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to Elementary General Music Methods

Name Sydney Zumbahlen

Elementary Technology Lesson Plan Assignment

You have previously explored some technology resources. Now, you will pick your favorite
resource appropriate for elementary-aged students and write an actual lesson plan that could be
used with kids. Please use the template below.

1) Specific age for which your lesson is intended: (which grade K-5?)

 My lesson is intended for first grade level students.

2) Title of tech resource you will use for this lesson and platform you are using (Mac, PC,
iPhone, Android, iPad, etc.)

 I will be using Chrome Music Lab for this lesson.

 PC is the resource I will use for this lesson since most students either have school-
provided computers or have access to one at the school.

3) Specific Concept or Skill your lesson will teach:

 Students will learn how to create a rhythm pattern with the rhythm maker module.
 They will also learn how to find something to compliment or critique about their own
pattern or their partner’s.

4) List at least one state or national standard for the grade level intended that fits the concept or
skill you say you will teach:

 Students will, with limited guidance, generate musical ideas in multiple tonalities (such
as major and minor) and meters (such as duple and triple).
 Students will, with limited guidance, discuss and apply personal, peer, and teacher
feedback to refine personal musical ideas.

5) Learning Objective(s):
The students will use the rhythm maker to create a drum pattern that is confined within
the parameters the teacher assigned.

Now---based on the age of child, your teaching sequence needs to include how you will
introduce students to the technology you are using, what they will do on their own using the
technology, and what the outcome of the lesson will be (Check for understanding, assessment,

Teaching Sequence: (This should be multiple steps with bullet points for clarity)
1. I will make sure all of the students are set up on their computers with the Chrome Music
Lab website already up and ready to go.
2. I will ask them to keep their hands in their laps while I explain the directions.
3. I will pull up the website on my screen and project it so they can follow along with what
I’m doing.
4. I will ask them to click on the module for rhythm.
5. I will check to see that they have all clicked on the right module.
6. I will ask them to place one orange dot on each of the three lines as I demonstrate. (total-
3 orange dots)
7. I will check to see if they did this step correctly.
8. I will then tell them that they can place up to 4 yellow dots and 4 gray triangles wherever
they would like, but only up to 4. (total- 4 yellow dots, 4 gray triangles)
9. I will give them time to create their rhythm.
10. I will then ask them to partner up with one other person who is sitting next to them.
11. I will have the students swap computers and listen to their partner’s composition.
12. I will then ask them to give either one compliment or one critique about how to make the
rhythm better to their partner.
13. I will then ask for 3 volunteers to play their compositions for the class.
14. We will then discuss what is different about the three compositions.
15. I will ask a few students to say what they like about one of the volunteer’s rhythms.

What is one assessment you will use at the end of the lesson to see if students learned what you
taught and wanted them to learn? Be specific. (Will they share a composition with the class?
Will they complete a worksheet about what they learned?

 By having the students play their rhythms for their partners and by having volunteers
demonstrate their rhythms for the class, I will be able to see and hear that they have
followed directions and have created a pattern that is unique and what they chose to do.
 I will also have the students draw the pattern on a piece of paper I give them that has the
three lines on it. They will turn this paper in to me so that I can reference the patterns
later to compare them. I will then create a long drum pattern by compiling all of the
students’ work together to show them what they created together.

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