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EWC661 Lecturer


Abd Hanis Bin Ab Rahaman (2019185063)

Nur Aqilah Binti Muhammad Som (2019359349)
Nurul Fatin Izzati Binti Hijan (2019324181)
Noor Alia Binti Madon (2019311969)

AP230 3A
Universiti Teknologi MARA
Shah Alam
Date of Submission (Week 14)


On the 12th March 2020, Madam Azalea Binti Hamzah; the lecturer of the EWC661, english report writing
requested a team of students led by Abd Hanis Bin Ab Rahman and group members, namely, Nur Aqilah
Binti Muhammad Som, Nur Alia Bint Madon, and Nurul Fatin Izzati to choose subject of report that fit the
current issues happened in Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying. Our members agree to choose
Anxiety Attack during public speaking among the FSPU Students in UITM Shah Alam and require a survey
and preparing a report. All the report must be submit it on 7th July 2020 (Thursday, Week 14???)

The fact that anxiety attack during public speaking is the most common of all phobias. The issue
has been a great concern among both academics and administrators of the university. Anxiety is
defined as a state of uneasiness and apprehension of fear caused by the anticipation of something
threatening. Most people are not born public speakers, they are trained to become one. So, this
study is intend to be investigate on students anxiety attack during public speaking as well as to
recognize and understand public speaking terminology among student of FSPU, UiTM, Shah
Alam. This study was been set up by doing questionnaire and the result are showed based on
descriptive analysis and percentage of the respondent. Thirty randomly respondent from student
of FSPU, UiTM, Shah Alam were choosen to assist this studies. It was found that the majority of
the respondent acknowledge and have been experienced anxiety attack during public speaking.
This study also found that the size of audience give a big impact on causing them having an
anxiety attack during public speaking. As to conclude, the research proves that fear of public
speaking is a learned skill and can be overcome by practicing and rehearsing before presentations
or speeches and people who experience public speaking anxiety can perform as well as those
who have a good command over public speaking. Recommendation for this study are the student
that having an anxiety attack during public speaking should take an initiative support and seek
for help on getting more better during public speaking.

[ABSTRACT = Brief summary of = 1.0 + 2.0 + 3.0 + 4.0 ]

The success and final outcome of this assignment required a lot of guidance and assistance from
many people and we are extremely fortunate to receive many help from our friend and even our
teammates itself to complete our report. Whatever we have done is only due to such a guidance
and assistance, we would to express our deepest appreciation to all who has been contributed on
completing this report. A special gratitude and respect to our lecturer, Madam Azalea binti
Hamzah for motivate us by encourage and support us through our hard times and provide us
ideas and suggestion on this report itself. We also would like to give our deepest appreciation to
all of respondent that is from student of FSPU, UiTM, Shah Alam for cooperating on answering
the questionnaire that were given. Lastly, a special thanks to our family for their moral and never
ending support and also a big understanding on giving us some space to finish this report due to
ODL that have been done throughout this study. These commitments from all of our members
also the one main reason that enabled us to succeed in completing this report on time.

[What should be the spacing ↑]

Terms of Referance i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Problem Statement 2
1.3 Objective of the study 3
1.4 Significance of the study 4
1.5 Scope of the study 5
1.6 Previous Study 6-7
2.0 Methodology
2.1 Respondents of the study
2.2 Instruments of the study 8
2.3 Data Collection Procedure
2.4 Data Analysis Method

3.0 Findings
3.1 Type of anxiety attack experience. 9
3.2 Symptoms of anxiety attack during public speaking. 10
3.3 The causes of anxiety attack during public speaking. 11-12
3.4 Level of anxiety attack experienced. 13-14
3.5 The precise moment of experiencing anxiety attack DURING 15-16
public speaking.
3.6 The frequency anxiety attack happens to the student.
3.7 The Importance of treatment on anxiety attack during public
3.8 Treatment/solution can be used during anxiety attack.
4.0 Conclusion and Recommendations
4.1 Conclusion 22-23
4.2 Recommendations
References 24
Appendices -
1.1 Background of the study
Anxiety is defined as a state of uneasiness and apprehension of fear caused by the anticipation of
something threatening. According to Kirkwood and Melton (2002), anxiety disorders are among
the most common mental disorders encountered by public speakers. People who feel anxiety
while speaking in public generally tend to avoid situations where they must perform, but when
they encounter such situations, they suffer intense distress and anxiety. According to Kant
(2000), people in general negatively assess and appraise those who demonstrate their fears
towards public speaking and fail to make a strong impression through confident gestures. These
problems can act as hurdles in achieving one goals that could be both personal and professional.
Hence speakers need to develop strong public speaking skills to enable them to become more
confident. [synthesise the APA in-text citations ↑ and paraphrase it and write it at the end of the

Most people are not born public speakers, they are trained to become one. When they find
themselves in situations where they become the focus of attention as they must address an
audience, they experience emotions like fear and anxiety, leading to nausea and excessive
sweating. Most of them try to avoid situations where they must perform or speak in public, but
when unavoidable, such situations are endured by distress. [says who ??? ] According to Lucas
(2011), “Many people who converse easily in all kinds of everyday situations become frightened
at the idea of standing up before a group to make a speech”. Such people need to realize that they
are not the only ones who may be going through these emotions. In fact, almost every speaker
feels the same. It is important that people consciously realize the fact that there are more nervous
speakers in the world than those who are not.

In this study, we are aiming to investigate anxiety attack that happen during public speaking
among student of FSPU, UITM, Shah Alam and also to identify the causes of anxiety attack
during public speaking as well to understand the need of an effective oral speaking.

1.2 Problem Statement
To cope with their academic life, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying students must
be a good speaker as to present their project to panels throughout their semester. The fact that
fear of public speaking is the most common of all phobias. The issue has been a great concern
among both academics and administrators of the university. Most individual who has a bad
experience during public speaking may fear a repeat of that prior experience when attempting to
speak again. Although some are educators acknowledge the need to make the learning process as
enjoyable and anxiety-free as possible, they are reluctant to find ways to achieve such a goal,
hence, being unable to respond to the learning needs of individual students. Moreover, as it said
by Jeffrey R. Strawn, MD, FAACAP, an associate professor of psychiatry and pediatrics and
director of the Anxiety Disorders Research Program in the Department of Psychiatry &
Behavioral Neuroscience at the University of Cincinnati. “The fear of public speaking is more
common in younger patients as compared to older ones and may be more prevalent in females as
compared to males and we know that some individuals tend to have more anxiety related to
certain circumstances in which there may be a fear of evaluation and embarrassment.” [please
paraphrase ↑]
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The following research question have prompted the researchers to conduct the study on
anxiety attack during public speaking among the FSPU of UiTM students :

● What is an anxiety attacks that happen to student while public speaking?

● Do anxiety attack only occur when students public speaking?
● Do all students experiences anxiety attacks while public speaking?
● What are the causes of an anxiety attacks happen to students while having a public

1.3 Objective of the study

The purpose of this study is to investigate students’ anxiety attack during public speaking among
of FSPU students in UiTM Shah Alam. This study suggests several research objectives to be
attained as follows:

1. To study the experiences of intense fear and distress students of FSPU during the
public talking.

2. To identify the causes of anxiety attack while public speaking.

3. To recognize and understand public speaking terminology.

4. To understand the for professional recommendation solution and treatment for

anxiety attack during public speaking.

[ Rewrite your ↑ to encapsulate ALL your V(s)][Only 3 objs]

1.4 Significance of the study

The purpose of this study is to significant and give beneficial to counseling and psychology
services unit of UITM and the lecturers because it offers the anxiety level on students of public
speaking classes. It also a starting point on knowing the feeling of intense fear and distress that
prevent the students from having a good communications skill, an anxiety disorder may be the
cause. Other than that, it also can give information on how cope the anxiety and health problems
from developing, where they can save individuals from distress and save significant resources for
the health systems. Therefore, the finding can also provide the understanding on how and why
the anxiety attack develop during the public speaking, recommend strategies to overcome this
fear and identified what the risk factors may be give them in the future.

1.5 Scope of the study

The cope of the study covered only for Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying students
in Uitm Shah Alam. This survey only consists of 30 respondents of Faculty of Architecture,
Planning and Surveying students. Most of this respondent are experiencing the anxiety attack
during public speaking. Due to this small sample size, the result only allowed the researchers to
use descriptive statistic. The duration of this study was 30 days, starting from 1 st May 2020 until
31st May 2020 which had limited the scope of the study in terms of variables involved.
[What should be the spacing ↑]
1.6 Previous Study

In this Case Study ??? [ are you copy pasting from somewhere ???] we being study about
anxiety attack study during public speaking. In previous Studies by Kimber Holland (2018), has
define that an anxiety attack during public speaking is a normal body reaction to stress. When a
person is worried about what may come and fear can occur wherever he or she is got it can cause
stressful and anxiety attack. Anxiety attack has different types, including panic, phobia, social
anxiety, and others. Rosemary Black (2019), believe anxiety attack during public speaking is
known as “Glossophobia”, it is a type of social anxiety disorder. This anxiety attack it well
makes the person avoid all social contact because the thing that people normally do may be
uncomfortable to him such as making small talk or eye contact. In this study case, the objectives
we want to emphasize to study the experiences of intense fear and distress students of FSPU
during the public identify the causes of anxiety attack while public speaking. To
recognize and understand public speaking terminology. To understand the need for effective oral
communication skills. In this study Louise Katz, Ph.D. (2000) clam that “anxiety attacks during
discussions in the public have their own symptoms and such as, increased heartbeat, pupil
dilation, sweating, oxygen uptake intake, upper back muscle spasms and neck stiffness”. Also
have are “verbal symptoms such as, tense and shaking voice” that have been mention by
Mohamad et al, (2009).

Through this study the causes of anxiety attack of public speaking are because people
they a fear to be embarrassment. Kushner, (2004) has claim that “people experiencing speaking
anxiety tend to get confuse easily even in front of crowd”. Their voice become feeble and their
body starts trembling and sweat, blush and feel palpitations also get anxious easily before and
even thinking of giving speech or interact with people. Other cause of this lack of preparation it
can cause the person be nervous and it’s easy to make mistakes. Base of the study a gender can
be a factor to plays a role in anxiety attack during public speaking base on Abdur Rahman
Aleemi & Yamna Hasan, (2018), p 63. conclude that “The fear of public speaking is relatively
more in female students then male students”. Because of their nature that women are shyer that
man. this study also this cover that many people think that people with more feminine traits are
more likely to have anxiety attacks during public speaking compared to people who are more

Lastly this previous study study we can see anxiety attack during public speaking can be
overcome, according to Timothy J. Legg, PhD, CRNP (2016). Assume that there are three steps
to overcome anxiety attacks during public speaking, first in training, students know what content
you want to discuss, the key point of presentation, or make your presentation outline and
rehearse it until it is cold. Then throw the script free. Second is like getting acquainted with the
room before introduction. The student has to smile and make eye contact with any members of
the audience you meet during your presentation. Make the most of any chance to talk with them
for a few moments. Be sure to take a few slow, deep breaths to help you calm down, if

2.1 Respondents of the study
The point of convergence of this study selected Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying
UITM Shah Alam to be the respondents of the survey, preferably the students that come from
different gender, program and age. The proponent had come up with 30 students as respondents
18 from AP230, 3 from AP220, 3 from AP224, 3 from AP229 and 2 from AP225.
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2.2 Instrument of the study
The instrument of these study are mainly questionnaire that operate and addressed the research
question on the information need for “Anxiety attack during public speaking among the students
of FSPU Shah Alam”. The research instruments are also works as designed tool that develop to
achieved the stated objectives and aid to collect the data for the purpose of analysis. The research
instrument is consisted of two parts. Part one of the research instrument, general information,
consists of the item which gathers respondents’ profile such as gender, programs at FSPU and
age. Meanwhile part two made up of study case question that the researcher provided consists of
general perspectives from all the respondents.
Both of these parts require to achieving information and objective of this study. Part one allows
better understanding the respondents background characteristic and help to segmentation the
right respondent needed for the study. In part two, often referred as survey question to identify
characteristic of certain group among the selected variable. Some of the specific question are
about the symptom, cause, frequency or treatment of anxiety attack during public speaking.
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2.3 Data Collection Procedure
35 questionnaires were distributed to the respondents from the various programs at Faculty of
Architecture, Planning and Surveying UITM Shah Alam. The respondents were a student who
are full time students at UITM Shah Alam through media social WhatsApp. The respondents
complete the questionaire not more that 10 minutes by answering it online at Google Form.
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2.4 Data Analysis Method

The study data were analyzed from the questionaire that represent frequency count into
percentages from the Google Form. Its then transferred to suitable tables and charts.

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[Refer to slide # 4 of week 11. Read the ‘yellow” box carefully]
[Please make corrections to other V(s) ]

3.1 Type of anxiety attack experience.

Figure 3.1.1 shows that the pie chart of the knowledgement of respondent towards the anxiety
This respondent is from Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying students in Uitm Shah
Alam. Majorities of the student are experiencing anxiety attack during public speaking as in
82.4%. Moving on, 17.6% are not experiencing an anxiety attack during public speaking.

Figure 3.1.2 shows the bar chart of the type of anxiety attack respondent familiar with.
64.7% respondent only heard that Panic Disorder (uncontrollable feelings by having acute shortness of
breath, chest pain, dizziness and excessive perspiration) as an anxiety attack, 41.2% is Social Anxiety
Disorder (not participate in conversations, contribute to class discussions, or offer their ideas, and may
become isolated. Panic attack symptoms are a common reaction), Phobias (irrational fear or dislike of a
specified thing or group) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) (A person with GAD may become
exhausted by worry and experience headaches, tension or nausea) are the same which is 20.6% and the
other 2.9% percent is others. [Align this ↑]

3.2 Symptoms of anxiety attack during public speaking.

Figure 3.2.1 shows the exclusive disjunction of the symptom anxiety attack during public
Majorities of Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying students in Uitm Shah Alam
student knows that there’s a symptom for anxiety attack during public speaking while there’s 3%
not knowing there’s a symptoms of it.

Figure 3.2.2 shows the bar chart of the symptoms of anxiety attack respondent experienced
during public speaking.
The highest rank symptoms of anxiety attack that the respondent experienced during public
speaking is 64.7% which is Physical Symptom (heart racing and feeling short of breath,
Sweating, tremors and twitches, Headaches, fatigue and insomnia). Second highest is 32.4%
which is Emotional Symptom (Feelings of apprehension or dread, Feeling tense and jumpy,
Restlessness or irritability). Third one will be Cognitive Symptom (anxious thoughts, anxious
predictions, and anxious beliefs) which is 26.5%. The forth will be Behavioural Symptom
(avoidance of feared situations) is 20.6% and the others are 2.6% for others.
3.3 The causes of anxiety attack during public speaking.

Figure 3.3.1 show the pie chart of the percentage of people who recognize the cause of anxiety
attack during public speaking

[Are the “options” ↑similar to the corrected draft of the

questionnaire made previously?]
Figure 3.3.2 show the bar chart of the main cause of anxiety attack during public speaking

Many students in UITM know the course of the anxiety attack during public speaking, because
the high percent of student say yes is a 70.6% (24 people) and only 29.4% (10people ) of student
say no, by this result we can see that a lot of the UITM student have some knowledge about
anxiety attacks during public speaking and they we know that are a few causes of the anxiety
attack during public speaking that have the highest percentage is of cause is “ The size of the
audience” ) got 55.9% (18 people) ,and second highest percentage “A phobia talking to public”
(introvert) got 50% (17 people). The lowest percentage cause of anxiety attack during public
speaking is by 8.8% (3 people) ‘Genetic – someone in the family have a history that have anxiety
attack during public speaking”. The second lowest percentage of cause of having anxiety attack

during public speaking is “Excessive or unresolved stress” that got 29.4% (10 people). However,
this finding the cause of anxiety attack differs from other case studies of Timothy J. Legg, PhD,
CRNP (2019) state that “People that have anxiety attack during public speaking have fear to be
judged, and embarrassed by other people. By this finding we can see the majority student thing
the main cause of anxiety attack during public speaking is “The size of the audience “during
public speaking???

3.4 Level of anxiety attack experienced.

Figure 3.4.1 show the percentage of people experience anxiety attack during public speaking.

To experience anxiety attack during public speaking is an unpleasant experience many

bad memories have being teste by this individual. In this case study percentage of student that
have being experience anxiety attack during public speaking is 82.4% student say “YES” they
have been experience anxiety attack during public speaking, and 17.6 % say “NO”.

[too many basic grammar mistakes]

Figure 3.4.2 show the level of experience of anxiety attack during public speaking

Based on the bar chat above that describe the level of your anxiety during your public speaking
show result that a lot of student describe feeling “somewhat anxious” for the level of anxiety
during your public speaking by get the highest percentage 44.1 %, and the second highest
percentage is 26.5 % in this group of student have “Not very anxious” of level of your anxiety
during your public speaking. Lastly the percentage of student that have not feeling anxious of
anxiety attack during public speaking is very low 2.9 % that can been describe from 30 students
only 1 student that did not experience anxiety attack during public speaking.

[too many basic grammar mistakes]

3.5 The precise moment of experiencing anxiety attack DURING public speaking.

Figure 3.5.1 show the percentage of interrogative construct of a precise moment of experiencing
anxiety attack.

Figure 3.5.2 show the percentage of students know the precise moment they experiencing
the anxiety attack during public speaking.
From the survey that has been done found that in figure 3.5.1 most of the respondent believes
that they encounter anxiety attack during public speaking. 74.3% of them agreed that they had
encounter anxiety attack during public park while 25.7% did not agreed.

Other than that, information from the figure 3.5.2 survey on the exact moment student
experience anxiety attack during public speaking is measured that 1st and 2nd minute of the total
time given is the highest with 74.3% and the lowest is “the morning before presentation” and
“before start the presentation” with 2.9%. Meanwhile, the next 3rd and 4th minute comes with
22.9%, the 5th and 6th minute total time given measured with 8.6%. Lastly the final minute of the
total time given measured with 5.7%.

[too many basic grammar mistakes]

3.6 The frequency anxiety attack happens to the student.

Figure 3.6.1 shows the percentage of the frequently students experience anxiety attack

Figure 3.6.2 shows the pie chart of the frequently student had experience anxiety attack
during public speaking.
Based on the survey figure 3.6.1 shows that the most of the respondent did not frequently
experience anxiety attack with result of 57.1% “No” and 42.9% “Yes”
Other than that, based on the pie chart above shows the most commonly frequent student
had experience anxiety attack during public speaking was Occasionally with 42.9% and
follow by Rarely with 37.1 and lastly the lowest one is Very frequently. The “never” was
not record in this survey with 0.0%.

[too many basic grammar mistakes]

3.7 The Importance of treatment on anxiety attack during public speaking.

Figure 3.7.1 shows the pie chart of on how much student think

Based from the question given towards student on thinking that an anxiety attack can
affect their health, majority of the student answer ‘YES’ as the percentage of it is
62.9%(28 person), while there is 37.1% (7 person) who have answered ‘NO’.

Figure 3.7.2 shows the bar chart of the average of student response if

On the bar chart above showed the percentage of options on what will happen if anxiety
attack during public speaking left untreated. The highest percentage is on 60% (10
person), which is the student will lose all of the confidence to people. While the second
highest percentage is 48.6% (17 person) on which can lead to depression. The third
highest percentage is that it may increase the high blood sugar and heart dieases which is

14.3% (5 person). While the second least percentage is 11.4% (4 person) which is not
able to go to class/work/school and only 8.6% (3 person) answered ‘all of above’.

[too many basic grammar mistakes]

Figure 3.7.3 shows the bar chart of the ratio on how many people

Based from the bar chart above, which is a ratio question on whether an anxiety attack
can affect your life career if it not treated. Majority of the student choose ‘neutral’ as the
percentage of it is 31.4% (11 student). While option on ‘Agreed’ and ‘Strongly Agreed’
have the same percentage which is 28.6% (10 student per each). And 8.6% (3 student)
choose ‘Strongly Disagreed’, while only 2.9% (1 student) choose ‘Disagreed’.

[too many basic grammar mistakes]

3.8 Treatment/solution can be used during anxiety attack.

Figure 3.8.1 Shows on how student think that treatment can help on

Based from the pie chart above, it shows that majority of the students in FSPU, UiTM,
Shah Alam choose ‘YES’ on thinking that treatment can help reducing an anxiety attack
during public speaking which indicates the percentage on 94.3%, while there is 6.7%
choose ‘NO’.

Figure 3.8.2 shows on how many students choose on the most

Based from the pie chart above on what is the effective professional treatment to counter
anxiety attacks during public speaking, majority of the student choose on prepare

thoroughly before public speaking which is the percentage are 48.6%. While the result of
CBT (psychotherapy : ‘talk therapy’) are and the option on all of above are 20% . While
percentage of do belly breath (a deep breathing) are 11.4% which makes the option of
seek for a medical help 0%.

many basic

Figure 3.8.3 shows on how student would feel if the treatment have
done towards anxiety attack during public speaking.

grammar mistakes]

The pie chart above shows the ordinal question on how would student feel if the treatment have
been done towards anxiety attack during public speaking and the highest percentage which is
52.9% choose that they would feel slightly better if the treatment have been done. While 41.2%
student choose that they would feel much better if the treatment have been done and 5.9%
student choose that they will feel neutral if the treatment have been done on anxiety attack during
public speaking.

[too many basic grammar mistakes]


4.1 Conclusion
Anxiety is a normal, but highly subjective, human emotion. While normal anxiety serves a
beneficial and adaptive purpose, anxiety can also become the cause of tremendous suffering for
millions of people. Fear of public speaking is a very common form of social phobia. Individuals
who fear speaking in public may find their career choices limited and avenues for promotion far
away from them, resulting in considerable personal distress, frustration, and depression. When
anxiety is beyond what we would consider adjusting to normal daily difficulties, one may begin
to show overt signs of stress. As for collage student who commonly require to speak in public
either small or large audience, sometimes could not overcome their anxiety problem to speak in
public can cause them severe stress or low self-confident.
This study was carried out to investigate the anxiety experience in the Faculty of Architecture,
Planning and Surveying students in Uitm Shah Alam of public speaking and to provide sufficient
results which prove that this fear is very common among individuals, especially among
university students. Literature was reviewed to shed light on researches that have been conducted
earlier in the same area to validate the study and to build upon what has already been done. To
summarize, the research proves that fear of public speaking is a learned skill and can be
overcome by practicing and rehearsing before presentations or speeches and people who
experience public speaking anxiety can perform as well as those who have a good command over
public speaking.

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[Refer to slides # 6 & # 7 on how to make conclusions +

4.2 Recommendations
Feelings of stress and anxiety are a part of life. Some levels of stress can actually be good for us,
as the right kind of stress encourages us toward change and growth. Beyond preparation,
however, there are strategies that you can use to reduce anxiety and fight the urge to stay home
with a fake illness. To conclude the conclusion above, public speaking tips for students aim to
reduce anxiety that can interfere with giving presentations or speeches in class.

Figure 4.2.1 show the professional treatment to counter anxiety attack during public speaking.

Based on the pie chat shows the recommendation for student to counter anxiety attack during
public speaking.

● Student must prepare thoroughly before public speaking, to ensure that no one
makes any mistakes during public speaking. Great speakers practice their
speeches before head. Practice speak by recording and then watch yourself. If you
are feeling brave, practice in front of a friend or family member and ask for

● Student can get “Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)” or know as talk therapy. If
you are speaking in front of a high school or college class, meet with your teacher
or professor ahead of time and describe your public speaking fears. If you are
speaking in front of a high school or college class, meet with your teacher or
professor ahead of time and describe your public speaking fears.
● Student can do belly breath (a deep breathing), if he feels nervous to prevent
anxiety attacks during public speaking.
● Student can seek for a medical help if the level of anxiety attack that he has is
very serious.

[ What is this ↑]
REFERENCE [Is this APA Format ↓???]

Abdur Rahman Aleemi, (14 March 2018),p 63, Glossophobia: The Fear Of Public Speaking
In Female And Male Students Of University Of Karachi,
Gary Genard, (21/06/2014), Fearless Speaking: Beat Your Anxiety. Build Your Confidence.
Change Your Life.
Timothy J. Legg, PhD, CRNP,(23 November , 2016) , Glossophobia: What It Is and How
to Treat It.
Mahfuzah Binti Rafek , (Mach 2014), p 90-96, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences
123, Gender and Language: Communication Apprehension in Second Language Learning ,
HAZILA KADIR , SHAHAR, (JANUARY 2014), p13-15, investigating anxiety- related
problems in oral presentation among engineering students,
Kimberly Holland, Timothy J. Legg, PhD, PsyD, CRNP, ACRN, CPH, (2018, September
19,). Everything You Need to Know About Anxiety.
Aslin Cuncic, (January 02,2020), 20 Public Speaking tips for Students. Retrieved from


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