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Running head: ROADNET TRAINING 1

Roadnet Training


Institutional Affiliations

Roadnet Training

Training is in various scenarios assumed by many organizations since it occupies the

grass-root priority of issues in a company to do things. In the evolving corporate society, training

and development are two critical components that are unavoidable. A properly trained human

resource can compete and contribute to the innovative ideas that form the foundation of

surviving in the future of the corporate sector. Equally, training sessions help boost performance,

sharpen the skills, develop new skills, and increase human resource productivity. To fulfill this

extremely critical organization process, it is essential to utilize a training infrastructure that fits

every training process idea. ADDIE is an approach that has been part of organizational training

in many organizations. The acronym represents the five training processes, namely analysis,

design, development, implementation, and evaluation (Bamrara & Chauhan, 2018). In the

process, each training element has its critical role that reflects on the subsequent procedure. This

leads to a mutual training procedure that is challenging to achieve without successfully

undertaking each process accordingly. Generally, ADDIE as a training program provides a better

and practical training design that easily achieves expected training outcomes. This paper aims to

apply ADDIE to help train users of the UPS routing software in the United States. This software

is standard in many organizations, with its primary purpose of managing outbound trucks

assignment trailers. Roadnet takes its order from the warehouse administration system and then

gives planning to the router.

Analysis Phase

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Roadnet operates in the transportation sector. Therefore, its operations within the supply

chain are controlled by the transport regulations created by the internal organization

administration and the transport sector. Logistic knowledge is among the issues in the case of

Roadnet that determines whether there is a knowledge gap within the software platform users

and lays down the background of commencing training. Any trainee that is linked to the

warehouse management has diverse needs, including the ability to understand the right load

required to be transported by certain types of trailers and the ability to navigate the Warehouse

management system such as AS 400 and how trailers are loaded. According to regulations, a 53

feet trailer is recommended to carry 26 pallets while a 48 feet trailer holds 23 pallets. Equally, an

enclosed cargo trailer is recommended to carry 60% of the cargo weight in the entire trailer’s

front half. A more massive load should occupy the front part of the trailer, with the lighter load

following at the back. Tightening and close packing of the load should also be observed to

minimize the risk of falling during the journey or affecting the vehicle driving capability.

Exceeding this amount of and going against the accepted technique of loading approach means

that the warehouse management record users have a deficiency of knowledge that demands

immediate intervention.

According to the survey, most users know about utilizing the warehouse management

system but considering the delegation of duties according to specialty, most individuals only

comprehend their role. The loading department is different from the weighing department, and

their roles are only mutual based on fulfilling the loading objective. This illustrates the need to

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create uniformity and diversity of knowledge with minimal specialization of roles in the


Apart from the loading regulations and requirements, other elements are associated with

offloading and loading a trailer. There are two critical components in the loading and offloading

section: the machinery used to offload the truck and the security provided to stored goods in

warehouses. Roll-up doors are used to minimize burglary’s risk and ease the work of opening

and closing the doors. An automated system is installed to manage the opening and closing

system. Significantly a trailer’s offloading and loading is done by lift gates, which safely

removes the road and minimizes any chance of damaging the truck during the process. The

regulations in the organization demand using lift gates to offload trailers. This is regardless of

their size or shape of the load. A policy is incorporated under the offloading and loading

regulations that are part of the warehouse management data. Generally, the system users require

training and reminder at all times to ensure they are permanently hooked to the idea and need to

protect organizational resources and its approach towards using the pieces of equipment.

The training program is an essential component that has overall value to the routers,

supervisors, transportation, dispatchers, and logistic managers who work together to fulfill the

supply chain demand. A supply chain process requires a collaborative effort between all the

stakeholders. A strong bond is required to ensure success in each supply chain stakeholder’s

objectives and the organization. Training the employees will help the supply chain, but it may

serve as the best way to track the proper equipment usage and track the cost of operations.

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Arguably, each stakeholder’s proper training will ensure competency and mutual relationship

between all the parties leading to a long-term benefit.

Generally, in any given transportation network, being competent and closely intertwined

with the customers is a good sign of future business and the possibility of success. Roadnet

software improves the organization’s ability to use the shortest delivery route possible, but it

improves the customer-centered approach of managing its delivery. Under these circumstances,

the need to know mile calculation and its expenditure are critical. The trainees will know to

communicate to the warehouse about the schedule and ensure each delivery is given a loading

position that meets its time demand. This knowledge is essential since it lowers overspending

and helps the organization meet its consumer demands of timely delivery.

Design Phase

Roadnet is new software in the logistics sector, and therefore the availability of training

modules is at its preliminary. Equally, not every trainee is equipped with computer knowledge,

which is critical in navigating through the software’s different features. However, despite these

challenges, there is a great possibility and potential for every trainer to comprehend the

software’s requirements in every usage scenario. Basic computer knowledge will be among the

requirements and emphasis of the training. Computer skills serve to help the trainees understand

what to do after training with ease and under limited supervision. Concise training will be the

main focus of approaching the training.

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The training will hit the program’s main specifications and precisely the expected

outcome at each transportation journey. Different flags are included in the software to help the

trainee understand their delivery position and if it fits the needs of the customer and the

organization. Each flag will have meaning depending on its color and interpretation. Generally,

each flag’s meaning reflects a negative issue committed from the supply chain’s pinnacle to the

delivery process. Flags will not be acceptable since every flag will negatively impact the

organization and the driver. A Yellow flag will symbolize that the trailer’s size is wrong and not

according to the customer. Secondly, a red flag will symbolize the cargo’s late delivery, which is

acceptable since it may affect profit maximization and the brand. Finally, a blue flag will

indicate that the customer has acquired their delivery out of the average delivery days. Therefore,

a warehouse permit should accompany the cargo to prevent any dishonest practices.


While it may be unavoidable in various circumstances to prevent flags from customers, a

campaign on efficiency will be part of the program. A competence model will help comprehend

each trainee’s skills and devise the best approach to improve individual trainee weaknesses and

strengths. Equally, the trainees will have a well laid out catalog of outcomes in each wrong or

positive performance during their company duties.

A trainer will be given the actual data about the cost of delivering to consumers and why it is

imperative to be competent. This is among the vital phases of the training that will emphasize

and define the repercussions of failing to achieve the desired outcome in delivery. According to

the organization reward and payment ethics, a driver is only paid through performance, which

originates from the mileage and stops covered. The cost of taking a load on a single mile is

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$2.50, which includes gas and other expenses during the journey. However, if malfunctions and

other limitations affect the journey, a delay may be communicated to ensure all the operations

and necessary stakeholders are informed to adjust their schedule. A trainee will have limited time

at each stop and, if possible, ensure the economy of time to meet the deadline in the required


Development Phase

The training will involve an electronic approach to deliver the information efficiently and

provide room to retrieve the lessons for future revision. Electronic training will also be cost-

efficient, easy to update and reach a bigger audience. Simulations have been perceived as the

best tools to turn around behavior and enforce an understanding of complex concepts. Video

simulations are the best tool to explain the concept of the software to the trainees. A video

tutorial will be provided to the trainees during training to watch. The videos will be interactive

modules, which are small web applications that offer ecology for the trainees to interact with the

learning activity. However, due to the differences in specialty and work form, the videos will

have a customization capability and uploaded to the organization intranet.

Electronic training as a supportive form of helping the trainees effectively supports the

training’s objective and helps diversify training and enhance the knowledge sphere within the

organization. For instance, electronic simulations can offer long-term impact and easy to

transform into advanced training approaches that fit the dynamics of acceptable practices within

the organization. Apart from this advantage, the entire approach and visual figures utilized in

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electronic training can beckon and impact the user. This leads to ease of understanding and

memory of concepts that may theoretically seem impossible to understand.

Generally, in contrast with physical training, video training has a cost-effective level that

may ease the cost of training and future training procedures. Depending on the training, the

foundation of training, and video improvement, new ideas may brainstorm, leading to

improvements in the software and training approach. A collaborative effort between the trainees

and the trainer can foster new ideas during and after training to improve the program’s

infrastructure and ease their work during the interaction and daily duties. Equally, a class

teaching will be created to accompany the video resource and help slow learners grasp the

concept quickly.

Implementation Stage

The implementation stage will involve providing the training materials and offering class

centered teaching. The entire process will follow a program to help set objectives and, at the

same time, move with the organizational demands that require the training completed as soon as



Training is of great importance and success if the results are provided at the end. A

survey is the most effective way of comprehending the level of understanding in a theoretical

manner (Allen, 2006). A qualitative approach will serve as the pillar of comprehending the level

of understanding in all trainees, focusing on the vital components mandated by the internal and

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external business environment. The survey will focus on questions such as the experience about

the whole training, a reflection on the training’s critical elements, and a report to summarize the

matters. During the survey, the trainee should also offer their ideas on changes in the training or

the software. Significantly each year, the training should have a rehearsal day and an opportunity

to improve it about current requirements.


The Roadnet training illustrates that the need for computer literacy, collaboration

between the trainees, and flexibility are critical facets that may boost its efficacy. According to

the analysis, the trainees have a deficiency of information about the software, delivery skills, and

ability to withstand the logistic demands. However, through ADDIE training approach, these

challenges may turn around these challenges and generate a competent team of drivers that meets

the organizational standards.

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Allen, W. C. (2006). Overview and evolution of the ADDIE training system. Advances in

Developing Human Resources, 8(4), 430-441.

Bamrara, A., & Chauhan, P. (2018). Applying ADDIE model to evaluate faculty development

programs. International Journal of Smart Education and Urban Society (IJSEUS), 9(2),


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