Step 1: World Sales Analysis

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World Sales Analysis

Description: Our project “World Sales Analysis” is focused on the sales of

different commodities across the world through online and offline mode
of shopping. We will use HDFS, Hive, Hbase and zeppelin to analyse the
data .

Step 1: Firstly, we upload “worldSalesRecord.csv” file to Hadoop with

path hadoop/user/maria_dev.

Step 2: Afterwards, we create hive external table using following

query.Before that making different database for storing tables related to
our project would be crucial .

Query : Create database worldsalesInfo

Now moving ahead to create external table
Order_Id, Region string,Country string, Item_Type string, Sales_channel
string,Customer_Id int,Order_Date date , Ship_Date date, Units_Sold int,
Unit_Price Decimal,Unit_Cost Decimal,Total_Revenue Decimal, Total_Cost
Decimal, Total_Profit Decimal)




LOCATION '/user/maria_dev;

Now database “worldsalesInfo” contains our table

Step3 : Loading a data from file to table is the next step.We use
following query
LOAD DATA INPATH '/User/maria_dev/worldSalesData.csv' overwrite INTO
TABLE worldSalesData_external

Data has been loaded to a table.

Scrolling right
All the records present in csv file are now stored in external hive table

Step 4: We then create internal table as follows

Now my database has internal table too

Step 5: Having done that, we can now proceed further with loading of
new table with the external table as follows

Viewing data from internal table

Scrolling all the way to right and the bottom

Step 6: Now we first create hbase table and then hive table which maps
on that table.

Create hBase table with one column family

Now a table would be created in Hive .

Now, populating table in hive.
Table in hbase has also been populated
Now, viewing results with order id 9

Filtering Online sales

Filtering Offline Sales

From results, it is vivid that Amazon has sold more products through
online mode.

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