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Pakistan Period

Pakistan was born on August 15, 1947, confronted

by seemingly insurmountable problems. Until 1947
the East Pakistan , separated from the west wing by
1600 kilometers of Indian territory,had been heavily
dependent on Hindu management. Many hindu left
for Calcutta after partition.Pakistan had a severe
shortage of trained administrative personel, as most
of members the preindependence Indian civil
Service were Hindus or Shiks who opted to belong
The 21 –point programme of the election
manifesto adopted by the United Front:
To recognize Bangla as one of the State
To abolish without compensation zamindari and
all rent receiving interest in land
To nationalize the jute trade and bring it under
the direct control of the government
To introduce cooperative farming in agriculture
and to develop cottage industries with full
government subsidies
To start salt industry in order to make East
Bengal self sufficient in the supply of salt and to
investigate into the salt bungling during the
Muslim League regime to punish the offenders
To rehabilitate all the poor refugees belonging
to the artisian and technician art
To make the country self sufficient by
mordnizing the method of cultivation and
To introduce free and compulsory primary
education throughout the country
To restructure the entire education system
To repeal all the reactionary laws including
those of the Dhaka and Rajshahi University to
make them autonomous institutions
To curtail the all cost of administration
To take steps to eradicate corruption ,nepotism
and bribery
To repeal all Safety and Preventive Detention
To separate the judiciary from the executive.
To locate the residence of the chief minister of
the United Front at less costly house
To eract a monument in memory of the martyrs
of the language movement
To declarev21 st February as Shaheed Day.
The united front ministry shall on no account
extend the tenure of the legislature
With in three month prepare the environment
of sub election
Cultural Suppression of West Pakistan
 Pakistan is a part of the Indian subcontinent .
 The nations history more or less mirrors the
history of the subcontinent
 The Mughals were the last Muslim rulers of the
Indian subcontinent
 In the 18th Century, when the Mughala were
considerably weak ,the British snatched control
and spread their roots throughout the
 They ruled until a long and arguably historys
biggest freedom struggle unseated them
 They partitioned India and Pakistan into
separate countries
The indo Pakistani war of 1965 over Kashmir also
highlighted the sense of military insecurity among
bemngalies as only an under-strength infantry
division and 15 combat aircraft without tank
support were in east Pakistan.

Language controversy
In 1948 ,Muhammad Ali Jinnah ,Pakistans
first governor general declared in Dhaka
that urdhu is the state language of east
This proved highly controversial
Several students and civilians lost their lives
in a police crackdown on 21 February1952.
In west Pakistan , the movement was seen
as a sectional uprising against Pakistani
national interests and founding idealogy of
The deaths led to bitter feelings among east
Pakistanis,and they were a major factor in
the push for independence.

Discrimination Against Culture

o Pakistan comprised of two
segments:east Pakistan and west
o In 1971, East Pakistan become
o Hindus have always been threaten
and discriminated against in Pakistan
and Bangladesh on religious grounds
o Hindus suffer constant threats to
their lives ,security and property in
Pakistan and Bangladesh.
Discrimination against language and politics

 Although East Pakistan accounted for a slight

majority of the county’s population.
 Political power remained firmly in the hands of
west Pakistanis’ .

Agartala Conspiracy Case

The case was filed in early 1968,and inplicated

Sheikh Mujib and others
The case is officially called State vs. sheikh
Mujibur Rahman and others
The alleged conspiracy was uncovered by the lt
col Shamsul Alam who commnded the east
Pakistan Detachment of the ISI.

Charges against Sheikh Mujib

 The government of Pakistan resolved to
frame charge against 35 concerned political
personalities and high government officials
under civil law.
 sergeant Zahurul haque a sergent of the
Pakistan airforce, killed in jail when he was
under trail
 sergeant Zahurul haque was the 17 th among
the accused.
 According to the government decision the
final date for the case was 6 February 1969.
 A students residential hall of the university
of Dhaka is named Zahurul Haq Hall in his
 The case was ultimately withdrawn in the
face of a massive popular uprising

Uprising in East Pakistan in 1969

Uprising in east Pakistan was a
democratic political movement in East
Pakistan that took place in 1969.
Although the unrest began in 1966 with
the six point movement of Awami
League,it got momentum at the
beginning of 1969 and culminated in
the resignation.
Until 1962 martial law continued and
ayub purged a number of politicians
and civil servants from the government
The new constitution promulgated by
Ayub in march 1962 vested all executive
authority of the republic in the
The 1962 constitution made few
concessions to Bengalis
Throughout the Ayub years East
Pakistan and West Pakistan grew
further apart
Bangalis were also upset that West
Pakistan ,because it was the seat of
government was the major beneficiary
of foreign aid.

The Liberation war was an armed

conflict pitting East Pakistan and
India against West Pakistan :

 The Bangladesh liberation war was

an armed conflict pitting East
Pakistan and India against West
 The war resulted in the secession of
east Pakistan which became the
independent nation of Bangladesh.
 The war broke out on 26 march
1971 as army units directed by
West Pakistan launched a military
operation in east Pakistan against
Bengali civilians students etc.
 India provided economic ,military
and diplomatic support to the
Mukti Bahini revels.

Declaration of independence

After the military crackdown by

the Pakistan army began on the
night of March 25,1971 Sheikh
Mujibur rahman was arrested
and the political leaders
dispersed,mostly fleeing to
neibouring india where they
organized a provisional
government afterwards.
The Provisional Government of
the Peoples Republic of
Bangladesh was formed in
Meherpur .
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was
announced to be the head of
the state.
Tajuddin Ahmed became the
prime minister of the

Governments of Bangladesh

 On10 April 1971, the government of

Bangladesh was formed.
 The Bangladesh government held the powers,
duties and responsibilities of the president.
 The Bangladesh government held a formal
inaugural ceremony at the mango grove of
village baidyanathtala under the meherpur

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