that, all to judge the world* But

other wiles 心 ^ 应 led him, Satan ap« when he found id ^
aU, his
ms effo
efforts vain, he
peared to S« Equtdus* arrayed as a evic
fled away, leaving no evidence o f his
monk, because that habit in itself gave presence except an intolerable stench.steneb.
a greater impression than the common The I tian Church rever-
dress o f a saintly manner o f life* end)
idy and piously worships and vener­
Sabellicusf VTII, 1) and ates
es the Gbnsumtantial and €k>^ual
Flatin 么 (化化 C'以似呜 record that in Trinity^ as is proved not only by*
the pontifica化 o f S* Celestine undoubted evidence o f the Gospel, but
(which, aca>rdine Massaei
ling to Massaeus, the also by p ro ^ e d e s in the Mosaic
author o f the Chronicle of • the Worlds teries long 1>efore, It is probably 去ue
(he year ^38} S■ a tw speared to the influence o f those prophecies
Grc 化 化 6 liCeness o f Moses, the that Hermes was called irismegistas
most ancient o f the prophets^ and was in the because the Mind
seen by 化 e J e w wbo Snha扣ted 化 at God begat with his word a second
island, and told 化cm tiiat he would mind to b e his execut Affect-
lead them on foot back to the From* ing the glory o f such
ised Land; and 化e sea stood up like Demon^ in the year x 12【 , appeared
a wall on either side, as the waters with three hea<k to a certain Pn>
o f the Red Sea when (he people were monstratensian canon and tried
led out o f E ^ p t; and many were be­ persuade him that he was that Three-
guiled by 化 1$ illusion and, rashly en­ fold D eity (whereas in truth he was
tering 出 e water,were overwh^med the Triform Hecate) in the contem*
and drowned in 化e 化a ; all exc 巧 t platio 丘o f whom the canon so fixedly
few who at 化6 心 1 were CO: i- occupied his m ind; and that, because
vinced o f their 化化 and turned o f his signal desert and notable devo­
Christ fbr help* Sujpicius Severus, ;; tion, he had appeared in visible form
his Life * 化 at Saint,[ , writes 化 at that he might worship his very pres*
Satan once attemptednmt to delud ence. 3u t & e canon easily smelt 化 e
Martin, Bishop o f Tours, b y appearing fraud and, after having received
re him
to him 王打a golden crown and a purple with a great cry and she unit, at lase
robe as if he were Christ come down routed and drove him away. awa
It is not•t only by the assumption in
* "S. EguUius." Biskojf of MaUlica fo* ii$ manm ler m a fair and goodly ap*
议ards the end of thefifth century. Then is a pearance that the Devil masks hts
record of his visit to Rome in A.D. 487, abominable designs* For a ^ n and
、 " 或iMlicus." Marcus ArUonius Coccius * 化 has been proved a ?地 e con*
Salfellic似, tht famous fmmanist, born at Home
in 14於 He long resided at Venice and
E D to argue that a cloak o f
eousaess is an indication o f a g ^ y
Uctur品 there. He dUd ;n 1506. HU colltcUd Jfe;and, as the proverb says, the cowl
works were issued infour volumes、Bash, !j 6 〇. loes not make the monk; and the life
t "S. CclesUne i." l i t succeeded S. goni* far different from their
fac9 as Pope io SepUmber》422 (according to Therefore
TillimorU, though ihe BoUandists s巧 3 獻护
ember); and died 26 Julyy 432, as is getteralh
b,lUvek.Tk£€《 acldate;sun£erUtin,lniii^ \l "Poim ofubts." Het
year 4梦 given b j Massaeus would seem 化 was ihg namg given by tiu .
sow six Of seven years too laic for the tvmi god o f wisdom, U m ang
ficorded, Jam w as attributed the authorship o f the sacred
§ "Sulpicius Seoerus."公om in AguiUtiM writings, kenc0 w lU d " 成 而 €瓜 > f y 曲4
circa 360; dt£d ahoui420^25. He was a dis* Gfuks^ The norm Hermes was thus p u t at^lhe
cipU of S, MarAn^ uAose biopf^her he head o f a u^toU gicU o f rn^sHc UUrotme^ pro^
emu、 This "ifiia S, Martini^, was tong ducedintkeChri^immt,TkeMp〇 imandre^>
imnunsefy popular. is one 皆 tk i w U is t q f A m

34 ,H O N O L A T R Y BK.

the Devil often use$ such conversation here relate k with the greater assur*
as should promo化 piety, religion and ance,becau巧 !ny own doubt o f its
holiness; aod oflen even declares that truth was afterwards removed by
he cannot enter into any pact or agree- the very man o f whom the $tory is
ment without many such devout coU o told. Theodore Maillot (who as an
quies. 1 打deed this b 0打e o f hi^ oldest old man became Governor o f a Pro-
tricks. For ju 巧 as, in ancient days, vince in Lorraine) 山 his younger days
the Pythian priestesses a 打d the Vestals was desperately anxious to marry a
were cons化alned to perpetual virgin* maiden o f the 必ghest nobility; but he
ity, so also now only virgins and was entirely and utterly without hope
women too old to sin with men c u o f winni巧 her. For not only
be admiued to 化 e practice o f certain xx>r in tortune, but he
divination^,T 化 says; nimble family engaged
Thrice the boy^s sacred lot« she drew; and therefore was then despised as 如 oble;
he could see no Honour*
and he able means <£ even declaring his love.
Brought her sure news o f omens from
Accordingly, as men in despair at hope
the streets. deferred reai^ily s^ize upon any plan
And there were not a few ri化s, such without considering whether it should
as 化 ose which Plutarch (i), coA拍说成 be followed or avoided^ so Maillot
iracundiam) calls Nephdia or AMi- ^ preached a fellow*servant from
j护 ;ufa, in which U was considered the Germany, who he had heanl had a
女 avc, t crime to touch wine or to ip. Demon ready 化 perform all chat he
Gulge in any luxury. Philostratus^ in asked, and told him his trouble,aski打g
his Life o f Apollonius o f Tyana (II, him 打ot to b巧 udge him any help 化at
ay), records mat this philos^her in« he could give him, and adding that he
formed the Indian K ing Phraotes that would not prove ungrateful• 乎he Gcr,
they who wished to consult the oracle man eagerly embraced this oppor-
o f Amphiaraus were rcauired by the timi巧 : for in accordance wi化 his pact
priests to fast for a whofc day and to it was necessary for him within a few
abstain from wine for three days. And days to render himself to his Demon,
in Book X I o f the Goldm Ass o f Apxil* bringing wi化 him a 口other man wiU-
eius we read o f one Lucius who, on i 打g to take over his debt, or else to
h b initiation as o 打e o f 化e f 化 化 抑 in have his neck twisted by the Demon.
the rites o f Osiris^ was strictly oidden T o effect his p u rp o se, 化 erefore, he
by Mithras the Priest to ix&ai。 from appoin 化d MaiUot to meet 以m at twi,
the pleasures o f the table fbr 化n days, light on the following day in a close
to eat no fl货h, and to drink no wine. and secret chamber; and hardlv had
In thu OD凸nexion I rcmemt>er a 凸ot they come there, when suddenly the
unamu^Dg story which was told to doors opened and there entered a sc-
me by M dchior Erricus when he was ductive皆 beautiful 扭 1(for 化e Demon
living in 化 e intima 化 confidence o f purposely showed flm in 化at
our Most Serene Duke; and I shall 油 a吟 lest MaiUot should be horri占cd
at his 仔ightfui appearance), w台0 said
* "Tibullus," I, iii, !沪 化 at she could ODtain fbr 切 aillot tiikt
sacTdS pueri sqtUs Ur susUiUt: ilU marriage which he so arde打tiy de­
JUUuIU • irittUs <mnio c€fta puif." sired, provided that he would 細 low
Upon which Scaliger glosses: *^SorUs erani her instructions. And when he eagerly
sigfuij qtku dabantur 茲cui ptUTo de triuio, and 玉 mpatiently asked what was her
巧ioe si wnueniTont ei 封gno、巧iod 巧ii advice, she told him first o f all to
sorUs dederaiy habebat in tunc btm avoid all thieving, drunkenness, lust,
warn agi putabant." "Pw i t trmu," wrong-doing, blasphemy, and all other
0 Tvxwtf, eporubai fnim tgnolumus4. vices which defile the soul \ to practise

devotioa; to help the poor according that her Demon» who appeared b to her
to his means; to f^ t twice a week; to in the likeness 分 a b la ^ man ,
observe all 白 呼 Days, and to pray fined his speech with her to matters o f
d aily; and sedulously to do all that it holiness, modesty, religion and the
beseemed a Christian to do. For i f he study o f the Scriptures; and when he
would bind himself by an oath to first aca»ted her he was especially
/ithout ;
observe all thiSy he )uld wit] emphatic in u r ^ g her to that w ay
difHcully win the bride 化at he de- lifb above all •看 巧 not the Devil, in
sired. Having said this, and having order to tempt Christ who is the
a p p o in ts a day by which he 姐 oul3 s o f all the saints, speak if
give his answer, she departed* Maillot, our o fr 化
tibe testimonv o f 化
e testimony eS
the cr^ t
:ould gain so ,
seeing that he could great a Did be 如 I down befi
he not iall before 巧 ni and
benefit by such holy indand honourable worship Him, saying: llio u art the
means,th o u ^ t that he need have no Son o f God** ? (Mark iii» i i). W ith the
h 货itation in willingly and gratefully same guile and cunnine he proclaimed
acc 巧 ting. But as be consid^ed mo巧 before all the people u a t m e Apostle
and mo巧 deeply about and kept Pai.ul was the servant o f God preachiiig
flue化ating be^eeix hope and fear, : word o f salvatiOD) when he sp6kc
one o f the household who was a priest rough the damsel possessed with a
guessed from his face that there was spirit o f divination (Mis xvi^ 17). And
some matter which was thus distract* (o what purpose di<) he do diis, but to
ing him and, after approaching him embarrass tbe herald o f the G « p el
in friendly manner and discovering and) his sword
what was amiss, by his admonishments wi化 honey, uttering the tni 化
prevailed upon lum not to stoop to lying lipS) and obscurini the
any further conversation with the clear if班 一 t 〜 地 tbe dense smoke siDG of
Demon• 了he German wd5 化 us dis* daricae^? For this Christ re-
appointed o f his lu ^ e; and it was not buked him and bade hold
long before he paid the ^aad similarly S* Paul cast him
cording to his p a ct For not oif the body wKich he was then
days later, as ne was riding
smooth and open road, he 础 be noted tbe cuamng o f
his head and died instantly* the Denum's stra辟 em. For in this
In 這 recently written manner he enters the Christians* camp
her, the author states that b y means o f a false countersign》 and
experience befeil Nicole Obry, then sets upon them and slays them
possessed woman o f Laon: with their own weapons* For although
nearly all his wo地 are i。 accordance
* "JV"ico!, Obry/* TTtis possessed girl^ wi 化 the Gospel 化aching; yet since
aged sixtun> the dat巧kkr 〇 / "P ie m Obty they are, so to speak, taken captive by
rmrehand b o u c h e r d e Catherine VtuUbt him whom it is the l a t e s t impiety to
iUmeuranl en la vilb d€ Vrevirtf M pais de obey i打matters o f r 品 |ion, they should
TUrasche, tn VeuesefU de Loon cn Laonnais," 化 erefbre be cardully avoided and
urn exorcized and delivered from the demon mistrus化d ; for, as S* Irenaeus says,
Betkebub in the产 , ! 膊 by J aHm Bonhse、 their milk h mingled with gypsum.
Professor o f Heorew in the ColUge o f Mon-
taxgut. Tne exorcisms were performed in Laon
And even as there is said to have been
Gatkedral, ond ifie case attracted much otUn- fbund at Heraclea in Fontus the sweet,
iion, Borilas* 议rote an account o f the pro, est ho打ey, but that whoever a 化 o f it
《 eedings: manuel de I、 公dmirabU victoire fell at once to the earth and died in
du Corps dt Dieu sur Vesprit maUr送 Beelzebub the mo巧 amazing agony; so it should
obUnue d Laon^ 巧 餘 . • •, • 应 。V , 巧巧, be clear to everyone that» if anyone is
This was wveTal times Teprintid、 and ih m i$ so credulous as Co allow himself to be
M"Qbbrigie hisU)ire" o f 巧巧• influenced by the历, nothing but 重 :
: 門 :i;中:
; i i : ;:中:
if i. ;

II I ! ;. , .;


巧ant des化uction can result from IW- even counted it o f the greatest of
iowing the Demon,s OS化ns化ly salu- huma打 foUies, e, because of
tary precepts, maxims and examples. old-time elegar the rare splen-
For smee oW 心ence is 化 e very foimda- dour o f its om a 化 and 巧owery style,
tion o f the worship o f God, and Sa 化n shall quo化 word for word a mo巧
is befbre all 化e imhator o f God, he apposite passage from Apuleius u ^ n
thinks that he has done his work m〇3t this subject. He says {Golden Ass^Bk,
excellc打dy well if he can by any means V I I I ) > peaking o f the Priests oi* the
lead men to obey him. Just as bird- Syrian Goddess, Cybele: "Taking up
ca 化hers decoy birds ;nto 化eir snares a scourge (which these gelded crea­
and 打ets by means o f the sor^s o f tures carry ever with them) woven to
trained captive birds, so d o c s 《ata打 a great length from a tough fleece and
任ain his subjects to speak always of k 打otted about with the 拓 uckle'bones
piety, religion and sanctity, while, by o f many sheep, they violently beat
means o f such insidious words, he themselves therewithal, and are mar-
thrusts down the 化 whom he has once vellously able to e打dure the pai打 of
caught, and overwhelms them in the the stripes. The 打, as if a sword had
and abyss o f all crime and abom- been used for saciifice, might you see
i打ation. the ground wet with the filth o f ef­
A third form of coun 化rfeit saintli­ feminate blood drawa by the lashing
ness consists i打 self-torture as it was o f the scourge. A nd when through
fbrmerly practised by the Donatists, weari打。 or sated with butchering
and now by the Anabaptists and ccr- thcm$elve$> they rest from tearing
tain others of 打o accou 打 who set far th dr fl巧 they hold out their robes
greater store by such 江^ ise ostenta* and many vie together to cast in alms
tion o f sanctimoniousness than by any o f copper and even o f silver; and
true ob 巧rvance o f Ghristian discipline there^ chey give them bottles o f wine,
and self-denial. It is manif份t that this m化 cheese^ Sour and w h eat"
also is an invention o f Satan, the dc* Some few yc&n th巧巧 ewne 化
stroyer o f life. For how many o f us can M irecou it) 成 e chie? cUy o f a la 巧e
doubt that his purpose 化 is that Province among the Vosges where I
such men may be conspicuous in the was for some years Deputy.Governor,
eyes o f men, and (as that famous dra* a vagrant haun 化r o f tKe markets
matist* has said) that they may en. whose practice was to wander
gage the at 化ntion o f fook by their through the provinces the gui$c o f
funambulatlon, rather than practise a penitent, and so scrape together
piety from iheir hearts and show money and other necessities o f life.
themselves to God, who holds His When the church wa$ filled, a$ it 沁
theatre in secret, as truly contrite and ways was on Sundays, he would sit
afflicted. Christ said: not sound down before 出e HigI) A har naked to
a trumpet before thee^ as the hypo* the navel, holding in one hand a 巧int
crites do in the synagogu 巧 and in the stone and in the other a whip; and
streets, that they may have glory o f the打he would not cease to pound hU
men. Verily I unto you, they have breast cruelly, and wre 化he^ly to lash
their rewai^." ib is fa(se 0$化ntation his back. he continually did dur*
was, moreover^ condemned many ing public prayer and on such days as
years ago by men who had no know* 祐 如 Mass was edebra 化d. The
ledge o f the true religion; for ihey at nrst pided him and wonderea what
crime he had committed that called
* famous dramcHsi' for so dire a penance, and $0 outdid
togas in " 白e巧 4-5; each other in giving him aims. But
populus studio siupifius inJunamkth the man, enriched 寺y his •ucrative
begging, went gleefully to his hostelry)
where he first tended his body with And:
certain lotions known to him which
With fra 打tic ge 巧ures do they geld
hardened him a 打d e打注bled him to en­
them 化Iv巧,
dure future stripes; then feU at once
化 eating a 打d (drinking wine, all the Horace also 脚 II, 3) 2巧 )writes:
time reviling the very women who had
hospitably received him with bit 化r Bellona delights in the sheddi打g of
a 打d scu灯n〇us words, and often with blood >
the fbulest obsceniti巧 . This came at For the devotees o f that Godd 巧 s,
last to the ears o f the Mayor, who had whom Ulpian {De qfficxo Proconsularif
the ma打 throw打 i打to prison and ques- Lib. V II) calls Btllonariiy\ draw blood
tioned him as to why he so ^mmoder, from their ownarm swiththeirswords.
a 化!y affiic巧d himself; and he was Martial also refers to A is (X I, 84):
CO】 巧化ained to cemre巧 tlial he did so
not) as he had before pretended, in Whi化 arms are slashed by the 化 0 cruel
order to expiate some crime, but rather knives,
to excite the pity o f the people so that When in the Phrygia 打 dance the fren­
he might more easily a打d more zied band
ably obtain alms from them. He bilges.
added, moreover, that the lashing did Pliny also has touched upon this (X I,
not cause him so much pai打 as it ap­ 49). Alexander ab Alexandre {Genial^
peared to the onlookers; for not only ium dierum》IV , 17) wrkes that such
was he hardened to it by long use, but fknadcs wei*e derided by Zenocra 化s
he also used certain herbs which the Physician, who said that cither
numbed 化 e feeli打g o f his limbs and they believed that they were Gods to
rendered them for a time le巧 sensitive whom they were sacrincii^» in which
to pain* When the matter was thus case they deserved no p ity; or else
cleared up and investigated, by order they believed them to be men» jn
o f the Duumvirs o f Nancy who have which case they ought 打ot to sacrifice
jurisdiction over all criminals in Lor­ to them. This also, according to S.
raine, he was sentenced to be whipped Augustine in the Cipf 0/ God^ K>ok II,
throi^h the streets with uncommon j, wastheopinionofXntidtius L abeo;;
• • to be branded with a hot for he distinguished good from evil
upon one shoulder, and to be spirits by the difTcrence in their wor^
banished. s h i p : 化 6 e v " were propitiated by
That the andent Egyptians a l^
practised this kind o f 品 f-torture ;n 、"BtUonarii." For uflufmset TibuUus,I>
their sacred rites we leam from Hero* 扣,45, i。、i 巧;Lucan,I , 為 ;
dotus in his Euterpe. O vid,* IbiSy 453- Tertuilian, 《A於hgi。 ," ix; LacUmtius>I, xxit
4, writes that the Galli, the priests o f t$; Minucius Ptlix^ **OctauiuSj
the Nfother Goddess o f Ida, did like* VQtdTus of Bdhna on their
wise: 供paialljf the 皆tat soknitd知 • •
gashed Ifuir limos fill ihQ andptsM
And may you in your frenzy geld with blood. HenUf as TrebMius PoUio tells
yoursdf, us {Diuus CUnuKuSy this dale was known
as sanguinis*,,
L 法e 【 hose whom Mother G ybek : "^4。沿' 山 7 b edebraiedjurist
cites lifted abotU tiu begim^ng qf ihg C
T o Phrygia 巧。 、 54 B瓜 to dj>.巧• H* was Uu.
of a great Ugal
• "O w U "" 刪 •,453-4; ^tker LabiOy •• jtAou writings are
- • 一Cornelius^
m quoted by Macrotius^ S. Augushni
^AttenUusq^ seees, ui quos Qfbeleia mater times hardfy distinguishes the two> ind itideid
Incitat ad Pk^gios mlia membra modas** ik^ have bun the same person.

bloodshed and torture, while the good the unclean spirit,, (see S. Gregory!
delighted in Joyful ceremonies, such in Menwr从Uk, AfatHuw 说 > Mark i
as 化asts a 打d Danquets. a 打d V, 尹令 xl). It U not only becau巧
I would not have anyone CO打 elude the Devil is^ as all his actions and pur*
from this that I consider the King­ pos巧 show, impure in his nauire and
dom o f Christ to consist in luxuries and character that we should consider this
pleasures, fbr I know that the chief came be aptly applied to him ; but
化ken o f His service is the Gross. But also becai ause ne ta l^ Immoderate de-
I would have men u打ders化txd that light in external 01th and uncleaimess.
化 ch 化if•化rture as I have desezibed For often he makes his abode in dead
is not to be taken as a proof bodies; and i f he occupies a living
o f piety w n m it is done in the public body, or even i f he fbrms him sdf a
ana ostentatious manner too frequently b^dy out o f the 血 or a condensado凸
practised. For it is in this way that • his presence therein al-
Saum most often sets his s t ^ e ; doubt* ways betrayed oy some notably foul
less bec&u化 he 巧。 Christians morti* and noisome stench.
steneb. Most often, in-
fying themselves with fasts> vi^b> soli* deed, he dwells in tfa o f the
tude and labour when they would body which«
which, like the the bilge o f ships,
conqx the flesh, or when they do harlMur the excremental was化 o f 在c
voluntary penance ibr their body. Consequently the Pythoness
when ihty prepare themselves woman in the Bible is cialled a ven*
prayer ana ho、 y meditaUen. For Swan triloguist,* whi化 as Gratian points
m malice often copies their example, out in his DecntalSf means
and extends U even to such excessive from the stomach/* The gifts o f the
self•巧rture, as forsooth, a man,s Demon also are fashioned ordure
pie 巧 cou!d be measured by the vio* and dung, and his banquets from the
lence with which he attacks his own flesh o f b ^ t s 化 at、 have died,Accord.
b o d y: such is the guile and cunning o f 邸 to the proverb, like cleaveth to
the 丘vil One. I 打 this manner by some like; or, as it is commonly said, like
immoderation and excess he parodies, master like m an: and so (he Dev^ for
dis化rts and defiles even the most holy the most part has fbr his servants
practices. But it must not be thought filthy old bags whose age and poverty
that I in 化nd a word against the true serve but to enhance their foul打ess;
and sincere discipline o f Christians, and th 巧e, as being o f a vida 化d 打ature
or to 灯itidze anything which has the p ost apt to his purpo化, he instructs
approval o f the Clhuroi* in all impurity and uncleanness*
Above all he cautions them not to
wash their ha打ds, as it !s the habit o f
o 化 cr men to do the mornin弓; for
he tells 化em 化 at 化 do so cons巧tutes
C扫AP 了ER X a sure ob巧ruction 化 his incantations.
This is the case whether it is the
The essential Filthiness Demons 知
whehes themselves who wash their
bj the Fact that their A巧bearance ‘
is always accompanied by a to。 oathsome
Stench; and that they so carefully m- * "VerUri叫 uisL Witch o f En如r is
struct their Subjects to Avoid a巧C lia n li-瓜scribed as ihe p。 ........ 〇
/ 【" 姑 A," a
especially of the Hands^ the Wask^ familiar stiriL
familiar The The L X X translaUs this word
你& of 化hick is a 打indrance to Witch* w, 6bh" by iyya<rrpifxv6os, perhaps because q f
巧aft, Andkow 化isshouldbt Understood. t/u belie? in arUiqtii巧 th苗 ventril罕 im wot
not a naturalfaadty>> but due to 在s temporj^
了 N 化 e H oly Scripmres the Devil is obsession of As miSim b, c spirit. Sm " T ie
Xconstandy referred 化 as Behemoth, History o f WiUhcrqff、 by Montague Surmm ,
出 at is 化 sa六 " 化e impure animal and chapter V ,"Tits liliuh (n Holy Writ."

ca 山 e
iln四 马 as wc learn from the answer he wished to be, 扣fe and secure 扛om
iiPE^了given 化 her examiners by Alexia the charms o f witches.
'(Wulssa of BeUmcourt at Mirecourt in How it is that so slight a matter
【pur- Svezsaber 1584, a 凸d by coimU的s carries such po化ncy, or w hy it should
: and 化.立 s whose names I have not now be o f more importa 打ce in thU respect
r this r.• 芦 ; or wh.c化 e.r it is the in 化nded 化 wash 化 e hands 比 an any 0山 cr part
:|||:,c£as o f their witchcraft who wash o f 出e body, U U not easy 化 guess. It
C D hands, as was stated by Claude may be that that Impos化r uses this
Tz2 st (Mersuay, February 1587) and cunning pretext 仿 cover 江 山 报 rent
7.athanna Latomia (扫araucourt, design, and by tortuous and winding
fs in ia r y 1587). The former o f those methods attain his purpose 化r us.
V -se n harboured a grudge against Jean Bodin quotes an example o f this
Dendnique Duran 化 becau 化 they both ? Wier, wh 时e the Demon most
visited to wed the same m an; and the Btricdy enjoined a certain wi 化h to
jaazmd nursed a vindictive hatred of ke 巧 a pair o f old shoes, telling her
三 fi Malurtica becau化, being neigl> that the^ would be a pro 化ction to her
je o r s , 比ey had almost daUy quarrels against the threatened malevolence of
e d contentions: but neither o f them ano 化 erwi 化h ; 化r it can 凸otbedoubted
立 old by their spells or poi扣ns 化 tisfy that his reason 拉r thus warning her
their desire fbr vengeance, becau 化 was that she might continue to wallow
由eir would-be victims were pro 化eted in the mire o f sin, which bears some
.S|ainn 化eir ch 扣ms by this washing likeness to 巧uddy shoes. For this
m their hands. Sebastienne Maxent cau 化 al扣 Philo Judaeus would have
巧c h , 作 ril 巧 88), Jana Schwartz it unden 化od that God commanded
a c h , M ^ ch 巧 88),3〇u in a Ulrichs Moses 化 put o ff his shoes when he
, ^an扛acourt’ M a y 巧8巧 ,andF 巧叫的 e approached Him.
Ferine (fiains-les-Bains, June 1588) It is certain that among the Egyp­
affirmed that this ablution is a sure tians water was the symbol o f p u n ^ ,
ke pro化ction against evil spells, provided and 化 at 比巧 believed that 山strati?ns
that when a m w leaves his house be and expiations were most efieedve
also commits him 拍If with 凹 ayer to when accompanied trv its use. A nd it
the safe-keepi巧 o f God• 村 e hag was frequently used m the rites and
Schwartz addea 比 at she had learned ceremonies o f the Pagans; for we read
化 is 拉ct from her Little Master, Joliet, in the Second B o w o f the Aeaeid^
when she was expostulating with him 717-720 :
because she had repeatedly failed to Do 出 ou, m y 拉出cr, hold the sacred
injure 化e wife o f 化 colas Calv 4 with ve扣els.
the very poisons which she had used For me, so la 化 returned from bloody
whh imme出a 化 姐 ect against many war,
others. T o this cause, also, the woman *Twe扣 crime 化 化 uch them till I
Ulrichs attr化uted her failure 化 rid purify .
he円elf by witchcraft o f her hu 比an d ; M y body in the living stream.
for the tried many times 化 do this,
because o f the repulsion and loathing And in 比 e 化 urth Bo浊 巧 35),’when
she felt fbr him as a bed-fellow. Dido 8umin|〇ns her sis化r AKKa as 化
quite recently (at Essey, June 1591), the holy rites she says to the old
when Museta was about 化.be burned nurse:
at the staKc and was supping for the Bid her at once go purify her body
last time with her husband, she calmly With river wa 化r.
warned him in the hearing o f many
people never to leave his house in the And in 化 e Six 化 Book 巧36), Aeneas
morning without commending him* Sprinkles pure fresh wa 化r 0•时 hh
扣If to God and washing his hands, if body.
D E U O N O 巳A T R Y 6R.

A nd the old man in Horace (如

IX) who went about the streets asking CH APTER X I
Gods for ;mmorta巧ty alwa乃
washed his hands the morning. That IVikhes, just as they ar《 said to have
done in AjiUnt Heat/un 口巧$, make
AIWMJVI also, "in• ilia
his Works and Days
(336)9 forbids a man to pour 江mom- ye的ly Q妒 to tiuir Dmxms for the
purpose either 皆 Avertin^lhi Aienau of
ing Ubation to Jove ,or even to enter
any nver or spring, with unwashed BlawSy or of Winning Exemption from
the iess 巧easant of 振e Duties U> which
hands. In Homer,* before Tclema-
th^ are PUdged by thnr Pact And that
chus made his supplication to Fallas
he washed his h a n ^ in sea water* The su^ Offerings, when fkey 公T6 Animals,
mus$ be tntitely Black.
law o f God in 化 c O ld Testament
frequently commends such external E ven as earthly Lords and Masters
cleansi打g with water, espec;ally ofthe exact yearly payments either ;n
hands ;and we read that this was a labour or money 接om their va 巧als
custom much used by the Jews, who, whom they permit to use and enjoy
whe 打 they saci*ificed a heiftr, washed 化 eir proper^, so is the Dev。 most
their hands over it {Deuteronomyy xxi). strict to exact from his subjects^ 〇〇the
For clean hands, such as should ai- day due for their fulfilment, prompt
raised to God (L Timothy i), payment o f the pledges by which they
are the symbol o f a pure heart. And lave formally contracted to enter his
proverbially we speak o f a man wash- serviw : ape^dally i f they have cause
ing his hands to signify his gmltleiss, to seek exemption from &oy p&yment,
ness ^ as Pilate did publicly 化 化 stify such a$ an excuse from presenting
his innocence (Afa/从 xxvii). And 化 em化Ives at the HOC化r a ^ feasting
conversely, the J ews tried to bring the and dancin起 or from any similar
disdples o f Christ i打to ill repiue bc- obl^ation. Dominique Zabella (of
caiise they sat down to eat with un­ Roseville in the Tendon dis 化片ict^ 1583)
washed hands. I do not know whether reported that such paym ena lieu o f
it was for the sake o f avoiding a cause service were most commo打ly made by
o f oflfc打cc that S, Pc 化r changed that the more wealthy witches :for she
custom afler Christ's Passion: for S. said that she had seen very many o f
Clement, his friend and almost daily them not only gain the favour o f their
companion, has left written record lit t le Masters, but even avert the
that he seldom sat down without threatened penalty w h e n 【 hey had
washing (Valerius
(Val« Pierius,t Hiero- fallen short o f what had been required
gfyphica, X X I, cap• 巧 )• o f them^ b y sacrificing a sttet or a
wether, or 1^ offering some other cus*
♦ "W面 •,• •‘0 如 , 如 ,化 tomary and that they even pur­
chase exemption from attendance at
^ awiv€v$< ^trl OaXAtraiff^ the a p p o in ts time and place o f the
roXx^ iX6^ Sabbat. This is confirmed by Didier
^ "Pierius." TTu bwt editions o f the Finance o f Mandray, who freely con-
^*Hurogfyphiu^* of VaUtius fHerius are gener^ fb s s e ^ a tS ^ n t-D i^ o n th e i4 & J u ly ,
aUyamsiJmd to 耗化efolic,Lyons, 1602; and 1581, that he was under compulsion
tlu quarto, Lyons,!€:〇• to make some such offering 仿 his
Little Master late in the evening o f a
certain day, which fell every year
about the rising o f the Dog Star, at a
certain place upon Donon, which is
a very steep mountain in the Vosges ;
and m at such ofTerin^ was not accept­
able unless it was entirely black.

That it is no new thing for Satan to (in November 1589), and Cathelon
affect this colour is clearly show打 by Vincent, Catharine Praevot化 and
all the Histories* Flu 化rch (De OMfu, Apollonie, o f Freissen, in September
拉frtrf记*6化,14 5 says that when, under 巧 89) stated that 化 cy gave. Some
the name of Mopsus,* he ^ave utter- pluck the hair from their heads, or
ance to oracles, and a cenam Procon* present a straw or a little bird or $omc
sul o f Asia 化nt letters to ask whether such small gift, i( may be coins made
he would rather that a white or black from ox.hide •了 hese gifts, however
calf were sacrificed to him^ he answered insufficient^ are accepted by th^ Dc*
that he prefeired 化e black one. That mon,;for is enough, as Johann
was 化e custom to consult Demons h\ Fisctier s加 that he ha<i oAen been
this manner by means o f writ 化n letters told by his Little Ma$wr, i f (hey bring
and i打scripdons upo打wax shown by a willing and conscientious spirit* Bu 【
化 c j^oHovring from Juvenal, X , 55; if any o f them refuses or omits to make
some payment, she immediately incurs
Meet is it, then, to place our waxen 化rests, blows, sickness, the death o f
tablets her children^ household loss, or some
On the Gods* knees. signal disaster* For fear, then, o f such
And Alexander ab Alexandro (G闲 coQsequencc$,theirpromptiie$s^nful-
。如 m 公如(叩 ] 1 1 > s a y s that the de­ 巧lling such 0食ligations ;s greater 化an
crees 〇r blind antiquity forbade 化e I can say, since their diligence and zeal
priest to sacrifice any but black vie* i$ $0 stimulated by terror and dread*
tims to Dis and the gods o f the nether 了he very same spur pi*畔 ed the
world. ^ in the Sabbat described by breasts o f the ancients, their minds
Horace {Semonumy 8, 26-27) the were tainted with the same erroneous
wi 化hes Canidia and Sagana belief, although they were not bound
by the 化rms and conditions o f a previ­
clawed the earth up, ous agreement* Reference is made 吟
And tore a black lamb with their ii^icero, i>6 公 姆 II> 1 1 ; Pliny ,化
化cth. 7 ; Alexander ab Alexandre, I > 【 3;
No doubt the reason is, as Pythagoras and Volterra,t Philolog^ay De ceUbra*
、 vrkcSj 化 at 化 is colour has some kin> tioM Smorum, a X IX , to the following
ship whh evil; and it is appropria 化 亿c t s A t Rome on 化 e 化 latine H 巧
that what is dedicated and sacrificed there 8化od an oW altar to Fever, O n
to the author and instigator o f all evil the Esquiline there was another to De-
should be black in colour,Be汪trix o f 化s化ble lU•化rtune. Near the Temple
Bayon (GerbeviHe, August: 585) added o f Orbona$ there were shri打es to the
that not even the poorer witches, who
form the majoi^ity of that sect, are im­ t " 扔化rra>,•> Raphael Maffii, more
mo genet-
mune from such obligatory payments; ally known t Raphiul Vohtmarm, liSm at
but that everyone had to give to the VoUerra in HUd at Rome 巧 22> Kis life
utmost o f her means in sign o f her vas* was 瓜voltd to study、 amt Tiraboschi soys his
Uarning was orUy 0qualUd bjf his pU批 His
s& la g e,a m ith issh e sa w d o n ea tM o -most important tvorkf **Comm$ntariorum urba-
yenmoutier on 17th February, 1589. norum dbri、 ’ 、XXX 和III,u)〇s TtprinUdseveral
Some give black cocks or ncns>^ as times 成ifing 从i si,(i€ntk cen!ui^, His g!o.
Desiree Paray o f the district o f Etival on the "Afallgus Makjicarum《 iveriI prinUd
luUh that work,曲)〇>巧 於
* "M opsus.,, Son o f A polh M d Manto、 t ^*Orbona.^* An ancient Italian goddess
the dQUghUr o f Tiresias. M, was。ctUbraui by si巧ing childrtn rendmdpartnis child、
seer. In corijuncUon with the A Usj, Slu was invoked 化 avert her wralh in
thus h i founded Alalios in C ihcic, l/ m in "Jndigitanwtta," tki mystic pri$stfy books,
hU r d皆s he had 公n orach, which 別iU ixisUd CVw。 ," 从 徊 化 M 化 。 wm, /打,巧,巧 ,
in the time o f Strabo, speaks of htr sanctuaiy <mthe Via Sacra,

deities Aw 化W 。,• 戶 ♦ 卞 今 如 知 知 infes化d wUh mice: the Oetaeans to

sion, F w r ,化e Avcrt^r,% Rolng巧 tlu Hercules 知 M户’M,** lest th 巧 should
S’ • ff 分 W!抑 ,• and 0出cr noxious be plagued wuh 护 ats: the 玫ho山ans
es whom you may call by the 化 A p d l o 左巧巧巧知,t 十k 巧 出 d r crops
name o f 內括。 训 whose 〇!• should be afflicted with the blight;
were much famed in 0化er parts and 比 e men o f Gad 的 performed!'^化 e
o f R om e: 比巧e were propitU 化d with most solemn ri化s to Poverty and Old
gifts that 化 ey might not prove ob, Age, that 化巧 might not press too
structive or cause some inconvenience* hardly upon them.
The same s嘴 erstition was widespread Would God & atsofan aticalan dm -
among the G 化eks and other nations. sane an error had not permea化d our
Thus the Athenians sacrificed to the own times: that so great a madness
;o f Contumely and Shamelessness, had not depraved our own divine
; st they should be afflicted with those n 化s and ceremonies 1 O h, iiiat men
vices: 化 e Boeotians to 如 olio 户omo- would reflect (as Cicero long ago
来如巧,1 lest their province shoul<i be rightly admoni^ed us) ^ a t our cere-
monial wonhip o f GcAl is demanded
"for 诚 施 " 心知f 成 not in fear, or in fu胤 ment o f a pact,
执, 巧 化 内巧。 or as a price to be paid; but is chiefly
Ckllius,XVI, 、4)> a godd饼 pr护
siaing ov*r ckildbirth, whoio u
was invoked w/un 化 be observed for the sake o f that
iju ("hild modi the wrong价 s历化6〇n. Accord­ communion which exists between God
ing to Maenbius, "Somium Seipionis," 1, 7, 如 d mao, with piety and devotion
a goddtss presiding 饥er tlufutm ' as 坤pisti which o f all thin : acceptable to
to Ante的rta, God and firmly < tabmh His abiding
、 "ProMd." The goddess pmi出ag ooer place wi 出 m en!
births w册 the he品 formost. Vam Hi Persius (加 • 化 73 - 7 4 ):
'‘ The Amtir.n Aiurruneus "Atifrtaub,
uncare, ut deus, ffu< tis rebus praeest
mats'* Vam, *'De Lingua Latim.'*
吝 "Robigo" Ac的r出ng 化 Chid, "Fasti, ,,
IV, g〇7 ; 宁f化 舰 w, "D t SpeelacuUs," XV;
andLacUmtius, XX, 巧, afmaledei批
Robigus,e<msid"edasagod.SteVarro,—- ^ o r to invoke the help and motry o f
Lingua Latina," vi; "D i Rt Jimtica,’’ ~ 6 o d without b r in in g 抑 ch 巧 ts b
S"vius on Vergil, "Gtorgies,' manifestly ab$unL)
II "V tiom r From *'ii 、
" 化u "), an ins嗦arabU/>artiele denoting "out" With these I m ay approach the ^cred
(ter/uips Sanscrit ''vi^<Sia~va''; 化mples;
已山》 , "uidua"), which serves to negative tlie And all my sacrifice i s ' meal*
idea 分成e simpU wordor io strmg比at a simple
deprivativt notion (e.g. "uegrandis," smUl;
''utpallidut" veiy p t^ : and Jou-; of Juf- The ima梦 of a m stood bisids AfoUo*s
piter. Properly **〇 «<»-Jow." Vejovis was an tripod in his iempU in ths Troad^ \nJwhiU
左tms(佩 iieify,。 god of thi mdiiworld, whose mice lioed under his altar. So thi Bohemian
powtr 化 injure comsponded 化化M of Jupiter pgasmis Unlay cargJiUfy hep whiU mic參巧
to /ulp, He was warskiptid at Rome, whtre — 一 th$
kis temple stood in ike hollow hetwem the Arx fields.
and thi Capitol. • • ••Co/w片or." I(如叫r (" 如 Mf"),瓜 gMl
^ "Pomopion, ,、 Af>ollo & Smintheusy fer or mos料化 ,

whom w 白omer、一Iliad,
Schlia and 一
、、I 、
i,护 and 巧; Atlian, "De nahira animkium,
with the

**Efytk化ios." Apoilo^proUctorofcrops
、x in , from bli曲 L Strabo,《III> 、处 JBustatl瓜 s
5; ClmentqfAlexandria, "ProtrepHcus,’
on Homer, "Iliad, *、 I ,巧 ; Sitttnb*rggr,4
^^Sylloge Inscriptionm Groicarum^^ (second
化 如 {P. 34* W. Potter); Pausanias, X, u , 5 ,癌 碱 胞 旬 9, F从 巧 j ••

And Horace {Caminumf III> 23,17 - the impiety o f such conduct is abun­
20): dantly clear o f its地 and has no need
o f emphasis by a preacher. It is
Let but the hand on the altar be inno- enough to have show 丘th at:
The mean巧t 的ft 巧rves to appease the
A 打d ,twUI appease the a 打gry Penates Heavenly Powc 巧,
With pious meal and spam ing salt. I f piously 这man confess his sins*
He 化 I wUI not dwell upon those who
call uTOii the Gods by name, and *
brazenly and openly beg them to
grant their particular wishes:
slaughtering an ox you hope to
prosper, That fVikh^s man to tfuir
And o x r its entrails pray to M ercury: Sobbat, th巧 Dup* the Jealousy of tluif
"G rant me good for化 nc, grant me Husbands iy Charming them into a deep
that my flock SUepf or by Substituting sonu Object m
And herds may be prolific.*^ tfuir own lAkifuss 化 t這w their P(ac6>
O r 化ose who would aveit some fbared A S I was writing this there came
mi$fbrtune> as in Ve 巧 il (i4仍 乂 V I 【I, </\icuo my hands the sta化m enu o f
556-7 ) : certain prisoners at Forpach (a town*
ship o f Lorraine in Hither Germany),
In dre這d, the mothe口 nmltiplied 化 cir from which I learned 化r the first Ume
vows, that when witches are about to fly
And as the danger neared, their 托ar from their husbands, beds to their
increased. assemblies, it is their practice, in order
Oflen ,indeed, men grow indignant to prevent their husbands from noting
a 打d loa身 their 台ods with ;nsuUs and an^ departure from their ordinary
rcvilin« because they had trus化d daily and nightly habits^ to charm
that) alner they had made ofTeriogs to them b y their spells Snto a sleep from
them, they would be favourable and which m ey cannot ea3t!y be aroused;
propitious to them. Thus it is said or else to lay beside them as they are
that a certain ItaHan gam 巧化r, be­ buried in r 叩 DSC some dummy in th 如
cause he had lost in his gaming, likeness^ which their husbands should,
cursed all his Gods except S. Antony ^ i f they happened to awake, imagine to
(of whose sacred fire he stood m con* be their wives* Bertrande Barbier ad-
siderable fear); and on the next day mitted that she had ofte打 do凸e th u ;
he offered wax candles to each o f and that, to sink her husband in such
them M a suppliant to 注to打e for his a sleep, she had many times tweaked
blasphemies, but purposely passed by his ear after having with her right
the altar o f S* A ntony, 化ying: " I t w hand anointed it with the same oint-*
beyond measure just that thou, whom ment which she used upon he口油
I have provoked with no insult, when she wished to be transported to
should 巧 not now receive from me any the S abb at £U灯, 化 e wife o f an o 拓c甲
propitiatory offeriDg/* at Ottingeri) said that she had subati-
But perhaps it were better to say no tuted in her place a child’s pillow, and
more on 比b subject, smee k is hardly Sinchen M ay o f Speircben some
suital^le fbr an cccl^iastic 化 discu巧; twigs, after 化ey had invoked 出 e na 记e
especially whe打 it ;s considered that o f Demons; and in this manner
they had often deceived their base­
Antany.** Erttm Great. bands. Maria, the wife o f Johann
巧 巧 批 庐 ks. Schneider o f Metzerech, used a bundle
o f Straw anointed with her ointment, quent i打his at 【e打da 打ce at the Sabbat*
which used to va 打ish as soon as she he had mo巧 than once been bea 化n
he打elf had returned to the home. almost to death by the Demon.
Catharina RufTa declared that her Another time he paid a heavy penalty
Demon iiad h;mself at times taken her becau 化, without asking permission,
place in the he had da巧d to restore to health the
daughter o f Dominique 民ay, to whom ,
at 在 e Demon’s instigation, he had
given poison. But by far his most 化iri-
fying cxp^icncc was when the Demon
earned him through the air and set
him dow打over the river MoscUc ;n a
, many Faults for which the precipitous place full o f peril by reason
Demons bring 化 task with t/u
o f the rapi击 ; and did not cease 广
ulmosi Severity: suck as Failure 化 。 lUnd threatening to cast him down
the J^octuma(AssmblUs; tfu Healing of drown him, until he promised
Diseases without Pitmusion; suffering an )〇ison DesideriusGalerius, with whom
- tmaven的 ; Failure to do le was at enm ity; and not long after­
島 !if; Stubbornness; dissuading another wards he was com piled, by the
from Wrongdoing; conftssing their Guilt Demon 、 stric化St commands, to do
to a Judge; using their Spells without that deed,
Success; and vt巧 nui您 other Shorkom* Jeanne Gcrardinc (at Villc-sur-
知gs oj^ k is KtfuL Par these 化巧 au N^^)sdlc, June 巧 的 ), Catharine Ruffa
punisMd with tfu most Savage BecUing, (at Pagn 巧 •sur-'Klo$eUe> N o v . 巧 84),
th巧 must (UoMfor iMm bj sorM and Fran^oisc Fellet affirmed that
Sericus Loss o f their oiin Goods. they had ofte打 been punished for
T F there o 打c supreme and endur, their neglect o f wrongdoing: and,
X in g cause o f offence, it is that which according to Nicole Morcle (at Serre,
arises from envy, which (as Cicero January 巧87), the punishment was
ays) ;s by 拉r the b^Ucrest and most so severe & a t h灯 breath was taken
abiding o f all motives. And i f this be away and she almost died. And she
true o? mankind, what can w e but added that this need 打ot seem sur-
think its influence will be with Satan, prisi打g ; for the Demon had ha打ds of
who has no greater care or anxiety iron with which he so pounded their
than to be ever seeking some fresh heads that it seemed to 化ose who fd t
calamity or misery wherewith to afflict them that they had been deprived of
mankind) because their condition 也 bones. Alex 知 Belheure (助ain-
life i$ to some degree more fortunate ville, Feb, 1587) and Claude M ordc
than his own? It should not, then, (at Scire, Dec- 1586) complained that
appear wo打derful that once he has they had, to their great hurt, very
gained power and authority over any often experienced the like punUh-
man, he should prove so hara a master ment. And sometimes he so flies in
and ^cathim socrueU yandunm crci- their 拉cc with his 化Ions that he leaves
fuUy. It is, indeed, the perpe化 al com , it all rent and tom ; as Rosa Gerar-
plaint o f such that he never fails to dinc, o f the Euval distrietj i打Novem­
invent reasons for imputing some fault ber 1586, made manifest to 化e Judge
or contumacy to them, and for blam­ b y showing the scars which she yet
ing and severely punishing them ; and bore.
that never, even fbr a s5n g k moment, The Demon put every pressure upon
docs he allow them any peace. the same Bdheure to poiso打 her hus,
A t A ltw ckr in January 1585, Kuno band. But when, for love o f him,, she
Gugnot testified that, b ^ u s e he was would not do this, he was infuriated
someti仍cs la 化 and sometimes infre­ bv her refb巧1 a打d affiic化d her with


化 e dropsy; and she suffered from that was bei打g bau 化ed of his prey, the
swelling for six whole months, and did heartless mother did not 行inch from
not recover until her feet were lanccd CO饥pensati打g him over and above by
and elgh 巧en pints o f the most stinking poisoni打g her own Infant son, Odilo,
matter were drawn off. It is, in fact, an immutable law that,
He did not cea巧化 urge M a rg a re t if witches have failed i凸 their at 化mpt
Luodman (Vereavillc, Jan. 1587) to to injure another, they must them*
poison her neighbour's cow which had selves become the victims o f their in-
ea 化n aU her cabbages a 打d trodden te 打ded m alke; for the Demon never
down aU her garde打; and gave her permits his d试igns to 化n for lack o f
some poison on a wooden platter for some object. And i f several wi 化hes
that purpose. But she shrank from do­ together have made an attempt, and
ing It because she 化ared that her there is a question as to which o f them
n^ghbour, whom she knew to be a shall bear the brunt o f their failure^
very shrewd woman, would de化ct her the matter is decided by lot, and she
in the crime. A t last, therefore, in upo 打whom it 知 Is must pay the pen-
order to free herself o f that obligation a ty 仿r them all. The same Praevo 化
and so that she might at any cost 5狂化s that this course was o 打ce taken
appease her Little Master, she chose by he口d r and her associa化s in crime.
rather to kill with the same poison the *中or," she 化 id, "w c had plotted 化-
one s化er which she had in her own gether to bewitch the flocks o f a cob-
stable. Bcrtrande Barbier (Forpach, bier o f Frei巧cn, but for some reason
Aug. 1587) was also compelled to pay or other w e were thwarted 1打 our
by the loss o f her own cattle for spar- attempt. Nevertheless, something had
i打g those o f another again 巧 the com­ to be achieved, so that by some means
mand o f her Little Maswr , he might be satisfied who was con­
With the ut田ost importunacy the fidently awaiting his prey. We de ,
Demo 打 drove ApoUonic (of Freissen, cided, therefore, to draw lots to deter­
A u g . 巧 87} to promise that she would mine which o f U5 should suffer for it ;
never rest until she had done some and the lot fell U|^n Agnes Eyswi任,
great injury to the 位mily o f h乞r fellow- the ev; lest and wickedest woman oi*
townsman Eysart. But she was unable us aH* And she, whhout in the least
to fulfil her promise; for she was pre* shrinking from the 么【 rod ty o f the deed ,
vented by Cfod, ミ 打to whose care a 只d with the greatest readiness and in the
pro 化ction Eysart used to entrust him* presence o f her CO扣panions gave a
self and hi3 Ikmily at the dawni打g o f poisoned d!*ink to her twenty-year-old
every day• A t last she was drive 打 to son, named Pe 化r, in conseque打ce o f
the necessity o f appeasing the Demon which his wh 〇]e body was not long
v^ation at her failure to keep her afVer marveUously dis 【 o "e d and dis­
promise by the murder o f her ten* figured." Without doubt she was con,
year-old daughter, whose name was strained either to do this or else herself
fcugcl. Another D^mon su航 r an eve凸 more painful death
same compulsio打 to kill her at the hands of the Demon, who 凸ever
spring upon Catharine Praevote (in condo打es any failure.
rreissen, Sept. 1589). For she had In the same way Balial Basle of
conceived a violent desire to poison Su Nicolas-dc*P〇rt near Dombas c*
the only daughter o f her neighbour sur-Mcurthc, March 1587) did not
Michael Koch, and had many times persist in hi3 contumacy with im*
tried to do so, but without success; punity. For because he neglected to
fbr the chiW's fa 化er kept her obey the Demon^s command to poison
from evU spells by means o f daily a certain man whom he bitterly nated,
prayers and lustrations. A t Ia5t, as he su航 red such 化irible punishment in
the Demo打 kept complaining that he his own hotue that (as he said) he

would rather die at once than have to be absolutd y contrary in their pur-
a^ain. [ results. T he supreme law
Neither did that MaiKanta^ whom is love bom o f faith, and
have just mentionea, escape the : H e gathered us into His church,
vengeance c f the Demon for having tias given us no more sacred com-
dissuaded her fellow*witches from id than this ;in S. John xiii. 34 :
^hen they had met to- " A new commandment I give unU>
gether by the poed o f Wapenbruch you, that ye love one another as I
and, following th d r usual 产 acdce> kave loved you." Again, in verse 35;
were beatiog u e water with the intent "B y this shrill all men know A a t ye
to destroy xm fiiuts o f the trees. Her are m y disciples, i f ye have love one
reason was that she remembered that, to another.*^ This commandment is
thanks to that fruity she had more not hard to obey; it is full o f love, jo y
than once been able endure a long and happiness. XocHf we fall short in
and severe famine. But the Demon so our obsavance o f it, God does not at
terribly railed against her^ and more­ once pour forth Hi$ wrath upon our
over b ^ t her so cruelly^ that she soon stubbornness, but is slow to punish
changed her mind and agreed to that and loath 仿 chastise. And 江 He must
t 01 d<巧tnictioiu puWsh, His punishment i: modera化
teinfdd, i a January 巧 妨 , and always salutary, that o f a father
Jeanne le Ban, confounded rather th 占1 o f a mas化r; ari地 ig from
weight o f the evidence g a in s t her the love o f Him who c h " 巧sem, not
and moved b y fear o f the threatened from the avoi| ; e^s ha 化• T he precepts
化r t u " , conf货sed to the Judge all her and enmmanns o f the Devil, on the
crimes and w k ch craft, 品 d, repeating contrary, are always concerned w i 化
/ords after the J u c ^ , bade de> envy, treachery, o u elty, slaughter,
part fbr ev 灯 比 e Demon to which she loss and w ron^ See S. John viii and
was subject. But not lone afterwards Reflations xii. For from b e ^ i^ n g
the Demon found her ^ one in her he was a murderer, a calumniator,
>rison, and so pounded and kicked robber, destroye。 trai巧r , 啤rmentor
ler that she thought her last day had and slaughterer. And lus chief desire
come. However, the gaolers o p p ^ and object is that his subjects should,
tvmcly interv知 ed and prevented liim Iik« himself, busy themsdves to pro­
& om G arryingh issavagefuryanyfar- cure the misery and misfortune o f
ther. It is a fact that her whole back others. I f his followers disob^ him
was sti" 出scoloured wi出 出 e marics or hesitate to perform his b id d i^ , the
o f recent blows whe 凸she reported this consequence is, as has been said, that
occurrence to the Magistrate. For the they are beateo and pounded even to
same reason, the f r a ^ confession o f death; and i f 化巧 obey his behests,
her guil^ O tilla Reivers (Frdssen, they are wretchedly iovolved in con­
1590) was so fierc^y beaten in tinual misery and anguish; just as
prison her Little Master that her A e y w h o ,« ^ a in s tth e ir n a tu i^ ta i-
cries were heard a very long w ay off deroess o f heart, are compdled by
b y the Castellan's servants. their duty to be witnesses o f blood备
See how very harsh and unjust a and revolting spectacles. Moreover,
master is the Devil, even to those who pity» which is the first o f human in-
have surrendered themselves entirely atinctSj 化 e fear o f arrest, and the con-
tohis w ill: whereas Q irist ever teaches isness o f their sins never allow
that His yoke is easy and His burden o f calm a 〇£ e a ^ mind;
light, and ui^es those who would have but they for ever tl t victims
for their souls to take it upon distress, < impulses,
It is, indeed, bu( meet that two calami^.
opposite systems o f service should


slw p as i f they w ere ,

mit化n with some
CHAPTER XIV acute ; or even to mount upon a
.. ■ , • chair or some other object and act as
Wtiekes do ofUn really and m foet i f they were spurring a korse to 巧 eat
Travel to 出甲 WxlurmU Smgoffus; speed: yet th 备 did not go out
and agamsuch Joumeyt^s an but house, but on awaking appeared as
an Emptjf Imagisuttion ^ 巧 如 化 分 weary as 江 they had r« u m ed fiom a
Dreams; and that they m equally right long journey, and told wondcrfbl
wAo 巧给w* *呼 " 《 瓜接 0抑 如 化 s访n c s o f what they imagined they had
Furthery that tws€ Journos are per- done» and were much offended and
扣 风 itm 撕 oni m wA种 angry w kh those who would not be-
J^ghts tk^ tMSt CfftaxMfdy takeploct tin lieve thrai* For these reasons many
have been led to believe that the Sab-
L 'H E R E is much controversy and bats are no more than dreams and
dissension among those who treat visu>ns sent by the Demon into the
o f this aspect o f witchcraft; minds d[ those whom he has snared in
whether witches do in 色c t -fly t his net. This opinioD has not a few
bodily present themselves a t ^ noto- supporters o f gre^t w 每 h t; and S,
nous tvH assemblies o f Demoi Jerome does not dissent w m it where
whether ler they are only po巧巧sed’ b y his only reason for quoding ^ e a r g u -
some fwtdstic dclusiodi and, a$ hap- ™巧 t 如 & ccrtein Jew o f his liinc> who
pens when the empty mind is filled 拉Uaciously adduced th* authcjri巧 o f
wi 化 dreams at night, merely imagine the story o f Habakkuk {Daniel xiv,
tiiat tliey are so present, Tliere are 巧,was to 油 ow 啤 at 咕 e
good ftz|gunicnts 化 d examples in sup- portment and transvectioii o f 化 e Pro*
port o f bo 出 sides in tMs dispute. through the air was a miracle and
Cred 化le au化 ors such as Fr. i Tu- w tsid e 化 e laws o f nature,
rella:* and Jean Bodin in his 丑化mow. O n the other side there is no lack
mania, have vouched for cases where 卽 严 肚 巧 户 化 斬 皆 产 am巧le,
women have manifestly spent the Ulr 产h 兴 olUorf and Jean Bodm, who>
whole night at home, and even in bed both 吟 a 巧 im 巧 t and cam p les,
wUh th 品 husbands, and yet on 化 e mau巧 妨 the htcral tnuh o f this mat^
打巧t morning 化 ey have confidently ter. F o ; (化 ey s巧 ) they have heard
recounted many details o f the Sabbat 化 c evidence o f tho化 w ho have
at which they have afivmed they were smeared and nibbed themselves with
present on tne previous n igh t Other the same ointmen诗 that witches U3C,
women, again, n&ve been Kepk m
exp re" o亩 ervation througl^ont
igl f "C/lricAMoliior." This wriUr was bom
ight by their friends and r^ations, as at Constana^ whm h$ ditd in X4ga. He was
d l as 化cir neighbour8,whohadbe- 0 doctor both 〇/ Homm and Canon Law> md
come suspiciousj o f t;hem because o f procure in tk$ curia at Constarut.
巧>on ihi "quest 冻 ArAduh Si护 mwid 蛛 the
cewain ru 田ours; and they have been he wroU a fiwtUit "DiliOniis IsJc] e!
seen 化 move spasmodic站 y in their PhitonUifmtdiiribuSpTractatuspulchmimus,"
Accordinf to Stanislmt de GuaUa the Jirst
•打 W此 " T u m lf。 French edition tr 4to^ X4^s. Tfur$ wm Simat re-
philosopher and astivhgir* w 知m dMii化巧 prints befiu m f 9fth$ centutyt andGiman
in, the second half of illiJifte
'untk cmtuiy> and trmsla厄ns 冷 in 巧4^ and is
Dijon^• wnm hi w
ditd at Dijo. um Rtetor 方 quiumirror 化 suppoff t店t 如。 Ktor iikUd tfu
Schocls during second dicedi qf tk$ six^ •
existence witch$Sf in/act h Hstf申 n脱 ,
、tk antwy,a* is, ihi author <if a V巧y althoueh he
although the
m states ihAt’then is much Jutpt\
iouf work upen tki i句kune•作 tk$ 成獻enly and much extravoionct inpopular biliif. *
iits^ **La Piriodti e^$st d dire la Fin au 专"Qintmnt户 D* Lanm ,、 、
Ta献au 么
Afon必," J W VIna>nst(mc9^^ says: Les
and have used at the Sabbat* Joachim f records
with them to the Sabbat; though k such instances. Their shouts and cries
them many days** journey to re- have been heard by 油 epherds keeping
from it when^ as Apuldus says, their flocks near by. There are the
the son^ was done and the blind force dummies which 化e women have left
conjured Powers was expended. b y their husbands to take their place
They have heard also o f those who in their own absence. In sboit 化 ere
have gone on foot to the Sabbat with are very many o f chose who have joined
their chHd re凸, whom they meant to that pestileiUial sect who 蹲 ree ;。 their
te at the solemn assembly^ and Statements and evidence on all these
were afterwards carried home through matters; and I have thought good to
the air by the Dem on., Many ,again, select chc following example, as being
have stated evidence 化 at t 技ey have most pertinent to the matter in 义u换
spoken lo persons on their outward tion, and report it rather more fully.
journey and met them again on their In M ay 1589 the inhabitants were
rctu 叩 h 化 a 【night, when they gave holding a carnival at LQtzcn, a not
astonishing and perplex!雌 answers to inconsiderable town a c 【 he foot o f the
their questions. Then there are the Vosges. A man named Claude Gho*
conversations at the Sabbat itself, teau was returning at ni^ht&ll from
which have afterwards been reported there to a neighbouring^ village called
‘ identical words by d 版 rent persons Wisembach^ and had climbed the bet-
who were present. There arc cases of t e r p a r t o ft h c h illw h ic h s t a n d s b o
the recc^nuion o f the masks, disguises tween the two places^ when he was
and veils with which each witch covers suddenly pulled up by a violent whiH,
to conceal her identity; and wind. He looked about in astonish,
o f the VC巧els, garmen 化 and 扣 miture ment and could see no reason 化r such
an unusual happenings for everywhere
else was p ^ e c tly calm. Ti^en he
liures et les InquisiUurs qtu les sorciers observed in a re tir^ comer, locally
CO讯poserU et 如 t ces onguens ou graisWi ou known as Mor^e^ six masked women
qus U Diable les leur dome: Qju 7a plus part
Sf font auec de la graisse ^6 petit crffhnt dancing around a table laid with
qu4 Satan/diet occire d des somites. Mau Us much gold and silver, teasing their
Hennent gue c巧 onguents ne petiuerU struir en heads like mad women; and near them
ce cos A autre t^ecly que pour assoupir Us sens was a man sitting upon a black bull
des sorciers, qfin que Satan iouisse mieux d son wa 化hing them as 穿 he were some
ais0 d, €iix." IVeyer, "V e Lamiis,, ,IIf> !?, casual passer-by. He stood sdU for a
wriUs: "De ruiiurahbus p/tarmad little^ therefore, to collect bimself and
^uibiis《 打Urdum UludurUur Lamiae,也 earum observe it all more closely; but they
tUm ungueniis, el qiiibusdam phrUis sojwri, Snstancly 出sappeared and vanished
fwis> m饥(em产 ; m^fense lurbarU化us. " 换 his from his sight. recovering from his
0戶inion the ointments of wiUhes are U)xic、pr护 fright, he resumed his jouraey and had
去wing excUement anS dcUriuniy or nauMic, the top o f the hiU, when be*
ewahning evU dreams. "Lamiorum 矿 oftu told! those women were following him
uftguenium propemodum simiie tradit Uwrwf >ehindt tossing th d r heads at^ut
mus post cuius imuictionem mirabifia
uiJm afipareL** '^JoachinC bom at
* In many €m^€ssi(ms it is said that tkev wg in 1500,齡 d <ULeip^g in 巧 74.
w clktd 化成e 切ous, and D e La拍r* tn ed name {tMch he Latinwd) of im 说
dealing with such cases decides; " h is trufy as braUtaUJd scholar um Uibhard or Kan
ffim inai dful cbominabUJiff。 Sorcerer to 公> 化 nuisUfy spelt Canwr-Meister.
ihtSaMoionfootastoietrolmUuifyarnv^d pustrU rtfemc* i$ ti to his
his’"D* naUtr&et a乐 cA*
tkUher fy 众£ D eriL " See Aitmtagtu Summm, cnibus J^moftum HbilU duo Plutardd C/uro^
wTTu flisU巧 o f Witcher紙 、{i苗6 ) , chepur ,xplicaiionibus."
i9、pp. !!8 -I3 3 .

before, and preserving if by agree* Desird Gaxet and his wife had gi
lent a profound siknce, Before &em Cho 化au two measures o f com ^
rent a man with a black face and two cheeses o f cow*s milk as the pm ace
hands curved like hooks, with which o f his silence about what he had see:
the horrid apparition would have rent And when he and she were brought
■ clawed his 色ce if he had not face to face, they agreed all respects
drawn his sword and defended him- except only that Barbette said that the
self. But on his doing that, the man reason that the Demon had attacked
ceased to threa化n him, and disap- Chotcau was not, as he had falsely
peared like o 打e in fear 化r his li吃. said, that he had approached 打ear the
(This supports the contentio打o f Plato table, but that he had tried to steal a
and Pscllus and certain academic gold cup from i t
philosophers that Demons are sw- Here is another similar instance,
cepuble to and afraid o f threa巧, blows, Johann von Hembach had hardly
cuts and wounds. This matter we deal grown to manhood when his w i 化h
v/ith elsewhere*) Nevertheless, those mother took him with her to the noc-
wome打showed themselves again, and tur 打al assembly o f Demons. And, be­
with them the man who, as I said, was cause he was skilled i打its use,she bade
sitting 打a buH and watching their him play the flu化, and climb a tree*
dance. T o him Choteau, growing near by that he might the better be
bolder, went 巧 and s a id : 寺(What! heard. This he d id ; and having leisure
Are you here, uiend Desi的 Gaxe 巧" to observe their dances, and s化uck
(For 化 at was his name.) " I beg you with wonder at the uncommon man­
to pro 化ct me if you can: for I ner o f them (for everything there was
solemnly promise that I will never preposterous and ridiculous), he cx-
speak o f anything which I have seen.^^ claim ed: "G ood God 1 where did this
riardly ha(j he said 化 U, when he fools and madmen come
again caught up i打 a whirlwind or from?" Scarcely had he said 舶 s when
cloud; and when he a t last got free he fell to the ground and was hurt
from it he 化und himself alone on the one shoulder^ and when he called upon
ground far away from the road; but them to help him, he found himself
he found his w ay back to it and re* alone. This adventure he openly pro*
turned home as quickly as he could* claimed; and while various opinions
Three days after givii^ evidence o f were being expressed concerning it,
this he was again summoned before some maintaining that was a vision ,
the Judge and added to his former and others that it had really happened^
statement the following: that he re­ it so happened after a little that ail
membered that^ when he had gone doubt was removed* For one o f the
near to the table to see what sort o f a women who had joinW in that dance ,
banquet was there set out, the D ^ o n nanna rrcvo
Cathaiina 【【c> was soon a
Prevotte^ after­
had immediately flown at his face with wards ds taken up at F 巧isseii Sep
his claws; and that while he was de* b e r1589
__ on suspicion
g o f witchc
fending himself with his sword he had xecounted 沾
and ^recounted thec whole matter
been lifted up by a violent wind and has already been told> although she
carried to the cataracts o f Cennbri- was as yet unaware that H em b a ^ had
mons, not less than two hundred paces been spreadmg the $tor>% and without
away. And lest anyone should put this
story down to the ravings o f a Sunken * "Climb 6 tw .
man frightened by the loneliness o f the laud hy Gu〇zX0* Su
night and the place, Barbette Garot, 茂 the tTMsli^onpubtishsd
o 打e o f those six women, had the month 3〇knRodk€r,> ^ p . 4p). Onp - ?•.3巧 ,
before told the 巧me 5化ry to the Judge cui ihows the danc4 with thefiddlers
in almost the same words; adding that

having been ireviously questioned and her neighbours had spread the
concerning it. Otilla Kelvers (at story o f this through all the village, it
Werdenst, A u g . 巧 巧 ) and Anguel seemed to Pet化r that to keep silent
Eysartz (at Dieuze, Dec. 1590), who would be tantamount to a confession
were found guilty o f wi 化her茲 in 化 e o f g u ilt; so he went strught and laid
following year, severally told the same a m邮 巧 bit化r complaint before the
pf, a品 in 良weight to their evidence Judge; but in 化 e en各, fearing that 巧
, naming the place, Mayebuch, as appeared probable, he should lose
where it happened. his case, he would be exposing him­
The following is no less pertinent to self to even greater danger, he pur-
the subject. As N icokt 化 l^ang-Bern- E〇化!y broke o ff and desU化d from it.
hard was returning from the md mill c u t this did but the more increase
o f Guermingen to Assenoncour on the suspicion against him, many coiuider-
。5 出 Ju!y ,巧 9 0 , 号n(i was going along ing that it was due to his conscience
a forest path at high noon, she saw in o f guilt that he now bore in silence an
a field near by a band o f men and accu 化don which he had at 6打t bib
wome 打 dancing round in a ring. But !eriy.resented. Accordingly, the Judge
because they were doing so in a man- inquired all the more caraiUIy into his
ner contrary 化 the us口aTpractice, wi化 1胎 and habits and, finding su阳 indi­
th d r backs 化m ed towards each o 化er, cations that the suspicions against him
she looked more closely and saw also were not baseless, ordered him to be
dancing around wi 出 the othe打 some laid by the heels. He was then with no
whose feet wei*e de化rmed and like great difficulty induced to confess his
those o f goats or oxen. Nearly dead crime, and finally to name and make
with fright, she began as we do when known others who had been his part-
some sinister disas化r threatens us) to ners in U, Among these were ^ r W lia
call upon 化 e s&v|ng Name o f Jesus,* the wife o f Joannes Latomus, and
and to beseech Him that she might at M ayetta the wife o f Laurendus 比 e
least return safe and unhurt to her Chiisf 皆 stra 化 (who were tried at
house. Thereupon all the dancers Dieuze in Febniaiy and March re-
seemed to vanisn a t once, except one spectively, 1591), w 心>severally but in
named Fetter G ro^ Petter, who rose A e same words CO啤essed 化 e tru 化 o f
quickly into the air, and was see what th dr accomplice Fetter had said
•et fall a mop such as balers 旭 about the back-to-back dsmerngf and
clean out their ovens before putting:
th d r dough. Meanwhile Nicolette was f *^Bad>t〇-back dmeing.' Bogiutf
caught m a violent gale so that she 公 a w s 分 站冷. ; n, i
couTd hardJy breathe; and after she tkser^tim r f the Sabb<a:
had rc4icbe<l home 化若 Jay ill in bed iaiue; and this thgf do in c ti>
for three whole days* When Nicdette back. . . now thef dcnce in this manncT Ixick
to bcA so Aat p m not be rm gm ztd'*
* "J/ame 分 Jtm . " 締 Anthony Hor- Then an vay m a^ 巧 化 皮 说 rite
meVs accauni iff ihi Swedish tmidus in the 批 u iff dmeogn转 I k
years !$$g Md !吩 、 t68! , as an ap* de rinam staue^ ill^ Discoars iUy in
penSx U> th " 《odAici如ms Trita^Aa^.*、 scribing ike witched demets^ **La
Concming Ae trmsvecHm o f umehes he hm €St aussi U dos tourrU, mats u tenaU tout
w rites: 巧A Uttl4 护 I o f E lfiale 巧对emd> in longy ei sm s se dSpmidT$ des wmnSf ils
that ndmitig ike /w n e iff J w s as Jke was d$ H pris qi巧Is se et 巧
tarried oway^ she f i l l suddady upon ths r巧£(mtrefU dos 么 dos, un hmrm uns
a gniU hoU in lier SiiU> y b n i w 'd 兴 《泌 w 分
which ^ D m l heaUd up again^ and Jrt^etU impudiquanent ctd am in oi/*** Hukh^
叩 he her; 心 to this d巧 如 批 1 Mies, Historical Essof Conrming WtUk-
>ftsud 试4 had exceeding gnat pain 山 ksT cr斯 ,* second 诚 tian^ 巧M { p .巧、, gives 公
巧旅ssim Jmame Besdetm {!巧么: ••The


BK, D B M O N O L A T 民Y
the mingling o f the cloven*hoofcd 0打es con打ary, omit化d to mentio打化 veral
i打 化 e dance. Their testimony was instances proof o f this argument
confirmed by that o f a heras:man which to m y knowledge during
named Johann M khel, who, in fur­ :apitai trials o f witches, and have
ther proof o f the 化u 化 o f his words, since been forgot化n by me.
added that he had played the part o f O n the other hand, t am quite w ill­
pip ^ to th a td a n c e ,puttinghisshep- ing to ^ r e c with those who think that
nerd's crook to his mouth and moving such S w b a t meetings at times exist
his fingers upon it as i f it had really cnoly in dreams. I t was vi clearly
been a pipe; and that when Nicolette stated not loz^; since in he iddence
(as has D^n told) in fear called upon by Catharine Prevotte (at Freissen,
jesus and moreover signed herse化w 她 September 1589) that sometimes
the Cross, he had 钟 len headlong (rom witches are fully awake and actually
the tall in which he was 3itdn^; present at these assemblies; but that
after which he had been caught up in o f ^ they are merely v is it^ in their
a whirlwind and carried to a meaoow, sleep b y an empty and vain ^magina-
called IVeiUeff where he had a little tion, For the Demoo$ are equally
before left his flocks ^ra^ng. But the re ad ^ ith e r to transporUhem wAi化 cr
final and incontrovertible proof o f the they wish when th 巧 are awake, or to
truth oto f this occurrence was the tactfact impress the imace of such a happening
that the place where this danciag bad upon their min 东 〜 hUe 化ey are
been enacted was found, on the jla y ins and (as Galen say$, Dejinti. Mea.)
after the matter was r e p ^ e d b y Nico- influenced by a brief mania« But I
lettc> trodden into a rii^tin x suen as is cannot agree with 申 o$e who class
found in a circus where hon ] ts run ecstasies^ mental emotions and abstract
round i打a circle ^and among the other tions from the body as pertaining to
tracks we 巧 the recent marks o f 成 e this m atter; f o r 【 do not think that
hoofs o f goats and oxen. And these such a view can 嘴 htly be defended,
marks remained vU化le until 奸 e fi宁Id especially when it is claW ed that they
was ploughed up in the fbllowing win* are causra by the agency o f Demons*
ter. Further evidence was given by S« Paiil^ speaking o f a man caught up
Nickel Clein, Didier Widder^ Garoar to the tnird heaven, freely admits
Schneider: and as many as were after- ( n . Cort’R化如化 xii, 3) that he could not
wards called upon by the Judge to teU whe 化 er it wasi'n 化 e body or out
speak upon the matter. o f the b od y; 化r God alone knowetbu
He巧巧 a。 actual fa c t, 打ot a vision- And we read 化 at S. Fe 化r, togc化 er
ary dream; an occurrtoce witnes化d with the two other disciples, was so
by the eyes, not merely understood by dazed by the glory o f the transfigured
hearsay; confirmed by the consistent Lord, and so rapt i 凸 ecstasy, that he
evidence o f independent witnesses, not did not know what he said or where he
based upon the deliberate and fic- was. And, since we are pleased to
dtious report o f a single person. I f 化 is commend the opinion o f the Pagans in
not proof enough to convince any- 化 is 瓜atter, Pliny* ( V li, 52) quotes the
one, I have no more to s&y but that
he must abide by his contrary opinion: • " 巧 如 ,"化 抑 inter exempla^
only I would have him know that I HermoHm Cl<u:omnii < m relicU) corpoM
m an sowamt longinquo rnulta
h&ve not imagined or ixiven化d any annuntioTip qua* nisi praesenU nosci rum
part o f the s化ry ; but have, 0打 the possenf,ceifer, intirim semianimi:公onec
mato eo inimui Cantharidae uocabaniur)
black Chat earned a liihUd CandU ii 化 rmeanii anxmas lulut uagtnam ademerini.
Fundament, and aU ihi WitekiS had Cc
Candles risUiu 0tittm uisam euolaniem ex ore in Pro*
which th^ lighted at his》 and danced a ^nnssot mui 亦 私 magpa Siquitw
Cirek Back to Back. fabulositaU'w Procamusus is an Uhnd n f thi
BK. I. CH. xrv.
spite o f all obstacles), imbue and fill
a n c ie n ts to r y th a tth c s p ir ito fH e r -
motimus o f Clazomenae left his body tne soul with a vision of all those things
and returned from long journeys to the images o f which they have with
化11 o f many events which could only incredible speed brought from far-
have been known by one who had distant lands. Similarly, it is a not
bee 打 present at them; and he adds altogether absurd opinion o f those
spirit o f Ai*istaeus was seen opticians me打tioned by Aris 化tie (Z)f
打g from his mou 化 in Proconnesus sfnsibus et Us quae sens" pfreip,), that k
in the shape o f a raven; but he con­ is 打ot by the penetration o f rays but
cludes that these were mere fables. by the reception o f images, as in the
The question o f the souVs wandering case o f a mirror, that an object is per*
from the body, and its subw quentK - ceived by the eyes and afterwards
turn to it as i f to its home, is one o f communicated to the brain. For it is
great difficulty and quite beyond the certain 化at Demons often insinua化
imdenumding o f any ma打. it is our them化Iv巧 int:o mcn,s mi打ds and, with
pit^us and C^iristian belief A a t 化 € God,s permission, £mprcss upon them
union o f soul and body can 0打ly be and mark them with whatever
dissolved by death, and that after its 化 oughts they pleases in ,fa c t, 化 is is
dissolution they will not be reunited so well known that there is no need to
until the day o f the Last Judgement. dwell further upon lit. And Cardan
Now i f wi 化hes, after being aroused 伽 ' 如6, X V lII): who inheri 化d
from the profoundest sleep, tell o f this kind o f susceptib巧ity to demoniac
thi 打gs 化 ey have seen ;打 places so far ;nfluence, does not deny 化at wkch 巧
dist.a打t as CO前pared wit、 the shoi*t durm^ their sleep im&封ne that 化ey
period o f their sleep, the only conclu^ are visiting various distant lands where
sion ;s that there nas been some un­ they see 広ngs, theatres, dances, gar.
substantial jour 打ey like that of the dtnSy fountains) parks, and other sights
soul: yet it does not necessarily follow o f rare beauty, and that they even
出 at 化 e witch’s soul has left her bcKly imagine they have slept and taken
泣nd b 说n on that journey; for no man their pleasure with the most comely
can endure such an experience and young men; but lest he should con-
remain none the worse 扛r U. The 知tmd Wmselfwi化 his own argument,
phe 打omenon has something in com­ and in order to bring wi 化he品ft into
mon with 化 at kind o f line with natural causes, he tries to
in which
;【 appears as i f the soul has fled, find a rational explanation for this;
although in truth it is but deeply hid* namely, that witches are in the habit
den^ such as we see in the case o f o f eatmg chestnuts,beans,colewort,
su 恥 re。 from apopl口 巧 ilepsy, or opium, onions and phasels:~ a ridicu*
suffocation o f the womo. For while it lousargumeat, since witches are not
is lying thus latent, the Demons, whose only people who eat such things,
ond compari巧n (化r ,
sp^ed is beyond-Comparison ,公
are thc)^ always eating them. Perhaps,
lamblicus lys, De — Mysieriis
‘ thoi^ it i$ not surprising that he at once
tn/tf弘 化 W it is a
rather inconsistently adds that he
natural property o f the incorporeal to thinks (here must be some foundation
fly at o 打ce to any desired place o f fket ;丘 these witches,地 ions.
But to resume m y discussion o f these
Propontis {Sea o f Marmora) off the north nocturnal assemblies, and the better
coast o f Afysia. O f the €pUpoet ArisUaSy to sustain the truth themj I think it
is said to have 店 n a 巧於tic wriUr Md a good to expound the manner and the
magicjmytviordj havefabulous accounts. Hts w ay by which witches hasten to at 化nd
date is 如ite mcerUdn; sorru place him the Sabbat.
the tim o f Homer, but we can onfy sqy that The commonest practice o f all
he was considerably earlier than H€T0d0tus. witches is to0y up through the chimney.

I f anyone objects that chimneys** together they always flew upon a reed.
a 巧 too small and narrow, or rakes any Jeanne Gransaint (at Cond6-sur-
other difficulties, he must know that, TEscaut, July 巧 82) o f Mo 打tigny 化 id
by viitue o f that Dcmonolatry which that whenever she wished to make this
makes all things monstrous and por- , ourney there immediai;ely appeared
化ntous》 they are fi口t bidden to exceed )efbre her door a 化rrib!e bkclk dog,
their natural limits ;and, moreover, upon which she boldly mounted as
the matter becomes more intelligible upon 么we"'tam ed horse; and ;n pay­
when i( is remembered that the chim- ment 化r her passage, when she dis-
neys axe square and wide i打 all peas­ mou打ted she was in her turn inouTitecl
ants,cottages,and 化at it is from 化is a 打d defiled by 化 e dog; but first (as it
class that the vUc rabble o f sorcery is seemed 化 her) it changed ;tself imo
mostly derived. a not uncomely young man. Erik
Alexia Violet (in the district of Charmes (Pangy-sur-Mosellc, 1574)
Thann, 1583), Jeanne le Ban (Mas- said that the Demon, like some ferry-
munster, Jidy 1585), Claude relict man, u 化d to carry them one b y one
(Maz化res, Nov. 1585), Dominique over any river that lay in their p ath ;
衣etrone 吟 ironcourt, O c t 1585),a 打d but that they had to make their way
nearly all (Masmuns化r, July 1585) of on foot both befbre and after they
those convicted o f 化 is enme, have by came to such a i*iver, Barbdlina Rayel
their free a 打d several confessio打3 borne ;BlainviUe, Jan• 巧 8?), Francois Fellet
wkn 巧s to the truth of this 色ct, Nicole (Maz记res, m the district 品 Pangy-
Ganc•【 化( Ma2i知es, Dec,巧 83) added sur-Mosellc, D e c . 巧 83), and not a
化at it was her custom, when she was few others said that they had very
preparing to start on 化 at journey, to often gone on foot to the Sabbat, esp^
》ut one 技ot up into 江basket after she cially when it was to be held some-
lad smeared It with the same ointi- where 打ear,or 化化ey could find othc 口
m e n tw h ic h s h c h a d u s e d u p o n h e r- to keep them company by the w ay;
self* Francois Fellct (at Vergavilic, fbr it is said that a companio打 o 打 t^e
December, 1585) said that he used to road is as good as a conveyance.
place his left foot, not a basket but I 打passing, it win not be out o f place
on the ends o f the backward bent to add here what wkehes commonly
twigs o f a besom which he first say about the day on which they
anom化d. Others, again, u巧 other hold these meetings. Johann Fischer,
methods to fly to 在 eir as化mbiies. Colct 化 his w 斯 ( 冷 rbeville, Mav
Margareta Dollar said that she had 巧 85), Mai^arcUi Warma (Roney,
often bee打 carried there riding upon D c c• 巧 86 )>讯 coIeGaIlet 化 ( ^iasmun-
a wicker net or a reed, after having stcr>July 巧 87),Claude Mo 汹 c (Serre ,
pronounced certain requisite words. Dec* 1586) and, in a word, all who
AJcxia Bernard (in Guermi打gen ,Jan. have so far been tried on the capital
巧 90) said 化 at she rode upon a 邮 ; charge in Lorraine, a 打d whose eW-
and Hennezcl Erik (at Vergaville, de打ce can be relied upon, affirm that
July 1586) that his father went upon 化 esc Sabbats are only held on Wed*
a huge migluy bull, and his motiher nesday or Saturday nights. T hey do
cn a fbrked stick such as is u巧d in not give any reason fbr this; but I
smbles; but when these suspect 出 at it » because the Demons
are occupied elsewhere on other
o f the Swedish witches
mghts‘ For, as S. Basilf 巧ys ijamrto
1670, $聲s: "B*ing dsktd how they cotdd go t Basil.,、 The work "D t Spirilu
ciih (h^ir Bodits through Chimneys and broken ivhick was wrUtm about
p su s o f Glass, thejf said that the D m l did euoked 乏
!1 part by the Macedonian 玉mal
台 St "move that might hinder them in their • • • har梦s that S. Basil ked '.
^ghti and 40 they had room enough to ihe SpirUr

撕 W化)> the Demons cannot be in dif- and Pan化ia, about the third wa 化h,
扛re打t places at the same time. And which I take to mca打about midnight,
those wlio have written o f the activities for is the打 that the second watch
o f wi化hes other districts record that ends according to the arrangement o f
they hold their Sabbats on other nights the watches said to have been made
than tho巧 just mentioned; and It is by Palamedcs, their fiut inventor, in
reasonable to suppose that the Sabbat the T r 如打 War. Pliny the Younger
打ights in different places vary accord, 苗 批 1 6k, V I I , 6), telling how Uie
ing to the distance between them and >hilosopher Athenodorus was attacked
the time take打 in going from place to 巧 a spectre in the fbrm o f a was化d
g a c e . "T h e Gods?" says Apollonius, and squalid old man, adds that this
rhilostratus in eius uitCf Lib, IV , cap. 13 happened 化 € silence o f 化 c night.
接打d by th 巧e I take him to mean A nd Livy wri 化s 化 at a voice louder
iDemons), "do not remain ever the than human was heard above the
same place; but they go now to the 化mple o f Vesta in the silence o f the
Ethiopians, now to Athos, and 打ow to n igh t Among la 化r authors Alexan-
Olympus*** der ab Alexandro, G饼i•如公m 硏, V ,
But all this is largely a matter 2和 wHks that lie heard duiing the
conjecture. It remains to be con- siwnt time o f the night a 化rrifying riot
sidered whether there is any fixed and o f witch 巧 in certain houses at 反ome.
settled hour for these nocturnal a3巧m- This sUe打ce o f the night is interpreted
blies and synago^ 巧• O f all the many by c " d 化le authorities as meaning
prisoners whom I have seen, two only, 山 at intempestive period which (as
Jean dc Ville (Luvign 足, O ct•• 巧 90) Censorious, ♦ 化 曲 noAz/与cap, 9, says)
and A ga 化 e , 化 e wi拓 o f tran9 〇is I'ail- immedid吗 yj)reced 巧 pill-
leur (扔ttelange, Sept. 1、 巧 have so tarch in his Bratus specified u e depth
far 扣ven me a 打公nforma't。 。 in r 巧 ard and (which ;s pertinent to this ques­
to t山 matter. They said th^t the two tion) middle of^the night, speaking o f
hou 巧 imme<iiately preceding mid* that monstrous and horrible spectre
night were the most suitable and op-* which appeared to Maxcus Brutus
portune, not only for these assemblies when he was about to lead liis army
out for all other devilish terrors, illu­ out o f Asia« Ape^onius, Apud PhU<h
sive appearances and groanings; and 'froftoRy IV ,5, 弁 the miracle
that the hour after midnight was not o f the shade o f A ch illa seen by him>
unsuitable. They gave no reason for says that afterit had spdeen with him
this, and I shall not waste time in un­ 仿r a while vanished because tile
profitable conjectures* H iis only shall cocks beran to crow* From this £u$e*
1 say: 化 a t no other hours o f th e 。脚 t biusf o f Caesarea
are held in such suspidon for ghostly
apparitu>ns b y those who go m any • "Cenmims., " 化 成 加 V• 雌
fear o f such uiings. Indeed, they are xxh: "Qmcubbm. cum item est ad atbitim.
not without cause for sucL a beU成 fw Exinde "inUrr^festOy》* id A
: teaches that these hours are midi aa impestiiom esi:
notorious for spectres and tcr- noctm户 dUeiitr: et sic "m
rible apparition^ and the ancii 、应tsebbis,,, wTke Father 嗦 Ckuuh
j** barn about a6o; died b(for4 $41*
ply testified♦ this
♦ in
♦ their ^sfenceis lo thiswri^4 MQnUra
• 虹 Apuleius (for it is good eletL HierocUsy ufko as governor in
to quote even m m fables which, while amlin^^wasactudenenyaflkeCSirimms
not recording facts, do nevei^eless dunng w perseeaiions^ h il aiiacked thm
represent the probable tnidi btfm the pemcuHm mth hispen. His
as porable), Aristomencs says that work mmly amsisUi of a wmparison betwan
ana his compamon Socrates were Our Lord end ApoUoniut ofiyoaa^ in which
tacked b y the fai he mads great use the life nUastratus.

yiiar<tf,c〇D cladesthattheun- 善
reparations* Similslarly (July

)Ie time o f n ^ h t jus Johann Bulmer and D ^ ir ^ hi$

w 15 the most fit r a wife c t rAm ance district s^d that>
summoning o f and unholy speech with when 化 was about time to break up
an evil Demon. Telephion <MfMiletus their assemblies, dieir Little Masters
(Apuldu$, 份 化 A J n , 化 n ) was 巧t Icry out repeatedly W o !
to guard a dead body at I^anssa from has化 and away ,a ll; for the
the designs o f witch women, and said cocks begin to cro w !" From this I
that he saw one these witches in the conclude thatt they arc unable tmal to pro*
form o f a weasel at such a dme o f the long th d r business sincss beyemd that
n igh t " I t y a s 出isk/> he said, "and 品 >indeed, I know ] &om Pliny^ (X ,
then the night fell and the darkness 2 【 ) and ^ l i a n that 化 e crowing o f the
deepen為 and was dme to be in c o ^ is feared b y lions and scol^ejidras^
bed| and then came that untimeous Furthermore, ** most • •'
season o f the night, and I grew more >ut o f season, and espedally
and more afraid; when suddenly a — night agaim t t h ^ habit;
weasel crept up to me and attaaced as Raphael M affci (Volater inus),
三巧u。 .!.

me so violently that I was amazed at Philologiae, Lib« X X V , records Ihave

the boldness o f so small an animaL'* happenedtiappened on the b i^ -n ig h t o f the
T he intempestive time o f night is eldest son o f Matteo Visconti the
placed by Servius in) at mid- Great> Lord o f Milan, when the cocks
night) and by Macrobius {SabtnuUiaf kept up a continual and wearisome
I ,3) at just a f ^ midnight: for then crowing* T he boy was therefore
is tne mo巧 op巧 rtune time for 化 e named GaU〇 zz〇 f w d grew to be so
activities o f the ra n ee o f Darkness and &m ed for his eloquence and
(aa Z 巧 haniah, says) evening wolves, prowess that (as Joviu$§ says, 化 从
when b咕打s to be unfit for the ordi­ cicr(nvm uirorum) he far surpassed even
nary work o f men. And, to 巧 turn to 化 e most & m o u sp rip ce$ o fh is day.
what Apollonius says o f the cockcrow Now I no more question that this was
being ;nimical to apparitions o f the foreshown by that cockcrowing than
打ight, I remember reading not 1〇嘴 that 化 e codkerow is antipathetic to
ago, in the report of the capital tr诚 lions and scolopeitdras. But I maintain
oir a witch at Dieuze, a story which has that it is not so much the crowing o f
some relevance to the qu 货tion into the cock (for many other birds have
which we have dijjj^es化d. This wi 化h, an even louder a 打a more effective cry
whose name was Sabilla Latoma (at than cocks) that imped 巧 the maKce
Dieuze, Dec. 1591), was minu化ly o f wi 化hes, as the fact that such crow*
questioned by the Judge about the ings are as a rule only heard at that
nightly doings o f wi化h 巧 ; and among time o f the night which is u 打suited to
other things she answered that no their work; a 打d therefo巧 it is said
more 技tally obs化active a thi打g could that the ancients regarded cocks as
happen to them than that the cock cale 打dary, because they were the
should crow| while they were making heralds and dividers o f the hours o f
the 打ight ,
Eusebius shows ike profane absurdity and
r/tis wrUirigs,
^phartiah*、 、 III, 3 : " 成 r prinw la RtiraicU aux Sorciers." Forfurihif details
within hsT are roaring lions; her judges are SM " T ^ Histoty。/ U^Uchcra化 " ijf ’ ‘
Aliening wolves; th巧 gnaw not the boms lUl tague Summers,pp, !:7_:d.
the morrow^* (A . K ) . X "Pliny•、> Scol〇
p, ndr<i is
f '*Thi cock should crow,*^ Thai the mukipede.
crowing 0/ a cock dissolves enchantments is a S "Jovius." Pooh Giotno, thi
tradition of 巧turn別 antiqui(.y, De Lancre hisUffian、 bom at Como,: 9th April、J483;
died ai Florence^ nth Dicmhir^
on the night when she wa$ first en*
deed into their company* BarbcHne
Persons attend 化e J^oc* R a y d (BUinviUe, Jan• 巧如 ) said th 戸t
tumal Ass《 m6U的 皆 £>《 mns in La巧6 the women far exceeded the men in
Wumbm; but the Majori巧 of tlusc 斯6 number, since it was much easier for
Women, since that S《 x is the mo" sus- the Demon to impose hi$ deceits upo 打
••ptible 化 Ev巧 Cwns瓜 . th a ts c x f— anobicrvationw hichfor-
义uemada also made hi$
A C O B MEYER» a careful compiler &eitainly 1 remember 化 have heard
o f Annal$> writes chac at Arras under o f far more cases o f women chan m en;
hilip o f Bur|[undy those who were and it is not u打reasonable that this
convicted o f w )化hcraft and questioned scum o f humanity should be drawn
concerning their accomplices said that chiefly from the feminine seXy snd 化at
those who met together with them in we should hear mostly o f women sim*
their assemblies were drawn from plists^ wise women, sorceresses, en*
cry class and condition o f men and chantre$$es, and masked Lombard
women. A warlock named Troi^ women* For in estimating numbers
EscheHes,accord;打g to Jean Bodin ;打 and fr勺 ucncy is enough to reckon
his told 化 ng Charles those who fbrm the majority. Fabius
I X that the number o f those whom he {In declcmatwmbus) says that women
icw to be infected with the crime o f arc more prone to believe in witch*
itchcraft in France amounted (o cr^ t; and Pliny (X X V , i i ) that
any thousands. In Lorraine, during women excel in their knowledge o f
le sixteen years ;n which I have witchcraft.
judged prisoners charged with this
crime, no kss than c 邮 t hundred
have been clearly proved guilty, and bU^ (deuce milk dmes dans m petit canton
basqtu, voj, lAwcre; six mi瓜 护 ur uru
condem n e d t o d e a t h b y o u r O u u m - bkoqtu> La Afirctuhlt wjf. Spina)*,
virs ;besides nearly as many more who 、 "Thatsex尸 InKingJame/M〇wfiwo,
have saved their fives by flight or by logU>" II> 5, PhilonMhis asks, speaking oj
a 巧ubborn endurance o f the tortu化 witckcrajl, d What cm be the cause that there
For the trial o f such cases is so beset twerUie women giuen 化 that crqft, where
with doubts and perplexities that 化 e man?"哀pisUmon explains: The
Judge is very often balked o f his ex­ asie>for as tkcU sext uJhiUr (hsn
pectations, as we shall explain more it is easier 化 be intre^td in these
fully in due course. — snares of ike Deuilly as was ovir wtll
But all those 化ken up for witchcraft jmued to be irug, b, the Se呼ents dectitiing of
are unanimous in their assertion that beginning, which him the
the Sabbats are attended by great homelier with ikat sensine.
numbers. Jeanne le Ban (Mas巧uMter,
June 1585) and Nicole Ganite (July
1585) said that the numbers were 80
great whenever they were pre化nt that
they 托It no little pi巧 fbr the human
race whe 打they saw how many <
and trai 化rs were oppo巧d to it,
that it was most surpi^ising that mor*
tals did not suffer greater damage
from them. Catharina Ruffa (Ville-
sur-Moselle, June 158^) sta化d that
xn five hundred •
Five hundred., ,Mic/ulet "L a Sorciiw"
' *^Ces sabbats eiatent dHmmenses assm^


CHAPTER XVI and ill cooked that it could scarcely

be ea化n. Nicolas M orile (Serre, Jan,
That tfu Food placed before Witches at 1587) said that it was so evU-tasting
tfuir Banquets is Tdstdess and Afean, and bit 化r that he was compelled to
and not of a Kind to satisfy unger, spit it out at o 打c e ; and that whe 打the
了hat this has kd many , 化成e noit/n- wicked Demon saw this he was so
natural Opinion that ihew Feasts are a angry that he could hardly keep his
mer, Vimn and PkarUasm; but that hands off him. And for drink he gives
such is not alw^s the case; for at times them in a dirty little cup wine like
th巧 <h tru权 诉 d upon Human Flesh, clots o f black blood.
Animals ivHi藻 have been found Dead, Salome (Vergaville , Aug* 158巧 >
and Other unwonted Meats of tfuU Kind. Domi打iqj^e Pe 化one 公3 ironcouit, OcU
But th如 tiuy arc always lacking in Salt 1586), tatb arin a 氏ufTa (V il 心
end in Bread, And theprobable Reasons Mos如 e, Juno 1587), Anna Morale
for their Abstaining from those two (Harreville, N o v . 巧 81), Jacobeta
Ar沁Ifs in Partioihr, W dier (Dieuze, S 巧 t• 巧 Anna
Richemont (Pettela^ e ,& p t • 巧 90),
民GIES o f carnal indulgence and Stephaneta Marchant (Hemizig» May
dances form che a>mmone$t occa* 巧 91) ,化 4 nearly* all o f their sort,
sons among mankind for celebrations declare that there is no lack o f nearly
and ba打q u e u ; and 化e Demon is care- every kind of food> except salt and
如 to provide a " these in order to bread, but for which it could be said
attract 化 himself more mmicrous and to be a r^ u la r Lord Mayor^s banquet*
more devoted followers. For aflcr he Now is certain that it is not wi 庄 out
bzs so pandered to th dr base passions design chat th e e two articles o f food
i 【 follows 化at it is easier for him to arc wandng, and that there must be
plunge them in 化 crimes at which some reason for the de 化station in
江 eynad shuddered befo化, so marvel­ which they are held b y Demons; and
ou sly cunning is he to persuade any this reason 打eed not be 任r to seek
whom he has caught in me nets o f his when it is duly considered what in*
lubricity. But we shall discu巧 later here打t antipathy subsists between
bow he occupies them with lewdness their natures and properties and those
and dancing; for the present it is o f the Demons. For there is in Demons
woi*A w h ilcto co n sid e rh o w th ish o s- a deeply 玉邮1311化<1 and 巧ared hatred
pkable and en 化rtai打ing host receive o f all pure religion and divine worship,
tis guests. and they detest and abhor all sacred
In the first place* all who have been rites and ceremonies and all that is
ho打oured at nis table con 拓ss that his used in them ; and ;n the Ancient Law
banquets * are so foul either in appear* no sacriGce was accep 化ble to God
ance or smell that they would easily without sa lt "And eve|7 oblation o f
cause nausea in the hungriest and 化y meat offering" (saith the Lord)
Reediest stomach. That Barbeline <‘sh辽It thou season with salts neither
了Serre, Aug• 巧 挑 ), whom we have shalt thou suffer the salt o f the cove­
lately mentioned^ and Sybilia Morale nant o f thy God to be lacking from
said that every d 巧criptio打o f food was thy meat offering, ,( 必?。 !•沁 w 巧,13),
set out there, but so mean a 打d poor And hi the New Testament wc find
* His banquets,** The Salamanca doctors (反 A/aM ix, 49): "Every sacrifice shall
say: ^^Tkey make a mealfrom food either fuu be sahed with salt; for salt is good,"
Mshtd by thmsclves or by 决6 Devil. It is This use o f salt exemplified in our
semtiws most dilicious and delicatt^ and modern ceremonies, especially in bap­
, 々 nutinw 公户e bakedfrom babUs 化巧 hovi tism, by which we are born again to
shin, or dinnterrfd corpses. A suitabU graci salvatioo. Also it is customary to
is said b^fw such 4 化bU." mir^le salt with the water which is
fi ;,r

D E M O N O L A 了R Y BK .:
w ed in exorcisms to didve away :arded a particularly religious
Demons. H如 t I 打 the same way llo 面er and
咎 ain, in the O ld Tes&ment(Mo/a- the Greeks always spoke o f "sacred
i n ; •LmViw x x iv ), 化 cy offered upon s a lt" The ancients believed that their
the altar shewbread (which the trans* tables needed 打0 other blessing so long
lators o f the Septuagint version ex­ as there was salt upon them^ as we
plain as meaning bread placed before 風ay leam from Amobius , 卞 where he
the Lord and in His presc打ce). And says: "Bless your 化bles placing a
most Holy Sacrame 打t o f the sah-cellar upo凸 them,.. A na bread is
Eucharist consecra化d bread becomes so necessary thing sustain life
化 e true and very Body and is ea 化n that the Holy Scriptures use that word
by Christians, The Macedonians to signify all Idnds o f fbod and all the
formerly used bread as a symbol when* daily necessities o f huma 凸 exis化nce>
ever they entered upon any very Consequently the Demons^ who desire
sacred treaty, as we learn from Ouin- nothing so much as that men should
化 s Curtius 巧 k. V i n ) : "F o r" (iie 打ot Uve in equity wi 化 each 0化er,
says) "each o f the partks to a bond strive their hard 巧t to prevent men
u 化a to cut bread with a sword and from obtaining the fboa wlierewith
offer sacrifice*" to sustain 化 emselvw; and 化 e 任u 化
There ;s no 化 ing that 化 e Demo打8 o f this is clearly enough shown by the
ha 化 so much as ju 巧ice, which (as countless injuries^ plaguts and calam*
Orpheus says in his Hymns), ities with which they daily afiUct the
aflairs o f men, and the ince$sant evils
Deals ever 拉ir ly ,twixt opposing wins* a 打d misfortunes which 化 ey contrive
against them*
And conver化ly (as Plato says his
But let us leave these mattm» which
TheaiUtos) none o f our actions is so
are at best open to coojecture;
nearly godlike as those which are per-
let us return to our interrupted set
formed wi 化 jus 巧说 and e q u ity . 々ow
out o f the banquet with its
there is nothing more symbolical to and unaccustomed tccu5n>med toods*
foods* liomimaue
mankind o f the$e qualities than salt; Isabelle
(RogevillC) 巧 巧 ) added tt^t
* was the opinion o f somedmesi tes thk table was even laid with
we learn from Ales flesh— a ciistcm which Belle*
im l^yth^orean Gommeni
挺》I I , 巧 says was
Laertius* f o r sale
commoQ [long the S erb ia n
巧 whatever is
serves i placed in it, and u also, who>were called Bachsi^
derived from th< he purest c ~ all su【
me proDaDly
3bably derived from Bac*
stances,namely •,• sea*water; id then chusi X wm>m they chiefly worshipp^^
fore is salt the symboli o f ppurity* For and
this reason also Plato that it was who is moreover called rte h *
eater by Plutarch in his Lives o f
the most acceptable and most com* Pelops and 巧 len也化cles«
mo 打ly used o f sacrificial offerings, Isabella Pardaea (Epinal, M ay
Horace ( 0 </• l i , 1 巧 speaks o f " a shin­
ing salt為 liar on a frugal table/* * "Amobitis." TJds writer Uwd about
doubtless because salt was always AM.300 in th$ wgn o f DiocUHcn. Hts aU*
brated umk^ *^Amersus Jiaiwms** {ed. Aug.
* 觀 t s巧s that soli is 化 etth Jtfiffrmheid, Viwia, 1的 )> is thUJl, vittuabli
hUm ofeUmify {**De la DAnonammie** 111, fo r ihs infcrmattM which tt supplm corufming
5)« Philip Ludwig Elich eo^hciicolfy draws Greek Raman customs and ritual.
>the A. I ‘•公 化 Mia." "Bacclm nVtetV ^ u n
QpaesHom. Gentien diiiton《petwaniebb mdsMtf qmt tonus en
at OtUm in j 6巧、 tiU 从Jawht <ft maitu。知ai( U mdiire
txpHssfy dedcr^d: **On S9 met d iabU, 〇& U dmse, gt dieu dis smier, ,t smiir从 、
it,a I’j 历此•〜人一 •• L€kyfr,"t>iscwn <Us SpeOm,、、VII、3.

巧 88) > D 诚 er Finance 巧 t. Did, July drcuinscribed that they can do no

158 !;and Albert Magendre (at Metz) more than create a mere "hisionary
said that the more well•化-do w ishes appearance* For they do at times en-
sat at the top o f the tables! a 打d $化. tertain their f^lowers to a i^al ban­
phaneta Marchant (Homing, May quet: aUho嘴 化 e dishes are made
1591) added that these drank from 接om the flesh o f animals which have
s江ver, whereas the poorer ones drank died, and from other things which
fro 扣 ear化enware cups, but that in all men consider as refu巧, as w c have
other respects they were e^ual partners mentio打e过before. M any o f those wlu>
andj^articipan校i打ail their secret rhes, have at 化打ded them have mentioned,
o f the witchw whom we have among the victuals provided at such
ust mentioned asserted that these feasts, a cat, a black kid, a dunghill-
>a打quets in no way satisfied their cock, and other things not as a rule
lunger or thi打t, but that their appe­ used for human food, and scarcely fit
tite for food a 打d drink remained just fbr CO打sumption. Then 化 ere is the
as great after they had eaten as befbre; weU-known story, told b y Andrea
anS for 化 is reaso打 ma 打y have been Alciati ♦ and many 0出 ers, o f the
led to believe that th 巧e feasts are traveUer who imprudently chanced
nothing but dreams and illusions^ such upon an assembly o f witches one night
as we read o f in the legends o f the and, ast:onished at such a rare and
gardens o f 了antalus and 化 e 巧 pies oi" strange sight, besought the help o f
the Hesperides. This view seems to be Godi as a Gnristian should :
utiristian should; whereupem
borne out by the s巧化ment o^ eanne the whole feast suddenly vanished
Micha 純 s (E化ey, June 1590), that from his sight and all 也 t was left
those who are present at such assem* o f the whole display was one silver
blies see no化mg ck a rly or com­ cup ,卡 It b Impossible to concave that
pletely, but that everything 巧ems this cup had any other purpose than
misty, confiiwd and v j ^ e , just as it to holcf that which was for 江
is with those who化 sight is made dizzy the drink was no more than an illu­
and dim through drunkenness or sion 18 no reason the
fright or sleep^ or is dulled b y some afgn should not be imaginary.
drug. We r e ^ also in the works o f
E rasm u ath atb ym eaE isofh b in caii-
tatiems Pasetes often caused the most stdtf bom in 供 m d died i
sumptuous banquets suddenly to ap» law i Amewnu M i
i^Oier edebratid waversities.
pear, and ^ a in , when he wished, to
f **One sibur cup** TTus stojy it mi
vanish in a moment from sight with­ Hie ifu iegaid o f A e ^^Luck o f Eden IML、 、
out any to remove them* And Numa \ draw
It is r^laUd that the ^nesehal ffAig to
PompiUus (who is said to have been 这 waUrJhm ike wM 皆 S . CuMertisaw a num-
fiunous sorcerer) used often to enter­ hercffiim sQ tihm m ds^
tain his guests 喊 suddenly and magi- ing near fy a aaiously paated^ass cup ahuh
caliy causio《化 e table to be sp r^ d he in sfiiU t f thw protests. A s thiy
wi 化 the most exquidte dainties with­ taBidud afahjerM:
out any human agency* Apollonius I f that glass either bmtk tnfaU ,
o f Tyana said that he saw m India ike Luck 皆 Edm Hail.
Brahmins who in hi$ presence pro* The yet is pnservid w iA the
duced banquets wi 化 化 e most elabor­ gn etisiem . There is also a **Luck o f Work^^
ate vess地 and meats> although there ington KM** in Cumberlmd, an cup
was no sign o f any servers to prq>are pr€$tnttdbf Maty Scots U>Sir H em
them or to bring on and change the Ouwm in tgSB* it u **Luck q f Muttcastir,
dishes (W 航成 0化r m «化2, Ul> 巧 . pnsem d at MmeasUr CasUe* CumberloM* is
But k must not be 化 ought 化 at the a vety bemiyid ^ass bmd presented fy King
power o f Demons 最 $ $0 巧m^ced and Haay V I to Sir 3 〇
hn Ptmir巧bn in : & ,

may be said, then, that there is capering (which always open no small
equal justice ;n both the views o f this window to vice) is witnessed by extant
question; for sometimes the food so writings concerning the rites and sacd.
於 w to \Wtch巧 is actual food; where* flees dl the ancients. Among the
i at other times the Demons in whose Greeks^ we hear o f the hymns sung by
choice the matter rests, merely causes Theseus (Plutarch) with solemn danc*
them to imagine that they are feasting* b g roimA 化 e altars o f the Gods, And
e have ju 巧 stated that the same amOD^ the Latins, Numa (Plutarch)
aUernadves are true o f the wi 化h巧, established a Coll巧 e o f 每or D a n o
neying to the Sabbat; and chat Priests, which endured up to the
sometimes they are acuiaily present time o f Antonius Eniphon, whose
‘ person^ whereas at other times they school Cicero is said to have fre­
not, but arc resting at home ;打。 quented after his forensic labours (as
deep sleep a 打d only imagine (hat they Macrobitis has observed ;n his wnUen
‘ gone to the Sabbat, since their rcfbrences to ity iSo/t仍 苗 ,III> 12),
senses have been deceived by the a 打d even to the time o f Antoninus
Demon, who, by hi$ charms, can Varius,* who, as Herodian affirms,
cause many fancies to creep into the when offering a sacnGce 化 Hclio*
minds o f sleepers— fancies w、ich> eve打 gabalus^t had some Phoenician women
after waking, leave the mind con* run dancing around his altar and beat*
vinced o f their truth as tf they had not ing loudly upon cymbals and drums>
been dreams but rather undoub 化d while the whole senate and Eques*
and unauesdonable bodily actions. trian Order stood round as i f m a
Goes that crafty one mingle theatre. Before that, the Israelites
truth wi 中 false与o o d , 化 at he may me turned aside from the true worship to
easily achieve hU purpose. i苗olatry and danced in a ri巧 around
化 e calf which was mol化n from their
golden triijcets {Exodus xxxU)«
And now, after the glory o f the
知 , light has driven from men's
minds the clouds o f 化is impiety and
they have cea 巧d to take Demons for
•hat 化e Danas, which were in Ancient gods, yet in their secret assemblies the
Days performed in the Worship of Demons still keep this custom o f danc«
Demons, are siill used Uhday at 化ar
ing, and make its observance even
J^octumd Assemblies. That thejf cause mo巧 jUgrant rtia打 befo巧. And just
far m〇T6 Fatigue than the ordinary
as their banquets are attended by
Dances of Men. Also that they are
hunger and buUmy, their copulations
danced 苗 Witches back 化 back in a b y pain and disgust, their U 巧esse by
Ring. That they are always a ready
poverty and want, and all their bene*
Source of Vice:and come ItUle short of 巧ts lo$$ and damage to the re,
MadmsSp cipients 0若化cm ; $0 also those danc■
r r iH wondrous cu 打ni 打g the
Demo 打s, when —
their impious error used to worship
S d caperings, which arc ordin-
pleasure, never

them, were wont to pre 化打d that they • Anhninus fMhgabalus,

took pleasure in those things to which "qui Uarius fthm dUtus €St>,
they saw that mankind had a pro- 化姑,,, /).
pe打sity; and so, as S. Basil says, under 、 "HdiogaMus." The Emperor^ says
the guise o f religion, kept stimulaiing Casaubon, was (alUJ fy 比h name," 句ms
meirs inclination to sin. And that of all homo de Syriac; M讯iru i化 dictus."
such human proclivities they more es- Alch Cabal, quasi dices ^*Deus moniis.^^ Sal^
pecially cultivated that of da 打cing and s: ^*Sol Alagabalus nmcupalus**
weariness and fatigue and the greatest nized by each other if they should
distress* Indeed Barbelina Rayel da 打ce face to face. For 化巧 think
(Blainville, Jan, 1587), and nearly they have no small cau 化 to ftar lest
every witch who has take打 part in those who have beea tried and found
them, said that on 巧化 rning home guH巧 o f wiKhcraft should be hiduced
afterwards they were so tired that they by to巧ure to be 化ay their accomplices
often had to lie down for two whole to the Judge; and lor this reason they
days for wcann 巧s. But the most pUi- go masked to the Sabbat, as we have
able and unju 巧 condition imposed said elsewhere. O r it may simply be
upon them is that no one may be 化 at they love to do everything in a
excused from dancing; for if, on the ridiculous and unseemly manner. For
plea o f age or sickness, any o f them they turn their backs towards the
refuses that labour, she is quickly Demons when they go to wo 巧hip
scourged and so beaten with fists and them, and approach them sideways
feet as sahed fish are pounded with like a crab ; when they hold out their
hammers to beat out the bones. hands in supplication they turn them
Further, that they dance all their downwards; when they converse they
dances in a ring, and with their backs bend their eyes toward the grou 打d;
turned to each other (as we see in one a 打d in other such ways they behave io
o f the paintings o f the Graces), is a manner opposi化 to that o f other
afflnnc<^ by Ac&cn Weher (BlainviUc
June 1 5 8 7 Joanna Gerar台ina (Ver However this may be,
gavillc, June 1586), Dominique Pet well enough from experience that this
rone (Pangy-sur-Moselle, Nov, 1584) passion for dancing is nearly always
Hermd Arme 凸taria (G ironcou", Oct the be护it化r o f sin among men. For
巧 86^, Anna Ruffa (Dieuze, Stpt either it leads to luxury and vice,
!586)! Zabella Uic w 航 o f Joannes Scipio Aemilianus (Macrobius^ Saturn.
Dcoda 化s (Dicuzc, Oct • 巧862 , Odilla I l l , 14), in his speech against the
Gaillarda (Epinai, O ct• 巧 汾 ), and judiciary law o f Tiberius Gracchus,
countless other wi化hes who 化 names complains was the case even in his
I think best: to omit here for the d a y ; or to fanatical frenzies and mad*
sake o f brevity, Sybilla Morfele ness, the origins o f which are always
(Serre, Nov. 1586) added that they aunbuted to dancing ;n the writmgs
we打t round always to the left;* and o f the ancients concerning Matna^y
PJiny 巧 文 V III, says 化 at 山 is ViUmones, CotybarUSy Thya瓜s
also 化 e custom o少化e Druid priests, and 公ojMr从 This also was shrewdly
who always moved round in a i^ing remarked o f an immoderately and
when praying; and he says that this in 化mpera化ly dancing woman by
was always most solem打ly performed to A 惭打so!十that very wise king o f Aragon
the left. And many ce打tui*;C8 before and Sicily, when he said: "W a it; this
;! had been the symbol o f Pythagoras woman is just about to give utterance
to move round in a circle. to oracle o f 柳 !Y/o" see the Lifb of
It is unce巧ain what is the reason or this monarch by Beccadcllij Liber I). J
cause for this preposterous inversion,
t "^抑
fonso, Cing o f Nap,
uni巧s it be th^C they fear to be recog­

* "T o Ou 呼 •" **Cotnptndium

■ He succeeded
and Suily. the ikfone
Arragon in 1416^ but spent little
native land. It um not until :442 that he
Malejic前um," sqys, " iiie n fo lh w finally secured ihe throne o f Naples. He died^
d M es, which art perYorrmd in a circle^ but aged Sivtniy^fouTy in 145$.
clw ajs round 化 ifu 喊 ; andju st as our dances i "Becc品flU ." An(tmio BwatM li, called
口f fo r pUasun, JO their danw m d measures from his native town U PanomUa,zvas
dring I心m hbour andfaiigui and ike greatest bom at Palermo in 13M* Being considered
grwtMtp 〇 €i Qftd u 爲Ur o f his d巧, in ,433
02 DEMON i BK, ,xvm.
that, because she liad had not kept her
CH APTER X VIII oa 化 化 化 e Demon, to keep ep 姐s ence
about he打elf and her accomtplici 品 ,化 e
That Witches bind themselves by a Solemn was mortal terror ,lest she must,
Oa化, which they rept任t affer the Demon afler her death, be punched in 巧ernai
him 嘶 not lo betr巧 their Companions fi&mesfbrherpe^ury.EpvreUeHose-
in Cnme 化 the But fhejy do not lotia (in & c parish o f S, Epvre extra
trust 化 that alone: for tk巧 takeJhrtker urbem atToul^ February 1587) added
Precautions 巧 ainst suck a Risk 1>y con, 化 at thU oa 化 is dictated in solemn
ceding 化Hr J{ams, and 的 cewering words by the Demon; and that not
their Faces with a Mask or Vdl or
long since she had seen Barbe Marget
some such 化ing. and Jeanne Petrone bound by ^t,
T T has long been the practice o f wh 宁n 化 ey were first admitted 化 their
X those who are associated in the society.
crime o f witchcraft to bind themselves But because this precaution often
together by an oath under the heaviest p ro v ^ insufficient, and there were
o f curses in order to give them greater continually cases o f witches being con-
confidence in each other; and so that s化ained to an unwilling confession by
they may be less ready, in the event dint o f questionings and torture,
o f their being taken up by the law, to witches guarded against this risk by
betray that which they have together ensui^i打g as far as possible 化 at 化每
plotted. Thus Jana It Banno (Masmun* should not be recognized by their
巧巧, July 巧 85) a n d ja c o b u si^ a 化 ius 么巧ociates, either by 口ame or sight.
o f Lign 手 (April 巧 说 )sta化d 化 at it And therefore ihey never c^ l the
was a point o f the stricte巧 honour Demon or each b y th d r names;
among wi 化hes thatf i f they should but when they have cause to summon
ciiance to be brought to trial for th d r each other to the fea$t, or to the
they should not give evidence dance, or for any other purpose, they
each other however exqu^ do $0 in some such manner as the
le y might be tortured; and following: "H oUa! Bains*l仪 BainSj
y should always be able tbor« D kuzc, Haraucoujt, Lemmeourt r
oughly to depend upon such silence. 了hat is to $ay> You from those villages
T hey nave made this such an e s s e n ^ and towns, come here. This fact Kas
part o f their religion that t h ^ think been divulged by Barbeline Rayel
化 at the •nsequenc巧 o A ‘ ‘ ‘
f violating that (Blainville^ Jan* 1587) and many
oath 沿 eternal punishment. This other witches whose names 1 do not
was: cleart
clcar^ show。 the c 公e o f Mar* now recalL Furthermore^ they never
gelotte 从 Arinden 巧 pinal, M ay 巧 8^), assemble together without being
w ho gave evidence o f the acutc$t dis* with their &ces b la c k ^
tress after she had coofe her observed b y ApeUomus
crimes; and when the Jud V I I I , 7) co v m d with
her the reason for this, she a <n s www ed flour sieve^ or as V eqpl says
化 387) :
at SUm he was publUfy crwmd, wUh h Iorn
by Emperw Sipa^nd. Tm yem lideously mask themselves with boh
A^imso summerud^im to flu court 皆 W勢Us low sh ^ »
^ p r a e d e e b especially observ^ by
化 : 化 & 処i Jijr心 0/ 化 府 *1 ncher ones> yhose weaj^th th ^
w 拉 知 BMif " 公e 货 rt£r 完 拘 f 么 抑 more conspicuous and liable to be
J iip f Mettwabiiibus,^* upen whuh Aeneas i; as had often ■ eeo,
Sjivuu wrote a caaminiajy. B4uadeUt, marEoi, so they 山 d, by Qpi noa
weaW^ and re^fated fy dUy S td in bis tnUa XaJlaca (BlsunviUe, Feb. 1587), Rosa
fy the B of o f in i f j i . 一 (Edval> hov* 巧 卿 , Joanna
WehcT (at V e 巧 aville, September 化 at lO idle rumour that witches
1584), Joanna Gerardinc (Pangy-sur* do ii person attend th 巧e as化mbiies!
MoscUc, Nov, 1584), Odilla Boncourt- wc have already demon-
(Haraucourt, D e c . 巧始 ), Jeanne s证 a 化 < grea化r length.
le Ban (Masmunstcr, July 1585),
and Fran^^is iVom M aizi^es (Pangy,
sur^Moselle^ D e c . 巧 83). And lest
anyone should think 庇 》 a mere fabri, CHAPTER
cation, when the Judge, in order to
化St her, said 化 Nicole Jiiorftk 巧erre, HoweverJojUss and even ridicuhus tfu Songs
Jan* 15卽 ) that this was all 打on化n化, and Dances at the Demons^ Assmblits^
she proved her words by asserting that neverthkss the WiUfus on taking their
she 巧ill had her masK hidde凸 in a Departure have 化 utum Thanks as i f
chest at her hou66; and when this was 化巧 had enjqytd the grea於St o f P U cnm .
searched for and ibund, she confessed U S T as certain plants turn their
t^iat she had from her step­
mother, who had altered it to fit her J fac 巧 ever ^wa^d the sun and
化Ilow him like handmaids, and ju 巧
when they first went together to as the tide flows and ebbs
those abominable assemblies. spondence with the waxing
I think, too, that it was ibr this ing o f the moon, so also do songs
reason that the Lombards called music influence men^$ spirits by soften*
wi 化h 巧 "Masks" ; • and 化 at it is ing them or hardening them or stir-
fro瓜 化 is 化 at we derive our vernacular ring up any emotion soever i打 them*
word "Masquerader," appUed 化 those Gracchus, whenever he wa& making
who run masked ateu t the streets m an oration, used to have a skilled
their Carnivals o f pleasure. )layer upon an ivory 巧utc concealed
See how some covering or disguise )ehind him, to p lay^ u ch music as
is always used by those who do wh 注t would either arouse nis flagging ener­
they 化ar to have known, a 打d tho 化 gies or calm hi5 passion. And it is
who^ through conscience o f sin,, arc said that Alexander f was so ex^per-
always uneasy 重 1\ their minds 1 See ated by a certain song o f the minstrel
also what positive evidence wc have Timotnaeus that he n is h ^ straight
from the ba 。弓uet 化r his weapons;
♦ " 乂 of/Lr." 如立公€巧1‘ , but he was tnen so soothed oy a
化沁n/ 把 " Wfia." 7 ^ 公 w a / MT梦•• di無 rc凸t song 化 at he laid aside all
"Lix Longoba如rum、" !!• tU. xi, 3: "Wdlus his 化roci巧 and returned calmed and
pToesumat aldiam dunam out <mctU<tmy ^uasi pacified to bis guests. Thucydid 产 says
strigam^ quae dicitur Masca^ ocetdert.^^ Also (Bk. V ) 化a t the Lacedaemonians—
A技 ictum Rotkari," t i i . 乃 : "S i qui, cent
not from any rcHgious motive, but
Masca、【lamaufrii.*, Dllrather for the sake of restraining the
Cagne adds: **Arnufmi etiam man ^Masquts^
uaria wcaiU"; and hi noUs: "M am ,Pro^ impetuous打ess which always fills a
uifu克il化ta Wiamnum wgam, umJUam jonai. soldier as he first attacks the enemy—
HineG/itUcum*Aiasqiu>hrwinatumorbi- cm妒 )y trumpeters, who by
tror^ quod primum deformes isseni aumodi ilatioD o f their music caused
laruae atqui turpes quaUs uulgc Jingunlur their armies to go 山化 battle in a calm
mulierculae ilUu uerujicat.*^ There are tn As and orderly manner. O n the contrary,
trials m化巧 allusions to Uu masks which were those who lived in colder regions ancf
warn at tw e ossmblits. Thus in 2613 Barbe whose spirits were not so quic quickl)
de Moyemont said that at the Sabhet^ ^*elU a
assistans €n nombn di upt i f " 乂/orontf^r.*
hdeti pmonWf partis desqtuUis ilk w cognois. / o ilie r from Drydin^s great poem, *Mi
a cauu dis masqtus nideux quUlUs auoimt aruUr, :Ftasf; or, Tki P饥oer 每 Musique、
)〇ir•尸 Ode in Honour 奇 St. CkciUa,s D 巧;:娜 、
enkindled used to be spurred on to Such also were the chants sung by the
battle by the blare of trumpets, the Salii o f Mars Ctadiuus J as they danced
shriUi打g o f cla rio n s, 化 e clashing of and leaped solemnly through the city
shields, the shouts o f men, and the beating their shields. S u c h , 行打ally,
beating o f drums. Lucan (I, 431) were the songs o f all whose religious
speaks of ri化s were performed by night and
T h e 於巧《如afJ * and fierce 及过的加 , were, thereiore, called }iuktelia (Verg,
佩 IV , 3〇r):
Spurred on by stride打t brazen trum­
pets. Like a frenzied Thyad
Without doubt (as Ar*istodc says) When cries of "Bacchus!" herald 化 e
music affects the mind i打various ways , s辽creel orgies,
a 打d men>s charac 化rs and actions arc And Mount Chhacron rings whh cries
very widely swayed by its modula­ by night.
tions* It was for this reason that Plato With th巧c may be reckoned the
said {Dial. II) that, if children were songs a 打d cries uttered at night by
to be brought up to nobility o f char­ the witches of our time in company
acter^ it was necessary to keep from with Demons. For if the 化mperate
them the Lydian ana the Phrygian and equable sort o f music can soothe
measures, becaiMC the fbrmer would not on y men but even wild beasts (as
damp and depre巧 their spirits and Herodotus 化Ih o f the dolphin o f
the latter wou d excite them to wan- Ario 打o f Mcthymna、 and cause them
to 打n巧s a 打d uxury. T o these two to lay aside fierceness, it is
may well be added a third kind of equally true that harsh and discordant
music which goads and hnpcls its sounds have power to drive and goad
heare 巧 to a fanatical frenzy. Such even the mostjjeaccable to a frenzy;
were the Hym 打s said to have been and this i$> as I have just said, clearly
sung i打 ho打our o f the Gods the shown by the use o f drams and trum­
ancient days o f folly> b y the pets and a general uproar and din o f
banUs, the Priests Cy6c!e (whom shouting) which even the most
Homer for that reason called "Dan* lethargic are impelled to court the
cer$ to music"), to the accompanU most 呼 en dangers o ( f battle (Vci^,
ment o f cymb^s and other ;nstru* Am. V I, 165):
ments o f music (Vei^* Aen. IX , 6i9)*
Whetting their wi出
T he Berecynthian f drums and horns shouts and trumpets.
O f 【 he Idaean Mother summon you.
Now there must be, at witchc$>
Such also were the loud ,出化ordant night rneetii^, some similar
cries wi 化 which the B a ^ h a n U , 化 e a kind to exclude from them all human
devotees o f Bacchus, used to fill the air. sympathies (if, indeed, they are at all
Wherever you turn arc cries o f youths touched by such emotions), and to
and women, make them the more ready and eager
T h e noise o f drums haiid-bcatcn> and to compass the downfall a 打d de$"uc,
the sound tion o f the human race, which 重 $ the
O f hollow brazen trumpets and Ion巧 Demons, one purpose and in 化ntion.
homs* (Ovid, MeUmu I V , a8.) Therefore all is done to a marvellous
medley and confbsion o f nob 巧, and
♦ "Vm gi〇 nes,,> A German people on the it is l^ o n d the power o f woi^s to
Rhine, whose owUrU is now Worms. describe the uncouth, absurd and
、 "Bere^ynihiajL,, Thd epithet is d从 ved
fiom the mountain Bere^^tus^ upon the banks I "Gra£wis.、、 This surnam is probablj
o f th4 rivtr Sangarius in Phyg^y sacud to deri说dfiom"gradior、 ,,化ui 化 signifies hi
supsf i i A 、 OTmarches out boldly•
discordant sounds that are ut 化red proverb, the Ups arc> so is the
there. For one sin巧 化 a pipe, or rather lettuce,^
picks a rod or stick from the ground
and blows upon it as i f it were a pipe,
as Margareta Janina (at Morhanges,
Sept. 1587) and many others have CHAPTER X X
reportca; another beats and $trums
with his fingers upon a horsc^s skull That Demons order thiir Assemblies 公JUr
Uu Manner o f Men^ and receive tlu
fbr a lyre, as was told by Margareta
Ooliaria (at Vergaville, O 化 1856), ais 沁maty 齡 $ o f Hama弘 fn m their
Subjects; and that there is oru o f their
Sybilta Capcllaria (化化研,N o v . 巧 86),
巧 who is the Chief、 to whom such
and Sinche打 May o f Osthehn upon
her trial at Amance, June 1586;
^HEY who swear fealty to their
another beats an oak tree with a cud­
gel or heavy club> and so produces a I feudal Lord do so by falling on
roaring sound like the beating o f their knees before him, giving the re­
heavy drums, as Joannes Bulmer and quired kiss and placing their joined
Dcsideria his wife said they had seen hands between his hands, thus symbol*
done; and all the whUe the Demons izing a lowly and willing obedience o f
sing with a r a u c o u s , 化umpc^like spirit; and the Demons most strictly
voice, and the whole mob with roar­ exact a similar homage from their
ing and harsh cries make the heavens subjects whenever they hold their
echo, and frenzicdly rage, shouting, 35化mbli巧 , although the ceremony is
hissing and yelling. Altogether it is conducted in the strangest and most
like those choruses o f me Roarers d 巧 ^ade^i manner, as everything
mentioned by Athenaeus when quot- else that they do. For this purpose
ing from Clearchus, hi which everyone 0口e o f the Demons occupies ttie posi­
sang as he plea化d without heeding tion o f C hief o f them alL Beatrix
the choragus; or like the orders Bayona (Gcrbcville, A u ^ . 巧 85), o f
shomed to the rowers when a storm her own accord and without l^ing
or 化mp巧t is threatening. questioned, said that one o f tbe
By tKis 化 ey are all utterly worn ibemons alw 江ys sat 00 a high thro 打e
o u t: nevertheless, before they arc dis­ with a proud and haughty demeanour,
persed, they arc obliged to thank the and that each in turn approached him
Demon inordinately, as i f he had cn- with awe and trembling and» in sign o f
化 named them witn the gladdest and submission, fell pro打e at his feet and
most graceful music. For i f any o f reverently embraced them. Nicole Ga-
them neglects or refuses to do this, natia (Masmunster, July 巧 85), Ku*
he is at o打ce beaten so savagely and 打o Gugnot (Hochfcld, J a n . 巧 85),
cruelly that, as those who have ex­ Fran5〇is Feliet (Pangy-sur-Mc«clle,
perienced it testify, he often has to Dec. 1583) and his sister Fran^oise
:eep to his bed lor two days after {ibidem^ Nov. 1584) and Barbeline
it. This was affirmed by Jeanne R 巧 cl 巧 lainvilk, Jan • 巧 87) likewise
Gransaint and many others of that said that there was always one who was
化 ct , i 打ves化d with the chid' authority on
But perhaps we have devo 化d too the night o f their assembly.
much time to a not very impoi*tant Let no one think that the belief hi
m atter: though it was not altogether this chieftainship amo打g Demons pn>
to be omitted, so that me打 may know ceeds from a mere superstitious fable^
that it is not without purpose that the &rgui丘g that it is absurd to look for
Demons affect such harsh and dis­ order where all is lawless and disor­
cordant music. Y et there is also some dered; for he must know that this
justification for applying here the belief is based upo 打 the authority of
holy and approved writers* St* Thomas damned have their leader fwhoi ^hom Por-
(Pai*t I , q. ! 〇9, Arts. I and 2) ,Fran* phyrius calls Serapis^ and the poets
• o f V u w ia ♦ (/n r嗦饼V如n《如公S!•公<), Pluto) whose commands they per­
Antonius Torquemada (in his form ; and o f the heavenly substances
Dial. 3) have discourwd so there is one order which rules and
lucidly upon this authority and power com讯a 打ds, and another which is sub­
o f Demon over Demon that there is no ject and obeys. Dionysius has dealt in
need for further inquiry into the quK- such detail wuh the telestial Hierarchy
tion; but above all wc read in the that anything which could here be
Gospels (5 . Matthew ix and xii; S, added to his exposition would be
•A/c从 iii; iS^ ZuAf xi) that the Phari化cs superfluous. The ancients also, in
accused Chri 巧 of^casting out devik by their worship o f 化 cm, distinguished
Beelzebub the chief o f the devils. Now between the grea 化r and the les化r
这Ithough this was 0打ly wiiat the Phari­ Gods.
sees 5wd, y 巧 the Commentators are of Further, in his capacity o f Overlord,
opinion that it was entirely consonant the Demo打is not always content with
with the ancient Hebrew theolog^y; the said knedi打g and embracing o f his
and this view was eloquently m^n- hips; fbr (though it shames me to say
tained by Eusebius o f Caesarea {In U) they are forced again巧 their wish
confutatioru Philostraliy Lib« V I) in his to ki巧 the Dcmon,s pos 化riors afler he
dispiUe with 打erodes, where he asserts has changed him 巧tf into a hideous
that the Lamia which afflic化d M e 打ip* goat,sm加 ng, as ma 打y affirm, far
pus with insane love was a Demon who worse than do young goats at the
was fulfilling the commands o f Apol- ► pproach o f winter. After this, says
kon, a grea化r and more powerful eanne pransaint (GondS^ur-N^euw>
Demon. And i f ever one o f tne lower uJx 巧 8a- •), the 化" o r o f the be-
order o f Demons refuses to obey as lolders he changes to some
soon as he is summoned by ^ncaota- monster^ in size and shape not unliJee
tion> the higher Demons visit him with a mighty wine vat, ceasdessly breath*
intoiera村e punishment; and o f all ing out fire and smoke from his enor*
& ing$【 hey are quickest to punish that mous mouth, in order to inspire fear
sort o f slaclmess or obstinacy. This into his subjects— a very common m o
doctrine was formally and «pressly tive o f his actions, as wul more fitly be
taught in his Exorcisms b y Girolamo shown in anothc【批 ce.
M enghi,t who had himself bem T he following i$ the most usual
taught by Lucanus* And Just as Christ method o f adoration adopted by
is tne head o f His Church, so also the witches. First they fall upon their
knees; then they stretch out their
^ **ViUoria/* ThisJim ous Spanish thgobh hands as suRpUan。 , but behind their
的m 0 ^ " , " 含斯 backs a i^ with the palms downward^
vuM o f Amla in Old CcstUU:end died jstk and continue to hold them out to him
jcirud the Order 嗦 S. until he tells them that i(is enough and
he is o f th 巧 at more than enough* So does the evil
_ H e held uu pfiMipdl and wicked one love to have everything
chair of theology in thi Uni9ersity o f Sola- and distorted.
maticayram !巧 4 mtU 巧 件 H * a large
number o f valu^U marmcriptSy but his ordy
publishtd work is ike "fUkethnes JCII Theo~
duo libras disHnetfu^^ Antwerp
^epmhin cf ValmonUm.
iuthor of ‘ to diW ofU esm<istica^*
Vemcet i6〇s ;'^FtageUum Deemnumy*
with 瓜 "Fastis Damonum、" Venice*
about a tree, u化d to call up wolves
CHAPTER X X I which rushed upon those sheep which
they were bidden to attack, and did
That Demons often send upon the FruUs not make an end o f their destruction
and Crops great ^fumbers o f Small until they had done great slaughter.
Animals o f Different SortSy which de- AiUon \Velsch was asked to lend the
strojf and 鼻evour Oum in a MomeTiL And garden behind his house for the witches
ho议 this comes about, to hold their Sabbat on the following
广厂 H ERE is war and deathless hatred night A t 行rst he said that he could
X between the wicked Demon and not, becau 巧 he had to be away that
Nature; for whci*eas every effort o f night; but when they no打c the less
Nature is direc化d upon procreation kept aski邱 and insisting upon as if
and production, the Demo 打 always it was 化 6瓦 right, he allowed him 化If
strives to spoil and destroy her works. to be persuaded; yet, aa he had said,
Xild as if he were not con化nt wi 化 haii went away. he came home
and snow and other destructive phe- again in the morning and en化red his
iiomena o f 化 6 weather, in which lie is garden he fbund it all eaten up by
popularly believed to bear a ha 打d, he caterpi lars and slugs, and Uie whole
ceases not to use many other astonish- garden full o f those beasts; but he bore
五巧 means to compass his purpose, this 書 打siknee, since he recognized the
A ln ia Violaea bore witness that, after signs o f that abominable sect* For it
running here and there like the was fbr that reason th&t he had first
Bacchantes with her companions, she denied them the use o f the garden, and
used to 化atter in the air a fine powder afterwa Is had gone away from the
given to her by the Demon fbr tllat pur­ house. that he might not be a wit*
pose; and that from this were ge^er- ness bis own lo^, and to some
a 化d caterpillars, bmdmses, 1〇〇1$技> extent become an unwilling accom*
and such pests 备 the crops ;。 such plice*
numbers tliat the fields on all sides Certain doub 化rs and disbelievers
WCTe at otice covered with them* argue that it is in the power o f none
Evrette HoseleUe (of St. Epvre, Feb, but Almighty God to fashion or create
1587)^ A le x n D n n e (Haraucourt, anyth 叫 ; but 化 c a b lin g no new light
说 V. 1^ 6 ), Odilla Soncourt (Harau* upon the matter* For everyone knows
<x)urt, Dec* 1585), and Rosa Gerardme that all things were made b y Him, and
(Etiv或 Nov . 巧 卿 said that 吟 a without Him was not anything made
similar method they had more than that was made, from the Angels down
once raised a great army o f mice which worms*
tvms. But w hat is there
a t once burrowed into the ground and to prevent the Demon from ga
gnawed the roots o f the growing crops. the widely scattered members
Jeanne Fordle (Cbateau*Salins, April species o f creature and gui出 y 】 一
1582) confessed 化at 江 she ^ r c a tnem together in one p ^ ce? Have we
grudge against anyone she used to send not clearly proved in than one
the breeze upon his cattle so that they place in wis treatis itise that
died a slow aad miserable death accomplish fkr more difficult things
through its contmual stinrii^ ; and than tk is; I suspect also tha 心 when
that she could do this as olten as she showers o f fre ^ with the rain
wished, simply by tearing up the 巧【 durii^ a thunder-stomi) ic is b y the
plant that came to her band and Demon*s art that they have first been
th ro w if^ itto th e g ro u n d ,a fte rn u u - r^sed into the a ir; for it doe$ not seem
tering a certain spell. Petrone Armen* possible that they could be eenerat^
tarius and Joannes M almius ^as will m so short a time as the clouds remain
be shown at trreatcr length in due in the sky, or that they could be drawn
course), b y spreading herbs up by the sun like the vapours and

exhalations o f the earth. The old story,

related by Julius Obsequcns,**hitherto
derided and ascribed to the illusory CHAPTER X X II
power of Demons, is probably
the same explanation, where Witches must always have to report
read that for three days it rained Fresk Injury worktd ubon a Fellow*
blood, earth, stones, milk, bricks and creature since tJuir last Kfeeling; and
oil; for nothing in nature was ever 化巧 do not escape Punishnmt 芽 化 ey
Kkely to produce such a result. The come 化 the nexl Meeting guiltless of
ancients 化emsdves, inclccct, were some Crime of Witchcraft.
learned enough in the laws o f nature, U S T as masters, when they examine
and always rccko打ed such thi打gs as
prodigies and accidents quUc outside
J their s化wards,accounts, arc s化let
to punish any sloth or neglige打cc on
o f nature, their pai% so also when the Demon
No 0打c need bo姆 c at 化c 化ought inquires into the affairs and actio打s of
o f such animals dcTying the laws of his subjects at his Sabbats, he 化rribly
/ity and being raised by the Demon vents his wrath upon those who cannot
the sky to fall straight to the earth show proof that they have gone on 1打-
without being hurt, and so being creasing in crime and wicked打ess. For
gathered together hi 0打c place; for none o f them escapes punishment if he
such a (bat is well within the powers of ca 打not report himself guilty of some
men but slightly e打dowed with the 打ew crime since the last meeting; but,
magic arts. In our own ti 町e at Nancy to retain his Mas化r,s favour, he must
a certain German Count was seen to always show that he has s化eped him­
cause all 化 c flics i打 his bedroom to self in some new sin . D o m i n ic a Z a -
gather upon his dagger stuck into the bella at Rogeville, 1583, s^d that this
wall, very much as bees hang in a bunch was a fact so well known b y all who
like a cius化r o f grapes 括om a tree march behind that iniquitous banner
when they swarm. Another man that it was the chief o f ail their cares
charmed all the snakes o f the not to come to the Sabbat u n p "p ait^
bourhood into a 6rc built within a in A is respect. And lest 化cy $ho山d be
magic circle ;and when one larger a b k to pfead ignorance a》 an excuse,
than the rest refused to enter, the spell 化 at wicked KTastcr holds classes in
was agai打recited and it was compcilcd which he instructs them in every one
to cast itself into 化c 6rc wUti the o f 化 c Carnes which he demands fix)m
others. I f men, therefore, with the them, teaching them how to bring
help o f Demons, can easily perform destruction
lestruction upon the• fruits;
• • how to
such feats for their mere amusement, lend upon the trees and crops bru*
what» I ask, must we think the Demons moths> caterpillars and such
themselves will do when they devote bewi
)estilcnt vermin; how to bewitch the
ihcir whole e n e i^ and at 化打tion to cr〇
locks; how to charm the crops T3 away
the satisfaction o f the lust for harm from another man^s field, or to destroy
that the very essence o f their nature? them with mUdew or some other
disease; how to scatter poison about;
and how to do all in their power
* "y tiiius Obseguens." This nam if pre^
to a fragmrU generally 你tUUd "£>4 Pr批
to ruin the whole mortal race* Each
dig啤,, , containing a record o f th w phtnomena one o f these 化cts has been sworn to
which the Romans designated as wProdigia" or upon oath in the confessions le化 by
**OsteniaJ* The sm es extends frem ttu conr Heimel Arm entam (Dieuze^ Sept.
巧 o f $cipio and Lelius, ! go " 怎.,化 the 巧 86), Anna 民uifa (斯达巧 O c t 巧 86J,
consulship o f Fabiuf and Aelius, l i i^x. O f Johann Fischer, Colette his wife
the compiler nothing is known,b^it U has been (Gerbcvillc, May 巧 85) MaUeoIe GuU*
suggested (hat h i Heed in thefourth ceniuty. Icraea (Pangy-sur-Moselle, Dec. 1584),

Frangois Fdlet Jan* 1584), assume a human shape * and manifest

and nearly all who have beeo ;nfec 品 themselves as 泣man o f 护K)d standing
w kh the taint o f wkchcraft, order that their w o r^ may carry
more weight and authority; and for
this reason they like to wear a long
* black cloak, such a5 is only worn by
honoured men o f substance. I t i$ true
that many hold that their purpose iin
this la^t is to conceal the deformity o f
CHAPTER X X n! thdr feet, which is an ineradicable
That Demons change thsmstlves for the token and sign o f their esse打tial base-
time ^nlo 化e Skopfs qf Various Animals ness; and tliat black is, besides, most
according to their Ji^quiremenls. And appropi^ia化 to them, si打cc all their
when dwy udsh u> mix wUh 成eir Sub­ con livin gs against man are o f a black
jects they ngarlj always as巧me the Shape and deadly nature.
of a Goaty especially whm they publicly But when, through habit and fre­
manijist ihemselvts in order to be Wor­ quent experience, confidence has
shipped and Rmred. grown and fear has gradually vanished,
then they change themselves into this
i EMON S are not merely a debased
'mental condition hi man, as was * "A humm shape•、 , In the trials o f vari­
maintai打ed by Demoedtus and Aver- ous 心化巧 g (n* innuirwubU descriptions
rots and the whole Peripatetic School; which might be qtioUd. Thus John Walsh o f
but are essential spirits, if I may 50 put DoTSeUhiTe, I游 , described Hu Dccil as
U, con巧anl in their own nature. This "iSometyms Hke。 man in all propariions,sw ­
is clearly proved by th t Gcspcl, where ing that he had elouenfaU, 一 Afarg〇 T6t John,
wc read that they asked and were per- son, one o f the Lancashtfe coven in 1633, stated
mitted to enter a herd o f sw;nc; for 化at ifurt apftw it to fur " 。球irU w divtU in
how could Avarice or Ambition or tfu 《 imilUilde andJnopoTlion o f a man, appar.
Perfidy emcr into swine? Moreover, tiled in a suxU 0/ blacky tyed about u/^ silk£
it has already been so conclusively poinUs,** A Yarmouth witch in 1644 heard
shown again and again in this treatise orukn0ckatkerDoor、andrisingio/ufiVin-
doWf she saWy it being Moonligkl, a tall bUuk
that when Demons attack men upon Man there.** Joan Wallis o f Keiston in Hunt-
the earth they arc no mere empty ingdonshirt s公id that "the DeviU came to htr
phantoms 〇r t 占e fancy, but th 汪t they in ike liktnase o f a man in blackish cloathing,
assume tangible bodies and appear but had cloven f e " .、、 Susanna Edwards、 a
openly and manifestly, that it would Dewnshire tvUch> t682, said: "Ski did meet
bis but was 化 o f labour for anyone to :gentierMn in a field calUd tki Parsonagi
question this matter any further. Bu( in the town 0/ aiddiford. And saith tfuit
it is worth wWle now to consider what parrel was aU
opp、 llofl>U u:k....B€ingdt-
of bUuk. . . .Beins de^
are the shapes and Icrms which they tided' whai and who Uu genthman ski spake
principally assume, not with rcfcrc打cc 0王 iDos, the said 巧aminant answtred and said,
to the and difference o f the 予hat U was ike Devil.、、 At llu famous Worth
element m which they exist (which has Berwick meeting in the DttxL ^*wds clad
been dealt with by Psellus, Cap. Qyo* in Mi blak gown wi 化 one blak hatt vpon his
mode Daemmes ocoipeni hominm)、but iuad.** At PiUemveem in 一nrl Isobd
Adams saw ihe DtvU as
with reference (o the demaDds and (toUuf 议ilA a hat on his fuaj,sitting man in black
公I Ou
exigencies o f the particular work or tabl£" in Beatty Laing、s hous9. De
jttyLaing'skousi, DeLtmres<^ s巧s
task which th 巧 have in hand. HerviUier in :巧 3 "CO皆essa qu,,
When they font approach a man to ize ans sa miti la pTWpr^senta《
speak with him they do not wish him d、m grand homme notr, €i w 化 notr^
to be te打近ed by any u 凸usual appear, bottiy tsptronnij awe m r es^i
ance, a 凸d therefore they p 化fb【 to cluuU rufir 么U pitrk.、 、

that animal according to their and molested the passers-by, until

present purposes. Thus> when they at the prayer o f the i打habitane S>
go with anyo打e on his way, they m说 t Andrew drove them into the wilder­
often take the fbrm o f 狂 dog, which ness. And not very long ago there was
fbilow him most clo化h without in the Vosges a man named Didier
raising any suspicion o f evil in the Finance who, whenever he sat down
o 打loolUrs. In 化 w manner, ;n the year with others to meat, always had a doe
1548, a certain Italian named Andrea curled round his feet; and he u巧a
used to lead about with him a blind secretly to reach down his hand an 过
red dog which would teU him every­ take from the dog poison which he
body’s secrets a 打d do many other 田站 - could then administer to whom he
veU. Cornelius AgripRa, also, had as pleased; and very many died by this
his daily attendant a Cacodemon * in means before any suspicion was
the shape o f a black dog with a leather attached to him as the au ^ or o f these
collar studded with naih fbrming a crim 巧,
magic inscription (Paulus Jovius, in But i f they wish to ca 打y anyone
iius elogio). in the cUy 暮 Nicaea through the air, as often happens when
(Abdias,t B a h i Episcopus; Hist. they go to their Sabbats, tney usually
A庐 Lib. I 打 ) seven Demo 凸$ in take the shape o f a horse* since that
his shape lay hid among 化 e 化 mbs animal is best fitted for such work, and
so ca n y their riders with去reat velocity
* MCacodmon.、* T h story is f^und in whUher 化 巧 will. Thus ^laus Magnus
Paulus JoviuSf **EIogia Doctorum Uirorum^^^ {Histor. de gentibus SepUnt. III| 19)
c• 化f. It is alsor,lat0d by B巧uet>"An 技w records that /fwf知 the Danish
n rn 《 Wikha," CkaJfUr 巧I, but W ^r, King, after he had Seen driven from
••De ^^a多is Infamihs/,V>。 his throne b y a faction, was brought
the wholi cinumstanc, ,0 秦gra omnia, back to his 山 护 om over an 五 111111€〇8€
pp. "SiUntio inuohU diuiius • distance o f $ e a ^ die Demon Odin in
potior quod ;。 diufrsis aliqwU scrii the form o fa horse, Torquemada 化11$
tigerim> diabolum forma cards ad 供 ;n the that) when he first
Agrippae halitum camttem tpnjkisse e
Mscio guibtu nwdis eitmuissc. • , • applied himself to lette巧, he had a
hunc nignm mediocris staiurae, Gallico companion who one night went for a
Monsieur {piod Diodnm sona() none _ walk out o f Guadalupe, where he was
fwtiegq • * • aiuergnaturdiseralcatUsmascyr studying Grammar, and was met by a
tus, • • emsam Gutem huicfalsai epMoni Demon on a horse who persuaded him
diss, opinoTf pariim quodcomm huncpuailiUr to mount with Him and so go t< 化
nimif amarei (iif sutU qmrundam homiman nada* whither he had intended
mores) osadaretur pUnatM, iUiquando §t a on the next day. And in spi化
IcUt4 hone sibi admouergi in mensaJ* great distance the^r completed this

t "w4W«af., , 讀 w心b q f 瓜 toumey in a single nieht, although the
Jfiosllei* wkiei !»probably by a horse was slow and lame. Now, lest
numkf i in the sixth cm* any should be imwillmg to b ^ eve this
• 如 。知 ^the authorsl^y man's story, I may add that he was a
it was mdtr rid Certaminis man o f exceptional powers and wordi
Ap〇 s仪lom^, ascribedtoAbi , ,whoiss(3 idio who earned a most honourable liveli­
A m bten a ^seipU o f the
£isf»P 0 / i%e hood by die practice medicine in the
tion vm famed ^ the j Ck>uitoftheEmp>erorC3iarlesV. And,
thps* ApostUs C
most aposues Q
emiarnmg wmm ttun were no f I remember rightly, the Annals d
巧oslie or smi-giwstie "UgenJOf" that is,攻 . the Franks speak o f one in another
James M ^ r and Minor^ P!^^, BarAelo- locality wko> accordii^ to so巧 e
and Jude. Amt^st mam note- authors, was a Count o f Macon. This
fm u Mm " 。 scQ* «or()) t f i btfimdt .n was called from a banquet which
oni " if M 献 happened to be celebradog, and

was 仿reed 化 mount Upon a horse can hardly be distingui油 ed or recog-

which he found ready bef*ore the door, nized, unless it be that they are wilder
and was immedia化ly brfore the eyes and more savage than is usual in
oi* many witnesses ca 打ied up so lugh domestic cats; and so it is cons化 ntly
that he disappeared from sight. Doubt­ affirmed by nearly all who have ever
less that aay and hour had been witnessed this matter.
appoin 化d to mm 化 be borne away by Sometimes a man becomes jealous
the Demon on some evil e打and. A t o f one 占'his fellows who has bee 打care-
Joinvilla, moreover, and in many Atl and di咕 ent in caring 仿 r hU flocks,
other places o f this Province, sorcerersand is anx&us to 行nd some means of
have Dorne wi 化 ess that they have venting his spite upon him without
often seen their Demons carrying incurring any suspicion. Then some
before 出 em an image o f S. Humbert * Demon comes 化 ms aid m 比 e shape
such as is commonly seen at our crow- o f a preying w olf which rushes upon
roads. the itocks and slaughters them; alter
But when he requir的 访 warn a which the man accu 化8 hU 扣Uow-ser-
wi化h o f some mat化r, and there arc vant before their mas化r o f negligence,
people present who prevent him from so lihat at last he has to make good the
conversing, 油 e Demo打 takes the body loss out o f his own wages. Petrone
o f a Uttle Armen 化 rius o f Da 化 eim and Joannes
(and fbr 化 is cause he is
known as Beelzebub), and in 化 at Malrisius o f Sulz-Bad freely confessed
shape hovers about the witch’s ear and that they had often done this among
whupers what he has to s ^ . Besides o 比 er mani托stations o f th » r abomin-
many o 化 e口 wh 说 e names I have not ablc a r t; and they added that the fol-
now by me, this was observed by lowing w 扣 the means 啤 ey ysed to
Claudine Simonet化, who was con­ summon the Demon to their assistance.
victed o f witchcraft (Sept• 巧 88) at Ic tore up some grass and threw it
Ch&化Iw, and h打 son A n to in e ; 仿 r against the trunk o f a tree, saying cer*
they said that they saw about their tain words; and a t once there came
temples 化 e Demon in 化 at shape, o f a out a w olf which immediately fell upon
fty, as they were being led 化 prison; the designated flocks. Indeed there
and 化 at he dnigentiy warned 出 em could be no more fitting agent for such
not to prove themselves by their own work than that beast which is more
confession gWhy o f the charge again " than all others endowed by nature for
them, even W m em ostexqu isitetor- depredation.
化 res were employed to mduce them to A t times also Demons a f pear m the
do so. For if they confessed they would form o f a bear, when they w b h to
seem as terrible as possible to their
still be certain o f the cruellest punish*
m eat; whereas i f they hela th(cir disciples. This is especially the case
tongues they would soon when they raise up tempests and show
and unharmed. themselves in all their monstrous
O 化 n a 护 in he pleases 化 eiUer otherhorror. Barbeline Rayel (Blainville,
persons* nouses at night with his Jan. 1587》 stated 出 at she had more
witches, making his w ay through than ODce witnessed such manifesta*
roof or the window
indo' bars or some other tions; and added that, to enhance the
narrow entrance ;and for this purpose horror, they med to difag behind them
the shape o f a cat is the most con. a long train o f cymbals and belb and
venient. The Demons assume this chains, to the noise c£ which they
化rm so easily and naturally that they added an appalling howling. But I
am inclined to thin£ that she was de­
luded in this matter, taking the false
• '^S. Humbert." S. Humbert I, Abbot of appearance for the truth in her great
Maroilles, who died in 662. panic and confusion. Nevertheless

who (as some say) was the )ois〇打ous to the fruhs, and that their
liscig]c o f S. Paul, wi*kes tnat he saw )itc brings a 打 instant plague upon the
he Demon in such 化rHble shape; crops. It was fbr this reason that ;n the
打amely, a great beast, as it were a law relating to the hiring o f farms it
whale; a 打d fiery locusts came out of was provided that no te打ant should
his mouth. allow the offspring of a goat 化 graze
Lastly, the form which they most upon his farm. And the Astrologers
gladly assume is that o f a goat. This only admitted this animal to the
they take whe 打they have not to under- Heavens in a station outside the twelve
some ^ervice fbr anyone, but constellations o f the zodiac* Similarly,
would exh 化 U themselves to their dis­ the bite of Satan is viperous, and his
ciples to be worsh中 ped with some breath let;hal and m oital; and since his
ceremony, and wou display them­ fall from the Council and Assembly of
selves in some majesw* It is not easy to Heaven he has so importunately con-
conjecture why they prefer to assume cerned WmseJf with the afTairs o f men
this shape for such a purpo 化, unless that they who would lie ;n 化 6 pro化〇
it be that it behoves a K ing to appear tion o f tnc Lord^s flock must above all
public in 化 at garb which best 化 ts things take care to keep him fax away
off and displays his virtues; or per- and guard themselves from him by a
haps> as ミ打the Pythagorca 打 theory of fence. Goats have a fierce and trucu­
metempsychosisy the Demon is most lent look, their brows arc rugged with
y^Uli打g to assume 化 at body which horns, they have a long unkempt
is most CO打sonant with his charac 化r beard, their coat is shaggy and dis­
a 打d na 化 re. For goats are remarka引 e ordered, their legs arc short, and the
above all other cattle for their rank whole formation o f their bi>dy so
smell; and it is this quality hi the adapted to ddbrmity and fbuincs that
Demon of his unbearably fetid smell no more fitting shape could be chosen
which is the surest indication o f his by Wm who, bo 化 within aad without,
presence. Again, the obscene lasd- is entirely composed ofshame^ horrors
viousness o f goats U proverbial; and and monstrosities. It is an old saying
it is the Demon*s chiei care to u i ^ his that the lip$ must conform to the
followers 化 the grea 化St vcncrc^ ex­ IctUicc,
cesses; and lest & c y should lack any In conclusion, whatever argument
opportunity^ whenever he meets them may be fabricat<^ by those who would
he assumes that form which is the do Detter to acknowledge the truth of
most adapted to such work, and docs this mat 化 for our part we accept the
not cease to seduce them to filthiness, unanimous evidence o f those who have
xmt" 6nally he pen rsuades them testified that this assumption o f the
commit even the m ost 凸g form 么goat is by 缸 the most plea知
and revolting obscen;uc$• 说 ats also ing to the Demon, especially when he
show gw at piignacUy towards those appears 化 his tbilowcrs fbr the purpose
whom they chance to m eet; and simi­ o f receiving some honour from them*
larly the Demon always attacks any This view is substantiated
iDsianaaiea by the
oy tne
man whom he meets in any part o f the account written vf G a g u in f ipe
world. Varro (•0 《巧 w 瓜 !♦ I ,2, and _
gesHs Francorum •egunty Lib. X ) o f a
XI,3) says that the saliva o f goats is learned theologian n who was an Abbot

• 一Hemas.、> The author ofUu book €tdled Trimiariatt,

The Shipiurdy》、 a work, cimsisting of five 1425—!巧 2; He was 巧 與 巧 ed 々n Mficus im.
visiensy which times had great au^ porfarU businesses during the reigns of Louis
thmly and m____ with Holy Scriptuu, X II and Charles VIII^ and anuntg the works
Origm held (hat tke i Hnmas he has left his hislorual tracUtUs art
mrUiorud fy S. Pad, :4 . partiadarly judmbU.
BK. D E M O N O L A T 氏Y
at £vreux« His name was Guillaume
Edeli打e; he 耗H m&dly love wUh a CH APTER X X IV
certam nol>le matron and, seeing no The Transvtctwn of Men through the Air
hope o f possessing her, thought it 化 Good An龄Is> of which m nod in
bet 化r to satisfy his passio打 whh the lime p似ficsL was calm and^free
free fn
help o f the Demon at any price rather Labour; but that by which Witches i
than fkil in the end to gratiiy h;s lust noiv transposed by Demons is full
to the full. T o obtain his desire, there­ Pain and Wea tartruss.
fore, he fulfilled the condition imposed
upon him» which was that he snould • I ,H E Prophet Habakkuk was
bow as a suppliant before the Demoa X carried in a moment from Judaea
the form o f a goat, and venerate 化 Babylon, 化at he might feed Daniel
Wm, The Spanish wiri化r T o 巧 ucmada in the lions* den with the food he was
in hU Hexameron mentions tnAt such taking to his reapers; and with like
tragolairy was common among his swiftness he was borne back from that
’acc to Judaea, Also Philip the
countjyme 打. And H* wished to
trace its origins further back, it will be e cacon, a 巧er he had baptized the
Eunuch o f Candace the Queen o f the
found that it has come down to us
from the most ancient tim 巧 . For Ethiopians, as he went from Jeru­
Hcsychius and (Mher Greek wri巧rs salem lo Gaza, was suddenly found at
have recorded that there stood promin- Azolus. And there are many other io-
c 打dy in the 化 mple o f Apollo a huge 巧ances in the Holy Scriptures o f men
goat or ram o f bronze, to which divine havi打g been caught up !>y the Angels
honours were paid. A further proof o f the Lord ana carried with unbe-
that the Demons took an immoderate "evable speed to the most remote
delight in hc.goats as a sacri行ce is pro* places. But such transportations were
vided by the story o f Theseus, who was so peaceful and q 口iet that they seemed
about to sacrifice a she^goat to Venus more like a dream (han a true jo u m e y ;
0打 the sea*shorc, whereupon she at for His benefits are always a true help,
0打ce changed it into a hc.goat, as if and are never a 成 ockcry. O 打 the con-
that were the only victim which was trary, the 位 vours o f Sata 打 are baleful,
pleasing to her; and therefore she was his solaces are irksome, his gencro$ity
afterwards called 締 ‘化。知 • Strabo and is ruinous and his kindness unseason*
Pausanias have record品 that the same able. I f ever, ihcrcfore, for the sake o f
thing happened in the 化mple o f Cal Ha, sparing their labour, he carries his dis-
which was on Mon 化 G ar^ n o, as well cipl仍 through the air in this manner,
as in that temple where the oracles o f he leaves them far more heavily over­
Amphiaraus were delivered. And the come with weariness than if they had
Goa^Pans, Satyr|> Fatms, Sikni apd completed a rough journey afoot with
other rustic Gods whom the blind the great巧 t urgency. This was in-
Pagans worshipped i打 their ignorance dud ^ b y C a th a r iD a R u { T a (a tV i!lc -
always appeared with their limbs de­ sur-M 〇8cUc,Junci587)hihercnum er-
formed "ke those of goats. ation o f the frauds and impostures o f
the Demon to whom she was subject;
and Barbcline 氏 ayel added (at Blain-
villc, Jan. 1587) that she had often
been so up巧 t and fatigued afler such
a journey that whe 打she returned home
she had to lie down for three entire
days before she was able to stand on
her feet

BS. I ,GH. XXV 、
wa 化r lightly with black wands give打
CHAPTE氏 XXV them by the Demon, at the same time
Howtver incudibU it may appear, oil chandng certai打 words as 注 sure and
WiU/us tvi化 one Voice decfare that 化巧 certain spell o f execration and hate.
fndiud 咳 their Demons wUh After this the whole air grew thick, and
• of raising Clouds; and that, finally 化 ere fcU a heavy rai打 or hail
being borne up in tk€st、 drive (ink upon those plac巧 which they had
thrust them whither they wiily and even, named, unless perchance there was
•• ’hin矣 obstructs {km, shake 化m an^hing which prevented it*
in Rain upon the Earlk. Together th is method o f raising up clouds
with the Circumstances mentioned ^ nothing new ; fbr Pausanias
(km as J^ewsaty and Peculi斯 to tHe that it was u巧d ma打y ages ago
Accomplishment of this Matter. Moimt Lycaeus i立Arcadia, where (he
says)" 【here was aspring c^led 心 nua
HERE is no doubt that what fbl, o f so marvellous a nature that, after
lows will surpass all belief, and will c 巧化 in rites had bc^n performed and
appear very ridiculous to many- But the wa 化r had bee打1柳 tly sti打ed whh
capacity as Judge I remember an oak branch, a dense vapour like a
having semenced to the stake for the m ht aro化 from U, which soon 〇〇〇•
crime o f witchcraft some two hundred densed into a cloud which united with
persons, more or less, who have in free other clouds and shed heavy showers o f
and open confe巧ion a 扣erted that on rain." 了his is, then, DOnew invention o f
c 灯 tain set days it was their custom to our age. Neither is it a dream or fancy
meet together by the bank o f some o f oIcTwome凸 whose miuds have been
pool or river, preferably one well hid^ confused by the Demo打, But it is a
den from the eyes o f pas巧; and thing clearfy a 打d plainly proved and
that there, with a wa 打a given them by testra by wideawake and sane persons
the Demon, they used to stir the water who have wi 化 cssed i t This fact is
until 化 ere arose a den化 vapour and s^^ported by the following sto n e from
smoke, in the midst o f which they MatUus Maleficarum, which^ being con-
were borne up on high. This vapour fide打【 in 化 e integrity o f i 但 authors, I
they form into a thick cloud in wnich have not hesitated to set out here*
they and the Demons are enveloped, Certain judges, having a witch ia
ana they guide and steer them whither cuscody, w巧h扁 to test by means ofher
they wish and at last shake them down whe 化 cr the巧 was any truth i打 the
upon the earth as haiL Salome (Ver- assertio打 that witch 口 had the power
gavillc, A u g , 巧 86) a 打d Dominique to raise up tempests. They therefore
知 b e !U 《 氏雌evillc ,巧 83) a d d 化a【 , released 広 r (sUicc it is certain that
before 化 cy Qius stir & c wa 化r! th巧 wUches lose all their marie powers
place in it cither an carthe打 jar in while they re抗 ain in prison^; and she
which the Demon has previously put went apart to a thiduy wooded place
something unknown to the onlookers, where she dug a hole with her hands,
or else some stones o f the same size as 拙 ed ;t with wa 化r and k 叩 t stirring
they wish the hailstones to be. Decker this with her finger until a thick cloud
M a y g e A (a tM o r h a n g e s ,J u n e K 9 i) grew up and arose from i t This cloud
saia that she and her associates in was at o打cc pierced througjh whh in*
crime used to be given black candles cessant thunder and lightning, to 山 e
by the Demon, which they carried to great 化rror and fear o f the beholders.
the poo! Fon 化rssgrube and held with But she said, "fie at ease. I shaU now
the Same downward until enough cause this cloud xo be borne away to
drops o f wax had fallen into the wa 化r. whatever place you wish/* And when
Then they scattered some drugged 出 ey had 口ame^ a certain wildcm 。,
powder into it; and finally beat the near by, the cloud was suddenly



carried by the wind and 化mpest 化 a along in the midst o f clouds and came
rocky place, where 比 e hail fell and to a place from which she could look
no aamage except within the limits down upon one o f her fellow-towns-
which had been prescribe立 men, named Jean Veho 打,p 扣 turing
Similar to this is the following story his horses, there suddenly appeared to
o f a Suabian peasant who was biUer咬 her a very tall black man who, as if
complaining o f 比 e drou化 from which anxious to serve her, asked her i f she
th e y w e re th e n su ffe rin g .H ise ig lU - bore any grudge against that peasant,
year-old daughter chanced to hear 化 r he had at hand the means to
him, and said that if he wished she avenge h灯 • She answered that she
would caiisc a plentiful rain to fall bore the greatest iU-will 化 him, be-
upon his field, in which they were then cau 化 he had once nearly bea 化n .化
standing. Her father said tnat he very death her only sotij who was pasturing
greatly wished it ;whereupon she asked some horses on his meadows. "V ery
him to give her a little water, and he weU!" said he. "O n ly give your con-
led her to a stream which flowed near sent, and 1 shall see to it 比 at this
by. There she stirred the wa 化r in the injury is no longer unavenged.** No
name o f that Mas化r (as she said) 化 sooner had he sp<^en than he arose up
whom her mother was subject, and so higher than the eye could see, and a
raised from it enough rain to wa 化r thunderbolt 拓U with a great flame and
that field abundantly, though all the 比 u打der upon chose ho円的 and killed
land about it remained as dry as two o f them before the eyes o f the
before. terror-stricken peasant, who was not
The following example is similar. mo化 化 an thirty paces away. T o this
Le Sieur Claude Perot, the Master o f she testified in swom statement.
the Archives o f the Companions o f S. Barbi击 ne R ayel added 出 at, with the
George near Nancy, a truly good man help o f the D ^ o n , witches drive and
worthy o f all 杠ust in matt灯 s o f even rolfgreatjars 化 rough the clouds until
g ^ t e r import, assured me as I was tlwy reaeft 化 at place which they have
discussii^ this question among some marked out for destruction; and then
fiiends that he had once had a com- they 白11$1 into stones and fla^nes which
p ^ o n who had been introduced by 細 rushing down and beat A " every-
his sorcerer father into the company of th ^ g that they strike.
witches, and who could in the sight o f
all his schoolfellows raise vapou。 o f
t^is sort fh>m a basin into which he had
poured a little cold wate^•
J ean ofC h a^ m « (G erb eviH e,O ct•
I 與 I), Jana Oberta (of S t fierre,
monC November 1581) and several
others o f their sect nave maintained
that) not in a vision but with their very 亩
eyes, they have seen a great number o f
such persons as themselves borne up
together with them in clouds so r u 化(t,
and carried hither and 化 ither mo化
quickly than the wind or an arrow on
w e wm g; and that the thick clouds
were and pierced, by lig h tin g ,
and they heard tne roaring and peal-
: (^thunder echo all around. Alexia
Blainville, Jan. 1587)
she was j^ing borne


such injury than V Other men-
matter to which refer ebcwhcrc,
The Sound of Bells, because Oi巧 call Mtn Moreover, it CO饥 monly adenow-
Holy Prayer, is odious an3 baleful l0 ledged by witches that bel
Demons; and it is not without Gause (hat great protection against tempests; and
Bells'^ are often rung when Hailsloms this belief has so laid hold o f certain
and other Tempests》 in xvhick WiUhes、 persona A a t 化 ey thi站 化 ere is no
Work is suspected^ art brooding and more assured remedy than this, and
thrtaUning. nothing which so completely thwarts
了 T is an ancient cus ^m am ongChris-
a 打d impedes the works of the Demons,
Xtians to ring bells as a call to prayer It is 打ot inapposUe to quo 化 here the
and supplication when any danger or account written by Paul Grilland —
difficult^ is at hand; more especially an Italian witch name
whe 打 the air is viole 打tly disUirbed by whom the
clouds and storms and hail and light- usual dismis化d the As巧mbly,
ning are threatened. When, therefore, carrying home through the air, when
the Demon hears the sound o f bells he he heard 化 c Angelus ringing out
breaks into the greatest indignation^ salutation to the virginM otherofGod,
exclaiming that he is balked o f his pur* A t once, as though he were deprived
50化 by the barking o f those mad o f all liis strength, he dropped her
)itches. This has bee打 vouched for as upo the thorns and brambles below,
proved beyond any doubt by Maria, the Her she was seen a 打d recognized by
the wife o f Johan n Sclineid erinK ict- a young man who cha打ced to pa化 that
之erech, and before her i>y many other w a y ; buc at first she began to devise
women whose nam 巧 I cannot now some lyin复 account o f herself. When,
remember. A 打d if ever hU subjects ask however, she was entrapped by her
him what he means by those bitches, ow打 wo:^5 (for a lie is seldom consis­
he disdains to call them by their name, tent), she toJd the young maa every*
as is the wont o f those who have to thing as it had happe打c^, having first
refer to 化 ose whom th 巧 hold utter boimd him by an o^tb o f silence. But
de化station, and a 打swers: "T ho 巧 gar- he, being o f an age at which it is hard
rulous a 打d idiotic Beguines which, as ecp a secret, unguardedly told
lid it 化
hear, arc now so hatefully snarl- ot his friends; and s o 【 he report
> at us," This was also made clear spread as if it had bee打broadcast, and
by the confession left by Catharina eve打tually reached the Judge's cars,
Pigeon (anno 巧 84), who was not who held a full inquiry and severely
so lo 打g ago convic 化d o f the crime punished the woman for the crime
o f wUchcra化 together with several clearly proved agai打巧 her,
others, Henncl o f Armen tiires (Dicuze, Sept
T hat the Demon do 口 in very 化uth 1586), Joanna Oberta (at S t Pierre-
d 巧est this sound, and 化 at it is 。〇me巧 mo打t ,氏o v . 巧 8I),andce^ ta^ no 出 er
simulated affectation o f hatred, all the witches have stated that the ringiiig of
witches who have been questioned on bells is quite without eflect unless it is
the matter have maintained that they done early; that is, before (he cloud
have proved by frequent experience. has reached the par校 about the village.
And 沾 h is sufficiently indica化d by A t all even坛 wc mu巧 come before 在 c
the fact that we not uncommo打ly hear presence o f the Lord, whose arm is
o f bell-ringers being struck by liglu- migh巧 to save (/W/n ,cv ), and is
ning, and that they are more liable to most praiseworthy to have a careful
and diligent prompt打ess and readiness
• " 成 似 SC€ Compendium in this: neither U it an unsuitable or
Mal^ficarum,。 Book inopportune time fbr prayer, eVen
^^0/ tfu Sound 0/Bells: whe打the tempest ii already raging and
r lM

Spreading destruction, even as Plautus* their s】 oth and sleepin巧s a 打d diligently
says: dispose their outposts and all their
Teari 打g down the tiles and gut 化rs. preparatio打s for defence. "P u t on,"
says S. Paul, the trumpet o f the Gos-
For He is just as ready to take away a pel> " 也 6 wllole 站扣〇加 o f God> that
present evil as to avert a threa 化打mg ye may be abJe to 巧and agai打St the
and impending one. Every single wiles o f the devir* {Ephesians vi, 11).
mome打t is timely and opportune for Now the arms o f & C hm dan &rc prayer
prayer to Him {S. Luxe xviii. i). and acts o f thank^ ving, to which they
Therefore it 化 Uows that the above arc customarily called b y the sound of
warning given by witches is an inven , bells. Verily **Thc Lora is nigh unto
tio打 devised by their L iu lc Mas 化r$ ;n all them that call upon Him in truth ;
order that men should be cut off from He hears the supplications o f His
all hope o f divine help during their people, nd turns h h ears to their
actual miseries and calamities* Feuxen prayers {Psalms cxlv, i8)* And, as
Eugel stated in addition that the sound has bcc well said, by devout prayer
o f bells was useless and ineflective, if the Heavens are m o v^ , and the gates
during the exorcisms one o f the witches arc opened o f that inaccessible place
should be named by the concubine of where dwells the Majesty o f GoJ.
the priest; but I consider this to be There are some, such as Pedro
ridiculous and absurd. Mexia* in his Silva dt uaria Uccion^ II, g,
And although some o f 】a 化 have who go even fiiithcr in 化 eir defence
denied that Demons have in the air the o f the custom o f i*in如 g bcUs at 化 e
power o f causing hail and similar approach o f a tempesc> and contend
calamities, and that therefore it is a that they dissipate and scatter the
vain and idle superstition to ring belts clouds by virtue o f the sheer volume
as a protection against the violence o f and vehemence o f their sound; as if
s化 rms; yet 化 ey agree that Demons this we 化 Itself 化 c cause, a 打d not only
arc at times permit化d by God to per- a contributory help- In exactly the
form many extraordinary feats, in s泣me way, engines o f war a 巧 only
which they very clearly show their eflfective in proportion to the skill aoa
打ature, and that they do ma 打y thi打gs de 化rmination o f their operators*
which are beyond the bounds o f our Nevetthdess, 1 have heard such an
perceptions or understanding. This is argument maintai打ed by not 江 few,
clearly shown in the sacred histone o f though their attempts to make it good
Job, and in the £pisd 巧 o f S. Paul are utterly vain. For who could
[Epkesians ii, 2), where power over the strongly e打ough disturb a maUer so far
air is manifestly ascribed to the di 巧a 打t and e打dowed with so vast and
Demons. dense a body? It is impo 巧化le by a
Warning o f the advance and im- mere clangour to dissolve and disperse
sending attack of 化 c enemy is give打 thu 打dcr or lightnings and bolts by a
)y the sounding o f a trumpet; and no mere noise and commotion. And even
one would condemn th 巧 practice , i f bells had such power o f scattering a
si打cc the sound o f such martial trum* s化 rm, what woufd be the resuit oi^he
peting has in it something which acts
as a protection for even those who 這re * "Mexia." This famous Spanish author
asleep against the «打emy>s violence was bom c. I4g6 and died in /J5^. Jits Silva
and attack. For it is a summons to (U varid Uc£i&n>" publislud at Seville in 巧 巧 ,
arms, call to the soldiers to shake off has been compaud to tiu "WocUs A ttiw 、 、每
Aulus Gelltus, Mexia was a great favouriU
ipiauUiS." I'MosUllori。,、,J、ii、巧 叫 8; U)Uh €h前 Us V oruUdUcUd material》 nr。his-
tempestas U4nit, 化巧 of 化at 巧onarch. This,mfortmaUly、 wes
Conf! Ugidas, ruHf wriiUn.
destruction o f clouds a lr e ^ y big wi 化 axiom which has already been set
hail? For there must be fragments and forth ;n this work; namely, that
morsels which must 础 而 lently upon Deioons often form for them ^ves a
the places over which the clouds body out o f some solid material, and
— ’
I should nsider such a belief to be as SO) with the will and permissi^m o f God,
foolish as :he ancient practice^ me】 mingle themselves with the lightning
tioned b, Pliny in Im J(aL Hi and do many things which are alto­
X X V 口I , ,oftoi^_e*clu ckin g■ durii
• • , 口
nng gether beyoi^ the natural capacity 过
a time ofi htnii^ in order to appease manimate objects: as when they &eep
fovc • 斯 I mi扭 t apply the moving up and down as i f they were
pro, &A wasp buzzing round a scrutimzing and in vest^ d n g soxne-
icket: puppy barking at a lion,"
cric (hing) which is the reason for their
called squalls and gus技• O r
A when the lightning sometimes turns
aside from an olyect, trikes ;t wjth-
CHAPTER XXVII out harming it; anc : other times
crushes and destroys. In th;
瓜h is struck fy Lightning is <fftm ion I may also refer to th
>be Marked 品d Scored as it W€r《 caprices 弁 阱仿
o f 1ti财 仿 iog
ing whicii,
which, although
咬 Clawss md 脱 has led ma巧 i0 be. Am totle ascribes them to natu心
iu9€ that the Demon pU^ S0m Part in causcs> are certainly most miraculous
it‘ For it is thought when he and- are undoubtedly
undoubte^y controlu
controlled by
assumes a B 咕 、 be pr皆m to take <me some divine ;nflumce,— asi Seneca
Senec: says*
proviM with Claws md Tahns 公 Jier Examples o f this are the fusingI o f me
the Mamer of the Wild JkasU. iron or bronze coatinjr ating o f a shield,
T T usually happens that when trees while the wood itsw suffers no
X or walls or roots are blasted or struck violence; or when a casket is left
by 1邮 tning 化 ey are marked as ;【 whole and uninjured, while the silver
were dy claws« Some say that this is within it is blasted; or when the ja r is
caused 化 e Demon , wl^se hands are broken, but the wine remains; or when
supposea to be h oo k^ like talons. all the venom is destroyed ;D evil
But others laugh at this as an old serpents and other poisonous beasts;
woma 打>s tale, and maintain that k or when a pregnant woman is left alive
due solely to na 化ral causes^ from and unharmed, but the fetus within
which even rarer and less intdligible her is Idil^.
effects can spring. Indeed it would Therefo 巧夏 would not entirely set
appear reasonable that lightnings by aside the opiiuon o f those who believe
its ver)r rapidity^ should score an <%ject th ati 打such mAtte巧 there is some other
as i f with hooked spurs; even a$ it is a induence work besides that which
pro 巧 巧 o f flame, o f which lightning can be made to conform with the
1$ com pos^, to leave streaky normal 化 o f natural causes:
marks upon (Kat w 山ch ;t "cks. Ari$, especially..... it is found that • nearly•
to "e noted this effect when the 化mple al who m cur time have given them*
at Ephesus was destroyed by fire; and selves into the power o f Demons have
9"ch trac 巧 are to be Ibund o 打 neady unanimously testified that, in their
houses w hidi are burned down. Wild and disordered orgies, they are
作 ain> it is argued that 化 which lacerated by daws« Thii5> not long
incorporeal, even i f i t bears a hand in arOf Jeanne Schwartz re la t^ that her
化 e work> is incapable o f any acdon l i t t k Master entered by night the
which would leave such marks and stable o f Nicolas Bequenot in order to
impressions. kill hU ho口e ; but t^ o re doing so he
B ui all these contentions are refuted sco w l the ou化r w all with his 也 in
by one single aigum oit, based upon an such a way 化at you would have said a
■«' M l!":
•lluii "
H; ;卢
’ Jh;.

B&, I. xxvm . DEMONOLATRY 巧

lion had been there. A nd I remember contradicted by 出 at o f 丘early every
when 1 was still a boy at m y home in other school o f philosophy, and its
Charmes the lightning played over the falseness has been proved by agelong
whole of my neishbour^s hou 化 , a 打d experience; for history abounds in
left plentiful and deep claw marks examples o f aj;)paridons which were
right up to the end door by which it absohueiy genui打e, and not the i放agi,
had come out from the hou 化 • And naiy creations o f fear» There was that
when the inhabUan位,汪Uracted by this which appeared to the same Brutus at
strange things jostled each other to see Philippi; another at Athens to the
it, I al扣 went and saw myself, noc philosopher Atheaodorus; another to
without so阳 c offence to my 打osails; Curtius Ruffus ia A in ca; and that
for the house was still filled with a which appeared to the whole Se 打a 化 at
most foul smell o f sulphur* Rome (rliny, EpisL V II, 27). This
last provides a specially strong argu­
ment in favour o f our present conten-
tion, because it was not seen o 打ly for
CHAPTER XXVIII a mome打t but CO打tlnuoiuly for two
years. For the biographers o f An to*
Em r who王 灿 lowing tki nimu Pius, in whose reign occurred,
cuuans^ dtny that Demons accost record 化 at dudn& the wKole o f 化 at
tcfnpt t)um wUh Ouir O^trs、 strike them >eriod the Senator Marcus Rufus^ who
wiih Terrof, wi them、 and aw iad diedj used to sit in the same scat ia
Evil, Baleful artd Injurious 化 Men; for which he had sat in his life^ where he
thi Tfuth of this is shown in comiUss preserved an unbroken silence. I pass
StorUs both Sacud and ProfoM; Md U over cou打tiess other examples w&ich
is 《Ai unanimous《 ikununts have occurred in more recent times*
of our WitcMS of t(hday. T o such instances Christian verity
ff^ H E O D O 民U S , o f Byzantium and has added its own CO打tribudon, but
X nearly all the Epicurean School with this distinction and difference;
denied that any man in his senses ever n am ely, 化at some spirits arc well dis­
truly saw a Demon; for the stories and posed and kindly to men and every*
accouDts o f such apparitions they 舶 ng good ;$ to be looked for from
ascribed to the authorship o f chUdre打, them^ whereas others are vengeful and
sUly women, and sick men filled with injuriou》 and every p!ague and affiic,
fears by reason o f their 化eblcncss o f tion is to be feared from them. I f the
mind and ignorance. This belief they good spirits find a man bowed down
derive from one which 玉 s even more with dejection, they raise him up and
absurd; namely, that no such th in n as stre打gthen him by their power; as
spirits and Demons exist in the whole happened to A b r^ a m ’s sla ve, 巧agar,
realm o f nature^ and that therefore it is when she and her son Isbmael were
idle to be afraid o f such phantasms and des王era化 with 化irst in 化e wilderness
apparUions. Cassius, wlio was 么mem­ ofAecrsheba ((7饼^沁 xxi ,i6 ) ; 这nd an
ber o f 化e Epicurean 化ct, tried to bring Angc! appear苗 to h 肿 and> w i n g 出 at
the constant a 打d sober Brutus 化 this she was afraid, first comforted her and
way of thinking, as Plutarch recounts told her not to fear, and then bade her
in his Life. But this opinion has been be o f good hope for the fbi*tunc o f her
son Isnmael (x^ 3 and 4). We read in
* "Tfuodotus," Of Byzanihm、 a philoso* the Acts o f the Apostles that the same
pkfT who was a contmpor巧 of Pla化,公 nd U thing happened to Cornelius the Cen-
spoken《 in 瓜一 Phoidrus" as。: rick) hgi. turion; for he was at A口t 打ot a little
dan, CwTo 也Uribes him ["Brutus," xii,在) 化rri6ed at the sight o f the A 巧 cl, but
fU €xaUing rai/uf in the theciy than thi jnac- was At 0打ce delivered fro饥 his and
tiu of his crL was to!d that his pray 俯 had been
heard and thst his alms were gra 化ful and other such spectres which, to
and acceptable to God, and that he cause their behoMe巧 the grea化r 化户
might confidently look forward to all ror, keep going from one shape to
happiness and prosperity. And when another, as has been elegantly ex-
the women went at daybreak on the pressed by Aristophanes in 化c 府 供
Sabbath day to the sepulchre o f our in the following verses:
Saviour, there appeared to them an
Angel clodied ;。 a garment as whUe as X an , By Zeus, I see a great beast!
snow, who, when 化 cy were i打 dread D ionys. O f what sort?
o f his coun 化nance and raiment,化 Id X an . Terrible! It takes all sorts o f
them to lay aside all fear; and so when shapes. 'TU now
they were reassured he told 化 cm A buU, and now a mule, and
eve《 rything that they must do. now a woman
But those other spirits, when they Most fair to look a t !
appear (o a man> leave him half dead D ionys. Where? Let me go to h e r!
with tcnx>r; iheir inCenuoa doubtless X an . But now shc^s iu> moi
l>emg 化 at a m么n m such a state ot but a d og!
cons化rnation will not so easUy detect D ionys. Ii ^s'fempusa the打,
their frauds and impostures, and that
any thought of wcU-doing which may The author o f the Li杞 o f S. AiUony,!
yet rcmahi w;th h;in may in this Al)boi: of Alexandria, says: "When he
ma 打ner be shaken off and destroyed, was dwelling in the desert some
For Plutarch quotes Thucydides as abominable spirits tried to strike terror
sayi凸g that by far the most prolific into him by monstrously appearing in
fruit o f 化打or IS that it breaks 巧 and • 洗apes^ roari打g and howfing
kills every good intention. And Cicero … wild beasts; as serpen【s
(换 III) quotes from an old harshly hissing at him ; snarling and
poet: i‘Fear doth benumb me and gnashing 啤 d r tee化 ; glaring w iA hr*
casts out all wisdom." Plautus* also rible blazing eyes; breathing out
says: "Fear puts the whole soul into flames from their mouths and nostrils
a frenzy," It was for this rcaso打 also and ears; in short, neglecting no pos­
that the ancients thought that the God sible form or shape which might appal
Pan was the causer o f sudden terrors him/* S. Jerome in his Life o f Aobot
and unexpected fears ; 注nd Pamphilusf Hilarionll gives a similar instance of
Eus舶 us, wiiting to bishop 了heodore their imitation and variation of voices,
and relating the story o f Plutarch if not o f shapes: **Oftcn at dead o f
about Thamus, includes all the Dc- n 邮 t he heard the wailing ofinfa 打U,
扣 ons under the 打ame o f Pan. And the bleating o f sheep, the lowing of
therefore 化 ere are so many different oxen, the weeping as it were o f women >
Ghosts, Hobgoblins, Lamias^ Em- the roari打g o f lions, the uproar of
puses, J Spirits that change thcmselv巧, armies, and many other different

tp!atUus," "Epidicus," ly , I-i 言 "S. ArUo打 y " 泌ds bom oboiU tfu middle
Pauor UrrUat men於m animi, of !he third 从niwy、 and S. Jeronu placw his
amph Eusebius Caesarea^ 3ea0iin 沿 6^7. ffieLiftofS.AntonyisaUri-
ojun ccllta El•仏sebius P包mphili out of
_ his dev<h buUd 化 end gemralljawpud as tfu work of
lionU>llumtm〇fyof,aniihisamM,iontvitk、 Athanasius.
Pamphilus、 tfu gnat知 end ofsludents (md 化£ 义 "S> HUarian,、 was bom at T住batha,
f 々〇ff!iUr of ilu 历agn巧arUUbrery oj"Ike Church joulh of G化々,Palestine、 aboiU 巧 dUd in
of Cware。 • PampJiilus afUT long persecution hland of Qypw ahout 巧 1. The chit/
and U>rture was beheaded 灯 o fide early in 3〇9> ' ofinfo术 。 iioti T巧肋ding (his holjf hm it
苦 "Emgusts." See "T hf Vampire in Eu- liography wriU饥 by S, 3 巧V讯e. This
TOpt; y Summm,巧 巧 >Chapter I> " Ui化 S. fiitarionis" may b<found in Migri4、f
nd3, "PeUres Latini," XXIII,2沪 54.


sound》;SO that he was Stricken pros­ out) and trembling all over to such a
trate wi 化 terror at 化e mere sound degree that it was easy to believe in the
bcfo巧 的 cr he saw anything." tru 化 o f what he said had happened*
For 化e D ev" takes an incred 化le T he story was still further 5ubstan**
pleasure in using every conceivable dated by the r巧 ort given by 的 me
means to torment mankind, a 打d is on other woodmen o f what they had seen
出at account always seeking for occa­ from a distance; namely, tkat it had
sions by which he may excite terror, seemed to them that the air in that
says Homer,* "com w 6rst, place had become thick and involved
doing mischief to men throughout the m dense smoke.
worM>" And Smdas in 化rpre技 24k as The 化Mowing example bea 口 out the
meaning the Devil, the Aavcrsaiy. same argument. Etienne Nicole o f
There are plentiful instances oi this Grand Bouxierc$ sous Amance had
in ancient his化ry which I do not in, hired out, in April 1588, so瓜 e wine
tend to touch 打here, si打ce our own cask$ to a magutrate named Didier,
tim巧 will provide more tha打sufficient and repeatedly sent his wife jacobeta^
examples. The first o f these that who was a famous witich, to demand
comes to my mind concerns 汪 certain from Wm the agreed price. A t last
carter o f Nancy who was out wooding Jacobeta grew weary o f asking
in the for巧t pass o f Hennin, about two indignant at having lost so
miles from the city, when he was over* labour^ and began to brood deeply
take打 by an unexpected storm. He over some means o f pu 打ish 打g
hurriedly looked round for some pro* Didier fbr hU subterfligcs, seeking fbr
化ction, and went under the nearer some opportunity to injure him sec-
tree that seemed to offer the b a t r e t ly , 向 canwhUc it fell out very aptly
cover^ where he stood waiting for the that Didier was bidden to go and
8化rm to abate. Suddenly he saw live in a !〇打ely place by himself, be­
another woodman; and when he cause his hou 巧 had been infected with
looked more closely at him (as is cu$* 化 e plague; and he and hb household
lomatY whe打we meet wi 化 a stra打ger), made their abode in some isolated
he noticed that his nose kept shooting huts. L a 化 one night (at the instance
out to an enormous kngth like a trum- o f Jacobeta) the Demon attacked him
pet &nd then shot back i 打a momc打t to and his only son as they dwelt there,
the natural size, that he had cloven with so horrible a clamour aod roaring
hoofs, and that his whole body was that it seemed as if the heavens were
abnormally large. A t first he was loosened and 色 lUng upon their roof*
nearly dead ^vith fright, but soon (as That this w w 凸o feigned 化rror
i s 【he custom in such strai技) he made maliciously invented by Didier in
化 e sign o f 出 e Cross,trust鸣 in that to order to spread ^dle rumours was shown
protect him ; and at last he i^und hSm* by what followed; fbr bo 化 he and hb
self alone as he had been before. But son were made so HI by It that 姐
he was so dazed that, whereas before who saw them gave up all hope for
he could not have lost his way blind** them.
fold in 化 e city, now he could not 化U 民elevant to this argument also u the
where he was, however much he ti*ied; ^tory, which will be 化 Id in more detail
but ran in t o 【he d ty wUh his ton沪 e 10 its own place, o f the m ine to whom,
cleaving to his palate, his eyes starting as she was watching by a child^s cradle,
there appeared the Demon o f Erik
• "timer•, ,"mad," < 5〇
5- 7: Charm 巧, who bore a 打 evil will to
奇5’ 'A 巧 。 MIL知 her, and threw her into the greatest
v;r€K7rpo化 (j ^&av terror, smashing and hurling about 山 e
alay glass o f the wi打dows wuh an appalling
w • 如々
p如T0V7* 打oise.

D£ M O N O LA TR Y BK. H .X X V U I,

Psellus writes 化 M 化 < among these there were two

order to enhance the terror, often hurl not uncomely girls, and it was sus^
seen。 ,* but wUhout harming anyone pec 化d 化 at tKe whole story had been
with them. Sigebert tells that the in« invented by them so that their lovers
habitants o f Mainz were plagued with might have easier access
such a stoning in the year 853, and Accordingly, the mayor went
that the^ could have endured this bouse at tAe hour whe打 the stoning
nuisance 江 h had not been followed 吟 was said to be most frequent; and with
a far graver onc^ namely^ a fire which him went no less than twenty of the
destroyed ail 化 DSC houses which (he townsmen, some o f whom he sent with
Demo 打 had before attacked with a light to sec whether there was any­
stones. one at the top of the house who wa3
A similar disas化r befbU Colombiers, thus throwing stones at the servants.
a village six miles from Toul, within They carefully searched every corner
our own memory. A t the very cod o f and reported that they had found
this village on the road to S p u r ia a nothing which could cause such
peasant had his cottage, humble haunting; yec they determined to go
enough but clean as his fortune would down to the basements, to which they
>ernut> and never known to have been came from 化 e diningroom ,这nd wait
launtcd by any spectres. Y et did a 化 c 化 a liule in 化 e hope o f discovering
: )cm 〇n occupy it, who was at first CO打- anything that might be there. Ana
te凸 cto出 ^owston巧 a t U s ミ ^matC3 du^• hardly were they mere before a great
ing the night without hurting them ; 油 ower o f stones began to fall upon
but when u e y became so used to this them with a loud noise, passiog by all
that they took no 打otice o f it and even their legs, however, svithout hurting
laughed at it^ he could not endure such them* So they again sent some to see
contem pt and at dead o f night set fire where so heavy a 洗 ower o f stones
to the cottage so that it was instantly could come from; and when every-
burned down almo巧 to the ground. 1 where was ibund emp巧 as beTore,
chanced to be travelling that w ay a few many began to feci convinced that the
days la 化r and, hearing o f this event whole matter was indeed due to the
from the villagers, resolved to to my­ arts and 术 agic o f Demons; and 化 叩
self and see the ruin, so that i could were further streng;thcned in this
more dearly and authoritatively report opinion by 出 e fact & a t a continuous
the ma;化r to others. hail of ston巧 fell about their heads
In this connexion it is not inapposite even after they had rushed out o f the
to rela 化 a story told in his vernacular house terror. A t last one o f them,
ton矿le by the Spanish wri 化r Torque* 反eling more cooiiderxt at a safe dis-
xnada {Hexameron^ Dial. 3). There was, tance^ picked up one o f the stones and,
he says> at Salamanca a matron who 化 after havi打g carefUUy no化d its shape
house was commonly reported to be and appearance* threw St back at tne
haunted by this sort o f stoning. Hear­ housc> saying " I f thU comes fro瓜 you,
ing this rumour, the mayor o f the city O Demon, throw it back to me at
resolved hiniself to prove whether there once.,* It was hnmcdiawly hurled
was any truth in these constant reports^ back, though without doing any
or whether they were rather inventions damage; whereupon they ceased to
of the 巧rva 打ts o f the hou 巧 for the pur- have the slightest doubt but that the
pose o f concealing some misdemean^ matter was just as the matron had at
first reported,
• "Hurt sUmes" Tfuu would. I remember also that> when the p«-
Pollergiisi hauntings^/or which ste *^The Geo* tiience was raging at Toulouse &bout
grapky o j WiUhcrqfif by. >Montague Summers^ the year 1563, 1 was in Auch and was
巧巧, 媒 巧 4 , 3 化, j - - spending the night gaming with my
frie打d Abdius o f the Cathedral o f that although this view 13 la 化r 化und con­
(being o f the a^e and having the firmed in the 化cond canon o f the sixth
leisure fo r such 畔 【 lines), when all o f TruHan* S y n o d , i t has been con-
us who were gaming in the room were tradic化d by the verdicts o f many
not slightly moles化d by a wa 打化n Fathers o f later times: among whom
Demon oi this sort. Stones were were S. A 饥brose, S. Augustine (C如.
hurled hither and 化 ither^ but 化II 化 Dei, X and X X I), S. Thomas {2nd 0/
the ground without hurting anyone, 2ndy q, 95, art. 5), S. Bonaventura (in
and the bolts o f the door were shot; I I I . 獻 化 茲 t 巧 ,I ,3), Pope Innocent
yet 化 ere was 打othing hi the chamber V I I I (in bulla MalUo MaU/.)^
out the gaminjj-board, a table and and Cardinal C5aictanus卞( 2斯/ o f 2。式
chairs,no打e o f which could have con, 9. 9 5 化少肿化/>, 3 . 么 TAo的獻) ; as w d i
cealed any mechanism for producing as Lawyers o f such hi呈h 巧anding as
such results. Xlfons。 ^ a Castro (及
In this manner, as I have said> do JmnU. I, 14), Silveswr§ Prieras (De
the good and evil angels differ in their &rt兰社ttj), Pauius Grillandusll (公6 化rt化
reasons for appear*ing to men; for their
motives are m every respect contrary, • "TVwKoii.' Tk€ Third CouwU of i
and as opposi化 as is kindness to stantiwpUy bein tki Sixth CenercU Con
hatred, comfort to terror, help to harm, summoned in 巧巧>bul处 cnedj J{〇 vemb巧、 680,
or bene反ts to injury. From this it fok is o/Un known as th€ Ccwi£U> or Coun^
lows also, as I sai^ at the tk巧inning, cU"in TruUo," sine: thifailurs nut in a large
that it imposs化 le wkhout grave domid kail ^^^tndlui*) of the Imperial Pal〇£i.
error to doubt that there are Spirits It was pusidid ovtr ikret UgaUs w/ut
which concern them巧Ives in the aifairs brought to itu Coun^ a long dogmatic kiUr
o f men, wishing them either good or i]]^ of Pc^ Agatho.
ekher fcenefitin曼 or obstructing them, 寺 itCaietanus." Tomaso (U Via Goftani、
either encouraging or betrayi口g them. Domitikan Cardinal,phihsoph^y ihiobgian,
atd ixegcU; bem Febmaiy、 at
Goita; and died gih August, I a t &)m.
Wis commntarits on th "Summa 寸keclogic4>w
the fir从 in that ixttnsiveJUld、 begun in !巧7
CHAPTER XXIX md JinisluJ 1巧2、 are 店 greaUst work and
比巧 wm immdiatily recognized to be。 dassic
Mot only Witchesy as has already been in uhclasUc Kurctur*.
said, c‘
^'carried through the Air b j Dim ns; , A " 柳 听 ’v 户若叩。 点巧辛郑
butb, in‘. in the Atr tk^ dtvist and work if^ i〇g^<^n,/nend to Charles V and Phltp II :
k 点 rn化M:n:7 n躺 化 they
ndfinally ,^ 造 柄 端 W,納 骗 ,帶 説
gently and guUtfy placed down upon tfu "D i luua Id 片w"icorum S<Uc^
Ground, even as Birds alight. manai、巧 巧 、 ts wkoned among _ his moi.
I""'H E Y who deny 化 at witch 巧 really imporlcnt works.
<L 护^ to 化 cir Sabbats, holding that S 一S it说S t".*、 Franew o SihesU r, 。Jia.
such journeys are 饥erely imaginary, m^us Dominican UuoU知oHy was bom a t P it-
base their opinion chiefly on the Tara abotU IA 74> anddttd< iiR enTU s,igthSip-
authority o f me CJouncil o f Ancyra, Umhir, 152$. filU d Ifu h ig kisi offius in
which pronounced that this was an his &r^、 being Mmd yicar^^etural CU-
TTunt V U ,a品 M 3rd June,巧 巧 》 in the
entirely pagan and impious error. But general c心pU r h tld <U R otm he was appointed
in the opinion o f many this Council AiasUr-Gerufal, f h wrote manjf theological
was a merely Provincial o 凸c convened works o f gri<U valiUy and h* is tsp^ioU y b rd std
by Marcellus 化 e JBishop o f Ancyra, fo r the eU arw s ank eUganc* o f his sfyh,
against whom As化rius Apollinarius \j "Griiidnd.、、 Paidus de GriliofiiiU Cos,
a 打d Hilary wro化, as being even 3US- tiliomuSf **diocesis aretinae (Auzzo) criminal^
pect o f tne Sabellian heresy. And ium tousarum auditor uu. p. d, Jlndrtai de


;O N O L A T R Y BK.

II, q, 7), Martmus Navamis 节 (in first upon a pinnacle o f the 化mple, and
manuali, c. u , 巧«, 38), Sprcnger (in the打 upon a high mou打tai打. 了here
A/aWfo iV/o/如 Gwm), and many 0化 c 巧 may be some who think that these were
who have conduc化d many anii various miracles proper to that age, which God
inquiries upon such wi化 hcs. U n­ permit化a as being then o f u 化 i 打 the
doubtedly has always seemed the iUi*therancc o f the Gospel 化aching,
sou打der and safer view 化 believe in but that such miracles are no longer
the literal truth o f this matter; fbr i t is needed, and that there is 打0 authority
founded upon an argument as to which for believing in them. T o such 1
all Theologians are in perfect agree- answer that recent history is full of ex­
; namely, that, ai\cr 化 d r fall and amples of such occurrences, as we shall
apostasy, the Demons retained their fully show la•化r in this work, and that
naUi化 1 gualiti 巧 in 化 ct, which are fresh instances keep coming to light
immortaJxty, power, motiop , spwd , every day, I shall here relate a few of
k 打ow !cdgc, 辽打d other such gifts、 vhicli these, which arc clearly 化St巧 ed in 化 e
were theirs from their origin. More , records of the Provinces in which they
、一i〇d spirits are able a occurred.
momc打t o f time 打ot only themselves to A t Gironcourt hi the Vosges Province
traverse im 饥 ense distance through there a s化ongly enough built castle
the air, but whhout difficulty 化 carry from the su町 mit o f which some dies
with them; as is sufficiently were thrown down by lightning. Not
proved by the insta打CCS which we have long afterwards (Oct. 1586) Sebas-
recently quoted of the Prophet Haba- tiana Picarda was charged with witch*
a 打d rhilip 化 e Deacon, It should craft in that village and confessed to
打ot, then, 巧cm wonderful that the evil the Judge that this had been the
pirits also should have this power. o f a Demon and herself. "For ,,
There is no lack o f examples to prove said, "we were t<^cthcr in <
he truth o f this. In the Gospels {S. rushing upon the castle to destroy it
uke viii) we read o f a man entirely, but this was not in our power:
posse巧ea ot an unclean spirit which yet we were able to inflict a
often bore him away into the wilder­ damage upon it, so that we should not
ness, having first broken his chains. altogether fail in our attempt/*
And we know that Jesus Himself was T he following is similar. A certain
taken up by the Devil and set down man named Kuno, who was a ma^s*
tra 化 at 民onchamp in the parish ot S.
Jacobatiis, sandissimi 如 minミr曲stripapaeal• Clement, where he lived, was with his
maegue urbis uicatii ggneralis." This author servants making hay in the country
impo^ani " 予ractatus (U Hireticis $t when he saw a heavy storm brewing in
sortiUgiis, omnifariam coUu eorum推 * poenis" the sky, and made ready to run home.
which m巧 be about 巧 巧 . The edition But whUe he was about this, the巧 was
published at Frankfoi^t 1 a sudden flash o f lightni打g, and he saw
the jtirist l^onzMhw, six oak 化ees near him torn up by the
Marlin Aspilcutta, ^巧外■ roots, while a seventh which still stood
ally known cs Doctor Navarrus,化gfimous w a s a H r c n ta n d to m a s ifb y c la w s .
Spanish canonist and moral 化的/巧如。 , was
He then made all the more haste, and
born in thg kingdom of >NavaTTe, t圣th Decern-
r, I巧r; and dUd at Rome, Juns, 巧於 i打 his hurry dropped his hat and the
is *^Aianuait siue Enchiridion Con/issario^ implements which he was carrying ;
rum ef PotniUntium," Rome,巧68, was iong and there came another crack of
held as a classic in tfu schools ank in 公 ctual thunder,a 打d he saw in the top o f an
pracliw. His numerous works have begn col* oak near by a woman resting, who (as
Ucted no less than four iimts: Rome^ ^59^t is probable) had bee打 化 t down there
vaU,, folio; Lyons, Verticg, ! 《〇》 •• from a cloud. Looking more closely at
md Cohgm, 16巧,2 voh, ,y〇lio. her, he recognized her as an old woman
BK,I ,CK , D E M O N O L A 了R Y
o f the neighbourhood, 注nd at once freely confessed everything just as the
began to upbraid her i打 the following shepherds had reported it.
words: "Are you that vile Margareta There is a hou化 lying on the left as
Wari打a ? I see that it was 打ot w 化hout you go 行cm Bclmo打t to Waldcrsbach,
reason that everyone has suspected you on to the top o f the roof of which the
o f being a w!tch, How came you here same two men once fbn from a su>rm
;n that $ta化 ? " She answered: "Pardon cloud; and one o f the讯 , whose name
me, I beg you, and keep what you was Karrncr, was much 化oubled as to
have seen secret. I f you will do this for how they could come safely to the
me, I will undertake that neither you grou 打d from such a height For he was
nor yours shall ever suffer the least as yet raw and ;nexpencnced 至打these
harm from m e." I f anyone feels a matters, and this was the first time he
doubt about this, let him k 打ow that it had set out upo 凸a cloud to wo 成 such
was proved, not only by 化 c evidence madn巧s• 孔 e other, Amaot, who had
given upon the most solemn oath by been as a child initiated by his parents
ICuno before the Jud^e, but also by into the service o f the Demon and had
Warina,s owa confession, repea化dly early become accustomed to such ma^
made without an>^ torture a打d CO打- 化rs> laughed at him and said: "B e o f
行rmed in the heai*ing o f ma 打y a t 化 e gooil heart, you fool; for 化 e Mas 化r by
las[ mome打t o f her life* whose virtue wc arc able to accomplish
Here it is apposite also to reU 化 what far more difficult things will make short
I have learned, on the authority of work o f this 1加 e problem." And it
those who cxmducied them, from other was no sooner said than done; for they
capital trials. A storm burst with were suddenly cai^ht up in a whirl -
much thu打如r and 1帥 tning upon the wind and sec down s^e upon the
slopes o f the hUl Alwnbcrg, which is grou 打d, whife 化 e whole house shook
near the region in Hohlcch in the and seemed as though it would be
Vosges district; whereupon the shep* torn from i 技 foundations. T he men
herds and herdsme打who were keeping the饥 selves sepA巧 化 swore to this in
their flocks there (since it was expo化a the very same words; and the occu-
to the s化rm) sought shelter in the pa 打ts ol* the house confirmed all 化 cir
ncigbbouri打g woo3s. Suddenly they story, as to the day and the tumult and
saw two peasants clinging to a 打d en- the shaking. And finally^ they who had
化 ngkd i打 the 化 p 讯ost branches o f the in their lives bee 凸 associates ia crime
trees, and 80 化rrified that it was ob­ were by ihc Judge,s se打化nee con­
vious that they had 打ot come there o f sumed together i 打 fiie same fire.
their own will, but had been driven A ll these examples toge化 er provide
there by some u 打expected chance or a cumulative evidence o f the 任uth. I
impulse. The dirty and bedraggled could i f I wished relate many more in-
appearance o f thdr c]〇th 巧 also, which sta打CCS which have come to m 文 know­
seemed as 化 巧 had been dragged ledge in my trials o f witches, feut just
throu晏h all sorts o f mud a 打d thorns, as a lawyer hesita化s to sj)cak wi 化 out
gave 指 rther point 化 the suspicion that a 另ood legal backing, so I refrai打 from
they had been dragged here and there adducing cases in which I have no
by their Little Mas化r according to his documentary evidence wherewith to
custom. They were the more con- CO打vi打ce my oppo 丘ents,For, as I h&vc
firaied hi this opinion when, after 化 cy already said,b去 )r e 【 resolved to write
had remai凸ed there for some time to this work I 打eglected much evidence
ma)ce sure o f what they had seen» sud- which I^am now sorry that I did not
dcniy without their 打oting A e two place on record; since I have often
men disappeared • Finally, all doubt feu the 打ced o f such evidence, and
was removTO not long afterwards when it has been altogether lost beyond
the two me打 were imprisoned and recall.
THE SECO N D BOOK next day, and thatwithhis life the king-
dom also would pa 巧 from his houst
O f very much the same nature is the

instance, told by Lucan (仿 如 打 ,
V II), of a newly-slain soldier who was
CHAPTER I recalled to li挺 by a woman of Thes*
That it is not in the Dmons,Power io rc,
saly and foretold to Sextus Pompey the
aUl tfu Souls of tk4 Dead to tkeir r 坊ult o f the Pha巧alian War, A 打d 1巧t
Bodies. Bui sines they arc iht greatest this should be thought a mere poetic
Mimickers of the Works of God^ they invention, the same story is quoted
often 公 ppior 化 do this 议hen th巧 inter
from Varro by Pliny {Xat. HisL V II,
Vito thi Bodies o f ihe Dead arik Jhm
almost the same words, the only
wit抑 g吟 化 m Motim Ukc化a t凉 化 g
di备ercnce being that he said 打othing
Livings just as we st4 in the case of o f 化 c woman,s incaatation: "In the
Automatons,Also the His化巧 of 成6
SicUian War Gabie 打us,化 c bravest o f
Blasphemy^ Parricide, and Monstrous
Gaesar,s sca-captains, was captured by
Lovfs of PetfOfu o f Dalheim,
Sextus Pompey and, by his order^ had
his throat cut so 山 at his head was
T T I T E K O D O T V S in Tirpsichors almost severed from the body, and so
■ ■ makes mention o f necro- lay for a whole day. But towards evea-
■ ■ mancy and vaticination by ing he was heard by the many who
A J L means o f Shad 巧 summoned were thronging round him to groan
from 化 e Low 巧 World. Homer in the and implore them that Pompey should
Odyssey and Vergil in his Aeruid spesUt come to him, or else send one o f hi$
o f Mercury (who is believed to fiave friends;for he said that he had been
been a powerful cnchan 化r) as the evo. sent back from Hell and had some*
cator of souls from Orcus. Moreover, thing to tell hiiiL P om p ^ sent several
history, both sacred and profane^ is full o f hj5 friends, to whom uabienm said
o f examples o f those who have com- that the God$ o f the Lower Regions
peUed the 洗 ades o f 化 e d 巧 arted 化 were favourable to Pompe/s cause and
return to their bodies and answer had listened to his prayers; that the
in human tongue the questions put future would fall out according to his
to them. When Saul was in doubt wishes; that he bad been bi舶 cn to
whether 化 巧 ght a decisive battle announce this to them, and that as a
against the Ph 山stin巧 or whether to sign o f the truth o f his words he would
postpone it to some other time, he went at once expire when he had performed
to 山^ iH reo fA cL o itlw h a tw o u ld b e- that duty* And $〇 it happened/*
fa llifiie did battle; and when the Lord V ery like 化 i$ js 化 e story o f the
answered him not, he went to the town Egyptian prophet Zatchlas, txM by
o f Endor hard 岭 to an old woman Api^eius (Z>< U ) as fof-
who, he had heard, was skilled in lo w s : " 时 U man fbr a great 抑m o f
raising the souls o f the d ead ; and after money undertook (o raise from Hell
liaving sworn an oath that he would the spidt o f a dead young man and
never reveal to any man, asked her bring him back to Ufe his body, as i f
to suinmoii the soul o f Samuel Croin b y right o f postliminy,Accordin如 , he
Hell. And hardly had she begun her ,ropitiate<I 化e 巧a n o f heaven, 左e in.
incantatiooS) whea> bdiold, there sud- e n ^ deities, the natural elements, the
d c n ly a p p e a ^ t h e ^ u r e o f a v c u c r - nocturnal silences, the Coptic shrmes,
able old man in priesuy raiment, who the increases o f the Nile^theMemphitic
said tb ^ he was Samu 成 and prophe- mysteries, and the sacred Pharian
sied to Saul that he and im sons would rattles; aher which he a certain
be defeated and slain in battle on the herb upon the corpse, 》 mouth, and

站 0化 er upo打 its breast. His breast For, as Lucretius says (III, 942),
出 en began to heave, and hU pukes to
beat^ and the corpse was 61 ed with None is there that awakes
brea化 and rose up and star化d to When once the cold surcease oflife has
巧 eak. And whe打 he was bidden to touched him ,
追 vulge the mystery o f his death, he
The story o f Samuel* has been used to
said 出 at be had been killed wUh a substantia化 此 e contrary opinion; but
poisoned cup by hU ncwly^wcdded there are many authorities who have
bride, in order that he might leave the not so i 打化rpreted i t For S. Auguidne,
!>cd l^cc for her adul化巧 r, After he agreeing with Tcrtullian (Z), •研。)
had so spoken, his body was at last and not a few other orthodox wri化rs,
r e a r e d to the ear化 ,"
says that 化 is story is not to be •么ken as
There is no lack o f modern examples a literal fact, but rather as a vision seen
ID match with those o f ancie打t times. b yS aul,w lio,h av;n gsirm ed ,w asun «
I d 化 e year 1563 there was at Paris a
a(>le to form a judgement o f it.
woman given to such practices, whose And that it was an illusion o f the Devil
name I have thought fit to suppress on is shown beyond doubt by the follow*
account o f the nobiii巧 an 占importance ing argument: i f Samuel had truly
o f her 位沉Uy. I we 打t to visit her, as appeared, he, being a just man who
was my custom since she was a fellow* had in his life declared tnat God alone
countrywoman o f mine, and found her was to be worshipped, would not have
w ith 【wo 0巧cers o f the 民oyal House­ permit化d himself to bo w orship ed
hold discussing how they could most Dy the King* A^ain, a man o f God
casUy obtain possession o f the treasure who was at rest m Abraham’s bosom
which, they said, the K ing had 矿 an 化d would not have said to a sinful man
them an opportunity o f i打spectmg (for
wor化 y o f h 州 -fire: "To-morrow thou
the Leoni打e Law forbids a man to try shall be with me/* And Zonaras
to win a 化easure by means of impious {AnnaL tomo 1),卞 a most careful in­
sacrifices or magic arts d 巧es化d by the quirer ;nto Christian truth, says i 打 ex-
law ; and there are many other salu* position o f this story lhat the spirit o f
tary laws to restrain the cove 化 us am­ oamuel was 打ot in tru 化 , but o 打ly in
bitions o f courtiers). I heard o 打e of appearance, called u p ; and he terms
these men telling in al] seriousness how, a spectre, not the spirit o f Samud,
not many dayja before, he had conjured For ot a cei*tainty (as It is fully set out
a corp巧 0打 its gibb 巧 to speak with
in the last chap 化r of the Synod o f
him on thb matter, but that he had A n c y r a ) 【hose apparitions wliich are
been u 打able to elicit any 化 ing definite
rai巧d by i打catUaUons cannot be said
from it> since all its answers were am- to exist really in the body, but only in
biguous and |>crplexing.
From time immemorial it has been
believed that the souls o f the dead can • "The Sloty of Samuel,、、 For a《 ull dis­
be rahed from the tomb and, by means cussion of IhU su "The HisUity of IViUh-
o f incantations, called back to their crafh" by ManUigtu Stmnurs,巧s6 , Ghapur
bodies. But for my part 1 hold that the V心 . 巧6 ~3 ! . 掠uiy is incomcUn iiu opinion
he <iscril" Ui《 • AiigusUne、 luho held ikai tfie
mortal frame is so dissolved by death vision evoksd ty the woman was really and truly
that, except by some special favour of the prophit Samul.
Almigluy God, it cannoc again be knit f *々巧。 w . " 乃。 。w 公,a 说le-
and joined together until bwUd 否yzantinc TUslorian and iheologio
the twe^Jlh anUny, Thi ftfirtnu here i f 化
That far day when, AnneUs'^ in cighUcti books, a chronicU
ihUen bookSf
creation <if world 化
worid to ike 也
• &化 蛛
The fire God shall reunite all tii6 , I; he rmarlud that Uu
things* earlierpart is chiefly derivedfrom Josephus.
88 DEMON, B K , II, C H , L

the spirit a 打d in some figure which de­ bear a relation to this matter; where
ceives our sight O r if there is a solid he wri化s that there was a struggle be­
huma 打 body, it U a dead corpse which tween the Devil (whom Francheus Ve-
(as Vitruvius says) moves organically netus, ProbUm. sacr. scrip^y tom. I, sect.
through the agency o f a Demon which 8, pi*obt 433, calk Azazelt) and 化 c
has en化red it ;ju 化 as wc sec in the case Archangel 抗 ichad fbr 化 e bo也 of
o f automatons and daedalian mcchan* Moses; Tor it is probable that 化 c Devil
isms, which, as Gassiodorus* says (/。 meant (o occupy that body so 化 at
lib. f^onorwn), give forth a metallic he might the more easily beguUc 化 6
bellowing, or when bra 玄cn serpents Israelites and lay open the window for
hiss, and imhatio 打 birds incapable of idolatrous practices, as the Rabinical
a voice o f their own yet sing as sweetly Books record that he did more than
as a nighU打gale. The Pythian TVipods once afterwards in the appearance o f
move and walk o f their ow 打 accord, many other dead men; and as the best
some pouring out wine fbr the gu 巧ts pro 化ction against such happenings
and others w a 化r, as it is repor化d to they presc^bed 化 at seven circles
have been see打 by Apollonius when he should be traced round the tomb where
was with Hiarchas and other G^^mno- a corpse is buried.
sophists* I think that no man in his T o all this mu巧 be added the fact
senses will ever deny that even more that Satan is the 扩 ca 化巧 aper orCocTs
w onderfulthingsthanthiscanbcper , works, and it is his chief care to appear
fbnncd by the subtlety and agilUy of to his subjects as nearly as poss化 le
D e m o n s, 化 eing that they have no God's equal in power and might. S.
small a 巧 nity with that vUa) spirit 声e【er raised Tabitha from 成 c dead at
which is the life o f mankind. the prayer o f the disciples to whom she
There is a further consideration had been devout in alms曼iving; and
'which does much to explain this whole ma打y 巧 cs before him, EUj ah restored
matter. For since they arc foul and to life the dead son of the widow
unclean spirits it should not be o f Zarephath, who had sup­
prising that, as a pig returns to its plied him with food. Therefore, to
wallowing placc> they should find their prove himselfin no way inferior, Simon
favourite habitation and lodging In tried by his magic spcUs to bring to life
stinking corpses. And therefore it is the dead body o f a boy who, He沪
that ghosts, tnat is Demons, are chiefly sippus says (III, 2), was closely rela 化d
to be met with in churchyards and in to Nero, a 打d did indeed cause 化 so to
places o f punishment and executioa move that it app^red to have come
for criminals. For it is foolish and im« b34:k to life; but it soon fell back to
piously pagan to believe that souls the ground dead as before. For,
Daunt and hover about such places according to Clement hi$
through longing for their discarded !•馴 , when he ceastd from the spells
bodies, since there are fix ^ and con* by which he had bound the corpse, the
stituted places for the departed to result rave a clear and unmistakable
which they 皆 • T he passage in the
Epistle of S. Jude (ve 口e 9) seems to Tht WQrd translated
(。処巧)奶^ " 化 吩 巧 (i4 .K)
* "Casjiodofus." At tfu ogg of smn巧this in "Leviticus,,,xui、 is 乂z w i, lohich appears
rcUre/i to Uu
peat staUsman retifid monasUry of
the monasUiy to be the name of an 6诚 angfl or (Umon, Pro*
VivUrs and thm passed the last thiriyy e a 分 fessor A. R. Ke n r wf y in Cowruniary on
his lift. Tfu Itisure hours which he spared iMfUicus,xvi,巧 f in 克e 化Ctnltay B化le"
Jivm study 你d wriiing h£ emplcfjKd in Uu writes: later Jewish lilerature {Book of
construction of phihsophU^ t巧s suck as sun, Enoch) A zw l as ihs priw of tHe
Hals and wattr^lockt. Thi r如 tnee Jut, is fdltn Mgds, tfu offspring of tJu miens de.
to his " Udfiarum {Epislohrum)," Libri X " , tcriM 舟,,灰 ,

proof o f the difference between the true 丘口sebius, In refu化Uone sexta amira
acts o f God and the lying imitations Hieroclem) these were the spectres and
wrought by rash daring o f Demons, apparitions o f unclean spirits mocking
Phlegon, * a freedman o f the 丘mperor foolish men in the form o f those
Hadria 打,化Us o f a similar 化 ing hap- Ghosts, while they demanded for
pening at Tralles in Asia to a girl who themselves sacrifices i打 honour o f the
had been six months dead. Damis and dead, expiatory rites from their sup-
Philostratus, in their Life o f Apol­ posed children, and o 化 er such re ;-
lonius o f Tyana, record that he often gious ceremonies. "For w hy" (asks
restored the dead to life. And not long Eusebius) ^^should the Shades wish to
since there was a Germa 打 story circu­ leave the Islands o f the Blessed in order
lated writing of a man named to play such foolish tricks?^* S. Justin
Aulicus who, being told that his wife Martyr {Apologia secunda ad fratres)
was dead a 打d that her body had bee打 proves the same ins注ne error against
laid in a tomb, hastened home to look those who profess to be able to raise
after his affairs and, brooding much souls from iie li b y their incantations^
upon her late into tlie night as is usual namely, that they do not see that it is
in the ca 巧 o f such a loss, saw her 过is- not the shades o f the dead but Demons
fobing herself in her customary man- that they evoke. For 化 is all a vain
ner and prepa!*ing to go to bed as adumbration and imitation o f the
usual. In this purpose, since he had truth, rather than any solid and sure
received certain news o f her death, he expression o f it ;and this is especially
opposed her for a little; but being con- so when a m an who has once died ana>
V…ced by her speaking in her own as they s巧 , become the property o f the
voice and by her clear odiibidon o f her Nether 说 ds, returns as it were by
body, he permitted her to lie down with rig 扛t o f postliminy to 化 e light so that
him ; and fbr a short time they lived we think wc see him with our eyesper-
their usual daily life together, until by fbrming those bodily actions o f w b ch
the po化nt words of an exorcist the he was capable when his life was whole
Demon, who had raUed up that and unimpaired.
CO巧 巧 and occupied it in o ^ c r to A rare and sin灿 ar p roof o f this
deceive and, if possible, destroy the ai^umcnt provided by the story
husband, was compelled to depart o f Petrone Armentarius, at Dalheim,
from it. It is certain that no exorcism 1581, which I have fully related m my
could have had this result if 化 e Summary o f this work. HU Succuba
woman,s own soul had truly been in 瓜/ fbreed him 化 fulfil his solemn*
her body; but just as the law provides ly given promise 化 commit fbul
every 0立poitunity fbr dispos化ssing A murd 巧 upo 打 his only son; and when
man o f what he has unjustly usurped^ he could not e 打dure his loss and was
so no one need marvel that the Demon driven nearly mad by the thought o f
is thus ca 巧 out from his insidious occu­ the infanticide which he had peipe-
pation o f a dead body, i f he realizes tra 化d, she promised that, if he im*
what 化rce 化 e巧 is in adjurations and plox*ed her with supplication and
exorcisms to effect 化 is. adoratio打, she would bring the boy
O f such sort were the Shades of back to life; and accordingly fbr a
Thyestes, Polydorus, TaiUaius, Aga­ whole year she caused him by her
memnon, Achilles and other heroes, m咕 c to appear as if he were living
which the poets tell us u 化d to walk anci exercising his natural functions.
about their tombs; fbr (to quote That this was no mo巧 than a decep*
tion and illusion was clearly and abun-
• "PhUffn." F o r。 full account of Ms dant!x 山 own when, wi化 out any pre-
su *^The Vcmpir$ in Europey^ by Montague vious illness, the boy a^ain 出 e^, and
Summers, Chapter /, pp. 34^38. immediat^y began 化 s呂nk w abomin ,

ably that it was im p ^ ib le to look at which was told me by a most trusts

him cccept from a dis化 ncc, and that worthy man, Melchior Erric, from the
with the nostiils pressed close together* private and secret courts o f our Most
But since this story opens up certain Serene Duke. 。 ,
questions worthy o f consideration a$ There was (he said) at Hemingen,
sWvving 优 e boundless and insatiable *■ a certain
ardour o f the crafty Devil in imitating witch who, on Dcmg bidden Dy tne
and copying the functions o f human­ to tell how he had 巧。 t b e ^ led
ity, and because these questions cannot away to such abominable iniquity and
conven案 emly be dealt with without by what wiles the Demon had chiefly
some digression, it will not be foreign seduced him, freely and openly an­
to our 产•巧ent purpose 化 consider cer­ swered as follows: **Bcing a herdsman,
tain otlier maUe 巧 which will help to I was going my rounds one morning to
establish the truth o f such a story, to collect my cattle, and one o f the girls
indica 化 its causes, lay bare its pithilU, who used to open the stable doors for
show the dam 打ing nature of its results, them stirred my soul with love more
and give to the improvident and care­ than all the rest, so 化 at I began to
less an inducement to a more at 化ntive dr*eam o f her mo巧 and more both by
avoidance o f such snares. In the first night and by day. A t last, while my
place, then, no one who has read what thoughts were deeply occupied withher
I have already wriUe打 can doubt the as I was alone in the meadows, there
exU化nee o f £/A:‘a打ej or Incubus De- appeared one like her hiding bdiind a
mens who, ^打 the manner o f me打, bush« I ran up to seize the prize o f my
ravish and debauch the women who dedre, and embraced her in spi化 o f
have give 打 themselves over to them; her stru煤 k s ; and after some repulses
for 1 cannot readily agree with the she surrendered herself to me on con*
Physicians that this is a lw a^ a disease ditjon that I should acknowledge her
o f the body, by which the natural pas- ns my mistress, and regard her as she
o f the essences U intercepted, were God H im self.【 agreed to 化 b . j
巧 milarly, it will not be difficult to be« enjoyed her; and she at once b ^ a n to
lieve that there arc Hjpkialus or Sue-* enjoy me to such a degree that I was
cubi who, ;n thcfbrm and appearance always unhappily subject to her
o f women. He down to men; for this Phllostratus, in his Life o f Apollo-
sin, which ;s A c chief d e l i c t o f De­ nius o f Tyan 和 sa巧 卑 at somewhat
mons, has been equally a<!initted on similar experience -octcli
- 〜 Menippus, a
both sides, and there is no more diffi­ disciple o f Demetrius the Gyi /me. For
culty in 在 e one than in tike other. Y et going from Corinth
as he was soin^
it is more r a r e ly 【 hat the Demons act clireae met one in the form o f a
as Succubi: either because it is not the beautiful foreim girl, apparently very
custom o f women, whose modesty in richj who said that ske was smitten
this matter (hey evilly to take w iA love for him, and in a fHendly
the initiative ;n inducing men 仿 com. manner invited him to go home with
m it fornication with them ; or because her. H e in his turn was taken with
the rabble o f wj 化hes is chiefly com. love for her and lay with her often,
posed o f t h a t 》 cx which) owin含 U> its and even began to think about mar­
!*说1>1知 脚 o f undersun 合 1$ least riage ; for she had a house decorated in
able to resist and withstand the wHes royal fashion. But after Apollonius had
o f the Devil, And cert^dnly, in all the examined everything in tfiat home, he
trials o f witches that I have had to do exclaimed that she was a Lamia^ who
with, this has been the one and only would quickly devour the young man
example o f a Succuba* But $〇 that it
m ay not be completely isolated^ 1 have ♦ •【Xtf沉知•" "The Vampire
dcaded to add nerc another example^ rope; Ckaptc h PP. 3 ~5 .

《 ntircly or afflict him with some not- the £ither*$ hands with the uQDatural
able injury. murder o f hb is son, against his deeply
It clear that the Demon holds this inborn parentaltallove« For o fa truth he
to be l>y far the greatest and richest was 辽murderer 巧快
fruit o f his insidious wiles; and that, John viii)*
like a dishonest usurer, he is alwa)^ Th /inadons, vaticinations^ the
adding to it and increasing it by some calling up o f d 巧 arted spirits, and
fresh impiety: drawing error upon m any other such incantatjons which
error, as S. Jerome says {In prooemio, men have in the past performed under
lib. i l , commenfdriortm i n 《achariam), the Devil^s auspices were always
and always more and more deeply en- accompanied with the solemn festal
julfing those whom he has oocepol- con化cratio 江 or sacrifice o f some man
ut;cd crime. And the 巧ory with is show打 Homer in the case o f
which wc arc now concerned is very Ulysses, by Sllius in that o f Scipio, by
)crtinc打t 化 this proposition. For first, Valerius Flaccus in that o f Esom b y
laving seduced the man to an unspeak­ Papinius in that o f Teresia, and by
able venery and pestiferous wenening, Horace in that o f certain deadly en«
he fbreed him to the atrocious murder chantresses. And nearly all the nations
o f his only son ;and then, when he was who were addic化d to his worship used
driven almost to the very last despair to befoul his altars with huma打 vic­
by his remorse for so great a crime, he tims,as Alexander 狐 r. V I! 20)
led him headlong to an execrable has shown at great length. Especially
idolatry which is the culminalion o f all were they wont to sacrifice their own
sin; thus showing himself for what he chUdren, as Euripides and Plutarch
has been from his beginning, the (FaralUl. 40) tell o f Erechtheus; Pau*
would-be rival and jealous afFecter of sanias Amtodemus and Epebolus;
Divine honour. Plutarch again o f Marius and the
When God wished 化 t巧 t Abraham>s Garth 咕 niaos; and as Pietro Bembo
faith H e appeared to him and, having in h i s 托化妃m 祝 曲 巧 Bo地 V I, teUs
enumerated all His benefits to Wm, o f 化 6 玉 加 地 加 反 o 曲 ew Spain before
bade him o报 r up h b 《 on k a a c as a ever the light o f Christian tru 化 had
sacrifice, So Abraham, thinkii^ a shone upon them. Here also I may
sin not to obey God any 化 ing what, quo 化 the B 化 le story o f Jephthah, who,
soever, took his son to the mountain when making w ar upon the Ammon-
which God had named, and was there jtes, vowed 如 t i f he gained the 坤 >
about to offer 化 e sacrifice demanded tory he would sacrifice the first thing
had not God 打 im化 If in 化reeded to that came out to meet him on his re­
prevent him, proclaiming that He was turn home: and when his only daugh*
not a God to wish him to be cruelly 化r, who was yet a virgin* came out to
bereft o f his children^ after having meet h;m, none the 1脚 he offered her
graciously made him a rwher in hb up as a sacrifice. But although Jo­
extreme old age; but that He only sephus (A n ti^ V , i i ) considers that
wished to make trial whether he would she was put to the kni氏 Zonaras
ob<^ such a command. Even so i( now (心 。〇/• tomo I) that she was burned,
delights that Ape the Demon to re* and Sabellicus (岛 w o i I ! 巧 that she
enact an imitation o f that which God was immolated as a victim upon the
did so many ages ago; and indeed it is altar; yc 【there are not wanting those
probable that he purposely took the who interpret certain o f the Hebrew
打amc in this case to give some authoriti巧 to the e ffe c t【 hat she was
verisimilitude to his travesty o f Abra- only shut away for a time among the
ham,s sacrifice. But hi 化〇 event he dc- virgins dedicated to God, and so was
par 化d from his pauern ,in that it: was taken away 泣nd removed as if by death
his especial care and purpose to ^mbue from the society and common life o f

men. For it is written that she ob­ Alexia Belhoria (Blai打ville, Jan. 1587)
tained permission from her father, be­ )oisoned both her first a 打d 化cond hus*
fore he fulfilled his vow, to bewail her )ands. For 化 巧 化 ink 打0 more o f par­
virghii巧 for two months wi A h e r fb l- ricide than o f plain murder, being
lows. Certainly such a sacrifice would equally ready and prompt to commit
better a flesh-eath巧 God, such as either sin: so completely have they
Plutarch calls Bacchus: and if it was in divorced them化Iv巧 from all humanit^
truth peiiformed (as I ca 打not think and natural feeling.
that the T h eologies really believe), I
dare to affirm with Jo 化 phus 化 at it ix
was 凸ot a legidma 化 sacrifice, nor o 打e
that was pleasing to God.
Further, the truth o f this story of CHAPTER I I
Petro打c o f Armentiircs is beyo 打d all —
he Taint of Witchcraft is ofUn passed
doubt; for it was repor化过 to the on as zvere bjf Contagion by irifectsd
Duumvirs o f Ma打cy i打 absolute com­ Parents to their Children; for thus 化巧
pleteness with its questions, proofs and /lo^e to tvin Favour with their Litt!6
arguments. It was, moreover, fully Masters, TkcU it is ill done 化 condone
confirmed by 化 e X打habitants o f the this Crime in Children, as some do, on
place, who assured many persons that account of their Age; both because of its
they had see打 with their own eyes the atrodcus HHnousnew, and because
boy recalled to an appeara 打ce o f life. is almost no Hope ojf 的}巧 pHTi^ing
As for the obscene relations o f Pe- who has once been infected.
tro打e with the Succuba, the truth
could only be known from the man ^"T^HE greed o f Satan was always
himself. His murder of his son is paral­ J . infinite and insatiable; and once
leled by the following example o f Ber- he has gained a foothold Id any family
trande Ba 化 ier (Fo化 ach, A 端 . 巧 87), he has never been known to retreat
who nourished a hatred for her son from save under the greatest com-
acob Cremer because she suspected pulsion* Thcrclbre it is always con­
lim o f having stoic凸some money from sidered to be one o f the clearest and
le r ; and, after a Demon had first surest proo技 against those who have
》 rokcn open the doors, she entered his been accused o f witchcraft^ 江 it is
use at night and killed him with a found that (h ^ come o f parents who
poisoned dmik* The wife o f Stoffel the have previously ■been 1xmvicted; io f that
Clothier held a violetw loured I畔 【 1
light them at their w o ric; 出 € wifb o f The breed shows its descent;
^ uirin the Butcher c a n i ^ the poison Degenerate blood reverts to its
a black ju g ; Brice Merg (巧化沉,
《々公历 泌 )h e ld 化 e victim 、liead so type-
(Seneca, Hippolytus.)
that the poison could more easily be
)〇u re< H n to h isin o u th ;an d th ep iti- And y exam戶les o f
css mother herself adininistered the hereditary iifesting Itself ;n
poison. This was admitted b y Brice the children^ It the Demon^s chief
when he was examined before care to add daily to the
1 numbers o f his
Judges on the same day subjects; and there way
and a$ a further proof he added that he him accomplish this purpose
had taken o 任 a blanket 份 bind • ancid compel those who
son^s limbs, so that he could not are already in his power COXTUpt
stru|^gle when he was touched* Do­ their children also.
minique Zabella (Rogeville^ 15B3) also Nicole MorHe (Serre, Jan* 1587)
defUed herselfwith the murder not only confessed that she was taken by her
o f her son, but also o f her husband. &ther to the Demons^ Sabbat before
BK« n . CH. \l. 93
she had reached the age o f puberty. ique FaUvac (S. BUisc la Rochc, July
Another woman said although 1587) said that sj was gathering
she was not yet o f an age to do after rush巧 ibr binding the vines w ミtK
the kind o f womc打, she was 巧nt by her mother: and they lay down 0打 the
her mo化 er into a 化 ick wood where she ground to rest themselves* After they
would find a handsome young man had talked for a little her mother
whom she would easily be able to love. began to warn her not to be afraid i f
And it happe打ed as her mother had she saw something unusual, for there
said; but as soon as she was Sn his wouid be 打o danger in i t ; and as soon
arms she felt that she had been as she had said this, there suddenly
mocked; fbr it see讯ed to her that she appeared one in huma打 form who
was embracing some marble statue, he seemed like a shoemaker, for his belt
lay upon her so sti庁 and heavy. His was stai打ed here and there with pi 化h.
parents, Erricus an过 Catharina, tried T h b man made her swear an oath to
a 【V e ig a v n ie ,J u ly i5 8 6 ,g a v e H c n - him, and marked her upon the brow
nezcl a Succuba to wife, who called with his nail in sien o f her new allegi-
herself by the name o f Schwarlzburg. ance, a 打d finally de负led her before tTie
As far as he could see when he fir$t eyes o f her mother, A 打d the mother
approached her, her hair and gar­ i打 her turn gave herself to him in sight
ments were black, and her feet were o f her daugh 化r. Then they joined
讯 isshapen like horses,hoo反 : none the hands and danced round for a w hile;
less for that he madly loved her and, and at last, after he had given them
abjui*ing all holy thoughts, at once and money (or so at fu*st it seemed, but
greedily wallowed in carnal beastli­ soo打 it all crumbled to a powder), the
ness with her; but it was as i f he had to Incubus vanished into tne air, and
do with a drain filled with cold wa 化r> they returned home.
and he went away ashamed and sor, 的 atthieu Ama 打 化 反 o之erat (Hut-
rowing with his puipose unaccom- court, Sept. 1586), in an attempt to
plish^. Before Dominique Petrone persuade the Judges to consider his
(G i 巧 ncourt, Oct. 1586) was twelve ageajanexcuseforhU ct^im eofw uch-
years old his mo化 er led him to a craft) complained that he had 行rst been
similar abominable marriage. committed to that sin when he was o f
For Colette Fischer (Mainz, M ay an age at which he wa5 entirely im*
1585) and many other whehes say that potent and, because o f his wcakn 巧s,
it is a 行equent custom fbr Demons under the direction o f others. For he
to contract marriage with humans; was hardly more than a child when he
and indeed Bertrande Barbier and was take打 by his mother, together wUh
Sinchen M ay o f Speirchcn (Forbach, his brother a 打d sisu: r ,a s ifto th c w c tl-
Aug. 1587) said tnat they had been ding feast o f a kinsman, where they
present at such nuptials at times when were all compelled to swear allegiance
they happened to be at night Sn the to the Demon, although they were
place where 化c 打als o f 此at dis­ ignorant o f what they were doing, after
trict were crucified; and they added 化 e Demo 打 had at great length he!d
that, in place of the usual 皆ft o f n ring, out 化 e promise ofsiiU grea 化r entice­
it was enough for the bridegroom to ments,
stoop down and blow upon the bride^s The following account bears out the
anus. Agnes Theobald (Puttclange, 抒uth o f those just related. They were
Sepc. 1590) said that she was present prepari巧 the ins化umenU o f to " u 巧
when dathalioa and Eugel o f Hudlin* in order to extract from Barbc Gilet
gen were solemnly espoused to their (Huccourt, Sept. 1587) a confession o f
r 巧pective Beelzebubs, and that the this crime, when Stic, looking calmly
roasted flesh a black shc’ goat was on, spoke as Ibllows: "W hat madness
served at the wedding feast. Domin­ it is to suppose that you

confession from me by force! For I Demon caught her up as if to carry

w is h e d lc o u ld c a s ily s i^ ti^ y c m r w - her away; and it is thought that he
most attempts by means o f the power would have done so had he not bee打
which is at my command to endure preve打化d by the servants, repeatedly
every 化 & rturc. But I gladly Sparc you calli打g on 山 c Name o f J E S u S ; but
all 曲, at€ trouble. For because my being 出 us disturbed he 1成 his destined
Mas化r does not cease to importune me prey banging upon the beams o f the
to deliver ;。把 his 护 wer my four young rool', and dep扣化 d. This was 打omere
chUdrtn which sci" survive o f many fabrication o f the servants generated
that I have borne» I would far rather by a desire 化 an idle rumour;
submit m ysdf to the cruellest death for all the neigfibours ran up at their
by chat means I may save my little €片巧, and saw the thing with their own
ones 化cm such a miserable 纪化 as I eyes. And a ftmher proof 化 at no part
have myself suffered all this time. For o f this story was a deceitful or malici-
i f I am acquitted o f tlus charge it re­ ous 重〇乂611〇加 was provided by 化 e 技ct
mains for me to choose either to suHer that the girl remained for the whole of
an even more krrible death at the eight days and nights in a miserable
h a n ^ o f my Master, or sorely against sta化 o f stupor without eat畔 or speak­
m y w ill to perform his demands with ing or sleeping. For Pliny 切 心 •化 化
regard to m y children/^ x¥> cap* vlt.) is our authority 化 at it
The following is to the same effect, is impossible to endure starvation
Fran^oisc Hacquart o f V illi (1591), without succumbing for more than
in order at last to free herself from such seven days; and if ever it were to con-
molestation, had abandoned to the tinue to 出 e eleveiuh da^ it mu巧 be
Demo 凸 her daiughter Jana whe 打 she admitted to be a miraculous happen-
was as yet scarcely seven years old;
and among her other confessions she There have been many others within
chanced to hint this fact to the Judge. my memory led away at a tender
As the daughter's testimony confirmed b y their parents to sin wbenn, since
this sta化ment, and si打ce all further they appeared to be already capable
doubt was removed by the giiTs sure guilt, we Duumvirs have sentenced to
and unerring account o f the nocturnal DC stripped and beaten with rods
assemblies o?wi 化hc& at which she said around the place where their parents
she had b 说 n present, all began to •being
• burned• •alive.
‘ 了hb has
fbrm the opinion that she w沿 equally been the cus化m fbr many IS;yet I
guilty with her mother o f that crime* have 打ever thought that 1 law was
But becau 化 she did not seem to be of fuUy satisfied by such methods; upeci-
a suitable age to be pu 打ished by the ally as will be said la 化r, the chi d be
law (for it was not fbund that she had fbund to be o f an age capable o f guilt
as yet commit化d any venomous act of and it is proved that ne has com-
bewitchme 打t ) , 化 e Lady o f the Manor mitted a poisonous act o f whch 灯 afl;
u 打dertook to wca 打 her from those un­ ibr it seems to me that, out o f con-
speakable habits by the most holy side 巧 (ion for the public safety,such
teaching within her means. Accord- children ought in additioD to be
ingly ,品 cr the mo 化 cr had suffered ba 打ished and exiled from the boun­
her punishment, she kept her for some daries o f human nature* For as to the
time under the care ana admonition of argume打t that punishment hw a cor­
a certain matro打, until it seemed to rective and ameliorating effect upon
everybody that she h泣d recovered her criminals) I fear that it is vain to apply
senses and her fbrmer freedom, having it to such cases as we are considering;
cast 〇巧 the yoke o f 此 e Demon. But 化 r experie打ce has shown that they
alas! one night as she was sleeping who have faHc打 into the power o f the
as usual with the maid-servants^ the Demon can rarely be rescued except
BK. I. lU )L A TR V 95
by dea化,SO 化nacious is he o f his hold sen化nee was pas巧d on an eleven-
upon that to which he has a right, and year-old boy because he had l^Ied
so slow to loose anything from his another boy with a s化ne a 打d had
clutches. And— if it is relevant to the hidden the body.
Question to say so— what easier win- In short, 化 return to the point from
dow to sin could be opened, what which I have 出gressed, it ;s not just
greater hope o f impunity could be to purchase the safety o f one at the
。於 red or given, than 江 any Just or price o f the manifisst danger o f many
I巧 idmate exewe should be acfmitted innocent persons undeservir^ o f pun­
for so great and detestable a crime? ishment. f o r it is beyond doubt that
Therefore let those wh<»e office it is to the crimes which tiiey commit at
cry such cases consider whether the another、 behest while sti" in ignor­
laws that condone and excuse a ance o f their nature, 化 ey will most
criminal on account o f the innocence ardently pursue on 么 d r own behalf
o f hi$ age ought I*帥 tly to be applied when riper years have fhUy kindled in
to this crime, which is not only b e^ n d 比 cm the 1口巧 o f anger and revenge.
hope, but eve。 ti边 tens its grip with There seems to be more wisdom ;n w£at
increasine years. For we read that MtnAn如 ( Cic• 踩 isL 化 cd 之ru泣m)
odier far 1 林 化 r 》 in$ have been visitedsays o f this sort o f crime; that it is
with the last severity as well b y divine better met with a salut^ y severity
as by human law. Forty-two children than with a profitless show o f mercy.
we 巧 rent in pieces by two bears for no Gellius (X X , 1} abo commends the
other reason than that they followed har$hness o f Sextus Caecilius in pua-
EUsha, mocking Urn and sayii3^: "G o i洗 ing the crime o f sorcery as a 》 化ra
巧> , dl^ou baU head!" Trebius encour巧 ement to 吞cod a 打d prudent
冷 rman L 巧 ate inflicted the extreme living• 化 ere $hou£l be no lack o f
pe 打alty upon an im扔 b k child, as examples 化 prove their age does
Marcianus'*' observed in his Eleventh not ttstnin such children from com*
Book 戶tfW!•沁 兴 旅 simply be* 历itti 巧 deeds o f witchcrah at 山 e i。,
cau 化, aUhough he was lying at his stigation o f their parents; for I remem*
ma$tcr,s ibet when he was killeS, he did b 巧 reading in the reports o f the trials
not report the murder. There is also o f such that there have been children
化e famous Athenian judgeme 打t, by who have confessed that they earned
which a child was condemned to death hidden under their nails a poison
because he had plucked the eyes out given them by their parents, and ciikt
o f a c r o w ; 仿r by 化 at he haa given they used to sera化h their playfellows
the fullest indication o f the sort of and 化 us ofle打kill 化 em, But 1 cannot
a im 巧 he would commit as a grown now recall their names or die time o f
man* A like consideration induced me their trials; for I had not yet thouglit
and my colleagu巧 a few years ago to o f w ritii^ this work when I read
se打化nee a 化ief not yet seve打化en years them.
old 化 be crucified; for he iwwi three But one instance will
times been scou巧 為 a 凸d bad even when I was on the point c •publish-
been branded upon one shoulder, ing this work, came before uss Duum^
and yet continued to live a 1屋反 virs at Barr in M ay 1591. This was the
theft and robbery. Bodin m hb D4- case o f 这boy not yet seven years old ,
jnonomame (III, 5) records that by the one Laurence o f Ars-sur-Moselle, tried
verdict o f the Parisian Senate the same at Serre in M ay 1581, who n i^ e it
>erfectly clear by his own account ^ a t
* **Marcianus** A tlius MarcianuSy 。 had been taken fay his parents to the
Roman jm H who Used under Caracalla and ^crable Demons* Mectmg, where he
AUxander Sevtrus. H is works art turn the spit and
quoted in the Digest. roasting o f and

further, that his Little Mas化r, who fro町 購 that the present
called himself Verd-Joliy had more than case belonged to that category was
0打ce made him take some poison with su租 ciently proved by the pri犯 ner,s
which he might kill the cattle o f any* hatreds,theus, li辟 je^ousics and per­
one who c a u ^ him even the slightest juries and such preliminary sins, to
注打打oya 打cc; and that this proved in which no one would deny that his
the event to be so, childish age was subject: that the only
Upon this there aro巧 no small dis- ci*i讯 c o f which he had not bee打 guil皆
pu 化 and dis化nsion among the Judges, before the age o f puberty was that of
as to what course should be taken with vcncry, and that only because his
the boy who had perpetra化d such powers were not yet sufliciently de­
deeds, t o r some argued that it was not veloped to perform 化 at a c t: that
,u巧 that huma 打 society should be any S. Gregory o f Nyssa had expr份sed 化 e
onger burdened with one who had so same opinio打 in his (Gap. !,成
basely become an enemy o f the human 公拍c/. Finally, it was now qui化
race; that he did not appe江r to de­ a common e邱 erence 化 find boys o f
r i v e pity, who had had no pity for seven years more cunningly ad叩 t in
anyone whom he had wished to in­ crime than, in less enlightened hm 巧,
ju re: that his life ought 打ot to be were those who had already attained
spared) who had in the vilest manner the a^e of pubei*ty; fbr it may truly
deprived others o f Ufe and would, be said that childre打 arc now so p ro
im\en God prevc打化d it: continue to do cociously and prematurely knowing
so : that he was an outca$t o f the last and shrewd thaty as the lawyers say>
depravity, who would not have been they easily make good with their malice
spared even by the laws o f the Pagans, the defidc 打cies o f their age.
who did 打ot follow the w ay o f piety as On the other ha 打d, ih 的 e who look
we d o : that one polluted so great a a more lenient view argued that he
crime 扣 u巧 unaoubtedly be put to who did not know whac he was doing
death, even zs a beast to which a could n 〇【 be said to have dcicrted to
woman has lain down, that there the enemy: that for this rcaso丘 it used
should remain no trace or memoiy of to be 化 e custom to pardo已 a recruit
so execrable and detestable a thing: the first time he deserted^ on the ground
that it was impossible to plead in that he was as yet ignorant o f mHitary
defence innocence o f intent, on which disdpli 打e: that it could not be p化 -
account children are spared in other sum苗 that an act had been com*
cases; for none could deny that he mitted in pitiless cruelty by one whose
had shown that persis化打cc o f purpose nature character it IS to 注bhor and
which belongs to one who harbours abomina化 nothing so much as cruelty:
the memory o f an injury received in that children cannot endure the mere
spUc o 七the lapse o f um c; and, more* sight o f slaughter, wounds, fires, and
over, he had taken his revenue in a other such calamities; and that it is
secret and skulking manner, like one clcai*Iy shown by experience that they
who was quite conscious o f wrong­ immedia化ly weep and howl at the
doing. In the case o f a manifestly misfoj'tunes o f others: that if they have
hideous crime it is not enough to ever been known to do otherwise, it
adminis化r the home disciplme and must be considered as being a prodigy
admonishment usually meted out to and that their actions have not con*
children; it must be brought befo巧 fbrmed 化 their wishes; and there can
the Judges and punched with the full be no crime where there is no criminal
severity o f the la w ; that there could be intent. That they are no more the
打o question o f granting impunity on cause o f another's death than are the
account of the prisoners age when it knifcj cudgel, stones or poisonj or other
was shown that his crime proceeded i打strument by which a man,s 1报 may
be 化ken; and no sane man would be a 打d beasts should be subject to the
so foolish as to wreak vengeance upon same law. It in no way detrac 比d from
such 比 ings becau化 th 巧 had been in- the innocence and ingenuousness o f
strumental in a man’s murder, fbr that children that they had a long memory
would be like a dog biting the stone for an injury; that they glaSly seized
比 rown at it and leaving alone him upon a chance to repay one; or that
who 比rew 比 Certainly there were Ujok care not to be caught in the
formerly certain persons sacred and a c t ; 仿r all this was true aTso o f the
dedicated to the Gods o f the Lower bru 化 beasts, to which no one would
World, upon whom anyone might for that reason rightly attribute a con­
with impunity commit murder or any sidered purpose. That the heinous-
violence; but such persons willingly nc巧 o f a d e ^ depended upon the iti-
and knowingly offered themselves Tor 化打tion o f the doer; and fbr that
that fbul sacrifice in rjsturn fbr an reason the law dealt more kniently
annual public contribution o f whole­ with a murde化r whose only in 化ntion
some food; and this was done for the was to wound his victim ; but there
purpo化 o f purifying their country or could be no question o f crime on the
exp化ting some crime, p!a运ue or por- part o f a child not yet capable o f guilt,
tenl, as it was in the case o f the scape- a 打d far less ought 比时e to. be any
goat which the Hebrews used to send question o f the degree o f his culpa-
out into the wilderness. But nothing b 化巧 ; fbr the iaw deciares that wnat
o f 也is could rightly be applied to th 技 does not exist cannot be qualified. That
boy, who had no vow Sn return it was beside the point to distinguish
for a reward :who would not by his here between domestic discipline and
d 说比 expiate a public danger or 化 e public example; for it wa3 no less
death of another^ whose punishment, repugnant to the law, which is, as
in short, would in no way be exem- A^is^tle 化巧, bawd upon principles o f
plary save as a reproach to N a 化rc 化r proper )rtion, to impose a public pun-
not having more wisely and com- ishmer murder upon a child o f
pletely instruc化d and 化rdfied 化 e tender age than to sentence an adult
early childhood o f mankind. That it man to be beaten and chastised with
was in no sense apposUc to instance the rods in his own house for the same
fact that an animal which has once offence. T h at childhood was entirely
been poilu化d and contaminated 的 a innocent o f guile and incapable o f any­
man's lust is put 化 death that the tim e which ought to be imputed to
remembrance o f it be wiped out; m alice; for when Demosthenes spoke
仿r 化 " e was a vast 出 無 rence、 etween o f himself as still impubic and 义uite a
slaughtering an animal^ which is born mere l&d, UlRian notes (I. 3 , 奪1,
in order to *^6 s la u g h te r , and taking sebulck, tool. Joe. Ctaatm obsemtt. t.
the life o f a human being for whose V l , cap . 。。)化 at he meant it to be
benefit N a 扣re allowed the gift o flife understood that he was not yet cap­
to the other animals. Not even 出e able o f guUt: nor did it at all militate
law always demanded the same pun* against this view that boys ^ 1 Iks
ishment for the same offence; but through fear o f the rod ; that they are
lightens the sentence for one man on spitefm to their fellows in case o f a
account, o f his position and foruine, dispute; that they sufTer their masters
while it increases and makes it heavier wi也 an ill f a c e , and often hate them ;
仿r another on account o f his meanness that theyey do
a o not refrain from
froir laying
and poverty; for (as Pliny says) their bands on others* property; fbr
nothing couM be more in«q山tabic these are only the rudimen色 and
than to pass an equal sentence upon cradle o f vice, not consummated
all and sundry. It was, then, un- crimes and sins which must be re*
w<Nthily done to demand that men 1 anc vindicated by human

laws. And as to the alie^Ation that who 讯 he i$ compelled to obey; and to

children develop knowlMge and what extent 舶 dren o f a 化ndcr 吗 e
u 打dentanding earlier chan tKcy used are subject 化 化 c at!化 ?rity o f their
to do fbrmcr了y , 化 at was ao age-old parents would easily be judged by aU
complaim (Horace,Com* III, 7); who were willing to re 巧 U 化 eir own
说 perie打c 巧 at that age ,
What is there grows not worse to-day? Sentence was passed in accordance
Our grandfathers were bad, they say; with the laUer view becau化 it seemed
O ur Fathers worse; and we, stUl worse, to be the more lenient. But because
Shall soon beget a greater curse. the sin o f witchcraft is said to
And in this opinion Horace was 制 - 化 aredy possible 化 exjpU化, and 化 ^ |f
lowed many years la 化r by Salvius there is any means o l efiecting this it
JuHanus* (X•妓 Mrf, S 巧• 科 i r 化巧化柳• A mu巧 come from the daily penance and
Z>0• 巧 Domitius Ulpianusf (i. discipline imposed by those who have
Impuherm D ijitri, Uaergdib. di shut themselves away from the world
Julius PaulusJ (i» 4, tribut. to cultiva 化 a s化mcr and more rigid
<u^〇 7M ^ a n d se v e ra lo th e rJ u rh c o n - devotio打, was decided to place the
suits; but they all de打ied that children boy in a Convent o f Minimsl w 畔 h
were capable o f guilty except such as stood near the place where the trial
were on the verge o f pubei^ , that is was heard, and existed until a short
(according to CaJ^stratus§), when they time ago. For nearly all said that
were wkhm no more than six mojit接 there was no hope o f a change of
o f that age, or at the most within a heart, and 化 at th 巧 扣 ust expect
year, as Galen explains it in his nothing if ht cou!d not win back his
Aphorisms (III, 20), tor they have not salvation by that means* And may
arrived at years o f di化巧tion un 。!that God 山 e Ah 心 ghty, God 化 e Fa 也 cr 弁
age. Final y, that it should be con- light, m 灯 cy an(( life 护 ant 化 at he
sidered a venial o 無 nce i f any, may be saved• 化 at 公了ast men n^y
mi 任 a crime at the comm&nd one have a surer and more certain suide
as to how ihey should conduct mture
任ials o f this sort! Por o f a truth in all
,&ihius.、 a Raman m y experience hitherto I have not
jurisL Under Hadrian <mt the Antoi heard o f a single witch who has re­
uw pra^utus ttrbiy and twice consul,
order 9 / Hcdrian he dnw up the Udicl\um turned to bear good ihiic ;but, on the
peTp€tuum、*> which is of consi也table impcTi contrary, they all with one mouth
once in the histoiy of RamanjxtrispruiiM. assert that, once they have given their
^ "Ulfim us." The date of Uu birth allegiance to the Ikm on, they may
this ahSraUd hirist if unki unknown, but the not ;mpuni巧 be feist to him.
guaUf part o f kis w&fhs iver^ ivriiUn during And i f ever they wish to renounce him^
如 uign 皆 CoraeaUa. 成 was murdifid & or i f they grow w e ^ o f him because
化e sodi巧 in 228, Thi cornpiUrs <(fthe "Di* he fails to fullil his promises, or be­
gesf, ga^er<d^nmhff〇 mhisicoikthattfusi comes intolerably violent or import
excerptsform about om-ihird of the whole body tuna 化 ; yet they are unable 杞 free
of that code.
专"Julius Paulus." Om o f the m&st dis­ A religums orderfounded ^
tinguish^ of the Roman jurists,and perhaps o f PauUu fast prop啤 ated in
tfu most fertile of all th$ Latin law writers. Italy^ Huy w^i introduced special royal
Upu^ds ofs, venty •uparaU works by this m- favour into Franctf whit/ur /ounder tvas
O iii巧or* quotedin the "Digest" survived calkd in I與 2, A i his death in !是 〇 ? there sx*
fds amimfwojy Ulpian. isUd Jive provinces spread over /iidjf, Frana,
每"Cailistratus, wT"hisjurist,whoisJh- Spain and Germany, TIu rule is ,xcg,ding苗
cited in the "Digest," wroU aSleast as strieif and numbers t>f this family are cdud
htc as tkf days of Severus and €前 acaUo, A,D^ upon to practise extraordinary s请 •abnegation
^nd to ciiUiDaU a spirU o f pMittnc$>

them化Ives because o f his continual any dealing with a fbtid and putrid
and assiduous ur如 於 threats and corpse; an 丢 the separation e报 cted by
blows* This very month, at Dom- death between soul and body, undl we
basIc^cn-Argonne, July 1591,) Jean ^ p e a r before the judgement seat o f
Bursar asserted that he had very often Christ,is grea 化r than any 出 31 can be
tried 化 do this,bu【 in vain, wrought or thought (II. Corinihians v»
20). It is probable, th ere fb re, 化 at
jheilis iU乂ensuj Autrni: this 15 all a deliberate and malicious
At rniocare gradum, superasque euadcre ad invention o f the Demons that they
auras, may more a 打d more deceive human
Hoc opus》 hie labor esL nature, and stiU more 如 om;Qiously
a b u s e in o r ta lr e in a in s ;n th e ir c o n -
Y e t let us confess that all th 巧e things 仔ivanccs for the destruedon o f the
depend upo打the wWl and judgement of human race, Tacitus {Annal. II),
Almighty G od; and that this difficulty speaking o f Piso who was suspected o f
o f emerging from such sin arises not so sorcery, 5皆 3: ‘*Therc were 挺 imd 比 e
much fro扣 the untiring energy o f the remains o f human bodies take扛 from
Demon, as from a just ordinance o f the 兵round a 打d 化 eir tombs, spells and
God that wkch 巧, being deprived of enenantments, and the name o f Ger*
and cut o il from 白is grace, cannot by manicus scratched on tablets o f lead ;
their own power and strength free decomposed flesh half burned, and
themselves 化〇瓜 the ( of other cantrips by which it is believed
Devil. that souls are doomed to the infernal
deides.*^ Apuleius [poldin AsSy Bk. II)
also touch巧 this pomt when he assign
the reason for the practice a t Larissa In
CHAPTER . Thessaly o f keeping a watch during the
Dight over the bo^es o f the dead, and
That Wiukis make Evil • 化 ys: "W i 化 ou【 doubt it was to p 於
Corpsts; especially of Abortive Births^
Croninds 扛 t to D!ath bjf the Law, or
vent the w i 化hes, who infested that
country, from shamefully biting pieces
Mjf that have died som Shanuful or out o f them for use in bringing (^ am ­
iStshonourable Death. ity upon the living,**
h aveth cau th oricyofP o r^ iy- The wUches o f our own time also
nus, De Sacrifieixs^ and Psellus, use such practices, especially when
that witches very oileo they can come by the corpse o f a man
make fbul use o f human corpses in who has been put to death and exposed
their evil works;* the supposition being upon a cross as a public example. For
that, as SCO打 as souls are freed from they derive 比 e ma 化rial fbr tneir evil
their earthly connexion, they become charms not only from the corpse^ but
endowed w "h powen ol*vaticination; even from the ;nstru饥 e打ts o f Its pun,
but 化 at 出 ey still retain some CO凸tact ishment, such as the rope» the chains^
with their (brm打 house o f flesh, and the stake, or the fetters; for it is a com­
arc therefore believed to hover around mon belief among them that there is
and haunt their dead bodies. But thu some virtue and power ミ n such things
seems to me entireW ;ntprobablej 仿 r in the preparation o f their magic
no one ever yearns lor the prison from spells. Tney can have no other reason
which he has escaped, Dor ca 打there be for possessing themselves o f the abor­
any n e ^ for a soul that has at last tive births 〇i women; for they make
attain苗 to a sta化 o f purity to have from the skin o f these a parchment
which they inscribe with some bar­
• " 拉fil Works.,、 Sw Cue *Cmp€7f barous and imknowzK characters and
dium AiaUJUarum>" Book II> afterwards use in tlie
100 DEM ON I BK. L ill.
their dearest wishes. As to this, such ashes to the winds with cu 巧M
A^iippa and Petrus de Abano and a 打d i 打cantations, either to burn off
W ^ cr, three mas化rs in damnable the blossom from the trees or to kill
ma 如 , have leftinstructions which sur- the crops. Maria, the wife o f Johann
pa 的 all human nature. Others again Schneider, who lived in Metzercch,
cook the foetus in its entirety until it is recounted that Joauneta, the wife o f
ei 化er reduced to dry ashes or mcl化d Soniaus Mathes^ gave premature birth
into a mass with wWch they mix cer, to a ch"d which 油 e secretly buried in
tai 打 other ;ngredients, Giova 打ni Ba^ the Aoor o f the a p a r^ e n t in which
tista Porta o f Naples, iu the Second she lived; but certain witehes got
Book of his jV*a化 货 if, observes that wind o f 化》 and dug it up 帮 ain shortly
this practice was usra in his time. afterwards and reduced it to an oiiU.
Pliny wro 化 that 凸说 only midwives, ment, with which she herself had at
but harlots also, used thus to dislimb times anointed a besom upon which she
abortions for the (>urpose o f prq>aring $a【 and was 枯 m e up 0。的 h to Bruch,
poisons fo r 【heir crimes, Ancf the prac. the place appointed for the Sabbat by
tice is common to-day in German Lor* her L;tUe 的 aster, Aoui《成 Antoine
raine, as I have ofifen fou 口d in my Welsch at Gucrmii^ei^ Dec« 1589,
exam; nations o f witehes on a capital said that he had been told o f simila^
charge* doin^ by the wives o f Gross Michel
Anna 民u 肪 , at Dieuze, October and each o f whom was very
1586, acknowledged that she had well known to him among the con­
h e lp ^ a witch named Lolla to up federacy o f witches; namely, that not
a corpse which had recently been long since they had dug up from the
buriea b y the great Gate o f Dieuze^ and ceme^ry a 【 Guermin护 n two such
that 枉om it》 charred ashes they had corpses, which had la ta y been buried
concocted a potion which would cause b y their parents, Bemhar出 and An-
the certain death o f those whom they —:rchcn, and that after con-
wished to kill* Catharina o f Metingow < in fire they had converted
(巧化 m, S e p t . 巧 86) added that 化 them & their magic uses; bu【 first 化 ey
make it nastier to the taste» she used to cut o ff the 却 扣 arm wit^i the shoulder
mix with the potion lupine, ferns, and ribs belon^ng to it, to be used as a
elecampane, ox-gall, soot, or anything light in case they wished to administer
else 化at was even mo化 bitter; for poison to anybe^y at night. This is a
they force the poison into their victims* marvellous m att^ which might well
mouths against 化eir will a 打d in spUe appear to be fabulous. The 於
o f their utmost stru牌 les, as w ill be o f that dismembered Hmb used to burn
shown la 化r. This is Dome out by the with a blue sulphurous flame until they
testimony o f Meg Brico at Forpach, had entirely comp!e化d the business
Aug. 1587, concerning tne di巧 fing up which they had in hand; and when the
o f the corpse o f an imant which had flame was extinpiished the fingers
bee 打 buried the day before by its would be just as whole and unimpaired
feather, Faber Wolf. His account 山扛 as if they had not bee打 prodding the
拓rs 扛om the 0打e above only one tinder for a light; and however often
respect; for he did not bum the body they had cause to use the fin护巧
to ashes, but melted it down into a were still fbund to be undiminia醉
lump from which he could the more Not long after he had made 化is s化化•
easily prepare his unguent^ aiterwa^s meat, it was CO口巧nned Sn almost 化 e
reducing the bones to ashes with which same words the wife o f that Bem-
to 化 e trees that their fbuit hardi (Guermingen, Jan» 1500); and
might fail. This agrees with the state­ she did not deny the shameful deeds
ment o f Fuxena Eugel at BulUgny^ which she had committed upon her
April 1586, that she used to scatter own offspring; how for her hellish

purpos巧 she had 化m pieces, objects devoid o f feeling, it must 歌

roasted it and destroyed pear miraculous that flames should for
To any who care to remember the a considerable time adhere to a living
recorded stories o f times past^ and to body without causin襄 a 打y hijury or
consider carefully 化e rumours which lesion in the skin. Y et when Lucius
are daily spreaa abroad, it will not Mardus, after the assassination o f the
appear 化 at this is 气ny new matter or Scipios i打 Spain, was u 巧 ing and stir,
mo 巧 difficult to believe than many of ri打g up his soldiers to ve 打gca 打cc,a
the por化nts to which Demons 和ve flame shone out from his head: the
i*i化 every day, Pliny 化Us that, WJiile sa讯e thing was seen upon Servius
he was wa 化ning by the rampart, he 了ullus as 江child whe 打 he was asleep;
saw a light like a star upon the sol- and at Anagnia a slaveys tunic burst
diers' spears, a 打d flames darting about into flames, but after his death no
among the saikyards without doing trace o f fire could be fou打d upon him
any dam 巧 e ; these flam巧 were called {Julius ObsequenSf De Prodigii^ : these
by 化e sa瓜巧 o f that Ume Castor and are stories from Roman history. And
Pollux; but to-day, as I hear, they call Vergil, who (as Macrobius says) 0打en
化cm 每,Anselm's fi化 • Now let us wrapped up the 化uth in fiction, by
grant 化 at 化 is is cau 化d by cxiiala* this augury foreshadowed the roy^u
tio打s from the earth or the sea, which, nature o f Ascanius {Aen. II, 683):
V化rating about 化e e o d s o fth e s a il-
yards; burst int:o flame; let us grant
light shone om lulus ,
that 在 ese exhalatio打s hover about the
And softly touched hair, and
ends o f the spars just a ass 化 0打 is at*
化ac 化d. by a magnet: how is i 化 at
played around
His temples; yet harmed hi瓜 not
fire, hich , is quick t 3 consume all
thi: 巧, operates
other thin this case at all.
without the least burning or damage, We must, then^ conclude that this is
and leaves 打ot the sligh 巧St trace o f 打ot the soit o f 行re which feeds upon
ib elf behind? For, as Plutarch says, 化辽t which gives it life, like the fire
fire is a ravenous and devouri打g bea 巧 which w e use every d ay; but that it is
which consumes everything with which no more than a lake appearance dt*
it comes in contact* I f this seems in- vked by the Demon> wno is quick to
c 化d ibk in the case o f inanimate dec^ve the eyes 沾 men in far more
difficult matters than this*
• "S . Ansebtes 如 •" Jtaihr i Elmo^s I remember also having read in the
fa t. St. PiiiT Gonz^Uz um bom i rrgo — confessions o f witches a to u t wander­
Astoria, Spain; md diid /5M o f April, Js^By ing balk o f fire often seen by them at
al Tt^. He entered A t Dmimcan Order^ and nighty and speaking with •
becofru c fomous pnacker、 but、 to fa r from voice; ; I am without m em o
seeking preferment and renowriy hi SvoUd his randa o f the 化护 place and time o f such
如 to the we皆 are o f the ignorant mariners in appearances* s. I t is probable that diese
Galkia and 茲 mg tiu o f Spain• 陳 is are no more : ethanthel ^^MXクl化ミde-
以 ried in the o f T 巧 • S• 扮 饥 o、s Jiu scribed1 to us b y the philosophers
is a fUctrical 也 cliirgt scmtifMS utn M which arc often
otten seen bDyy travellers it
stormy nights on the tips 0/ spirts, about ihe hilly or marshy places* It is only to be
de<:kand rigging shijfs, in tiU s/i如 皆 a ball
brush, singfy or in ^trs, particular^ i •
expected that they should find a
mastheads ^ yardarms.. Tfu mariner. mariners be* n a t u ^ origin for these phenomena,
lUvi tfum to ie tfu souls > the (UparUd^ ring that they trace cvct, 一
whence tk^ are also cdUd corposant sources and admit no o ^ e r
sento). TTu ancients caiUd Mm Hdtna Jin rdiiccr or workman than Nature in
when seen singly^ md Castor and Pollux when any case whatever. Y e t the commoii
in pairs. still holds that this is an
10 2 DE; B K . II. CH. i n .

apparition or spectre. Pontius Tiar- Romanorum, sub Theodosia) says that

daeus * {De uniumitateS says that the when Pe巧amus was being b巧ieged by
Gauls in their vernacular 化ngue very the Saracens* the dtize 打$ (as it is the
appositely call it Aduizy that is, a way o f those in d 巧perate straits to fly
Phantasm ;a name which is ordinarily to evil cou巧es) consul化d a ce巧ain
given to such images as are apparent sorcerer as to how they could free their
only to the sight. And this belief is city from the siege. He answered that
not alb>gcther N^ithout reason, fbr in they would certainly succeed in this it
the first place this flame is cHfTerent in they dipped their right arms i打a ves化1
its movements from nam 巧1 fi化, which in whicn had been boiled a foetus
can never run along without some fbrcibly cut from a pregnant woman,
material to feed upon; and in the ThU 沾 ey most rel{^ously did; yet
places where the \ViU, o,*th^wisp is 化 ey& ll none the k 巧 in化 山 e hands of
seen 打0 one has ever fbund fuel enough thefr enemies; fbr it is to be thought
to support such a 护 怖 6. Then, agam, that 比 e Demon devised 化 at lie fbr no
it lures tr&vdlcrs into ponds and t^ver other purpose than, through that atn>
whirlpools a 打d steep places; and thh clous parricide, to heap sin upon sin on
not unjustly gives rise 化 a suspicion the people o f Pc巧 amus and so bi^ing
that there is some evil a 打d mischievous them to their dcstructio打> They are
spirit in it. which thus holds out to 打ot the only 0打es who have been be-
men a 化ren to entice them 化 d 巧true- fouled by that bloody crime. BerosusJ
tlcn and death. (if the writings aUnbuted to him are
It is probable that it happened so in really his), together with Mcga^
that abominable busin巧s o f which we the打es § and ^^yrsilus d and ouicr
have just written; namely, that it was ancient authors, wrote that at one time
not a true flame which appeared on God sent a flood to punish men for
the 行nger-dps o f the arm 化rn from the their cu 巧0瓜 o f ripping in&nts
corpse, but 0打ly a Demon i 打the form their mothers* womDs, for use either
o f a flatnC) who chooses such wretched at th d r execrable banquets or for
human remains as the fittest instru*
巧e打t 与r his dark deeds, persuading
Frudi about and dUd 0n tfu i$th AprUt
his su巧ects 化 at there is some virtue ;n probcbl! in ;巧 •脱 first likr巧 mrk was
them for the performance o f their most the "ifisbfria ^ornoMy" which is luu quoUJ.
difficult tasks; and 砰 edally 江 the It is now conridwd of iU瓜 voltu, btU during
corpse has been the victizn <^some mis* th£ Middle Ages U m s higUjf €st<emd
fortune^ an abortive birth> or one fiequenify
一 eensutud as an MiMiiy.
killed b y pmsoa or the sword or by i"B€rasus.>>AprUsiofB*lt^6lBabjfhn
some other violent death. For id such whoUvedinthi u im o f Antiochus //, 261^^4$
vicdence lies his ultimate tritimph; B知 cfid wrol4 in C r,A a Mstofy 々 f BobyhniA
this is the ripest fruit and by & r the in three bwAs. i lu m rk、 ttu maUrids f 々 r
richest reward o f all his n ^ c e and whkh w m derived f i m 瓜 A f舶说s in ifu
化hemin^* B ^ r e closing this discus­ UmpU 皆 Bdus, is list, but tvm the quotaiicns
sion I w ill add one or two examples. preserved in atKUnt authors ere vduebU.
Paul the Deacon 卞 ( Lib. XXy mvm - A Guik ymUr who
\by Sdeucus Nicat0T <1$mba$s〇 (hr to Sen*
MtuSf Khig o f t/u Prasiiy a great and
• "Pontius TTardaeus.、 , The gnat worltqf poweiful people on the Ganges. Aiigdsihines
Bishop Pmm Je Tyard, " D i UniumiiaU," 。 uiofA CH m/w , 々 1/1•瓜式
was long htld in highest esteem^ and was Ten­ "Itu拉a,** to uAich tiu Grt戌 geographers m
dered even ietUr known by the French trans^ nmh mdebUd.
hiion **VUmoers^ ou des parties €t d$
• i wUtm du 1妨 . in date, a o f Lesh^tjr<m
"Paul 戍e I}eaeon." Paultu Diaconus, nus o f HaUcarnassus
m bmewed
bonewed a b of
naxrui CofMotfu, historian^ was bom at
B K . II. CH. IV . DEM ON O L A T R Y 103
compounding and mixing poisons 化r
others. We read o f infants being put to CHAPTER IV
the former use in Aristotle's Ethics
(V III, 5), where he wri 化s 化 於 ic o That the Snares set by Witches fo r Man­
machusof a woman so vicious and de* kind am wUh the grcdtMt D 部cuUj bt
pravcd that she used to rip open the (woided; fo r in some unknown Shape and
wombs of premant women anddevour Form they slip into Locktd and Barred
the foetus which she had drawn from Houses by Nighty and by their Dread
them, «^poUo打i u s 至^4声心戶 &化M化a化巧, Arts overpower wUk the 成 aviest Steep
IV , 8J, Diodorus (Lib. X X ), and the thos: wko 公 re there in B id ,and do ma巧
Schohast upon Aristophanes in the other Marvels; against which there is
Wasps mention that this was also no more Effective ProUction than tfu
formerly the cusK)m o f Lamias, And Pr巧《 rs wUh which w i are accusUmed
Horace 戶0化,340) also says: to entrust and commefui ourselves 化
Cod on going to Btd^ With somewhat
From the bloated body o f an aged coTicerning the M tihod hy which ihey
w i 化h cause 化at ChaTtmd Slctp,
They cut a child that was not yet T T is not without c&u巧 化 at
quite dead. •Lsuspec化d wkehes arc everywhere
objects o f fear. For although their
Wc have already recorded the de* power to injure whomsoever they will
tailed testimony of Dominique Isa* IS not unlimited) as may be seen in the
belle to the effect that the wUches o f story o f Asmodcus * the slayer of
to-day practise the same custom. Sara*s husbands {Tobit viii) yet, with
O f the second use to which they put the will o f God, our own sms often
such coq^es the following example was render us liable to injury at their hands,
brought to my 打otice not long before as Antoine Welsch (Guermingen,
I thought o f publishing this work, D e c . 巧 柏 )> who was convicted on
Johann^oIUor of Welferdingen a
year-old child which was nis chief ^^Asmodeus.*
deliglit; and Agathma o f FeUelange, dmon identiJUd fy soiM rabiis
Anna o f Mil化ingen, and M 巧 eta of als0 called Chammadm and SjfdomL
Hochit stole it from its cradle and few emmenUUors even hold that hets thi same
placed it upon a burning pyre which as Beetzfbub or ApM jm (^^*Ap〇 cafypse** ix,
they had buih fbr that pu 重 ?sc on a 8)i an txlfmely wdil^y vtav. Johan Wefer^
s化ep mountai打 called Za u 片 and /untfeviTf in his **Ps€ud(hmonarehia damoman**
they cardblly collec化d its burned pviS s<mefaniastie deUab comxming him. It
ashes a 打d mixed them huo a fHaible Tm been suggested that Asmodeus is
mass with dew shaken from the crass the Persian 一如dma daiva、’ * uAo hi the
and ears o f corn. This they used for **Av€Sia^* is next to Angromam^, the dnef o f
spx*i打kling the vines and cropsand tr吁 s, epil spirits. But the name Asmodeus
so that their bio巧om should perish Semitic. The Aramaic wml " , •• 一一一,、
and the fruit fail. But this is perhaps cogn ai€ with ih$ Hebrew *^haskm£dy
Tclmudic legend tajs that Am o-
more than enough about a particu*
deus, or Asmodai^ um it^ ca U d in ike drunks
larly unpleasant subject, mness o f JVbe» and has some trufy extravagant
(cUsconuming him ettd King Solomon. Mort^
otfer> Asmo^us is nganbd as ike CO曲Urpart
o f LUiik^ end sometimes described as a jocular
tlf. (Cf. Le Sag^s DiabU BoiUux.**)
mnuh, t'D。 bab. T叙 " 战 !
M s.
moJms was one o f Ae A
Asmodeus devUs who posusstd
M 如dtim Ba^erU 每 the C 0\
convent Louis
and Blizcbeth at LouvUrs u
z〇4 B K . II, CH, IV ,

his own confession o f witchcraft, catch them, hurled the most terrible
扣ade clear. And no man is so "U p- threats after them. T o probe this
r 凌ht o f life and free from crime" mat化r more thoroughly the witness
(nor. Carm.^ I, 22), that his conscience in question was examined, and 量打the
does not prick him for some sin: no fullest manner confirmed all that the
man is so diligent and atte打live ;打his wi 化h had said; namely, that they had
religious observances but th 么t some­ attempted to poison him, and haa only
times, 山 rough stre巧 o f busi打巧s, he been preven化d by his happening to
打巧iects 化 ose daily praye 口 and dcvo- awake. For he had not yet been
tio 打a witii which he is accustomed to touched by their unguents, and he had
place himself in the care and pro化〇- pro 化c 化d himself against so great a
tion o f G o d ;and therefore it is not peril a 打d dan曼er with the sign o f the
without reason that eve打化e most con­ Cro 巧 and the心 rd, sPrayer. Fuxther,
fide打t arc sorely subject to this fear that it was 任ue that he had pursued
(S« August, Cw, Deiy X X I) 14). Be- them for a long way with a weapon*
sid巧, our daily experience o f tfce fact but had bee打unable to ca 化h them,
is proof enough that it is no light Catharinaof Metingow (Vei^aville,
danger that 孔 rea化ns us from this Sept• 巧 87) and the youth lie n 打eze! (of
source. For witches approach men whom I have la 化ly made men don),
with their poisons while they are 0江 Jacoba Weher (Ve 巧 avUle, O ct• 巧 84),
their guard, or often even when they Caspar Haffner (Morha打g, Aug.
are asTcep at night; a 打d they eve打en­ 1587), Margareta Jenina (Vergaville,
trap the vigilant with their wiles: so Jan• 巧 87), the same Margareta Luod-
that it 化ems hardly po 巧化le to guard man, Sennel o f Armentieres (Dicuze^
again 巧 them by human fbresight and Sept, 1586), aod nearly all wlio have,
pKcautio。 , • bee打ta至exi up for this crime in German
There are in this book many stories Lorrane, agreed in asserting that,
which should abundantly 巧tUfy the after they had served them for some
reader on this point; but since they years, their Demons had given them
have a rather fresh application herc> this power o f 於 netratin《into houses,
and since are not without some $0 that they could easily make their
entertaining qualities, 1 trust that 1 w ay 重〇tr o u g h the narrowest crack
shall not seem tedious i f 1 add a few after they had shrunk to the shape o f
more examples at some length* And mice or cats or locusts or some other
first o f all it 1$ worth recording the small animal o f that sort, according CO
evidence 担ven b y a certain witness their needs; and once they were inside
during the trial on a capital charge o f th^y could, i f they wished, resume their
Margareta Luodman (Ver^villc^ Jan* proper form and so conveniently
1587). Among other admissions, this execute their d esin s in the manner
woman o f her own accord aclmow« that has been 私 cribed: namely,
ledged that she had entered the house first to anoint the limbs o f their in*
o f that witness one night with the tended victim to prevent hi$ awaken­
intention o f forcing poison down his ing, and then to &old his mou(h open
throat while he was m a heavy sleeps forcibly so that he should reject none
and that she had only just failed in the o f the poison which 化cy pour ^nto his
attempt, for everythii^ seemed to be mouth by the light o f a candle burning
going well for her• 。口t unfortunately with a su^hurous flame. The sworn
ne surprised her b y awaJking from account o f herself left by this Marga«
his sleep, so that she and her associates reta Jenina is astounding. She con­
in crime were compelled to take to ceived a violent hatred lor her son
flight without accomplishing their Jacquelin because he kept pestering
purpose ;while be pursued them with her to go and make money in the
a weapo打 and, wlien he could not neighbouring market town
公 I I E M O N O L A T 民Y i 〇5
and dctcrr
:tcrrmncd to use any he would sDoa find someone else whp
田cans to rid herself o f his impoitun , would mend them just as well. This
With this purpose he and her made an的 , but
Hct very angry,
macie ncr 口u【she
! decided
Dmplices were carried by the De- to say nothing and to wait w a until she
一 to his house
1 in the dead o f night could take some prac^cal reveoge on
in Saxbringen, where they aroused him ; and she asked him to lit a few
him fro 田 sleep, dragged him from more days, when be should have 山
bed, and $et hi^n bc&re the fire to breeches back: meanwhile she asked
roast him alive if they were able; but, h;m to be so good as to sit down by
being prevented by some fa 化, they 化 e hearth wi 化 her fbr a little and
turned their thoughts to some other tas 化 one o f her apples that she had
form o f injury. So they took a piece o f 如 t baked. Gcran) declined 化 is ;n,
brick &om the floor, opened his side, vitation more than once^ saying that
and inserted it, whereupon the wound he had no leisure to stay any longer^
at once closed up; and after many and that he had no wish fbr 化e food
months o f agony 化6 brick burst ^rtfi she was offering him ; but one o f the
again in the si班 t o f many. apples stuck to the palm o f his hand
The following story o f Bertrandc and was so hotthat he at once tried to
Barbier (Forpa^, Aug, 1587) is very shake it o 迁 with the other hand;
similar• 知 le confess如 化 at> wi 化 比 e wh 巧eupon both his hands were so
help o f her associate witches, si had St。浊 為 e 化er that 化 巧 seemed as i f
inserted a beme i打 the neck ' one th 巧 woilld grow in 化 one, and all the
Elisa because she had refused h 灯江 time the apple in the middle was burn-
mug o f milk. In the same way Scnnel mg them so that it nearly drove him
o f Armentieres at Dieuze, Sep 化mber mad. He rushed out calling upon
1586, said that she had fis 苗 a split!化r eve巧 one he met for m ercy; anS every­
from a sheep^s rib in the top o f Philip body brou 如 t the remedy that seemed
Pistor,s foot, having first 成adc an in­ best to him , 汾me sa户打g that 化 c bum-
cision with a fish,s spine; and that a ing should be cooled in water, and
callosity formed over it and caused o在灯s that hi》 hands must be fbreed
him violent and continuous pain, apart with instruments. But when
中his was afterwards confirmca by nb 打e o f 化 CSC proved o f any use, and
Pistor himself it became clear that his misfortune was
Si打cc we arc 0打the subject o f these due to witchcraft, one o f the neigh­
injuries 50 secretly and astoundingly bours who was rather more shrewd
caused by witchcraft, I will add one told him 化 go back to the place where
more exampie which must exci化 no the evil had 行rst befallen him. This he
little wonder. Jana Blasia o f Baias-* did, and the old belda 扣 Blasia,
les*6 ain$ had a $on«in-law named Ray- treated the affair as a joke and laughed
ner with whom she lived in the same at him ; yet she rubbed his arm a little
house. Claude Gerard had given this down to the hand, until the apple
Rayncr his breeches to mend, but had dropped out; and at 0打ce the pain
been quite unable to get them back ceased) and he regained the full use o f
from him for his use; aod at last in his hands.
exasperation he went 化 反 ayner 化 In these stories the fbllowing points
ask him when he was going to make an appear to me chiefly worthy o f 打ote.
end o f his sub化rfuges ana delays, but F irst, 化 at, ju 巧 as emperors grant cer*
found that he was not the house and tain military rewards only to their
that only Biasia, his 伍othcr-in-law, veteran soldiers, so the Demon grants
was sitting by the hearth with his this power (according to the wjtchcs*
family. So he asked her to return him belief) o f changing themselves into
his breeches, saying that if her fine son- other forms only Co those who have
in-law had done making a fool o f him served him fbr many years and have by

their e^dl deeds ^ ven proof o f i be content to adduce such instances as

loyalty to him ; and this is> 狂 it are provided by everyday use and
were, th d r highest reward and prize experience. For who aoes not know
for long and £uthfiil sovice. H iis was that there are in nature many sub*
fiiUy w I : confession o f stanc巧 山 e internal or external appU.
Emeus Cammuus Pagny in 1583, cation o f which induces not only
and not a few othi o f that rabble, drowsiness or sleep, but utter uncon*
whose na $ciousne$s and insensitiveness to the
find in m y note-bodk. most violent pain? Surgeons know 和
Secondly, I caonot omit to 】 use o f such narcotics when they wish
upon diat heavy s le ^ with which to amputa化 a limb from a man’s body
witches tnnd theirvictims befbi * they without his feeling the pain o f it. An
administer t h ^ poison to then h The amusing example o f the skilful use o f
Gospel {S. MaUkm xsdv, 43) warns us such knowledge^ but one at the same
to watc^ unce^ingly ^ a t the thief time that must provoke our pity,
may not break in and take m asleep told o f a young man o f Narboime who
and o ff our guard* Now the surest was taken ^nto sidvery by a Thracian
watch 玉 5 that 哀ept by God over " s in pira 化• While he was tmder the mfiu*
answer to our prayers. **Whoso dwdl* ence o f a powerful drug he wa$ so
eth under the defence the most neatly castrated that, when he awoke,
High shall abide under the shadow o f he was amazed to find himself a
the 知 mighty, ,(戶化知 x d j safe from all totally new man, having beeo dq>rived
those dangers o f which H e i$ not the o f his virili^* Mattiob f also tells o f
autKor or source. "Except the Lord the asses o f Etruria which» having
keep 化。c i t y , 化 6 watch^nan w akeA eaten hemlock, used to fall ^oto so
but in vain" (/W otcxxvii). I t may be deep a sleep【 hat 化巧 were often car-
that some will laugh a t u e notion o f riea away tor dead; and after a great
this charmed sleep as a foolish old part o f their hide had been taken o 巧
wiv 巧,tale.
talc, I shaU
shall not try to convince 出ey would at last awake and get up
them by quoting how Ho 】
omer,s Helen OD to their feet and rush back t:〇their
mixed a draught o f wir 巧 stalls brayii巧 miserably*. Many such
oblivion o f all i l l s 。 Pliny r- drugs are koown and th々ir use recoin*
s ;t, de 歧 htful dr^um IV , men(ied by chemists; such as darnel,
; 1 ) s nor 〜 心 Papin- ni如 tshade, the rush commonly called
LS* writes about the ichanted wand Euripia^X mandragora^ castor, poj^y*
fAffercury: nor Vergil^s twig drugged $ee^» and, as O vid $ays in
_ »wers {Am. V I ) : for minplmcs^ X I (606-7) •
these are m a t t ^ o f poetic fiction^ and
lack the very stamp o f truth. I shall Herbs innumerable^
Night gathers softest sleep*
to a passage in fhi "s兴MS三
t ^^MaUiolV* Fietf^ Andrea the
Qmd mihi ^ c4l4brcUd Italian pfysidan end nataroUst, was
NutUiat? hom at Siena in ijo o and died at Tunt in
巧77, H , 巧w 从^ 成^ 供批成w 化化^ 拉於
also to 、
Ipassage o f the peror Meximilim II. His CoawuiUarus ufm
TO; the writings c f thf &lder doctors are tspecmly
tuesumma TmmUis aUiffud.
lussa^ nee Arcadiae reiimtU ^iramitui mgae. t " E u r ^ .、
,P 拉 入 •♦ 好istoria 公ura-
Vpm M s Bartkuts ghssts: **De ^targae Mef^ lis," LX 沿 ( €d. Brotier,i 碱 ); "Imunio
turiaU^ poUstaU peeuUarem TtacUU. sods tmum iunci gams empiem
damus Was sm itu sommm allici, u d
GH, D£M〇]

Now if a deep and lasting sleep can be \ Danes, there was one o f the mur,
caused by the mere natural ^ualid derers, named Benigno, who could
and virtue o f substances provided for easily have escaped punishment; for
that purpose, what, I ask, will not 化 e he was abroad when ne was inquired
Demons with their arts and con 任iv- for, and might have saved himself by
ances be able to effect? For not only flight But, relying upon 0打e o f these
have they a perfect knowledge o f the amulets • given to h W by a market
secret &打身hiaden properties o f natural stroller, he voluntarily offered himself
things, but th 巧 can also, wi 山 the will for trial nor did his CO打fidence prove
o f God, effect their purposes without groundless; for all the instruments o f
the external help of anything at alL torture were worn out before the man
For certamiy I think that there can himself felt any effect from them, and
have been no other cause o f the many so he was unbound quite unhurt» and
years* Http (if indeed the accounts are without having confessed* But as he
任ue) o f Epimcnidcs 化 c Cretan and was on the point o f being di^harged
many others, rccou打ted by Pau 巧 nias from priso口, he 仿und Kimself tin扣 e
and Eudemus and S;mplicius; for to bear any longer the load o f his 钟 h,
such sleep could never naturally have and o f his own accord confessed his
lasted so long• 入5 Aristode says crime and finally paid the penalty
成巧獻 W la脚 y, ;n 化 6 case o f a sub* with his life.
s记 nee natur占ly e打dewed with some Here it may be a i^ e d that this is
property or virtue, when the normal less surprising the case o f one who
period 〇£efficacy for that property has wishes and strenuously exerts him £ ^
been exceeded it 1瓜 |>〇33化 ^ for that to maintain silence; since the power
substa打ce 化 continue to exerci化 its which, wi 化 God's permission, Satan
effect. Therefore it follows that some exercises over a man is never so strong
o f the examples which have been as whe。 it is used with the full con-
known must derive their caus6 from sent and approbatio 打o f the man him-
some higher and more po化nt source, self; but that wc ought not to think
and that they are altogether different that men can be rendered thus coma*
from cases that are brought about by tose against their own w ill ; 化r in that
purely natural means* case 庄 c whole human race would be
The amulets covered with unknown equally subject to such influence* T o
characters (to u化 the words o f Apu* this I answer that there is little or no
lei us), worn by criminals to ensure diiference between QegUgence> or
their silence und肿 化 iture, cannot ^uiferance o f a thin!, and consent to
derive their numbing virtues from it, since such 打巧ligence gives the
nature; for 化 cy. induce a stab o f enemy every chance o f assault and
torpor only at a dme when^ by reason attack. For ne who neglects to set the
o f intense pain, sleep is the last thing necessa^ ganison and watch when an
to be cxpcc化d. And they are 护 ncrally enemy is threatening his city, does in
found written upon tiny pieces of efiect the same as he who l^ w in g ly
parchment, and may be wor打 at any and in 化ntionally betrays hU d 巧 ;an苗
other time without Dr*inging the very ;打such a case the enemy m ay say that
least desire or dispositio打 to sleep. he has rightfolly taken possession;
Y et jui*ists o f no mean repu化 have just by the law o f usucaptio丘 it is
held that these charms enaole a pris,
o 打cr to laugh at torture, and oflen • "AmuU此" U护 this point Gu〇 z^
hinder the judges from extracting the should be consulUdf ^Compendium M外
truth. In the trial held not long since corum," I, XV: "whether the Devil c n Makt
by the magismucs o f Schle 府 tadt of Men Insinsibl^ to Tarim," Sie ikie trcnsla*
the assassins i 凸 G 打 many o f Chri^ John Rodktr》:^2g、 with m U upon
tiana, the Most Serene Queen o f the tfu passagt^p. 55.
;O N O L A T R Y BfC.

not held that a man taken forcible cats * as often as they wi油 ed to eiUcr
possession o f anything that had no another man's house secretly ;。 order
apparent owner before. Therefore to pU 打t their poison there at night.
they brinff that misfortune upon them* These statements are 心)m e out and
sdves, w?io give themselves to sleep substantiated by the evidence o f many
without having first prayed and be- who hav^ reported that they have been
sought Almighty God for His help; attacked by whch 巧 in such shape;
since, a$ ha$ just been said, that is and the evidence ha$ tallied in all
their safest shield and protection respects with regard t o 【 he fact itself^
against ail the wiles o f the Prince of the place^ the persons, the time, and
Darkness. But the minds o f men who every circumstance and detail which
are about to sleep too often wander could be required to establish com­
into evil imaginin扔 like the Harlot plete proof. The case o f Barbeline
o f Jerusalem (【 〇 quo 化 S. Jerome), Rayel (Blainviile, Jan• 巧 87) is quite
who tur打s asiae for every pa5scr*by recent. She confe巧cd that she had
(Ad Kusticum Alcmukum,Ex Esaiat^ cransmuted herself into a cat, 5 0 that
c 巧 • 57). hi that shape she might the more
easily en化r, and the more safely prowl
泣bout the house o fjo a 打nes Ludovicus:
and that when she had done this, she
fbund hU two-year々ld chiid and HUed
CHAPTER it by spdnkli 打g over U a poison powder
That the ich-Udked-oJ' Examples of which she was carrying i打her paw.
MeUmoji^hosis、 both in Ancient and Whenever (as so easily happens
JUcenl fhfus 》mr* true in Appearona among neighl^u 巧 a 打d fellows^ Pc*
onlyy but not in Fact; for the Eyes are trone o f Arment化res (balheim, 1581),
iUceived by tiu Glamorous Art of the o f whom I spoke a Htuc while ago, wa$
Demons which cause stick Appearances. moved with ha 化ed or envy against
And although these False Appearances the herdsmen o f 打eighbouring 巧ocks,
are accomimnied by Actions which 任re he used to utter certain words by which
found 化 〇《p巧/idly Genuine》 this does he was changed iiuo a wolf; and being,
not prove the Truth o f such Metamor-- in such disguise, $afe from suspicion
pkesa; for it is that such Actions o f n! doing, he would the打 fall upon
are f^rformd by the Dtmtms which and rend in pieces every beast o f the
control 化e wkoU Matter; th巧 being ly herd that he couW find, Joannes Mai,
J^atur, able vay quickfy to bring tki^ risius acknowledged that h f had done
Designs to Effect, the same thing when he wa$ keeping
the flocks at Sulz-Bad across the woods.
T T is not 饥y intc打rion here to bring As Vergil says in his eighth ^ lo g u c:
«Lthe Ass o f Apuleius a^ain o 打 to the
s化ge, or to adduce fresTi exampies to Mocris I often saw changed 1 .woif
support the old talcs o f the poets of And prowling in the woods.
men bdng ch 么nged into beasts; but
only to bring forward such instances as • "Cals.、、 Bariolmeo S批 ta has as the
are attested by the evidence o f many rubric o f Cap. JCXX his " 如〇^似 5的批
witnes巧s and are proved by actual bus^^: wExperiential Apparmtis e^miTsionis
strigtap in calos." fie wriUs: "Cmprob公 tur
experience. The wUches o f Dicu 玄e, etid trf, quod asswnpium esi> in pra^dkia
VergaviUe, a 打d Forbach, and nearly Totione dt appomuia 饼 如 。 in Jbmam
all who have hitherto been tried for brutori、 pTotcipuf cc化nm、 pt ;ps〇i quoq.
this crime in the kingdom o f Austria, strigis faUnhsr^ ^ UsUs fidilissimos dt utsu,
and whose confessions have come into quaium totione hunuina tudiccre jboUst.** 'Set
m y hands, have maintained that they also Boguet, Examen o f Witches
changed themselves &om men into XLVIL
BK. IL CH. V. i〇9
A 打d not long ago the Dolonais * wit- evil reputation, caused her 化 be takco
nessed the public execution o f two and tiWown iiUo prison. Finally, OQ
werwolves who had been condemned being minutely questioned, she freely
to death by their Supreme Ck>urt. confessed ail as it has here been tola»
T o this class belongs the story which at the same time acknowledgi打g man禾
I heard myself from the Illustrious 0化er acts o f wkchcraft.
Count Paul a Salm, Prefect o f the Here I should relate also what I
Sacred Chamber in the realm o f Lor- heard from a cred化le source to have
rai打c, I was expressing to him my happened not long ago in Hither Bur­
doubts as to whether was an illu­ gundy: how a cci*tain hos巧巧 came
sion when a man appeared to take 化 e among her guests at supper i 打the form
form o f a beast, or whether there was o f a cat a 打3 spUefuily attackccl them ;
really any truth in such things J when and when one o f them cut o ff one oi*
he told me the fbUowing story. He her paws, she was fbund the next day
held a signiory at Pettelange, where, to have a hand missing. But becau 巧
fbllcjwing their ancient cu 巧cm, the in- m y informant told me this only in
habkams u化d to pay a yearly tribute 他 sin是 and I ca 打not 化lly verify 化 e
o f free service to him and his familY, acts, 1 have thought good to say no
One year they had thus brought their more about it. But o 打e more ins把nee
cart-loads o f fuelling, and were receiv- I will give, which I heard from the
ing a 护ft o f fbod in return, whe 打 renowned Lady Diana o f Dommartin,
often happens) a fight began in the the wife o f the illu 巧rious Prince
castle hail among the dogs that had Charles Philippe Croy, Marquis o f
come w kh them; a打d one bitch hid Haurech, my very kind patron, to
itself in an ove打for heating the ba 化s, whose good graces I owe such ad*
As the rest o f the dogs kept up a violent vancements in fortune as I have
barking at this one, one 〇{* the men enjoyed.
looked 1打the oven and, seeing 也 at the She told me that there was not long
bitch was far more hideous to look at ago i 打 Thiecourt» A on 化 eir
than an 化e 0化e打,b 巧 姑 to suspect lands, a woman a d d k teJ to witch,
the truth (for that distnet is re产 rted craft whom the Demon had endowed
to be infested with witches}» and gave with this power o f assuming diflferent
it a deep wo\md in 化e 色ce wi 化 a s h a ^ . She had co n tra cts an im-
weapon that he was wearing* Upon moderate hatred o f a shepherd o f that
化 is the bkch at once rushed out at village, and, wishing by any means to
the door, or at any ra 化 she was no procure his heavy puni洗 ment! sprang
more seen 曲《化 Shortly afterwards a in the form o f a w olf w o n his sheep
rumour spread all over the town that as they were gm ins. Bu( he ran up
there was an old woman lying in bed and tliiVew an axe a tlie r and wounded
with a wound, and that k was not her in the thigh, $0 that she was dis*
known where she received Evezy , abled and was forced to take refuge
one then began to suspect the trutn» behind the nearest bu$b> where she
namely, that she was that rabid bitch found b y the pursmng shepherd^
which had been wounded in the castle bindi帮 her wound strip^ tom
hall; and this, added to her former from her clothing to stanch the blood
which was flowing fredy. O n this
• ••Dobmais.,,Eogvet、 "An Examgn
WiUhes*^ XLVIIf ttm ds that in ly n were evidence she was uktn up> confessed
txcatUd Michael U化n o f Plane,Phi胁ert everything as I have related k , and
Montoty and Gros Pune, ce^f^ssed that 批 d the penalty o f her crimes in 在 e
山 chm^占 ihmstives into undoes, and fere* ♦
m thatfirm hlU d and people. In The common opinion about such
^573 GUUs Gamer was burned 4 /w at D6U monstrous transformations i$ no new
fo f ike abominabU a im o f Ijccntkropy. t h i n g ; 化r it was the belief o f 化 e

andcnts from time immeniorial, as is came out in the natural form of a wo]f>
proved by more than one reference but still in hb chains, 化 the great
their written works, Pliny (V III, 22) wonder of all who beheld him ; but two
tells 口s that, Euanth 。,a 凸 author o f very fierce dogs which the Prince had
great reputation, quotes from the concealed for that purpose, fell upon
Annals ofArcadia to the effect that there the wre 化hed man ana tore him in
was a Um ily o f the 杜化e o f A n 化 acus pieces ;nor wa3 he helped at all by his
whose destiny it was that each year wolfish body, which at all other 打mes
one o f them mu 巧 be cho化打 by lot had $化od him in good s化ad,
and led to a pool over which, having I need not dilate upon Homer^s
undressed, he mu巧 swim; and then he accou 打t o f 化e companions o f Ulysses,
was ;in术 edia 化ly changed from man nor the story o f the Golden Ass 化Id
into a beast And 巧 nine years, by Lucian and Apuleius, nor the many
he had not meanwhile lasted metamorphoses ater fabled at great
human blood, he might again assume length by Ovid. For anyone who
h isfb rm e rsh a p e« ll^ o d o tu s(^ f^ 0 - cares to consider rightly o f 占is matter,
w n e ) 化 d Solinus ( f 嗦 A如 • Cap. 20) even if he relies soldy upo打his natural
tell that the Neuri, wno live by the intelUge打说 and power o f reasoning,
Dnieper, are once €v«ry year changed must allow that once anything is
into wolves for a few days, and alter fbrmed in its own shape and appear-
the allotted period regain their former ance it cannot be changed except by
appearance, And Agnppas, the author its death; and it there can be no
o f the Olympionicaf left record that one reciprocation or iiUerch&n 5C o f bodily
Demacnctus was changed into a wolf forms. And if he wiU ra h e:lis 化 ou 巧h 狂
becau 化 he had tasted 化 6 entrails of to the plane o f Christian knowledge,
a child whom the Arcadians had as every ma 打 sh o u ld , 打ot e
sacrificed to Jupiter ^c<utis^ The same most diffident will hesitate t
化 ing happened, as 耗 。 saidas to that it is not In the powei• of
Lycaon the son o f Pelasgus, when he Demon to effect any such ma : tter,
sprinilcd tile altar o f Jupi 化r 每 vom that, * •
with 化 6 blood o f his sikugh化巧3 5〇。 . power to plucick even a single hair &om
L et no one ascribe suem stories to the head o f a 【 n. For what madness
the ignorance o f heathen blindness^ on it is to believe that anything which has
the grou 打d that 比 cy refer only to l>een formed and crea 化d can destroy
those times when men lived wi击out and overturn as it pleases the most
the ligjit o f the Christian truth. For exceHent work of Him who created it;
it is s茲I (姆 iiert, in 《
Aronic. ImM. U l , or that a soul endowed with r ^ o o
8 ) 化 at B a ja n u s, 化 e son o f Symeo凸 can , even fbr a znome凸与 dwell or
who was Irince o f Bulgaria, could by reside in a body which is altoge^er
his evil spells change him sdf when* unadapted to the use * 1. 一
ever he wished into a w olf or any lys Cicero,; ibody
other beast And Torauemada in his na 扣re adaptf^ and fitted fbr
Hexamifon^ V I, relates tnat when a cer- the reasoning human soul. It may be
ta 化 R w ia n chieftain heard that there argued tliat suciii transformations are
was in his Principali巧 a man who permitted by Him who turns even
could assume any soape he pleased, he men’s tnUfortunes to a good purpose.
caused the man to be brought before I 护 ant this last; but what benefit
him in chains, and ordered him ini- could accrue to anyone from such a
mediately to give a sample o f his skill, transmutation? O r who ever read of
TTie man answered that he would such a thing in any sacred history;
willingly do so if he might retire into It b true that Nebuchadnezzar was at
the n 设 t room by himself fbr a little. one time reduced to the condidon of
T h b was granted him ; and he at once the lower animals becau化 he had

afTected divine honours; but he never that he had expelled them ;。 that way,
changed his bodUy appearance. Only 之^ fruitful is tlie imagination, once it
the wrath o f Heaven constrained Wm Incomes diseased^ o f absurd and un­
for some years to 化ed and be housed heard-of ideas; and for this reason
with the ^>eastS) and to grow his hair Plato did not hesitate to call it the
a 打d naik ailer the majmer o f beasts Mis任ess o f Phantoim; Aristotle, the
for a protection and a defence. Treasury o f Images; and another
It b , therefbre, absurd and ;acredible philosopher, the Craft-shop o f Por-
化 at anyone can truly be changed from 化nts.
a man into a wolf or any other animal. Secondly, t h ^ illusions can be
Y et there must be some 拉undadon for caused extrinsically, when the Demo 凸
the opinion so obstinately held by so causes an actual coject to assume the
many: the countless stories that are apparent shape wtuch suits his pur­
circulated about such happenings pose at the time, and so deludes a
cannot be c 打tirdy wi化out warrant, man’s senses ;nto the belief that an
Nearly all who have deeply examined object has b ^ n changed into a 6iSa^
tliU wnole question arc convinced that C D t form. Thud, whe 打 Horn灯 and
such 扛ansformatio打s are magical por- V c m l write o f a man being taken out
te 打ts a打占 glamours, which have the o f u e battle when on the point o f
占r 记 but not the reality o f their appear­ defeat, or o f one coming into battle
ances; and that they can be caused ID to help th 〇5e in difficult) they de*
two ways. scribe such a man as having taken the
The Demon can so CO打fu巧 the appearance and likeness o f the Gods,
imagination o f a man that he believes in whcM hands these matters He, so
himself to b t changed; and then the 《 bat he mi抹 t not be rcco巧 ized even
man behaves and conducts himself by Aose who were his fHends
not as a man, but as that beast which and companions* This is not unlike
he fanci巧 himself to be. Aulus Gd* the account given by S. Vincent • o f
U u s, 妇 ,5, notes 化at 出 is fact was Beauvais in his Speculum majus^ Lib.
formerly remarked by the Pyrrhonists X V I I I , o f a woman who, at the
and Academics; and it is well know 凸 request o f a Jew bccau 化 she wo 山d
to physicians that sufferers from a high not la id herse化 to his p k 甲ure, a wUch
^v<r are often so affected tjidr so apparently changed into a mare
sensCdthattheymistakethehaHucina- that she 化emed to be such 打ot only to
tiods oi* their fancy fbr the truth. So it everyone else but even to her husband;
Tnay have been with the man who is and only S» Macharius^ since he was
saiQ to have firmly believed that he a man o f the rarest sa打ctUy, was not
had been changea into an earthen deceived by that illusion, and knew her
pitcher^ and would not allow anyone throughout 知r the woma打 that she
to come near h;m fbr fear 1的t they really was,
shouM knock agaimt him and break I 化 ink 优 at the following example
him; and he kept complaining be­
cause the servants did not set him up • "S ,Vincent.、> Evin theyears o f t/u birth
on a high shelf where he would be and death 〇y this grciU wriUr arc uncertain、 the
less liabre 化 damage, but carelessly dales mostfrequently assigned being xiM and
1264 respec曲t(y. h is diougfU 疾at Vincent
left him lying about on a bed. There joined ike Dominicans in Paris shortly after
w w another man who thought that he jsi8^ end thus he passed his life in iks monos-
had in his belly a jingling bridle and Uty Beauvais, where he was occt^i^d with
other pieces of iron; and this ridicul* his huge Ufwk> ths general Utlc 0/ which is
ous notio打could not be got out o f his ^^Speculum TTtis conUtins rwless than
mind UDtil a shrewd phpician placed eighty books> 系pidcd into g8^ clu^Urs* md is
some bri 如es in the pan mto which he o wst which tnay b€ said to em,
was easing his belly, so chae he thought brace ihi w h^ fa ld o f knowledge o f his day.

o f a false occultation may fitly fa 皆 her evil ar 巧化 emingly ^ robbed him.

quoted here. A n old man, the porter This
llfiis she did bv by givii^
eivii^ him another
o f the Fortress o f Bassoznpierre, had herb; and so, being convic化 化d by her
mairied a young wife, but continued act* she was cast into
own act) ;nto prison and
to m^ntain connubial relations with a soon afterward》 mc【 the & te she de­
woman who had been his mistress be­ the perfectly
fore hi$ marriage ,His wife was in , dear, then, that there w 10 actual
dignant at the presence o f this adxilt- loss o f the man^$ generative orgai
eress, who was not to be compared but that a false clamour was dra'.wn
〜 ith her for youth or comeliness, and over the eyes who imagined
(as is usually the case) went and told them 1 have disa|^)eared. For how
her trouble to a neighbouring woman should it be more for tha
and asked her to advise her what to member to grow again once hacd
do. Her neighbour (whose name was been cut off than for the head or any
Lahirc) told her to be o f good cheer» other limb to be renewed after ;t ha身
for she had ready a remedy for that been amputated from the body?
misfortu打e; and she gave her a herb But there is another far stronger
plucked from her |;arden and said that argument which m ^ht appear to
i f she put the juice o f it in her hus­ prove the actuality o f t£ese
band’s food, he would immediately tions* It is not only the external
forget his other love. So she seasoned ph 州 cal shape that appears to be
his next meal with this ju ice ; and at c h a n g e ; the witeh is also oidowed
first his head grew very heavy, and with all the natural qualities and
then he sank i打to a profound sleep, on o f the aal into which she
at last awaking from which he found, _ tiangea. For
r orshe
not without shame, that his whole fieetness 〇[ foot foot ; bodily strength;
masculi打ity h 這d bee打 from him , ravenous fa 过巧三 the hist o f howlmg 三
Bei打g u 打able to conceal the fket smy the faculty if bfe 姐 •雌 into places,
!〇口ger, he told his wife o f Ills misfor- and o f silent movement:
movement; and other
tune; and she, 化eing that she had been $uch animal characteristics^ which are
deceived by her own imprudence and far fa^ond human streogth or ability*
thou曼htle巧ness, and that i 。 For it a mat化r o f daHy ence
ing the part to another she had hersdf that Satan does wer
lost the whole, told her husband how 化 cm. Thus 化 ey
it had all happened; begging him to b始 est cattle i打 1
foi^ ve her, since she had acted out devour their
o f her great love for him The husband descend upon (hem a$ swittiy as any
readUy pardoned her, since he knew w olf or other ferocious beast; and they
that he had brought the misfortune 巧Her locked houses at like cats;
upon himself by his lecherou$ lasci* and in every way im iute the nature
viousness: and laid the whole matter and habits o f the animals whose 洗 ape
before the Lord o f the place, Francois and appearance they assume. Now this
dc Bassompierre (wh巧 e son is £unoU3 cannot be explained away as a mere
as a s u p p l e r o f the Catholic Party glamour 〇【 prestige by which our
I upheavals in France). senses are dccclv品 in the manner
He^ considerii% it to be his business to already set forth; for they leave be-
take care for the health 〇£ one o f his hind them concrete traces o f their
servants, and to punish the witch in activities. For 畔 mple, they arc som打
exemplary 技shion for so shameful a times caught in the very act; and
had that woman brought bc« failing 化at, there the evidence o f
fore him, and so terrified her b 1 y his their nicht> pursuit and wounding^ and
threats tKat he compelled• •her 江 to re* o f the Toss and damage which they
store to the man that o f whichishe
si bad have inflicted; and ,moreover, the未

all acknowledge, often without com­ a beliefcaimot be consis化nt with true

pulsion^ that they have actually done religion; for 化巧打ounc。 o f Aqu " 山
the 巧 things. )ro打ounced that it w 扣 a damnable
It must, then, be admitted that these icresy to hold that anything could be
things are actually what they appear changed from that shape with which
化 b e; but 地 at they are done throu护 it was at first endowed by God the
the agency o f the Demon, who, by Fa 化巧 o f all things^ S. Augustine
virtue o f his ;mmcn化 preternatural {Ciu. Dei, X V III, and De Trin. I ll)
powers, makes their accomplishment also gravely and severely reproves
po$$化 (For it is writ化n in Job that those who believe that a man may» by
upon earth there is not his like.) Thus the arts and might o f the Devil, be
we must believe that it was by the transmu化d into the body o f a beast;
strength o f Satan that the demoniac for the matter o f things visible is under
wa$ able easily to burst the chains and the control o f God 立one, and 打ot of
fet化rs wi化 which he was bou打d the fallen Angels.
(iS. viH); for is 打ecdlc 巧 to say Not even 祐 e Pagans could, fbr the
that he could not have do打e this of most part) stomach such a belief. For
hU own human strength. I shall not Pliny, the author o f so many i打cred 化 k
dwell upon the stories told o f the nuns Stories, shows himself surprisingly and
o f Quesnoy by Christianus Massaeus firmly sceptical on this point, wnerc he
皆 巧 》化成 L 化 >20), how wi 化 the m hb }/atural History (V III, 22):
t)emon,s help they climbed the tallest " 虹 ther w e must rcfiisc 化 believe thkt
trees in the shape o f cats, and hung men can be turned into wolves and
marvellously from the topmost back again, or else we must swallow
branches;and perfectly imitaCM the every fabulous talc that hdS ever been
cries o f any sort o f animal> and easily told.^* And when Olaus Magnus (Hist.
accomplished many other things o f a 么 《闲 说 w & 少 如 化 X V III, 1争)a^;re$*
most astounding nature. sively undertook the championsKTp o f
We will 这Jmit, therefore, that this actual lycanthropy and sought
wi 化hes so well imitate the faculties, everywhere for examples to prove his
powers and actio打s o f the beasts who 化 case, he imprudently adduced, among
appearance they assume that they others, the two fbilowing example弓,
d ife r but little from actuality; but which ra 化 er refu化 and destroy his
that 化 ey are ^凸very truth actual will own a i l m e n t :— Speaking o f wer-
not easily be believed by anyo打e who wolv 。 银 r I wHl cllan 护 口 one o f his
will ponder upon the dignity and words), he said: **Thcy entered a beer
excellence o f man; how he was created • e drank 0
cellar, and there ome casks
in God's own ima队 as a marvellous o f beer and mead, and piled the empty
and transcendent type o f the whole casks on top o f each other in the miadle
woddly creation, and has therefore o f the cc lar." And a little later:
been called a microcosm. For God made "D ividing Lithuania, Smazait and
him a little lower than the angels, and Curland there is a wall left standing
Dut all things in subjection under his from a ruined castle; and at a certain
eet; and through baptism he wins time o f the year some thousands o f
atonement a 打d al>solution, a 打d at last 山 em me巧 here and t巧 their agility in
his body will be rai化d from the dead leaping over i t ;and if any o f them
uiUo unchanging c 化rnity. Who can ca 打not do 化 is (as is the case wUh 出 e
think that a soul so largely and vari- fat ones) they are beaten with the lash
cusly blessed can be put to such ludic­ by their leaders/^ What is there in
rous humiliation as 化 be transferred these examples that is not more proper
into the carcase and entrails o f the to me打 than to wolv 巧 ? 了o go down
baser animals, and be there hid as i打 a i打to a cellar to draw the beer and
化 pulchre? I 打deed I think that such drink it, and 化 place the emp 巧 casks
one on the other; to meet together & a t by making the wi 化h a partici*
in thousands and hold an athletic pator in the work he makes her an
con 化St, with a heavy penalty for those accessory to the crime* And since
who failed: not to be able to rid them* there must be some tangible ^nstni.
selves o f an obesity developed before m tnt which ca 打 be attested by the
they were changed i打to wolves! A ll eyes, he uses such things as are
this might just as well be an account able to his Blthy and unclean nature;
o f men d ii 品 iiig, playing and con化nd. such as the decomposed fragments o f a
ing amons themselves, r a t in a strange dead body* But this we h^vc treated
and 化lse 1 :>odily appearance. And, as elsewhere in grea 化r detail.
we have said, sucti am illusion o f the
eyes can easily i e caused b y spells
and incantations,,irhile in truth every* 々
thing is exactly a it was before*
々 Various His that Witches
secretly bring t^n Merty showing how
greatly their S p ^ and Stums or* to be

心 哪 J 勝 WL棟a
that Purpose uses manjf Tnmgs whtek are
upon men , > •
iwn that n<
spirits make W£
^wn account, bi
noi of 说ansilves Venmwus or Poisorms,
they take great paj
but merely Rotten and Simkit^; and
their discipless sl ^l ^ be in evi
he does tMs.
equipped and instructed to
^"T^HE following aspec ect o f witchcraft pass mea^s destruction. And
丄 is rare and, SO dir I know, has wi化he$ are often hampered in their
not hitherto been Fuxen evil work ^ the fear o f detection, or
£u 的 at BulHgny, m April 巧$6, and by the di挺culty and magnimde o f
Gatharina Ha 侃 灯 at V e 巧 aville, in their undertaking, or by not knowing
S ep t 1586^ said that they nad <ittn how to set 如 out or by ignorance
been deputed by the Demon to the 〇£ th e spells necessary to procure a
following task: When they entered d ie t e r :therefore the Demons
a 打other
)ther man's * house to poison *him, are always really to their call, and do
化 ey had (to use their own words as not cease to advise and encourage
地 as
muich 甲 fp ^ b l e ) t o 巧izeandholdhim them, to suggest tke meam to Ee
down by < k and belly ly and ,
欣............................. employed, and :〇 offer
soon as they wi e ready, to thrust well their own help as partners, accom*
into his mouth 戶iece ot'decayed flesh pKces or ministers o f their crimes and
from some dead M dst ;and this would murders*
immediately kill him» just as i f it were Jana Ulderigue at Lanfracourt,
some very deadly poison* W c may 1 诉 8, was 苗fuxiated against jea n
learn from this that Satan olwzys in Ganara because he had rather gruffly
some manner disguises hb evil designs refused to pay her what she asked for
for our destruction. For who does not having helped him to keep watch over
know that he has no need o f human the communal cattle; aad something
help to effect his purposes? O r who had to be done to m:^e him suffer m
ever heard that a piece o f dead flesh his turn, lest he should go unpunished*
can be so pensonous as to be the neces­ (For it is the greatest torture to a 〜 i化h
sary and inevitable caxise o f d e a ^ to pass over cvcd the smallest insult.)
T he aplan&tion o f his motive,then. Her only difficulty was to know how to
BK. I. v n . DEMON O L A T R Y

avoid incurring suspido打 if any harm witch could do no more, before she
befell Canard in consecjuencc o f 化 eir flew up through the chim 打cy her
quarrel; for it was a saying all over the Demon, than hide the child ;n 山 €
township that) if anyone wan 化d to 疗amework o f 化 c bed, so 化 at 山 e
kee戶 himself and his possessions safe eagerly searching mother should not
ano whole, he must avoid being cursed find U so soon as she wished to ; for 化 is
by Ulderiquc. The Demon then was a " that she could do as she dc ,
fbimd her a way by which no suspicion part坤 when she was unable to hiflict
could possibly attach to h er; for with any heavier loss upon the mother.
his hefp she e打化red the locked house Mdmmert and his wife rcla 化d this
o f Canard 皆 曲 c window, and there so experience when they were heard in
skilfully suflflKated his b 山 y as was evidence against A lexje Belhcure; \mt
sleeping ;n its c 巧 die that it might it proved that they were wrong in sus­
easily be thought to have died o f con­ pecting her o f the crime* For not lone
vulsions. But the wre化hed parents aAerward$ Barbel ine» being s u sp e cts
were not deceived as to the cau 巧 of o打 the stroogc巧 evidc打ce o f witch­
their lo 巧 ; for when some time la 化r craft, was taken up and confessed that
Ulderiquc was on trial for witchcraft, she, a 打d not Belneure, was guilty o若
they s巧化d with the utmost confidence that deed.
in their evidence that she was the She was also guilty o f the fbn〇wi 曰g
author o f that crime; and so far from crimes againstJohann Ludovic, whom,
denyi打g 化is accusadon, she gave the she said^ she bated for many reasons.
clearest and moat detailed confirma- First, as he was crossing a river on his
tion 玉托her account o f every point o f the way 化 a mill, with tiie help o f her
crime, Demon she shook a large sack o f wheat
Barbdine 民ayti (Kainviilc ,Jan. from his ca rt; and then sprinkled over
1587) plotted with her Demon to do his horses some poison powder which
some harm to Claude Mammert, who her Litde Mas化r had give 打 her, so
had done 打0化ing whatever to hurt that two o f them died at once and the
her. (For it often mak巧己0 difference rest lingered on for many days m a
to them whether or not their victims comatose state. Secondly^ and not long
have do打c anything【0 m eiit revenge, afterwards, in the iUusory fbrm o f a
as we have fully shovm from tne cat she entered his home at night and
account o f Sebastienne Picard.) They 〜;化 the same powder killed Kis two-
agreed to do their work by night, when ycar*old son. Lastly, she placed a
they would be less likely to be caught poisoned pear on the road which he
in the act than by daytime; and so would take to go 化 Geri)eville, as i f it
they went to his bed as he was lying had 拉lien some wayfarer,s bag,
asleep with his wi化. By the oed, 打e rashly picked it up and tasted k ,
wrapped in swaddling cloths, was a whereupon he became so seriously ill
baby, which they took from its cradle, that be could hardly di^g his feet home
intending to drown it in the river fbr 化c pain. Not 0打ly had the Demon
which flowed near by. But the mother fbre化Id all these th边gs just as tliey
was aroused by the child's crying, and happeneled, but it was by his advice that
b巧 an 矿 opin^ the dark w i& her she nad placed 化 ej^ear on the roa<i,
hands 淹 e cradle, to see it had Catharine 民u 报 at Villc-sur^
buriicd itself the blankets, or i f the Moselle, June 1587, acknowW gcd
swacadd li打g clo化8had worked loose and 化 at 油 e used 化 erucr other people’s
it was choking itself with them, as had houses at night l)y the chimney,
happened to 化more than once before, order to lay their babies face-down-
Finainff the cradle empty, she jumped wards on the pillow and so suffocate
out o f fied 化 look for cWI乂 Being them; but that she always contrived
thus balked and thwarted^ the beldame 化 leave some eviden说 which would

cause the husband to blame the wife I; for although she sprinkled it
for such a misfortune, and so lead to liberaUy upon her, it only cau 化d a
endless strife between them. For the slight weakness o f her limbs; and when
Demon always does his utmost to sow a ^ days la 化r she sprinkled her
seeds o f dissension and quarrelling w 她 化 e intention o? hea!mg her, she
between those who are bound together at once recovered from that wea虹 巧 $•
by ties o f love or kinship. 曲 re i【 should be noted in {losing
Lolla Gelaea at Dieuze, Sept. 1587, that the drugs which they use in this
aroused a 島ainst herself the iU-will and manner have in Aemselves no inherent
hatred o f Catharina o f Metingow, who power ei 化er to kill or to heal. For the
eagerly wished to vent her spUe on her, same thing cannot effective in two
but could not think how to do so with­ such contrary directions. It is all due
out bringif^ suspicion upon henelf ; 拉 the po 化ncy o f the secKt machiua,
for she fo e w that Lolla was on her tions and contrivaDces o f the Demon;
guard against her* But the Demon and it isenou^h for him 化 the witches
found a safe w ay for her, and told her do but set th " r hands to the work and
to bring some live coals home with make themselves partners and accom­
them in their buckets when she and plices in the crime. In this reference
Lolla came in the next day as usual w may quo 化 the sta化meat o f Pliny
from the salt kilns at Dieuze (which are (II, t 〇3), that there was in Dodona a
the most famous in all Lorraine); for spring ;nto which i f y^u plunged a
he would be at hand and would upset burn&g torch it was extinguished, but
LolU,s bucket with a gust o f wind, by tlie same process an extinguished
upon which she must at once breathe torch was iraited* For no one can
upon her face; and this would cause doubt that this prodigy was the work o f
her to give premature birth to her the Demon who uttered his oracles
child with the grea 化St agony. And U from that place; nor would any one
happened as he had said. For at the attempt to reconcile it w kh natural
signal o f her bucket being upset by the c 江uses, In the same w ay Plutarch 巧
Demon, Cat:harina blew her fbul Am扣 邮 !'孤2化2 化化 o f the
breath upon Lolla, who at Once was sorceress Circe that with the scl&ame
attacked by the most violent labour wand she took away and restored men^s
pains and only with the greatest reason; and changed men into beasts,
(UfficuUy reached home in time. and again restored them to themselves.
Jana Gra 打saint at Conde, July Pe 化us de Aba 打0 * also tcHs us in his
1582, was sitting by her lamp late one
night solely occupied in pondering * "Ahmo," Pietro d, Ap〇ne (or d ,
Alm打 0)
upo 打 some means o f revenging herself was born about 巧46 in the uilUigf the name
upo 打 Barbara Gratiosa, from whom o f which he bean, and which is 诚uate
she had suffered some injury. A t once great distance ^rom Padua. A pupil
the Demon came to her in the form o f a 心rabian ph沪ictans, he practised ,
cat and told her to pound a sn汪il,s shell suck great success tiiat lie soon beams exceeding
to powder and dust Barbara’s clothes rich,and won great unown a s 。 phUosopf份,
with it. This pla 打 she adop 化d, and maihematkian and astrologer q f tfieJ!rsl rank.
Being shrewdly suspect 著 sorcery> a diargf
watched for a chance to put it into
coloured 皆 his Averroisiic lectures at the Uni.
effect. And she did not have to wait versity o f Padua, he fe ll mdsr ikg cognizcnci
long; for she fbund Barba 巧 in a re- o f the Holy Office^ bui died in 1316 ^ ore the
mo 化 St加 e carrying s化aw ^nto the ox t巧miruUion 对 妃 trial. The "Conaliatw,"
stalls, and sprinkled the powder over written in 1303, attained extrtwrdmaty fm e ,
her and the oxen i打 the stable; and and the e^tion o f Venice^ speda^^ Omt
this killed them all at once. She after­ rUer printed ediA<mSy uMUt U was
wards used the powder with less deadly least as late as t^ 6 . The book was
eiTcct upon the daughter o f Antoine the Lisbon Index o f 1634, but it has

Conciliator。 巧 如 说 m, 765, that he and, giving him what support she

saw a conjurer who , 的 muttering could with her shoulder, brought him
certai打woi^s in its esr, caused a bull home, where he died the same night
to 位11 化 the ground as if d ead ; and by from the unbearable pain of his blows.
repeating the same words made it come In the morning she summoned all the
to life again and rise up on its 化ct. But 打ei如 bours and showed them his naked
let us resume the tale o f our examples* corpse aN black and blue with bruises;
Alex 批 Be化cure (BlainviHe, Jan, and told them that he had fallen
1587) was always quarrelling with her among robbers the night before, and
husba打d, as usually happe打s in a house had crept home with his la 巧 gasp
suffering from povei*ty and daily w ant; ;n that 8化化. They aU easily believed
and her hatred o f him reached such a th is; for she was not youDg enough or
pkch that it was only 化c difficul巧 o f comely enough to De suspec化d o f
injuring him, not her will to do so, that havin 会 cmenained adul巧rers.
restrained her. The Demon said that Jacobeta Equina at Sub-Bad, Oct,
he would do it fbr her i f she thought he 1585, 化eing certain persons whom she
was worth her beseeching; whereupon ha 化d making their way through a
she begged him in the most abject pass, a 打d wishing to harm them in
terms a 打d he undertook the work* It some way, gave iimncdia比 utterance
cha 打ced that on 化at day, which was to the first wish that occu 打ed to her;
台hristmas Eve, the wretched husba打d namely, that they should so lose their
had gone to the neighbouring town to w ay 化 at they would be unable to find
purchase such things as a happy house** it again. And it fell out as she had
nold usuaUy mak巧 merry with at that asked. For they wandered so far out of
time, and was returning la 化 at ni^ht. their way that, when at last they
On his way the Demon violently seized reached home, they were hardly able
him and beat hi饥 and threw him half to s巧打d for weariness.
dead into the pit of Donalibaria (fbr See how V山nerable ミ s man’s 1脱 化
such was the 打ame o f the place), and the wiles and assaults o f Demons!
flying back to his good w 报 toi立 her Wherefore men should be advised to
what he had done. O n hcari打g this keep their though 怯 cm God, that He
she at once set out, to show how may afford them His protection, and
anxious and worried she was about his give 扫is a 打geh charge over them, and
return; but chiefly that she might 化c deliver them from the s打are o f the
with her own eyes the calamity and fowler and from the noisome pestilence
misfortune which she had so long {Psalm xci).
wished to happe打to him ; and when at
last she found him lying on the ground
and bewailing his miserable luck, she CHAPTER VIII
said: *^Why, nusband! I was coming The Herbs, Powd巧,S化am ,and otfur such
to meet you, because I was worried Trash which WUches strew on ihc
about your being out so law ^打 the Ground ar《 a c巧tain Cause o f Death or
country. But why do I find you lying Illness to those who Walk upon them,
on the ground and moaning like provided 化at it is the IVUchSs in挺ntion
化 U?" After she had been 化M what and wish 化 injurcthem; but those against
she already knew, she raised him up whom no Evu is contemplated can vValk
sqfe and unharmed aver 化 em. And this
never bwt iwludtd the Jiornan or Spanish cucirlj sfioios the Cunning and WiU o f tfu
Indexes. Thi view taken by PiiUv d、Abano of Devil in Afflicting and Vestrojfin^ Men.
Aci邸 uenceofih* stars endWsaslrohgical Uruts
au sp€CulaU々ns which are mm •kan dangerous T T has been shown from the defi打he
aridtmT 化 odox. Th*"M 巧 Umer〇fi54uEUnwiUi
Magiae'' deals with the invocation >
Xassertions o f witches that they ofeea
u巧 the same instruments fbr procuring

both sickness and healing: that the Fran^oise Ferine at Bains-les-Baias,

powder wi 化 wHch 化 巧 dust tile Tu打e 巧 88, was passing a fruit tree
clo 化 es o f 0化 ers is sometimes 位 tal to Mlon^png to her neighoour Riberot^
them, although the witches themselves and p ic l^ up some pears which had
may 化 uch it with their hands with 拉Uen from it; but, being caught i打the
impunity; and that the sickness so act, was 化verely thrashed by him. As
caused is amenable to almost no cure she brooded on this, wishit^ by any
except such as the witch is willin means to be revenged, it was not long
provide; and that this cure us befbre the Demo打showed her a chance
consi$t8 in the utterance o f one or two o f fill行nine her wish by giving her a
words, or a mere hand 化 uch, and herb which she must lay on tne path
often in the application o f things which by which Riberot always went to his
ordinarily have no healing power at work in the morning* This she did;
alh From all this it is sufficiently clear and when he, not suspecting any 化ap,
that there is i打 the things so lued by walked over the place, he was at once
them no inherent or 打atural power s任icken with a sickn巧s o f which lie
either o f hurting or o f h c^ in e ;but shortly died in great agony. Benott
that, whatever prodigious results are Drigie (Haraucourt, D e c . 巧 86) said
e报 cted, it all done by 化 e Demons that his Demon had recommended
through some power o f which the him to put poison upon either the
source and explanation is not known. door or 化 c clo 化es of* anyo打e whom
For 1打 the examples o f such doings we he wished to kilL Barbeline Rayel
find much that ca 打 spring from no (Blainville, Jan. 1587) said that she
probable cau 化 1打 nature; but that had used this me在od again巧 Franz
certain substances behave in a manner 成 报 I*, whose ne帥 bour she had
entirely oppo化d to that which would la 化iy become; for she infected with
打orma ly oe expected from their wison powder the 曼a 化 through which
active and passive properties. This 如 catue went to w 在ter, and on 化 e
will be proved a 打d cfcany shown by next day three o f his mares were 化。
the following instances. lying dead ;Q t h e i r 《 化化. Claude
Odilla Boncourt at Hara ucouit» ^erre, Dec, 1589 did like*
^said that it the practice wise outside the door o f Wolfang o f
of ;, when 灶icy wei t afraid c£ Hadoiwille his kinsman; and as a
detected in their crime, to result 分 coming out b y 和 t way, his
scatter powder on ath daughter was at once seized with an
〜 hich 化蛛 thou泌 t would be taken by illness o f which she soon died mi$er-
those whose misfortune they were plea­ ably; and a horse fell and broke its
ting. And this is borne out by 【 he con. leg. Widi the same spell he vented his
fession o f ko sa G eraj^ne at Essey, 巧 ite upon ^ co la s Augustin> the
Nov• 巧 86, that she had brought a Castellan o f Serre, with whom he was
fatal wckness upon her comrade on terms o f bad friendship; but a(^r
Stephanus Obertus b y sca tw in g such a few days he was moved to pity at
a powder on hU thresh加 before dawn. seeing hiin suffer wUh $0 long and
Jacobus i^ athius at Laach, March heavy a malady; yet he could not
1588, said chat the Demon had sug- bring him any help or the lease relief
nested the same means to him as by from his sickiiess, since he was for.
far the easi• 巧 〜 ay to rid himself o f bidden and prevented by his Demon»
the wife o f H ilary le Ban» Isabella although he continually expostulated
Bardaea at Epinal, M ay 巧说 , and with lilm over this mat化r, Gatharina
M artha M e 巧eUtia said 在 at 化ey had o f Metingow at Dicuzc, S e p t , 巧 86>
never 钻 led in such an attempt 巧 ain巧 bitterly resented the refusal a
a 打yone; especially if they had acted certain baker to let her have bread on
a t the instigation o f their Demon. credit, and begged her Demon to help
ti vm.
her to requite

village; and, to remove their last

化 is.
Oemon _
甲 eed, eager and di 巧culty, he told thtm 化 at they could
diligent as is ever his 1wont to provide easily prepare 化 c necessary poison by
the means o f a 打y 么巧 o f vindictiveness, )ou凸山凸g up the first worms that they
and gave her some herbs wrapped in bund until they were reduced to a
paper which he told her to scatter ^打 powder fine enough to sprinkle. When,
some place frequently nsed by the therefore, they had acted accordingly,
baker and his family* This she did wi 化 in a few days there perished in tliat
without delay, placing them in the village a hundred ana fifty head of
doorway by w知 ch he mu巧打ecessarily cattle, as Drigic said, or a hundred
come out into the village; and when and sixty according CO Odilhi,$ ac ,
the baker, and after h;m his wife and count; for they were questioned separ-
children, had trodde打upon them, they a 化ly, and agreed in everything except
were aU seized w kh the same sickness, the numbers. The truth o f their state­
and did not recover until the witch, ments was attested by the facts them-
moved by pity, obtained permission se^es; for at about the time indicated
仔om the Demon to restore the扣 化 that number o f cattle was lost by the
health. For this purpose she again vUIa复ers.
took some herbs and nid them under Notice that the herbs, du 巧, worms
their bed, as she had bee打 instruc化d ; and other such trash scattered about
a n d 《 0 山 ey were all healed o f cheir by wUches do not only cause sickness
sickness and regained their former or death, against which defensive
health. Catharina Latomia at Harau* measures can be taken when they arc
court, F e b . 巧 8 7 , 案。 the same way put CO打veyed by contagion as in the case
a h巧 b given her fay the Demon i^on o f the breatiung or touching o f plaguc-
the threshold o f the house o f Jean infes化d ma 行ers; but 化 ey also break
Antoine, with the result that, after his or weaken Umbs, and diminish, draw
wife had come out that way, the milk off and dry up the milk in the breasts.
妃 her b 巧 asts was dried up and, in It is obvious that such effects can only
consequence, the child to whom she proceed from some secret co-operarion
was then giving suck died; this being o f the Demon. This conviction is
what the witch had chiefly desired to strengthened by the fact that these
happen. m这t 化rs arc harmful only to those
t 前 just as of all living creatures a 口 ins【 whom they are iruentionally
their lust chiefly to kill men, 50 o f directed; whilst everyone else can
human creatures witches take an walk over them and tread u护 n
especial delight in the slaughter o f them sa拓 ly a 打d without cxperiendDg
infants and those who by virtue of their any hurt. This is proved beyond
age arc iimoce打t and guild 巧s. This doubt 吟 化 e following performance
fact i$ exemplified in the behaviour of o f A lex w Drigic (Haraucourt, Nov.
Jacoba C&valUa, that Drigic men- 巧8巧.
tio 打cd above, and OdUla,who, as I Her Demon gave her 江 handful o f
remt扣 ber, h&d an excessive tax fem to scatter 0打 the path most 任c-
(according to their own computation) quently used by the daughter o f a
;mpo$cd them by the AS巧巧0打 of slieph巧 d 打amed Claude, o f whom 沁 e
the village in which they lived, and was jealous, so that she might sud­
wished to be avenged for that injustice denly die. But her one fear was lest
by some signal act o f retribution. The this calami巧 should befall o 化 ers also
Demon d 巧 not 亿il to provide them who went that way, whom she had no
a 打 apt and convcD化nt means of wish to injure. The Demon, however,
attainiog {heir wish by scattering their told her to be at ease on that score,
poison a3 thickly as possible on the since the poison would affect no one
grazing grounds of the cattle o f that except her for whom it was intended 三

and it happe 打ed just as he had said, unable to perceive this; they arc such
For o f al those who passed by that double fools 化 at no misfortu打c can
way, only that shepherd's daugluer bring them wisdom.
met her death because o f it. Not long
aAerwards the same witch miserably A
a 巧 icted the health o f Humbert the
Cas 化Uan by rubbing his couch with
the same powder; but the charm was CHAPTER IX
deadly to nim alone; for many others,
bo 化 Dcfbre and after him, had sat on For what Reason it is that the Devil often
demands (he WUches, Consent when ne
that couch. PioWing md contriuing Evil against any­
Tw o more examples may aptly be
one: wUh several Examples U>show 化al
told here. One o f these concerns such is his Usual Prochce.
Jeanne Poirellc 侣 hA化au-Salins, April
15812), one o f whose poisoned cakes the ^HAT 优 rough 化 c agency o f 化 e
whole o f a neighbour's family ate, but Devil men are stricken with
only that one perished whom she had stra打ge sicknesses of which physicians
1打tended to kill • 了he other concerns ca 打not find the cause is clearly enough
Hubertula o f Grand-Bux 化res-sou^ shown ;n 化 e story o f Job, as wcU as 卽
Amance, April 1589, who had been what S. Luke 脚 i, I I ) 化 11s of 化 e
trea化d witn gross unfairness by a woman whom a spirit of infirmity had
ffcllow-townsman named N., and so bound for eigh 化 cn yea 巧 that>
thought that she would be abundantly through the contraction o f her sinews^
avenecd upon him if she could poison herwhole body was bowed down. But it
the five cows upon the produce of has always been a very vexed question
which he and his family depended. why the Devil should so ofte打 require
But there was danger o f being caught the conse打t o f his disciples before he
in the act if she did this by touching undertakes his evil work, as if his
each o f them w hh a poiso打cd wand, powers would not otherwise be equal
which was the method she used in to it. Many think that (he reason for
her other poisonings. T o relieve her of this IS that, if he were able to do all
this fear, therefbre, her Little Mas化r that he wished, the whole human race,
told her to go befbre dawn to the o f which he has always been the
pastures to which most o f the cattle implacable enemy, would long ago
were usuaHy driven, and seaucr about have perished; and t:hat> therefb巧 , as
a poison powder which he gave her. soon as he was case /i'om Heaven,
Y et she stui hesitated, being afraid lest God took from him all power to do
the poison would kill the whole herd, ill at his own will, so that he could not
which she wished to spare except for harm mankind except through the
the cows o f that N, who was the only agency o f men. Now although a ^ood
one she wa 打化d to inflict such a loss case could be made out for this view,
u p o n . 及ut the Demo 打assured her that there is also much 化 be 巧 id for 化 e
only his five cows would be harmed; following opinion:— That Satan, as
and so it proved; fbr only 化 cy o f aU the executioner and minis化r of God’s
the herd died or contracted any wrath, nearly always acts independ­
sicknew. ently in bringing destruction upon
Away with them, then, away with all men; and that he purposely demands
who say that the talk o f a pact between the consent that we arc discu巧ing ;n
witches and Demons is mere nonsense; order that he may make his disciples
for the facts themselves give them the partners and accomplic巧 in his crimes,
lie, and arc aUested a打d proved by the and at the same time earn their grau*
legitimate complaints o f many men. tude by procuring for them the acts
But some are $0 obstinate as to be of vengeance which they so ardently

desire; and by this r can many other wi 化hca asscited that

blazon and display his power in accom- without doubt nearly everyone whom
)lishing that which surpasses all they cursed wasted away.
mman strength; and finally, he Any crime that the witches them*
div<Tts all suspicion from the witches selves dare not u 打dertake they secretly
by do;ng their work their absence, accomplish through their Demons
and without their havinjf even lifted a against those who have incurred their
finger to help him. The {blowing hatred. Nicole Morale (Serre, Jan.
records will make the question o f this 1587) confessed that at her request the
consent quite clear. Demon had sprinkled a black pewder
Beatrix Bayona (Gerbevillc, Aug. over the horses of Nicolas Dominique
1585) wished to be revenged upon as he was drivin 琴 the饥 化 a near-by
Petrone Maxent, who had done her spring, and that they were seized with
some great injury; and at last the the gravest sickn巧 s and soon a f t o
Demon 巧 whom slic owed allegiance wards died great mi化 ry. She said
undertook to accomplish this, provided further that when she had poisoned the
that she would give her consem. She cook o f the Lord o f the village in which
did not hesitate to say that that was she lived so that he only just escaped
what she wished; and at once the death, she had first been most severely
Demon attacked and killed the infant bca 化n by her Demon, and was then
son o f Petrone; and on the next day compelled to put the matter in his
he announced the deed to her, glory- hands so that he might do the cook an
in‘《 it as in a task well done, insofendy even grea 化r injury, and even kill him
adding that the mother was taking her if he wished* When she had agreed to
8〇n,s 如 a化 very impatiently, but 化 at this, he 行ew in a moment to his
no【 even her great grief could res化re ki 化hen and, wUhout anyone seeing
him to life. By means o f nothing more him, poured a deadly powder into a
than a cur$e Jana Gallaea at Mire- potion which the cook happened the打
court, Dee. 1585, attacked the health CD be mixing in a mortar as a cure fbr
o f Catharina Simonette, she had his sick打ess; owing to which venomed
before done to many o 山 ers; having confection he very soon departed from
found out by long experience that the the living* T he I^rd himself vouched
bare expression other wish was enough fbr the truth o f this to me, since he had
to cause injury, in accordance witii the been present at the time and had care­
pact she had formed with her Demon. fully observed everything. In very
In the same way Barbeline Rayel much the same way Martha Maree-
(Blainvillc, Jan. 1587) said that often lada (Epmal, M ay 巧 88)>with〇ut bang
she had only to express a wish for her herselfpresent but tnrough the agency
Little Master to put it into effect; and o f her Demon, shook a fatal dust over
化 at 打ot only was nc alwa 巧 exc说 dingly Nicolas the cartwright because he had
prompt to execute such wishes, but heaped up a pile o f wood near her
Ut wa$ also most careful fields and so caused her some incon*
their accomplishment to 1 her- For venience. Again, Jaqudina Xalueta
hardly had she be护 n t curse ccr- (G rand-Buxieres-sous-Amance, April
tain neighbour 01 h。 •、 when 1 5 8 8 ) 巧 id that it had always been
Demon appea化d to her in the sha戶c of Quite enough for her, as often as she
a hideous cog and told her that all had aesired the death o f either a 饥 an or a
already been do打c as she had wished, beast, to nod to her Demon that such
民osa tJerar击ne (Essay,Nov, 1586), was her w 加 , and it was done.
AnnaDrigie (Haraucourt, Nov. 1586), This was confirmed by the following
Jacotius jacotinua (Nlirccourt, Oct. account given by her fcllow-country-
1586), Jacob Fischer and his wife woman Hubertuia when she was tr i^
技 le【 【c (Gcrbevilic, M ay 巧 8巧, (Feb. 1589) for wUchcraft in the next

y e a r * * W c had come back from the dignation ag<unst Gabuse were beyond
fields very tired from the work which words, and she did not cease to look
one Leonard had hired us to do, and for any possible means to exact a (iilly
were e a ^ rly looking forward to some satisfactory vengeance for so great
supper being brought to us. A ll at an 崎 ury. As, thotfore, she was
once hb d au g h "r picked me out and broodi巧 deeply over t枯 problem,
angrily began 化 scold me 听 my lazi­ her Demon approached her and chid
ness, and ordered me. while 1 was her for her sloth in allowing this weight
w uting, to pour the lye over some 化 rest upon her mind ISr so long ,
linen was piled 化 be when she had so often proved that he
washed. I was indignant at being was always ready to help her when­
妇 VCD this extra work, and ut 化red a ever she desired to be revenged: she
curse agaimt her; and my Little had only to give her consent, or to
Master at once came and promised leave the business to him, and it would
that he would soon pay her for her not be long before (he woman was
pertness i f I bade him. And, having punished for her mischievous tongue.
m y ready consen^ he did so. For on Jana said that such was her wish, and
the next Say the 如 1 came running in 》 at once that busy minister flew to
ii^ h t to her mother a$ she was super­ Alex^e (who was then watching her
intending the work in the fields, and flocks in the meadows, and was trying
told her m at her baby brother who had 化 drive back an animal ^YW<出 had
been left in her care had, b y an broken into a neighbouring corn­
accident which she had been unable to field), caught her up in a wturlwind
prevent, been scalded with b〇i"n 《 and dash品 her to the ground wi 化
water, and was at that very moment such force 出 at her 1巧 was b础 en, and
1)[说 出 ;巧 his last. When I i^eard 化 1$, left her so stu皿 ed b y her 础 化 at she
I easily guessed whose work it was ;and had to be carried home half dead,
soon 立 terwards m y Little Mas 化r ran t h is story was told in Wentical words
up to me and told me how, to please by Jana and Alexie, thot^h they were
mc, he had served the giH in 比 b w a y ; questioned separat^y and neither o f
化 r she cer山 nly would not escape them knew what the other had said.
severe punishment from her parents And the whole thing was proved
for her neglect and carelessness, she beyond aoy doubt b y the evidence o f
who had so impudently accused me o f many peo如 who bad ac 扣ally
laziness.*' ness^ theevent.
One more example o f this sort is It is a mat化r o f the grea仿抗 debate
that o f Jana Armacourt, at Lauch, whether any man can have so great
March 1588, who took 化 ree sheaves 弁 power against his fellows, or can have
c 饥 n from a nei色hbour’s field and hid at hu beck and call all the Demons
them in Alex^e Cabuse's garden as the oftfae,niveRe'1o'.i>ring loss or destruc­
most convenient spot in which to con­ tion upon whomsoever he pleases by
ceal her thef^; but she was not secret curse or spell. H ia t this b so
enough to avoid being seen i any rate, the belief o f the
act by Gabuse, who h 巧 pened in times past, as is shown by
in a secluded part o f " r garden* the extant fragments o f the Twelve
Gabuse, as women w ill ,化 d the neigh- Tables: h e w h o h a s r e m o v e d
hours what she had seen;; and and^ini CROPS BY
crops enghantuent : and
consequence Jana not only b 巧 an to he who has cast an E m spbll
be ill spoken of, but was also brought (Pliny, X X V I 1I» 2, and X X X , i).
into … me danger (仿r in Lorraine the fro m 出 is it may dearly be under-
penal巧 for s化 山鸣 anything from stood that, even at that 中 ne there
aoo 化时 man’s garden b the lash), were certsdn w a'et and ancient curses
Therefore h " 如 的 r and burning in- potent that nothing against which

they were directed could escape cal* the more d«po 化d to bcHeve thw ^ory
aDl^ty and disaster. It is true that because the Liule Ma 巧ers o f o"r
& n eca derides this notion, saying that present witches {who are, without
such things could 打ot be do 打e in so doubt, the gods which men once
ope打a ma打ncr, and at the same time worshipped) do the same sort o f 化 i打g
defy all 化c e 航 rts o f the philosophers even 凸ow. For whenever something
to dkcover their cause; but no one happens to 0报 nd a w;Kh there is
打eed 占ave hb belief shaken on that always a Demon ready to revenge her
account; for Seneca here refers to the WTO打gs even mo巧 drasUcalJy than she
rain showers which were thought 化 be herserf had wished; and the Demons
both caused and dispersed by cncham- exult whe 订 they arc prayed to con­
ment; and 化is could only seem uttedy trive some help or retr化ution i打 such
imposs化Ic and absurd to a man who cases. Thus they lead in one un­
rela 化d everydiing to natural laws. broken chain from the original wrong
In hi$ 从 /m ,X \T lli》 he says: " I t is to resentment, from r巧eiUment to
difficult to alter Nature; and once the revenge, and from revenge to a sacri­
elcme己ts have been compounded for a legious and detestable cult which is by
particular result, they cannot be far the worst o f the abominations into
changed.** But he was an avowed which they try to seduce mankind.
Stoic, as is clear from nearly all his Indeed it is the w ay o f nearly aH
wr*itten wo戍 and from the evidence whehes now to take otfence at 化 e very
given by Tacitus and Suetonius slightest provocation, to spit fbrth
their Lives o f him; and that School of their rcsentme打t with the greate CTcatest
知 ilosophers always rejected as im­ acrimony, and so at last, afterr findir _
possible any 化ing which was not in some satisfaction and consolation in
accordance with Nature. Finally, his retributioD) to brii^ some remedy for
opinion this mat化r is refuted b y the the evils which they have caused. This
examples a 打d records that are every- can be 化e打 in the case of B^Uerophon,
where to be (bund 五打 wri 化巧 o f who was first moved to anger, then
undoubted authority. inflicted disaster, and then drove those
PIu化rch writes that Nomphis, in the whom he had thus affile化d to sup­
Fourth Book o f the 化 r化扛。,化Us a plicate him for help in their desperate
sU)ry which ca 打 l^y no means be straits* Similarly, when Xerxes had
accounted fabulous o f a huge boar been fbr three days in difficulties owing
that ravaged alUhe countryside around to contrary winds, on the fourth day
Xanthus,* a city of Lycia, des化oying he aslced 化 e Magcd to ca!m t 与e
the crops and fruits, until it waa killed tempest. And (says Herodotus in
by Bclicrophon; and when they gave 知砂巧《w)> they did 80 by sacrificiijg
him no thanks for this great service, he cettai 打animals and performing certain
earnestly prayed 化 N 巧 lunc to punish rites in honour o f Thetis and the
【 hem for their ingrati化de. Accord; Nereids.
ingly, their fields were flooded with But let us return to our considera-
flalt water, so that all the crops were tio 打 o f the secret po 化ncy o f cu 巧es,
rotted and perished;and they were especially those which are uttered by
not dcUverca from this calamity until men themselves again 巧 either indi­
Bclicrophon, moved by the women’s viduals or communiti巧. We know
entreaties, prayed Neptune at last to from ancient bistoiy 也 at certain verbal
pardon the citizens o f Xanthus. I am formulas (which Livy calls spells o f
execration) were used by Generab and
* ^*Xanthus.^* Bellerophon in later ages Dictators when they invoked the Gods
waswmhif>peda5agodinLycia;sMPaus<i- to curse cities a 打d armies. I shall
nias、II> u> and Qjiinkis Smynuuus, 式 quote in its entirety an example
i6i. from Macrobius {Satuf^f III^ 9) o f a
巧4 BR ,
凸• GH,

comprehensive curse upon the persons Fidcnaell within (he boundaries of

and foi•化打巧 o f the cnemy> than which Italy; and outside ihose boundaries
no dearer formula i$ to my knowledge Carthage and Corinth, and many
extant:一 hostile armies and towns o f Gau(>
" O Fa 化 er Dis> O Shades o f j 哗 iter, Spain, Africa and Mauretania^ and
or by wha 化ver o 化 er name it is right other nations were utterly destroyed.
to invoke you, fill fuU o f panic, fbar And many believe chat this also was
and terror all (hat city and army which the cause o f certai打historical inddents,
I have ;n my mind; and whosoever as when for no apjpa巧 nt reason all the
bears arms or weapons against our men and horses ol an army have been
legions and army, do you confound seized with a sudden terror and have
those arm ;巧, those enemies,化 ose men taken 化 flight; for it i$ A ou 曼ht t;hat
a 打d their ciiics and laitd$, a 打d 江II who this terror was sent upon 化 cm by ihc
live in the lands and cities o f this invocation o f the curse o f Pan or some
)lace and district: take from them the other o f the Gods; and therefore it was
ight o f heaven: curse and execrate the called a Panu by Pausanias, and the
enemy,s army, his cities and his lands, Fear sent from Heaven by Pindar.
with the stro打g 巧 t curse ever pro- Furthermore, not only soWiers, but
打ounced against an enemy. By the civilians also become involved in these
faith 〇rm y office I give and consecrate panics when the Powers cannot be
them to you on b ^ a lf o f the Roman iaduced to make an end o f their
People and our armies and le如 ns. I f destruction o f a nation,
you will perform this according to my Actadus placed a blazing hurdle on
wish巧 , in (enUon and understanding, the w ay by which Crassus would g o ;
then whosoever accomplishes this vow, and when Crassus came to the ptace^
let it be done aright. With three black this man stood up and, after per*
sheep I beseech m 巧 , O Mother Eajth, forming certain rites and libations,
and thee, O Jupi 化r ., , uttered a fearful and horrible curse>
As he involves the Earth, he touches calling upon the names o f terrible and
the ground with his hands. As he iikheito unheard*of Gods. And it is
invokes Jupiter, he raises his hands to believed that this curse was not with­
Heaven. And as ho takes his vow, he out effect, in view o f the remarkable
plac巧 his hands upon his breast I and memorable Paithian defeat which
By this curse the a 打cient Annals ibhowed not long after (Pliuarch m
record that the Stoeni,* and the d ti 巧 Uita M. Crass%; Cicero, De Diuinatione).
o f Fregcllacst Gabii,J Vcii§ and It was, besid巧 , the opinion o f the
gravest and soberest men that the
* A Ligurianpeople in the Mari-
time Alps, conquered by Qj A^arcius Rtx、 218 dictator Camillas in they^nr (Livy、V、8-*
B.Ci {Valerius Maximusy Xy 8)» 22; Cicero, ''De DiuinaticMf /, ///, 3s;
^ "Fr巧eliae.,, Ths modern Ceprano, was Phdarch, "CamUlus,,, V), Veit was then
an ancient and imporiarU town of ths 衣 olsci, ab公ndoned, and although m dtimft woi mad*
conquered bjf the Ronuins and coUn的d, 32^ under Augustus io 巧h n i" 《I, and it ranked as
B,c. It took part with the allies in thi Social a mimicipium,炒 tki reign of Hadrim U kad
War and um destroyed bjf 0的nius (Uvj, again sunk into
VIII, 22; Velleius Paiercufus, 化 6). II ^^Fidenae,'^^ An ancient cit^ in th land of
^Gabit. times im$ qf the most the Sabines. It frequently Tgvolud and w(U as
powerful Latin cities. It wc taken by Tar- frequently recaptured by the Homans. The Uut
quinius Superbus by stratagi n (Lilly, 1 ,53). struggU took plac* ifi 巧 8 and in ihe
In ih£ time of Augustus 1 wof in ruins, following year it was aestroyed con^
Horace {^^Sermonumy^ /, i) has: Cabtts guerors. Subseqtmtijf wj 巧 "w
the tu urn
化ivrt ivui •"
dtsertior uicus. sort rebuilt,、
,but it is Spoken 寺 as a poorplace
琴 " F 诚 •,, 0/ (Cicero, "Det)e Ia龄 巧 JI,巧; 只OToce,
wirmU cities of £ 化 uri taken by the "Sermontm%、 、、 I、xi, 7: Juvenal,义 r00).
danger from such curses was not to be oe provoked b y such curses to bring
despised, for whatever reason and by harm and misfortune upon them ; 扛r
whomever they were uttered* Sue- that it was a common practice to
^m usC<i 《 ^ g ^ , I I I , s a y s th a t G e r - invoke th a e deities shown by the
manicus su& red Piso to 6 rcak his laws w ritin g left by the orators o f that time.
and oppress his for a long time,
us clients tor AeschSies* i【 his 一
-• speech against Cte$i«
and aid n o t 'become enraged against phon,said: ‘He prays that the earth
him until he found that he was using may lot bear fru it ;and that
sorcery and cursi哗 against him ; but not bear c 曲 clren like their
then fic commanded his servants to _ Ls, but monsters," etc. Very
avenge him i f any evil befell him* much the same curse comes to the
In the same manner it is our custom o f witches in our time when they have
tonjay to threaten those who are 00 been begging and someone has refused
terms o f enmity vnth us, especially if them; for nothing is so common as for
thc]^ are und灯 any suspidon o 户wheh- them to utter a wish that alt his family
craiCf that i f any evil happens to us may die o f starvation , 化 at hi$ wi 兵
w e 《 hall hold them to be responsible* may give birth to monsters, and hi$
And this is often a very useful precau­ whole house be ;nfes化d with prodigies
tion; for it has often been found by and portents. Nor (deplorable as it is)
experience that it has frightened them 。巧 such curses always uttered aloud
into desisting and withdrawing from in words, as we have remarked else*
their wicked intentions. The Latins where; form the same speech Aeschines
were not the first to act upon this s d d ; "This fellow put a curse (if it may
opinion; (br Hesyc^ius,* as weU as properly be so called) in w ritii^, to the
Aristophanes in his lost play. The effect tnat any city or individual or
4SW酣 speak o f a 化mple at A 化ens nation which opposed h should
dedica化d U> the Furi口4 I think diat under the curse o f Apollo and Artemis."
it was fbr the same reason that the This also is a common practice o f our
Latins built tenmles to Fever,| Verharif^ witches; for it Ss not onfy the domestic
巧u钟 and 於心 fest these deides should and private 仿rtuncs o f an i 打divi^jual
that they ruin and subvert with their
* "He巧 chins•巧 An Alex4indrine 巧 mmar* curses, bu( very often also the common
ian under whose name A hr龄 Greek dktimuay, itUerests o f the whole public. In the
containing 讯uch UUuuy ^mhMtogiad case o f an individual A e y attack his
formations has been preserved io us. cattle, beasts o f b un kn ,wife, children,
, "Tfi£ Seasons." This plqjf q f Ariskh and even his life; but they also bring
pkaneSf now Iasi, is quoted fy Aiimaeus and ruin upon all the 贫〇許$>crops, vintages
other later writers. and of化n whole villages and towns.
The saaebiary and caoem o f Moreover, they have at their call
Owns ume near the Areopagus. Demons who will at once exccu 化 their
Febris* person^fiid as a desires, either by means o f a disease, or
three in Romef the princ^>al o f a blight, or lightnings or an opening o f
uAidi was P^laHaniy in thp neighbour-^ the ^arth» if A e things that they have
hood o f tki rt0». Th£ words o f Ckero, cursed have not been commended to
从1>€ ffaUtra Deorum^,姐 >xxo, arc vay 呼U
"Qjfi tmttis error 知 ty ut pemjciasis etiam the protection o f G o d ; fbr 0化 erwise i(
rebus non modo nomen deorum tribturetttr, sed is cert^n that they arc unable to harm
ctiimJitcUi constiUteunktr, F*M s enifn/itman any 化 ing jn the very least, as we have
in Paiatioy el Orbonae ad aedem Lanmiy et fully shown elsewhere.
<tmm Malae Fartmae Esqmliis amsecraiam DiiTercnt Demons have charge o f
uidemus*** Orborm was the tuUlojy goddess o f
partnis bereji o f ihdr chiUun. Also cs a o f mutobilUy* w hm fm
II **Verhtmnus** The god o f the changing Horace says ^^Vertumnis naius imMts** o f cn
jfear, and hence the deiijfo^ gives good seofons. unsUibU man ("S 巧ntomm, 。 JJ> vUf 14).
:O N O L A T R Y BK,

di 厅ere打t duties, as was the case with believed 化 be 化rrible, fierce and
the Gods o f the Pagans, One stirs up baleful, and the minis化口 o f 化 ose evils
化mpests on land, and another $U)rms which a man wished to be in巧ic 化d on
at sea; this disease is brought by one, hU fellows with the utmost cruelty and
and that by another, while a third severity.
calamhy is the work o f yet another. I It may be argued that the men o f
do 打ot k 打ow whether it 巧 thU that has those times, who voluntarily sur­
given ri化 to the e订oneous idea that rendered themselves to the power o f
whe 打 curse anyone, they wish Demons, were a 打 easy prey to such
him to be struck with a sickness which misfortunes and calamities; but that
they believe to be under the control they 注re 打ot so now that God has taken
o f some particular demi-god or Saint: them under His care and pro 化ction as
as when they curse a man with the members o f His flock. But this is not
evils o f 义 John* or S. Antony or S, the case; for both the Hebrews and
Maniust or S. Anastasms,J meaning by the Chi^istians had their cunes and
this epilepsy, the sacred fi化 , impet巧〇, maledictions, which were so bound up
and mad 打css. For many believe that with their religion that no one who
it is those Saints who send these ills had justly incurred them might escape
upo 打 men, and 化 at they are to be with impunUY. K ing Ahazuih sent a
worshipped, and even imaged, accord- centurion wun fifty soldiers to bring
ingly, They who hold such opinions £1巧ah to him, and he found him 00
would do well to consider that the top o f a hill and bade him come
The Gods may not be jea lo u s, 打or do dow 打, saying that, he did not do so
evil,I o f his own accord, he had been 化lU to
bring him by force. yt Elijah
一 ,yw*
unless they have made them 化Ives that he would show w a sign to prove
Gods like those which the ancients, that he was a 1 prophet^ ana that
blinded by the darkness o f their errors, at his prayer fire woul
svould come down
from heaven and consume the captain
• John.** Otfur Scints partiadarly in- and his soldiers; and whe 凸 he had
veked in com of ^Upsy an ihi three Holy uttered tiiis curse against h im , 化 ere
M 心 ;S, Prix, Bishop ;王 CUrmont; S, Lam^ came down fire and consumed the
beri; and the Bltsitd jocehm centurion and hi$ company. Then
O.SM . 囚 isha> his follower and inseparable
、 **5, Manius." $• Mateos* Bishop oj companion (as Josephus calls him)^
技 Portuguise wfiUrs MUve this Saint to cui^^ the chUdxen who 术 ocked him,
have sent intc Spain as a missioruuy by saying: "G o up, thou bald head !,, and
the AposiUs; but it vJmdd from his Acts fbrty a 打d two o f them were rent in
that he was put to death ly the Jews ii pieces by bears. David also p ro
fourth century.
% "S ,Anasiasius.,* 0ru4 a Mogicit nounced a curse o f vengeance again巧
ojker in Uu arm of Chostoes when tha Joab for the slaying o f Abner» which
arch carried th$&assjhm JensaUm Un was fulfilled when he was put to death
This toenl led to the conversion of the as he held to the horns o f the altar.
soldier^ who became a fwnk ai Jm And in his Psalms, especially in the
Lain he retunud to kis native country to con^ and the 扫 unared a 打d ni打tb,
oeritkipeofUfrom thiir magic and the worihip David utters a curse upon hl3 cn加 ies;
of fai. After UrribU sufftrings he was "L et dea出 seize upon them, and let
sirangUd md his had siru;A qff^ 22 jenuasy^ them go down quick into htiV* It
6s8. must not be thought that this was a
§ ••妨 ?•,,C M < m , "獻 7?参 , T- mere idle venting o f his spleen; but

、: n、 巧- 娩; that he was moved by zeal for the
rue mm litusm ifas est, glory o f 化 6 Lord to utter those words,
Uel fwctdsu Dm . and hoped that it would befall them
BK. U . 加 > ZX,

as he had said. We read in the Gospel they have power o f lifb and death to
化 at when Jesus was hungry He came be used a: each man’s discrctio。,
upo打 a fig tree a 曰d, finmng no fruit Charts and diagrams show how and
upon it, put a curse o f peipetual where a house may profitably or other­
sterility upon it, S. Paul struck 凶 ymw wise be built; but they cannot either
the Sorcerer with bli打dness; and he shake or strengthen the building, even
delivered Hyttienaeus and Alexander they be written and repea 化d a
to Sa化打; and though some have thousand times 0。 paper, or in the
understood that this merely meant air, or on v/bx,
that they were shut out ftt)tn the 長laU) in the Tlmom maintains that
Church an过 made bondsme打o f Satan, all things celestial and human> and the
others think that physical death was whole natural universe, depend upon
also implied. For in another place 打umbers; and in the ParmenuUs he
wc read that this was the punishment asci*ibes such divinity to the Dm , that
o f Ananias and Sapphira, who 化U he says that Unities are the only true
down dead simply at hearing the and ;巧mortal substances; such as the
Apostle,* rebuke; acco础 雌 to the Godlike Essence which he calls the
pi'Ophccy o f Isaiah, who sai3 : •柳 ith mi打d or 化 6 泌 uL But there is no trace
the breath o f their mouth they shall i 打 hU doctrine o f this incantation and
化 c wicked," cursing by means o f numbers.
th ere is, the打, no question but that Others say that it is the influence of
there are Demons, the maledictory the stars v/hich makes these cunes
invocadon o少 which often brings a 佩 ctive; but this view seems to be DO
fktal resuU. But there is legitimate nearer to the truth- For it is agreed
scope for inquiry and doubt as to 化 c that the stars are "n ivc^ al and
method by which they are to be in- immutable; whereas wkehes i*i8c up
voked. There arc some who bold that and curse as often as their anger is
such a resuU fbllows na 化 rally from the aroused against this or that man*
utterance o f ceitain verbal syllables Others, again, ascribe these injuries
a 打d formulas, and that there IS some to the breath breathed by the witches,
potency the manner and order o f as they uuer their curses, from their
the;r pronunciation, and in the number poisonous breasts; just as the Triballi*
o f the words, to produce an effect quite and Illyrians, and the Bithiaef in
d 瓶 re 打t from tVe actual signification Scythia, are said to have bewhehed
o f 化 6 words. But 化 is 巧ems to me just whh the mere look from their eyes
as i*idiculous and absurd as the similar (Pliny, V II, 3), But here again there
belief in the virtue o f written char- is much that 玉 3 absurd and incredible.
ac 化rs a 打d 1別化口;for there mu巧 be For, in 化e first place, as has already
some rational CO打nexion betwee打 the been said, such poison cannot be o f
active and passive principles i f 化 cy sufficient virulence to reach people at
a 巧 to produce any effect. How can a distance: moreover, how can a w i 化h
be possible for a mere vocal noise to without danger to himself keep a
act so powerfully a$ to kill thus in an poison in his bosom which w ill be
instant a solid body, oflcn when it is noxious and fatal to o 化ers when he
at a great distance away? W hat can breathes it upon them?
there be in common between writ 化n Again, i f all these things have power
characters and numbers^ and the to hurt, how comes it that 化 ey have
breath drawn by living animals? The also power to heal? For I remember
same let化口, syllables and sounds
serve the accuser in his prosecution, •Triballi." A pe嗦 It qf Lower Afwia.
the accu 化 d in his defence, and 化 e This name was given to eer*
Judge in his sen化打c c ; but 打0 one tain jomtn in S巧thia, said 化 have two 批 pits
mai打tain that for that reasem

reading that witches, by pronouncing able to God as furthering His purposes,

a curse in a certain formula, have or whether He rejects it as proceeding
thrown many into a grievous sickness; from unw ort^ motives, when the
and then, moved by their prayers, or mes化nge巧 o f dhri 巧 came to a certaio
by fear, or by some other reason, they village o f the Samaritans to prepare
have restored them to health by re­ the 打eccssaries o f life for the Lord and
peating the same words backwards. 化ose 化 at were with Him, and 化e
Thus the wound and the remedy both men o f the village rejected them and
proceed from the same words: even as would 打ot receive the Lord wUhi。
Circe took away and rcsto巧d men’s their 巧 tes. His di泌iples James and
reason with the same wand, and by John said: "Lord, wilt thou that we
the same process changed men ^nto command fire to come down from
beasts and oeasts into m en: similarly, heaven and consume them, even as
it is recorded in many Hbtodcs that Elia$ did?" But Jesus turned and
there was a bull which fell down dead rebuked them, and said: know
when certain words were whispered ;打 not what manner o f spirit ye are of.**
its ear, and was restored to life when As if He would s a y 色lias, whom you
the same words were repea化d* bring forward as an ex am p le , 巧江-
Therefore I prefer to t)dicve 化 at a " formed the judgment o f G m wUch
these things are signs and symbols of was commanded him by the Spirit;
something more secret which they but you, not at the command o f God
cover as It were w kh a 山巧u is e . 知 r but through the prompting o f the
a deeper and more careful considera* flesh, wish to inflict summary ven­
tton w ill show that their one true geance" (5 •王 化 ix, 52-56) •
source is the Demons: the reason It was 化r this reason also that
doubtless being that it was so arranged Onias, a just man who lived maDy
by the pact between 化e Demon and years ago, would not yield to the
the witch; or that the same words prayers o f his fellow-townsmen that he
and characters and numbers arc used, should curse the prie舱 who, with
which wei*e at first ordained in the Anstobulus, had tu e n sanctuary in
)act o f some 0化cr witch b y whom 化c 化mpic, Josephus jW • 乂IV,
a ter witches have been instructed. 3) says that, foreseeing the civil strife
For this reason S. Augustine {De at Jerusalem, he had hidden hi imelf in
doctrina, Christiana, II) says that it was reurement; but they sought him out
so constitu化d in the abominable asso­ and led him to their camp, and asked
ciation o f Demons and men as a pledge him, as he had once by his prayers
o f their treacherous and disloyal brought rain in a time o f drought and
friendship ;and we may well call it, so prevented the failure o f the crops,
in the words o f Isaiah, a covenant with so now to put Xristobulus a 打d all his
death and an agreement with hell. followers u打der the curse of Heaven.
Someone may say that this v ic y WhcHi af巧r liavi打良仿r a long time
inconsis化nt with what we have jusi refused, he was coerced by the mobj
said o f the Holy Fathers, and Jesus our he s化od up among them and prayed
Saviour, and His Apostles and dis­ as fbllows: " O G 品1, 化 e King of all
ciples; but it is not so. For a man to this world; since both these who stand
rush furiously and madly to avenge here with me arc T hy people, and
a private injury is a very diffc巧nt they whom they oppose arc Thy
matter from being impelled by love priests, I pray that Thou wilt not hear
a 打d zeal for God,s glory to avenge that the prayers o f cither o f them against
which is done or said in con 化mpt a 打d the other." For he ch化e to court
despite o f Him with the use o f for­ certain danger to his lift (fbr he w 声s
bidden arts. It matters much whether at 0打cc sto打cd by the people for this
such an action is gra 化ful and accept p ra y e r) 化化er than yield to their
base passions and cur innocent contend! ng vy 化 e Devil
men. body o f Mo 化s, did not dare to incur
The story o f Balak is well known the sin o f blasphemy by cursing even
even to 化 e mo巧 ignorant: how he him who was most worthy o f male*
se打t 化 e prophet BaTaam to curse the diction ,
1巧acii化s, but that he could not; for What, then, must we think will be
the very a 巧 upon which he rode the result o f a carelessly uttered curse?
obstinately resisted him, and even Surely that it will fail upon him who
expostulated with its master in human uttered it; just as when a man shoots
speech because he did not understand a 打 arrow into the sky, it often faUs
tnat he was preven化d by Heaven from back upon himself. As the bird flying
that which he was has化ning to do. aimlessly, as the swallow wandering at
And so, not only did he not curse the large, so (says Solomon, Proverbs xxvi)
Israelites, but they were blessed by the shall the curse cau化 kss return upon
very Demon who, it is ccitain, is above him who sent it forth. Yet still wc
all zealous fbr the dcs化uctiem o f men. dare to wish that wc may be damned
(If the Demon wishes to hide his if a matter prove to be other than we
wickedn巧s under a veil o f probity, he have s化 ted it 化 be, although our
thinks that he cannot more conve­ inner conscience CO打victs us 0? insin­
niently do so than by assuming a hatred cerity. Therefore we should not be
么nd dc 化station oHhat very sin, Thus surprised if the Arch-schemer» who is
it is no uncommon thing for the vilest always i打 wait 化 r us to make us his
whores to speak in praise o f mode巧y.) prey, oftc打 takes us lUerally at our
Similarly, Plutarch 化 1s o f a pri货化巧 w ord: as Weyer tells (Df 化 公 0伽 .
at Athens who could 打ot be induced cap. 17) that it happened 打ot long
to curse Aldbiades a 【 the bidding of si打cc to one who, to 巧rve his own
the people, because she said that she in 化rests, perjured himself in giving
had cn 化red 化 e priesthood in order to evidence; a 打d to inspire the grea 化r
pr斯 and not to curse. belief in his truthfulness added a wish
中herefbre it is the more 化 be that he might to to perdition i f he was
wondered at that such curses arc to- telling a he. For the Devil at once
day so frequently the mouths of bore him away befbre the eyes o f all,
nearly all Christians, that through use a 打d he was no more 巧 cn. 了his
they have ceased to be regarded as man deserved 打0 pity, seeing that by
worthy o f condemnation or rebuke; his own thoughtless and rash lying he
a n d 【 hal the habi I has grown so strong c o w e d his own damnation; (br
that they are often uttered without non少i iniuria,
thought, and Are no longer considered But how vile a thing it is for angry
a crime* Yet S. Jerome {In Leviticum) >aren化 to curse their chWdre打 and so
proclaims that they who neglec【化 )ring harm upon them ! For wc have
restrain their habit o f cursing, even if the evide 打cc o f his化 ry that this has
the curse docs not come from their often happened. Plato (Di legibus, Lib.
hearts, nevertheless (according to V U ) even held that no more 化iriblc
Isaiah) sully their lips and befoul their thing could happen to children; and
moutlis. S* Peter a!so, to put a greater eve 打 that it was unlucky, and not
check upo打 that lice打ce, strictly bade seldom brought misfbmrne, 化 be
us to speak blessings always, knowing merely indignant wUh 化 em. "I know
that wc were called to receive blessing mcn, ,《 says Olaus Magnus (Hist, dt
by inlierilance; and not to be pro­ Gent. Septtnt. X V I, 3), old as
voked by wrangling, not to be angered myself, who have been cut off
by injuries, not to be exasperate by from their fathers* b k 巧ing, and have
con化打tion$. For even Michael the continually suffered every kind o f
Archangel (巧 ys S. Jerome), wlien misfortune, poverty* calamity and

infamy," It ;s for this rcaso。 that fro扣 accompa打ied Bloquat on that journey
the most ancient times the lay popula* to help him; for many days before the
tion o f the Northern countries ^ v c wkch confessed he had spread his
used the following custom -when account far and wide,M o w v e r, the
their boys and 批 Is going to bed, new and unheard心 mann打 oi" hia
theyf recite the Lon)rd,s Prayer and the death was itself an ar^ m ent that it
Hail M ary in the ord 包 o f their age$, was caused by some rare power o f eviL
and receive th dr 亿出cr,s blcssmg. Among other things^ this story shows
And in chapter iii> verse the prompt dUigemre o f the Demon ixi
9, we read: "T h e blcssin夏 o f the father obeying his subjects* invitation to
establisheth the houses ofchildren; but inflict an injury. Conscquemly we
the curse o f the mother roo化化 out may here add the testimony o f Jeanne
foundations." o f 知 on 化nay at Cond《 , July 1582, to
But perhaps 1 have dwelt too long the effect that she rarely had asked
on a matter which is 打ot open to much the Demon to bring misfortune on
doubt or CO打troversy* Let us, then , anyone without the deed fbilowing
* to some more examples. immediately upon her word: so eager
and assiduous he to seize every
A oppe 加 打 ity o f ill^doin护
Another Example in proof of CHAPTE反 X !
krgufrwU: and how tfu Aiur
mitUd Demons o/Un U公ve Tit another Example^ the CredibUi^ of
behind thm. which is CO作med bjf th$ Aulhmty of
ike Ancients: and of tht ProUctim
ere follows another example,
Hnot unlike those given above,
CO cerni g 0 e Bernard loqu t. As
打 打 打 及 江
which mus( nbope aU Ifg —
ths WiUs and Assaults oj Satan.
he following story, also told ia
Joa 打na a Ban打o was worki打乏 i打 the
fields^ she saw this man going by with
his hor化s towards Strassburg, where
T my Summary, is iUus狂ative of the
same a巧 utnc打t. A wuch, who was
he had some businc巧 ;a 打d remember- commonTy known as Lasnier, u化d to
ing 化 at he had long ago done her an beg iVom door to door at Nancy, and
injury which she had not yet avenged, by her age and ^n6rmUy so arou巧d
she cursed and cxecra 化d him so chat the pity o f the more influential
化 e mi点 i*tu打c b 成 U him which I have citizens that she every day received
n 江打ateil hi the Summary o f this work , so much alms from them that she was
For she had hardly begun her curse well abie to lead a comfortable
before he fell headlong from his cart life. One day she was, in her usual
wUh such force that he was instaruly manne。 impoitunately aski打g alms at
killed: yet no part o f his body was the Deputy Governor’s* door, when
i打jured, there was no wound or bruise unfortunately his eldest son came out
or sweliing, no limb was disloca化d or and told her to come back at another
twU化d, nor was there any lesion in any time because it was not just then con-
》arc; so 化 a 【 it is to be believed that ve打ient to trouble the servants. She
ii$ 1报 was cut o 庁 and his breath took great 0折 nee at this and} as is the
stopped all in a moment by the way o f all witches, promptly cursed
Demon. And lest anyone should think him. Immedia化ly, as though he had
that the truth o f this depended on that caught his foot against a stone, he fell
witch’s confc巧ion alone> he should * The Deputy Governor 0/
know that it was in every respect CO打- fiaruy Jrom i^yy to i6oy was RtnauU ae
firmed by Jean le Charretier, who had Gown巧 、 Seigneur d, Villcrs.

〜;化 such violence and was in such as a result o f careful ioqu

pain 化at he had 化 be carried back nutter we have just relat
into the house at once; and there he was cast into prison; and after I had
told his servants how and in what examined her accordance with the
manner the whole 舶 巧 had hap­ depositions o f the witnesses^ I at last
p e n ^ ; adding chat he did not owe his inauced her> without appl料 g any
mbfortune to nis own carelessness^ but torture^ to make open confession o f au
that he had been struck from behind her crimes. And among these she told
by some h邮 肿 force, and that he had i打 化 c same words that which the
no doubt tnat he would have broken young man had so constantly affirmed*
a limb if God had not helped him as he For a$ soon as the Demon accom-
feii• • 古or>" he said, "when I arose in plhhcd 化at deed he had flown to the
the morning I had commended myself meat market where she was aod told
to God wim the sign o f the Gn ^ . , , her everything that had happened;
But not even afttr this would the and she maintained this assertion
witch let him b e ;for her Demon was until she met her death by fire at the
fudous on learning o f the 扣 lure o f her hands o f 化巧 executioner.
Wempt, and even more vehemently This savage ferocity o f Satan ag 苗Qst
urged and required her to find some men is no new chine now (br 化 e first
means o f destroying 化 e 户 u time heard of; for wi^itings o f the
巧ying that she ceniDd easily ancieocs, both sacred and profane,
she attacked him when he was not contain more examples o fit th&n I can
pro化c 化d by his morning prayers and conveniently 化 e• 直 t was Satan who
化 e sign o f the Cross, For the Demon stirred up the great wind from the
Wms满 a立 now向 ged that this had wilderness, which overthrew th^ house
been the cause o f the failure o f the where the sons o f Job were feasdne^
fbrmer attempt. After some days it OKJ l&XAV MJ 〜 perished in ks f 述
happened that the young man put his (Job i, ij如 Asmodeus, that the
arm out o f an upper window to take Destroying roying Angel (whom the Rab*
some fledglings from a n巧t against the binlsts caU the Angel o f Death), slew
wall, when he was lifted up from the s^ven husbands o f Sara the
behind and throw打 through daughter o f Raguel on the night when
dow with such Ibrce that each o f them first approached the
brought back into the house for dead* marriage bed {Tobit Hi, 8 • When the
But after some hours he regained con« Proconsul Aeg<as ordered S* Andrew
crucified at
sciousness and, seeing his iather w ee^ to be crucitied At Patrae ;n Acbata«
ratrae in Achak
ing and lamenting by hU side, said: the evil spirit seized him and strangled
"D o not be angry an巧y with
wUh me^ father,, h;m. In the chapter where F ^ lu s
me* father
because o f this accident. U was cer. describe$ six kinds o f Demon, Marcu
tainly not m y fault; for some化ing says Demons often destroy men b
came at me from behind and thrust fire or by a fa ll; and that t h ^ ovei
me out in spi化 o f m y stru姑 e$, a 打d whelm and sink ships laden wim mcr
I was forcibly overcome and cast 一 Levin says that they secretl
down by someching very heavy/, And lie them$elvc5
emseives wii
indeed 化ere had 换 en found 的 him as drinic, airs and breaths , take
he lay on the groundaround a log
loe oi
o f wooo
wood and receive i our bodies, and pol*
pile s t o ^ in an upper loft fot lute and vitiate: manym ; other things
househ'i(^d use. He kept constantly to which wc use forr the maintenance o f
this cw days. our health. Finally , 化 H oly Scrii
is account, and died after a f<
:OTtly afterwards, by reason ot tur巧 procl山m that OUT ,
information received from other Devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about
witches, and because she had for a lone seddng whom he may devour (i
time been suspect o f witchoraft, and v, 8)*
132 lEMONOLATRY BK. xn ,
Ther*efbi*c 化 SO savage and fierce a branches from the top o f a tree,
beast we oppose the shield o f solid 这打other throwing fruit from a store­
亿kh, t:he sword of 化 c s p ir i t , 化c house into the yard to be pressed,
helmet o f salvatio打, and our 〇(:her while a third was stacki打g a 打d arrang-
reserves o f pro 化ction (so 化 speak) > i 打g hay on the top of a waggon; and
such as temperance, integrUy, vig^ although none ol them was 化 king
lance, fasting, prayers, and consent any careless r i s k s , 化 cy were aU
supplications especially in the early thrown and dashed to the grou 打d 80
hours o f the morning. For the witches violently that they had to be carried
themselves confess that they arc away half dead :yet there was no sign
thwar 化d and balked in their aUempts o f a打V who had at 化 eked 化 cm. TTic
by such means. And certainly there is followi巧 , agai 打, is even moi*e to emr
no lack of Biblical authority that the poi打t• 巧 ere was in a remo化 wood
Holy Prophets practised their use. a pear tree ol o f wi
which Jean Roticr
David in his distre巧 cries o u t: O Lord, had long made up his mind to have
my God, early will i seek thee: In the the fruU; Ibr he didid not think that, in
morning w i" I stand befbre thee and such an obscure and inconspicuous
behold thee: In the morning my place, it would be noticed by anyone
prayer shall come before thee. So also who might wish to snatch this litbit
Isaiah says: In the morning, (he from his lips* None the less, the tree
morning hath the Lord turned His car was noted by Desire Salet, hi$ fbllow,
to me. And ag 非n : With my soul have villager, who made up his mind to
I desired thee in the n 帥 t ; yea, with be 化e first to get at the pears; but
m y spirit within me will 1 seek thee Rotier found him in the very act,
early. For at the prayer o f His people and it was n〇( long before he paid the
the Lord will defend and protect them penalty for disappointing him o f his
from the dangers which threaten prize; for such men very e a s ily 【 ake
them ; not according to the desires o f offence and are quick to seek revenge.
their own hearts, but according to the Accordingly, as was his custom in
wisdom o f the Holy Spirit. other cases, be cur$ed Desire^ who was
Therefbrc I do the more wonder at suddenly caught up in a whirlwind
the 化Hy and ignorance o f some who and thrown to the ground, and was
blame the Ciiristian cus^ms; Ibr hurt so in one leg that he was unable
when the church bell rings in the to move from that place until some
mor打i打g to summon men to their shepherds who were mindii^ their
prayers and devotio打s a 打d, so to sheep i打 the glades near by ran i
spe沁 to tweak them by the ear, there his cries, and helped to bring
arc men who at once vilify a 打d con- home. A 打d his leg was not yet healed
demn this practice as having bee打 at the time when Rotier nrst made
instituted by those with whom they this mat化r clear by his own free
d 版 r in mauers o f religious worship, confession.
O f the same kind is the s化ry o f
古 Epvret化 Hoseloda, at Toul, February
1587. 了 his worn江n h 江d & son in the
CH A PT 丘R X II service o f Jean Halecourt, who had
More Examples to the same Effect: and that been harsh y trea化d by his master on
account o f 江certain theft o f which he,
the Demons cast headlong down thoss
more tha 打 any o f 化e 0化er servants,
Whom ih巧 have had Licence from
Witches to injure. was suspected. Resenting this, and
wishing 仿r some reven复e, his mother
、了O T unlike the 辽boveis 化c follow- eagerly sought her opportunity; and
_ ing story o f some peasants, one o f as Jean was blunging nis horses back
whom was trashing the too luxui'iant IVom paMure• 打c班 gently riding upon

o打c o f them, she and her Demo 打came respect o f this crime and others o f
up without being seen by any, and winch she had lo打g bee打 suspcc化d;
lowered the horse’s neck so that i 色 and 行打ally she was i 打duced to confess
rider slipped off to the ground and openly chat she was gu H ty, 化lling all
broke his leg. And he sii]l 化 emed as it had been done by the Demon at
lame a 打d crooked from that fall when her requut, and particularly o f the
he appeared to give evidence against burning embers which he had
that witch. shoveUed from under 化 e hcanh a 打d
thrown upon the unfortunate child
Since wc have touched upon the
CHAPTE 民 X n i subject o f the fires and con巧agrado 打s
caused by Demons, I have thought
So,mefurtfier ExampUs; and how Demons
their Witefus wt Fire to good to subjoin some various examples
Houses and Buildings.
o f this aspect o f their activities, which
may help to elucida 化 the truth o f a
/ C L A U D E FELLE T was always matter which has been the subject o f
^^quarrelling with a woman who mucli doubt and controversy to many ,
was her neighrour; for it is often a There is a villa复e named Colmar m
fruitful source o f fnetion when those the domains ot the Lord Abbot o f
o f equal condition live near to each Saint-Evre, Jacques dc Tavigny,*
other. And she had for a l 〇打g lime O.S.B,, a p巧 la 化 o f most eminent
)ondcred i打 her heart how she could nobility a 打d riches, never sufficiently
)nng some secret misfortune upo 打 her to be prai巧 d (br his courtesy.
neighbour; for it was necessary that
it should be done i 打secret, since if any • "Jacqufs T 化诚炒•, ,乃 ix 《r,。 ,化
evil befell the woman, all the inhabi- goodpnhti u 、 •of the glories of the Order of
化 nts would at once blame Fellet for Bting consecrated Abbot in r^d
it. Accordingly, she formed the follow* to Aboot Adrien Boudoir^ he rwd
ing plot with her Demon. She was to his hous* of Sain^Evr, with aJirm kindness at
go to her usual work in the fields, a tirru w ^ , owing h political wphfiwaU and
while he would do her business for her events^ there was much relaxation in
On 巧 M巧 、!斯 、 fu issued a
in the tow 打: in this w ay no suspidon mw siatuUs for Ins monastery^
could attach to her, since she would be 村t均巧 wwn c view to checking too corlj pT知
away from home. The neighbour's fusions. TTu noble families uxmU 皆Un
hou巧 was bolted and barred, and courage and even compel ike younger scions of
behold! her infant so打 whom the their houses to mbr必 • the monastic profession
mo 化 er had left alo打e 化 c house was before thi striplings could be sure o f 。 true
heard crying pitiablY within. A ll who vocalion, and as ij)梦mce ofUn Ud to Mgh
heard it ran up and broke open the konaurSf no small m b resulted. In tsQS 3 ^^
door to see what had happened to quBS de Tavig^ was eUcUd Vkor-Ueneril of
make it cry so; and they found Wm the Baudkti记 Ofd灯 for cU ierrUories c你护
smothered and buried all over with prised und行 tfi£ LegaUship of the Cardinal of
red-hot embers. They shook these off Lorraine. He died> how巧er, the following
with all speedy and took him from bis yecr. Not long btjore he had ^gun tie restora^
cradle in a despera化 effort to save tion 却 Saint,^u> which 始 betn grea^
dema弘 d during thi wars and irwusions 冻 155^ 、
him ; but he was already breathing his The work was coniimud by his nephewy Lotos
la 巧, and died in their hands• 寸 he de Tamgny^ who was tUcUd Abbot of Scint^
rumour the打 began to spread that this E巧f in 巧 於 Dm Louis was eoTtsecraUd
was certainiy doing, for i( Bishop of CkrisiopoUs and Suffragan of Toul.
was said that she had already taken T h Abb^ was completed in 1613. He died
the same sort of vengeance on several 7 Axigusty and was succuded as Abbot
others: therefore she was examined in by his nephew, Dom Marc^Franfois <UCiem,

beneficence and integrity- Not twenty duties; nevertheless, the good woman
years ago a certain wanton Demon put dow 打 i打 a flour tJb that stood
began to throw sttmes i打cessantly by near by, sayi打g that if she had no use
day and night at the serva 打ts o f a 打 for it at that time, she might rc 化rn it
inhabitant o f this vHlage; but aAer he at her leisure. Hardly hao she left the
had done tWs Ibr a long dme without house when the tub CO 打taining the
effect, they beg 江n to treat it as a joke napkin burst into flames^ a 打d the
and did 打ot hesitate to huH back whole house caught fire so rapidly
taun 校 and insults at him, Therefore that no help could be brought quickly
at the dead o f night he set fire to the enough. Tnesc two wo men separately
whoie house i打 a moment, so that no gave the same account o f this event,
amount o f wa 化r was enough to pre­ and so removed any possible doubt as
vent it from being immedia向 y burned to its truth.
to tile ground. This account I eageily One more example, not unlike the
heard from the serva打ts> being led by above, I shall take from Erasmus of
the s化angeness o f the event to (Question Rot 化rdam (鮮 如 •抑 m7.>X X V I I , 2〇).
them when I chanced to h t going that There is a town in Switzerland called
w 巧 not many days la 化 r. Schiltach which was cnUrely burnt
The following s化 ry is the v 巧 y down in a moment on the 化打化 of
brother to that o f Medea, who 巧 nt as 1533. And according the
a gi 化 to Creusa the daughter o f Cr 作 n statements made by 化 e ;n它abitants
magic Are enclo化d in a box, by which 【0 the Mayor o f F ritou 巧 , which cky
the palace in which she was then was is e 嗔ht German mil巧 from the place,
burned. Joanna Schwartz at Laach, the cau 化 o f that fire was said 化 be as
M arch 1588^ tried with al] her might ibllows;— A Demon whistled in a cer,
to get Fran5〇isc Huyna to give her a Cain part o f a 打 inn; and the host,
piece o f dough before she put it in the thinking i( was a thief, went up but
oven, so that she might make a cake found no one. The whistle was
with it for her children. But Huyna r c 巧 ated from a higher room, and
refu化d her, saying that the dough had again the host we 打t up 化 look for a
been measured out to last the whole thi成 but a辞 n foim式 no one* But
family for a certain number o f days, and when the whistle was again heard,
she could not give any o f it away with- this time from the top o f the
out causing her own house to go short. it came in化 出 e host、 mind that it was
Thereupon Joanna never stopped the work o f some Demon* He bade
x>ndenng how she might fittingly pay his family keep calm ; called two
ler back for that refusal. But she did pries技; and they performed an exor­
打ot have to wait long; for her Demo 打 cism. He answered that he was a
gave her a napkin jn which were some Demon. Asked what he was doing
tiny morsels like chaff, and told her there, he said that he vKshed to bum
to secrete it in Huyna's house, and to the tow 打to ashes. When they thread
do so quickly; for it would happen that, ened him with holy things, he said
9〇on after sne had done so, the house that he cared nothing for tneir threats,
would suddenly burst into flames and since one o f them was a whoremonger
be consumed with all 1技 furniture. and both o f them were thieves- A
Accordingly she rolled the napkin into little later he raised up into the air a
a ba]l^ went to Huyna as she was bu$y »ung woman
young , with whom he had been
in her bakchouMi and offered to sell iQtimaia 化 {br ibur化en years (although
it to her 化 r use i 凸her loom, which she during all this time she had regularly
had heard she was 护 tting ready. CO品巧sed herself a 打d receiv完 the
And when Huyna said m at she did not Eucharist), and set her on the chim-
need it, since she expected to have ney-pot; gave her a jar, and told her
more than enough to do in household to turn it up. She did this; and within
an hour the whole town was burned
We 打eed not be greatly as化 nUhed
at this power o f the Demo 打s to cau 化 T m more Examples; and how at tlu
such rapid and ins化 rUaneous flres, Pr巧*r of their Discifbs t/u Dmons
for even to this day we have men who obstruct the Breath ana ckoki the Lift of
are most skiUed in doi打g the Hkc. I do thou ufon whom (h巧 wish 化 舊 6
not refer to explosive powders and Avengtd.
such in 行ammstory sub巧ances, by the A G E R T A IN p e a sa n tn a m e d M a -
use o f which we see whole hou 化s l \ luctica was on his w ay earW one
{Quickly w t o 打 fire and destroyed; fbr morning to a castle by the Moselle to
tneyare matters o f common and every­ sell• 的me mi比 there, when a violent
day use« I refer to some occult whirlwind, aUhough was perfectly
讯 ethod which is b 巧 ond normal calm everywhere else, so took away
human u 打ders|;anding.石ast year there his brea化 化 at he la ^ o r a long time
was in the trai打 of a certain Prince a between li挺 and <{ea化 • This mis­
simple fellow from Germany (I name fortune had b 的 n plot化d against him,
no names, though I could easily do so), with the help o f a Demoiii by Fran-
who proibsecUl^at he had that which, 巧 ise Fellet (at Fagny’ sur•的 oselle,
i f he scat化red some o f ic amo打g the December 1584], to vent hU spite on
hou化 s, the whole town, many days him for many 1巧juries: as he after,
after he had left it, would be 化 t on wards freely con^s巧d in mere peni­
fire and burned out. And at last, tence fbr his crime.
through an interpreter, he explained In 化 e 巧 me way Jacobeta Weher o f
to the Count, the Prmce,s so打, the the Dieuze di巧net, Sep 化mber 1584^
naUire o f this substan说 , having first wished to give vent to her long hatred
bound them both by an oath never to o f a young woman who was her
reveal or communicate the secret to ncighbioux without incurring any more
anyeme. suspicion; and when the ^ 1 was in
1 know 红om Pliny (II, i 〇5 ) 化 at the fields,•化 e 石 emon c a u ^ t her in d
naphtha has such an ^ n i t y Ifor 6re violent wind so that she became more
that 文【 very readily conducts fiaine; swollen day b y day, and a t last was
but he is wide o f me mark when he
says (iiat it actually caus巧 fire. For , Julius Obsequens says that at
as I hear» i( can be kept with perfect Q the consulship o f Lucius
safety for many days in the same room Scipio and Caius Ladius, there arose
with a bright and continual fire burn* Out o f a clear sky clouds which killed
ミDg• but certainly it is an execrable
and detestable invention; (or, thanks
to no host is safe from hi$ gue$
and the la rg a t and most bcaudful
cities> which cost many years* labour CHAPTER
in the build and perfecting^ can in Tet other Examples : and that Demons
a moment be destroyed at the pleasure straightway it^ict Wounds upon those
o f one wicked man>, w i t h 【 he con$e* Wkim have a Afandate from 度
queat rain o f all the inhabitants. JVifcA 化 In jm .
f ^ G L E T T E n S C H E R (Gcrbcville ,
V ^ M a y 1585), without lifting her own
hand, causra her fbUow-towsinaxi
Q a u d e ja q i nin to lose one eye, after
she had giv< her Demon a mandate
to that effe ; as she herself openly

confessed to the Judge when she was This he promptly did a few days la 化r
tried for wUchcr品 t. Her story was the when the man was wooding in the
more believed because Jaquimin after­ forest: by putting a 打 unguc打t upon
wards said that the wound to his eye the wound." A ll 化is was CO打firm种
had been caused as it were by a blow in every dc 化il as the w;U:h had told it,
from a suddenly released branch o f 辽 by the peasant when he was after­
tree, but 化at there were no trees for wards questioned on the mac(cr.
many paces in any direction. Therc- Ammianus Marcelliiuis (LA .
化re was suspected 化 at the wound X X V I ) 化lls that a similar misfortune
had been causra by some evil art. happened to Aproniamis as he was
A similar story wa5 told by Jacobeta journeying to Syrian and a d d s 【 hat
Wchcr, whom we have Just mentioned this so roused his gall against witches
"F or many reasons," she said, " I da­ that as !〇打g as he lived he did not
tes 化d a certain peasant who W35 living cease 化 prosecu化 them wUh every
in the same house with m e ; but I punishment a 打d torture.
could see no way o f revenging myself That the Demon lends his help to
without incurring suspicion, for he such work should not be doub 化G by
kept a keen and watchful eye upon me. anyone who considers how ready he is
A t last, however, I found a w x y ; 化r to hurt, and what rapid and easy
at m y entreaty my Demon thrust a means he has to inflict injuries- Yet 1
thorn deeply into (us knee while he am incHned to doubt 化c 【 ruth o f all
was doing something among the this s化ry 0户the thru巧ing in o fa thorn,
bushes; and for three momhs the and the appHcatio打 o f an ointment;
wound would not heal, until I felt pity fbr u is admittai that 化 c Demon has
for such long pain and prevailed upon no need o f such adventitious and
the Demon to make him whole again. external aids to such actions*
THE TH 化 D BOOK Avenging God pursues the evU-doers.*
But no one, however unfamiliar
亩 with the 化aching o f the Fathers, can
be ignorant that from the time when
CHAPTER I men first began to sin God has
appoi打化d His mi打isters o f vengca 打ce
Thu when we tvoidd have the Saints to be Ukc a flame o f fire consumhig the very
the Authors of Sicknesses^ we labour elements and the whole world. There­
wider the same Error 议hich made the fore wc must wonder at the ill-
Pa^atis formerly impute the Cause of advised piety 〇r some who would
化eu" Ali^ortunes 化 one of ifuir Gods, make those who arc numbered with
And Ihis fias given lisc to anoifitr E订or, the Blessed the minis化口 o f such
that we must go to Ike same Sourcefor c a la m itie s ; 化 inking, forsooUi, that
our Remedies; as do those who are slung thus they will be more reverenced 汪nd
by Scorpions, 了hat 化is Error is 化 no held the grea 化r awe by me打; for
small Degree confirmed by 化e specious they maintar打 that one Sai打t affiicts
Miracles performed bj Demons in tfuir men with the i 化h, another with S.
Porients; and it is disputed whether A 打化ny,s and another with epi-
these are merely Illusions, or whe化er lepsy, in order to avenge insults and
(here is (my TrtUh in Them, wro 打gs offered them, as Nvhe打 their
worship has bee打打eglectcd^ r ii
' I T H R O U G H O U T the Holy other manner they have sunere
■ Scrip 化 res wc find Uiat God or injury- Even in his time, Porphy-
I severely punish巧 the sins Tius (De sacrijiciis, ds spec. Daem, bonorum
o f mankind. For because 〇巧〇^ mz/wiim) complained that this
the me打 o f Sodom turned away was the greatest o f all the evils wrought
grangers and polluted each other by wicked spirits against mankind,
with their lusts, He ut 化rly destroyed that whereas they were themselves
their city and laid a curse upon the authors o f the disaster which be-
their whole country, so that it should fell men, such as p巧 tilcDce> poveity,
never bear fruit or anything that carthqu^es, upheavals, fires and
rrows. And by His prophet Gad, other like misfortunes and calamities,
He punished David for numbering yet they maliciously ascribed the cause
people, o ff" i 打g him the choice o f all these to one o f the Gods, whose
o f three plagues: cither seven delight is, on the CO打trary, in fertility
famine, or three months to be defea化d and prosperity, Thus they drive me打
by his enemies, or three days' pes­ to impious supplicatio打s a 打d rites in
tilence among the Hebrews. He the belief that the Gods (whom,
punished the Israelites also for their according to Cicero, every schcK>l of
sins and wickedness with seventy philosophy holds to be above all anger
years’ captivity Babyloiu Finally, and vin 如 tiveness) are hostile to
in the clearest manner He p rocl^ m ^ them ; or to the no less impious belief
hi 化 e Decalogue that He would visit that the Gods are swayed by human
the idolatry o f 【 he fathers upon the emotions when they vem their spUc
children to the third and fourth with Gre and slaugh 化r and ruin.
generation. And even now He often Hippocrates vehemently opposed
draws the sword o f His wrath again 巧
the opinion o f those who, when they
us, for an example to us, and to recall
us from our vices and bri打g us back
^rUo the right way, No one ca 打 doubt • 如《•,
that H b hands are always 化 hed 化 獻 :
the wicked. uperb。

saw any suddenly thrown down and deceUfuIness o f his wiles, And his skill
convulsed with epilepsy, ascribed the i 打 deluding and imbuUig men*5 minds
cause o f that sickness to one o f the with de化s化 bic ideas, are 化 0 well
Gods who was angry with him, and k 打own for me to have much 打eed to
thought that was necessary to expose them here, yet I shall add a
p la ca k hSm either by a votive prayer, 仿w words 0打 【 his subect, so that even
or by suspen出打g so讯 e charm about this matter may not be without
the sufferer’s ne瓜 examples to make ic clear.
These complaints may with the There is in Metz a shrine t very
greater reason be made against the famous for the marvellous cures which
men o f our own day, from whose arc said to be effec化d by viituc o flc
minds the Hght o f the Christian truth beau Saint Bernard to whom it is
has not yet shaken the blindness and dedicated, although he has nev^ yet
ignorance which cause them oven yet been beatified. I remember seeing its
to wo 口liip their Fifioew a 打d 度如(gwfJ in 化rior columns draped and hung
wUh an ope打 CO打viction o户piety, and with linen cloths from which were
to pUca 化 them with gifts that they suspended bricks, coals> balls o f tow
may 打0 more be angry whh them, or 3nd hair, trumpery, bits of glass,
to purchase their health with some sw ord-blades, 山 ns o f lizards and
sacrifice, or finally to ward o ff and 化 ads, and all sorts o f such trash,
avert impendhtg misfortune, I wrhe which, in 化 e sight o f any who cared
with special reference to certai打 old to be present, the sick who had been
women who arc fbr ever talking o f broug辛t 化 ere i 打 出 c greatest agony
their lucky Saints, and how necessary had cith 巧 vomi化d up or ejee化d
it is Co make pilgrimages to their some part o f their bodies. There was
shrines; a 打d hire themselves for much aiso a great pile o f cnuches left behind
money to undertake such pilgrimages* by those woo had been restored to
I will not occupy myself with amulets, health; who had come there limping
phylacteries, periapts and waxen with a great eflbi% but had gone home
tablets, nightlong wa 化bin 护 , the active and vigorous* A t the bidding
cross-wise measuring o f the sick and o f Salcedius, who was Governor o f
other such trashy which are every­ that Province, all these things were
where used with the greatest con­ removed in our time; but the shrine
fidence in their efficacy although they 出 d not for 山 at reaso打 lose its fame;
have been $pecifica"y anathematised for the crowds who sd II flocM o 乏1 are
by a Papal A ll such things as 护 eat as 化 eyever were*
m 帥 t be pa巧ed over, were it not 化 at I do not doubt, O Most Illustrious
they have become 打otorious by associ­ Prince, that you, in your exempl吟
ation wj 化 certain 仿 ul and monstrous devotion to and your outstanding
prodigies; for such so-called signs and wi$dom» will at last reform this abuse
omens o f the SairUs are accoinpaoUd , when it shall be in your power and
under the specious name o f miracles, you wield supreme authority over
by innumerable illusions and impose things temporal and religious m that
turcs o f the devil. A 打d although the district.
* AscmtaxnedinthecffUi^
Itm m edition 分 於 "Corpus iuris ca/wnici>" observed that there
computed in 15& and issued by Gregory Xllly is ru>此ing o f ufkiek more sus*
wHq reigned TT\i Pope wasfamous tkious than a E TW . SiUk
JcT kis ixtreordmay knowU<^i of cenon and imguUiriHis as those o f lohUh M m ; speaks t
fivU law, ertd had both studied ^ professed chickid xvUh immediate and drastic tmasisr
如 risprwiaK* at the [fniveniiy of t e beau Brntard was a cousin o f Duks 3*
ThtnJim£tis;"InDemtis.CQpJ^on<i!Sxr、 l i 、 wiik whom h i was at in 14巧 > A
s6 ,4 . 7, wider whi>s€ bamcr hefought in Italy.
I might add many mo 巧 such pieces o f glass and balls o f hair. These
exampl巧, i f 化 at had been my purpose objects were show打 to Jacob in an
in b^ hm iog this work; but si打ce I earthen vessel to convince him o f the
have lately §[iven my mind somewhat tru 出 ;a 打d Ivlatis Hay, Maths Meier,
to this subject, I will relate two Nobis Pet化r and several others,
instances which came to roy notice in although they were questioned separ*
this very A t Richthum, a village atel/j gave the same account in the
in the tcrritoi7 o f Count Otho the same words.
Nicolas Wanneson (Mor* I 打 October 巧 88 a young kins,
hange, Sep 化mber 1587) began to woman o f mine brought me two iron
sa分er from so grievous a sick打ess that nails which ^ together with a great
his recovery was despaired of* A cer* quantity o f stinking matter^ she had
tain witch who was his neighbour had vomiteo up in the sight o f all who were
done this to him by her evil arts. As with h^r in the house at the time. A ll
is the way o f those suffering from a o f us who knew the history and pro­
long and almost desperate ^ifness, he gress o f her illness judged that these
an»ously asked aJl who visited him were the leavings o f a sickness with
if they knew o f any cure to tell him which she had 货 en stricke打 the year
o f U for 化 e 巧 ke o f the pity which all before by Nicolaea Stephana (of wnom
must feel for the misfortunes o f others* w e shall have something to $&y la 化 r).
It so happened that the wkch was For by reason o f that vomiting a swel­
present among them; and cither she ling on her stomach which had been
was moved by pity (a quality in which as hard as a s化 ne b 巧 an to subside,
witches profess that they are not and her health, which had been very
entirely lacking), or else she was poor for a whole year, began to
afraid o f being put to the question by improve and mend by degrees.
the 5;ck man's relatives (化 r many 中o 化 is I may weH add a parallel
threats to that effect had purposely case which Lang, a 打 Englishman,
been uttered by all and sundry ; but writes that he witnessed in the year
in any case she said that $he had seen 1530 when he was practisi打g medicine
people cured of^ the 巧 me sicknesa as i 打 the train o f the Princ 货 Palatine;
soon as they had made and performed namely, that there was in their Pala-
a vow to one o f the Saints. She added tina 化 a dc 巧 oniac woman who, af扣 r
that Ic beau Bernard was particularly long a 打d acute pains in the beUy,
化 mous ibr such cures, fbr she did 打ot vomited out o f her mouth some long
know o f any who had ever sought his curved iro 打 nails, and some brass pins
help in vain ; and she advised him to wrapped round with wax and hairs*
send someone who was wUIing to go to And t、 at such occurrences were known
his shrine with a gift, and expiate his to the ancients is shown b y what
sickne&s for him with the customary Julius Obsequens recounts to have
prayers. He quickly found one, Hans happened at Aretium, i 丘 the COnsul-
Jacob by namc> wno at once under* ship o f Cnaeus Domitius and Cams
took and performed that pilgrimage , Cassius, to a certain woman who
did cverytning as he had been told oy vomited a quantity o f flour from her
the witch, and re化 rned to give an mouth, wh; e she 如 cted many other
account o f all that he had done and things besides down her nose- And
seen. It was then agreed by aU who our own time there have been books
were at that time with the sick man enough published which abound in
that, at the very mome打t that Hans examples o f this sort o f prodigy.
had presented hU vodve ofTering, from But I shall not e公 Uy be pe 口uaded
that 巧 me time the man had begun to to agree with those who hold that
recover; for it was then that with a these tilings are not what they appear
great clTort he had begu to be, but 比 at our mortal senses arc

so deceived by an illusion t 化 ey worked its way through the lobe o f

take the appearance £br the trui ruth. the lun巧 , the rib muscles, and finally
For as fnr their argument that nothing the surrounding membrane, u 打til it
can come out but what has already was ejee化d without any harm coming
been put in, and that the objects to Camers. The $u巧 cons were Fcmel*
which appear to be ejected in this way and Huguct, men o f high and honour*
are o f such a size that not even the able standing in the practice o f
most credulous could ;magine 比 at medicine.
they had ever been swallowed down Part pves another example which
the moiuh or inser化d up the anus, is far more amazing even than the last>
which arc the two la 巧巧 【passag巧 into both because o f the si玄c o f 化 c object
the body; this can be refu化d in more introduced and the da 打gerous d 巧 th
than one way. I 打the first p la ce , 化 ere o f its penctratio打, and because o f its
are many natural diseases which wi打ding and wandering throughout
engender certain objects i打 the body, the whole body without any fatal
such as worms in the i凸tesu打e, calculus result. There was (he savs) a shepherd
in the kidneys, stones in the joints, whom some rob 占ers 心 ind in the
little animals like an 化 io the urine, fields and fbreed 化 swallow a six-mch
and other such things, which are not knife wUh a horn handle as thick a$ a
re 化 med in the body 耗 11 are expelled thumb. He swallowed ^t, and retained
through the very narrowest chan 打ek, it in his body fbr six whole morufis;
a 打d often through a 凸 ope 打 wound , but he became so thin and emacia化d
Lemne Levin, speaking on this v c ^ that it was obvious that he was i打 very
subject, says {De occiuL Ttaturae mir* great 巧 in. A t last there appeared 0打
cculiSf III, 40) that fragments o f nails, his groin a stinking al>scess which dis­
hairs, bricki, little bones, and stones charged much foul 讯 atter, from which
have often been seen to be squeezed in the presence o f all the town magis-
and extrac 化d from purulent ulcers tra 化s the knife was extracted. Jobert
and sores, a 打d 化 at th巧 arc thought o f MoiUpelier, a physician! is said to
to be formed by the concretion of have kept it carefully in his museum
festelling 扣 at 化rs» But no one will on account o f its miraculous rarity,
deny that such things have cither been having obtained it from the surgeon
i 打troduced from outside,or that they who had healed the wound >and who
have not remained so long in their lived at Som^^cs, about c 邮 t mUe$
place without injury to the body. away from Montpelier.
And if examples be sought in proof of I shall take one more example from
the CO打化打non that they can be the same source. The Pnnee de
inserted and introduced, there is no Hoha 打, of 0打e o f the most noble and
lack o f weU’ at 化巧ed evidence with 化 mous hou化s o f Brit化ny: not long
regard to the matter in the works of ago kept for his pleasure a fool named
recent authors o f great praise and Guido who, as is the way o f such 沉 e打
repu 化. to take rash and dangerous risks with
Ambroise Par《writes that there was themselves, swallowed a knife-blade
in Paris a learned man from Bourges three fingers long. Twelve days later
named Gamers, who incautiously he discharged it by his anus, after it
swallowed an ear of cor 打which pas 化d had passed through all the great length
through his throat hito his lu n g; and o f his guts, o f which the duodenum is
he was immediately seized with such especially thi打 and narrow and is
aciUc pai 打s that it seemed as if he must rightly so named; and through all the
die there and then. But Nature, which
打eglects no possible means o f pro­ " F m d ." yfan Fermi, "U Galicn mod-
a ctin g herself, quickly fou 打d a way to eme^ Or糸nay U> hi巧ri II
rid herself o f that hurt: for the ear oJFti

multiple and torUiOus twis化 and folds unspWled? Y et all these things are
ofhis en化ails. done by lightnings either by its own
I f then Nature, without transgress­ innate powers and properties, or else
ing the limits which she has imposed as the agent o f some Demon, as it is
upon herself, can by her own working more conveniently argued elsewhere,
either generate or admit such objects, I remember aho seeing ;n the Pro­
what mu巧 we 化 ink 化 at 化 6 Demons vince o f Bordeaux those who healed
will do, to whose power (says Job) dislocated and broken limbs simply
no化 ing can be likened or c 〇mpai*ed? by touching the girdles o f those who
And if this be admit化dj there is had been thus crippled, although they
nothing (o hinder a Demon from rais* w e r e m a n y m ile s a w a y fV o m th e m .
ing up mountains to an enormous Cato 巧 记 , X X V I I I , 2) also
height in a moment^ and then casting says 化 at the same thi打g was done in
them down into the deepest abys巧s; his day, I do not see how this can be
from stopping the flow o f rivers, or possible, unless we admit the secret
even causing them to go backwards; working o f a Demo 打who subtly enters
from drying up the very sea (if we the affected limbs and applies some
may bcHeve Apulcius); from bringi打g u 打k打own cure, very much m the way
down the skies, holding the carih in that, as we have just said, he performs
suspension, making fountains solid, many other prodigies in the human
raising the shades of the dead, putting body. And i f anyone tries to reconcile
out the stars» Ugh ting up the very dark­ all 比 ese things wUh 化 e normal pro-
ness o f Hell, and turning upside down ce巧cs and operations o f Nature, he
the whole schc阳 e o f this universe. might just as well try to measure the
Wc often see iro打 softened and even heavens with his hand.
moken by fire, and again rest;ored to But, it is argued (Cardan^ De su b iil.,
its former rigidity by no grea 化r forces X V I I I ), juggle 円 and conjurers so
than are at the command o f feeble delude the spectators* eyes that they
man. Then can anyone sdH refu巧 to seem to thrust a knife into their
believe that the Demons, with the throats and then bring it out at their
great powers that are theirs, ca 打intrcH mouthS) to pierce their breast with a
aucc through the many apertures into sword, to bury a hunting spear in a
the human body such j 化CC5 o f iron vital part o f their entraik, to cut off
and brick and stone! Docs he think their hands, to pierce through their
their size is any obs 化 cle, when the 打OSes, and inflict o 化 er wounds upon
Demons can at their pleasure cause themselves. Again, they draw great
them to contract and diminish even to lengths o f string from their throats as
atoms a 打d 每 aia resume their former i f they were unrolling a ball o f it ;they
size whe 已 they arc in position; or else mudla 化 and cut 0巧 their ears; and
gaji _so 出 s化nd the passages into the it is s^d that not long since in Ger«
body that they are able to admit man)^ one was seen to cut oflT hi$ head
them? What is there in this more and immediately put it back in its
difficult than to destroy an aged oak place without suffering any hurt.
without breaking its bark, or a strong 1 hey devour a whole waggon o f hay
tower without disin化grating the mor­ together with the driver aud the
ta r ; or to cau化 a sword to was 化 away horses, and perform many other
while it rests in shea化 ; or to grind marvels which, as they all con耗巧,
U) powder all the bones without harm , are done with the help o f Demons.
ing the rest o f a man^s b od y; or to kill T o how much greater lengths, then,
the fcctus wh We sparing the pregnant will such deceptions proceed when
woman; or to melt bronze without they are wrought by the Deroons
injury to iw receptacle; or 化 burst the alone without the agency o f a 打y man?
cask and kave all the wine sending Will it not be very easy for them, when
a sick man ;s about to vomit, secretly there were 仿 und his intestines a
to place such pieces o f iron and other stick, four brass knives, two pi试巧 of
trash hi$ mouth so 化 at all the iron, and a quantity o f wool and hairs.
spectators will think that they have When, therefore, the actuality of
lice 打 vomited 1打 the natural m aim er; these things is ao obvious to the senses,
or to create the illusion o f a wound in it is absurd to argue that because the
the skin, through which these things matter is strange and difficult it must
appear i d be emitted? Surely, they be a 凸 illusion; a$ i f anything unheard
say, we should admit and a<±now- o f and 出巧 cult to understand must oD
this a$ bein良 by 仿 r the more that account be unfeasible a 打d im-
!化d y a 打d probable explanation, and po巧化]e. Is u not bet化r to examine
less a 打【agonistic to nature. each single case on i 任 merits than to
But there is one fact which entirely affect a 打 incredulous doub( and
refutes such an argument. These unceitainty regarding the whole
objects arc 凸ot only see打 by the eyes, subject?
which arc admittedly open to decep-
tio n : the reality o f them is proved 右y
the fact that they can be touched and
化 U, whenever they are surgically
€X【 rac 化d from various bodies. I re.
member when I was a boy m y father, More o f the Cunning o f Demons in
who was 化 c 打 M ayor o f Charmes, ing and Polluting Mankind.
examined a certa;n whch who, among
her o 化 cr crimes, confessed 化 c fbUow. T ^ H E people o f our country, especi-
ing:— 比 at by her evil art she had
caused an abscess to grow on the calf
X the peasants^ have an old and
化rnicious custom,V^hen o 打e ofthecn
o f her neighbour Blanchemont, and alls ill of some strange and unknown
that if they cared to 处 en U, a ball sickness, he at once sets about getting
would come out o f i t They therefore somethingtoeator drinkfrom the house
lanced the abscess, and found in it a o f the wi化h whom he suspecu to have
big ball such as weavers u 巧 , which caused his sickness; and this be cats or
was whh difficul巧 cxtrac 化d by the drinks i打 the greatest confidence that
su巧 eon, Vokella, sight o f all who U will restore him to heakh. Not a
were present. I saw this ball with my few have maintained that 化 ey have
own eyes when, at my father's order, 化 und a perfect cure by this means;
was brought to our house by the and this IS not denied by 化 c wi化hes
surgeon; an 芽alUhe 化 rv&nts examined who have been quesuo打cd wkh regard
it carefully and auentivdy, Lang, to the matter-
who 化 aiuhorky I have recently The Judge (at Chcrmcsil, Novem­
praised) has recorded a similar ber 1584) asked Dominique Epvrc
mstancc. There is, he says, ;n Ger. with some curiosity whether there was
many a town o f the name o f Ulrich, a 打y triuh in 化 c pe巧Utent rumours to
where a farmer caUed Nensscs化 r was this effect; an过 she answered that
a 巧 ic 化d with mys化lious bodily pains more than once it had come to her
so violent that he could not endure cars that those whom she had be­
them» and cut his throat; for while he witched had recovered their health
was yet alive an iro打 nail had been wUhout her help or consent; a 打d that
ex 化ac 化d from under his skin, causing when she cxpostula化d with her
him great pain. The surgeons, wish­ Demo 打, who had promi化d 化 at no
ing to examine and discover the cause one whom she had bewitched should
o f this rare sickness^ opened the dead recover without her constnt> he had
man’s b od y; a 打d in the presence of a! 1 merely replied: **Axc they not fooU to
the townsfo化 who cared to at 化nd, purchase their health from you and
BK, GH* III. 143
me, a 打d to be SO 巧 adly credulous as 抑 le or harm in i t ! But 85 Vergil has
to owe it to our arts and powers?" u. Eclogue I I I :
O crafty Arch-schemer, who so cun« "FrigUtiS,* Q抑 erijhgitehinc> tahl enguis
ningly exploits man’s feebleness to
bring about his own downfall! For
how could he cau 化 a more complete For in the first place he bids us put
wreck and ruin tha 打 by undermining all our confide打ce and hope hi t右at
a man>s by which alone he is morsel o f food» and thus turm us from
brought near and reconciled to God, 化e Creator to the crea 化re, which is
and by which alone he can ask and a 打 ;ntolerablc blasphemy. The 打 he
ob 化 in from God all that he d 巧 ires? at 打化lUes the healing power o f that
When the demoniac’s father asked morsel not to a 打y inhereat quaHty o f
Jesus (o help him and hb so打, He its own> but to the fact that it has been
answered: thou believe, I will help cither 巧olen or begged t^c whch.
thee." i^ a i 打, when the blind men And fi打ally, which IS most abo 扣山able
prayed Him to restore their sight, He o f aU, he drives us to 化 e necessity oi*
said: According to your faith be it supplicating, beseeching^ and even
un 化 you " ( S . 、 latm ew, ix). And remunerating the very pc 巧ons whom
another time: thou hast believed, we know for a certainty to be the
so be it done uiUo thee" (S, Matthew enemies and opponents or God and all
viiij- What is faith but the chain by mankind, in general, and to have
which alone God^s goodness to men is s化icken U3 in particular with an ill­
firmly secured? W毛at is but the ness* It is as if we gave thanks to
covenant by which God receives us robbers because they have only robbed
;nto His ca 巧 and pro 化ction, and by us, and have not also murdered us.
wliich wc i 打our turn e打trust ourselves And so we make wi 化hes even more
to His arms? What wonder,then , vindictive and con 巧d c n t in w r o i ^ -
Sa 化 n, the great rival o f God and doing, since they see that they are
deadly hater o f man, cannot endure rewarded for their evil deeds. And
such faith; and that he should have finally we purchase a brief and uncer-
no grea化r care tha打 to imdermi打e tain bodily health at the price o f sure
and destroy and finally 化ansfer it > e 化m al* damnation to r souls.
to no打c but him化If. M a 打y are the
devices which he employs to this end;
but none is so effective as when he
imbues a man with hope o f recovering CH APTER III
the health which he has once lost.
For who would refuse any condition That ihot is nothing which cm $0 quickly
to attain such a result? Therefore do巧 and 近 tctiveljf induce Witches 10 rtmove
Satan first send sicknesses and mala­ an Evil Spell as Threats and Blows
dies (and, gracious G o d ! what mala­ ofid VioUnct. But that no sm公U Can
dies ! Not seldom they are such as to must he lak饥 a slight Evil b*
drive a man to fury a 打d madn 巧s ) : exchanged for a Greater, attended mth
then he shows a quick and easy way havwr Loss. The common
10 their cure ;namely, the catine o f c《 dure in this MatUr is declared; and
some food taken from the house o f him is disputed whetfur or not suck forcible
who is CO如 c 化 red to have cau 化 d 化 e Exlortion 呼 a Q m can b*practised with­
siclcness. f o r who, bdng in such acu 化 out Mort包(Hurt 化 his Soul who uses it.
pain, will be so s化 化 St and firm as all wUch巧 who have
to reject so quick and sceminglygratu^ i ques tioned o a the matter
tous a re m w y ! Who would not em­ :confessed
: 化 a t , 曲 e more 化 ey are
brace it as the grea化St benefit, or
think for a moment that there was any Vergil,
144 (ONOLATRY BK, L m.

托ared 化 € more confidently do they do and she was given permission to do

evil; whereas threats and the fear of what seemed good to her to the sick
imprisonment avail much to force child; and very soon, by the applica­
them to remove their spells. This was tion of certai打 matters, which were
fully and clearly admitted at Serre in rather a blind to cover her witchcraft
December 1586 by Claude Morelc, than of any virtue in thcmsclvcsj she
who said that nothing so effectively restored him 化 his former health.
compelled him to cure the ills which M y friend Antemius Blycnstcm,
he had caused as the fear o f arrest TTrcasurcroftheProvinceofDommar-
or the threat o f blows or some violence. tin, once told me that the same thing
There was a certain man who, on had happened to one o f his sons.
account o f his wide knowledge and •'Childlike,,, he said, " 化 c boy had
experience, was admit化d ^nto the wandered away from his mother and
inner councils o f our Most Serene was playing about i打church, when an
Duke. I was talking with him o f this old woman came by and stroked his
matter, when in all seriousness he told head as if ;n blessing, and a 化cr wish­
me the following:— It had been told ing him well went out by the door.
him that his little son had suddenly A t once 化 e boy,s head drooped, he
been taken sick, and that it was could hardly stand, and his crying
thought that a certain old woman had made it clear that he was sick. When
caused this by witchcraft. O 打 heai*ing he was taken home and his sickness
this, he first o f all closely questioned grew worse every hour, there was no
the nurse, who had been carrying the doubt in the minds o f all who had
child whe 打 the sickness attacked Wm. heard what had happened that it had
Then he C O 打sidcred and examined in bcc 打 caused by that old woman, who
every detail the nature of the sickness, was already suspected o f ma打y ac 技 of
whether or not it was 0打e to which a witchcraft. Therefore she was forcibly
child o f that age would naturally be brought to m y house by some o f the
liable; and when he had decided neighbours to undo the evil which she
beyond doubt that it could not have ha 芽 done; and as soon as she was in
been caused except by some evil art the boy*s presence she began to be
or spell, he concluded, after weighing affliclcd in the same way as h e ; for her
the whole matter very carefully in his whole face went livid and she foamed
m in d , 化 at 化 ere was no 化 ing left fbr at the mouth, so much to the spccta-
him to believe but that it was the old tor's horror that she seemed about to
woman who had caused his son,s sick* go mad. On the following night she
n 巧 He therefore summoned her to asked to He in the same bed with the
him, and when she was alone with boy, put her arms all about him and
him in the house spoke to her at first her mouth to his mouth, as if she
with much gentleness, asking her, if meant to res化 re hi$ health by her
she knew o f any remedy for the sick^ warnUh a 打d brea 化 . And 化 c women
打ess, not to begrudge applying it,化 r who were watching said that they
she would not fin在 him ungra 化flU. heard alwuc the boy a bu艺zine such
But when he saw that she began to be as gadflies make in summer, umH there
very voluble in her efforts to remove disappeared from view a fragment o f a
all suspicion from herself, and obstin- Go 命 I 化x 【 which had been sewn on
a 化ly denied 化汪t she knew any remed* to his pillow for an amulet; but they
ics, he took up a cudgel which he had could not 化11 whether the witch or her
ready, and so oelabourcd her shoulders Ikm on did this. Bu( it was certain
and f^nks that she said she would do that the boy^ who the day before had
what he asked. She only asked a been Aought at death,$door, was per­
little time to get together what was fectly well and strong by dawn.
required. This was at once granbd, Y et the witch did not labour for

nothing; for to repay herself for that yX , and Pliny (V II, 1),化 find men
good deed she shortly afterwards be­ who, Dy blc 巧ing a 订d overmuch prais-
witched and killed the greater part o f ing the trees and crops, lay a spell upon
the cattle which were stabled at that them and d 巧 troy them ; a 打d fbr this
hou 化 •,• reason it was an ancient custom, says
There arc many pohi技 worthy o f Aristotle, when a man was about to
observation in this story. First, not praUe anything, tojjreface something
eve 打 the hoHn巧s and sanctity o f a i 打 order lo w 过r立 off* a 打y harm to that
church takes from witches the will and which was praised. So Vergil writes,
the power to do €vil, unless God in Eclogue V I I :
His especial goodness forbids and pre­
vents them. We have already given shall overpraise bind
an example o f this; where a whch valerian
during the 巧 cred office fatally Round the young poet^s brow, that
spri打kled with an aspc巧 e a girl whom evil spcalang
sne had been unable to injure in any Do him 打o hurt.,,
other way. More than o 打ce we have Thirdly, it U to be ob 化 rved that the
化en the images of Saints broken and benefit conferred by Demons it can
cast down in their shrines by lightning, riffhtly called a benefit) is never
believed to have been directed against id and
solid ar full a 打d unadul化 ra 化d ; but
化 cm by some Demo打. For nowhere always has to be paid for by its reci­
do the Demons more love to perpe- pient with some even greater loss or
tra 化 their ;n;quitics than where their misfoitunc. For no sooner have 化 巧
hideous nessisenhancedandirU ensi- driven a sickness from one man than
fled by contempt. they immediately transfer it to some
Scco打dly, they like to di巧 uise their other; and one man^s safety is always
malefactions under the pretext o f a purchased a( the expense o f another's
benediction. When Joab was about destruction. S. G r 巧 ory o f T o u r , in
to slay Amasa with a sword, he em- his //打化rifl fVaworu而, VI , 35, trfls
braced him i订 friendly fashion and how this fact was exemplified by ccr-
said: "A rt thou in health, my tain witches o f Pai*is who, after having
brother?*^ (II. Sam. xx, 9). And by their evil spell brought a mortal
Judas (whom the harmonizers o f the sickness upon the Prefect Mummol,
Oid and New Tes 化 meiUs make Joab’s could by no other means restore him
>arallel) saluted his Master with a to health than by winning his consent
[is3, which the mark o f the greatest to the death o f the two-year-old son ^
friendship among the Jews, when he K ing Ch 巧peric, who was his fathcr,3
wa*s about to deTiver 扫 im to be tor* only a 打d b^ov 苗 heir 化 化 e kingdom.
化 red and put 化 death by His execu­ T he historians o f ancient times arc
tioners. It is, moreover, the custom o f full o f examples o f this transference o f
sorcerers to use in their charms and evils wrought by men s化eped in
incantations holy images^ solcnm devilish error. For instance, when
prayers, and even the i打品 able Name Adme 化 s was K ing at Pherae ,A po"o
o f God Himself. Finally^ it is no new obtai打ed from the Fa 化s a compact
thing, according to Aulus Gellius* with Death that he should be spared
* "G d liu s." "Jin Ubro P lin ii StewuH i f another could be found (o die for
J^aturalis H is化rica septimo legimuf: esse him. And when a great chas 瓜 呼 ened
quasdam in Utt。 AJHc。 fam iiias homirmm, ;n the middle o f the Forum f at Aome,
u w oiqtu lingua tffascifumUum: ^ui si impen-
sius fo rii Imdauerint puUhnis arberes, s€g€tes 、 "Forum." When a chasm gaped in the
latUorts, amotniow, egngios 巧!4 〇 $> Forum at Home in 36a B义。 the sooths巧er$
pecudes pastu atgue cultu opimas, emorianfur annowued ccu!d c^y be filled bj throwing
upenU kaee m nia, nulU aliof causae obnoxia.** into U tfu cU父s gnate" trfosuu,ivherei夺on a
146 DBMONO: BK. 1打,
an oracle pronounced that it would (to quo 化 S, John Chrysostom,
not close up until a youth o f the 乏3 m 如 4<化佩^) 化 6 Gospel preached
highest hope had leaped into it. And from a pulpit has not benefited a man^s
here ;t is profitable to remark upon soul, what profit to his body can he
the wide difference between the look Ibr from fra护ne丘包 writte打 on
fatherly goodness o f God and the pieces o f parchme打t? Wherein, I ask,
tyrannical cruelty and harshness of lies the virtue o f the Gospel? I 打 the
tile D e vil; for God turns the misfor­ form and charac 化rs o f i 杠 let化朽, or
tunes o f men to their own safety and in its sense and meaning? Thcrcfbrc
salvation; whereas the Devil, when- it ;s all one to the Demons if a man
ever it lies i 打 his power, turns their always bears such things about his
prosperity to sure calamity and des­ neeJe, if he has not their meaning
truction* fixed and implanted in his soul.
Fourthly, it should be noted that, But let us now return to our inter*
w ith the greatest mockery and con^ rupted narrative. Nicolaea S 化phana,
tempt, wuches ape and copy the who was a subject o f the Premonstra*
methods employed by Elisha, ^ i a h , tensian Abbey o f Saint*Paul-dc-Vcr^
S. Paul, and many of ihc Holy Fathers dun, was engaged in December 巧 8 7 ,
in reckling men to life; for they fbr pay ! 化 rid & c castle o f Dommar扛凸
s化e化h themselves Umb fbr limb upon fro瓜 a plague which was infesting it
the sick and embrace them with their (for she u s^ to earn a living by such
whole body. I have already sta 化d at means), and she did her work very
some leng 山 that Satan is the grea 巧St promptly and thoroughly. But when
copier and imita 化 r o f 化 c works of the necessary iiuerval haa clapped and
God. there was no longer any fear o f the
And lastly, the Demon prete 打d$ a plague again b rokin g out, and she
horror and terror o f parchments nad b e e D paid her money and given
inscribed with sacred names or char- leave to depart, she was sorry to have
acters^ charms^ phylacteries, and such to leave so good and geocrous a way
talismans and periapts, which me打 o f living sooner than she had expected,
commonly wear as a f r o 化ctioQ against and decided to find some means of
evil enchantments. But it must not be delaying her departure; and thought
thought that this is becau 化 such that her best plan would be to bring
things are any impediment to hi風 ; some sickness upon the Castellan's
for in nearly all their spells and im- wife> since she had been so precipitate
p 议 turc3 and cures he 化aches his sub* in dismissing her. So she at once
jects to use such things in order to decided to afflicc her with some illness^
create a greawr im p rew k n o fw eU - so that she would again be hired to
doingt and more especially to fix the stay and heal i t She accordingly went
attendon o f 出 e ignorant upo 打 化 ch forthwith to the woman*s bedroom
things, so that he m ay CO打firm and and, standing at the door, said :
establish them in their deb 汹 ed beliefs *‘Look, your stay-laces are u 打done I
and that, neglecting far more salutary Let me tie them for you.** And, while
remedies, they may place their whole doing her this apparent service, she
hope o f safety in such trifles. For if cleverly shook down the back o f her
neck some poise打 powder which she
gallmi jwi化, Mfttus or M*地 us Qsriius, in had in her Hand. A t once the woman
Juil armourf mottnUd kis skid and leaped into was seized with a violent trembling
afyts, whi^k incontin£rtt!jf《 IcsfJ over him. o f her limbs, such as occun at the
Varro says tket the spot was bldsud by lights onset o f a high fever; and soon she
/ting in 兴 5 B瓜 mu eneZoMd bj Curtius, was a 巧 ic化d with such pain in the feet
one of the consuls for that ytar^ whtnc€ the that her toes were hi<icousW twisted
Ugenh had ;ts origin. round to her heels. When all this was
BE. m . u ut. DBMONOLATRY H7
see打 and unde巧tood by the servants, had urged her CO化 ke thb course when
the witch was seized and ke{>t under she was seeking for an ^ cu se to pro^
observation^ and finally terrified by lone her stay in the castU ; and he said
threats o f a beating and the a 巧urance furmer that 化 ere was no remedial
that she would 打ot l>e liberated until virtue in all those lotio 打s which she
she had restored to health their mis* was so assiduously applying to the
tress whom she had bewitched. For sick woman, buc that they were merely
the suspicion that she was a witch was a pW ext to malce it appear that tiic
enhanced by the fact that they had cure had been effec巧a by natura!
heard h w say thatj wha 化ver skill she means; for from the very moment that
had in averting or preventing the they had threa 化ned to beat her she
plague, she had learned from one bad secretly administered an antidote^
Matihicu AmantS) who had not but had not been able to prevent the
long before been s讯化 need for witch* sickness &〇化 continuing for ;ts
craft, and that as the price o f her allotted time. Let them wait until
learning she had bee打 d 占 led by him two weeks to the hour had passed
and made pregnant. A t first she from the time o f the onset o f the sick*
loudly protes化d that they were doing ness; fbr the打 without doubt the sick
her a 批 evous wrong to abuse her so woman would recover and be freed
after she had done them so 口 eat a from all pai打;托cling nothing worse
service, and even threatened to hang than a weariness o f the limbs. And
herself; but when she saw that they this predkdon was not falsified, fbr at
re瓜 ained just as firm ;n their purpose the very time which he had named the
and cha【 she could get no that pain was assuaged* But on the follow*
way, she changed her tactics and her ing night it reUirned with even grea 化r
tone, and asked them, since they violence; for^ as it was afterwards dis*
insis化d upon her curing their mis* cove 化 d, the witch had reperued o f
tress, to give her time to think whether having cured her because she saw that
she had ever heard 化U o f a 打y remedy b y doing so she had provided an
fbr that sick打ess. After a little she oipportunity for brineiog a charge o f
returned and said that she had 化 und witchcraft against herself, together
something upon which they could with indisputable evidence o f the
confidently rely fbr the cure they fact; for it has already been shown
desired j for she knew o f a herb which, that such sicknesses ca 打 hardly be
if bruised in 化 e sufferer,s b 江化, would cured or assuaged except by the witch
hifalHbly heal her; only she prayed who cau 化 d them ; and fbr this reason
them not to be disturbed if some little she repeated and renewed the poison*
time d ap 化d before the cure was com­ When, therefore, on the next day they
plete,since the sickness was not such cha 巧 ed her son wi 化 the falsity o f his
as could easily be remedied. Mean* )rcdiction> he cursed much u 打dcr his
while the wiwh>s son】who was with wreath, but would only say that they
her there, seeing how his mother had must beat his menher unmercifully,
been trea 化d, feare<l the like for him. 化 r that was the only remedy for h 灯
self, since he knew that he was her subterfuges. So she was seized^ and
associa化, and at the dead o f night let two brawny peasa打ts did not cease to
him化 If down by a rope from the hammer and kick and pound and
battlements o f the castle w all; but the shake her, and finally to drag her to
next day he was caught aad brought the fire, until she gave her promise to
back and, being bidden to 化 n why he heal the sick woman at that very hour.
had so secretly made his escape, lold A 打d this promi化 she fulfilled, giving
the whole story as it has been set down her to cat an apple which she had in
here; adding that he himself had been fun view drugged wUh a whi 化
the prime instigator o f his mother and powder. Thus at last she was give 打

leave to depart as she had before been tenacious that he does not easily allow
promked, and fell into the hands o f anything to be taken from him which
the officers o f justice who were waiting he has o打cc laid hold 〇£ Therefore,
for her at the castle ga 化• By these, ir at the request o f his disciples he has
at the command o f the Judge who had afflicted anyone with a disease, it
inquired into her life and behaviour, usually happens that this must be
she was arres化d and vhrown into exchanged for an even worse sickness,
prison, where she soon confessed as has already been said; or its cure
everything that we have here nar­ and easement must be delayed dll a
rated; and a C last she and her so打 certain time which cannot antici*
were burned together ;n rhe fire. 化ted, however much 化 e witch may
There are two chief lessons which 》eseech him to do $〇• Thus there must
wc can learn from this story- First, always remain something which the
that the remedies appiicd by witches Demo 打 ca 打 count as his gain. But let
for the sicknesses they have caused us proceed with the relation of other
have no curative power in themseWes, examples.
but arc a iTitre cover to the spells Stephan Noach o f Castel-nuit (July
which, from fear o f the law^s severity, 1586) for three years continuously
they da 巧 not use openly. Thus 化 cy wa2 $0 sick that It warned little to
use herbs and ungue 打ts and lotions drive him mad. Being, therefore,
and other things o f cverysiay use, in despaired by all, a 打d having tried in
which there is no particular medicinal vain every remedy which the sJcill o f
value. O r d sc it is thdr del 化 era 化 hh physicians couJd $u興 est, he at last
purpose to s化ep men*s minds in thought o f approaching a fortune*
superstition; as whe 打 th巧 persuade teUer, There was 泣t that time at Cran-
them to undertake with specious piety viUe one who was pre-eminently
votive pilgrimages, nine days^ aevo- famous in that 2i*t, and to him in
tion2, lustrations, offerings, and other >erson he told his whole trouble. The
$uch exercises as are daily used by brtune-teller said that the sickness
Christians. Or, finally, their intention lad been brought upon him by the
is to undermine and destroy the faith woman whom he would find ta 化mg
and trust which we should place to his wife on his return home; and
God alone, by causing us t that he must weave a chain o f pliant
it to some ai'tick o f food or drink twigs and throw it over her neck as
stolen from the w kch,s house, and by soon as he came into her pre巧nce> and
eating which wc trust to be recovered fiercely threa化n to strangle her at
from the illness with which we arc once unless she immediately restored
suffering. F o r 【 hese beldams willingly him to health. Accordingly, he came
p e rm U 【his to be done, even to the home and found sitting witk his wife
extc 打t o f great damage to their house­ by the heai^th a 打 old woman 打amed
hold ,so long as they ca 打 implant i打 Pariseta of NcuviHc> and, as he had
the common mind the base 打odon that been told, Unified lier by word and
they have at their command, as it deed as much as he could. She (hen
were from an apothecary's workshop, fell before his knees and b^ged him
an infallible cure for their diseases. to pardon her, and promised for sure
Nay (as Pliny the Younger says), they that she would hca him completely
thus claim to have control over ihe from all his infirmity if he would but
Gods in their own houses, so that they do what she told him to do. This
alone arc able to help and protect the was, first that he should make no
rest o f the human race. difficulty about eating a pear which
Secondly, wc must not neglect to she would give him; for although at
ncUe how this story exempi吊 cs the A口t it wou如 化 em to be as har过 as
truth that the Demon,s hands are so sU)nc, yet after he had rubbed i 【 a
little in his hands it would become as so that they sank into 么 profound
soft as H' it had been thoroughly well sleep. Then she took the sick man
cooked. The 打 he must 資〇 straight to upon her shoulder and carried Wm
b ed ; for his $ickne$$ would then attack to the garden, where she placed
him violently, even to the point of him upon an enormous bear which
death; and therefore he must call in appeared 化ere. Then 化e be 汪r kept
two picked matrons from the neigh- carryi打g him up a 打d down and to and
bournood to keep w a 化h over him fro, aU che time groaning as i f it were
that night. The vile woman meant to bci 打g weighed (iovvn by too great a
protect he口d f by 化 e presence o f these burde 打; but in reality i【 was the voice
two women, in gase she were accused o f the Demon, complaining because
o f witchcraft when so long and grave he was being forced again 化 his nature
an illness should be so easily and to use his power for granting the man
quickly cured; for it was by 打o means the great tenefit o f the restoration of
her imemion to do openly that which his health• 反ut the wuch chid him
she was to do. Noach declared that for his tardiness, and more and more
he would refuse no condition as long insistently urged him to accomplish
as he could be cured o f his terrible his journey ,saying: "Com e on now,
di化 asc. But when he 化ok the pear, lazy and ha 化fill 掠 ast! Now you are
at n 口t he could not get hU 化eth into getting your deserts, you who so lo 曰g
it, for it was plainly made o fjr o n ; ago compelled me against m y w ill to
but even as he was saying so, a 打d in a 巧ict this m an," TK c panic•巧ricken
the meantime rubbing it a little with rider afterwards with the CTcatest
his hands, he 化 und to his surprise confidence bore wU口ess that 疋c had
that it had become soft as wool* heard these words. MeanwhUe the
He a 化 it (and it was most nauseous women who were w ash in g in the
to tht taste), and at once felt such a bedroom awoke, and finding it empty
burning heat m his bcHy that red-hot hurriedly searched and examined the
coals could hardly have caused him whole house to see i f they could find
greater agony. He was hurried into the missing m an; and when they at
Bed, to all appearance breathing his last 化und hi饥 i打 the garden afone
la 巧 : his anxious wife brought two with the witch, they asked why he had
matrons to watch over him with her gone away like 化 at wuhout 化11峰
that night, to whom the witch volun­ them, naked and unaccom panied
tarily joined herself as the third, with The witch took care to answer first,
a coun 化na打ce $0 composed to grie^ sayi打g ; "C an you not sec that I
that her faUe 化ars might easily have brou 奔 t him nerc to empty his
been taken for those o f his wife. bow 品 ?,, But 化 ey did not stop to
They kept careful watch up to mid­ bandy words with ner, their only care
night, when the witch, like another being to take the man up and get him
Mercury, • secretly dus化d her com­ back to bed as quickly as possible;
panions wUh a powder o 扛fo巧 etfulness yet all o f them together could hardly
manage this by putting fbrth their
• So of Mercury seni forth h every effort, whereas the witch had
3 处 iUr、Vif茲 IV ,242-巧 : "Turn easily carried him out by herseit Now
tdr^m cafii: hoc mimas UU cuocoi Oreo / 〇/• whereas the chief condition o f their
UrSis, aitas sub Tertaro trUtia miuU, dat agreement had been (hat Noach^
naC a 巧er he had performed all the above ,
Also Ovid、wMttamorphosean*,、I 、671-72、 should be entirely cured o f his disease^
whin gw h bill Argus 份 slum^en there still remained no little pain.
"Pmta mard 4st> alas pedihis, tdrgamqut The witch attributed this to the un­
poienti sommftram stansiui manu^ Ugimenque timely arrival o f those women,
capillis: * which she had bee打 prevented ~
148 BK. m . CH. u u

leave to depart as she had before been tenacious that he does not easily allow
promised, and 化U into the hands of anything to be taken from liim which
the officers ofjusticc who were waiting he has once laid hold of. Therefore,
for her at the casUc ga 化 . By these, if at the request of his disciples he has
at the command o f the Judge who had afflicted anyone wich a disease, it
inquired into her life and behaviour, usually happens that this must be
she was arrested and thrown i打to exchanged lor an even worse sickness,
prison, where she soon confc巧ed as has already been said; or its cure
everything that wc have here nar- and ea化ment must be delayed till a
rateo; and at last she and her son cer巧 in time which cannot DC amici-
were burned to复ether i 打 the fire. 记化d, however much the witch may
There arc two chief k 巧ons which 化seech him to do so. Thus there must
we ca 打 learn (Vom this story. First, always rem江in something which the
that the remedies applied by witches Demon can count as his gain* But let
for the sickn巧scs tlicy have cau化 d us proceed with the relation of other
have no curative power in themselves, 灼camples.
but arc a mere cover to the spells Ste 扣 an Noach o f Caste^nuit (July
which, from fear o f the law,$ severity, 1586) for three years continuously
they dare 打ot use ope打ly. Thus they wa5 so sick 化 at It wan 化d litdc to
use herbs and unguents a 打d lotions drive him mad. Being, therefore,
and other things o f overy-day use, in despaired by all, and having tried ;n
which there is no particular medicinal vain every remedy which the skill o f
value. O r cJsc i 【 is their deUbera巧 his physicians could suggest, he at last
purpose to s化ep men,s minds in thought o f approaching a fortune-
superstition; as when they persuade teller. There wa$ at that time at Cran*
them to undertake with specious piety ville one who was pre-eminently
venive pilgrim ages, 打ine days’ dcVO- famous in that w , and to him in
tioM, lustrations, 0报 rings, and other >erson he told his whole trouble. The
such exercises as are daily u 巧d by or tune•化Iler said that the sickness
Christians. O r ,6 打ally, their intention lad been brought upon him by the
is to undermi打e and destroy the faith woman whom he would find talking
and trust which we should place ;n to his wife 0打 hk re化 rn home; and
God alone, by causing us to transfer that he must weave a chain o f pliant
it to some article o f food or drink twi护 and throw over her iKck as
stolen from the wiu : h,s house, and by $00打as he came into her prese打cc> and
eating which we trust to be recovered fiercely threaten to 巧ra 日glc her at
from the illness with which wc arc once unkss she immedia化ty restored
suffering. For tKesc beldams willingly him to health. Accordingly, he came
permit this to be done, even to the home and found sitting with his wife
extent o f great damage to their house­ by the hearth an old woman named
hold, so long as they can implant in Pariseta o f NcuvUlc, and, as he had
the common m^nd the base 打oUon that been told, terrified her by word and
they have at their command, as it deed as much as he could. She then
were from an apothecary's workshop, fell before his knees and begged him
an infallible cure for their diseases. to pardon her, and promised for sure
N ay (as PH打y 化 c Younger says),化 巧 th 还t she would hea him completely
thus claim to have control over the 打om all his infirmity if he would but
Gods in their own hou化s, so that they do what she told him to do. This
alone arc able to help and protect the was, first that he should make ao
rest o f the human race. difficuhy about eating a pear which
Secondly, wc must not neglect to she would give him ; for although at
no 化 how this siory cxcmpHfics the first womd seem to be as hard as
化uth that the Demon,s hands are so stone, yet after he had rubbed a

little i打 hU ha 打ds it would become as so that they sank into a profound

soft as if it had been thoroughly well sleep. The 打 she took the sick man
cooked* Then he must go straight to upon her shoulder and c a rri^ him
b ed ; ibr his sickness wou d then auack into the garden, where she placed
him violently, even to the point of him upo 打 an enormous bear which
dea 化 ; and 化e 巧fore he must c 江H in appeared there* Then the bear kept
two picked matrons from 化c neigh- carrying him up and down and to and
bournood to keep wa 化h over him 扛〇>a " the time groaning a$ ifU were
that 打ight. The vdc woman meant to being weighed down by 化o great a
protect herself by the presence o f these burden; but in reality it was the voice
two women, !n gasc sne were accused o f the Demon^ complaining because
o f whchcraft when so long and grave he was being forced against his nature
an illness should be so easily and to use his power for granting the man
quickly cured 5 for it was by no means 化 0 great benefit o f the restoratio打 o f
her intention to do openly that which his health. But 化 e witch chid him
she was to do. Noach declared that for hi$ tardiness, and more and more
he would refu巧 no condition as long ;nsisien"y urged him 仿 accomplish
as he could be cured o f his terrible his journey ,saying: "C om e GO now,
disease. But when he took the pear, lazy and hateful Mast I N ow you are
at 打rst he could not get his teeth into getting your deserts, you who so long
it, for it was plainly made o f 如〇11; ago ipelled
、 me against m y w ill to
but even as he was saying so, and in afflict this ** panic-stricken
the mea打time rubbing it a little wUb rider with the greatest
his hands, he fbu打d to his surprise confidence witness that he had
that it had become as soft as wool* heard these >rds« Meanwhile the
He ate it (and it was most nauseous women who watching in the
to the taste), and at once felt such a t>om awoke, and finding it empty
burning heat in his belly that red-hot iedly searched and examined the
coals could hardly have caused him whole house to see if they could find
grea 化r agony. He was hurried the missing man ; and wh^n they at
bedj to an appearance breathing hb last found him in the garden alone
last: his anxious wi化 brought two with the wi 化h, they asked w hy he had
matrons to watch over him with her gene away like that without telling
that night, to whom the witch volun* t h e m , 打苗ed and unaccompanied*
tarily joined herself as the third, with T he w kch took care to answer first,
a cou 打化nance so composed 化 grief saying: "C a n you not see that I
that her 化Ue 化ars mig)u easily brought him Kere to empty his
been taken for 化ose o f his wife* bow 冰 ?" But they did not stop to
They kept carefbl wa 化h up to mid- bandy words with her» their only care
打 the, witch, lUce another being to take the man up and get Wm
Mercury,* secretly dusted her com- back to bed as quickly as possible;
pa 打io 打s with a powder o f forgetfulness yet all o f them together could hardly
manage this by putting forth their
• ^^Mercufy.^* So o f Mitcury sentforth by every effort, whereas the witch had
Jupiter,Vergil, 、*免 I衣 >242-化 " 于urn easily carried him out by herself. Now
tdTgam ca^:hacm im afiU *cuocaturcopol- whereas the chief conaidon o f their
UnUs> aliof sub Tarfara tristia mUtit, agreement had been that Noach>
ft lumina mortt resign
auer he had performed all the above,
Also Ovid,"MgUmorphoston,,,I 、巧 f-pt, should be entirely cured o f his disease^
化 /uK ^ 巧I" to yet there still remained no little pain.
"Parua mwa €巧, aIqs p,dHus, uirfomqui The witch &ttr化lUed this 化 the un­
potenti somniferam swnsust manUf timely arrival o f those women, by
capiliis," which she had been preverUed from
IB M O N O L A T 氏 Y 化 ,

carrying her wclKbcgun work to a such aiuhorUy, fbliow their example.

succe巧拉! CO打elusion; but she said For they consult with those who, by
that the sickness would last for ano化 er turning a siev巧 or a k巧 , discover the
eight days at the most, after which his whereabouts o f that which has been
health would be complc 化ly res化red stolen or lost; who immerse holy
without any further cisapi^intment. water parchments uj)〇打 which are
And so it proved. Being apprehended written the names o f those who arc
on the clear evide 打cc 0打 his and many $u巧 cc【cd o f theft; who p 巧c 山 e 化 c
otiier crimes, she was at last put in protraction or contraction o f napkins^
prison; but, through the carelessness and u 巧 other such damnable aru as
o f her wardresses, she broke gaol and could not be equalled by the impiety
escaped. o f all the men o f old times with their
In this tale also there are points not pyromancy, acromancy, hydromancy
unworthy o f the reader’s attention. and gcomaru:y> The 打山 DSC bands of
First, that among Christian men o f thieves who, under the false name o f
our day scK>ch$ayers confidently and Beyptiaiu^ roam over the greater part
with impunity live and practise their o 化 urope, stealing as if by licence, hi
a rt; altnough all men whose souls no way show themselves more plau-
have been imbued with a knowledge siblc than when they pre 化凸d to fore,
o f the true God have banished them tell for the ignorant masses what
from the society o f men. Moses {LeviL fortune is in store for them. Here I
XX. 6 and DeuL xviii, x i) , Saul (i Sam. will make no more tha打 a passing
xxviii. 3} and Josiah (11. xxiii. reference to far more abominable
24) pronounc品 the extreme pe打ajty sootiisayers 化 an & a t o n e o f G r a n -
aeainst those under their authority viUe; such as the monk Niderhau,
wTio were fou打d to be soothsayers* the woman at the Hot Spri 打ear
Cons化ntine (I, 3, 么 C,) com- Mirecour, the discharged soldier at
ma 打ded 化 at t 良ey who consulted w i 化 Nancy, and many o th m who publicly
them should be banished; and Con^ and in 化curity make a living by (his
s化ntius and Julian ( I , 人(f沉0 ott巧 practice.
cem) that they should be put to the The story goes on to the effect that
sword. A t the Councils o f Ancyra* it was nece巧ary to twist that chain of
(cap. 24), Toledof (cap. 28) and pUant withs to throw over the witch,s
Orleans! (cap. 32), am oi^ many neck* It is a common belief that there
others, the H oly Fathers decreed that is nothing so effective to beat witches
they were to be cx;termina化d 行om with as a cudgel cut 行otn a vi打e ; but
the confines to Chris化ndom. And it is not easy to find any reason fbr
has bee打 finally agreed by aU Chris* this, if indeed it is true; and the com-
tians that these men are not to be men 化化r3 on Fliny (好如• 如 L X IV ),
endured in the Church; and especially Livy (In Fieri compendio), Plutarch
do they execrate and call down cur化s
upon those o f them who hold their
meetings 0打 Sundays, Y e t do Kings §‘ 佩 兴 ," the wOpera Omnia,,皆 Cor-
a 打d P 打nces daily consort with such .
nelius Agripp‘ Lyons (no daU), Vil, n ,
men and summon them to tliem fbr if hei/tg
chapter xxi, U a portion of a trealise aiiri-*
ietro d^Apont^ will beftmndfidl dU
buUd to Pietn
no small hire; and the w to
rations /urn U>turn
Uim 曲Ac^si巧e,
e. with an engraif.
people, more confident to ing. Thi riddU is supported by scissors crpin^
c€TSwhich two^rsons sustain with their middh
* ♦ •Ancyro." The pTvcUmaUon qf this Jingers,Acoryurationistitimd,<mdthain-
Council asfound in tfu provisions <ffthe Canon slrtmerU turns, li is Mwsa巧 化 name the sus­
Episeepii circa goo. pects, and witm tfu ruans oj^ihe guijty party is
\ •*ToledoJ、 The Councils of633 and 6q3, spokm the sUv€ stops immediaUly in its oscil^^
七 "Orleans尸 T h Council qf 么似化
6x. m. c 瓦 阳 , IL A T R Y

(Jn Galba)^ Vegctius Renatus** (Lib. grass, has some notable effect upon
m•似 on) and Spar(Unu$言(化 the t)einon a 打d those whom he has
式沁m‘ w/a), are still faced with tke once bound lo himself. For it is told
same difficulty when they try to dis- o f the Emperor Trajan that, when he
cover the reason why to be bea 化n se打t a writtc 打 message to the oracle o f
with a vine cudgel was a privileged Jupiter at Heliopolis to know whether,
punishment reserved for soldiers who after his war with the Parthians, he
were 民Oman citizens, and why the would return to Rome, the Demon
centurions bore a vi打c staff as the sign replied that he must bring into his
and symbol of their office. The legion- temple a vine wand spHt into two and
ary i打 Apiileius 巧>1. L it. 9) covered with a handkerchief, and take
was, I think, lying with the usual bold- it out agai 打 on the day after the mor­
打巧s o f his kind whe 打 he said that the row. And although m this case it
ce 打turion had found outside the camp seems to be more concerned with
a gardener on the road and, infuriated 历化化 ry questions and au|^ri 巧, yet
at hh sUe打ce i打answer to his qu 巧 Uons it sug另巧ts that there is in the wood o f
had knocked him off his ass with the the vine some peculiar qual 每 which
vine wa 打d which he carried i打 his is lacking in other woods. This was
hand, and then, turning it round, had ob 化 rved by Euphorion,§ who said
split his head open with the larger end that formerly it was not lav^ul to make
o f it- And yet there must be something an image o f Rhea Dea except fn>m
in this which, as we read in Josephus vine wood; and rightly so; for, as
o f Eleaz 扣 ,s ringt and Solomon’s Suidas testifies, she was otherwise
known as G ybcl^ that is (according
• "R^tus.w FUwius V嗦ttiuf Rinatus, to Fesms), the 6oddess who drives
the author ((f a tr化iis, "JSpUoma Rei MiU. men to fVenzy; and the Greeks had 江
tarisy' which wasprobably written in tha word meaning to turn head
Jiflh ctntury. The being uncritically over heels; and her p^ests when per-
dittoedfnm many writers of di^ermt epochs^ fbrming her 片化8 u 巧d to roU tKcir
the result is 献 usages of v a ^ g periods m heads about,
indiscriminaiffy mixed, and 姑 coen been
suspecUdthat dhewriter drewupon his imagina* "N oddi 邱 I 讯 eir heads to shake their
tion. Edited by C. Lang^ Leipzig^ i68j. horrid plumes."
卞 " 皆。 " 如》 "• ,
,7 %^户w 。 巧 於 w庇4 於
JjFrenci ts mads describes ihe reforms o j Hadrian And we have already told how this is
in miiUoiy maiim: "nu!H miem> nisi robusto also do打c by witches when th 巧 arc
it Sorm famae da,从、、 Upon this Cascubon freo玄ieil in their dances• 了 be Egyp­
and Salmasius hav4 wpf ampU notes which tians believed 化 at the vine grew &om
m 巧 be consulud wim pro]ii. The Jom er the 化 ed o f giants* blood, because wine
glosS0s: uiU ctniwiomm omnia firctrita:
illud famen, quod sciam^ expliatuil adhue
n m o :幻ir ui diu巧sa ponaniur hie a Spartimo of th€ Emperor Vespasu • •
haec duo: uiUm dor*》 et facers centurionm. • saw casting out deziis. The operator
Ratio outm wV qui。 daiio uitis, quasi design i f tfu
applied (0 ihi nou of the possessed a ring haj>>^
Mtio Jiiil ad centurionatm: qui tunc posUa ing Maefud to root which Solomon is said
。 &巧。化r, 处沉 aliquis uacuefactus locus 化 luM pTtM (t; "Baaras, ,
morU mini emturiontm^ out missiorVy uel re^ 巧w ),。
grad(Uione, Cum "m i plur巧 uiU jonati, prth § 心 pkorii Of Euboea.
TtunuhaUir is qui gra出4 propior, out qui An t i potty bom about
tsut arUiqyior 如us loci Mndulatus: Wisi qui 巧 4 8々 •曲 was afipoiniid 献 arian lo Antich
岭 nc 巧 oxime impelltbat、 causam diemt, cur chus the Greaiy O f his writings, fiag-
iile prior €xpdlmtur," msnts rmain which txm$ ccUected by M ein^
X "EliondT、 ! ring.、、S巧 "The Histoiy of in "AnaUc化 AtexandrinOy,,Berlin,
yUchcTAji," Chapter V、pp, Eleaw A "^odjing." Lucretius,化 6與 :
• , •’ 、 VOS an exorcist^ whom, in the '^Un^icas capittm quatienUs mminecristas.^^

ofien makes men mad. Moses and the bear which carried him. For it
David speak figuratively o f the grape^ the Demon’s chief ai 町 , when he
meaning the blood. Orphem* said wishes to corrupt us, that we should
that It was unlawful to sow the vine put tile grea化St confidence him,
when the 讯 con was en化ring the sign and there is always something o f this
of as if there was little accord­ purpose in all his schemes, so that he
ance betwee 打 Bacchic fury and vir­ may turn us from the Creator to the
ginal mod巧巧 . And Pythagoras for- creature and plunge us more deeply
Sade the o 沁 ring to the Gods o f 么ny- into earthly thoughts. It in con­
thi打g from vines which had not bee 打 nection with 化 is that wc see tumblers
cut. Finally, it cannot be without and strolling jugglers always leading
some reason that wc arc told that, bears whh them, upon which, fbr a
when Samson was mocki打g the im- fee, they place children in order, for­
portunate and treacherous pleas of sooth, that they may thereafter be
Delilah, he told her that he would be more secure from the fear of hob­
no 巧ronger lha 打 other men if he were goblins and spectres* We have already
bou 打d with seven green wi 化 cs o f the mentio打ed many such ridiculous pnc«
v i n e . 巧 iny p C X I 义,4) also says 化 at dees, and in the fbUowing chap 化r we
cockerels win 打ot crow if a chain made shall deal with them in more detail
from vi 打e tw;gs be hung about their and at greater le打g 化 《
necks. For ages past, the打, there has But before we begin this task and
bee 打 in the vme some property other put an end to this question, it is worth
than that given to by naUire; and whUe here to touch upon a maUer
all this goes to show that we must which has been dealt with by many
admit 化 at there lurk hi it the seeds of authors; whether or 打ot it is possible,
many abominations> not only by without mortal hurt 化 the soul, 化 beg
reason o f its innate power to overset a and petition witches 主 11 this way to
man’s reason, by which wine becomes heal our infirmities. Possibly it will be
the conqueror o f him who drinks it ~ said that any argumeM about this
quesdon is superfluous after the clear
^Bacchusf paved 社 t to crime, verdict o f so many o f the older Theo*
*twas he
logi&ns, includii^ S. Thomas and
Who brought oblh the raging S. Bonaventura, supported by that o f
Centaurs." more recent authonties who cannot
But also, as is apparent from what we be disregarded; b u t【 have never been
have j w t said, by reason o f the use to persuaded that 化 eir utterances are
which it is put in the m a^ c arts. so ;a^ ired as to adm itof no discussion.
The story then proceeds to tell that, For it makes 么grcatdj^erence whether
before he could be restored to heaUh, you take or obtain anything from
許 oa蛛 仿 sit 巧 a a bear; that another by force or by supplicadpn:
is, he bad to put hts faith in the power ;n one case you show con化m ft and
o f the Demon who was disguised as disdain; in the other, admiration,
obedience, and a humble and sub­
* "Orpt巧 The Orphic 啥巧 ypka W€T6 missive spirit o f pleading. I f a man
edited fy Hfrmdm in j 的 ; end had beenpr*. begs or bribes a witch to obtain from
mously coUecUd by Cesfur^ 1764. her Little Master a cure 仿 r the sick,
、 "Bacchus.、、、*Gwgics^、U> 4汾 瓜 ness from which he is suffering, then
••Bacchus ad culfam causas dedii: ilU I think that he does no less than as a
suppliant reverently to implore ihe
D ^ o n for help, to ask to be bound to
The rejiwuc is 始 tiu drunken irmid between him by a ben占 t received, to worship
y Centaurs md Lapitha$ at the m^H<Us of him an ofTerin取 and 化 encore
iing Firiihous. to confess that he will be subject to
BX* i n . GH. III. DEMON O L A T R Y 153

him, Thcrcfbre every torment, and Demon the name o f a Sai打t SO that
even death itself, should be endured 化 cy may hide their sacrilege under
befbre we allow ourselves to be led some appearance o f relig& 打• I'his
into so horrible a sacrilege. The Holy method o f obtaining remedy for
Scriptures proclaim aloud that God disease i s , 化 en,entii*e!y inexcu 化 ble,
alone is to be worshmped and adored ; and cannot be defended even on the
for He is a , ealous God, who will not score o f the weakness o f tlic A巧 h and
suffer the g ory and honour which is man^s natural eagerness and desire for
due to Him to be paid i the restoration c^his health; for men
{DeuU vi. 4; S. Matthew 37 should always look for such help from
山 is, I 化 ;品 , is what those Theo ogians thei【戸 ligion, the sanctity oi' wbich i$
so sternly rebuke and condemn. For !n this case openly besmirched, be*
when the Emperor Con 巧antine legis- ibuled and violate<(.
k ted on 曲 is mat 化r (化 /• JVW/w 占 But ;r you use threats against a
MaUf. el he clcarl]^ showed jvkch whom you justly suspect o f hav­
that the atrocity o f (he crime con- ing ca$t a spell upon yo u ; if,when
sisted in the pleadings and the (hrcdts do not move her, you resort to
gifts with whicn soothsayers were blow s; you compel her wUly^nilly to
approached. And Photius in the remove th e 》知 1 ; where, I ask, is any
成 沉 says that the penalty of currying; o f favour? W hat pleading or
thaUaw shoula o 打ly be incurred when beseeching or veneratio打 can there be
these consul化 lions a 化 accompanied ;n such behaviour? How does the
with oiTcri打gs a 打d sacrilegious sacri— matter stand when the effect upon the
fices. witch must be to make her bemoan
But all these conditions are ob 巧rved 化 0 fact that she has been d 巧pised and
by 化 e witches o f our day. For first di*iven to bring help to the very man
they d^ire to be entreab<{, and often whom she has injured, rather than to
even bribed with gifts; then they give her cau 巧 to boast o f having
declare that the honour o f one o f the gained some favour or pleasure or
Saints has been insulted and violated, advantage? W hat if her Demon must
and that 化 ercibre he nrn巧 be confess he has been, so to speak,
appeased by a votive pi^rim age to sd 玄cd b y 化 e scru 任 o f iris neck and
hi5 shrine and by gifts and nine days^ forced to repair the wrong, and that
sacrifices, Wh&t, in fact, it comes to he has lost his prey and been put to
is that you redeem your health by flight,mocked, derided, and thought
worshipping and ofTering gifts to the o f no account? I f a man pu 巧ues a
Demon who jn the first p 品 e injured thief and wrests back f r o m w h a t
i t ; and the w ishes speciously give the he ha 》stolen, how can he be said to
have done the thief any favour? I f a
* "Wamoainon*、 、 A colUeiion captain wins back a citadel and thrusts
& al law, ike elmtnts of tsMch are out the enemy who has occupied it^
fiom secular end canon lau}» The what i$ there left for the enemy but to
Qmrck has two such principal coUectUms, The collect his baggage i f he can and take
贵 datingfrom tfu end o f (he sixth centwy, h;s w 巧 elseWKere i打 shame and grief,
is ascribed 化 John ScholastUus、 whose colhe- jnourn!og and bewailing 化 at he has
thn U ampli麻 and cmpltUs•了 hs second
ascribtd to Photius》Mdfirms。" 〇}巧Corpus luris" justly been cast out from the s化〇打护
of the Orthodox communion. Photius^ the chief hold which he had possessed? And
(tuUwT q f ths great schism betwefn I when a man has take 打 and held some,
>£ar<, u w C w / j巧 細 嗦 ci — thing, but is compelled to let go o f it
and died in February 897, But the because it has shaken itself free, or has
^ PlwtUu is w dl^ nme than a re- uttered threats g a in s t him, or has
vision o f the eariitr cMecUon^ probably made attacked Wm with a sword or some
ly tiu huriardi, :orders. other violence, what does he reap
巧4 BK. GH,
打om his sei之ure o f ;t but regret for fbre化 ly ex化巧 a cu 化 from a wi 化h are
h&vi打g lo 巧 it? In what respect do巧 a not c 打tirely free from guilt, perhaps
man so bound demean himself, if in because o f the mere fact that a witch
spite o f him who bound him he must necessarily be concerned in any
liberates himself and regains his such cure, and (as someone will point
freedom? out) there is an u打avoidable smack o f
Nevertheless, I unhesitatingly agree sacrilege i打 such 江 proceedi打g : yet
with Abdias^ Bishop o f Babylon^ that must certainly be admit化d that such
the cures apparently wrought by behaviour is free from that compact
wUch巧 are not due to the application and bargaining with Demons wnich
o f any effective remedy, but merely so arouses Goers wrath against men,
rcs?It from the wi 化h,s ceasing from and that such men are 打ot actua 化d
active torment o f the sufferer; and I by any evil in 化ntion or con化ious of
am chiefly convi打ced o f 化 is by the any sacrilegious blasphemy; a 打d
fact that such cures are often e 於 c 化d finally, that 化 ey do not ;ncur 化 e
in a moment without the u 巧 o f any penalties laid down both in sacred
medicine, for such a rapid change (Lee化 xix, and XX; xviii) and in
from sickness to health cannot seem human law (i J/ullus aruspex it i
at all probable. Therefbre, if a man 成 W 如 0化•) fbr those who turn
CO打fidently and boldly, being clear after sorcerers and seek their advice
in his conscience and 化listing ;n the a 打d consult with them, or in any way
help o f God, by threats or violence set them up as their helpers.
compels Satan, represe打化d by a
witch, to abstain from injury and
magic 巧 elk, and to cease and refrain 々
from doing hui% and to depart from
his body (for I amblichus believed t ^ t
this sort o f sickness was nothing but
the pr巧ence o f a Demon in 化 e body), That the Cutes o f Demons are always dts*
how, I ask, does he act in any way
n iu d under some Appearand o f Re^
difTerently from the Exorcists who
ligum; and that th^ are 0/lm effected
bind demoniacs with chains and beat
through the Agen^ 每 Man in Higk
them and terrify them? But, you wUl PosUten, that In^ nuy centre even
say, it is not so much in this that they GwaUr Authori梦• But that the Demons
place their hope o f saving them, but
ot times bclr巧 duir Baseness ike use
far rather in the po 化nt words o f 化 e
o f Fotd ana Obsetne Matters in tkeir
Holy Scriptures which they u巧 in
their prescribed forms and with the
ceremonies ordained* Y et I maintain A T A N very as化化 ly backs his sor­
that, in the case o f those others al$o»
their strength and e n e r^ are born o f
S ceries with the seeming force o f re*
ligion; for thus he more easily leads in­
their f^ th i 打 God {trough J esus to superstitious error the minds o f
C bvjst ; for they must have abundant those whom he knows to be prone to
faith w&o thus dare to curse, threa化n his worship; and, moreover, he trans­
and beat witches, who are feared by fers from his disciples the si^ icio n o f
nearly all men. I f it were not so there having caused the g — cures
would be a danger that such provoca^ :wrought 的 his 丘d p ,泌 化 at
tion would but the more incense the it may not seem that» because they are
witch and cause her to spit forth her to be thanked for the cure, thereibre
venom with the more licence and was also they who in the first piact
con 化mpt a 护 L the man who had caused the disease. Therefore the ff*
化 us enraged 】 sponsiUiity for the evil must be put
In any ca even they who upon one o f the Saints^ who has been
angered to the point o f revenge by the entered and set fire to the linen, and
D eglect c^his worship: with
w kh the w ax that dropped 枯 田 it
•, c ,1 • ., •♦ / ! t ♦ fig u " in the form o f a cross on
traced figures
For their wrath ;s jnfUmed iin the steps o f the High A ltar; and Uien
souls o f the saints." went out and walked three times round
I t follows then that hb wrath mu巧 be the chapel> the linen meanwhile giving
averted; but, good G od! with what out spluttering and violet coloured
expiations and propidadon$! Certain­ games,
ly they would have shamed the votar­
"Round that which was to p u i^ , the
ies o f the most ridiculous and fantastic learned priest
cults o f remotest antiquity. T h at you
Waved with due lites the lustra!
may wonder all the more, gentle torch^ whose l^ h t
reader, I have thought it worth while Burned U ue with sulphurous stench
toillustraw thisbyoiicortw oex- and tarry smoke•"卞
a〇 [^)le3 taken from my store,
抑 ere was a( Nancy wUhin 化e last And having performed all this, she re*
ten years a wi 化h named Thenot 化, turned to the town,
who was once asked 化 heal a neigh­ Nodee how in the perf<H*maiice o f
bouring woman o f the sickness 扛>m her scxalled religious ^>iation she
which she was sufTering (for she was made use o f silence^ measurements,
much sought 泌 er fbr such work, like watching, murmurmgs^ fipires and
those whom the Spaniards c&ll "D e­ fire. This is certainly a most manifest
liverers"), She then declared that 化 e imitation o f the soothsayers o f olden
disease had bee打 sent by S, Fiacre,* pagan times, who (as S, Au^jostine
who must therefore ^be propitia化d says) u 巧d to utter 沾 d r abominable
with gills a 打d a pilgrimage, which, if prayers around th dr idols, altars to­
they liked^ she would herself gladly gether w kh horrible sacrifices. But t>y
u 打dertake to perform* When the price Ikr 出e mo巧intolerable aspect o f these
o f her services had been settled, she cures is the 位巧 that they often make
first measured the sick woman cross-* 。化 o f fiUh* sordid matters,
wise with a piece o f waxed linen, and and many other such things than
then folded tne linen a certain number which nothing could be ^m ^ned
o f times and placed it her bosom as more fbrei炉 to that purity which
i f fbr safety. For the whole o f 山 e fol­ ought always to be an accompaniment
lowing n 袖 t she k巧 t watch before the o f divine worship and ceremonies*
door oSthe sick v/〇maD*s Iu>use, and at T o 舶 3 kind X iongs thefoUowing
the break o f day set out on her way story o f a peasant from the Vosges
without ever uttering a word. When w h (^ name was Didier Finance, at
she came 化 the shrine o f S, Fiacre she Saint^Die, July 1581. This man was
;mmodera治 y eager to avenge himself
* 作 , FiacM,》 AMof in In XEpon ius fcaow'^towranian Valentine
August i8y 6jo. Hi long dwelt in Val6re ,wi 化 whom he had long been
on the bestks qf the Mwy o f which the m at enmity; but he had not yet been
is preserved in K邱 achra (JCUJira、 , KiL
S . fia tu m^raui io
fia m io France
France in
Md him
db uilt t&
able to find any safe and convenient
t&ry at B to^ ban (Buml)y where U s sh im \ opportuni巧 for venting his spite. How­
ever, the chanc々 he was waiting & r
i all manner of diSi <2ffdnwnberless
m wrought at Ms iUmb. His shritu was
i脚 to the Cathedral
w safetyfim the mUnce
\ and destntetion o f *^lMstraim sic riufacm^ ad tumm c^ru
^ Calmmsts^ and pr^ious Relics turn bem suyitre caeruUo mgfoqiu bituminefumat^
istribuied to other sawtuaries^ 30 ciroim membra roUU doctus purgenda
156 DEMON 1L A T 民 Y BK. 211. CH. IV.

presented it化 If as Valentine was rid> Other and utterly absurd ways, pre-
ing on his way alone in a lonely spot; sumably with the purp朗 c o f banging
for as he came to a rather dark place, men into eve打 grea 化r ri山cule. So It
something like a shadow ran out and was in 化6 s化 ry told by Hero占otus (L 化,
pulled him from his horse with such II) o f a certain Pharaoh who was
violence that he was disabled in one struck blind for his impiety, because
leg. But some time later Didier took during the flooding o f the Nile he took
pity on the man, seeing him suffer for a dart and threw it into the midst o f
so long, and going to him as if on some the swirlinff waters. Eleven years later
other business, asked him how he had he was told by an oracle to bathe his
come by that accident. Having been eyes in the urine o f a woman who had
told at great length what he akeady suffered only o打e man, a 打d h e 、vould
knew far beUer 化 an the other, he regain his sight. What collyrium can
promised him a sure and quick cure as there be i打 a woma打,s uri打e poicnt
ong as he would do what nc told him, enough to restore sight to the eyes?
His fellow-peasant answered that there And why should it be more efficacious
was nothing he would not do for that, coming from a woman who has suf­
and eagerly wai 化d to hear what he fered only one man, than from one
must do. Then Didier told him to who has suffered many? It is nothing
a 打d beg from nine different stab es but the craft and guile, the impostures
enough horse-dung to fill the boot and deceits by which Satan leads
which he had been wearing 0打 his k g men^s minds into error so that he may
when he feU, and to take it as a 打offer, propa^aK, establish and confirm his
ing to S. Benedict, to whom there was dominion over them; for that is 化e
a famous shrine in Be巧 uel, a town in one goal to which all his actions are
Germ any; for by this means his limb aim 品 and 出rec^d.
would by some occult virtue be made And to rive more weight and au­
sound ag^n* But it was afterwards thority to his actions, he very often
learned from Wm chat he did not give ptrfonm 化 em 化 rough the agency o f
this advice in the belief that it would Kings and Emperors. Thus i( i$ told
be o f any help m ejectin g the cure, o f fVrrhxis that he used to heal suffer*
but simply to hide his magic art under ers irom che spleen by touching them
that fkdon. For is 化 e custom of with his right foot as (hey lay prone*
witches to conceal their remedies un* Then there a story o f Vespasian*
der the cloaic o 户such religious expia.
tions; whereas in tru 化 they have no • "V巧pasicn.•m.、, The account of ike poor
>ar【a 【 all with religion, but rather man who u blind and another wno was lame
lold it altogether in scorn and con­ presenting mselva btfort ths tribunal of
tempt. Vtspesim and impMng
\ —him 化 heal Am , 技
It was in chi$ way that Apollonius (lakng that ih* 之 如od Swapis
Serapis had appeand
cpptQ to
once defemled himself before 化 e Em­ ihm in 。dr4<m and adnlonished 给 nt to seA
peror DomUian against a charge of tki Emperort who xtmld restore thm to heaUh^
sorcery brought
jgn t against him
mm ~uecausc 分化苗J 々心d 从 Swtonius,一l/espasiams>"
he h a j iptd out the plague which VIL T m historicn says th^ Vespasian hesv*
hadinfes 化d the Ephesians; for he said UUidy but at tengik mcd$ th tm y and both the
blind and lam wer* heaUd. Tacitus gives m
that he hadi obtained that boon bv oftnfuller account c f the m m Us o f Ve^asiant
praying to Hercules. And for that end pmtkularly thtse two cures^
r e a s o n 》 化mple was dedicated to adding: "iftrumque, gui inkrjiim , mM gtuH
the god in the name o f the Averter, qui mmorant^ postquam mdlum w ada^
*Anorp6nai〇s (Philost« De Uita^ V III, " 化如 1化的1," Xi如 W 斯• 巧pn^
in 妃 "Ess巧 on 化 inci^
•But sometim 巧 they throw o 任 all dmt as an txmpU ofstUMffiil impos^^
pretence o f religion, and set to work in hi has bttn compUuly _
BR. CR. 巧7
which, since it CO打tains much that is o f 化 € faithful which had recently been
w 〇i**【 hy o f observatio凸 in relation to established there; aiflic 化d those two
our argument, I have not hesitated to me打 each with his own disabUity, and
transcribe in full from Sudonius, sent them b o th 【 〇 ask help from Ves-
Tachus, Sabellicus (左 。 1 , ? )• )asia打, so that by owing their cure to
and o 山 er writers o若no mean order, us favour who was Emperor o f the
The Emperor was sitting at his tri* world the credit and authority o f the
bimal at Alexandria waiting for the oracle should be enhanced; and so
days o f the hot winds to pa 巧, when that he, from the height o f his throne,
two men o f the common people came might not turn his mind t o 【 he rad^
to him asking for the help which had ance o f the true light.
been indicated to them by Serapis, Maximus Mariust and Aelius Spar,
One o f these men was bH打d, and the u a n u stteH a sim U a rsto ryo fth eE m -
other had a withered ha打d ; and they >cror iiadi*ian. A certain woman had
said that they had been told in a dream )ccn deprived o f her sight by some
that the blind man would see the light supernatural power because sKe had
i f Vespasian anointed his eyes wiih iicglec化d to 巧 an oracle which had
his spittle, and the other man's hand told her to go to the Emperor^ who was
would be made whole if he were in a s化化 o f impatience bordering
touched by his heel. It was hardly be­ upon despair because o f his sickn巧s,
lieved that this could be so^ and at first a 打d 化11 him that he might spare him­
V 巧pasian did n?t dare to put it to the self his anxiety • 仿 r he wou d shortly
proof; but his friends ui^cd upon him recover from his disease. And when
that if the cure were accomplished it she was again warned ;n a dream to do
would redound to 化 e glory o f C 左sar, this, and in addition was given hope o f
a 打d i f not it would only make the two the recovery o f her sight, having
men ridiculous; so he made 化 e experi- learned discretion from ner punish­
ment in both particular before the ment she ca 巧 fiiUy and meticulously
whole assembly. And the result was performed her task. And so the sight
that one man had the use o f his hand o f her eyes was resU)re<l whole to her,
restored, a 打d the other again rejoiced
in the Jight o f day. The truth was that f "Marius." Ac必ali, tfu work o f Ms
the Demon whom Egypt, the Mother Homan hUlOTiart, Ufho Kvwi about , . 〇•
o f errors, worshipped under the name has perisheJ. He wrote a continuation of
o f Serapis^ was afraid Jest he should be w biogrt^hits of Roman Emperorsfrom J/erva
ousted from his old scat by the Church io Htiiogobalus tofollow 化e work StuUmius.
Marius Maximus is much utUUtd ^yihe"Uis-
his "EvUUnas of Chrisiicni巧•" The com- toriae Augustas Scriptow,"
menUitors on Sut化nius and Poky 。巧 <€ that t "Spariianus." This ftistorim r!la 仪 化 i
tfu affair was a juggU belwein ihe talf, "Adrianas Caesar*、 ,XXV、 adds that
pr.i口 tl化 批 lU巧侣 gnd,p€rhapf, i Emhtror. Uia JEntperor was €uwd o f his fev er; H * also
this w巧e not the case it may !U as $巧5 th e t。 blind man from 的 nnonia an an-
予巧iu!iidn《hougftii and 也 Boguet 一 otfur occasio凡when A如iart was sick came and
g特ts in "An Examn o f WUches、,, touched the Emperor, "W ipse ocuhs ucepit et
hiaboUc cemier脚 , Adrianum feb ris reli^uit^ quemuis M arius
* "SaMUcus." Marcus Antonius CocuiiiS M Q xim u shaecpirsirm datiM u m faclacom -
SaMlicus、々 VtMiUm wriier of mifiena• 成 memowl.,> Upon which Solmasius g h s s c 三
is ihc QiUhor of "Epistohrum Hbri X ir 、; ^^Jla uocasse M ojium incant2 liones et alia
"OriUiomm libri XU"; "De sUu UenHae remtdxa magica, quae ad rn的turn Adriani
libfi tres"; and manj/ poems、 of which seme leuandum adhibitay wribU D io, m ilh modo
Qrc 如votional, suck as "De lemJihus Deiporcf adduH possum ut credam. 3 (乏〇 simulairices
Uirginh EUgia* X IV 、 I have used ihg col. luUtibus appeUalas ess, sagas、 €i incanUxifkfS
tecUd t出tion his 从Opero>、 、V,nic*(、 Dwm- ankulas、 et mulia ;ft sacris m agicispgffim u l-
her 23), 1502. • aUorurn f e r i wlUa.,’

after she had, m obedience to the same to be feared, and the remedy to be
warning, kissed the Emperor^s knees. sought, both from the same source.
For 化 e spice o f 化 e stoi?y lies i 打 化 at Dominigue Euraea, at Charm 巧, Nov.
last coadidon , 1584^ said that it was impossible to re-*
store a sick man to health unless his
sickness was transferred in an ag^ra-
va 化d form to ano化 cr, and 化 at such
CHAPTER V an exchange was ^ways the source o f
some grea化r evil. Also that they im*
That there are many Obstacles which ere
admitted by Witches 化 hinder tfumfum
media 化ly lost their powers o f healing
Curing the Ills tokick 化巧 have hrou封it given them by the Demon i f any priest
u户n (hhers. And ivkat these are is de­ or physician nad laid his hands on the
clared by Relevant ExampUs ond
sic^ in an at化mpt to heal him. Alex 知
Drigie, at Haraucourt, Nov. 1586, said
that the cure was never a£solu 化ly
, HE wa vay
、 to iiyury and loss is al- com pk 化, but that there always re*
• easy, whereas the road to mained some trace o f the sickness.
well-being and safety is beset with Catharine 丘alandrc, at Ardemont,
every kind of di化 uhy and obstack. Dec. 1584, said that it was in vain to
&milarly> when witches desire to cause lo o k fb r a n y r e lie fo r c iir c o fa s ic k *
sickness or d轉 tb everything is ready to ness from a witch once she had been
their hand; for they have the oppor­ brought to trial for witchcraft; for then
tunity, every sort o f poison, curse, she was 打0 Ic打ger uDder the protec­
charms and spells, a 打d the Demo 打 tion o f the Demon through whom such
hi the deviser and author o f all cures arc made possible. This agrees
evil, w&o never fails 化 em when they wi 化 the sta化merit o f Nic 〇]e Morde>
summon him ; but whe 打 it is a ques­ at Scire, Jan, 1587, when, being al*
tion o f healing a sickness or saving A ready a pi^isoner, he was a3ked to cure
life, then there is always something to the son o f Jean Chemat, whom he ad-
hinder 化 cm. For insta打cc, hel戶 lias mit化d that he had afflicted whh 也 €
already been sought from the priest or sickness from which he was suifei*ing;
the physician or some other source; for he answered that he had lost all
the sickness was not caused by the such powers when, by the confession
wUch in question, but by ano化 er; as o f his guilt, he had entirely driven hts
soon as they are put i 打 prison they are Demon from him ^and in any ca化 the
entirely deprived of the healing power very sanctity o f his place o f imprison-
which they had before from the De- me打t would preve打i him from using
mo打; they are on!y permiued to heal such powe口;fbr it was imposs化 Ic to
on condition that they exchange that cast spells for a cure in the very place o f
benefit for a 打 even greater loss or in­ vengeance for the practice o f such arts.
ju r y ; they have 打ot bee打 c k a d y asked This belief must have been in the
1打 so many words to effect a cure. mind o f Damis when he inferred that
Such are among the excuses which his master, Apollonius o f Tyana> was
they always offer for their delays and endowed with divine powers because
subterfuges in the matter o f healing. he broke the 耗ttc口 from his leg with­
T he following examples will make this out any (iifficuhy; fbr he argued that,
clearer, being under restraint in priso打, he
Roses Girardine, at Es化y, Nov. cou巧打 ot have done this by any magic
巧 86, asseiicd for a fact that no dk- or sorcery,
ease could be cured except by the Catharina Gillotia, Huecourt, May
wUch who had cau 化d i t ; f*or none of 1591, was asked what was the reason
the扣 was allowed 化 thru 巧 her sickle that Ganassia Godefreda had not re­
;nto another’s cor打• Thus the evil is covered from the disease which she
had brought upon her b y witchcraft^ before the time that,油 e herself shall
although w she had often _ Kivcn her have dwermioed up^n,
apples and plums and otheF things to Secondly, M to th地 aUegatioa that
eat which 洗 t ha^ successfully "se<UD they c 地 not effect s cure except upoQ
curing others; and she answered that a a untouched subject who has not al*
一 • • • •had• not ready sought physical relief from
was becau化 Godefreda
first begged her to heal her. Balial physician or sprUual salvation from a
Basolus, of Saint Nicolas des Preys de priest; here aiso there i$ some fiaudu-
Verdun, Maixh 巧 87, and Cokwe lent and malicious fiction, since in
Fischer, o f Gerbeville, March 1588, neither o f those cases ;5 tKe Demon
mentioned a new kind o f obstacle > likely to earn any reward for his cure.
saying that if a man afflic化d in 化 is Theraore this OMtacle proceeds rather
way were to make a打d perform a vow from the Demon’s je^ousy and his
to any o f the Saints without having fear that he would 护 1 no c i ^ i t fbr a
told or consul化d wkh ^ ein,thi8C 〇n- cure which would probably be attri*
化mpt o f them preven化d them from buted to another agent who had pre*
doing an文出ing fuither to heal 出 c ceded him. Therelore they take the
sickness. But it must be suspected that greate巧 pains 份 inculcat^ in those
tkis obs化 d e is a fiction engendered whom they have bewitched with a sick*
by their desire for gain or thanks^ for n 巧》 the belief that they must shun all
which they are above all things eager. remedies, human and divine, i f they
For witches make it their chief busi- wish to recover, and that i f they even
n 巧s to be asked to perform cures so think o f having recourse to such
that they may reap some profit, or at remedies they must certainly lose all
least gratitude; since they are for the hope o f ever regainiitf their health.
most part begga巧, who support life 0打 There is always this further modye,
the alms they receive. that the Demon wishes to avoid in-
加 w the ob巧acks which arc 化 U5 山 咕 巧 the pity o f his disciples! i f in-
said 化 prevent a wuch from curing the dec5 they arc ever moved b y pity^
sickness which she has caused are not thirdly, as to their l:^Dg hin*
altoge比 cr "logical or unreasonable. le fact o f their accusation
For in the first ^ace it is not without and imprisonment, I would not deny
desi巧 that the 私 mon pretends that, that this is true in the cas« o f those who
directing a cure, he 田 。 St have the their sins and by peiU.
help o f her (hrough whose agency he tence have Briven the Demon from
has previously caused the d is c ^ . No them ; for then the pact is broken by
one doubts that he could do this alone the terms o f which they had received
and single-handed; but he acts as he that supernatural power o f healing,
does so that his w^ll-doine may be and therefore those powers must
diminished and depreciated by placing dwindle and vanish. There can be no
the power o f performing it at the more-convincing proof o f this than the
pleasure o f another; and also that he fact that those in that condidem have
may earn a greater reputation with his no more power to cast injurious spells^
disciples for his service to them, when however much they may wish to, not
heshowsthathewUInotwUhoutcon- even upon the very torturers who put
suiting them alter anything o f which them to the question* &foreover,it has
they have been the authors; for it is often been proved that when the
打o small source o f grati6cauon to a Judge, from a wish to put this matter
wi 化h to know that she h accredited to test, by a mere 打od or a word
with powers o f life and death over man­ dis^ai^es them, they have at once
kind ; and that when she has cast an - away and, re-entering the
evil spell upon a man, it will not be re- Demoii*s household as h were by
movra by any other means than^ or o f ponliminy, have performed many
x6o MOK O L A T R Y BK. m.
stupendous prodigies. But if with con- Apparitor easily suspected the cau化 o f
tu 町 acious obstinacy they persist in this and we打t to \lo r 从 , who was
denying their gu ilt; or i f they do not now 玉打prUo打, a 打d giving her a nicely
in so many words and after the cus­ cooked 前 illec cake to appease her,
tomary form forswear the society of asked her not to reilise him any help
the Demo打 a 打d renege his friendship, that she could give in this m auer; fbr
or rather abjure their fealty to him and re化 rn he would take care that she
shake off his yoke: in that case I lacked for nothing to make her life easy
should say that their allegation is false, while she was 玉 11 prison: after which he
that they are no longer able to do went out, waiCiM to see what she
anything under his auspices, particu­ would do. The Demon immediately
larly if it is a matter o f restoring a man appeared and chid her bitterly fbr hav­
to health. For even when they are in ing had CO打verse with the Apparkor;
chai打s io their priso打 cells their De­ but at last he allowed him 化 f to be
mo打s o行en visit them, awake in them persuaded to restore the milk to his
a hope o f freedom, give them their wife, even to superfluity i f she so de­
advice and offer them their services; sired ; and this he soon afterwards did
a 打d arc in every respect 江s favourable, by sec巧 tly dusting her with a whi化
i 打dulgent and fielpflil to them as th巧 powder,
ever were before: so that it is not Catharine Ocray at N a n c y , 巧 84,
likely that they would refb化 to heal a had been released on her own oail^ but
sickness for them if they asked them, was again thrown into prison both on
and if it were safe fbr them to make account o f fresh suspicions againsl her,
such a requ巧 t. Moreover: it is foolish and by the strictest command o f our
to say that the wiKh prevented by 沁 St Serene Prince, jn an audience
his chains, while the Demon, who has with whom I had unreservedly laid
no need o f the witches co-operation, is bare the whole facts o f ihis case. When
in 打0 way bound or in chains. A^d one o f the w h 打esses ag&imt her dc*
there is no Judge who would think o f )〇sed 化 at, before had been
putting any o 除 acle or hindrance in >rought back to prison, she had cast
the way o f so 巧 Iiaary a deed, h lay a sp^ 里。 pon his arm and withered
at all within his discretion. she 之cd his arm violently as i f in
Nicole Morelc^s father^ at Serre, anger and, to 化 e great astoni油 ment
Jan. 1587, was charged with witch* o f all who were present, it was imme­
craft and was pleading 11is cause diately made sound again; and after
prison, and something that he said having been for many months power­
broug良t his daughter also under 5峽 less and useless, it became in a moment
picion o f that crime* Consequently, vigorous and capable o f performi凸g all
the Apparitor, who was then present, its usual functions as b^ore. Tbis led
persuaded the Judge to have her ar­ to a strong suspicion that she main*
rested. Her Demon informed Morele tained her association with her Little
o f this while she was still at liberty, and Mas化r to the very last; for though she
ui^ed her to take some vengeance on had often been urged to abjure h;m
the Apparitor for that injury, saying she had refused to do so» saying that it
that lie would gladly undei^takc the was imposs化 le to reject one whom you
execution o f it if she asked him. She had never admilted* There have been
agreed, and he at once fle w 【0 (he Ap* other wUches w h o , 化 ough in prison,
pariior^s house, where he found his have prescribed the use o f herbs and
wife sitting by the fire giving her baby louons and unguents and other such
the breast, and passing by her he remedies, saying that their application
dusted her breasts with so venomous a to the sick would not be without re«
powder that they were immedia 化ly suit.
dried up and lost all their milk. The Lastly^ the benefit o f such cures is

qualified cither by some lasting trace

o f the sick打MSj or often by its 打ansfer- CHAPTER VI
cnce with even grea化r pain and 化 !*-
men【 to another* This is but another 了hat as an £mi 化 a L iff q f every Grime 的id
iUust巧 tion o f 化 c 杠ct which wc have Impie巧, the Demon insisUniiy urges and
already so often pointed out, that the irnptU kis Subjects 化 kill tfumclvts with
Demon never allows his prey to be tfuir cum Hand, w}un fu sas
犯 atched 〜 holly from his hands,but that there is imminent J^Mger of their
that there must always be something being Suspected, But God in His Good-
as the price and reward o f his work. ruw and Merty o/ten thwarts this cruel
Thus when he emers into a pact to Scherm> and ratHer leads thm to find
serve and work for a man (on which Safoty in PtniUnc,.
account he is commonly called the A L L who have surrendered them-
man^s familiar spirit), he takes care ./x sclves to the power o f the Demon
that the chief CO打dition o f the pact confess that he is so harsh and uniust
shail be that within a sta化d time he a taskmas化r to them that they
shall be free to find a new master^ or wish to throw off his yoke and return
else to do what he will with his pr的 ent to their former freedom; but that he
master. It was by this conditio打 that unrcmkdngly prcvcius tiicm from do-
he had bou打d the fa化 er o f that Ger- ^ng so except by 化 e one means o f tak-
man whom 1 mentioned m the story ing their own livcs*^ Therefore when
of M ^llot. And when the day for its 化 rough wcari打ess o f his tyranny, or
fulfilment was imminent, and he could because o f their conscience o f guilty and
find no one who would rid him o f so often through fear o f the heavier pun-
amiable a 化rvant> he was finally com­ ^shment which surely awaits those who
pelled to transfer that pernicious p u t arc CO打vie 化d o f that crime, they de­
to his 0打ly son. The son had to renew cide to make an e打d of themselves,
the unholy compact o f alliance; but he themselves, others stab
was gra 打化d a shorter period o f dme others throw themselves
beforMhe la 产 e o f whitA he must 行nd or wcMj and others find
another to taW his place in the coils of some other w a y ; and they never find
that pact, or himself perish and fall a any difficulty whenever they have
prey to the hunter. And so it hap- made up their minds to this cour化,
pc打cd to that German. For whe 打 the For their attempts upon themselves arc
wretched man could find 打o one to re­ followed by such sudden and instant
lieve him, as it were, at his post of death that no one can run to them
wa 化 h, not even Maillot, who had quickly enough to prevent it: so ur-
given Wm some hope, in the end as he 曼c 打tly docs the Demon, who certainly
was journeying through Italy with his has a hand hasten 化 e businas.
master, aUhough he was on the alert A ll doubt as to this is removed by
地 d his horse did not even stumble, he the scarcely credible means 的 which
was thrown and instantly killed. such suicides are committed* ~
ber seeing the corpse o f one
Sedenarius by namej who had hanged
himsdffrom a bone in 巧curdy fixe^ in
•<r the wa]l with a rot化n strip o f cloth
tom from his clothi打g, ana wi 化 hU

• "Taking ihtir own Him

*Compmliwn McUficarurn,、
the Many Blasph
See Gua^Ot
^tumUs Commitud by tVik/us,
ike Demon Qt (as‘ !成 苗 f m 化 & 技
T h m sil说 s with Own Hands.,

bent knees 打early toucWng the floor; asked was that her death should no
but by this means he had killedtill, himself longer be defe打ed, so that she might
just as effectively as i f he had been a$ soon a$ possible stand b<^brethetri-
liauged by a strong rope fiom a beam bunsl o f tnat Judge in whom was set
at the top o f the house with a skilled all her hope ;for her soul wa$ a
hangman to perform the operation. heavy buraen to her* Idada o f Mire-
And nearly all who thus take ^ e ir lives mont, at Preney,J 口ly 巧 撕 passion,
die with similar speed and facility* ately entreated the Judge to deliver
But these poor wretches do not aU her up to death as soon as possible;
ways have 仿 put an end to th dr lives for even if she broke her chains she
and a term to their calamities b y the would never be free to repent and lead
w ay ju st explained :for the Divine a beKer life; since she haci pledged her*
S h e p a rd in His ineffable goodness self to the Demon, whom, hkt an im-
and mercy often calls back to the fold portuiutc credUor, it was impossible to
the sheep that have been led away by escape paying a$ long as she remained
the wolf, and again feeds them on His alive. ApoUonia k Frdssen (August
edestial pastures. So it is that many 1580 said that nothii^ more welcome
wUches, as sooo as they are cast int^ could happen to her than death, in
pris〇Q» do not defer the confession o f which at las【 she would find an en合to
their crimes until it is w nii^ from them her most wicked H化; for as loi巧 as she
z, but o f their own accord and lived she would be unable to refiain
… greatest jo y o f spirit la^ bare from black wi化hcraft, so ind曲 tigable
their sins; being, as they say, rgoiced was her Demon in spurring her to such
to have the opportunity them deeds; and that she could not fbee h々r.
b y which, at m e slight cost o f their self o fhi$ f his tyranny and yoke except by
miserable lives, they can preserve death. 、 • Therefore she f leaded 化 at 3D
themselves from ekrnalunhappineK. end might night be put to aA her miseiy on
Joanneta Gallaea, at St. Dominique the very n ^ t day before r Of the
Nov, 1586, provided ample proof to others^ and the w ay (0 her Heavenly
this effect^ when she begged and im- F 这ther be opened for iier. Antonia
plored the Judge not 化 p 化tpo打e any Maxchant^at Insznin^^May 1591, said
longer her welT-merxted punishmeDt; that she desired nothing so m u ^ as to
fbr she was pi*epared t;o suffer h with be put alive on the 6re as soon as
an even mind that she might as quickly possible, for even in her own judgement
as poss化le expia 巧 印 e gross she had long since merited i t
towards God o f which bad been There are even some who ask to be
guilty* Nicole Morale, Serre, Jan. purged by a second baptism,^ think-
1587^ from the moment when she con- m g that by such means they can again
挺ssed her crime to 化 e Judge did not be acceptra into the family o f Christ. I
cease to proclaim her happiness be­ remember readiiwin~die records o f die
cause she could now once again come trial o f Joanna 拍 ansaint, at Con 舶 ,
near to God, being free from all her July 15 & , that she repeatedly made
fealty to the Demon; and that she had
wished to do this for the last three
♦ "乂 必历nd b^tisnu, ,
years, but had been unable even to
an inefiteeabU charccter m Ae sotd, iMch th$
attempt it, so 化nacious o f his prey is Cmtcti of Trent calls a end mdeUbU
that ^^h*$chemer« CathaziDe La- mark (Sesam VU^ cau ix)« S. C^ril
tomia o f Marche, at Haraiicourt, Feb, in CoL,>) calls • b鸣Usm a
I587> did not deny that for her great and inmible m i //* and Clement^ AUxmdna
w ic^ ^ n cs she was deserving 店 the (^•D4 Diu^ Soil、 、,XLU), “Ae seal of the
extreme penalty as well as 〇£ the Xord** Thomas es^owtds the nature of
Judge、 "(most w rath; but i f 出 ere yet indiUbk ual in ih^ "Stanma,, ,III》么 txiu.
remained aoy room for mercy, all w e a 么
C. UU CH. IE M O N O L A T R Y 163

such a request, but that the devout names rather thim to renew their
Jud 护 righUy exposed 化 c fo!!y o f and me讯 ory, I 1的 t the reader’s mind be
rejee化d her plea. For, alas! what filled with horror if I fill m y sta^e with
madness is to a 浊 fbr such a repeti­ so many unspeakable and frightful
tion, when everybody knows that it spectacles. I sh么U therefore turrUo the
has always been condemned and for­ consideration of mat化rs which have
bidden by the Church! Yet i打 our had a happier ou化ome.
time tliis error has found its advoca 化s ; For (as someone has said) the arrow
but so 技 r as I know, and deservedly, docs 订oC always strike everything at
no one has hitherto thought it worth which it is turned; nor is it always in
whiic to refiue them. Sa 化 n,s power 化 do as he wills with
men by his violence. He is permitted
化 men, bu【 not to dnvc them*
Therefore it is that he does not Wm巧
CHAPTER VII thrust despera化 men into the river
against their will, nor hang them with
Somefurther Examples in Illustration of the
a rope from a beam, nor them with
above Argument.
a knife ;but only urees them to take
S wc have said i打 the la 巧 chap 化r, these courses in their mad打巧s. But
A the culmination o f this abomin- often aU these acts o f d 巧peration are
prevented by God in His pity for the
ablc crime is that, after 打early a whole
lifedme o f sacril^e and wickedness^ weakness o f man, who in 化 $ wisdom
wiichcs cut ofTthe Utde 化 at remains to pro 化ctsthem now in 0打e way a 打d now
them by laying violent ha 打ds upon in a 打other; as will more clearly be 化 cn
化 emselves, and at last put an ever- 抒om the following examples,
lasting end to an execrable life; and so Jeanne le Ban in 0於 n confession
tho化 whom he has in their lives bore witness that her Demon was in
s化eped i 打crime, the Demon brings to nothing so importunate as in his efforts
eter打al punishment in their deaAs. to persuade her to throw herself into
Thu is clearly illustrated by the ca^c a weil, or drown herself in a river, or
o f Didier 長inance, Sレ D 成 July 巧另I, hang herself with a rope, or destroy
"pOQ whom, because his sorceries w r e h e r ^ f by some means or other* And
aggravated by parridde, the College it was ;mposs化 le 化 say how often she
o f the Duumvin o f Nancy pronounced had 巧art苗 to do $〇>wnen she had felt
the exceptionally^ seve托巧凸化 ncc that herself forcibly prevented in the very
he should be burned with red-hot act) like one who s说 s a morsel o f food
tongs and then be placed alive on the snatched from his lips. But even after
fire. Whether he was informed o f this that she had not ceased 红om her at*
by his Demon, as we shall la 化r show to tempts, and after her imprisonment
have hap戶eped to certaia othc巧, or she had- i)iirned with:a desire to kill
whether It was fore巧en by his own herself and had redoubled her efforts
conscience o f so 化订化Ic a enme, he de, to do so. And thac she might not have
termined to e化 ape this 巧 n化nee by the excu 化 o f the ミmpracdcabiHty o f the
seeking his own death. Therefore he deed, the Demon had shown her a for*
took a kn报 which had carelessly been gotten piece o f chain 1乃打g in a dark
left in the bread chest by one o f the corner o f her prise打, w 山 ch she could,
g a o k 。 , thrust it down hU throat as far i f she would^ put round her neck ana
as he could, a 打d so died. In the last so hang hersdt This plan pleased her,
two yean I remember fifteen, more or and she would have ca 打ie<) k o u t; but
]口!,in Lo 订ahie who have thus v io she was prevented from completing her
kodyldU edthem selvestosavethem - purpose by the fact that she could find
化 Ives from public in色m六; but I have nothi打tfro m which to hang the chain.
thought it better to bfot out their The Demon tried to persuade Anne
1〇4 DEMON Bk. m, CH. vin.
D r i g i e , H a r a u c o u r t , N o v . 1 5 8 5 , i n th e h is g r ip o r w it h d r a w h is h e lp fr o m h im
s a m e w a y . F o r h e s e t b e fo r e h e r e y e s a e v e n w h e n h e is i n p r is o n a n d u n d e r
) ic t u r e o f t h e h o r r o r a n d to r m e n t ^ o f th e t h e p r o 化c t io n , a s w e r e , o f t h e J u d g e .
la m e s in w h ic h s h e w a s t o b e b u r n e d , A n d a U h o u g h th is h a d b e e 打 m a d e 50
a n d o f th e s h a m e a n d io fa m y o f th e c l e a r b y a ll w h o h a v e t r e a t e d o n th is
p u b li c e x a m p le w h ic h w a s t o b e m a d e s u b je c t t h a t i ( m a y s e e m s u p e r flu o u s t o
o f h e r , a n d s o e a s ily p e r s u a d e d h e r to e m ? > a rk u p o n a n y d is c u s s io n o H t , y e t I
e s c a p e a l l t h is b y s e e k in g h e r o w n h a v e n o q u a lm s a b o u t a d d in g a fe w
d e a t h . B u t s h e w a s le d t o c h a n g e h e r w o rd s o rd e r to u n m a sk m o re co m -
d e c is io n b y t h a t d r e a d a n d h o r r o r o f p i e 化ly th e c u n n in g p lo ts o f t h a t
a n iir n n e d 化化 e v il w h ic h is n a t u r a l to Sch em er.
a l l m e n , a s w e ll p e r h a p s a s b y t h e N o s o o n e r h a d Q ^uiz^na 汹 lla e a ,
t h o u g h t o f c e r t a i n d a ir m a t io 打 f o r h e r B la in v i lle , F e b , 1 5 8 7 , b e e n p u t i n
3 〇。1> w h i c h is f e a r e d b y e v e n t h e m o s t p r is o n t h a n h e r D e m o n v is ite d h e r a n d
a b a n d o n e d . T h e r e i b r c s h e f ir m ly r c * w a r n e d h e r t h a t s h e w o u ld n o 【 e s c a p e
j c c 化d 化 e D e m o n 、 a d v i c e , w h ic h w a s fr o m th a t p la c e b e fo re sh e h a d b e e 打
t h a t s h e s h o u ld th r o w h e r s e l f o u t o f t h e 化r r i b l y r a c k e d a 打d s e a r c h e d w it h th e
u p p e r w in d o w o f h e r p r is o n , fr o m t o r t u r e ; b u t t h a t i f o n ly s h e w o u ld b e a r
w h ic h t h e r e w a s a d e e p i n s ile n c e a b r i e f p e r io d o f p a in sh e
W h e n h e c o u ld b y n o o t h e r m e a n s w o u ld c e ^ a i n l y g a m h e r 1化e r t y a f t e r ­
p e rsu a d e D id ic r G ir a r d o f V e n n e z e y w a r d s , a n d t h a t T ic w o u ld 打o t hiH h e r
t o c o m m it t h is d e e d , h e a d d e d a s a f in a l a t h e r 打e e d in t h e m e a n t im e . A 打d n o t
in d u c e m e n t t h a t , i f h e k ille d h im se lf^ lo n g a fw r w a r d s i t h a p p e n e d w it h h e r
h e w o u ld b e c o m e a D e m o n lik e h im s e lf , a s h e h a d fo r e to ld ;f o r w h ile s h e w a s
a b le t o d o w h a 化v e r h e w is h e d ; b u t n o t u n d e r t o r t u r e a n d w a s b e in g m o s t
e v e n th is c o u ld s h a k e o r m o v e h is s e v e r e ly r a c k e d , t h e D e m o n w a s a l l th e
d c 化r m in a iio 打. F o r h a v in g b e e n so t i m e lu r k in g i n h e r h a i r n e t e n c o u r a g ­
o f t e n b e fo r e d e c e iv e d b y t h e D e m o n , in g h e r a n d p r o m is in g h 灯 化 a t 化 e t o r .
h e s u s p e c 化d a l l h is a d v i c e , a n d w o u ld t u r e w o u ld s o o n b e o v e r . A n d i f b y
c e r t a i n ly 口Dt b e n U e d b y h im a n y m o r e . c h a n c e th e J u d g e s ig n e d t o t h e 化r -
F u r t h e r , h e h a d n o w is h f o r a n t u r c r 化 r e l a x 化 e p r e s s u r e 化r a lit t le ,
江p o th th<e o s is s o d if f e r e n t f r o m t h a t o f t h e t h e D e m o n a n t i c ip a t e d t h is a n d f o r e ­
S a in t s i t h a d b e e n t a u g h t h im . to ld i t to t h e m is e r a b le w o m a n a s i f i t
w e r e h is o w n d o in g . B u t w h e n t h e r e
☆ w a s n o r e m i t t a n c e o f h e r p a in a n d
c o u l d n o lo n g e r b e e n d u r e d b y e v e n
t h e m o s t o b s t i n a 化, s h e b r o k e o u t a s
C H A P T E R V III i b l l o w s : " T a k e m e a w a y ! 1 h a v e Us ,
That the Dmon、s Grip is 说巧 了 ^ 化n e d lo n g e n o u g h t o t h u t r a i t o r . S e e ,
and cannot easily be loosed one 1^ I a m r e a d y t a c o n f e s s - th e 狂u 曲 ;" A n d
taken a 扫old; and tfur皆ore they use every s o , a f t e r b e in g b i d 过e n t o a b ju r e h im in
Effort to prevent their Subjects in Prison, s o ie m n 化rin $ > s h e w a s f r e e d & o m t h e
even urk苗 thpt arc being iortuT,d>Jhm D e m o n ’s y o k e a n d g a v e a 户 uU a c c o u n t
cof^essing tnemsflves Guiltj^ o f th o f a " h e r c d in e s f r o m t h e d a y w h e n 洗 e
Wxuhcraft with which they are Ckargedy h a d fi 口t b o u n d h e r s e lf U) h im .
and sofrom utumin矣 U>。 SiaU of Gtou A n n a X a l l a e a , B la in v i llc , F e b . 1 5 8 7 ,
h thevr PenileTUi, But that often^ when to ld a s im ila r s 化r y i n a lm o 巧 th e s a m e
6 od$owUh,tfuMSchme5 M<iSiumb.
w o r d s , e x c e p t t h a t t h e D e m o n h a d 打o t
ling>hlock$ 〇y theirs come to ^Nothing, h id d e n i n h e r h a i r , b u t d e e p d o w n in
h e r t h r o a t w h ile s h e w a s b e in g to r ­
/ ^ N C E he has gained power over a t u r e d , d o u b tle s s s o t h a t h e c o u ld m o r e
V ^ m a n the Demon so obsdoately e a s ily p r e v e 打t h e r fr o m s p e a k in g i f t h e
retahu his hold 化at he wUl 打ot release in t o le r a b le p a in i n c i i n e a h e r t o CO公-
BR• 攻 • 成 • VUL DE: 165
fe ss hl e r iju g u iU
i . A n d t h is f a c t d id n o t co m es m in d . T h i s m a n , b y
e s c a pDCe tthh e n o t ic e o f th o s e w h o w e r e c o n c e a lin g t h e 位u t h a n d e n d u r in g
p r e s e n t ; f o r t h e y s a w h e r t h r o a t s w e ll t h e t o r t u r e , t w i c e e s c a p e d t h e s e n te n c e
1; u n t i l i t s to o d o u t o n a le v e l w it h h e r
a n d i t b e c a m e s o liv id a n d d ts -
c o lo u r e d t h a t i t m ig h t e a s ily b e t h o u g h t
o f d e a t h ; b u t w h e n f o r t h e t h ir d t i m e
h e w a s t ^ c n r e d * h a n d e d , h e c o n fe s s e d
a n d p ^ d a t a r d y b u t h e a v y p e n a lt y f b r
化 a t s h e w a s s u ff e r in g f r o m a n a c u 巧 h is c r im e s .
q u in s y . T h e r e h a v e a ls o b e e n t h o 化 w h o h a v e
F r a n c o is c F c l l c t , P a n g y . s u r - M o e 打d u r e d t h e a g o n y o f t o r t u r e w i 化 o u t
化lie , r ^ o v . 1 5 8 4 , s a id t h a t t h e 巧 m e c o n f e s s in g , b u t w h e n t h e y w e r e o n t h e
n e c e s s ity f b r s ile n c e w a s I m p o 巧d u p o n ) 〇in t o f b e in g d is c h a r g e d f r o m p r is o n
h e r b y th e D e m o n ; and> m o reo v er, )a v e a c k n o w le d g e d t h e c r i m e w h ic h
化 a t h e r e a r s w e 巧 s o c lo s e d t o t h e v o ic e t h e y h a v e u p t o t h a t p o i 打t c o n c e a le d .
o f t h e J u d g e w h e n h e 行打t e x a m in e d T h i s w a s l a 化ly i n s t a n c c d b y M a r -
h e r th a t sh e h ea rd n o m o re th a n if h e g a r e t a V a l t r i n a , w h o f o r a w h o le h o u r
h a d n o t b e e n s p e a k in g a t a l l ; b u t w h e n e n d u r e d 化 c m o s t v e h e m e n t 化r t u r c
t h is c h a r m w a s b r o k e n a n d t h e t r u t h w it h o u t a d m i t t i n g a n y g u " t ; b u t a t
h a d b e e n w ru n g fro m h e r b y to rtu re , la s t w h e打 sh e w a s a b o u t to b e s e t a t
t h e D e m o n d id n o t c e a s e f r o m t h a t I 化e r t y s h e a s k e d t o s e e t h e J u d g e a n d ,
t i m e 化 t h r e a t e n h e r w it h d e a t h ; a n d a f t e r b e g g in g h is f o r ^ v e n e s s f o r h e r
t h 灯e fb r e s h e b e g g e d t h a t w o u ld o b s t i n a c y , d 巧c ] o $ ^ e v e r y t h i 打g fr o m
n e v e r le a v e h e r a lo n e , e s p e c i a ll y a t 化 e t i m e w h e n t h e D e m o n h 為 fir s t
n ig h t , t h e s o lit u d e o f w h ic n w a s p a r ­ e n s n a r e d h e r r i g h t th r o u g h t h e w h o le
t i c u la r ly f a v o u r a b le t o h is a t t e m p t s . s t o r y o f a ll h e r
Anne M orile at Hadonville, Nov. I t is w o r t h w h ile t o r e c o r d w h a t h a p *
1581, and some others said that while p e n e d u> A le x 知 B e 化c u r e , B la in v i 瓜 ,
化叮 were bci打g 化rtured 化 e Demon J a n . 1 5 8 7 , to th e a m a z e m e n t a n d a s*
had supported them from no 打earcr to n is h 四e 凸t o f a l l w h o
than the end o f the rack, from which w h e n s h e w is h e d t o d o t h e s a m e _
>lacc he proven化(1 化 6111&〇11151)€沾 - F o r as s h e w as p r e p a r in g h e n c i f fo
ng just as effectively as i f he had cn. m a k e f r e e c o n f e s s io n i d th^is w a y a n d
tirely hidd饥 himsea i打their ears. h a d , a s is t h e C h r is t ia n c u s t o m , b le s s e d
It in d e e d ,im p o s s 化k 化 巧 y h o w h e 口e l f w i 化 化 e L o r d ’s P r a y e r , s h e w a s
f a s t t h e D e m o n h o ld s t o t h e p r e y h e h a d e d a g a in s t t h e w a ll b e lU n d h e r
h a s o n c e 化b e d , i n s p ite o f t h e J u d g e ’s w it h s u c h f o r c e t h a t m a n y w o u ld h a v e
m o s t c a r e f u lly c o n s id e r e d e f f o r t s , w h ic h c a r r ie d h e r o u t a s a d e a d w o m a n . B u t
h e s o o f te 打 b a ffle s t h a t , th a n k s t o h im , a s s h e g r a d u a lly c a n t o h e r s e 巧 a n d
n o t a 耗w w itc h e s h a v e e s c a p e d 出 e d u e w as ask ed w h a t h a d u se d h e r to fa ll
r e w a r d o f t h e i r c r im e s • F o r m a n y , s a y s in t l u t m a n n e r , s h e s a i d ; " C a n y o u
I a m b lic h u s » h a v e b e e n p u t u p o n t h e n o t s e e h im ly in g u n d e r t h e c o u c h , t h a t
行r c a n d h a v e n o t b e e 打 b u r n e d , f o r t h e m u rd e r e r w h o to o k m e b y th e th r o a t
D e m o n w it h in th e m h a s b lo w n b a c k a n d n e a r ly t h r o t t le d m e ? S e e h o w h e
th e fir e ; o r i f th e y h a v e b e e n b u rn ed is t h r e a 化n in g m e w it h h is lo o k s a n d
t h e y h a v e n o t f e lt i t , 打e U h e r d o t h e y tr y in g a ll h e c a n to 化n m e f r o 瓜
fe e l a n y p r ic k in g s o r s e r a 化h e s o r a n y s a y m g a w o r d ! T h i s is n o t t h e fir s t
t o r t u 巧$• I r e m e m b e r th o s e w h o h a v e t i m e n e h a s t r ie d t o k e e p m e f r o m te U -
b e e n 0 打c e a n d e v e n t w i c e d is c h a r g e c i i 打g t h e 化u t h ; f b r w h ife I w a s b e in g
a s in n o c e n t , b u t o n b e in g t a k e n u p f o r 化i t u r e d h e w a s in m y I c 打 e a r li k e a
t h e t h ir d t i m e th e y h a v e a t la s t c o n - 巧c a , b u s ily w a r n in g m e t o h o ld m y
fe ss e d 化 e c r im 巧 o f w h ic h t h e y h a d U m g u e a n d n o t l e t m y s e lf b e d e f c a 化d
b e e n g u i lt y f r o m 化 e b e g in n in g . b y a s h o rt tim e o f n o t so v e ry a c m e
O f th e s e t h e c a s e o f F r a n c o is F e k p a in /
k t,a tP a n g y -su r-M o se lle ,£ ^ J 5 8 7 , T h u s lik e a s tr e n u o u s p i ^ l i s t h e d o e s
i6 6 ;MO N O L A T R Y BFC. U VIII.
打o t r e s t o r t i r e a s l o 打g a s t h e r e r e m a in s r e c t o r o f a ll t h e i r a c t i o n s ; o r i f t h e y a r e
a n y c h a n c e o f c o n tin u in g th e fig h t; a t a l l s o m o v e d , t h d r c a s e is I 化e 【 h a t
n o r w il l h e le a v e h is h o ld o n th o s e w h o o f t h e t r a i t o r J u d a s w h o f e lt r e m o r s e ,
h a v e o n c e e iU e r e d h is s e r v ic e u n t il i 打d e e d , f o r h is c r im e , b u t n o n e t h e le ss
t h e y a r e s 打a 化h e d f r o m h im lik e a d id n o t r e p e 打t a n d t u r n a g a in t o G o d ,
s h e e p f r o m a w o lf. A n d w h e n h e f b r e . b u t r a t h e r i n t h e la s t d e s p a ir b r o u g h t
s e e s 化 a t t h is is g o in g t o h a p p e 打, h e u p o n h im s e lf th e m o s t d a m n a b le d e a t h .
o f t e n p r e v e n t s i t e i t h e r b y b a s e ly p e r - A n d th is , a s w e h a v e a lr e a d y s h o w n , is
s u a d in g h is 化 s c ip ic s t o h a n 含 t h e m * o f t e n d o n e b y w it c h e s .
s e lv e s , o r e l 巧 h im 化! f a c t u a lly tw is ts B u t I s h a ll n o t b a s e m y d U c u 巧io n o f
th e ir n e ck s o r b e a ts th e m to d e a th , o r t h is q u e s tio 打 o n t h e a r g u m e 打ts o f th e
k ills t h e m i n s o m e o t h e r w a y , u n le s s T h c o o g ia n s , b u t s h a ll o n ly p u t b e fb r e
G o d r e s t r a i 打s h im . A ll 化 is h a s b e e n t h e reaSer w h s t I h a v e k a r n e 如 f r o m
a m p ly s h o w n b y p e r d 打e n t e x a m p le s . m y e x p e r ie n c e in e x a m i 打in g n o t a fe w
A n d i f h e m a y n o t a c h ie v e s u c h a r c - o f【 h e m , o f d ie s tu b b o r n n e s s a n d o b -
$u lt» y e t h e t r ie s t o w o r k s o m e s o r t o f s t i 口。 c y o f w it c h 说• I h a v e h e a r d m a n y
m i s c h i e f o r h a r m s o t h a t h e s h a JI n o t o f t h e m s a y t h a t t h e y h a v e o fte n fo r m e d
le a v e t h e m w it h o u t h u r t in g t h e m in a w is h t o r id th e m s e lv e s o f t h e i r L i t t l e
som e w ay , M a s 化r s , b o t h b e c a u 化 t h e y s a w t h a t
了h u s , a lt h o u g h G a t h a r i 打汪 L a t o m i a t h e y w e r e c h c a 化d b y t h e m , a n d c h ie fly
o f M a rc h e , a t H a ra u c o u rt, F e b . 1 5 8 7 , b e c a u s e o f t h e i r in t o l e r a b l e a n d s a v a g e
w a s n o t y e t o f a n a g e 【 0 s u ff e r a m a n * c r u e l t y ; b u t t h a t t h e y w e r e u n a b le to
h e t w i c e r a p e d h e r i n p r is o n , b e in g f r e e th e m s e lv e s , f o r a s s o o n a s s u c h a
m o v e d w it h h a t r e d f o r h e r b e c a u s e h e t h o u g h t e n te r e d 比 e ir m in d s 化 e D e ­
巧 w t h a t s h e in t e n d e d t o c o n f e s s h e r m o n c a m e a n d p u i 山 h e d ; 【 w it h 这
c r i m e ; a n d s h e v e r y n e a r l y d ie d f r o m b e a t in g , o r , fk H in 巧 t h a t , a " t h d r
t h e in ju r ie s s h e r e c e iv e d b y t h a t c o i­ e f f o r t s t o e m a n c i p a 化 th e r o s d v e s h a d
t io n . c o m e t o n o th in g .
H e r e t h e q u e s t io n 3 此 《 w h e t h e r i t W h e n A g a t h c , 【 h e w ife o f F r a n -
i s p o s s ib le f o r a w it c h , a g a in s t t h e w ill 9 〇is T a i l l c u r , a t K t t e l a n 队 S e p 化m b e r ,
o f th e D « m o n , to b r e a k h e r c o m p a c t 巧 沪 g r e w w e a r y o f h e r h a r s h s e r v i-
w it h h im » o r w h e t h e r s h e is n o t r a t h e r t u d e , s h e a t l a s t d e c id e d t o h a v e r e *
c o m p e lle d t o k e e p i t f o r a s to n g a s s h e c o u r s e t o a r e m e d y w h ic h m a n y h a v e
liv e s . I f a la w y e r w e r e a s k e d h is im p io u s ly t h o u g h t 化 b e m o s t c f E c a c i ,
o p in i o n , n o d o u b t h e w o u ld s a y t h a t a ou s> T h e r e f o 巧 s h e w e 口t t o t h e n e ig h *
CO己任a c 【 w h ic h CO打t a in s 这 d is h o n o u r - b o u r it ig to w n o f S a r v e d e n a c c o m *
a b l e c la u s e 15 n o t b i n d in g . B u t h e r e p a n i e d b y E v a , t h e d a u g h t e r o f A lb e r t
t h e r e i$ n o q u e s t io n o f l e g a l i t y : th e v o n K i r c h e l , a n d c a u s e d t h e p r ie s t to
p o in : w h e t l W , j u s t a s a d e. r c - b a p t i z e h e r , E v a s ta n d in g a s h e r
s e r tc ^ d e n te d t h e r i g h t o f p o s tlim in y g o d m o 化c r , N o n e t h e m o r e f o r 化a t
( X . Itema . Ex. gutbuscctis. m ior.), in t h e d id t h e w ic k e d s p ir i t c e a s e f r o m b e a ^
s a m e w a y th o s e w h o h a v e o n c e d e« in g a n d k ic k in g h e r , o r & o m b e s p a t te r ,
s e r t e d 扛o m G o d t o t h e e n e m y o f t h e ;n g h e r 位c e W ith a l l s o r ts g f 6 U h a n d
h u m a n r a c e a r e c u t o f f fro m e v e ry a p ­ h u m i lia t in g h e r i n e v e r y p o s s ib le w a y ,
p r o a c h t o G o d ,s m e r c y , s o t h a t th e y I s h a ll n o t d w e ll u p o n w h a t I h a v e
m a y n e v e r r e t u r n f r o m t h e s id e t o a lr e a d y r e c o r d e d t o Im v e h a p p e n e d t o
w h i c h t h e y h a v e 8 e d . T h e y w h o m a in ­ a g i r t a t J o in v i U e , w h o w a s in it ia t e d
t a i n t h a t t h is i$ t h e c a s e b a s e t h e i r i n t o t h e m a g ic a r t s b y h e r w ;K h
o p in i o n o n t h e f a c t c h a t w U c h e s a r c m o t h e r , a n d c o u ld n o t b e s o c o m *
n e v e r m o v e d t o t h a t r e p e n t a n c e w h ic h p i e 化ly w fb r m e d b y d e v o u t 化a c h in g
m u s t p r e c e d e t h e r e m is s io n o f s in s {S* a n d t r a i n in g b u t t h a t t h e D e m o n k e p t
Matthew iiL 2 ) , s in c e t h e v a r e h in d e r e d s o m e h o ld o v e r h e r b y w h ic h h e w a s
b y t h e D c x n o 打 w h o is t h e v ig il a n t d i , a b l e t o b e a v e n g e d u p o n h e n F o r th is
h a s lo n g b e e 打t h e i r c o m p la in t , t h a t t h e d a w n s o n t h e i r m is e r y o n t h a t d a y
m o r 化r c a n 打e v e r b e s o t h o r o u g h ly w h e n t h e J u d g e 11化8 v io le n c e , t e r r o r ­
c l e 江n e d b u t 化 a t r e t a in s s o m e s c e n t is m a n d ^ r t u r e a g a i n ^ t h e m ; a n d t h e y
o f th e h e r b s w h ic h h a v e b e e n b r u is e d e a r n e s t ly b e g n o t t o b e d is c h a r g e d
i n it* B u t I w o u ld 打o t u n d e r s t a n d t h b f r o m p r is o n a n d a g a in b e d e liv e r e d i n ­
t o 历c a n t h a t t h e w o u n d is , a s t h e y s a y , to th e b o n d a g e o f th a t T y r a n t ; fo r
Chironian* o r i 订e m e d ia b ie . F o r is it t h e i r o n ly h o p e o f s a lv a t io n w a s t o b e
not : " S h a l l t h e y 化II, a n d n o t t a k e n a s q u ic k l y a s p o s s ib le to t h e i r
a r is e ? S h a ll h e (u m a w a y , a n d n o t re * d e a t h w h i c t h 句 w 巧 c p e r n 化n t a n d
t u r n ? " ( 六 馴 知 、 v iii. 4 ) , O r w h o s o r r y fb r t h e i r s in s . A n d t h e y e n t r e a t
s h a ll h i n a c r t h e L o r d f r o m r e le a s in g t h e J u d g e t o p u n is h i n t h e s a m e w a y
t h e b o u 打d , g iv in g s ig h t t o t h e b lin d , o r aU o th e 口 w h o c o m e u p fo r tr ia l a n d
b r e a k i n e t h e i r c t ^ n s ? T h i s I w ill s a y : co n fe ss th e ir c r im e ; fo r b y n o o th e r
t h a t a s lo n g a s w itc h e s a r e u n d e r h is m e a n s c a n t h e y p u t a n e n d t o t h e ir
c o n t r o l , t h a t is , a s lo n g a s th e y a r e 打o t e v il- d o in g a n d w i t c h c r a f t , h o w e v e r
in f lu c 打c e d b y a n y e x a m i 打a t io n , Im ­ m u c h t h e y m a y w is h t o ; s o u n r e m it -
p r is o n m e n t o r t o r t u r e ,t h e y a lw a y s p r e * t i n g ly d o e 》 【 h e D e m o n s t a n d o v e r t h e m
化r v e a s c o m p le t e a s ile n c e a s t h e y c a n a n d t h r e a 化n t h e m a s lo n g a s t h e y a r e
w it h r e g a r d t o t h e i r c r im e s . T h e r e ­ f r e e f r o m c u 巧o d y a n d h a v e 打o t y e t
f o r e I b e lie v e t h a t t h e s u p p o 化d b e e n a d m i t 化d t o t h e a s y lu m , a s
w r e tc h e d n e s s o f h n p r is o n m e n t (a U w e r e , a n d s h e lt e r o f t h e la w . B u t th e s e
t h o u g h , a s I h a v e said ^ t h is d o e s n o t a r e m a t 化巧 w h ic h w e m a y r a t h e r le a v e
a lw a y s n e c e s s a r ily fo llo w ) is , a t t h e t o 化 6 ju d g e m e n t o f 化 e T h e o l o g i a n s ,
w ill o f G o d a n d w h e n H e e x p ia t e s t h e i r a s I h a v e ^ r c a d y s a id * I h a v e fu lH lle d
s in s , t h e b e g in n in g o f s a lv a t i o n fo r m y p u r p o s e b y r e c o r d in g t h a t w h ic h I
w U c h e s . A n a n a lo 巧 m ig h t b e d r a w n h av e o b serv ed .
f r o m t h e b o i l o f J a s o 打, t T y r a n t o f
P h e r a e , w h ic h t h e p h y s ic ia n s c o u ld n o t
h e a l ; b u t h is b it t e r e s t e n e m y o p e n e d ic 亩
a n d s a v e d h im fr o m c e r t a 化 a n d m *
S la n t d e a t h . A n d t h e m e n o f o u r
c o u n t r y haN^e a p r o v e r b ( i f w e 扣 3 火fin d CHAPTER IX
a n y t r u t h i 打 s u c h s a y m 的 t h a t th e
s u r e s t r o a d t o h a p p in e s s lie s t h r o u g h That ther* Are Methods used the
m is ib z tim e . 3ud梦s of our btfon they bring a
T h i s v ie w is a b im d a n t ly 扣 b s t a n — ^ ikh to the Torture to counteract Ike
t i a t e d b y t h e u n a n im o u s a s s e r tio n o f Ghams by ivhich said 化 nullij^
w it c h e s , t h a t 《 he fir s t 1灿 t o f li b e r t y the E如 of the 朽 fture; but that such
Mwhods are not to b, commended,sinct,
"C/iinmian,, Thephrase isJmn CelsuSy as ihs Proverb s巧s,the,如 but dritie 奶t
^^Ckironwm uulnus.^* It also /fail ivith Anotker, and auercome one
occurs tni the "Herba/itirn,, ■ Evil with Ano化if.
fourth cfn邸 tongfo M 嗦j。 ascribed 化 ApHlrius.
Thi cenicur Chiron btinz
ting wounded by— one of

poisoned arrows of Hiretdis^ bestowed upon
Promelhm his immrtali如 but Jfupitei
T 、H E R E
U ip ia n

s p is c !
a r e m a n y , a c c o r d in g t o
a n d F a b w s , w h o so d e*
t ha t th d r to k r a n c e o f it
him emong thi stars. c a n e a s ily c r e a 化 a f a ls e i m p K S s i o n .}
J"Jason.»l^aniofPhe7wandgermat- T h a t i t w a s s o in t h e c a 化 o f t h e h a r l o t
issmo Thfssa^、 probably the son 等 l.yco- L e a e n a , o f A n a x a r c h u s , o f A m ip h il a
pkron> tvho "tablis/led。所 anny an ike ruins o f C y re n c , a n d m a n y o th e rs w e e a rn
《 the aristocracy《 Pherae. Jason suceudgd
his fathir soon 0於 激 B/::md pr<fve4 a X ^^Fulsi impression^ s matUr
a diplomat. A( the height of cormi GuazzOf 、
M may prtJitaUy consult Comp6n>
assassinaied, 370. ium Xlil^ficarum," Book
Boc I,XV、
】 68 D B M ON O L A T R S R . 1打• CH ,IX,

from 化c writings o f Plin>^** (八 化 彷 化 t o r t u r e g o 化 $ lecp > w h ic h is im p o s s 化le

V I I ,巧 ) and Valerius (Lib. V III, e x c e p t w h e n a m a n is a t e a s e ; 化 is 位r
cap. 4); and the fact is a maUcr o f su j*p a s 化s d ie b e l i e f o f a l l m e n . Y e t
common knowledge from cvery-day t h i s is s o w d l k n o w n t o b e t h e c a s e , b y
experience. But it is agreed that ihi$ th o s e w h o h a v e s u b je c t e d c r im in a ls ,
often proceeds either from physical e s p e c ia lly w i 化h e s , t o t h e to r t u r e , t h a t i t
hardness or mental determination; h a s b e c o m e th e ir c h ie fc a r e to k n o w h ow
and this ought not to seem at all won* t h e y c a n o p p o s e c u n n in g t o c u n n in g ,
derful or strange, for it is possible for a n d d r iv e o n e n a i l o u t w it h a n o t h e r .
human endurance to reach such a T h e r e f o r e s o m e t a k e t h e p r e c a u tio n
pitch. This is more than su巧deixtly o f o r d e r in g t h e i r o ffic e r s t o if t a w it c h
clear from the stories as related by u p 泣n d s o c a n y h e r w it h o u t h e r to u c h *
Plutarch o f Marius, who bore ^打silence i n g t h e g r o u n d , 1达e a n o t h e r A iU a e u s ,
the long and 化rrib心 pai打o f his leg be­ 扛c m h e r h o u 化 t o t h e p r is o n . T h i s is
ing cut off; and o f the Spai*ta打 boy e s p e c ia lly t h e c u s to m o f t h e G e r m a n s
who hid a fox under his garmc打t but w lio liv e h i t h e f u r t h e r p r o v in c e s o f
would not u«er the least cry o f pain L o r r a in e ^ a n d I t h in k t h a t i t is f o r a
when i( rent and tore out his entrails s i m i l a r r e a s o n t h a t o u r p e o p le o f t h e
(Plutarch, in Lacontcis apophthegm, ) . V o s g e s , e s p e c ia lly t h e p e a s a n ts , h a v e
Bu 【that, without fteling a 打y they t h e f o llo w in g c u s t o m : w h e n a v ir g in
can bear to have their arms twist:ed and 玉 5 t o b e m a m e d a n d is a b o u t t o 巧c e iv e
fbrcib]y stretched and pulled out, or t h e S a c r a m e n t o f M a t r im o n y , tw o o f
批 S. o r 巧 ory o f Tours 1曲 ,//|.成 仍 。。(, t h e s tr o n g e s t m e n m a k e a c h a i r o f
Vl> 35, was oone i打the case o f 以 um- t h e i r fo ld e d a r m s a n d s o c a r r y h e r
mol,言 the Prefect under K ine ChU* f r o m h e r h o " 化 t o t h e c h u r c h , b e lie v in g
peric) stre化hed from a bcamjiDehind t h a t b y t h is t h e y e f f e c t iv e ly g u a r d
their back, or dragged out by pulleys; g a i n s t th e s p e lls a n d e n c h a n tm e n ts
or to be fas化ned Gy the finger-naiU to w h ic h m a y b e w o v e 打 t o h in d e r t h e
a stake; or that they can during their m am age.
O t h e r s c a u s e t h e w it c h t o ta k e o f f a il
h e r c lo t h e s a n d p u t o n a n u o d e r -g a r ^
• " P lin j." "PalUnli。 corporis,
m bra sers (〇 1〇^1主化的而, ;nmn
m c D t w h ic h h a s b e e n s p u n , w o v e n a n d
peterii. Clarissinum in/m ints •酪 扛 s t it c h e d a li i n o n e d a y ; 知r i t n e e d s
tm is,巧ae hrta non 心 icetiit 【•《 m s o m e 化 in g in v o lv in 梦 la l 占u r a n d d iffi-
Aristogiionem tyrannicidAi: in uiHs, Anax- c u l巧 to c o m b a t a n a o v e rc o m e so g r e a t
archi> qtd simiti 如 causa cum tor巧teretur, a d if f ic u lt y .
rosam dentibus linguamy unamque spm indicii^ O t h e r s h a v e t h e w it c h c o m p le te ly
in fyreimi os exspuit., ,The Aihenims hon* s h a v e d § f r o m t h e s o le s o f h e r f e e t t o t h e
cured the mmevy o f Leaata by a bron^fi statue c r o w 打 o f h e r h e a d b e fo r e th e y b r in g
o f c lii讯ess without a iongue, on iht h e r t o t h e ^ r t u r e , b e c a u s e t i ie y b c U e v e
AcrofioHf heUuen ihs PropyUn and the tmenos t h a t s h e m a v h a v e a D e m o n h id d e n i a
ofArimisBrauronia.SiePausanias,i, 。 , 。 ; th e h a ir o f h er b e a d o r o f so m e o th e r
Plutarch! "De GamdiMe, ,,插 i; md p a r t o f h e r b o d y . P h ilo s tr a tu s te s tifie s
aenuSy viii, 45. t h a t th is w a s d o 打e b y t h e o r d e r o f t h e
S "Mummol,,、 Ses "The Geography of lim p e r o r D o m U ia n in th e c a s e o fA p p l-
WtUher^^* by Montagiu SumsrurSf Chapter
lo m u s o f T y a n a {In Apollonii tdta^
V, 皆: 354^ . V 1 I> 3 斗, a n d VIII> 六 ;b ^ ia u s e h e h a d
X Bfcm.、、 The strappado. CoTyct、 who
saw this punishment 部 kUd at Vtnict, coils it m o r e ^ a n o n c e s a id t h a t h e d e r iv e d
/r 每iV此 心 如 / 分I姐 冷 心 " ( "0»• h is v is io n a r y p o w e r s fr o m h is h a ir , a n d
,,I, In Jllfhd Censolt,s "U*
gendis des Alp^ Voudoius" (ff, 巧 1) is M AStmei:、 authoritaHoe accouTit
\is tor* procedure su Ou *^MaUem M al^
turf. * Part 么w 曲。
BK. m, GH, IX, 巧9
therefore would by no 饥cans allow it sinks she i$ held to be innocent. Dcsi*
to be cut. A 打d not long ago, at Mire* derius de Gandinof (Lex prima
court, Dec. 1583, when Alexia Gallaea 从化<• 乂>呼化 ), among other mauers
o f Bcroncourt was eager to disclose her relative to wUchcraft, affirmed this to
crimes to the Judge But could not be- be a 拉ct beyond qu 巧tion. The custom
cau 巧 ( so she sai巧 o f the presence of b e lie v e d t o h a v e r e a c h e d u s 行r s t f r o m
her Demon, she asked that her hair VVes 化r n S a x o n y , a n d e s p e c ia lly fr o m
might be cut off a 打d thrown on COthe W e s t p h a l i a ; a n d i t h a d p r e v io u s ly
fire; and when this was done she at r e a c h e d th o s e d is t r ic t s f r o m t h e I l l y -
once began toenumera化 all the a*imes r i a n s a n d T r i b a l l i ; 化r a m o n g t h e m
she had commu 化d under the Demo凸,3 a ls o t h e r e w e r e s o r c e r e s s e s w h o , a c c o r d ­
auspices and leadership. It may be in g 化 P lin y ( 好ir f. 入 化 V I I ,2 ) , c o u ld
that the Demon, who is always a base n o t b e s u b m e r g e d e v e 打 w h e 打 w e ig h e d
imita 化r o f God's works, in this also d o w n b y t h e i r g a r m e n t s .
tries to copy that which we read of SErenger and Kram er (施 化 她 •
Samson in the Bible; how he had been Uf. Pt. I l l , Quest-15) mention another
forbidden from Heaven to cut 0任 hh method which they had ob 化rved;
hair he wished to keep intact the namciy> that the wi 化h must be
s【rcng 化 which God had given him , broueht ^nto the presence o f her Judge
for the seat o f this was his hair. whh her 位cc averted from him. For it
Others a^ain think that by throwing is argued that i f the wi 化h can get but
cold wa 化r in the witch,s face they can the merest glance at him at the first,
drive a w ^ the Demon* Rosa Gcrar- she ca 打 fill his mind with pity for her,
dine, at 哮 say, Nov, r586, confessed or rather ca 打 bewi化h him, just as the
that by this alone was she brought to basilisk or even the w olf tries to get the
CO打fess, and that all other me化ods o f 6 円 t glance at a ma打 :
coercing her meant nothing to hen
The following method has won the "T h e wolves saw Mocris first,";
approval o f many who have used it, Now i f 化 c cause o f all these
and was witnessed this very year by a be carefully considered, none more
Prince o f great renown at Serre, a vil­ probable, I 化 ink, will 占 found than
lage in the district o f S t Jean de LeaoD- that the Demon purposely offers the
cour, The witch bound hand and occasion for such experiments, and so
foot and thrown iWo a pool* o f cold provides the ma 化rial, as it werCy by
w ater: i f she swims out unharmed, her which men arc the more easily led to
guilt is said to be proved; tempt God; fbr so th 巧 do when 化 ey
pass over and neelcct the remedies
• pool.、, n e p w 化 swimmin which lie to their Hands, and turn to
tves portkulojrh favoured in England. U is strange and unwo打 化 d remedies which
'Dofmen^gie*^ by King have the Demon as their author and
maittoned in his ••Dametu
James whi> regarded fleeting on su媒 estor* For this is the grossest im­
watiT" ■
good • to be used in the trial
o f witefus,siw4 "U 冷pear" that God hathha 聲
piety, and it was fbr this that God
poynied [for a supemaim<Ul sim o f the formerly punished the Isradites with
struous UnpietU the Witche巧 that iiie fiery serpents; a 打d uni巧s we keep our­
skal refuse 化 wceiue them h i her b(换俯、化a i selves free from thU $in lie w ill (deliver
hau£ sho/ien off them the siicr^d IVater 0/ Bap^
Hsmiy and w ilfidlie refuud the benejiu thneou^ I ^^Gandino** Dtsideriiu Alb^ius de Gm*
T h t ocpmmaU was €Mti$maUjf M ng tried up ditto,。J{€qp〇 litM Jurisi, Ou author of 0
and doiun the cwrtiiy tven during the nineUenih "Tr必taius super m^ficiU,,、 of which Urn
emtury. For an 〇 £C〇urU o f a trial resiUting editions, lim e,巧21; ji^^ons> 巧巧;Romt,
fr im thU as M StpUmbtr 1865 see 屁
"Gtogr啤 h j o f WitckcTcft*" ChapUT II> pp、 V灯gU、Eclogue, 54; "lupi

u s u p f o r a n e x a m p le t o t h a t o l d s e r ­ ju s t i c e s a id b y t h e P h a r is e e s o f C h r is t ,
p e n t t h e D e v i l , w h o is a lw a y s r e a d y to t h a t w e d o n o t c a s t o u t d e v ils s a v e
u s e h i s p o is o n a g a in s t u s w h e n w c p e r ­ b y B e d z e b u b t h e c 心e f o f 化 c d e v ils
m it it , a n d e v e n co n d o n e it. (女 x i i . 2 4 ) ; o r a s E u 巧b iu s
B u t s o m e o n e w il l s a y , t h e o r d e a l b y s a id o f s o m e o n e , w r i t in g t o H ie r o c le s ^
w a t e r ,* a n d e v e n b y r e d * h o t i r o n o r " H e i s a d e m o n , w h o d r iv e s o u t o n e
b u r n in g c o a l s , w h ic h is & r m o r e s e v e r e , d e m o n b y a n o t h e r / * L e t u $ n o t o u r ­
w a s f o r m e r ly p r a c t is e d b y C h r is t ia n s , s e lv e s d a b b le in th o se a r t s w h ic h w c
a s t h e S a c r e d C a n o n s t e s t i f y ; a n d b e - CO打 d e m n a n d r e p r e h e n d w h e n 化e y
f b r e t h a t M o s e s o r d e r e d t h i t a b i t t e r a r e u s e d b y w it c h 。 , a n d s o h u r l o u r ,
d r in k j a c c o m p a n i e d w it h a c u r s e a n d s e lv e s t o t h e p e n a lt ie s o f s in « A b o v e a l l
e x e c r a t i o n , s h o u ld b e g iv e n t o t h o 化 l e t u s n o t a g g r a v a 化 t h e o f fe n c e b y
w o m e n w h o w e r e s u s p e c te d o f a d u l­ c o m m it t in g i t u n d e r t h e c l o a k o f la w
t e r y , s o t h a t t h e t r u t h , w h ic h o t h e r w is e a n d ju s t i c e , d e f e n d in g i t b y a u th o r ity ^
w o u ld r e m a in i n d a r k n e s s , m ig h t a n d s o h a n ^ n g i 【 d o w n 化 p o s 化r i t y 汹
b r o u g h t t o li g h t . F o r niiu o ouiic
n e lua
h a s s a id a n e x a m p le a n d a p r e c e d e n t . F o r i t is
化 a ; b y 化 is s a c 加 c e o f je a l o u s y (f o r h u m a n n a tu re th a t o n c e a n e r r o r h as
s o i t IS c o m m o n ly c a ll< ile d ) G o a w a s g a i打 e d p u b li c c r e d e n c e , p o s te r ity cH n g s
化 m p 化d ; s in c e i t 、a s d o n e b y H is t e n a c io u s ly t o i t a n d , a s t h e D o c t o 口 o f
c o m m a n d , a s is see t h e B c ^ k o f L a w s a y , h o ld i Ut i ob r tUhiee t rnui t h . W c r i v e
N u m b e rs (c h a p , v ). w r o n g th e p l a c e o f r i g h t , Sen eca
T o 化 is I a n s w e r 化 a t 化 》 t w a s a n e x - ( £ 批 / ,X 红 I ,1 2 卖) •a s s o o n U ha5 j
a 讯 p ie f i t f b r t h a t a g e a n d fb r a s tifi'- c e iv e d th e s a n c t io n o f t h e p u b lic .
n e c ^ e d p e o p le w h o w e r e $ 0 m u c h a d -
d i 说 d t o 化 e s in o f a d u lt e r y , a n d 化 a t
i t w a s p e r m i t t e d 化r t h a t t i m e b y G o d ,
w h o , a s S . A u g u stm e s a y s, k n o w s ju s t
h o w m u c h e a c h m a n o u g h t 化 s u ff e r
a n d e n d u r e . B u t i t c a n n o t r i g h t ly n o w CHAP了 ER X
b e a d d u c e d i n a 巧 u m e 打t , s in c e a l l s u c h That ICnowUJgt 0文 ihi Fufuu btlongs to
o u t la n d is h t r ia ls a r e p r o h 化U e d a n d G W ; and if the Vmons appe^ to be m-
f o r b i d d e n t o C h r is t ia n s . A n d w e a r e 如wedwi乐 suck fCrmvUdge, it is nothing
c l e a r l y t a u g h t i n t h e G o s p e l u> ie a v c but a Preseniipiatt and Cof^ecture drawn
t h e s e s e c r e t a n d h id d e n th in g s t o H im b; shrewd Inductionfrom iu P w ; or a
w h o a lo n e k n o w s th e h e a rts m th e so n s simulaUdPndictkn ofEvents which th^
o f m e 打, a n d 打o t t o d e lv e o r p r y in t o have thms<lv€s clrea4jf dttemimd upon;
th e m fu r th e r th a n is d e m a n d e d b y th e 〇f>JinaUjf>awfyeiijAnnouncment>
d u e e x e c u tio n o f ju s t i c e ; th a t u , th e maSe p〇 $AbU 咳 t/uir mrvfihus Speed,
v o l u n t a r y o r e x t o r t e d c o n f e s s io n o f of Epenls xcfdch have takenplau in r^n-
p r is o n e r s ju s t l y c o n v ic t e d b y t h e c l e a r 0US distant Regions.
t e s t im o n y o f c r e d i b l e w itn e s s e s . F o r n o
m a n , s a y $ S « A u g u s t in e , w h o h a s A L L who have embraced and rc^
t i o n ^ m e 化 o d s a t h is c o m m a n d o u g h t .IX tained any true rcli批 n agree
化 t e m p t h is G o d , that knowled护 and presae 打ce o f fu-
L e t u s r id o u r s e lv e s , t h e n , o f th e s e ture events baongs to God alone (S.
u n la w fu l^ f o r b id d e n a n d d a m B a b le in * John Chrysostom, HonuL 18; Isatak
q u is id o n s , le s t i t b e d e s e r v e d ly s a id o f x li; Daniel ii}« And when His dis­
a s i t w a s o n c e w it h t h e g r e a t e s t in * ciples presumptuously pressed Christ
化 restore a^ain 出 e U^igdo田 to Israel^
• "Ordeal 杉 waUr," Upon the vari^m H e rebuked them saying: " I t is not
Ordeals and Appeals see GtuiaOy for you to know the times or the
dhan Book U> xifii- seasoos^ which the Father bach put in
his own power" And Socrates

sa id ^ X e n o p h o n , L i b . 4 , de dicL et fa ct. w h e n h e p r e d ic t e d 化 a t w it h in a c e r ­
如" 〇 / 知, t h a t t h e G o d s w e r e n o t p le a s e d t a i n t i m e h is im a g e w o u ld b e d e s tr o y e d
w it h t h e m a n w h o s o u g h t t o k n o w a n d t h a t h is w h o le c u l t a n d w o r s h ip
t h a t w h ic h t h e y d id n o t w is h h ;m t o w o u ld b e a b o lis h e d w it h c o n 化m p t .
k n o w , P in d a r a ls o , a U h o u g h h e liv e d A n d t h e w i 化h , 8 D e m o n * in t h e a p p e a r ,
i 打 a n a g e w h e n m e n 's m in d s w e r e stiU a n c e o f S a m u e l to ld S a u l t h a t 0x1 t h e
b o u n d b y th e b a se e rro rs o f D e m o n s, n e x t d a y h e w o u ld lo s e h is k in g d o m
s a id t h a t k n o w le d g e o f t h e f u t u r e w a s a n d h is s o n s a n d h is l i f e {L Sam . x x v iii^ «
h id d c 打 r r o m m e n , a n d t h a t o n ly t h e C im o n ’s d o g (s a y s P l u t a r c h ) , t h a t 巧
p e r s p ic a c it y a n d k e e n n e s s o f ih e d iv in e t h e D e m o n a p p e a r iD ? t h e fo r m a n d
l i g h t c o u ld p e 打e t r a 化 it* S o a ls o , lik e n e s s o f a c o g ; 5巧毛e 【 0 h i m i n t h e
A u lu s G e U iu s t e lls u s , X I V , I , t h o u g h t m id $ t o f it s b a r l^ in g i n h u n u m
P a c u v iu s , w h e n h e s a i d : " T h 巧 w h o a n d fb 化 to ld h is c e r t a i 打 d e a 化 . X n -
w o u ld ib r e s e c t h e fu tu r e m a k e t h e m ­ o t h e r D e m o n , i n t h e s h a p c o f a y e n 〇w -
s e lv e s e q u a l w U h J o v e , " A p o llo n iu s o f h a ir e d boy% a p p e a r e d t o t h a t J i U i a n
T y a n a , w h o p r o fe s s e d t h a t h e w a s ( t h e A p o s t a 化) w h o m w e h a v e j u s t
ig n o r a n t o f n o t h in g w h ic h m e n c a n m e n t io n e d , a n d p r e d ic t e d t h a t h e
k n o w ^ n e v e r th e le s s s a id t h a t t h e a r t o f w o u ld d ie P h r y g ia ; a n d 50 i t h a p -
d iv in a t io n s u r p a s s e d a l l t h e b o u n d s o t c n e d n o t lo n e a h e rw a rd s (Z o n a ra s ,
h u m a 打 n a 化 r c , a n d t h a t h e d id n o t n i ) . A n d , to co m e 化
k n o w w h e t h e r a n y m a n h a d a n y s k ill m o r e r e c e n t t im e s , a n o t h e r D e m o n
in i t F u r t h e r , h e s a id , h is s p e e c h fo r e to ld t o G u n t r a n i ,t K i n e o f O i i c a n s
b e fo r e D o m it i a n , t h a t h e w a s h o r r ifie d a n d B u r g u n d y , n o t o n ly t h e y e a r a n d
b y th o s e w h o ^ ig n o r a n t o f t h e n a t u r e o f th e d a y , b u t ev en th e v e ry h o u r a t
tK c G o d s ,d a r 品 t o a s s e r t t h a t th e y * w h ic h C h a r i b e r t w o u ld d ie * A n d b u t a
fo r e k n e w w h a t w a s i n t h e m in d s o f t h e s h o r t w h U c a g o , a t E s s a y , J u n e 【5 9 0 ,
G o d s (Philostr公 I I I , 13 ) . A m , ib u r d a y s b e f o r e s h e w a s im p t ls o n e d t o
m ia n u s M a r c e l lin u s {Rerum gest. X X V ) a n s w e r a c h a r g e o f w i 化h c r a f t , h e r
s a y s t h a t , a lth o u g h J u l i a n , s u m a m e d L i u J c M a s 化r to !d J a n a , ! h c w if e o f
t h e A p e 州 化 ,w a ^ a m o s t a b & n d o 己e d N ic o la s M i c h e l , t h a t t h is w o u ld c e r -
a n d in v e 化r a t e s e e k e r o f p r e s a g e s , th is 巧in ly h a p p e n t o h e r . A n c i e n t a n d
£ m p c r o r a c k n o w le d g e d t h a t o n ly t h e r e c e n t h iw o r y a b o u n d s i n s u c h e x -
P o w e r s a b o v e c o u ld f o r e 化 11 t h e o u t* a m p l 口 o f D e m o n s , p r e d ic t io n s b e in g
c o m e o f f u tu r e e v e 己ts , p ro v e d tru e b y th e e v e n t
N e v e r th e le s s , th e r e is a s t r o n g b e l i e f W h a t t h e n ? S h a l l w e s o a llo w o u r *
n o t o n ly a m o n g t h e h e a t h e n w h o s e s e lv e s t o b e d r iv e n i n t o a c o m e r b y
G o d s a r e D e m o n s , b u t a m o n g C h r is * th e s e a r g u m e n t s t h a t w e m u s t a d m i t
d a n s w h o a c k n o w le d g e t h e p r e s c ie n c e 化 a t G o 3 c o m m u D ic a 化s t o t h e m o s t
a n d fo r e k n o w le d g e o f t h e t r u e G o d , w icl& cd o f a l l H is c r e a t u r e s H is p la n s
th a t th e 化 C 3n b e fo re se e n b y a n d d is p e n s a tio n s fb r m e d w it h e s p ^ i a l
v a d c i 打a t io n s , p o r te n t s , o r a c le s , d r e a m s r e g a r d t o t h e a ffa ir s o f m a n ld n d ?
a n d d iv in a t io n s ; a n d t h a t t h e r e is in d e r t a i n l y n o t ! B u t ju s t a s 化 e D e v il
t h e D e m o n s , w h o a r e p o p u la r ly t h o u g h t a lw a y s a p e s a n d S m ita te s a l l 化 e 0 化 e r
t o h a v e c o n t r o l o v e r s u c h m a U e 巧, a
p o w e r o f p r c d i c t i o n w h ic h i s r a r e l y d e *
c e iv e d . T h e s u p p o r t e r s o f t h i s b e l i e f "WiUWs Dmon、" n
hmd that Remjf assumes (hs unusual and indeed
c l a i m f o r i t t h e u n m is t a k a b t e a u t h o r i t y inadrmsibte
nssibU €xptafiati(m that the spectra was
o f S * B a ^ il, w h o ^ , g lo s s in g u p o n ihi Dmon apfiaring as Semuit,
Isaiah v iJ i, h e s a y s t h a t t h e D e m o n s ntram.** At the death of Cloiciu in
v e r y o f te n fo r e 化11 化 c f u t u r e ; a n d o f S . the monarchy wa:' divided
也vtd£4 hitween
bttween kts
‘ four
A u g u s d 打c w h e r e h e s a y s t h a t t h e y c
。 Guntram rtigned at Orleans,\ Ckaribt
k n o w a n d a 打n o u n c e e v e n ts lo n g b e f b r e at PariSf —
PariSf Sigeberi at lUimSt and Onl^
t h e y h a v e h a p p e n e d . S e r a p is d id th is Sciuons, Ciiaribert diid 與

g lo r io u 巧 s power ' God. so more than hold they can conjecture its probable
e v e r in t h is r e s p e c t d o e s h e e x e r t e v e r y 化w i t y or cure from the patient's
e f f o r t w h e r e o f h e is c a p a b l e ; f o r t h e r e swtatmg ,excre化 and many omcr such
ts n o t h in g b y w h ic h m e n c a n m o r e critical indications. Will not a far more
e a s ily b e c a u g h t a n d c h o u 化d t h a n b y ceilain and unerring judgement o f
a s e e m in g fo r e k n o w le d g e o f t h e i r fu - such things be fbrmcd by the Demons,
t u r c f a 化, w h e t h e r i t b e g o o d o r b a d . to whom all the inner and hidden
T h e n , t o o , h is n a t u r a l p r o p e r tie s a r e secrets o f nature are clearer than is the
s u c h a s t o m a k e t h e p r a c t i c e o f th is noontide light to mortal men? By re­
d e c e p t io n v e r y e a s y lo r h i m . I n t h e lays o f horses and by other means o f
f i r s t p l a c e , h e h a s t h e m e m o r y o f a ll shor化打i n g 【 he journey the report of
化 a t n a s h a p p e n e d f r o m t h e r e m o 化St events in outlyi巧 countries often
a n t i q u i t y a n a fr o m t h e v e r y b 巧 in n in g reaches the ears o f rrinces with a speed
o f a l f t h i n g s ; a n d , a s S , B a s il s a y s , e v e 打 which would 化cm hardly credib e 化
w e , b y c o m p a r is o n a n d in d u c t io n f r o m meaner men if th«y did not know from
th in g s p a i t , c a n o f te n c o n je c t u r e w h a t experience that it was a fact* Can we
is t o c o m e . I n a d d it io n t o t h is h e is then h 巧i【atc to admit that the De­
e n d o w e d w it h g r e a t k e e n n e s s a n d s u b * mons arc able to an 打ounce almost at
t l c t v o f p e r c e p t i o n ; a m a z in g a g i lit y the very moment o f its occurrence
a n d sp eed o f m o tio n ; a n d a re a d y that w 山ch has happened in remo化
亿d l i t y 化r w o r k in g s w i 化 g la m o r o u s and distant regions, so that men in the
c h a 打g e s a 打d v a r ia t io n s in o £ (jc c ts , W e slowness o f 【heir perception marvel at
h a v e t h e a u t h o r it y o f S , A u g u s t in e t o it and r 巧 ard it i打 the light o f a prog-
t h e e f f e c t t h a t 化c D e m o 打 c a n s e n d nostication?
d is e a s e s , c a n v it ia t e a 打d c o r r u p t t h e That the Demons ca 打in the bKefest
v e r y a i r , c a n s e d u c e m e n t o h is o w n moment o f time traverse the greatest
w a y o f t h in k i n g , c a n t r a n s f o r m t h e distances o f space has already been
a p p e a r a n c e o f t h in g s , a n d p e r f o r m shown by such pertinent examples that
m a n y o t h e r p r o d ig ie s ; a n d a l l th e s e there i$ no need to reopen that ques­
f a c u lt ie s o p e n u p 《 r h im a r e a d y a n d tion. But if anyone needs further proof
e a s y r o a d t o t h e e a r ly a n n o u n c e m e n t he ought to be abundantly 巧usfi心 by
o f t h a t w h ic h h a s a lr e a d y o c c u r r e d o r what has been recorded by both Greek
t h e a n t i c i p a t o r y p r e d ic t io n o f w h a t is and Ladn authors. Cas 化r and Pollux
t o c o m e - T h e lo n g e v it y o f t h e fir s t broughUo 民ome the 打ews o f the defeat
m e n i s s a id t o h a v e g iv e n t h e m m u c h o f the Latins at Lake Regtllus on the
le is u r e fo r o b s e r v a t i o n ; a n d o u t o f th is very day on which the batde was
a r o s e t h e s c ie n c e o f a s t r o l o ^ , b y w h ic h fought. The victory o f the Locrians
i t is t h o u g h t t o b e p o ss 化 le t o h a v e over the me打o f 仁roton at 化 e Sacred
p r e c o g n h io n o f i h e o v e r t h r o w o f k in g . 民iver was announced as soon as it
o o m S f o f w a rs, th e y id d o f th e cro p s , had been won at Sparta, Corinth and
p c s t ile 打CCS, a 打d s u c h m a t t e r s . W h a t Athens simultaneously* When Apol»
w o n d e r t h e n i f , h a v in g liv e d c o n t in u * loQius was in Egypt, he nevertlidess
o u s ly w it h o u t e v e 打 s le e p in g s in c e t h e knew how the rising against the Em­
b e g in n in g o f t h e w o r ld , t h e D e m o n s peror Vitellius was proceeding in
w it h t h e i r v ig o r o u s m e m o r y a n d u n * K om e; and as he was dbputing
f e t 化r e d p o w e r s o f r e a s o n in g h a v e a c ­ at the hour o f noon at Ephesus, and at
q u ir e d s o m e f a c u lt y f o r c o n je c t u r i n g that very hour Domitian was assas­
t n c f u t u r e ? P h y s ic ia n s c a n f o r m a p r o ­ sinated in Rome ,he 化Id the whole
g n o s is o f im p e n d in g d is e a s e s f r o m t h e event in every detail as 案 !' he we 化
p a d e iU 's a v e r s io n o r fa s t id io u s * present as a witness. Within the
n e s s i n r e g a r d t o f o o d , h is p h y s ic a l memory o f our great-^andsires, Louii
la s s it u d e , s le e p le s s n e s s a n d o t h e r s > 7 n p * X I o f France was informed '
t o m s 1 a n d w h e n t h e s ic k n e s s h a s 化k e n certainty that Charles,
EMON 0 L A T R Y 巧3
B u r g u n d y ,* h 辽d b e c 打 d e f e a te d a n d 打e ig—h b o u r in , g to w n to rtu re r w h o
s la in w it h h is w h o le a r m y b e fo r e th is w o u •• ld p u t; h e r t o t r u l y a g o n iz in g a n d
c i t y o f N a n c y ; a 打d a l 化 o u g h t h e k in g e x q u U U e p a in ; b u t th a t s h e m u st ta k e
w a s n o le ss t h a 打化n d a y s , jo u r n e y a w a y , c a r e 1 巧t, b y s h ir k in g a s h o r t d m e o f
i t w a s a fte r w a r d s fb u 打d t h a t a t t h a t v e r y t o i t u r e , s h e s h o u ld m e u r 化 e p u n is h -
h o u r t h e B u r g u n d ia n s h a d b e e n r o iu e d m e n t ol* m o s t c r u e l a n d c e r t a i 打d e a t h ;
a n d e x t e r m in a t e d , I 打c c d n o t c o n t in u e a n d s h e w o u ld n o t e v e n e s c a p e w it h
t o e n u m e r a t e t h e m a n y e x a m p le s o f th is im p u n it y t h e c o n 化q u e n c 的 01 g iv in g
s o r t w h ic h t h e r e a d e r w ill 6 n d s c a ^ r e i n t o h e r to n g fu e , t o r h e a ls o w o u ld
化r e d t h r o u g h o u t t h e h is to r ie s o f p a s t h e a v ily a v e n g e I t u p o 打h e r . W h e n t h e
tim e s . d a y d a w n e d u p o n w h ic h J e a n
A ll th is p r e m o n s tr a tio 打 o f fu tu r e R o l l e r , H u c c o u r t , S e p t . 巧8 6 , w a s
e v e n ts , th e r e f o r e j is t h e o u t c o m e o f e o n - t o s u ff e r t h e e x t r e m e p e n a lt y h e w a s
j e c t u r e , o b 化r v a t io n , t h e a n t i c ip a t io n v is ite d a s u s u a l b y h is g a o l e r a n d w a s
o f r u m o u 。 , r a p id it y o f tr a v e lH n g a n d a s k e d i f h e n e e d e d a n 声h i n g , " I h a v e
o t h e r s tr a n g e r m e 山〇山,I t ;s n o t c e r ­ e 打o u g h f o r n o w > " h e a 打s w e r e d ; * * b u t
t a i n , c o n s t a n t , in 接II 化le , f i r m , s t a b le i f y o u w is h t o d o a n y t h in g f b r m e , d o i t
o r e n d u r in g ^ f e r s u c h p r e s c ie n c e m a y a t o n c e ; fo r t o d a y y o u se e m e fb r th e
o n ly b e ascrAed t o 白〇4 , w it h w h o m a fl l a s t t i m e / ^ A n d w h e n t h e g a o le r ,
t i m e is t h e p f c 化打t> JB u t t h e D e m o n s re U e v e h im o f t h a t 托a r , s a id t h a t ;
th u s u n tir in g ly e x e r c is e t h e i r p o w e r s in a s h e k n e w t h e r e w a s n o r e a s o 打,
t h is r e s p e c t in o r d e r t o in s p ir e t h e i r s h o u ld n o t c o m e o f f f r e e a n d u n h a r m e d
d is c ip le s w it h a w o n d e r in g b e l i e f in h e r e p l i e d : " N a y , i t is n o u s e t r y i n g t o
t h e i r b e n e v o le n c e , o r 化 w a r n a n d c h e a t m e ; f o r I h a v e b e e n t o ld a l l b y
s tr e n g t h e 打化c m a g a in s t d e f e c tio n w h e n m y L i t t l e M a s 化r t h is n i g h t * " A n d
t h e y a r c c o m p e lle d t o a n s w e r fb r t h e i r h e r e c o u n 化d a " t h e J u d g e > $ < l d i b c r a ,
c r im e s i n a c o u r t o f ju s t i c e . F o r n e a r ly tio n s a s i f h e h a d b ^ n a w it n e s s o f
a l l w it c h e s w h o h a v e c o m e t o t h a t c o n « t h e m ; a n d r e p e a t e d th is a fe w h o u r s
d it i o n h a v e a ffir m e d t h a t i t h a d b e e n l a t e r w h e n b e s to o d b d b r e 咚 J u d g e s
f o r e t o ld t o t h e m . T h e D e m < m a p ^ to b e s e n te n c e d t o d e a th , a d d in g th a t
p e a r e d 化 J a n a G c r a r d in c ^ a t — _ p r e c e d in g n i e h t h i s U t t l e
s u r -M o s e lle ^ N o v * 1 5 8 4 , a s i f i n a s t a t e M a s t e r h 占1 b e e n w it h h i m a l l t h e t i m e ,
o f in d ig n a t io n 化 a t 惠 e s iio u ld b e s p e n d , n o b i g g e r t h a n d g h t f i n g m i n h e ig h t .
i r ^ h e r lif e i n j n i s o n t e a r i n g h e r h a i r , —
Such must have bbee e n t h a tcTages^t
~ who
a fid t o ld h e r t £ a t o n t h e n « t d a y s h e was eitainly some Demooy o f whom
w o u ld b e d r ^ ;g e d a w a y t o t h e Cicero) writes that» w h m iht 一
t i o n o f t h e t o r t u r e . H e m a 占e a s im ila r was being p lo t^ h ^ in Tuscany
a n n o u n c e m e n t to F r a n c o is F c llc t the ploughshare had dug rather deep
{ibidemy D e c * 1 5 8 4 ) w h e n h e a p p e a r ^ ^nto the groundy he suddenly《 prang
,• m m
him * o n i n t h e lik e n e s s o f a from the earth; and yet he was g iit
ra v e n . A n d in th e sa m e w a y to A n n a w i& a long swo^d as 皆 he had been a
M o r d e , a t H a d o n v ille , N o v . 1 5 8 1 ^ man o f great athletic and physical
w h o m h e a ls o c o m m a n d e d w it h ( h e
d ir e s t t h r e a t s n o t t o b e t r a y h e r s e l f o r
h e r a s s o c ia te s t o t h e J u d g e * O n t h e J " r w " 吗 " was
d a y b e fo 巧 s h e w a s t o b e t o r t u r e d h e hMgy as Cicero wrius. DimfUh
化Id A le x ia B e lh e u r e , B la in v iU e , D e c . turned* 7 /i enct suJdm
1 5 8 7 , th a t th e re h a d c o m e fr o m th e in • field to • Tuscan phugitMHf m d Umgi
him and aU the peopU o f EtnrU thi ert 奇 the
kampicis^ See the o f \ViUh^
•"及 urgufufy." I n 。 foiighi near era於 ChapUr !♦ p> ,7.
>Nat}cy、 inJarm ty 24; ?、 thsam jqfU uD ukc
of Burgundjf wQi 化tally defeated and he him­ 力
self lost his life.
巧 4 ON O L A T R Y BK.

e x a m p l 包 I s h a ll g iv e y o u o n e , r e a d e r ,
CH APTER a s t o t h e u u t h o f w h ic h I s ta k e m y
h o n o u r ; fo r I w i 伍 e sse d St w i 出 m y o w n
了/lat ;t n e,d 。〇 1 sum marveihus to OTiyme
e y e s in th e e x e r c is e o f m y ju d i c i a l 0 巧c e .
that the Demons remain with their
T h e r e w a s a w h c h , c o m m o D ly c a lle d
Disciples even during 化t Sessions o f the
L a s n ie r b e ca u se h e r h u s b a n d w a$ a
Court: sin ce th ^ a n a lso fo u ru lto jh -
d o n k ey *m a n » w h o m 1 p resse d s o h a rd
QUi t irUemr o f Churches and Places
in r e s p e c t o f t h e e v id e 打c c g iv e 打a g a in s t
hcliIhwed by the M ajestj o f Gcd^s
Presence. Incidentally a Memorable
h e r t h a t s h e w a s le f t w it h n o lo o p h o le
f o r e v a s io n o r e s c a p e . S h e h a d th ere-*
Exam批 o f this is wlcUd •• and 化t
f o r e d e t e r m i 打e d t o m a k e a c l e a n b r e a s t
Qjustim is dispuUd whether Demons can
render ihmse(i>€5 visU>U to tkow alone
o f a l l h e r C lim e s , a n d w a s o n t h e p o in t
whcm ih ^ will, cltho^h many other
o f d o i 打g 50 w h e n h e r 位c e s u d d e n ly
Men are present at thi lirru.
c h a n g e d c o l o u r ; s h e fix e d h e r e y e s i n
a m a z e m e n t u p o n a c o m e r o f h e r ce ll»
• H E R E i s n o p l a c e s o 巧 c r e d a n d a n d b e g a n t o lo s e a l l p o w e r o f s p e e c h
h a Jlo w c d b u t t h a t t h e D e m o n t r i e o r r e a s o n . I a s k e d i f s h e h a d b e e n s u d ­
t o d e 化c r a t e i t ) 汾 b o ld ly a n d h a r d ily d e n ly s e iz e d w it h a n y s ic k n e s s . S h e a n ­
d o e s h e b r e a k a l l b o u n d s w h e n h e s w e r e d t h a t s h e c o u ld s e e h e r L it t le
p u r s u e s h is p r e y a n d la y s h is s n a r e s fo r M a s t e r a t th e t o p o f t h a t c o r n e r fie r c e ly
m e n > I 打 t h e h o lie s t s a n c t u a r ie s o f o u r t h r e a 化n in g h e r w it h h a n d s fb r k e d a n d
c h u r c h e s ^ i n t h e m o s t s a c r e d a s s e m b lie s , c la w e d lik e a 灯a b , a n d 化 a t h e w m e d
i n t h e 化m o 化 c e lls o f A n c h o r it e s a n d t o b e o n t h e p o in t o f B y in g a 【h " ,
a m o n g t h o s e w h o h a v e fo r s w o r n t h e I lo o k e d a t t h e p l a c e , a n d s h e k e p t
w o r ld , h e is a f r e q u e n t a n d b u s y ) 〇in t in g a t i t w it h o u ts tr e tc h e d f i n g e r ;
v is it o r , a s is c l e a r l y s h o w n b y t h e ) u t I s a w n o t h in g . H o w e v e r , I to ld
c r im e s t h a i h a v e b e e n c o m m iu e d in h e r t o b e o f g o o d c o u r a g e , a n d w it h
s u c h h a llo w e d p la c e s a t b is s u 拱 c s tio n 护 e a t c o n f id e n c e a n d c e r t a i n t y s p o k e
a n d u n d e r h is g u i d a n c e . H e w a s e v e 打 m u c h in c o n 化m p t a n d s c o r n o f t h a t
b o l d , a s w c r e a d i n t h e h U to r y o f J o b , t o L i t t l e M a s t e r ;a n d s o s h e r e v e r e d
p r e s e n t h i m s e l f b e f o r e t h e L o r d to ­ f r o m h e r f e a r a n d o d c c m o r e b e g ^ h e r
g e t h e r w it h t h e s o n s o f G o d . T h e r e f o r e i n t e r r u p t c o n fe s s io n . B u t a g a u s h e
I t s h o u ld n o t b e w o n d e r e d a t , i f a t t h e s a w h i m m o n s tr o u s ly t h r e a t e n in g in
v e r y s h r in e o f t h e la w a n d w h ile th e a n o t h e r c o m e r a n d , lik e a p la y - a c t o r ,
J u d g e s a r c a c t u a lly s it t in g 1打 ju d g e * i n a n o t h e r s h a p e ; f o r h e /la d h e m s
m e 打t h e d a r a t o $ 化n d b y h is d is c 的 es g r o w in g s t r a ig h t o u t 扛o m h » 化r e h e a d
a s a s o rt o f s u re ty fo r th e m . a n d s e e m e d a s i f h e w o u ld g o r e h e r
B e f o r e I b e c a m e a P u b l i c O f f i c e r o f w it h t h e m . B u t a f t e r h e h a d a ^ D b e e n
J u s t i c e I h a d o f t e n h e a r d s to r ie s o f th is ^ d i a l l e d a n d u t t e r ly r e v ile d h e d e ­
im p u d e n t b e h a v io u r o f t h e D e m o n ; p a r t e d a n d w a s 打o m o r e s e e n b y h e r , a s
b u t I t o o k n o m o r e n o t ic e o f t h e m t h a n s h e d e c la r e d w h e n s h e w a s ju s t a b o u t
i f t h e y h a d b e e n t a le s o f h o b g o b lin s t o b e le d 化 t h e f ir e , I h a d h e a r d t h a t
a n d b u g a b o o s to ld b y n u r s e s t o t h e s a m e t h in g h a d h a p p e n e d n o t
f r i g h t e n n a u g h t y c h ild r e n . N o w t h a t m a n y y e a r s b e fo r e a t M e t z .
I h a v e g iv e n c a r e f u l p e r s o r ia l a t t e n - H e 巧 t h e 巧 a r is e s a q u e s tio 凸w o r th y
t i o n t o t £ e m a t t e r a n d n a v e b M 打c o n - c f ; m i i v i d u a l i n v e s d g a t i o n . C a n D e -
v in c e d b y u n a s s a ila b le p r o o f s , I d o n o t m e m s m a k e th e m s e lv e s v is ib le t o o n e
h e s i 化化 t o h a n d o n m y k n o w l c d j^ t o m a n ) a n d a t t h e s a m e t im e r e m a in in -
o t h e 吟 w h o , h o w e v e r , m u s t n o t , 诉 h e y v is ib le t o e v e r y o n e e ls e w h o is p r e s e n t ?
r e fu s e t o b e lie v e m e , d e e m m 々 a n y F o r c e r t a i n ly , w h e n L a s n i e r w a s s o
m o r e b ia s s e d t h a 打I o n c e t h o u g h t 化 e y p e r s is 化打U y p o in r in g o u t h e r L it t le
w e r e w h o t o ld m e th e s e t h i 打g s w h e n I M a s t e r t o m e a s p la in ly v is ib le ^ n o th in g
w a s in o c p e d e n c e d . T h e r e f o r e o f m a n y c o u ld b e (U s c e m e d b y m e tiio u g h 1
BK. GH* X L ;MON O L A T R Y 巧5
lo o k e d m o s t ;iw e n U y ; n o r h a v e I y e t Gyges• 民ing,* the 打elmet o f Dark ,
h e a rd o f a n y o n e w h ose eyes h a v e sec打 ness,t and the Divining Rod, as well as
m o r e t h a n m i 凸e o f s u c h a t h i 打g , h o w - o f all the methods used by the mas化rs
e v e r k e e n ^ s ^ h te d th e y m a y b e * A n d o f s〇"CalIed White Magic wi化 wWcli
t h is p r o v e s e it h e r t h a t t h e w it c h e s a r e they claim to be 打aturally endowed.
ly in g , i n t h e h o p e o f m o v in g t h e i r O f this descriptio打 also that which
jf u d g 巧 t o f e a r (a s t h e y o f t e n e v illy a t * 巧 iny ( X X V I I I , 8 ) quotes from Dem 如
化m p t t o d o ) ; o r 化 a t t h e r e Ss i 打 D e - critus concern!^ the left foot o f the
m o n s s o m e f a c u lt y b y w h ic h , a s w e chameleo打,which, i f it be baked in an
h a v e s a id , t h e y c a n a p p e a r t o t h e 巧 to oven toge化er wUh the carline-thhtle
w h o m t h e y w is h t o m a m fe s t th e m s e lv e s , and formed into pellets, readers the
w h ile a l l e ls e w h o a r e p r e s e n t s e e n o th - wearer o f them invisible. For when
in g . I c a n n o t b e lie v e t h a t t h e f b r m e r Gelliiis (X, 12) condemns this story as
a lt e r n a t iv e is t r u e ; fo r I h a v e le a r n e d , ridiculous and hi巧 t,主 he ca 打 hardly
n a y , I h a v e m y s e lf s e e n » t h a t w it c h e s escape laying himseu open to ricUcule,
a r e s o m o v e d a n d 巧r i c k e n b y t h is h a p * as not knowing that it has always been
p e n in g t h a t t h e y a p p e a r a s i f v e r ily the practice o f Demons and their dis­
t h e y w o u ld s w o o n t o d e a t h , s o s t u p e , ciples in their illusions and spells to
f ie d b e c o m e s t h e i r s p e e c h , s o f ille d w it h 讯 ake use o f some visible exter打al ob*
h o r r o r t h e i r f a c e a n d t h e i r w h o le b o d y ject with which to delude the eyes o f
w it h 杠c m b lin g . C e r t a in ly t h e y c o u ld men. Moreover a man ought not to be
打o t b e s u c h c l e v e r a c t o r s a s t o a s s u m e sceptical o f anything justl^ecauae it is
a n th e s e s y 瓜p 化m s w U h o u t t h e fr a u d strange, but ought to respect the word
b e in g e a s ily d e 化c t e d ; t o s a y n o t h in g o f o f a learned author such as Cicero
t h e p e r s is 化打c e w it h w h ic h t h e y m a in * says Democritus to have been in maay
t a i n t h ^ i r a s s e r tio n s i n t h e m id s t o f t h e
v e r y fla m e s a n d i n t h e h a n d s o f t h e • " 嫁 批 齡 《• " 每 机
化 rtu 化 r ,
was fm o u s jb r tiu posswion • ■
I ra 化er believe 化at this isa 复lamour means o j which he could rendir kimsil^
cast by the Demons, by which they :^isibU at wUL The tioiy is wlaUd 心巧〇,
delude the $ight o f those alone whom "/), 0如 公 •, ,靴 公 ,
they will, leaving that o f all the others 、 "Jhtmet of liaThiess.、, TTts helmet of
free and ua 挺ttered. Opticians tell US thi p d ffades^ which rendered its wearfr
that our capacity fbr seeing anything visioU^ according to late iraditiorts (Apollo^
depe 打ds upon the light or dark o f the doruSf I, i) wdf presented to Mm by the
intermedia化 air, and 也 at 血 s raises C jc li^ their dtlivay from Tariarus.
our power o f vision from potentiality Both gods and men wm occ^^onallj honowd
to actuality* now the Demons can at by Hadis loiOi the temborm us€ of the helmet.
control both light and darkness. 卸 iad," V、34f~5 :
For God gave them power over the air TorfjAv ivapi^t
{Ephesians, ii, 2), therefbre no one gSr* .AlXos 餐{卢 ^ 这Oi S月片卢-Apf口,
1 0

ought to doubt that they have the

power to makt themselves visible or
invisible to each man as they w ish: fbr, 入a 巧 5, j 护话Y " 占, 《 。 |
a5 Lact^ tius says {De origiru errorum trgoTo&w«rwv〇 fpt^a ,
II, 15), ^ e y accomplish the even more
Hesiod in ifu "ScuUtm、 、( 22》 ) speaks o f the
astounding feat o f causing that which wadjid htlmet o f Hadis, having 。fca(ful
文 3 not to appear to men as if i 【were* kam o f night. One may compere the 獻 bA 诉
Therefore it was not unaptly that 4 o f the " 诚 ebelungenlie<L>-
some have called the Demons optical GeUius what h$ mentions this
^"usions. And I thi址 that this ;$ 化 6 charmn s<^s
says t( iis so absurd that ks umdm (f it
explanation o f the stories, so 0 巧e 打 to orih
^Ivor record: ^*diud^ quod hercU an pontrem
be found in eve 凸 good authors, o f dubitaui; iUx at dfridi^Uu

o f his works ^De ^aL Deor, Lib, I ) ; and t im e s e s 巧y e d , i s i t n o t c h e f a c t t h a t

I 出ink that m such matters we shouid t h e b o y a lo n e c l e a d y p e r c e iv e s a n d
give more weight to the opinion o f one a 曰n o u n 说 8 w h a t h e s e e s , w h ile e v e n h is
who had given much thought and m a s t e r w h o o r d e r s a n d c o n t r o ls 化 e
study to the subject o f these occult arts. w h o le d iv in a t io n s e e s n o th in g a t a l l ?
For>says Cicero, De DiuinatiorUy Lib* II, C o n v e r s e ly , t h e ju g g ^ ir s a n d c o n ju r e r s
he used Co ascribe such virtue to the o f t h e m a r k e t - p la c e s m a k e m a n y t h i n ^
inspection o f the in 化m al organs that, a p p e a r t o a w h o le c r o w d o f m e n ju -
from their condition and colour, he t h o u g h t h e y th e m s e lv e s c a n s e e n o t h ­
held it possible to prefigure the plenty in g . A p u le iu $ s a y s t h a t h e s a w a
or deal•化 o f the earth?s harvest, aua m o im 化d c o n ju r e r s w a llo w & s w o rd
the salubrity or the reverse o f the air w it h a d e a d ly b la d e ^ th r u s t in g i t r ig h t
which surroimds u s ; 仿r it must be d o w n h is t h r o a t t o t h e b e l i e f o f th o s e
admitted that he wavered in his judge* e v e n w h o w e r e w a t c h in g h im m o s t
ment o f the nature o f the 台ods, a state c lo s e ly 5 y e t h e d id n o t h im s e lf b e lie v e
o f mind which ic the first and chief w h a t h e th u s m a d e o 化 e r s b e lie v e ,
ca reo fD em o n sto in d u ce a n d in ciU - k n o w in e t h a t t h e b l a d e n e v e r le ft h is
€3化 !nto wiurhes,Besides, Pliny in no h a n d $ . M a n y t h in k t h a t t h is i$ d o n e b y
化nsc 9110化s this as bemg a sure and q u ic k n e s s a n d s le ig h t o f h a n d , b y
i打dubhable fact, but rather as a fable w h ic h th e y c a n e a s ily d e c e iv e t h e le ss
or fiction, since he qualifies it with the o b 化r v a 打t, o r th o s e w h o a r e s ta n d in g a t
words "ll* we arc to believe,, , s o m e H ttic d is t a n 说 ;b u ( vve h a v e e ls e ­
However this may be, our daily w h e r e s h o w n t h a t in m a n y c a s e s s u c h
experience, confirmcci by the ample fb a ts c a n n o t b e p e r f b r m e d w it h o u t th e
authority o f ma 打y wri化rs, leads us to a id o f a D e m o n , e s p e c ia lly w h e n th e y
this CO打elusion; that when the Demons a r e s u c h a s to p a s s t h e c o m p r e h e n s io n o f
assume some bodily form, they have o u r n a tu ra l sen ses. S u c h w a s th e c a s e
nevertheless the power to make them^ w h ic h w e h a v e a lr e a d y t o ld o f th e
selves visible only to those to whom G e r m a n w h o w a s s e e n t o s w a llo w a
they wish to 洗 ow them化Ives, however w h o le w a g g o n o f h a y t o g e t h e r w it h its
great a concourse o f men may be d r iv e r a n d h o r s e s ; ib r th is c o u ld n o t
pre 化nt at the time. I 打 the case h a v e b e e n p o s s ib le w it h o u t s o m e s ig n a l
o f Katoptromancy and Gastromancy c o r r u p t io n o r d e p r a v a d o n o f th e
如 at divinations performed by a ^ p e c t a t o 口• 说n s e s . ^ T h is i s c a ll e d b y
b o y , 化ained for the p u r p ^ in the pre­ 巧 a t o ^ 〇巧知€獻,化 a t i s ( a s B u d a c u s
cepts o f those arts; who inspects some i n 化r p r t t s U i n h is c o m m e n t a r y o n t h e
object— cither a round-bellied glass G r e e k la n g u a g e ) , t o b e n u m b w it h
fiUcdwhhwa 化r>or a mirrorsubme巧 cd s o m e s p e ll s o a s t o d e c e iv e t h e p e r s o n
in water), charms which, we are told s o b e w it c h e d ; a n d i 打o u r o w n la n g u a g e
by Spartja打us, Didius Julianus* some, " 的 户 巧 巧 s ig n if y in g a n in g e n io u s
a ji d 克ilf u l im p o s tu r e . F o r e v e n a s 也 e
* M . Didius Saluius yulia, l i g h t o f a la n t e r n is d im m e d e it h e r b y
rmsy who Ixfughi the 民<man Empire ajter ths t h e s tr o n 复e r a 扫d m o r e s p le n d id 鸣 h t o f
deaik o f ihf PWinax, A-D.i游 , oikj signed twQ t h e s u n , o r b y t h e iiU e r p o s U io n o f s o m e
,护 m the 2 ^ o f March to the f St o f
June, oeing assassimUed by the soUurs.
一Julianus was 此〇 given io 。护 rtiadar kind Romm custom^ iJuy also modi trial offoreign
o f madness— th o f magicim frf- spells Old incantoHons, md dabbUS in 庇U
f m hi ufuUrtook m, business and the conduct iind of sorury called fCcioptrmancy, wkkh is
o f qSaxTS under ihtir dirtcHoHy since hereby he say that when they hast bfcn blindfold
imagimd that could niker assuage the dis* fir, a wkiU certain fuw reciteii m r ikm 、
like thepeotU bore him or tlu curb the vioUnct ■ ’itm in a mirror; thus 如 is :ddio
o f the solJUfy. For his saUUiies w m worU to have si^ thi murder ofJuliartus ami a Ou ecus-
(iffer in sacri耗 t victims cUm contr化y to 化巧 sion of Siverus,"
dense and opaque body; so the trans* P s c U iis f s a y s t h a t b y p u t t in g o n t h e
patency o f the air can I:^ so obscured H e l m 巧 o f P l u t o , D e m o n s d is 化 r b m e n 、
oy 山e Dcmon,s a n , which can easUy m in d s b y s o m e m a g ic a rt> a n d b y s o m e
shadow the appearance o f anythine^ fiils e d e c e p t io n i m p l a n t s h a p e s o r
化 at the power o f vision is entirely c o lo u r s o r w h a t t h e y w il l th e ir
taken from even the most keen-sigh i m a 如 a t io n s , a n d c a u s e t h e m t o f a n c y
Darkness, says Plutarch, binds and con, t h a t t h e y s e e v is io n s . T h e r e f o r e IS
stricts the sight, and so enfeebles and u s e le s s t o a t t e m p t t o r e c o n c i l e t h is
deaden》i t ; whereas too much 1帥 t dis, q u e s t i o n w it h a r e g u la r o r d c r o f n a t u r a l
si patc$ disintegrates ;t; but when c a u s e s ; a n d i t m u 巧 b e co n fe $ w d th a t
the air is such as to provide the proper w h e n d e m o n s , a s P o r p h y r ia s s a 脚
medium for sighi, that is, when it i$ f o r m 化c i r p r o d i g i e s , 山c y w o r k I 口 a
tempera化 And moderate* ^ e n the eyes m a n n e r g u i 化 f o r e ig n 化 n a t u r e ; a n d
can freely and without hindrance t h is , I t h i n k , i s w h y la m b l i c h u s c a l l e d
exercise their fiinriion. t h e m t h e la c k e y s th e g o d s ;
寸七6巧化巧 $incc, as we have just said, i n t h e i r a d u m b r a t io n s t h e y
d arlm w and light are 仍 a great extent f o llo w c lo s e ly t h e f o o t p r in t s
in the coiurol o f the Demons, it ought g o d s.
not to seem wonderful that 化ey can T h e r e is a n o t h e r e q u a l l y s t r o i ^ a r g u -
cause themselves to appear or to vanish f n e n t i n p r o o f o f t h e C ru tK o f t h i s n u U -
as i f this wc 巧 an actual result which te r. F o r a s 献 Ilu s s a y s , t h e D e m o n s
they can achieve at their disem ion; c a n e n 拉 a t i d in s i n u a t e th e m s e lv e s in *
and that they can cause this sort o f t o m e n * s b o d ie s a n d , b e in g th e m s e lv e s
blindness in those alone to whom aj>* s p ir it s , c a n m in g le a n d u 地 e t h e m -
pears to be the truth, very much in the s d v e s w it h t h e s p ir i t u a l & n c y o f m e n >
same manner a$ men can deflect the w h o c a n s a y t h a t i t i s b < ^ o t id h i s b e l i e f
rays o f the sun with a mirror and direct t h a t t h e y c a n a t t h e i r w il l im p o s e t h e i r
them upon whom they will, and so o w n im a g e u p o n - fth e m an
dazzle them that they can see no more w h o m t h e y a r e p o s s e s s in g ? P l u t a r c h
than the blind. r e la t e s t h a t S o c r a t e s h a d t w o f a m i l i a r
But when all this is said, there re­ s p ir it s w it h w h o m h e u s e d t o c o n v e r s e
mains one difficulty. When these o n t e r m s o f t h e g r e a t e 巧 fH 々n d s h i p ; but
phenomena occur there is no sign o f i t w a s n o v o i c e f r o m w it h o u t i s a p P r o *
any effulgence or obfuscation, but the clu s» t h a t h e h e a r d , b u t a b r e a t h f r o m
air is evervwherc perfectly ciear and w it h in w h ic h r e a c h e d t h e o r g a n s o f h is
unobscurea ;so that the abov< a 巧 u - 巧 n 巧 s. Y e t S o c r a 化 s b e l i e v ^ th at he
ments seem hardly pertinent c o u ld h e a r t h e v o ic e s o u n d in g lo u d i n
present inquiry. But it certain 化 at h is c a 打, w h e r e a s n o o n e e ls e , h o w e v e r
the Demons have other means o f af- o b 巧r v a n t a n d k e e n o f h e a r in g , c o u id
扛cti打 g US, and ca 打control other forces d is t in g u is h t h e le a s t s o u n d e v e n w h e n
than such as a 化 derived from purely h e p la c e d h is e a r r i g h t a g a in s t h im * I f
natural sources. Proclus* says that to t h is h o ld s g o o d o f t h e d e c e p t io n o f t h e
each one o f our faculties belongs its h e a r in g } i t c a n n o t b e le ss v a lid i n r e ­
own groper CO打 dido 打by which it can s p e c t o f t h e il lu s io n o f t h e e y e s , w h ic h
be ミ n)lucnced and affec化d by 化 e De- o f a l l t h e s e n 化s a r e t h e m o s t e a s ily
m om ; that is, as I huerpret it, not by c h e a 化d . F o r th a t m a t化r , a ll o u r
the same means and methods as are
normajly followed by nature. And 、 "Pwilus," hmc quidm in
daemones hi, cssumpta OrcigaUa,
• "Proclus.、 One of the most celebraUd animas miro artijicio, miraqui
Uachen ^{•(hPldtonic School. Bom at U£rsuUa conturbanL"一 "DeOperationeDoe-
ByZMtium, 4x0, and died at Athens^ monum>、, Mcmdwn Latinam Peiri Afoulli
intfTpretationem,Paris、!6巧, p* 51 •

equally feeble and the quartan ague, Lucian the palsy;
delii知ons and 妒 m< and fi打ally Erasmus spoke in such
Finally, the )^ m o n 》 have also the commendation o f folly that the truth
power o f being visible and invisible al* itself could not have been more clearly
most at the same moment; so that one and eloquently vindicated* But there
man may see them and point them out hzs been no one who has in this
杞 another, who, however quickly he manner spoken out o f such conviction
may look, w ill see nothing, A similar and with such a desire to propagate
property can be observed in air or hu oginio^ as one who &a$ lately
vater» as lamblichus says; for i f you with taiudcal zeal (as is alw a^ the
pour a colour into them, or mould case when a man adopts an unten,
them to any shape> it is almost at once able atti 化如 ) undertaken the defence
出 化 "cd and dissolved, o f wkehes,! And since this is
村 erefore I chink that it suffi­ example to the rigihteouS)
ciently d
cienuy e 化 that witches are telling
clear teUing no couragement to the wicked to sm wi(
lie when they affirm for a fact that they the hope onmpuni 巧 ; and fijrthcr, be*
can see th d r Little Masters, even cause it utterly at variance with
though eveiyone else can see nothing: everything that have written 進1)
and mat it is no idle assertion that the book concerning thi$ monstrous and
Demons sta打d by 化 em in 化 e Court deadly crime; with his good leave and
Justice as i f they were advocates to 化 at o f any who may h為d wi 化 him, I
plead their cause, although they are have thought good to deal somewt^t
neither seen 打or heard, nor is their pre- with this matter.
化打ce any w ay perceived by anyone First, then, he chiefly bases his Apo*
else. logy on the a ilm e n t chat witehes pre-
化nd to do many things which, by A eir
vciy natu巧, is impossible for them
to d o ; such as the rabingup o f thunder,
clouds, storms, whirlwinds and other
CHAPTER tempests, which manifestly have their
That thsjf are in Error who dtny that oHgm in naturaIcauses,^ ctthecon-
Witehis ought to be punished at all; and 化ary is not so unheard处f or rare but
thi Argumnts witn which M 巧 iw 衍-
they that it can easily be d 成 tided on the
mnfy Defend their Opt, a 口化ority o f not a few writers o f no
bj one Go如uUd> mean repu化 , but rather highly p rised

民E have been those who, rinus,^^ A philosopher a u i seM st

X rather as a trial o f their skill in _ o f Hadrian. H e was a n a ^ <(f
debate than with any intention of Ar!es in Caul• 战 rose to high distinctions,公nd
seeking out the truth, have spe^en was veiyfiim ll, with ma巧 liter巧 men 蛛 the
i a terms o f the highest praise o f the iayytoxticulaxly.r' ' , ,
most detestable evils. T&us in Plato, 分 woris *
Glauco defends injustice; a young tfuse none ere iextant.
打m Philostratus ex 化Is the benefits } "Defence Witches.、

o f gout, bUndness and deafness; Poly- 苯 作 "棘 嘴 的 芭
crates* praises thedropsy, Favorinusf
wasJir巧 publisktd 4l 公asU in s兴3.
• "Polycrates, Atfm ian orator and fVeyerT argues that wiUhti
witdus or womm
wemm who 4tre
sophist oj some r嗦uU, a eonUmporary o f deliided itiio the bditf thM hai>e made A
。: Isocrates. He taught first at
Socrates and amp化i wiih ihe deoil disturb 接$ air
AOuns end 巧urwards at
ind afterwards (U Cytmis^
ij兴ms、 The suh^
Ihe sut and excite storms by a glonu or maU£cHonSy
於 is ofhis works au known兵omtfuir mentis sine* swk m uM fy in^quaU to 山tain-
meni 皆 tfu end in vim .
XII. D E M O N O 已A T R Y I巧
by many men. Apollonius records 5 夺) 化U s t h a t N u m a 打c a U e d f o r t h
that he saw in Ind 巧 Brahmans who l ^ h t n m g b y h is s p e l ls ; a 打d t h a t w h e 打
could at will produce rain or fair T ^ H u s H o s u liu s 化ic d t o d o t h e s a i n e , b u t
weather. The Xs巧rians, says Suidas, d id n o t o b w r v e t h c d u c r U e s a n d c e r c -
had among their Chald 巧an ^ a cer­ m o3 n ie s, h e w a s s t r u c k b y t h e li g h t n in g
tain JuHan (a sage reputed to have d p e r is h e d . P a u lu s V c n e t u s § w r o t e
writ 化打化c 的 《麟 如 )who, when the t h a t t h e T a r t a r s , a r a c e w h ic h n o w
Roman army which was being led by o c c u p ie s a n c i e n t P a r t h i a a n d S c y t h i a ,
Marcus Antoninius against the M arco c o u ld b y t h e i r c h a r m s b r i n ^ d a r k n e s s
manni| was suffering from thirst, u p o n t h e e a r t h w h e n t h e y w is h e d ; a n d
raised up a cloud from which there th a t w h en h e w a i a m o n g th e m h e
;mmedia化ly Ibll rain. Armjphu$, the b a r e ly e s c a p e d b e in g s u r r o u n d e d a n d
Egyptian w 巧ard, in 化e war waged by r o b b e d b y th ie v e s , tn a n k s t o th is a r t .
the 么0mans against the Q padi,t 巧said T h i s is s im ila r t o w h a t H aiU )[| r e la t e s
to have obtained by his m a^c spells ;n h is H is t o r y o f t h e S a r m a t i a n s , t h a t
from Mercury and the other J^emons a T a i **ta r s u m d a r d -b c a r e r > s e e in g h is
o f the air such a torrent o f rain that it lin e w a v e r in g a n d n e a r ly b r o k e n , e n *
utterly CO打fbsed the Qjiadi and coin- v e lo p e d t h e e n e m y i n s u c h a t h ic k
celled 化c 讯 to yield the victory to the d a r k n e s s t h a t t h 义 w 灯 c $ U u g h 化r e d
Romans. Olaus Magnus, IV , bor- a lm o 巧 t o a m a n , 古h e E m p e r o r C o n -
rows 扛cm Saxo Grammaticus a similar s t a 订t i n e , a m a n w h o m Z o n a r a s 化s tifie s
account of the 方!.drmw化• ‘'When they to h a v e b e e n o f th e m o st d e v o te d o r th o ­
could no Ion复er r巧ist the pre化u化 o f d o x y , b e lie v e d i n t h e e f f i c a c y o f m a g ic
Regner, the Danish King> against a i t s 如 w a r d o f f f r o m 化 e y o u n g v in e s
them, and were driven back to their r a i n 听 d w in d s a n ( i h a i l ; b u U a t e r th is
last line o f defence, they at last assailed p r a c t i c e is s p e c if i c a lly c o n d e m n e d i n
the heavens with incantations and th e b o o k s o f th e Im p e ria l A rc h iv e s ;
drew from them such a downpour of f o r , a s is n o te d b y T h e o d o r u s B a U
rain i打 the face o f their enemies that s a m o n S t h e 八b 府WWW 。, 出 e y w h o u s e
they broke up and roiued their whole s u c h m a g i c a r 化 a r c p u n is b a 窃 e 吟 t h e
arm y/' Lucius Piso {Apud Plin. II, la w , e v e n i f th e y a c H n o r d e r t o O D ta in

• "Chaldew." Cham (Ham), the … 一 Venetus." An AugusHniM ere.

who is iden邸 ed by PiwirU of BtauDois ,b(fmat Udint about 2368; died <U Vma,
in his "Speculum htsloriaU" with《oroasUr, is 3 甲 巧 、1428• 船 works sfiow 6 wid$ appn*
said U>har>e hun thefirst magicim. Hi taught nation of Ou scierU^ fftoblms of ids
men that ihfir destinies depended upm the stars^ Th quadrotura circulC* end circuUs
who were gods. T h of heaven ' compoTuntibus mundum、 、 w€Tg very famous,
ingtj were worshipped un whilst fds wLogUa dupUx" was iarg'fy w d as
ChaUi$Jut U fnmUrrth^direde US 4gare^ aUxt-bookmJAjUnuprinUd.
m£ns; • ft ahrfi i〇uiUien,, astf(Aoga$ et magi^ A "Haito,、、 Bishop of B近Uyhom in 76^;
成n, Adim/化沁研Wf奶巧穴!"• , ," 化 o/W么 出iii Afarck 巧 >836. In 8it hs was Sint wtA
la AfagU des Apparitions," Paris,巧巧 • others (y €k^Ufiiagn$ 化 ConsUtnHnopl, on a
、 "ManmanmJ* 乂 powerJiU G^mm (Hpiomctic 讯isfion‘
p€〇pU of the Suiuic race^ who origitmlfy dwell 巧 成 也 化 |0瓜" ^ wtan从 妒
betwan tfu RJum end the Darmbe^ on tfu banks ihi Gre^ CkuTch; bom ifi Uu suMd half
of ihi Main. Thy afUrwards exUndid their the hvel/lk c知tury <u ConstmtinopU: ivhm 忘
备 minions and formed a ............. ditd <Usome dcie afler iigs- As nomopt^Ux
which ciuried on a long li Jhm i 巧 8 化 t !游 under thi Pctriarch TTw*
of the Empaor Marcus: Aurelius.
Au dosius, he ctmge of all eccUsioitic^ trials
X A Gmum p€CpU who dwelt QT cases. His famous work is his
in (hs south-^t 〇 / that country. Th^ were "Scha
始 , or exatrsut
A upon tfu "J/omocanon"
the tlosi qHUs of the Marcomanni in On long of Photius^ first publishd
rW tni LaHn ai Paru^
uxus of Oust tribes cgmnst Hxfme. 1^61;itt Cruk ^ iMin^iMin, IParis,j 6i5.
i8o ;M〇 N O L A T R Y CH.

s o m e g o o d a n d t o e n s u r e t h e f e r t ilit y CBjxon IsAvr, Syntaxis oriis mirab脱 in

o f t h e c r o p s . I f , t h e n , s u c h m is fo r * tres partes digesta, Lib. IV , cap. xivi,
t u n e s c a n b e a v e r t e d b y in c a n t a t i o n s , n. 3 : "And now," he says, speaking 〇r
i t w il l n o t s e e m a b s u r d t h a t t h e y c a n Demons, "that we have
c o n v e r s e ly b e c a u s e d * G o n s t a n t iu s , t h e
s o n o f t h a t C 〇n s U n t i n e , b o r e n o i m - O u r f r u itf u l sh oDots
' e a r ly in o u r
c e r t a i n w itn e s s a s t o t h is , w h e n h e rroM
d e c r e e d t h a t t h e y w h o b y t h ^ t m a g ic
they raise up rains and wiiuls and
a r t s s o d is t u r b e d 化 e e le m c n 技 w e r e t o
化mpests in the air> condensed from 化e
b e d e s tr o y e d a s a d e a d ly p l a g u e . S .
扣mes o f the earth and 化 e vapou 巧 o f
A u g u s t in e d o e s n o t d is a 尹 e c w it h 化 is
the sea (fbr they have no o 化er ori|; in),
巧 in io n w h e n h e a d m it s 化 a t , w it h and from the midst o f these they lorm
成 过 ,$ p e r m is s io n , t h e e le m e 口ts c a n b e
and cast for。 comttSy
d i s t u r l ^ b y s o r c e r e r s {In PsaL I x x v iii ,
thunderbolts, 2 m a n y s u c h s ig n s
y e n 4 赛) : a n d S . T h o m a s ( / n 抑 /化 <5201a n d p o r t e n t s , i n t h e 島s h io n in g o f
in Joo) s u b s c r ib e d t o t h is w h e n h e w h ic h t h e y s h o w th e m s e lv e s t o b e
a f f ir m s t h a t t h e D e m o n s c a n n t h e r
m a r v e llo u s w o r k m e n , h a v in g r e g a r d
c l o u d s it ! ( h e s i r 》 d r iv e t h e m I c f o r c
t o t h e m a t e r ia l f r o m w h ic h t h e y a r e
t h e w in d a n d e v e n s e n d o u t ( i r e f r o m
fo rm e d /*
t h e m . T h i s h a s b e e n e lo q u e n t l y i n t e r ­
B u t , s a y s m y o p p e 严e n ty i t m a u e 巧
p r e t e d — a s in d e e d is c l a r if i e d e v e r y ­
n o t w h e t h e r t h e b e l i e f i n a l l th is i$
t h i n g t h a t h e t o u c h 巧,b y t h a t m o s t
b a s e d o n t h e c r e d u lit y o f t h e ig n o r a n t
e m in e n t a n d h o n o u r ^ ju r i s c o n s u l t
a n c ie n t s , o r o n t h e c o n f ir m a t io n o f
P i e r r e G r e g o i r e * i n h is t r e a t is e o n
re c e n t a u t h o r s :五 11 a n y c a s e i t is t h e
h e ig h t o f r a s h n e s s a n d m a d n e s s t o
*Pierre Gregoire** Ptmt mi Gugoire^ who m a u U a m in 化 is w a y t h a t N a 化 r e is s o
was wn at Toubuu, and J had
ui (ought CivU u t t e r ly u n d e r t h e c o n t r o l o f t h e D e *
Law <U Cahors, was invited ti> to A MIfww V
Lorraine h m e n s t h a t s h e m u s t p 灯f o r m t h d r b id *
Duke CharUs III in or<Ur that he mightpres记
over and direct the new Faculty 0/ Jurispru^ d i 咕 a n d 汾 s u b m it t o t h e i r y o k e 化 a t
denee 書 。此€ [fniveni巧皆 PorU•如Mousse。 , e m u s t t a k e fr o m t h e m t h e t i m e a n d
s h
which had btenfoundgSin 巧7s. Gregoire had d e g r e e o f h e r r a in a n d t h u n d e r . I
already won griQi famt throughout Europe by a n s w e r 化 a t n o erne ( I 化 in k ) w h o is h i
his pr妒und schoiarsh电and his complete mas- t h e le a s t c o n v e r s a n t w it h t h e w o r k s o f
t啼 o f both Civil md tdnon Law. He arrived T h e o lo g ia n s w ill d e n y t h a t , s u b je c t to
in Lorraine in /5&> and was received by the t h e w ill o f G o d , t h e t ) e m o n s a r e c o n ­
Duke with marhd honour and respect. The c e r n e d in s u c h te m p e s ts i n t h e c h a r -
Fccultyy howeWf was not established without _a _c 化 _ _r_ o_ f a 打^ 办也Zw, a 打d a r c ( a s C h r y -
considerabU 〇 pp<isitioni since there u r n 。 good s ip p u s f (PhU. de sera 巧 um. uindicta.
也山 o f jc(d〇 usy, fo r jfowerful if!/吟 nces were 巧所1 矣 价 ^化 5 ! ) a n d a f t e r h im S . B a s il
a i 议ork and thus ensured vexatious 瓜1与《 . (In cap. 1 3 , Esaiaey a n d PsaL 7 8 ) s a y s)
tHerre Gre驴iw died in i6 巧, and was buried
in the Church ^ the Poor Clares, at the back
t h e e x e d it i o n e r s a n d m in is 化r s o f
o f the High Aliar, towards the Gospel side,
d iv in e v e n g e a n c e , w h o v is it a n d
h e tvas as devotU dS he was learned》 and his
d e s t r o y m a n lc in d a n d t h e i r w o r k s w ith
orthodoxy is apparent in all his wrUings. These d is a s te r s a n d c a la m it ie s . T h e w o r d s o f
are fo r the most part o f a Uchnical nature, and
not t/u least valuabU is a ireatise composed p〇si化 rmUis et prop* infinitis raiionibus dispu.
wider the MfM o f Ji巧rmundus JitiZkf>iUmn- tari atit tractarifOmniimquesummaria cogrUUo
straiing ikat the Stem s o f th£ Cowicil o f Trent haberipotest." Svo, Lyons,巧83; and C(itogni>
must be prorrml梦 Ud 心id accepud throughoul / 折 0.
France; Paris,京10, !
S53. 了接 work 化 which \ "ChjysippusJ, A S化ic philosopher hm
m严 fm is c pr^ound《 tuefy of Canon.
Item 2$〇 3乂•; died 2〇 y. He is said to have had
成r《 e volunw: •々yntaxis artis mirabilis,
mirabi技 in rmarkdlfle taUnt, and 化have left many writ,
parte,digtsta, ptr qua pro- ings, dll of which have perished*
>,Paul are well known, where he says admit at the s化rt that these things
that power over the air is given have no part with the laws o f Nature j
Demons 巧, 。 ) : and in the but that such prodigies a 打d por化nts
Apocalyp 化 we read o f 化 e Pow 饥 o f ma打tfest themselves in spite ol' and to
the air sending fbrth such thunder- the amazement o f Nature, so that any*
bolts and lightnings. Plutarch (In one who writes to ascribe them to
化化^ 成 ujwaJ also quohs Empc- natural causes might just as well try
d o d e sa sca U in g m cD cm o n s'T V a n - to touch the heavens with his finger.
derers o f the air/^ that is, as he For it is 打ot 行tdng to thini: accorcTmg
himself , 打terpre
^nterorcts it c! 化where, the to the s化ndards o f huma打 reaso打mg
occupiers r$ ot tne nc化cr air u打der the
o f the and judgement o f matters which mani-
heavens, endowed, as Xenocrates* 传巧ly surpass all the bounds and limits
SAy戸 ( A扛id tundm Plutarch. In Isidc tt sc【 by 一 〜
Nature, Simon 一
Magus (accord-
Osiri矣) with 化 c greatest malign;ty ing to the testimony o f S* Amorcose
and eagerness and 寺oldness i 打才oing the Hexameron and Pope Clement in
evil. I f then this 0由ce is thus del^ the when he was striving
ga 化d to them, a 打d they are as it were with S. Peter the Apostle, performed
commissioned to fblfil God>s wrath among o 化 er miracles the ibllowi打g :
against man by means o f the very he made h!mself appear to Ay away as
forces o f Nature, it must be less diffi- 肿 ppus (III,
upon wmgs . Hegesippus , 2)
cult to believe that they have wi 化hes writes that he did ^lis in the sight 01
as their associa化s in 化is w ork: not 仿r Nero, but that at ic prayers o f the
the sake o f the help that they can give he fell anc •ro&c hU k g 打ear
i 凸 performing what everybody knows Aricia. I pass over what Pausania$»
that the Demons can do without the his deseri如 io打o f Attica, relates o f the
need o f a 打y help> but so that the De­ )〇et M ussus, how he had been give 打
mon may make them more prone to do 》y Boreas the gi 打 o f Rights what S.
evil and injury, and by their complicity Basil {In oraLfuneb. Gr^g. Jfanzian.) says
more ana more abandoned to all ccmcerni打g the Argive Pegasus; what
crime. He cheats 出em ;Dto the belief Herodo【 口s and, after Wm, S, G 巧go 巧
that they have some marvellous power 化 e T h e o lo g ia n !(邱 从 • 22,〇</ 及化沁
to perfbrm these difficult and mirac­ turn Magnum) tell o f the Scythian
ulous tasks, and so drives them on and Abaris, that nc used to i*idc wi 出 the
o n , 化tiguing them with the heavy greahst swiftness through the air u 巧)n
burden o f the exacting and tedious an arrow given him by Apollo. For
duties which he imposes on them. For these seem to be fables rather than
so it is that this benevole打t M m 化r historical 杠uths; although it is possible
refreshes his disciples with perpetual that they may have haj^ened with
hardship, labour and mole*化tion. the crahy help o f the Cacodemon,
Nor should our belief in this matter whom all know that the Pagans in the
be at all strained by any consideration delusion o f their impious errors wor­
o f the absurcHty and incompatibility shipped under the name o f Apollo,
with natural laws o f the supposUkm Aeolus, and the other Gods. For this
that, notwith^anding their solid no more difficult o f belief 化 an that
weight, men are lif化d up a 打d borne on which more recent authors have
high through the air. For wc freely writte打 concerning Antidius,$ Bishop

• "XcnocraUs,、, Of Chalcedon, bom sgS 干 "iS• 仿 巧 巧 化 知 如 说 • " 么彷巧巧V

8怎,; died 314. He 良cam pusikent of 苗i* 〇
/ J^a^ianzus.
Academy 巧en btfor• 化$ dea化 皆 畔 eusippus、 t "Antidius尸 Rather S ,A ntidius,及i s k f
ivho was then。 contpleU invaltd. yCenocraUs 《 Besanfon, Martyr、 who was siairi by
Mckoned Atther among the material eUnunts of Vandals. Ffost, June 25. l i
the world. hmo this siify legend wigimUd.
i 82 D E M O N O L A T 民Y c. m.
o f Tours; that he rode upon the Devil forces 化e s巧rs to obey His laws;
so that he might reach 民ome with the and will not believe that He can do
grea 化r spee身 and there as soon as any 化in《 except what is cre山 ble ac-
possible recall the Pope from some evil coraing to nature. For thU is to think
undertaJeing. And even if these stories too grossly and ma化rially o f His works,
are 打ot true, we have not far to seek; and: as th巧 say,化 render Jove utterly
for we know that, as the Gospels relate, destitiue> ^Therefore," says Lucius
the man po巧essed with an unclean in Apuleius (仿 化 n Book I), "I
spirit broke the chains and fetters with think notM打g impo巧ible; but as the
which he was bou打d, a 打d was carried jfa化s have decreed, so do ail things
by Sa 化n into the wildernas: nay, 邮 pen for mortals.,• For to all 讯cn
that Jesus Himself was taken up by 化 en happen many marvellous and
him in the Holy Land^ and set upon the almost imposs化le experiences which,
pinnacle o f the 了emplc. For afthough whe 打 told to the ignorant, cannot be
It is no part o f a devout Christian to believed ,
inquire why this was done, it would Again, it is argued that it is o d y in
be olasphemous to questio打that it was 化 eir thoughts (which should i 打 no
done, since we arc told o f it so plainly way be amenable to punishme打t ) 化 at
in the Holy Gospel. I f therefore it wUches arc concerned in these disturb­
once happened to 战 m who was 化c ances o f the elements; and this is made
vanquisher and conqueror o f Satan to another plea for their pardon and
be carried through the air by him> impunity; as if only the actual results,
why should we be so slow to believe but not ih t evil devisings which lead to
th 汪t me打, who are so oftc打vulnerable them (as Cicero says in the FroMiioru)^
to his attacks, especially tho巧 who ought to be regarded as punJ$hable.
voluntarily surrender themselves in 化 But what 玉 8 A is but an open d成 Dce
his power, can at his pleasure be lifled o f the blind and ;mpure passions o f 比 e
up and borne away through the air? heart, in defiance o f the express pro*
Finally, i f it is desired to pursue this nouncement o f the Gospel (〇«Matthiw
inquiry beyond the evidence o f the xi 巧, which 化Us us Jiat the evil
ancient Annals and o f more recent thoughts of the heart are the gtzvtst
his 化ry, what Ss more common in our sin in the sight o f God? In me last
own than the freque打t a 打d per­ clause o f the 私 calogue we are warned
sistent assertions o f witc 良cs with regard that they who en\^ously and covc^
to this mat化r, confirmed by the t巧ti, ously imagine some evil device, even
mony o f men who conwantly mai打- 玉 £ th巧 do not carry their thought into
tain th 在t, not ;n sleep or with their deeds, must nevertheless not be held
化n化8 bewUched,but with their own 批 lUe巧,化eing that 化ey have sinned
eyes they have seen witches fall from m their hearts. Can the law regard an
the clouds, or clinging in perplexity to acce巧ory 化 a 位ct as ;nnoccnt o f that
the top。 o f trees or houses, or lying be- 位c 巧 B u tit may be objected that this
mu 化d upon the ground? Nor is this argument is not concerned with those
mere stre巧-coracr gossip j but it is evi. )unish饥cn垃 which the Theologians
dence given upon the most solemn eavc to che secret vengeance o f God
oath in a Court o f Justice^ as w e have A c 户坤 God), but only wkh 比〇推tliat
more than once shown this work. arc insdtu化d as 拥 example by human
Aw ay then with those who would laws (the Blood Penalty), o f which
make Nature the sta打dard and rule o f they who have themselves admitted
aU things, so that they think A a t noth- notning which can be taken as evidence
i打g can happe 打 which does 打ot CO打- o f their guilt can in no way be deemed
form to her metho过s and limits! For w orthy: since thought alone can do 打0
thus they constringc the hands and h u n unk 巧 ‘ is fblllowed by some

circumscribe the might o f God, who A c tio n ; 打or eve打 at 化mpt Uself,
BK, D E M O N O L A T 氏Y 183
unless it results some injury. Lee US about, aod to wait upon, support, and
concede this. Let it be granted that as far a$ they can assi巧 the Demons
human law allows some things which whom they bdieve U) be the insUga化rs
are condemned by Divine law. Yet o f these upheavals; and Sn a word to
there is no lack in sacred law o f the use their every effort and endeavour
most clcady expressed sanctions for the to please 比em alone 巧 much as they
puni$hme打t o f the will to sin whh the po$s化ly can, as in the knowledge
same 化veri^ as the actual deed. The that both God and all men were de-
Edicts o f Gratian, Valentinian and 化巧able W them? Such arc 化e sins of
Theodosius laid down the severest thought which, according to S. Basil,
penalties for the man who planned to wV如 !V。给, should be judged 打oc
contract 江 marriage by force against merely as fancies, but as fkctsacccmv
the will o f those who were concerned, pUshed in the soul; and should, as soon
eve 打if he did not succ说 d hi his desi护i. as they manifest themselves z$ the
He who buys poison with the ^fUcntion presence o f fire is indicated by smoke,
o f giving it to his 位ther, although he 化 immediately quelled and extin*
fails to do 50, 至 3 held liable to the guished; and are deserving o f the
penalty under the Lex Cornelia D i heavier penalty, in that there is often
玄山mYf- He who solicits another man’s more harm in a secretly conceived s id
wife or would seduce her hito adul化ly, than in an openly commit化d one.
although he may not have cHected his Finally, i f a bare guilty thought must
purpose, is never化ekss ex 化aoreJin, by no means be conside巧d penal,and
ai*如 punished on account o f the if innocence h sufficiently preserved if
abominable lusts o f his heart. The you
man who has even thought o f ravishing But nurse a secret rancour in the
a holy virgin has to pay the pe 打alty ibr
the actual deed. In stort, where any
atrocious a 打d grave crime U concerned then, I suppose, all the provisions o f
it enough 技r a man to have con­ the law are invalid^ whicii decree the
ceived the intention for h;m to be most 化r H b k pumshment o f the flames
)uni$hed for the fact It was perhaps for blasphemous opinions CO 打cemine
or this reason that in our own time the God a 打Q religion, if th 巧 are but laid
Senate o f Paris judged an eminently bare and discovered by word o f
noble man to beguilty o f High Treason mouth! 了hose decrees o f the Em-
because ht had only conceived the idea perors and Jurists arc, fbrsooth, savage
o f assassinating the ki 打g ; i打8pke o f the and bloodthirsty, which assigned the
fact that he had immediately repented same penalty and punishment to not
o f the notion, and had himself laid in- only the accomplices but even the
formation 堆 ainst Wmsein Now what accessories o f a crime, as to its actual
more abommable thought or concept perpe任a 化巧!
o f a 打evil mind, what greater wicked­ Xno 化 er plea is put forward o 凸 出 e
ness and depravity o f 輪 human heart ground o f tfte feebleness o f the witches’
can there be than not only to revolve age and sex^ a consideratio凸 w hkh,
i打 the mind and plot and desire that is claimed, should always be weighed
which all other men regard with most carefully in judging any person's
horror and apprehension— such as degree o f cu ra b ility ; and thus the
thu 打ders and lightni打gs, the ruin and heinousn巧s o f this crime in particular
destruction o f the crops, the violent should be overlooked, since it proceeds
agiudon a 打d even uprood 打g o f 化6巧, from a cotidition o f mind fbr w hkh
and the devastatio打 a 打d 8p(^iation o f Nature alone is respo打sibic. But to
wide and 托itile tracts o f la 打d ; but argue 至打this way is to bring a very
with might and main> by day and by heavy charge against Nature, who is
ight, to strive to bring these things on the contrary wise in all she does.

For all those who arc in 化c 化d with this dca 化 outside the EsQuiline GatC) and
pestilence o f witchcraft are women or the latter to be hurled from the Taxpe-
o f an advanced and deertpit a g e; for ian Rock, because they were found
妙 ough this is certainly rarer) the guilty o f sorcery ; and Armnianus
^ m o n holds men equally bound by Marcellinus, X X 々I , 化化 that the
this kind o f allegiance. And although charioteer Hilarius was condemned to
it is true that many women o f extreme death by Aprooia 打us the Praeicr
old age arc taken 哗 for this crime , £/从 znw 兵 cause he had given his so凸
eve 打m such cases the si打is one oflong to a sorcerer to be trained in his art ;
standing o f which they have usually and that when he escaped from the
been guilty ever since the time o f cheir lictor$ who had insufficiently secured
youth. But even i f m y opponents* con­ him and took refugt in 江neighbouring
tention were true, who is there who 化mpic, he was 打everthdess dragged
does 打ot know that neither 似 nor age out an<^ made to u凸dergo his 巧 nalty),
is regarded by the law as any excuse but meled out the same punishment
ibr it ,infringemetu, and that no offence even to women ; as Valci*i。 》 Maximus
can be condoned on the score of (V I, 3^ tells us was done in the case
human weakness? God has spoken o f PuoUcia and Licinia, who w 钉e
w ith 。〇" 打certain voice: " A 風an also hanged by the neck for this crime,
or woman that hath a familiar spirit, 化gc 化er wi化 seven巧 反 omans. Nor
or that is a w 山 rd, shall surely be put were the Romans alone 案〇 inflicting
to death , , {Leviticus xx, 27). And this severe punishment upon women.
化 rough 化ar o f the law by which Saul There 1$ the well-known judgement
punished witchcraft with deaths the passed by the Athenians upon the
VVi化h of E 打dor tried to den^ that she Lemnian enchantress which» though
had a 打y skill i 打the matter. It is, then, it was indeed precipitate, is a very
apparent that without any r^ a rd or clear indication o f the loathing in
respect for their age or sex the Law o f which this crime was the打 held 了Dc-
God demands the punishment o f those mos化enes, /n 护如M wz/r。 Aristogit*
who exercise such illicit and forbidden oral,). For on the mere information o f
arts. Even the New T 巧lament, the her handmaid and without 打ying the
化aching o f which is more modera化 matter any further, they delivered her
and merci化 lays it down w i t h 【he up to the cruel!巧t o f deaths. There
utmo巧 severity that every branch were b巧ides Erij?hyle, M之cale, Cani-
which abides not in Christ shall be dia, Ei*ichtho, S a g a n a , 拭 psas, and
cast out and thrown into the 行rci many other wishes in ancient tim 巧*;
every branch, that is, without excep­
tion (iS. John xv)* And if we are for­ • ^*Ancimt Eriphyle htiraytd her
husbandy the seer Amphiarus^ to Polynictsfor
bidden to make distinctions where the 公 goUen nuktacc and U)〇 s slain bjf her son
laws allow o f none, how much more AUmaeon. Tfure i s 。 tefeunce in th "D*
are we forbidden to do so in (he case o f AfUAmandii* ///, up(fn whkk Botchardus
the Gospe】 ,who 化 majesty is above the Crippingiusglosses:尿kmphiarum Oecltifiliwn
law, and to add anylJiing to which or diat,augurSndiarUperiiissimtm,qui;d6lM-
to take anything away from it i$ a sin ctns Argonauias secutus
that must be expia 化<1 i打 e 化m al fire Fcr tfu wUch MycaU, sw Ovid, " AUtamor*
iv, 2> 巧《 ^ xxii> ig). phos机 XH 、s6打 4;
The most ancient laws o f the "Chio
Romans pu 打ished whh dea 化 not only MaUr " a 【峨 caU: quM dedweisse caniruh
men who were found guUty o f sorcery Saepe Ttlucland consiaixU cornua Lunas.,*
^or Tacitus, Annalts 11, records that ,
And Seneai, "H m uUs Otttsus,》5巧—7;
rublius Martius and Pituanius were '^Hoc docta MycaU Thtssalas docuit nurta,
thus capi化Uy punished, the former of Uncm inter emnestuna
und巧iom wquUurma芝iifn.
whom tDc Cktnsuls ordered to be put to Astris rehetis*

but not one o f the many writers who single o 打e of the ma打y thousands
have handed down their memory to whom Sa 化n has caught in the coils
im巧 has ever been so indulgent o f sorcery who has freed herself from
offc r their sex or anUity as an them by any other mea打s than either a
excuse for their pestilent and criminal forced or a spontaneous confession
Kves, before the J u d g e , 化Mowed by the
But \tt us grant them this plea. Let it expiation o f her death: so fast a hold
be supposed that through human weak­ does that Master keep upon his sub*
ness their foothold is so slippery that jects. TTic Imperial Laws forbade any
they cannot but 色H . 巨ven so, what remission o f punishment in the case o f
mad 凸ess it would be to CO打do打 e in those whom such mercy would prob­
them a crime with which they must ably encourage in their crimesj rather
be CO打 taminated 化r as lone as they tha 打induce 在em to amend their lives.
live, to the greatest despite o f^ o d and And Plato in his Protagoras says that
men! Indeed it would t>e lik e 》 "owing the purpmc o f punishing the guilty was
mad dogs to live, although everyone not to avenge their enmes (for who
knows tffat they are i打curable, simply ca 打undo that which is done?), but to
b^ause it was through no W it serve as a de 化打ent to prevent one
blame o f their own that they became who has si。打ed from committing that
mad. The wise man, says Seneca (Lib. crime again. Then what sufficient
I I , c a p . ultimo): d w 打ot argument can be adduced to show
atte饥pt to cure 比 e irremediable, but that such scum who vow eternal
oaiy that which can be cured. A good allegiance to the Devil should not be
farmer does not trouble to prop up put to de 辽th with every torment as
those trees which he knows cannot 挺 soon as their guilt is known? For i f a
cured o f their dc 化rioration or crooked- thing becomes a danger to the public,
ncss by any care that he can give them. and this danger cannot be removed
As for the ta;nt o f wi化hcraft, we have without loss to him who owns this
more 化an once shown that 0打ce it thing, yet it U just that he should bear
has taken hold it can hardly be shaken that loss i打 the imercsts o f the public;
off* except by death. So 杠r as I know, for the peace and safety o f the &ub]ic
indeed, there has not hitherto been a must be the first consideration. Public
cola justified himself in thU w ay for his
Famabj gh sses; **、 DocUi、、 Uwjiciorum ct action in levelling priva 化 h o u w to
magiaepmta. ^Thessalas.* Mulines Tkessalas the ground. And many m ca have
incanimn饥Hsfamosas." 巧tired prematu巧ly from a mo巧
Omidid. Thi sorceress ofUn mtniioned by honoura&Ie office bicause 化 ey knew
Horace, **.fi&«^,** 111, viii; also V and that they had become a cause o f
XVII, it alibi. Segana is 知 compaiAm of their fbUow-citizcns, as
i thefamous sabboi on the EsquUins^ 如如如I/, II) 化II》 us
witch consulted that Scipio and Figulus did. Not a
by Pom的 • Lucan、 Mpkarsalia》 、、 few have been rewarded for their
Ovid》"Hwoidts, ,
, Pkooni, courage and mastcrfulnesa by ostra­
cism, Decaus^ it did not seem possible
"Illuc mentis inops, id quamfurialis ErkfUho by any other mca打s to ensure the
Impulit, in cqUo aim iacaiU,f€rar," peace and prosperity o f their people.
Dipsos is described ly Oi/id> This Plutarch tells us was the 杠化 o f
vin: Pericles and Aristides the Just.
^lUa magas arUs, And yet we find those who would
I n ^ C4^pulliqyidas arte,ecuruai aquas •• • defend old women, who are a menace
Hcnc 巧〇 nocUmtas uifsam uolitarc per
Suspicor, Wplume corpus aniU T巧i.、 、
daily give voice to, arc a danger
o f the evil bewitchments which

.o f the threats and curses the
i86 ;MON O L A T R Y BK* 111. CH. XII.

inevi化 fbllow upon their threats, and infitigario打? "But by 化 e envy

and finally would be revered on ac­ o f the devil death came i 打to the world:
count o f the miraculous power o f heal­ And they follow him that are o f his
ing with which they alone are said to sid e ,,(於打如mii, 24, 巧 )> Y et has any,
be endowed! There are those who one ever been known to be excused the
maiiuam that such wkches ought not DCnalty o f the law simply because he
to be punished for their many and beaded that he was tempted by the
great crimes and abominations! What )evil to do that with which he was
】 s 化《 but to set up the woレcs> lair ;n charged ? This would amount, So one
the midst o f the sheep pen? I have word, to the overturning 仔om i is
known whole villages comempla 化 foundations o f the whole Christian
migrating to another place fbr no teaching, by which we are warned
other reason than that their magis- to hope always in God, for He is faith­
化a 化s u化d 化o much leniency ミ n leav- ful, who will not suffer us to be tempted
i打g witches unpunished, and thus above that we arc able (I. Cor. x.).
encouraging them to even grea 化r And lest we should become slothful
licence in lU-doing. But may be a 打d negligent 重打化6 belief that He will
argued that there is no sufficient proof protect us without our 巧king any
to warrant bringing these women to thought, He has told u$ He will only
trial on so grave a charge: that it is be our Captain and Defender wc
against all law and justice to give such in our tur打obey Him and wait upon
weight to a popular fear or a $care bred His will, if we take up the arms of an
o f an u 打certain rumour, as to think it unshaken faith, if we resist our formid-
nee巧巧ry to put a feHow乂feature to able foe, and if we boldly 泣nd StKn-
an ig打ominious death i打order to allay uously wage battle as far as in us lies
that 拓ar. I answer that there can be (左如化 v i,; I . 知 • V.). And becau化
no question o f calum 打y in these cases; many sins may be committed through
for no one ca 打quote a single instance ignorance of who is our adversary, and
o f anyone being put to death for this 企 e beginning o f vie化ry is to know an 过
crime who has not first been manifestly im dewand &is streng化 and his d 护
proved guilty either by the clear evi- vices; thereibre He diligently warns us
dcncc o f witnesses or by her own with what sort o f an enemy we will
persistent confession up to the time of have to d o : 打amely, with one who
her death. never fails in his malevolence and
But now they fall back upon hy far desire to harm us> in his strength and
their strongest une o f defence; which is V紳 ancC) or any o f 出e w说 护 ns
that the law does not punUh a man o f warfare; who, like a roaring lion,
except for a crime which he had wi^ wa 比e化 about $^ki打g whom he may
tingly and intentio打ally com m iued; devour; who, if force will not avail
a 打d that no化ing could so completely him, chang 口 his lion,s skin for 化 at of
preclude any such i 打tentio打 than the a fox; who masks himself as a good
fore化le rcstr知nt which the Demon Angel 化e more easily to impose upon
places upon the liberty o f those whom us, deluding his enemies by appearing
lie 化 us makes his 5iaves; for there can as one o f themselves. With such a
be no doubt about the cunning con- Captain, then, and with such faithful
trivances and deceptions and "Gisions warnings and counsels, we can keep
by which he so secfuces them; $〇 that victory far from our rrdghty and cun-
it is scarcely in tiie power o f anyone, ni打g foe, so long as wc do not ikll our.
especially when their age or sex or selves. For although the Devil docs not
c o u n ^ simplicity handicaps their sleep, nei化cr docs He that watches
jmcHigencc, to resist his w ily attempts. over Israel slumb巧 or sleep (Ao /府
But me, pray! is any crime ever exxi)* Therefore it is the more amaz-
commk 化d except at his suggestion ing to find men so difHdent, Day so
im p io u s , a s t o y ie ld himself 化 him by his sins* They mu巧
f ig n t t o h im b y w h o s e w ill it therefore blame It on themselves, who
a 打d t o s u r r e n d e r t h e m 化Iv e s thus voluntarily become involved in
w e re n e c e ssa ry fo r a ll w h o s the coils o f the U evil; since they have
a tta c k e d to co n g u ered ; an d n o t themselves turned away from God
r a t h e r co b e lie v e , a s 〇. G r e g o r y h a s i t , before He turned His back on them
t h a t a l l C h r is tia n s o u g h t o f r i g h t t o b e {Hosea ix ) : and they must acknow­
in v u l n e r a b le t o S a t a n 's d a r t s , u n le s s ledge that it is a just judgement o f God
o f 化 e ir o w n a c c o r d t h e y le a v e t h e i r by which they are delivered and give 口
c i t a d e l a n d th r o w a w a y t h e i r s h ie ld over to so hard a service o f Satan, as
a n d r u s h H ik e d u p o n h 巧 w e a p o n s , o r S* Paul writes {Romans i). And let
r a t h e r u n le s s th e y v o l u n t a r ily d e s e r t them not have recourse to the plea
t o h is c a m p . F o r w h y d id o u r M v io u r > which is commonly urged when all
w h e n H e liv e d o n e a r t h a s o u r p a t t a n , other legitimate defence has failed;
b i d S a 化n t o d e p a r t w h e n h e 化m p t e d that the unfoxtima化 ought rather to
H im , i f i t w a s n o t t o t e a c h u s t h a t w e he. lifted up and set on their Hset, than
m ig h c d o lik e w is e h i c o m p le 化 f a i 化, )e口ecute^ and 化 rust deeper i打化 mis*
w io ) t h e a s s u r a n c e t h a t w e s h a ll w in brtune* For there can be no mercy
t h e s a m e v ic t o r y i f w e f i g h t u n d e r His for those who have o f th dr own will run
le a d e r s h ip a n d u n d e r H is b a n n e r . into misfbrtune^ and have, as U is said,
了h c T c fo 巧 w e m a y b i d t h e m u r d e r e r cut off their own legs.
d e p a rt, a n d w it h t h e P r o p h e t Again^ it is claimed that there can be
J e r e m y : " T h e 以 r d ia w i 化 m e 公 a 打o 任ue compact betwee扫a man and a
m ig lu y t e r r ib le o n e ! " ( x x , 1 1 ) . F o r Demon, since they can have no com*
a s o f t e n a s t h e D e v il is r e p u k e d , s o o f te n munity o f undentanding or speech
d o e s h e re tu rn to th e a tta c k a n d re n e w with each other; and that even if they
th e c o m b a t; an d m o re th a n o n c e w e can enter imo 化me contract to^e化cr,
r e a d i n h is t o r y h o w h e r e p e a t e d ly b u t yet 化 e stipulated condhions o f it are
v a in ly la u n c h e d h is c r a f t y a t t a c k s u p o n so difficult, absurd and unjust that
t h o 巧 d e v o u t F a t h e r s w h o r e t i r e d in t o they cannot be considered as binding ,
t h e w ild e r n e s s f o r t h e s a k e o f t h e ir These argumc打任would do very well if
r e lig io n . T h e n i t is n o t w o n d e r f u l t h a t , this were merely a mat化r o f settling a
o n c e h e h a d a m a 打in b o n d a g e b y a n y 1巧 al dupu 化, m which it could be
m e a 打s , h e e x a c t s f r o m h im a h e a v y shown that certain clauses o f a con­
r a 化 o f in t e r e s t , b y t h e a c c u m u la t io n tract involved the public danger, or
o f w h ic h h e b e c o m e s 化U c r e d a n d that they were o f a shameful nature,
s h a c k le d s o s t r i c t l y t h a t h e m u s t p e r ­ or that they were deliberately and
f o r c e y ie ld h im 化I f v a n q u is h e d . F o r maliciously designed to cheat one o f
a A e r a m a n h a s b e e n t h o r o u g h ly 化 e parties, or tKat 化 ey were such as
s 饥i t c h e d a n d b e fo u le d w it h d e b a u ­ no one could fulfil however much he
c h e r y , l u " , 化e f t , m u r d e r a n d o t h e r might d 巧ire to do so, or were invalid
c r im e s , t h e D e v il a t l a s t a w a r d s h im 化r some other such reason. For such
t h e c r o w n o f w it c h c r a f t , t h u s ( a s t h e clauses could, I think, be deemed frivo­
s a y i 打g is ) p u t t in g b u t t e r u p o n W c o n , lous and ruled out o f court, if ever such
a c c o r d in g t o t h e w ill o f G o d , w h o proceedings were instituted by the
> u n ish e s s in w it h sin^ b lin d n e s s w it h bemon, as we 化ad in Bartolus, liiat
)lin d 打e ss, a 打d ig n o r a 打c e w it h ig 打o r *
a n c e ,A 打d j u s t a s C hrist c h o c s 巧 H is •" 公Art)心 ,
s o ld ie r , a s o , A m b r o 化 s a y s AfdM tom in 巧 巧 。 t Sass《maio> LfmMai and
uita), s o d o e s t h e D e v il b u y a w iliin g dUd at Pfmgia in His works w m col,
s la v e a 打d s u b je c t h im t o h is d a r k s w a y ; UcUJ、 Un oolwMS,Ijfons, Dtmaulin
仿r h e c a n b r in g n o o n e u n d e r t h e y o k e Urns him "U 片emier W U coiyphie (Us inUr-
o f 尬 b o 打d a g e w h o h a s D O t fi 口t s o ld priUs au dr如t}*
IE M O N O L A T R V BK. X: I ,

he brought an action against the would dare 化 consider as

V i 巧in Mother (/n 从 • wn/i/atofOMm grounds for mercy 屋〇even less abomin­
2)•义 But when the able crimes! For what is this,if U is
whole compact formed by the way not (as S. Paul says, I. Cor. x ; Horn.
o f temp 化tion and su错 esUon, in xiii) openly 化 tempt God? It is, in*
which it would b t ridiculous to con* deed, blasphemy (says Cassiodorus,
sidcr whether the parties to the agree­ Lib. 9 in <也 / anVi f 巧w) fbr Judges
ment have the necessary ability to to de^ leniently with those who arc
fuI6I its conditions^ then it seems to me liable (o the just punishment o f
that they but waste their labour who Heave 口• Tiiis is 犯 deJay the coming of
try to ba 化 a 打y argument upo 打 non- His Kingdom ; for nothing can so
consent, or repugna打ce, or difficulty. firmly estabiish it as 化c routing, over-
And that such contracts can be draw 打 throw and des化uction o f all His
up in correct legal terms a 打d phrase- enemies, together with Satan^ who is
o ogy has bee打 clearly proved where their Captain. Wh说 the wicked is
we snowed that the Demons have the slain, says S. Ambro化, 户斯0化 0! II,
faculty o f speech, by which they can Christ is received; when an abomina­
make known their wishes, and by tion is destroyed, sanctity is hallowed.
quesnoni打g and answering can de化r- Such men act ;n 化 6 worst poss化k
mine the stipulations o f their con- w ay for the security a打d peace o f the
tracts (供 ;2^冶 iii). human race; fbr, as P^hagoras
Moreover, if any o f the conditions S化baeum) said, th 巧 who do not
are beyond the power o f the man to restrain the wicked wish to wrong the
fulfil, as being quite outside his riglueous. F inally, 化ey call evil good,
natural abilities, 化 cn 化 e Demo打with and good evil, and put darkness 化r
his great powers stands by him and light} as Isaiah says, and altogether
willingly helps him. Lastly^ a base or take away all disnncUo打 and judge­
disho打ourabfe clause in the pact no ment between virtue and vice, reward
more invalidates it than a robber is and pimishmeot.
held back from his plunder, or a harlot
from her trade, by the atrocity o f the For my pari, who have been so long
deed) or by any bashful consideration and continuously exercised and con­
fbr her got^d name. Woe 化 creforc (to firmed in the examinado打o f wUch巧, 1
use the words o f Isaiah*) to them who shall not 拓ar to proclaim 任ecly and
have made a covenant with death> openly my opinion o f them, and to do
and with hell are at agreeme打t! A a 1 in my power to bring the very truth
covenant (says S, Augustine, De to light: namely, that their lives are
如州7IW C如M姑产 y I I ) 化rmed by the so notoriously b如 uled and polluted
pcstiJent association o f men with by so many blasphem ies, 巧rccrics,
t|emons; a pact o f unfaithful and prod 势 ous lusts and fUgra 打t crimes,
disloyal iHenoship. that 1 have no hesitation in saying
Woe also to those who would that they arc justly to be subjected to
palliate the odium o f so horrible and every to"ure and put to death in the
execrable a crime, and would diminish fla讯巧; both that they may expiate
punishment on the plea o f 反ar> age, their crimes with a fitting punishment,
sex, imprudence, and the like, which and that 重 。 very 么wfulness 阳ay serve
as an example and a warning to
、 others.

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