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Monday 3/1: SRO Ham

● How do you feel about the ACAB movement and how it impacts police officers

encounters with citizens?

● Does the term ACAB or BLM offend you?

● What do you do when working with a minority individual to make sure that implicit

bias isn’t guiding your actions?

● Would you feel that the police officers at the Capitol riots should have had less

restriction in terms of dealing with the riot?

● Do you think that the events at the Capitol will have larger implications to how

certain groups of people conduct themselves and their opinions?

● How do you feel about citizens who have a strong distrust of police officers

based on a negative experience? Do you have a different approach to dealing

with situations like that?

● What do you think your duty is as a police officer to combat systemic racial bias?

● Racial bias aside, what do you think the large impact of civil rights issues is for

police officers?

● How do you think the common term “Male Black” within police officers lingo adds

to issues of racial bias and if so, what do you think they should do to fix that


● Do you think complaints in police departments are actually effective? If not what

do you suggest citizens do to make their points clear?

● Conversation is the best way to combat racial biases, what do you think the

police departments should do to push this conversation to the front of people's

minds and get it started?

● Have you ever found yourself guilty of participating, whether knowingly or

unknowingly, in racial bias during your work?

○ What did you do about it?

● As a very progressive police officer, what have you personally done to work to

combat racial bias in your work?

● Do you think that the increase in undocumented workers actually contributes to

the crime rate, or is it mostly a product of stereotypes and bias?

● Do you think it is the job of police officers to work to change the systems or the

job of higher up people?

Wednesday 3/3: District Attorney Assistant

● Do you see an issue with racial biases in your work in Lewiston?

● Do you have a hard time connecting with citizens in Lewiston who have a harder

time trusting official people?

● Do the formal charges you draft for people have a focus on rehabilitation?

● How do you think laws and statutes put forth for the public to follow influence the

behavior of people?

● How do you feel racial biases impact peoples actions in your field of work?

● What do you think the primary goal of the justice system is versus what it should

● How do you feel about working in a predominantly male dominated field and

does it impact how the people you work with interact with you?

● Do you have any control over plea bargaining and if so how do you feel about it

and the impacts on the criminal justice system?

● How often have you seen a judge alter a sentence with some form of bias

against the defendant?

● Do you feel as though you suffer from implicit biases in your work and if so what

do you do to combat those thoughts?

● What is it like to represent the state, as opposed to a singular person?

Friday 3/5: Correctional Officer

How did you get into the field of corrections? What was your training like or what made

you choose this field or work?

● In your opinion does rehabilitation seem to work? Or is rehabilitation even a

primary goal in your correctional facility?

● How do you go about working with individuals who don’t have an interest in being


● Do you see a lot of behavior control with punishments? (Restriction of privileges

or other things in order to control inmates?)

● In your opinion, which forms of rehabilitation are most effective and why?

● Which gender group do you most often see able to complete the program?

● Which gender group do you most often see in the program?

● Is there a predominant race or ethnicity of incarcerated people present in the

facility you work at?

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