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Tomoaki Mori, ∗ Itthisek Nilkhamhang, ∗

Akira Sano ∗

Department of System Design Engineering,
Keio University, Hiyoshi, Yokohama 223-8522, Japan

Abstract: The paper is concerned with a fully adaptive semiactive control which
can deal with uncertainties in both models of MR damper and suspension
mechanism. The proposed approach consists of two adaptive control: One is an
adaptive inverse control for compensating the nonlinear hysteresis dynamics of the
MR damper, which can be realized by identifying a forward model of MR damper
and then calculating the input voltage to MR damper to generate a reference
damping force. It can also be realized directly by updating the inverse model of
MR damper without identification of forward model, which works as an adaptive
inverse controller. The other is an adaptive reference control which gives the desired
damping force to match the seat dynamics to a specified reference dynamics even
in the presence of uncertainties in the suspension system. Validity of the proposed
algorithm is discussed in simulation studies. Copyright 2007

Keywords: Suspension control. Adaptive control. Semi-active control. MR

damper. Vibration isolation.

1. INTRODUCTION damper, however it includes too many nonlinear

model parameters to be identified in a real-time
Magnetorheological (MR) damper is a promising
manner. Alternative modeling is based on the
semi-active device in areas of vibration isolation
LuGre friction model (René and Alvarez, 2002)
for suspension systems and civil structures. The
which was originally developed to describe non-
viscosity of MR fluid is controllable depending
linear friction phenomena (Canudas and Lischin-
on input voltage or current. The MR damper
sky, 1995). It has rather simple structure and the
inherently has hysteresis characteristics in non-
number of model parameters can also be reduced,
linear friction mechanism, and many efforts have
however, it is not adequate for real-time design
been devoted to the modeling of nonlinear be-
of an inverse controller. We have given an MR
havior from static and dynamic points of view
damper model based on the LuGre model and an
(Yang, 2001)(Spencer Jr. and Carlson, 1997).
analytical method for adaptive inverse controller
Static or quasi-static models include no dynam-
(Sakai and Sano, 2003)(Terasawa and Sano, 2004).
ics but can express a nonlinear mapping from
velocity to damping force (Yang, 2001)(Pan and It is desired that the input to MR damper is
Honda, 2000)(Choi and Lee, 1998). It is not determined so that the specified damping force
easy to identify the hysteresis curve by using a is produced to attenuate vibrations of suspension.
small number of model parameters from actual The necessary damping force can be calculated
road suface excitation data. To model the hys- to minimize the LQ or LQG performance when
teresis dynamics explicitly, the Bouc-Wen model the linear dynamic equation is given for the con-
and its variations have also been investigated, in trolled structure. A clipped-optimal control al-
which the input-output relation is expressed by gorithm has also been applied (Dyke and Carl-
a set of nonlinear differential equations (Yang, son, 1996), in which a linear optimal controller
2001)(Spencer Jr. and Carlson, 1997). Hammer- combined with a force feedback loop was designed
stein class of nonlinear model was also inves- to adjust the input voltage. Its modification was
tigated (Song and Miller, 2005). These models also considered (Lai and Liao, 2002)(Zhang and
can simulate the nonlinear behavior of the MR
Adaptive Inverse Controller
x1 x (t ) ≡ x1 (t ) − x0 (t )
Seat M
Seat level
Inverse v (t ) MR f MR (t )
Controller Damper Suspension

MR damper
K Forward fˆMR (t ) − x0 (t )
Model +

θˆM (t ) Adaptive ε M (t )
x0 Law
Road surface
ξ (t ) x1 (t )
+ Adaptive
x1 (t ) − x0 (t )
Fig. 1. Suspension system with MR damper Law
− θ S (t )
f d (t )
Zhang, 2006). These approaches did not use any Reference ϕ S (t ) x1 (t ) − x0 (t )
inversion dynamics of MR damper. By regarding Feedback Vector
ϕ ST (t )θˆS (t ) Controller
the total system including the MR damper and
structure as a nonlinear controlled system, non- Adaptive Reference Feedback Controller
linear control design methods can also be applied,
such as sliding mode control (Lai and Liao, 2002), Fig. 2. Proposed fully adaptive semiactive control scheme
based on forward modeling
adaptive skyhook control (Zuo and Nayfeh, 2004),
gain scheduled control and others.
Adaptive Inverse Controller
The purpose of the paper is to give a new fully x (t ) ≡ x1 (t ) − x0 (t )
adaptive control approach which can deal with f MR (t )
Inverse v (t ) MR
uncertainties in both models of MR damper and Controller Damper Suspension
suspension mechanism. The proposed approach
consists of two adaptive controllers: One is an θˆC (t )
− vˆ(t ) Inverse x0 (t )
adaptive inverse control for compensating the Adaptive
Law Model
nonlinear hysteresis dynamics of the MR damper, ε (t ) +
which can be realized by identifying a forward
model of the MR damper and then calculating κ ξ (t ) x1 (t )
the input voltage to MR damper to generate a Referece
+ Adaptive
x1 (t ) − x0 (t )
reference damping force. It can also be realized Law
− θ S (t )
directly by updating the inverse model of MR f d (t )
damper without identification of forward model, Reference ϕ S (t ) x1 (t ) − x0 (t )
Feedback Vector
which works as an adaptive inverse controller. ϕ ST (t )θˆS (t ) Controller
The other is an adaptive reference control which
gives the desired damping force to match the seat Adaptive Reference Feedback Controller

dynamics to a specified reference dynamics even Fig. 3. Proposed fully adaptive semiactive control scheme
in the presence of uncertainties in the suspension based on inverse modeling
system. Validity of the proposed algorithm is
discussed in simulation studies.
be equal to specified command damping force fd .
2. FULLY ADAPTIVE APPROACH If the adaptive inverse controller is designed so
that the linearization from fd (t) to fMR (t) can
Fig.1 illustrates a suspension system installed be attained, that is, fd (t) = fMR (t), we can
with MR damper between the seat and base (road realize almost active control. For construction of
surface). The dynamic equation is expressed by the inverse controller, the forward model of MR
damper is identified and then the input voltage to
M x¨1 (t) + fMR (ẋ, v) + K(x1 − x0 ) = 0 (1)
MR damper is calculated as shown in Fig.2. Fig.3
x(t) ≡ x1 (t) − x0 (t) (2) gives an alternative scheme in which the inverse
where x(t) is the relative displacement, M is the controller is directly updated without identifica-
mass, K is the spring constant, and fMR (ẋ, v) is tion of MR damper. The adaptive reference feed-
the damping force supplied by the MR damper. back control which can match the seat dynamic
response to a desired reference dynamics even
Fig.2 and Fig.3 show schematic diagrams of the
when the suspension system involves parametric
proposed fully adaptive semiactive control for the
uncertainty in M and K. Since the MR damper
suspension system. The adaptive algorithm con-
is actually a nonlinear semi-active device, it is
sists of two controllers: One is an adaptive inverse
difficult to make it work as an active device, and it
controller which can give required input voltage
needs very fine and complicated tuning of both the
v to MR damper so that the damping force fMR
adaptive inverse controller and adaptive reference
3. ADAPTIVE INVERSE CONTROL To assure the stability of the adaptive identifi-
cation algorithm, we introduce the normalizing
3.1 Forward Modeling of MR Damper  1/2
signal as NM = ρ + ϕ̂TM ϕ̂M , ρ > 0. By
MR damper is a semi-active device in which the dividing the signals and errors by NM as ϕMN =
viscosity of the fluid is controllable by the input ϕM /NM , ϕ̂MN = ϕ̂M /NM and εNM = fˆMRN −
voltage or current. A variety of approaches have fMRN , where fMRN = fMR /NM and fˆMRN =
been taken to modeling of the nonlinear hystere- θ̂ T ϕ̂MN , we can give the adaptive law with a
sis behavior of the MR damper. Compared to variable gain for updating the model parameters
the Bouc-Wen model (Yang, 2001)(Spencer Jr. as
and Carlson, 1997), the LuGre model has sim-
pler structure and smaller number of parameters θ̂M = −Γϕ̂MN εN (9)
needed for expression of its behavior (René and Γ̇M = λ1 ΓM − λ2 ΓM ϕ̂MN ϕ̂TMN ΓM (10)
Alvarez, 2002). We have also modified the LuGre
model so that a necessary input voltage can be an- where λ1 , λ2 and ΓM (0) have to satisfy the fol-
alytically calculated to produce the specified com- lowing constraints: λ1 ≥ 0, 0 ≤ λ2 < 2, ΓM (0) =
mand damping force fd (Sakai and Sano, 2003). ΓTM (0) > 0. For practical implementation, ΓM (t)
is chosen constant. Thus, the physical model pa-
The damping force fMR is expressed by
rameters can be calculated from the relation (5).
fMR = σa z + σ0 zv + σ1 ż + σ2 ẋ + σb ẋv, (3)
3.2 Analytic Form of Inverse Controller
ż = ẋ − a0 |ẋ|z (4)
The role of the adaptive inverse controller shown
where z(t) is an internal state variable (m),
in Fig.3 is to decide the control input voltage v
ẋ(t) velocity of structure attached with MR
to the MR damper so that the actual damping
damper (m/s), σ0 stiffness of z(t) influenced by
force fMR may coincide with the specified com-
v(t) (N/(m·V)), σ1 damping coefficient of z(t)
mand damping force fd , even in the presence of
(N·s/m), σ2 viscous damping coefficient (N·s/m),
uncertainty in the MR damper model. The input
σa stiffness of z(t) (N/m), σb viscous damping
voltage giving fd can be analytically calculated
coefficient influenced by v(t) (N·s/(m·V)), and a0
by taking an inverse model of the proposed math-
constant value (V/N). Substituting (4) into (3),
ematical model of MR damper (5). Actually using
we obtain the nonlinear input-output relation as
the identified model parameters, the input voltage
fMR = σa z + σ0 zv − σ1 a0 |ẋ|z v is given from (3) and (4) as
+ (σ1 + σ2 ) ẋ + σb ẋv = θM ϕM (5) ρ = σ̂0 ẑ + σ̂b ẋ

where θM = (σa , σ0 , σ1 a0 , σ1 + σ2 , σb ) = T ρ for ρ < −δ, δ < ρ
dρ =
(θ1 , θ2 , θ3 , θ4 , θ5 )T , and ϕM = (z, zv, −|ẋ|z, ẋ, δ sgn(ρ) for − δ ≤ ρ ≤ δ
ẋv)T . fd − {σ̂a ẑ − σ1 â0 |x˙1 |ẑ + (σ1 + σ̂2 )x˙1 − Lε}
vc =
Let the identified parameter vector θ̂M be denoted dρ

by θ̂M = (θ̂1 , θ̂2 , θ̂3 , θ̂4 , θ̂5 )T . Since the internal ⎨ 0 for vc ≤ 0
state z of the MR damper model cannot be v= vc for 0 < vc ≤ Vmax (11)

measured, the regressor vector ϕM should be Vmax for Vmax < vc
replaced with its estimate ϕ̂M as
where fd is the specified command damping force,
ϕ̂M = ( ẑ, ẑv, −|ẋ|ẑ, ẋ, ẋv )T (6) which will be given in the next section. v is
assumed to be fixed near ρ = 0.
where the estimate ẑ is given later by using the
updated model parameters. The output of the 3.3 Inverse Modeling of MR Damper
identification model is now described as
In the above, the inverse controller is obtained
fˆMR = θ̂M ϕ̂M . (7) analytically from the estimated parameters of the
forward model of MR damper. However, as ex-
By using the damping force estimation error de- pressed in (11), some adjustable parameters ap-
fined by εM ≡ fˆMR − fMR , and the identified pear in the denominator of the inverse controller
parameter â0 , the estimate ẑ of the internal state and so zero-division should be avoided. Further-
can be calculated as more, it becomes rather complicated to analyze
the stability of the total system given in Fig.5.
ẑ˙ = ẋ − â0 |ẋ|ẑ − LεM , (8) Therefore, as an alternative approach, i.e., we
will give an inverse model of the MR damper di-
where L is an observer gain such that 0 ≤ L ≤ rectly adjusted adaptively. Since the damper force
1/σ̂1max , and the upper bound is decided by the FMR (t) is given as a function of the velocity ẋ(t),
stability of the adaptive observer. input voltage v(t) and internal state z(t) as shown
in (4), its inverse model for the input voltage 0.2

v(t) can be expressed as a function of ẋ(t), z(t) 0.1

Velocity [m/s]
and fMR (t). Hence, we consider an inverse model 0

which is expressed by a linearly parameterized −0.1

polynomial model as: −0.2

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time [s]
v(t) = hi+(m+1)k+1 |ẋ|i |z|j fMR sgn(ẋ) 1.5

Voltage [V]
j=0 i=0 (12) 1

where the inverse model has two inputs of ẋ and 0.5

fMR , and one output of v(t). z is an internal state 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

of the MR damper, which can be calculated as Time [s]

given previously by Fig. 4. Two inputs: voltage and velocity in experiment

x 10
ż(t) = ẋ(t) − a0 |ẋ(t)|z(t) Estimated Value

σ0 (N/m⋅V)
True Value

where a nominal value of a0 is assumed to be 3

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
known via the forward modeling. In simulation, 200

an inverse model with m = 4 and n = 1 will be

σ2 (N ⋅ s/m)
0 4 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
The inverse model is also expressed in a vector 2
x 10

form as

σa (N⋅s/m)

v(t) = θC ϕC (t) (13) 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

where 60
σ (N⋅s/m⋅V)

θC = (h1 , h2 , · · · , h(n+1)(m+1) )T


= (θ1 , θ2 , · · · , θ(n+1)(m+1) )T 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
ϕC (t) = (FMR sgn(ẋ), |ẋ|FMR sgn(ẋ), · · · ,
a (1/m)


|z|FMR sgn(ẋ), |ẋ||z|FMR sgn(ẋ), · · · ,


|ẋ|m |z|n FMR sgn(ẋ))T 0 2 4 6 8 10

Time (s)
12 14 16 18 20

The identified model is now expressed as Fig. 5. Identified forward model parameters
v̂(t) = θ̂C (t)ϕC (t) (14) EXPERIMENTS

where θ̂C (t) = (θ̂1 (t), θ̂2 (t), · · · , θ̂(m+1)(n+1) )T . Experiments for the adaptive identification was
θ̂C (t) is adjusted in an on-line manner so as to made using a small type of MR damper (RD-
minimize the identification error εC (t) defined as 1097-01) provided by Lord Corp. A laser sensor
was placed to measure the displacement x of the
εC (t) = v̂(t) − v(t) (15) piston rod of the MR damper, and a strain sensor
was installed in series with the damper to measure
Similarly the normalizing signal defined by NC = the output force fMR . The signals x, v and fMR
 1/2 were sampled at the rate 1 kHz. The identified
ρ + ϕTC ϕC , ρ > 0 is employed to assure the
stability of the adaptive identification algorithm. forward model has two inputs of velocity ẋ and
By dividing the signals and errors by NC as voltage v and one output fMR . The time profiles
ϕCN = ϕC /NC and εNC = v̂NC − vNC , where of the inputs ẋ and v applied to the MR damper
vNC = v/NC and v̂NC = θ̂C T
ϕCN , we can give the are illustrated in Fig.4. The convergence behavior
adaptive law with a variable gain for updating the of the forward model parameters θ̂M of the MR
model parameters as damper is plotted in Fig.5. The dotted line shows
the least squares parameter estimates obtained by
˙ batch processing, which are listed in Table 1.
θ̂ C = −ΓC ϕCN εCN (16)
Γ̇C = λ1 ΓC − λ2 ΓC ϕCN ϕTCN ΓC (17) To observe the hysteresis characteristics of the
MR damper, a sinusoid displacement with am-
where λ1 , λ2 and ΓC (0) have to satisfy the follow- plitude of 1.5cm is applied for three constant
ing constraints: λ1 ≥ 0, 0 ≤ λ2 < 2, ΓC (0) = voltages 0, 1 and 1.25 V. The measurement results
ΓTC (0) > 0. For practical implementation, ΓC (t) show that the MR damper has the hysteresis be-
is chosen constant. havoir between the velocity ẋ and damper force f
as shown in Fig.6(a), and the hysteresis property
Table 1. Identified model parameters 5. ADAPTIVE REFERENCE FEEDBACK
Parameters LS estimate Initial values
σ0 [N/m· V] 3.95 × 104 2.90 × 104
σ1 [N·s/m] 0.131 - The role of the adaptive reference feedback con-
σ2 [N·s/m] 92.5 8.00 troller is to provide a desired damper force to
σa [N/m] 1.51 × 104 3.50 × 103 the adaptive inverse controller so that the seat
σb [N·s/(m·V)] 24.9 5.00 dynamics can match the reference dynamics. The
a0 [m−1 ] 2.85 × 103 2.00 × 104 desired damper force is decided by the skyhook
approach in a case when the mass and spring
50 Applied voltage 0.00V 50 Applied voltage 0.00V
Applied voltage 1.00V
constants are both unknown. Following the adap-
Applied voltage 1.00V 40
Applied voltage 1.25V
Applied voltage 1.25V 30 tive scheme (Zuo and Nayfeh, 2004), the desired
Damping force [N]

Damping force [N]

10 10 reference dynamics is specified by
0 0

x¨1 + 2ζω x˙1 + ω 2 (x1 − x0 ) = 0

−10 −10
−20 −20 (18)
−30 −30
where ω is natural frequency, and ζ is a damping
−50 −50
−0.015 −0.01 −0.005 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15
Displacement [m] Velocity [m/s]
constant. Then, the control error ξ1 is given by
(a) Measured force-displace- (b) Measured force-velocity
ment hysteresis loop
ξ = x˙1 + (s + 2ζω)−1 ω 2 (x1 − x0 ) (19)
Fig. 6. Measured hysteresis characteristics of MR damper
The adaptive control law is given as
50 Applied voltage 0.00V
50 Applied voltage 0.00V Applied voltage 1.00V
Applied voltage 1.00V
Applied voltage 1.25V 30
Applied voltage 1.25V
f = κξ(t) − ϕS (t)T θ̂S (t) (20)
Damping Force [N]

Damping Force [N]

θS = (K, M )T
−10 −10
−20 −20
−30 −30
−40 −40
ϕS (t) = (x1 − x0 , − (x1 − x0 )T
−0.015 −0.01 −0.005 0 0.005 0.01 0.015
Displacement [m]
−0.1 −0.05 0 0.05
Velocity [m/s]
0.1 0.15 s + 2ζω
(a) Measured force-displace- (b) Measured force-velocity The adjustable parameters θ̂S are updated by
ment hysteresis loop
˙ ˙
Fig. 7. Estimated hysteresis characteristics of MR damper θ̂S (t) = θ̃S (t) = −P ϕS (t)ξ(t) (21)
with always updated parameters obtained by the
proposed adaptive identification method It was shown that the gain κ in (20) can take an
any positive constant (Zuo and Nayfeh, 2004), if
between f and x shown in Fig.6(b). Fig.7(a)(b) the MR damper model is precisely known a priori.
gives the estimated hysteresis behavior obtained However, as in the previous section, when the
by the recursive forward modeling with the adap- forward model is updated in an on-line manner
tive observer. The forward model is very precisely and two adaptive algorithms work together, the
identified by the proposed adaptive scheme. gain κ should take a positive constant larger
than 3/2, on the assumption that the model
The inverse model with ten adjustable parameters parameters σ0 , σ1 and a0 are known. Furthermore,
(m = 4 and n = 1) were also identified using if the inverse modeling is adopted for the adaptive
the data set of the two inputs fMR and ẋ, and inverse controller, the gain should satisfy that
one output v. The convergence behavior of the κ > h(z, ẋ), where h(z, ẋ) is accessible in on-line
ten inverse model parameters are summarized in manner. The proof is omitted here.
Fig.8. Almost all estimated parameters converge
to those obtained by the batch-processing of the

Estimated Value
True Value 100
We consider a suspension system shown in Fig.1,
where the parameters are set as M = 86.4 [kg]


0 100
0.1 200
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Time [s] Time [s]
and K = 7004 [N/m], which are the same as


0 5 10
Time [s]
15 20
0 5 10
Time [s]
15 20 in (Song and Miller, 2005). The parameters of
the MR damper are specified as: σ0 = 4.0 × 104
20 0


0 1000

5 10
Time [s]
15 20

0 5 10
Time [s]
15 20
[N/mV], σ1 = 2.0 × 102 [Ns/m], σ2 = 1.0 × 102
20 5000
[Ns/m], σa = 1.5 × 104 [N/m], σb = 2.5 × 103


0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20

Time [s]

x 10
Time [s]
[Ns/(mV)], a0 = 1.9×102 , which are all unknown.

0 5 10 15 20
0 5 10 15 20
An upper limit of input voltage to the MR damper
is set at 2.5[V], so v(t) takes 0 to 2.5[V]. The
Time [s] Time [s]

base of the dynamic system in Fig.1 is excited

Fig. 8. Convergence behavior of adaptive inverse con- by the road surface, which is given by three ran-
troller parameters to those obtained by the batch-
processing of the LS method (blue broken lines).
dom signal sequences with different power spectra:
scheme has been validated in numerical simula-
1 1
2 2

3 Passive 0.5V 3 Passive 0.5V
Passive 2.0V Passive 2.0V
4 Forward
4 Forward
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12
Maximum Acceleration [m/s ] Maximum Relative Displacement [m]
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1 1
of systems with friction. IEEE Transactions
2 2 on Automatic Control 40, 3, 419–425.


Passive 0.5V
Passive 2.0V
3 Passive 0.5V
Passive 2.0V Choi, S-B and S-K. Lee (1998). A hysteresis model
4 Forward

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
2.5 3 0 0.01 0.02
0.03 0.04
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RMS of Acceleration [m/s ] RMS of Relative Displacement [m]
magnetorheological damper. J. of Sound and
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2 2
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3 Passive 0.5V 3 Passive 0.5V

Passive 2.0V
Forward 4
Passive 2.0V
Forward trol of a suspension systems via a magne-
Inverse Inverse
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 torheological fluid damper. Journal of Vibra-
Maximum Acceleration [m/s2] Maximum Relative Displacement [m]
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(a)Max.accel. (a)Max.displ.
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1 1 Analytical model of a magnetorheological
2 2
damper and its application to the vibration


3 Passive 0.5V 3
control. Proc, IECON 3, 1850–1855.
Passive 0.5V
Passive 2.0V Passive 2.0V
4 Forward 4 Forward
Inverse Inverse
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
RMS of Acceleration [m/s2]
3 3.5 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
RMS of Relative Displacement [m]
0.012 René, J and L. Alvarez (2002). Real time identi-
fication of structures with magnetorheologi-
(a)RMS of accel.. (a)RMS of displ.
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Forward modeling based scheme, and (4) Inverse sion systems. Trans. ASME, J. Vib. Acoust.
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marize the comparison of the maximum and rms Spencer Jr., B.F., S.J. Dyke M.K. Sain and J.D.
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