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concepts, principles, or processes discussed in the text.

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Learning Competency: 1. The learners identify the context in which a text was

a. Hypertext

b. Intertext

2. The learners explain critical reading as a form of


Lesson 4: Intertext and Hypertext

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

a. define the hypertext and intertext;

b. differentiate the difference between hypertext and intertext ; and

c. participates in the recitation willingly and actively.

Intertext refers to the shaping of the text meaning by referencing or calling to

mind other texts as it aims to add meaning to the current text. In intertextuality,
the readers get to understand the piece through parallel plot, characters,
premise, etc with the wealth of the prior knowledge, experience, and research.

Types of Intertextuality
1. Quotation - it is the actual insertion of a text within another
2. Travesty - is a practice of imitation an original text
a) Pastiche - rewriting of some ‘noble’ text as a new text that retains the
fundamental content but presents it in another style in order to ‘debase’ it.
b) Parody - retaining the stylistic properties of the original text while
diverting its subject
3. Copy - it is a performance that aims at being closest possible imitation of a
pre-existent, usually recorded performance
4. Covering it is a rendering a previously recorded song that displays the usual
stylistic configurations of the covering artist.
5. Translation - it is a creation of new text from a text of different language
6. Reply - an answer to the original text
7. Instrumental Cover - Instrumental/allosonic rendering of a previously recorded
song where the main vocal line has been replaced by an instrumental melodic line.
8. Instrumental remix: a remix of the original song from which the leading voice
has simply been removed.

Hypertext is characterized by external links embedded in a text by the writer as it

enables the reader to arrive at the intended interpretation of the author In online
medium, hypertexts are the embedded links; while in print media, these are the
commentaries or footnotes in the margin.

Activity 1 Explain your answer briefly.

In the story of “Tall Story” by Candy Gourlay, it is the story of a British-Filipina

teenager who meets Bernardo, her long-lost half-brother. Bernardo turns out to be eight
feet tall and suffers from gigantism. However, the people from his village believe he is
the legendary giant who has come to save everyone from earthquakes. 

Why is this a good example of intertextuality?

Activity 2 Identify what type of intertextuality is described in each item.

1. It is the actual insertion of a text within another 2. It is a practice of imitation an

original text.

3. A practice of imitation rewriting of some ‘noble’ text as a new text that retains the
fundamental content but presents it in another style in order to ‘debase’ it.

4. A practice of imitation retaining the stylistic properties of the original text while
diverting its subject

5. It is a performance that aims at being closest possible imitation of a pre-existent,

usually recorded performance

6. It is a rendering a previously recorded song that displays the usual stylistic

configurations of the covering artist.

7. It is a creation of new text from a text of different language.

8. It is an answer to the original text.

9. It is an instrumental/allosonic rendering of a previously recorded song where the main

vocal line has been replaced by an instrumental melodic line.

10. A remix of the original song from which the leading voice has simply been removed.

Fill in the blank spaces the details needed to differentiate intertext and hypertext.

Intertext VS Hypertext
1. modeling of a text’s meaning by 1.
another text
2. 2. nonlinear way of showing information
3. 3.
4. aims to add meaning to the current text 4.
5. 5. you create your own meaning out of
the material.

Research about the Philippine eagle via quick Google search. Note down brief
description of the links you will encounter.

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