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Lab Report No 2


Submitted by

Ahsan Riaz (140967)


Submitted to:
Sir Aqib Khan
INTRODUCTION to Hub and Switches
 Basic understanding of software
 We would see difference between switch, Hub and Router
 Communication would be using switches and hub

 Computer
 Packet Tracer (version 5 or higher)

Hubs, switches, and routers are all devices which let you connect one or more computers to other
computers, networked devices, or to other networks. Each has two or more connectors called ports into
which you plug in the cables to make the connection. Varying degrees of magic happen inside the
device, and therein lies the difference. I often see the terms misused so let's clarify what each one really

We also got familiar with how hub and switches work when we connect three or more
computer together.

3.1 Hub
A hub is typically the least expensive, least intelligent, and least complicated of the three. Its job
is very simple: anything that comes in one port is sent out to the others. That's it. Every
computer connected to the hub "sees" everything that every other computer on the hub sees.
The hub itself is blissfully ignorant of the data being transmitted. For years, simple hubs have
been quick and easy ways to connect computers in small networks.

3.2 Switch
A switch does essentially what a hub does but more efficiently. By paying attention to the traffic
that comes across it, it can "learn" where particular addresses are. For example, if it sees traffic
from machine A coming in on port 2, it now knows that machine A is connected to that port and
that traffic to machine A needs to only be sent to that port and not any of the others. The net
result of using a switch over a hub is that most of the network traffic only goes where it needs
to rather than to every port. On busy networks this can make the network significantly faster.
Switch: 2950-24
The Cisco Catalyst 2950-24 is a member of the Cisco Catalyst 2950 series switch family. It is a
standalone, fixed-configuration, managed 10/100 switch providing user connectivity for small- to
mid-sized networks.
It does not support add-in module.

Switch: 2950T-24:
The Cisco Catalyst 2950T-24 is a member of the Catalyst 2950 Series Intelligent Ethernet Switch
family. It is a fixed-configuration, standalone switch that provides wire-speed Fast Ethernet and
Gigabit Ethernet connectivity for mid-sized networks.
It does not support add-in modules.

Switch: 2960-24TT
The Cisco Catalyst 2960-24TT is a member of the Catalyst 2960 Series Intelligent Ethernet
Switch family. It is a fixed-configuration, standalone switch that provides wirespeed Fast
Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet connectivity for mid-sized networks.
It does not support add-in modules.

Switch: Switch –PT

The Switch-PT generic switch provides ten slots, one console port, and one auxiliary port.

Switch: 3560-24PS
The Cisco Catalyst 3560-24PS is a member of the Catalyst 3560 Series Intelligent Ethernet
Switch family. It is a fixed-configuration, standalone switch that provides wirespeed Fast
Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet connectivity for mid-sized networks.
It does not support add-in modules.

3.3 Router
A router is the smartest and most complicated of the bunch. Routers come in all shapes and
sizes from the small four-port broadband routers that are very popular right now to the
large industrial strength devices that drive the internet itself. A simple way to think of a router
is as a computer that can be programmed to understand, possibly manipulate, and route the
data its being asked to handle. For example, broadband routers include the ability to "hide"
computers behind a type of firewall which involves slightly modifying the packets of network
traffic as they traverse the device. All routers include some kind of user interface for configuring
how the router will treat traffic. The really large routers include the equivalent of a full-blown
programming language to describe how they should operate as well as the ability to
communicate with other routers to describe or determine the best way to get network traffic
from point A to point B.
 First of all turn on the pc( personalcomputer).
 Open the cisco packet switcher software from the desktop of the computer.
 When it turns on click on the end device which is place on the bottom left of the
 After this click on pc, slide and place the pc and hereafter place the second pc slightly
near to the first computer and then place third pc..
 Click on all pc’s and change the ip address ( , ,
 Click on hubs and select the generic type hub and place and then connect all pc’s with
hub by using connection type copper straight when connection indicates green it means
it is properly connected .
 Place the message+ which is middle right of the software to any two computers then it
start progressing if bottom window show successful then ok otherwise it has some
problem, then stop run time and click on simulation menu and then click on play option
it will show how message packet transmit and receive between two computers. It will
show when u send message it will convey to all computers rather the selected one.

 Now again place three computers and provide different ip’s to all computers and all
computers connected through switch with copperstraight type connection.
 Click on message option and put it on any of the two computers , then stop run time
and click on simulation and select play option which will show data will transmit
between two computers on which you want to send your message.
 Now connect the switch with hub with copper cross over type connection you will show
the behavior that how switch controls.

From this lab, we observe that there are two method to transmit data either by hub or switch.
Transmitting data using switch is more efficient then using hub. Data will transfer fast and more
advance using switch then hub. Use of switch is more effective way.

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