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—— = Hf 7” French chef Eric Cros shows x students how to prepare lamb VOCABULARY Jobs A CIEE compete the sentences using the words n he box. Watch and check your answers chef dancer journ photographer pilot professor scientist waiter 1A takes pictures with a camera. 5 A ‘creates meals for a restaurant. 2A writes for a newspaper. 6A performs on a stage. 3 A___gives lectures at a university. 7 A___does experiments, 4A fies airplanes. BA serves food and din B Write each job from A under one of the headings below. Edueation and Ser fod oc fete © Work with a partner. Think of and add one more job for each heading. ‘Another job in Education and Research is teacher. Goad one, How about News and Media? LISTENING Interview with a TV presenter Listoning selectively ‘You may not understand every word when people speak. Listen selectively and focus on the key information you need. A [SEE] Richard Lenton is a journalist and TV presenter. Watch and check [/] the topics he talks about D the best things about his job 1 his future hopes 1D the challenges in his job CO his free time B CIEE] Wateh again. circle the correct words. 1 Lenton usually presents (soccer /tennis) shows, 2 Lenton (kes /doesn't lke) presenting ive TV shows 3. Presenting on the World Cup was challenging because of (his studio guests /the hours). 4 Lenton usually plays soccer (once /twice) a woek. Richard Lenton (right) interviews David Beckham, © CRITICAL THINKING Personalizing Discuss with a partner. Do you think you would be a good TV presenter? Why or why not? SPEAKING Talking about jobs [A [IER Does spoakor B ike his new job? So, how do you ke boing a barista? Oh, fs great! fantastic / excelent Yeah? What co you do every day? B: Well, you know, | make coffee and serve it to customers, Is ithard work? difficult / tough B: Sometimes. The hours aren't great, but I don't mind. The pay isn't / The boss isn't A: Isn'tit boring? B: No, its really fun. I meet a lot of cool people. interesting / enjoyable B Practice the conversation with a partner. Practice again using the words on the right. © Imagine you have a new job. Choose one from this lesson or think of your own. Work with a partner. Ask each other about your jobs. I'm a chet at China Bistro. Great! How do you like it? What job would you like? LANGUAGE FOCUS Read the information. Is the information surprising? TOP 10 OER Re a nears dream job. For most people, Pee en Peg Suey ee Pe ou ery Re ee Two people are talking about their jobs, Watch and complete the sent: ‘The woman works as a(n) ‘She doesn't like the She'd like to be a(n) JERA Watch and study the language in the chart. Asking about and describing jobs Yes, | do 0 you have a job? Eeycls lob No, I don’t. I'm a student, ma manager. Whstsbiyouria | work in marketing, It's (realy) fun, What's your jab like? its (prety easy. ‘What do you lke about your job? The pay is great, ‘What con't you like about your job? | don’t lke the hours. They're terrible, What (kind of job would you like to have (someday)? I'd like to be a charity worker. ‘more formation on tke v3. woul ike, see Grammar Summar 36 D Match each question to the best response. 1 Do you havea job? ° © It's pretty easy. 2 What do you do? ° © Yes, Ido. 3 What's your job like? ° ‘© I'ma fashion designer. 4 What don't you like about your job? ° © Td love to write for a magazine. 5 What job would you like to have someday? © (© My boss isn’t great. E [EE] Complete the information. Circle the correct words. Listen and check your answers. Many people "(do/ would) like to work as a pilot one day. According to one survey, in the U.K,, it’s the number one dream job. But what's the job really “(like /love}? A good point is you can travel to.lot of interesting places—for free. The pay is ‘like/ pretty) good, too. So what don’t pilots like for/about) their job? The hours “are /is) not great—they're often away from home and spend lot of time in hotels. Pilots often ‘(work / works) Sime uacy ‘on holidays, too, as those are the busiest days Teeter tet ces for fying. ’ SPEAKING A future job ‘A Think of two possible jobs you'd like to have someday. Use jobs from the chart on page 36 or your own ideas. Write your ideas below. ‘Ajob I'd lke to have Why | want it B Work in a group. Share your ideas. I'd love to be a chet, ‘Why is that? Because | Jove to cook and | like working in a team. 37 38 Meee et nad the American Ballet Theater ‘ f rN a dream PRE-READING Look at the lesson title, photo, and caption. What do you think the passage is mainly about? why itis important to start ballet training early jes someone had before she became a dance the reason more boys are becoming interested in ballet Read the passage. Check your prediction. 1 athletic young woman turn and leaps. In the and spi ckground, a young git reads a rejection’ letter trom a ballet schoo! *You have the wrong body for ballet,” it says, “and at thirteen, you are too old." This was one of the most popular advertisements of 2014, and features ‘American Ballet Theater principaP dancer Misty Copeland. This was not a real letter. Bul Copeland says it is very similar to letters from her childhood, White many dancers start at the age of 3, Copeland only began to study ballet as a 13-year-old, People often told her that she was too old, or that she didn’t have the perfect body type (she is only 157 om +5 tall, Her family moved a lot, and it was sometimes a struggle to attend ballet cla rejection: 1 es, But Copeland loved dancing and did not want to quit. She stayed with her ballet weekdays and spent time with her family only on. weekends, This was a difficult routine, but she worked hard and at age 14 won her first competition. Copeland joined the American Ballet Theater in 2000 and performed in many balle over the next few years. In 2007, she becam 25 a solo! performer, and in 2015, she b principal dancer Copeland is now a dancer, author, and Broadway performer. She also stars in the 2015 movie A Ballerina’s Tale. So what's next? According to Copeland, anything is possible, "My career really is ust now beginning, acher on ecame its 2 competition: n. an event to ind o matting UNDERSTANDING SEQUENCE Complete the timeline with information about Misty Copeland, ‘wins a national becomes a isbom or the frst time performer =a 3 starts to earn becomes a becomes the ballet as a member of the principal dancer ' American Ballet and stars in a -year-old Theater 5 UNDERSTANDING DETAILS Check [¥] the challenges below that are mentioned in the reading. CD Many people told Copeland she was too old to start ballet. 1 Copeland's family did not have enough money to pay for ballet classes. 1 Many people said Copeland had the wrong body type to be @ ballerina, 1 Copeland's family moved often, soit was dificult to go to ballet classes, Copeland dic not have enough time to do her schoolwork. Copeland had to spend a lot of time away from her family. BUILDING VOCABULARY A Match the words in blue from the passage to their definitions. 1 perfect © © good in every way 2 struggle o © the things you usually do 2 routine © (© something that is very dificult to do Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 1 Ifyou quit something, you doing it. a start b stop 2 An example of a career is working a ina part-time summer job b asa ful-time business manager 3 Ifyou spend time with your fiends, you a do things together 'b buy things for them, © CRITICAL THINKING Evaluating Which of Misty Copetand’s struggles do you think was the biggest challenge? Discuss with a partner. 39 E2] The joy of surfing in ice-cold water CHRIS BURKARD is a surf photographer, but you won't find him working on a warm exotic island. Instead, he profers the Arctic, with its rough seas and freezing temperatures. His idea worth spreading is. that anything worth pursuing is likely to involve a struggle, but the joy that results far outweighs the suffering, PREVIEWING Read the paragraph above. Match each bold word to its meaning. You will hear these words in the TED Talk. 1 very cold 3 unusual or different: 2 not calm: 4 fooling of pain: VIEWING A [ERE Watch Part 1 of the TED Talk and answer the questions. 1. Whote is Burkard in the photo? a Canada b Iceland §=—& Norway 2 How does he describe the water? a beautiful b freezing ¢ rough B [JERE] Watch Part 2 of the TED Talk, Order tho events in Burkard’s life from 1 to 4 He begins to work in eold places, He begins to workin warm places. He becomes bored with his job, He leame that sometimes achioving our dreams involves a stugge. © CRITICAL THINKING Personalizing Work with a partner. Discuss answers to these questions. 1. Why does Burkard like his job? 2 Would you lke to be a surf photographer? Why or why not? VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT { [S ERE. Wateh the excerpts from the TED Talk. Choose the correct meaning of the words. PRESENTATION SKILLS Th the audier ‘At the end of a presentation, many speakers will thank their audience. It's polite, and it also lets the audience know that you've finished, \ ESEKEE] Watch the excerpt. Write the phrase Burkard uses to thank the audience. [SXERE] Watch two excerpts from the TED Talks from Units 1 and 2. Check [/] how the speakers thank ‘their audience. eS a Sloopy Man Banjo Boys Jessi Arrington Work in a group. Think of other ways to thank the audience. 44 Why would anyone ever want to surf in freezing cold water? 97 Eq Job descriptions COMMUNICATE What's my job? |A_ Look at the jobs in the box. Chack any you don’t know in your dictionary. airptane pilot café barista dog trainer graphic artist movie actor photojournalist professional athlete songwriter surfing instructor TW chet University professor video game designer B [JERE Listen to five sentences describing one of the jobs above. After each ‘sentence, try to guess which job it is. © Student A: tum to page 141. Student B: turn to page 144. Read the sentences and ‘guess your partner's job. OK, number one; | usually work inside ... ‘Are you a barista? D_Now choose another job from this unit. Write five sentences to describe the job. Work in groups of 3 or 4. Take turns reading your job descriptions. Your group ‘members must try to guess the job you are describing. Asking for clarification Gan you repeat that, please? Sorry, what ali you say? Can you say that again? WRITING Describing a dream job Imagine you have your dream job. Write about what you do, and why you like it. | work as a dog trainer. | teach dogs to behave well and follow instructions. t's fun but s challenging. | enjoy it because | love animals and | enjoy meeting new people, too. ‘ Presentation 1 MODEL PRESENTATION ‘A Complete the transcript of the presentation using the words in the box. tell work favorite much people goes works name “Hi, My! 's Paula, 'd ike to? youa bit about my brother, Zak. He's 21 and he's a university student, He also ® parttime as a barista. The pay isn't great and he says it's hard # but he really enjoys it. He also really oves fashion and shopping for clothes. He® shopping every weekend and his © ___ shop is Uniqlo, He nas an interesting hobby, too He's an actor for a local theater group. He really loves acting—he says i's fun and he meets a lot of? (One day, he'd like to write his own plays. OK, 80 that's my brother Zak! Thank you so® for istening.” B [IER Watch the presentation and check your answers. © [IGRI Review the list of presentation skills from Units 1-3 below. Which does the speaker use? Check |¥] each skill used as you watch again. ‘The speaker * introduces herself O miles i * stands up straight Oo ‘© makes eye contact i ‘= thanks the audience OD D Look at the notes Paula made before her presentation. Did she forget to say anything? + Introduction: my name / topic + Zak: 21/ student / studies Art + His job: barista / pay / hard work / enjoy + Likes: fashion / shopping every weekend / Uniqlo + Hobby: actor / theater group / fun / meets people + Dreams: write own play / star in a movie + End: thank audience YOUR TURN A. You are going to pian and give a short presentation to a partner introducing someone you know. Use Paula's notes above for ideas and include any other information. Make notes on a card or a small piece of paper. B Look at the usoful phrases in the box below. Think about which ones you will need in your presentation. Useful phrases Introducing yourself: (iformally) ’m/My name's (Formally) I want/I’ like to introduce myselt. I'm / My name's... Introducing your topic: I'd ke fo (tell youtak to you) about Describing likes/favorites: He/She really ikes/loves / enjoys His/hor favorite __is Describing routines: He/She __every week / twice a month Describing hopes: (One day, (he'd/she'd) ke to End Thank you so much (for stening). Thanks for listening. © Work with a partner. Take tums giving your presentation using your notes. Use some of the presentation skills from units 1-3. As you listen, check |v] each skill your partner uses. The speaker ... * introduces himself/herself [] makes eye contact o * smiles 1 thanks the audience [ ands up straight i D Give your partner some feedback on their talk. Include two things you liked, and one ‘hing he or she can improve. Well done! You introduced yourself, and you smiled a lot. But you didn't make eye contact enough.

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