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Date on : ________________________ Name : _______________________

Session : ________________________ Program : _______________________

Subject : PRONOUN Teacher : Mr. ___________________

He, Him or His

1. ___ is looking for you
2. Are you looking for ____?
3. She is ___ wife
4. We would like to invite ____
5. Is it ___ shirt?
6. ____ comes here on Saturday
7. Does she like ___?
8. Some people looked at ____ angrily
9. Let ___ go first!
10. ____ is a police in the city
11. ____ address is in Purwakarta
12. ____ is going to Bandung to buy something
13. ____ uniform was washed by ____ wife at home
14. They told ___ the truth
15. ___ cannot speak English fluently
16. I greet ___ in the morning to say hello
17. It’s none of ___ business
18. ____ joined the team two week ago
19. The company terminated ____ one year ago
20. ____ moved to Jakarta with ____ family
21. ___will be right back at the moment
22. Don’t force ___ to do that!
23. She loves ___ very much
24. ____ was 24 on yesterday, today ___ is 25 years old
25. They are taking care ___ patiently
We, Our or Us

1. Let ___ go get something to eat

2. ___ are coming to you now
3. ____ family live at Jl. Veteran No. 17 Purwakarta
4. ____ would like to invite you to attend the meeting
5. He will accompany ___ to go to Jakarta
6. They come at ___ house to help ___ for completing the job
7. Don’t force ___ to give up
8. ___ are students of SMK KIM Bina Cendekia
9. ____ job is preparing about the annual program of the company
10. ___ are very sorry to inform you that the session will be postponed for some days
11. You didn’t inform ___ about the problem
12. ____ need him to fix ____ computers in the office
13. You took ___ food and not remain it for ____ dinner
14. Don’t make ___ to be angry at you
15. Mr Handi is ___ teacher. He teaches ___ English on Tuesday
16. ____ are interested to join at your team
17. You have lied ___ to not telling truly
18. He hurt ____ heart by betraying the commitment
19. They care about ___ patiently, and ___ love them very much
20. ___ will be at home on time
21. He made ___ to be late for reaching at home
22. ___ don’t agree with your opinion
23. Don’t replace ___ formation
24. ___ are standing here to remember one of ___ friend who has passed away
25. Remind ___ when ___ are doing mistake or forget about ___ duty
They, Their or Them
1. ____ are coming here to meet you
2. Let’s go to meet ___ right now
3. ____ life is very happy
4. ____ don’t like us because we betrayed ___
5. ___ will survive with ___ life and we cannot force ___ to move from this place
6. These food are provided for ____
7. ____ were disappear from our sight
8. It is not ____ job to check the machine
9. Get out from ___ house now!
10. Force ______ to get out the room!
11. Let ___ try it first!
12. ____ came late last night
13. He is ____ son
14. It will be making ___ be angry
15. Let’s join with ____ team
16. ____ sleep at 9 pm
17. Don’t be noise, it will wake ____ up
18. Pick ___ up from airport
19. ____ informed us the schedule
20. ___ family will be dropped to the villa
21. It is not ___ favorite food
22. Please call ___ if you need something
23. ____ have three children
24. ____ children are staying and studying in Bandung
25. ____ don’t sleep in ___ room because we ask ___ for moving from this house

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