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Name: Catherine Grace D.

Estoque Date: March 27, 2020

Course Subject: GE5(5898) Science, Technology and Society


A. Will the actions we take today be enough to forestall the direct impacts of
climate change?

If we will base on the happenings today, I think the actions that we are taking
right now isn’t enough to forestall the direct impacts of climate change. The
population rapidly grow in just a short period of time. The suddenly increasing of
human means increasing of demand in supplies and other things including the
transportation vehicles, the infrastructure, and so on. And now why I am talking
about the rapid growth of population, it is because the population of humans is the
main cause of intimate climate change. Do you believe that climate change is
caused by humans? Well for me yes. When there are a lot of people demanding on
a product of course the factory will produce more in order to reach the demand and
supply chain. The factory alone has toxic materials and gasses that are burned and
release into the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and methane that can surely
add a risk to the air we breathe. The same with the vehicles, the car pollution that
burned fossil fuels in cars releases carbon dioxide. And all of these factors affects
the climate change. The actions that we are doing as an individual is not enough to
prevent or obstruct the climate change because the main problem here is the rapid
population growth that contribute a lot of causes in the climate change.

B. Will taking action make our lives better or safer, or will it only make a
difference to future generations?

It depends on what action we talking about here. If we say that conserving,

planning, and giving importance to the natural resources then there’s no doubt that
these actions will make our lives better and safer. If the humans will have unity and
won’t focus to the power that they wanted to take, I believed that we will make the
world a better place for today and for the future generation. But if humans continued
the selfishness, greediness, and laziness to themselves well maybe it true that the
action we are taking now will only affect a difference to future generations. The result
can’t be seen before the test. So the result of the decisions we are taking right now
can only be seen on the next day. There’s a saying tells that every sun rise is a
hope, so every day is a blessing that we, as an individual can make something to
change and make the world better. Even in just a simple doing. If each one us are
doing what is supposed to be, maybe… just maybe we can take an action and save
the world from our own hands.

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