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Economic Advantages

 Less waste equals lower operating costs and more savings. Eco-friendly business
equipment and practices such as low-wattage or LED lights, use of natural lighting,
water conservation policies, mandatory recycling and hybrid company vehicles save
money on utilities, fuel and office supplies. This generates instant cash flow, almost
immediately offsetting the minimal costs of going green. On a less concrete level, going
green puts a business in a positive light in the eyes of customers, potential investors,
distributors, activists, watchdog groups, communities and prospective employees.
According to studies presented by the Economic Development Association, there is no
economic difference in building a green building, meaning that businesses can invest
the same amount of construction money and reap long-term savings due to lower
energy costs. Going green also saves on taxes, as the U.S. government awards Green
Tax Credits as incentives for businesses.

Read more: The Advantages of Going Green in a Company |

The Advantages of Going Green in a Company

By Daniel Thomas, eHow Contributor

updated: July 9, 2010


Going green saves money as much as it saves the Earth.

Terms such as “eco-friendly” and “going green” are popular buzzwords in the business
world. Going green — transitioning a business to environmentally friendly operations or
production of sustainable, environmentally progressive products — rewards businesses with
positive public reception just as it rewards them with economic benefits. Eco-friendly
businesses also help offset the negative environmental impact industries exerts on the
planet, making the process a win-win situation.

Environmental Advantages
2. Going green is an environmentally responsible choice. The Pew Center for Global
Climate Change says that the “built environment” — primarily businesses — emit 40 percent
of all greenhouse gases in the United States. Most of this comes from energy production
that businesses use to heat, cool and light workplaces. Reducing these energy needs
reduces carbon dioxide output, helping to assuage global warming. As businesses use more
natural resources than individual consumers, recycling business materials and conserving
water contribute to conservation on a larger scale.

Economic Advantages

3. Less waste equals lower operating costs and more savings. Eco-friendly business
equipment and practices such as low-wattage or LED lights, use of natural lighting, water
conservation policies, mandatory recycling and hybrid company vehicles save money on
utilities, fuel and office supplies. This generates instant cash flow, almost immediately
offsetting the minimal costs of going green. On a less concrete level, going green puts a
business in a positive light in the eyes of customers, potential investors, distributors,
activists, watchdog groups, communities and prospective employees. According to studies
presented by the Economic Development Association, there is no economic difference in
building a green building, meaning that businesses can invest the same amount of
construction money and reap long-term savings due to lower energy costs. Going green
also saves on taxes, as the U.S. government awards Green Tax Credits as incentives for


4. Going green is about sustainability; this sustainability translates to sustainable profits in

green sectors with secure futures. In his book, "The Clean Tech Revolution: The Next Big
Investment Opportunity," Ron Pernick writes that key environmental sectors hold the most
future potential for business growth. For instance, the solar power market could grow from
$13.6 billion in 2006 to $69.3 billion in 2016, while the biofuel market could jump from $20.5
billion to $80.9 billion in the same time frame. According to the business advisory firm
LECG, the ethanol industry stands to provide more than 200,000 jobs and add about $46
billion to the gross domestic product of the United States by 2015, while wind power and
biodiesel industries are poised to make similar progress in the creation of “green-collar”
jobs. Other future-safe markets include biomaterials, green buildings, personal
transportation, smart grids, mobile applications and water filtration.

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Read more: The Advantages of Going Green in a Company |

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