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First Quiz:

1- The data in the ‫ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬is row and up-to-date data


2- Which of the following is used for reporting and decision oriented?

C. None

3- Typical usage scenarios of DW are enterprise resource planning ,capital budgeting

marketing initiatives, etc
- True
- False

4- The most important asset of any organization is data

- True
- False

5- Typical usage scenarios of DW are purchasing, production distribution, sales, etc.

- True
- False

6- The time-point for performing extraction when a new item is added to a product group
A. Event driven
B. On request
C. Periodical
D. Immediate

7- A data warehouse is a collective data repository built for analytical tasks

- True
- False

8- Data is extracted from the operational environment, then it is loaded into the DW, and
finally it can be cleaned while it is in the DW repository
- True
- False
9- The lifecycle of the data warehouse is same as the classical system development
- True
- False

10- Which of the following contains a separate copy of the data which will be loaded from
ODS to the DW
B. Presentation area
D. Staging area

11- The full form of OLAP is ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

A. Online Analytical Performance
B. Online Analytical Processing
C. None
D. Online Advanced Processing

12- Which of the following are databases that serve daily operations of the enterprise e.g.
production, sales, accounting
A. Operational data stores
B. Staging area
C. Metadata
D. Data marts

13- The data in the ‫ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬is summarized and slightly outdated data

14- The lifecycle of the data warehouse is same as the classical system development
- True
- False

15- When operating a DW the following phases can be identified except

A. Loading
B. Transforming
C. Extraction
D. Programming

16- DW may be centralized or geographically and technologically distributed

- True
- False
17- A data warehouse differs from an operational database in that most data warehouses
have a product orientation and are designed to handle transaction that update the
- True
- False

18- Users of the DW are DSS analysis and they work explorative
- True
- False

19- The full form of OLAP is ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

A. Online Analytical Performance
B. None
C. Online Analytical Processing
D. Online Advanced Processing

20- Typical usage scenarios of ODS are enterprise resource planning .capital budgeting
,marketing initiatives, etc.
- True
- False

21- ‫ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, nonvolatile collection or

data in support of management decisions,
A. None
B. Data Warehousing
C. Text Mining
D. Data Mining

22- Which of the following contains a separate copy of the data which will be loaded from
ODS to the DW
A. Presentation area
B. Staging area

Second Quiz:

1- The multidimensional model offers some advantages in the context of DW, such as:
A. Ease of maintenance
B. Performance
C. Ease of data presentation
D. All of the above

2- The DW persistently stores raw data only

- True
- False
3- In categories of data modeling, the high-level data models are also called
A. logical models
B. triggered models
C. conceptual models
D. physical models

4- In an E-R diagram relationship is represented by

A. ellipse
B. circles
C. diamond shaped box
D. rectangles

5- Data in the DW can be stored according to:

A. All of the above
B. Relational model
C. Multidimensional model
D. None of the above

6- the complexity usually decreases when the number of tier-interfaces increase

- True
- False

7- Which of the following can be used to construct ME/R Model

A. Classification edge
B. All of them
C. Level node
D. Fact node

8- A (n) ‫ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬provides the definition and format of data.

A. Data model

9- An independent data mart is a small warehouse designed for a department and there is
separate ETL for each data mart
- True
- False

10- A (n)‫ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬represents the integrated data requirements of a complete business

A. Object Area Data Model
B. Project Data Model
C. Enterprise Data Model
D. Subject Area Data Model
11- The data staging area should be accessible only to ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
A. Analysts
B. skilled DW professionals
C. Analysts
D. ODS admins

12- The multidimensional model offers some advantages in the context of DW, such as:
A. Performance
B. Ease of data presentation
C. Ease of maintenance
D. All of the above

13- In database management system, the term which is used to represent the real world
concept or object is classified as
A. attribute
B. entity
C. relationship
D. abstraction

14- UML can be tailored to specific domains by using the following mechanisms:
A. Constraints
B. Stereotypes
C. Tagged values
D. All the above

15- Only the skiilled DW professionals can access the data staging area
- True
- False

16- The DW persistently stores raw data only

- True
- False

17- Both operational data store admins and analysts have the authority to access the data
staging area
- True
- False

Third Quiz:

1- The main purpose of the logical design is to develop technical map of rules and
data structures
- True
- False
2- One of the most important objectives of a data warehouse’s logical model is
establishing the granularity for dimensions
- True
- False

3- It is possible to join two cubes even if they have different granularity

- True
- False

4- At the logical level, the basic operations of the multidimensional paradigm could
be all of the following except
A. Aggregation
B. Dimensions join
C. Projection
D. Cube join

5- Both dimensions and cubes are elements of the logical model

- True
- False

6- Which of the following is represent the edges of the classification hierarchies:

A. Granularities dependencies
B. Relational dependencies
C. Functional dependencies
D. Classification dependencies

7- Cubes are entities chosen in the data model regarding some analysis purpose
- True
- False

8- This data model defines how the system should be implemented regardless of the
DBMS. The purpose is to develop technical map of rules and data structures.
A. Conceptual Design
B. Logical Design
C. Physical Design
D. None

9- In term of the lattice of cuboids, the level that contains non-aggregated measures is
known as:
A. An apex cuboid
B. A 1-D cuboid
C. A 0-D cuboid
D. A base cuboid

10- cubes cannot be defined by the same dimensions

- True
- False
11- The main reasons of the modifications for hierarchy and schema are
A. only new requirement
B. Both new requirement and data evolution
C. None new requirement nor data evolution
D. only data evolution

12- In term of OLAP the most important operation is:

A. Projection
B. Aggregation
C. Cube join
D. Selection

Forth Quiz:

1- The best strategy for addressing the change in the employee names is:
A. Add a new Dimension row
B. Add a new Dimension attribute
C. Mini-Dimension
D. Overwrite

2- Tracking CIS School applications is an example of periodic snapshot fact

- True
- False

3- The process for building a dimensional model from a business process is

A. Identifying the dimensions of the business process
B. Identifying the business process and business process type.
C. Identifying the facts of the business processes,
D. All options are correct.

4- An attribute is a business performance measurement

- True
- False

5- The requirement approach from the perspective of Kimball focus on

A. What have we had?
B. What we have?
C. What we want?
D. What will we have?

6- A dimensional data model is optimized for maximum query performance/ease of use

- True
- False
7- Dimensions provide the context for that event
- True
- False

8- Quantifiable numerical values can be considered as a fact even if it's not tied to the
business process
- True
- False

9- Kimball starts with a single project and iterates over the lifecycle until the entire
program or initiative is built.
- True
- False

10- The number of minutes late students arrive to classes each day is considered as
a fact, semi additive
- True
- False


1- When we consider the classification schema of the location dimension, then we have
the following paths
L District L.City L.State L.Country
L.District L.Region
The Smallest element is:
A. L.State
B. L.District
C. L.Country
D. L.Region

2- The most common component of a data warehouse environment is the operational data
- True
- False

3- A (n) ‫ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬describes data entities, relationships, constraints, etc. on high-level

A. None
B. Physical Design
C. Conceptual Design
D. Logical Design
4- Data is captured from the OLTP system and placed on the ‫ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬on a near-real
time basıs.
A. portal
B. data warehouse
C. decision support system
D. dashboard

5- Unlike the Classical SDLC, the first step in the DW SDLC is:
A. Analysis
B. Implementation
C. Design
D. Requirements

6- The time horizon for data in the data warehouse is typically significantly longer than
operational data stores
- True
- False

7- The complexity usually increases when the number of tier-interfaces are increased
- True
- False

8- According to Inmon, a data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated database

designed to support DSS functions where the data is volatile and relevant
- True
- False
9- This data model describes how the system will be implemented using a specific
DBMS system. The purpose is actual implementation of the database.
A. Conceptual Design
B. None
C. Logical Design
D. Physical Design

10- This data model defines how the system should be implemented regardless of the
DBMS. The purpose is to develop technical map of rules and data structures.
A. Logical Design
B. None
C. Physical Design
D. Conceptual Design

11- A star schema contains a central ‫ ـــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬surrounded by several dimension tables

A. Database
B. Data table
C. Data tree
D. Fact table
12- This Data Model defines what the system contains. The purpose is to organize, scope
and define business concepts and rules.
A. Conceptual Design
B. Logical Design
C. Physical Design
D. None

13- Aggregates are used for slowing down queries

- True
- False

14- One objective of the data warehouse environment is to minimize the impact on
operational systems as it is shown in the example of Walmart and Teradata
- True
- False
15- This data model describes how the system will be implemented using a specific
DBMS system. The purpose is actual implementation of the database.
A. Logical Design
B. Physical Design
C. Conceptual Design
D. None

16- Since the requirements are not known from the beginning, DW SDLC is almost the
same of classical SDLC
- True
- False

17- A data warehouse is typically physically separated from transaction processing

- True
- False

18- Users of the DW are DSS analysts and they work in unexplorative ways
- True
- False

19- The essence of the data warehouse concept is a recognition that the characteristics and
usage patterns operational systems used to automate business processes and those of a
DSS are fundamentally similar and symbiotically linked
- True
- False

20- The most important asset of any organization is data

- True
- False
21- Metadata are detailed data that have been aggregated and condensed into a more
useful form.
- True
- False

22- Cubes cannot be defined by the same dimension

- True
- False

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