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Course: MKT-631

Submitted to: Dr. Md Razib Alam

North South University

Submitted by: Afsana Manwar Nawrin

1.Discuss the role that marketing research can play in helping P&G build its various brands.
Ans: Marketing research plays a very important role in building any brand, P&G have always been
known for using marketing research for building and promoting their various brands. P&G also started
their Consumer Relationship Department in 1941 which helped consumers to get with their company
and post their needs and wants from the company, this way marketing research has helped P&G in
improving many of its brands and become one of the leading company in the world.

2. P&G is considering further increasing its market share. Define the management decision
problem. Define an appropriate marketing research problem based on the management
decision problem you have identified. Develop two appropriate research questions, each
with suitable hypotheses.

Ans: P&G already have over 300 brands under its hood catering to over 5 million consumers in 80
countries worldwide. The problem is that P&G tries to meet the requirement of each and every
consumer rather than concentrating on a specific segment. The problem here is that with the increasing
no of consumer so rapidly the company not only has to convince the consumers but also the retailers to
stock their goods because their product line is also getting diluted.

The marketing researching problem is that when the size of consumer is growing it is difficult for P&G to
focus on the target consumer. The consumers have less time and higher expectations from their
preferred brands

RQ1: What problem does our product solve for you?

Hypotheses: P&G offers different kind of products for daily life of their customers.

RQ2: How does P&G fit into your daily work flow?
Hypothese: Consumers buying P&G products according to their daily life need.

3. Formulate an appropriate research design to address the marketing research problem

you have defined.
Ans: Descriptive Research design can be used for the problem that has been identified. Descriptive
research is undertaken to describe answers to questions of who, what, where, when, and how

4.Discuss the role of qualitative research in helping P&G to increase its share of the
toothpaste market.
Qualitative Research is not only concerned with what, where and when it also investigates the why and
how of decision making, it takes into consideration the focus samples for the research rather than going
for a large samples. Qualitative researchers typically rely on the following methods for gathering
information: Participant Observation, Non-participant Observation, Field Notes, Reflexive Journals,
Structured Interview, Semi-structured Interview, Unstructured Interview, and Analysis of documents
and materials. Some distinctive qualitative methods are the use of focus groups and key informant
interviews. The focus group technique involves a moderator facilitating a small group discussion
between selected individuals on a particular topic. This is a particularly popular method in market
research The qualitative research helps in clear decision making through its various methods which
would help the P&G in increasing the market share of the toothpaste market

5. P&G has developed a new toothpaste that provides tooth and gum protection for 24 hours after
each brushing. It would like to determine consumers’ response to this new toothpaste before
introducing it in the marketplace. If a survey is to be conducted to determine consumer
preferences, which survey method should be used and why?

Ans: The product can be put in a test market environment and this could be for helpful in knowing the
consumer preferences, Test marketing is an experiment conducted in a field laboratory (the test market)
comprising of actual stores and real-life buying situations, without the buyers knowing they are
participating in an evaluation exercise. It simulates the eventual marketmix to ascertain consumer
reaction. Depending on the quality and quantity of sales data required for the final decision, test
marketing may last from few weeks to several months.

6. What role can causal research play in helping P&G increase its market share? Write a regression
equation to test a hypothesis that include at least three independent variables.
Ans: Causal research is a type of conclusive research where the major objective is to obtain the evidence
regarding the cause and effect relationships. The causal research is basically used to predict what would
be the effect on a particular cause. For example: Decrease in price would result in increase in sales and
market share. In this way causal research in helpful in increasing the market share.

7. Illustrate the use of the primary type of scales in measuring consumer preferences for toothpaste

Scale Basic Common Marketing Permissible Statistics

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