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Illustrates the importance of qualitative research across fields

Research in Different Areas of Knowledge

Research studies happen in any field of knowledge:

Anthropology, Business, Communication, Education, Engineering, Law and Nursing.

A. Basic Research Approaches in a Specific Area of Discipline

1. Scientific or Positive Approach

 Deals with empirical data instead of personal views, feelings or attitudes.

 Allows control of variables or factors affecting the study (Laursen 2010).

 Express and records findings quantitatively.

 Presents structured interviews, questionnaires and observational checklists.

2. Naturalistic Approach

 A people-oriented approach focusing on discovering the real concept or meaning behind

people’s lifestyles and social relations.

 Present things qualitatively through verbal language. Using words as unit of analysis.

 Bases determining universal social values to define ethical and unethical that society ought to
know, not only for the benefit of individual and community but also for the satisfaction of man’s quest
for knowledge.” (Sarandakos 2013; Ransome 2013)

Example: Talking to ethnic groups or people with other culture in a natural setting. In this case, the
researcher uses unstructured interviews and the participants’ answer/response is not scripted.

3. Triangulation/ Mixed Method

 Allows a combination or a mixture of research designs, data collection and data analysis

 Enhance the validity and reliability of qualitative research design.

 Enhances accuracy of interpretation.

 Has an opportunity to view every angle of the research from different perspectives.

(3) Main Methods of Data Collection

a. Interactive interviewing- people asked to verbally describe their experiences of phenomenon.

b. Written descriptions by participant- people asked to write descriptions of their experiences of


c. Observation- descriptive observations of verbal and non-verbal behavior.

In the field of Humanities, researchers ought to focus not to man’s social life but instead studies its
meanings, significance and visualizations of man’s experiences in the field of Fine Arts, Literature,
Music, Drama, Dance and other artistically inclined subjects.

Humanistic Categories

1. Literature and Art Criticism

• Focus on language depends on interpretative and reflective thinking.

2. Philosophical Research

• The focus of inquiry is on knowledge and principles of being and on the manner human beings
conduct themselves on Earth.

3. Historical Research

• Investigation centers on events and ideas that took place in man’s life at a period.

Hard Sciences versus Soft Sciences

Quantitative Research Qualitative Research

Hard Sciences Soft Sciences
Studies natural data driven phenomenon. Studies human behavior in a scientific

Objective Subjective
Tests Theory Develops Theory
Numbers Words
Cause and Effect Relationship Knowing meaning & discovery
Statistical Analysis and Generalizations Researcher’s interpretation

Examples: Examples:
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Earth Sociology, Psychology, Political Science,
Science Economics,
Anthropology, History

 Qualitative and Quantitative Research can go together in a research approach.

 There is a symbiotic relationship between these two research methods, in which they reinforce
or strengthen each other.

 Moreover, any form of knowledge, factual or opinionated and any statistical or verbal
expression of this knowledge are deduced from human experience that is subjective. (Hollway 2013;
Letherby 2013)

Activity 1. Given the following Research topics, name the specific subject on each topic and
give the importance on researching such topic in a person’s day to day life. The first one is done
for you.

1. Nutrient Contents of Spices and Herbs

2. Juan dela Cruz: A Filipino Inventor

3. Parents Views About The New Normal Education

4. Body Parts of a Korean Car

5. Bacteria in a Food

6. SHS Learners Study Habits

7. Medicinal Elements of Lemon Leaves

8. History Development of Asian Novels

9. Higa-onon Wedding Rites

10.The Nature of Corona Virus Disease

Topics Subject Importance of the Research

1 Spices and Herbs To know its nutrient content use as medicine


MELC 8 Designs a research project related to daily life

MELC 9 Writes a research title

Designing a research is similar to making a house, car, bag, dress, cake, etc. which needs
appropriate materials and necessary process or steps to follow.
In designing your qualitative research, you have to consider whether the topic you have chosen is
relevant to you as a learner, as constituent in your barangay, and as a citizen of the country.
Therefore, the first question you should answer is, “What is the issue, phenomenon or problem in my
school and community that needs my special attention by conducting a research?
As a design, qualitative research:

Requires researcher’s decision-making like:

a. how to gather

b. from where and whom to collect

c. when to gather

d. for how long?

A research title capsulizes the main thought or idea of the whole research paper. It
also reflects the variables stated in your study.
Guidelines in Choosing a Topic:

 Interest in the subject matter

It may be based on your own experience.

 Availability of information
Make sure that the sources are available.

 Timeliness and relevance of the topic

The topic must be significant to your community.

 Limitations on the subject

There is always a limitation to some topics.

 Personal resources
Try to consider the financial, intellectual and physical capabilities for you to
finish this research
Topics to be Avoided:

 Controversial topics
These topics are based on the researcher’s opinion.

 Highly technical subjects

Too technical topics require expertise.

 Hard-to-investigate subjects
Subjects where reading materials are not available and are not up-to-date.

 Too broad subjects

This will prevent you to concentrate well for having too broad subjects, try to
narrow it down.

 Too narrow subjects

These subjects are so limited or specific that needs thorough reading.

 Vague subjects
Titles beginning with indefinite adjectives such as several, many, some, etc.

Sources of Research Topics

 Mass media communication-press (newspapers, ads, TV, radio, films, etc.)

 Books, internet, peer-reviewed journals, government publications.
 Professional periodical-specialized periodicals
 General periodicals-readers’ digest and magazine
 Previous reading assignment in your other subjects
 Work experience

Steps in Writing an Effective Title

 Delete all unnecessary words and repetitive word; .

 Delete non-essential information and reword.
Before deciding on your topic, ask:

1. What areas are not yet explored that I want to investigate?

2. Is my research useful to my community?

Remember: a research study must be significant enough to make it worth your efforts
as a researcher.

Example of a broad topic narrowed down to specific:

General Concept: Study Habits

Narrow: Study Habits among Senior High School Students

More Examples of broad and specific topics:

Broad Specific
Depression Students depression during COVID 19

Work from Home Work from Home Schedule: It’s

Effects on Teachers’ Performance

Fire Prevention Effectiveness of Information

Dissemination about Fire Prevention in
Urban Areas

Early Pregnancy Prevention of Early Pregnancy among

Senior High School Students

Activity 2. Directions: Narrow down the following research topics:

1. Study Habits of Working Students

2. Preferred Teaching Styles of Students

3. Salary Standardization Law among Government Employees

4. Preferred Teaching Styles of Students

5. Marketing Strategies

Activity 3. The learner will write their personal insights about the lesson using the prompt below on
their journal.
A. The problems, issues, and concerns I encountered are:

a. In school _______________________________________________________

b. at home ________________________________________________________

c. in the community _________________________________________________

B. In formulating a Research Title I must remember that


C. Research is important to us for


MELC 10 Provides justifications/ reasons for conducting the research

MELC 11 States research question

What is a research problem?

The Research Problem (According to Calderon & Gonzales, 1993)

A problem is “any significant, perplexing, and challenging situation, real or artificial, the solution of
which requires reflexive thinking.” In research, it is known as research topic or research title.

The research question states the specific issue or problem that your assignment will focus on. ... In
general, however, a good research question should be: Clear and focused. In other words, the
question should clearly state what the writer needs to do.

Writing a Research Question

1.Specify your specific concern or issue.

2.Decide what you want to know about the specific concern or issue.

3.Turn what you want to know and the specific concern into a question.

4.Ensure that the question is answerable.

5.Check to make sure the question is not too broad or too narrow.

Below is an illustration showing the description between a research topic, research problem, purpose
statement and research question.

The learners will read the following text.

Activity 4. Identify at least three research problems for each and explain why you chose them.
Choose only one topic (A, B or C).

Topic A: Essays or reflections that the you have written from the past classes and other activities
you have taken or a lecture you have attended

Propose Research Title:__________________________________






Topic B: Life Experiences

Propose Research Title : _______________________________ _




Topic C. Issues or problems observed in your surroundings

Propose Research Title: ______________________________


Reasons :




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