Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Spirulina SP

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Raihan Ichsan Riswandi

Departement Of Fisheries, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Padjadjaran University, Jatinangor, West Java



Aquaculture, Fish, Spirulina, Color, Feed

Goldfish is one of the ornamental fish that is in great demand because of its shape body and the color it has. Carotenoids are the main
natural component color-forming pigments that provide a fairly good effect on color orange goldfish (Carassius auratus). One source of
carotenoids found in spirulina flour. This study aims to determine the effect giving spirulina flour in the feed to the intensity of the color of
the goldfish. The research design used a completely randomized design (CRD), with five treatments and three replications (addition of 0%
spirulina flour, 0.3%, 0.6%, 0.9%, and 1.2% in artificial feed). This research uses fish Goldfish measuring ± 5 cm reared in an aquarium
measuring 50x40x40 cm3. The parameters in the study include color intensity, pH, temperature and DO. Result research shows the addition
of spirulina flour as much as 1.2 grams gave the best effect on the color intensity of the goldfish (Carassius auratus).

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Goldfish is one of ornamental fish that are in great demand. This fish has a variety of body shapes and has a variety of colors
namelyred, yellow, green, black as well silvery (Bachtiar, 2004). Indicator of beauty in ornamental fish can be seen in the quality of
the color. Color in fish is caused by the presence of chromatophore cells in the skin epidermis. Carotenoids are the main forming
naturalcomponents the color pigment it gives quite good influence on red and orange (Budi, 2001). Carotenoids can be sourced from
food ingredients such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, yellow and so on including green vegetables (Hidayat and Saati, 2006),
whereas carotenoids are in shape commonly used inorganic materials in the manufacture of fish feed is astaksantin. Mirzaee et al.,
(2012) stated, the guppy fish (Poecilia reticulata) which is given that feed contains 50 mg / kg of astaxanthin has more total
carotenoids higher on the skin than guppies given 50 mg / kg of the mixture tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) and carrots (Daucus
carota) and guppy fish which was given 50 mg / kg of red paprika (Capsium annuum). Other sources of carotenoids can also be comes
from spirulina, because spirulina contains phycocyanin, chlorophyll-a and carotene (Vonshak, 1997). Carotene is composed of
xantophyll (37%), β-carotene (28%) and zeaxanthin (17%) (Tongsiri et al., 2010). Research using spirulina as an additive for increase
the intensity of the color has widely used in ornamental fish or shrimp or lobster. Research James (2010), stated that feeding
containing Spirulina is 8% effective in improve color pigmentation on Red Swordtail Fish (Xiphophorus helleri). One of the advantages
of spirulina is more efficient, no use a lot of land for cultivation and also have high productivity. This research aims to determine the
influence giving spirulina flour inside artificial feed to color intensity goldfish.

The research method used using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments, each treatment done 3 times. This
research is a research modification that refers to Agusaputra's research (2014).

P0: Without Spirulina sp (Control)

P1: Spirulina flour sp. 1.5 gr on 100 gr pellet feed.

P2: Provision of Spirulina flour 1.8 gr on 100 gr pellet feed.

P3: Provision of Spirulina sp 2.1 gr on 100 gr pellet feed

The preparations made are prepare an aquarium with a size of 40 x 30 x 20cm3, then the aquarium is cleaned, rinsed with clean
water and dried for 24 hours. After drying, fill the aquarium with water to a height 15 cm with a volume of 24 liters of water and
equipped with aeration installations. Fish used in this research is the Comet Fish (Carassius auratus) aged 1 month as many as 10 tails
per aquarium / test medium. The feed used during the study in the form of artificial feed mixed ornamental fish pellets with
spirulinasp according to treatment. Spirulina sp which is used is in the form of inner flour dry form. Feed used for control does not
containspirulina sp. Spirulina flour sp is added according to the treatment dose. As for the stages of mixing Spirulina sp in this feed
referring to Barus (2014) as follows:

a. Spirulina sp flour with a concentration of 1.5 gr, 1.8 grams, and 2.1 grams mixed with water into one container and stir until evenly

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b. Flour Spirulina sp on each concentration that has been stirred evenly, mixed with 100 gr pellets each, then carried out the purpose
of drying to reduce water content in feed the.

c. The dry feed is ready to be given on comet fish with each the treatment


The calculation result shows all test fish have increased color brightness. More and more Spirulina sp. flour which is added
in the feed, the higher it is increase in brightness of that color generated. Variety analysis indicates, the addition of flour Spirulina sp.
effect on increased black brightness and yellow test fish. Β-carotene content in flour Spirulina sp. can be utilized by fish, seen by a
change the color of the fish, the higher the addition Spirulina sp. flour enhancement the higher the brightness of the fish color. In
general, the fish will absorb carotenoids in the feed directly and use it as a pigmentation material for increase the brightness of the
colors on fish body. Enhancement mechanism the brightness of the color is affected by the cell pigments (chromatophores) located
on epidermal layer (Sally, 1997 and Walin, 2002).

An increase in the brightness of the color occurs due to changes in cells chromatophores, namely changes in morphological
and physiological. Change morphology is the addition of and decreased number of pigment cells chromatophores of organisms,
affected by the amount and composition of the feed contains a source of carotenoids in in feed (Satyani and Sugito, 1997).

While the changes are physiological is the change brought about by activity of the movement of pigment cells
chromatophores. Increased brightness also occurred on test fish whose feed is not plus Spirulina sp. flour, because the presence of
other β-carotenesources derived from fish meal (Satyani et al., 1993 in Gunawan, 2005) .Mechanism of improvement brightness is
affected by pigment cells (chromatophore) which lies in the layer epidermis (Sally, 1997 and Walin, 2002). The feeding plus Spirulina
sp. for 14-28 day resulted in an increase carotenoids in carapace (Liao et al, 1993). The koi fish feed plus Spirulina sp. flour. resulting
in a discoloration on day 14 (Utomo et al., 2006). Carotene forms a yellow color, orange and red, while melanin mainly affects the
formation brown to black. Amount the pigment in the fish body is relatively stable, mainly stored in the outer framework namely
scales or skin. Pigment source good feed is that contains xanthophyll type carotene. According to Liviawaty and Afrianto (2005), with
concentrations of 20-60 mg / kg of feed, xanthophyll capable affect color formation fish body. Feed raw material lots of xanthophyll
is rebon shrimp (prawn flour), seaweed (kelp), and flour petals marigold. Astaksantin and xantasantin are two types of carotene
pigments others who played a role in the formation fish body color. Another advantage of use of the pigment astaxantin and
xantasantin is a helpful process reproduction and enhancing processes metabolism.

In growth observations absolute length does not experience significant differences between treatment. Due to growth
length had no effect color brightness fish with the addition of feed. In addition to the feed that contains source of carotenoids,
another factor being affect the brightness of the fish color is water quality. During the research, water quality parameters in the
range normal , so it's not influence on life and fish growth.

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KONSENTRASI TEPUNG Spirulina sp PADA PAKAN. Universitas PGRI Palembang


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