Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of A Moored Buoy System

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Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of a Moored Buoy System

Rick Driscoll Meyer Nahon

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Space and Subsea Robotics Lab
University of Victoria, P.O. Box 3055, Victoria, B.C., Canada V8W 3P6
Tel: (604) 721-6040 Fax: (604) 721-6051
email: rdriscol

Abstract This paper presents a finite element model of a
navigation buoy moored with a synthetic fiber rope. The effects
of cable stiffness, internal damping, gravity and viscous drag as
well as currents and propagating waves are included in this
model. The computer implementation of the model and
associated numerical results are also presented and compared to
field data.


The Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) is developing a

maintenance-free navigation buoy system. This system will
employ a synthetic fiber rope mooring line, or a ropelchain
combination. In order to determine the size of mooring line
and its life expectancy, the CCG requires a better
understanding of the effects of sea state and currents on
different rope, ropekhain mooring combinations. Since there
is a wide variety of possible combinations, an exhaustive Fig. 1. Finite Implementation of Moored Buoy System
experimental study would be prohibitively expensive. The forcing effects of the environment on the buoy system
Therefore, to better understand the dynamic behavior and the are implemented by incorporating propagating waves and
effect of different tethers and sea states, a mathematical currents into the model. Waves are modeled as displacements
model approximating the buoy system's dynamics was and velocities of the water, and are both functions of positron
developed. The mathematical model is a more versatile and and time. Currents are simply modeled as uniform water
inexpensive method of determining the system dynamics for velocities.
various mooring configurations. The model was developed in
conjunction with an experimental study[ 11. The following section develops the equations used to
model the mooring line, buoy, ocean bottom and ocean
The complete moored buoy system is shown environment. Section 3 describes the numerical
diagrammatically in Fig. 1. For mathematical modeling, the implementation of the model into a computer based
system is considered to consist of a buoy, mooring line and simulation. The validation of the simulation is presented in
mooring. The buoy is modeled as a single mass at the upper section 4 and section 5 presents some numerical results
node of the rope, subject to buoyancy, viscous drag obtained from the simulation.
(generated by currents and waves), and gravity. The mooring
line is modeled as a series of discrete rope elements 11. MATHEMATICAL
connected by frictionless revolute joints. Each element
includes internal stiffness and damping. Bending stiffness is Two distinct orthogonal reference frames are employed in
neglected in the model due to the extreme flexibility of the the development of the mathematical model, an inertial
synthetic rope. The rope nodes are modeled as masses subject reference frame and a mooring line body fixed reference
to gravity, buoyancy, and two dimensional current-induced frame the cable. The inertial (global fixed) reference frame
viscous drag. As well, each rope element has an associated ( X , Z) is defined with the origin located at the mean surface,
mass and volume of entrained water. The mooring is modeled above the mooring point, where X is the horizontal direction
as a fixed point in inertial space. defined positive to the right and Z is the vertical direction
defined positive downward, as shown in Fig. 1. The elemental
body-fixed frame (p, q), is defined relative to each rope
element, where p is the direction normal to the rope element
and q is the direction tangent to it.

0-7803-3519-8196 $5.00 0 1996 IEEE 517

A. Rope Model The forces in the cable model are broken down into two
categories, internal and external forces. Forces within the
The rope is a continuous system that exhibits highly non- rope are called internal forces and are due to axial stiffness
linear dynamic characteristics making continuous analytical and internal damping. Forces exerted on the rope by the
modeling difficult. Therefore, it was decided to model the environment are external forces, and consist of the drag,
rope using discrete elements. The position and orientation of weight and buoyancy forces. The equations for internal forces
each rope element is described with respect to an inertial and the drag forces are developed in the elemental body-fixed
reference frame, by two displacements, X i and Zi, and a single frame, while the equations for the weight and buoyancy forces
orientation angle qias shown in Fig. 1. Each rope element is are developed in the body-fixed frame. The equations
considered to be a straight elastic element, subject to forces at modeled in the inertial frame are transformed into the inertial
its end points. This method of modeling allows each rope reference frame for numerical implementation.
element to possess distinct properties, such as buoyancy,
diameter, and stiffness. Hence, different combinations of 1) Internal Forces
moorings such as chains, wire ropes and synthetic ropes can
easily be modeled. To facilitate versatility in the model, three categories of
mooring lines are modeled, synthetic fibre rope, wire rope
\ and chain. The tension-strain relationships for the chain and
wire rope are modeled as linear functions of the strain and
axial stiffness:

T K = KE (3)
where K is the axial stiffness; E is the strain in the rope or
chain; and T" is the tension in the rope or chain due to strain.

Fig. 2. Forces acting at a Rope Node

Consider the i'th rope node shown in Fig. 2. If all forces

are assumed to be acting at the end points, the equation for
Newton's second law expressed in discrete form in the X and
Z directions are:

Fig. 3. Tension-Strain Relation Showing Hysterisis for a Synthetic Fibre

rope cyclically loaded [l]

Modeling of synthetic fibre rope is somewhat more

complex. When a ncw synthetic fibre rope is repeatedly
+ ~ z ~~z;-,
- ~ + zi
+ J
T ~ zi
+ T ~ ~ loaded from zero tension to same maximum tension ,,T,, and
then unloaded, the tension-strain relationship shown in Fig. 3
where 7",and PDziare the net axial stiffness and internal develops [2]. With each cycle, a permanent strain develops in
damping tension at node i respectively; L), is the drag force the rope. As the number of cycles increases, this permanent
exerted on element i; W& is the gravitational force; Bzj is the strain eventually reaches a constant value; after which, any
buoyancy force in the Z direction respectively and Mi is half further strain from loading will be elastic as long as the
of the mass and half of the entrained water of element i and tension remains below TmU.
i-1. Similarly for Dzi.l; W2i.l; of element i-1 and the
variables in the X direction.

Elastic and Plastic Strain of Cable
occurred at any previous time respectively. Second, if the
rope is both plastically and elastically deforming, the sum of
Measured Platk Strain the solid and dashed line in Fig. 4, the tension-strain equation
0.12 is:
C U N Fit
~ Plastic Strain .+ '

01- T = -201.478~5 Bs + 185.18 9 B,~- 74.73Oc3B,

+ 2 0 . 0 B,~ ~+ 0.6122~Bs
E >E (10)
p max + e' max

P node i-1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Tension (Ibs)

Fig. 4. Experimentally Measured and Curve Fit Elastic and Permanent

Stain Behavior of Synthetic Fibre Rope

For the present work, the permanent and elastic strain-

tension relationships for the fibre rope were obtained from the
experimental measurements performed in the companion
study[ 11. The constant permanent strain and the elastic strain
for a range of tensions are shown in Fig. 4. The permanent
strain was measured as the elongation of the unloaded rope,
after it had been cyclically loaded to a specific tension. The
'node it1
elastic strain was measured as the elongation of the rope less
the permanent strain, when loaded at a specific tension. The Fig. 5. Physical Representationof Rope Segments
following equations were obtained by fitting polynomials to
the plastic and elastic tension-strain data respectively: Fig. 5 shows the finite element representation of a rope
section modeling axial stiffness and internal damping. The
T K = 1.194(& - 0.0107)Bs + 2 9 . 7 ( ~ - 0.0107)2 B, (4) force at node i due to the rope stiffness is calculated using (3)
P P or (7) or (9), based on the element type and the conditions
T K = 7 . 6 9 Bs
~~ specified by (8) and (10). The forces at node i due to rope
stiffness, in the inertial frame for the X and Z directions
where, E,, is the plastic strain; is the elastic strain; By is the respectively are:
breaking strength of the synthetic fibre rope; and r' is the
tension in the rope. As implemented, the simulation calculates
the rope element lengths based on the nodal positions. From
that, the total strain is calculated according to:

where 7"x; and r'zi are the forces at node i, due to axial
stiffness, in the X and Z directions respectively. The total
where L is the total length of the rope section; and L,, is the elongation of the rope element is calculated using:
original length of the section. To calculate the tension from
the total strain E, two cases must be considered. First, if the
rope is only deforming elastically, the solid line in Fig. 4, the
tension-strain equation will be: where Xiand Ziare the horizontal and vertical locations of
node i in the inertial frame. It should be noted that, in the
T K = 7 . 6 9 ( ~- E ~ ~ ~ ~ ) B (7) ~ simulation, the tension-strain relations are only used when the
load in the cable is tensile. In cases where the node positions
Ep m a x I E l e pmax +'emax (8) suggest a compressive load, the tension and strain are
automatically taken to be zero.
where is the maximum permanent strain occurring at any
previous time; and is the maximum elastic strain that has Within any stranded rope, there is internal damping as a
result of friction between fibres and due to material damping.

Further, the implementation of internal damping tends to f =05-0.lcos(0 )+O.lsin(O )-0.4cos(28 )
damp out transient vibrations of the system. The discretized P
equation governing the tension developed in the rope due to -0.011sin(20 )
linear internal damping is:


where PD is the tension in the rope resulting from the internal

damping; and CDis the internal damping coefficient of rope.
Again considering Fig. 5 , the force at node i due to the
internal damping of the (i-l)th rope element along its
tangential direction is: Using the above loading functions, the normal and
tangential drag equations are found to accurately match the
drag over all towing conditions presented in the papers
, reviewed [3][4][S].
I1 c\

The normal and tangential drag equations are used to

calculate the drag on elements i-1 and i. Then half of each of
these drag values is applied at node i. The drag forces are
The components of this internal damping tension are then then resolved in the inertial frame and applied to the
resolved in the inertial frame, added to those due to the i-th equations of motion.
rope element, and applied to the equations of motion,
similarly to the stiffness terms. The relative velocity of the water over node i is a function
of the water velocity as well as the velocity of the node i:
2) External Forces

Extensive research as been done in the area of estimating

the drag of cables being towed through water. In the case of
moored lines, the same drag is encountered, due to the water
moving over the rope. Several papers modeling different where Uxi and U , are the velocities of the water at node i in
towing conditions were investigated [3][4][5]. The approach the X and 2 directions respectively.
adopted here was a synthesis of those used in these papers in
order that it be applicable over a wide range of conditions. The equation for the net gravitational and buoyancy for a
The drag force on the rope is broken into two components: rope element in the inertial frame are:
the drag normal to the lay of the rope and the drag tangential
to the lay of the rope. The equations used to calculate the w = p v g B =pswv g (22)
normal and tangential drag on a section of rope are:
where W is the gravitational force on the rope element in the
2 direction; B is the buoyant force of the element in the
negative 2 direction; p is the density of material of the
segment; v is the volume of segment; pSwis the density of sea
water; and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The net
gravitational and Buoyant force is therefore:
where D,, and D, are the drag per unit length of rope in the
normal and tangential directions respectively; C, is the w -B =(l-l/os,)mg (23)
cable's drag coefficient for flow normal to the cable; sgn,, and
sgn, are the functions used to determine the sign of the where qTW is the specific gravity of the segment with respect to
normal and tangential drag; Ai, and fq are the normal and salt water; and m is the mass of the segment.
tangential loading functions; p is the density of the water, V is
the relative velocity of the fluid flow over the rope; and d is Again consider Fig. 5. For each element, half of the
the diameter of the rope. For modeling of ropes with circular element's mass, weight, and buoyancy are located at each of
cross-sections, 4, and f, are only functions of 0, the angle, in the element's node points. The equation for the net
radians, of the rope relative to the fluid flow, and are given gravitational and buoyant force on node i (in the Z direction)
by : is:
W -B =~(l-ll~sw)(mi-l+"i)g

D. Ocean Model
B. Buoy Model
A simple constant mean current profile is used in the
The buoy is modeled as a point mass subject to
model. This is considered adequate for the present purposes,
gravitational, buoyancy, and drag forces. The buoyancy is
especially under the low current conditions experienced
modeled as a function of the submerged depth of the buoy:
during this study[6]. Waves in this model are implemented as
B B = -BZ ( Z 1 - 4) (25) waves traveling in the positive X direction (to the right). The
localized displacements of the water located at (Xi, ZJ are [71:
where Bs is the buoyancy force on the buoy; BZ is the linear
H cosh(k(h - Zi))
buoyancy coefficient, Z, is the total submerged depth of the --- sin(KXi -a)
buoy from mean sea level (node 1); and 5 is the wave height Ti - 2 sinh(kh)
(defined below). When the above equation is combined with
- Zi))
the buoy weight, the equation for the net gravitational and
buoyancy force on the buoy is: ci =-- H2 sinh(k(h
C0S(KXi - a)

where <and 4 are the displacements in the X and Z directions

respectively; H is the significant wave height; k is the wave
where Zlw' is the water line of the buoy, measured from the
number; 0 is the angular frequency of the wave; and t is time.
bottom of the buoy. The drag force on the buoy was modeled
This approximation is accurate as long as the wave length is
as a quadratic function of the velocity of the water relative to
much greater than the wave height. Using this representation,
the buoy. The drag forces on the buoy are: every particle of water can be located, as a function of time,
within the model boundary. The velocity of the water particle
can be determined by evaluating the temporal derivative of
(31) and (32).

where DXe and Dze are the drag on the buoy in the X and Z
directions; C, and C, are the buoy drag coefficients in the X The second order differential equations which represent the
and Z directions; W, and Wz are velocity of the water relative rope elements, buoy and mooring are coded in C++ on a
to the buoy in the X and Z directions; and A, and A, are the Silicon Graphics Indy workstation. The complete finite
area of the buoy normal to the water flow in the X and Z element model consists of n+Z nodes, where n is the number
directions. of rope elements. For each node, except the last, two
differential equation are used to model the dynamics of the
C. Mooring and Ocean Bottom rope in perpendicular directions; therefore, a total of 2(n)
differential equations are needed to model the entire system.
The mooring is implemented as a fixed point in the inertial
reference frame at position (0, h), where h is the depth of the The approach taken to solve the system of equations is
water. Node n+I, the last node in the rope model, was taken from [8]. First, the 2(n) second order equations are
considered to be fixed at this point. rewritten as a set of 4(n) first order equations using
intermediate variables representing the velocities of various
Once a rope node comes into contact with the ocean system components. Once the system of equations is in first
bottom, it must be constrained from dropping further. It was order form, we apply standard numerical integration
therefore necessary to model the bottom of the ocean as a techniques intended for initial value problems with ordinary
boundary condition. To avoid instantaneous changes in the differential equations (ODE'S).
velocity of the node point, when coming into contact with the
ocean floor, the ocean floor was modeled as a stiff spring, The particular integrator chosen is a fourth-fifth order
rather than as a discontinuous constraint: Runge Kutta technique with adaptive step size. [SI. This
method gives accurate solutions for a broad range of
problems, though not necessarily with optimum efficiency.
The adaptive step sizing allows the user to specify the
accuracy to which the solution is desired. An error checking
where FFzi is the force the bottom exerts on node i; K F is the algorithm then ensures that that accuracy is maintained by
stiffness of the ocean floor. reducing the integration step size as needed in intervals where
the solution is quickly changing. Throughout this study, an

accuracy parameter of epsilon of lo-*is used. The CPU time calculated cable behavior under the weak loading conditions
required to run each simulation varies with the particular experienced during the experiment. As well, representative
conditions chosen for the run. Typical run times are one to results for similar conditions from the experimental field
five hours with 40 elements. trials[l] are also shown. Overall, the simulated mean tensions
are almost identical to the measured mean tensions under
IV. VALIDATION similar conditions. The simulated maximum tensions are a
little lower than the measured maximum tensions. This is
The behavior of the moored buoy model was first evaluated likely due to the simplified wave model being used in the
under a series of hypothetical conditions which helped to present study.
ascertain whether the results were qualitatively reasonable.
The model was subjected to a range of different currents from
15 to 150 c d s , all at a significant wave height of 1 m. The
results are shown in Fig. 6. The profile appears odd at first
Case Wave Current Mean Max Min Std. Dev.
glance, but is explained by the positively buoyant rope and
Height Tension Tension Tension Tension
the very weak current condition which is not strong enough to sidmeas sidmeas sidmeas sidmeas
force the rope into a taut configuration. The discontinuity (m) (cds) (Ibs) (Ibs) (lbs) (W
observed toward the top of the rope is due to a mass of 54 kg 1 2 30 152/150 173/200 141/110 11/14
attached to the cable 22 meters below the buoy. This was 2 1 30 136/140 139/180 133/110 2/10
done to keep the rope submerged during the experiment. In all 3 1 15 108/115 110/150 105/110 2/6
cases analyzed, the mass was present. As the current speed is
increased, the rope becomes taut and takes on the more
conventional concave profile which is typical of (negatively v. NUMERICAL
buoyant) wire cable.
The model was subjected to an additional 9 sets of
nope Plollla 1 0 , s manse 01 currents. swn - " conditions intended to represent more severe loading
conditions. These were partitioned into two sets: cases 1 to 5
testing the models sensitivity to a range of current velocities;
and cases 6 to 9 testing the model's sensitivity to a range of
wave heights. These are shown in Table 2.

In cases 1 to 9 it can be seen that the cable tensions are

much more affected by increasing current velocities than by
increasing wave height. This becomes more apparent in Fig. 7
and Fig. 8. The effect of the current on cable tension appears
to be approximately quadratic. Thus, a tripling of the current
speed raises the cable tensions by approximately an order of

Table 2
Summary of Simulated Candirions and Calculated Rope Tensions used in
Numcrical Evdluatim of Buoy System

Min Std. Dev

Tension Tension
Fig. 6 . Cable Profiles for a Range of Currents with a Significant Wave
(lbs) (Ibs)
Height of 1 meter
191 27
Numerical validation of the mathematical model and its 1 100 466 113
computer implementation was then performed using 1 150 1178 235
experimental data obtained during the experimental segment 1 200 2372 257
of this study[l]. The tension in the mooring line, significant 1 300 6513 263
wave height and the current were measured in the experiment. 0.5 IO0 815 565 89
However, a very limited range of sea states was encountered 1 100 466 173
during the experiment, thereby limiting the data available for 2 100 1225 328 320
validation. The model was validated using the three test cases 3 100 213 441
shown in Table 1. All numerical runs were performed for a
wave period of 10 seconds. The tables shows the model-

Fig. 8 presents an interesting behavior in that the mean and
minimum tensions decrease with increasing wave height. This
appears counter-intuitive. However, with increasing wave
A discrete element model of a moored ocean buoy
heights, the profiles of cable tension become increasingly
incorporating wave and current effects was developed in this
asymmetric about the mean, with a marked tendency to spend
paper. The numerical output of the computer implementation
more time at the lower tensions than at the higher ones. Thus,
accurately models the real system over the range of
although peak tensions increase, as expected, the mean
experimental data available. Results indicated the current is
tensions are brought down by the longer dwell times at the
the dominant source of tension in the cable.
low tensions.





S ~ n s l i v i l yof the Mean Tsnsmn With Current

1.5 2
Ssnsitivily of the Minimum Tendon with Current

The computer simulation provides an efficient and cost
effective method of determining the effects of different sea
conditions and mooring configurations on moored ocean
buoys. Future work will include validation of the model over
a broader range of ocean conditions and implementation of

I more efficient code to reduce simulation times. As well, the
model will be extended to three dimensions to fully model the
buoy system.
5 2000

0.5 i 1.5 2
Sensitivity of the Maximum Toneion with Currant

This work was supported financially by the Canadian Coast

Guard. As well, the contribution of K. Klein and C. Monahan
of C-CORE are gratefully acknowledged.
Seneitwityof tho Sianded Deviation of the Tension Wilh Current

[ l ] Klein, K. Monahan, C., Nahon, M. and Driscoll, R., “Investigation of

Fiber Rope Moorings for Canadian Coast Guard Navigation Buoys,” C-
0 I CORE Report 96-C10.
0.5 1 1.5
Current (ds).SWH - 1m
2 2.5 3

[2] Berteaux, H. O., Buoy engineering, Wiley, New York, 1976.

Fig. 7. Variation of Tension with Current (SWH = lm)
[3] Folb, R. Nelligan, J.J., “Hydrodynamic Loading on Armored
Sensniwty of the Mean Tension wRh Signifisant Wave Height
700, I Towcables,”David W. Taylor Navel Ship Research and Development
Center, DTNSRDC-82II 16, 1983.

[4] Casarella, M.J., “Survey of Investigationson the Configuration and

Motion of Cable Systems Under Hydrodynamic Loading, ” Murine
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Technolrigy Society Jr,urnul, Vol., 4 Nrlo.4, 1970, pp. 27-44.
SenoitivRy of tho Minimum Towion with SignificantWavs Height
600 I
[5]Choo, Y., “Hydrodynamic Resistance of Towed Cables,” Journul cfl
Hydronuutics, Vo15, No. 4, 1971, pp. 126-131.

[6] Lueck, R.G., Lu, Y., “Observed Logarithmic Layer in a Tidal Channel,”
School of Earth and Ocean Sciences. 1996.
SensRivity of tho Maximum Tension wnh SignitiomtWave Height
i600( I
[7] Dean, R.G., Dalrymple, R.A., Water Wave Mechanics f o r Engineers und
kientisrs, World Scientific Publishing Co., 1991.

[8] Press, W.H., et al., Numericul Recipes in C, Cambridge University Press,

Senmi~ityof the Standard Deviationof the Tension with SignificantWevs Height

8 5 1 1 5
SWH 0“.U - 2
1 d s

Fig. 8. Variation of Tension with Significant Wave Height (Current = 1 4 s )


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