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Foreword xi
Dusk xiii

Introduction 1

1. Introducing the Dark 7

Redeeming the Dark, 8 ! Defining the Dark, 11
! Dark Medicine, 12

2. Tools of the Trade 15

Our Sensory Equipment, 15 ! Sensory Exercises, 27
! Sense Meditation, 28 ! Hawk Eyes, 29 !

Deer Ears, 30 ! Count the Sounds, 30 ! Blood-

hound, 31 ! Pass the Smell, 32 ! Barefoot Walk, 33
! Tree ID, 34 ! Print ID, 35 ! ‘Technical’ Tools, 35 !

What to Wear, 40

3. Getting Attuned to the Dark 43

Attunement Activities, 44 ! Sit-Spot, 44 ! Circle
Walk, 45 ! Silent Movement Games, 46 ! Fox-
Walking, 47 ! Deer Stalk, 49 ! Deer Stalk 2, 50 !
Poke the Grizzly, 51 ! Slow Race, 53 ! Ring the
Bell, 54 ! Tollkeeper, 56 ! Hunters, 58 ! Predator
and Prey, 58 ! Lantern Stalk, 60 ! Predator, 62
! Fire Stalk, 64 ! Drum Stalk, 66 ! Ghost in the

Graveyard, 68

4. Discovering Nocturnal Creatures 71

Noses, 72 ! About Small Mammals, 73 ! Owls
and Voles, 76 ! About Owls, 77 ! Owl Calling, 80 !
About Bats, 83 ! Bat and Moth, 84 ! Bat Detecting, 86
!About Badgers, 88 ! Badger Watching, 90 ! About
Moths, 92 ! Moth Trapping, 94 ! About Minibeasts,
95 ! Minibeast Safari, 103 ! About Foxes, 105 !
Nocturnal Soundscape, 107 ! More Creature
Facts and Lore, 108 ! Animal Theatre, 117 ! Death
Box, 117

5. Learning the Night Sky 121

Astronomical Perspectives Explained, 122 ! About
the Sun, 124 ! About the Moon, 124 ! Viewing
Party, 127 ! About the Planets, 129 ! About the
Constellations, 131 ! Stargazing, 142 ! Mapping
Constellations, 144

6. Leading Night-time Nature Outings 147

Nightwalk Whats and Wherefores, 149 ! The
Night-Watchers, 151 ! Sample Nightwalks, 154 !
The Night Paddle, 156 ! Seashore Experience and
the Cosmic Dance, 158 ! Dawn Chorus, 162 ! Dawn
Display, 163

7. Campfire Time 165

Setting the Tone, 165 ! Fireside Traditions, 167
! Dawn, 187

Epilogue: Why is it Dark? 191

Acknowledgments 195
Links and Resources 197
Selected Bibliography 198
Index of Activities 199
Index 201

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