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Computational Methods Programming Lab Report #1

Due Date: March 11, 2020Problem Description 1:

This problem asks me to make a variable called var_1 and save my age in it. Then I am required

to subtract 5 from the value of the variable. And also add 3 to the value of the variable.


In this program I have first initialize the variable to 20, which is my age, and then I subtract 5

from it. I also add 3 to the variable.


Initialize variable to 20

Subtract 5 from the variable

Add 3 to the variable

Source code:


In this problem a have learned how to initialize a variable and operate elementary operations.

Problem Description 2:

I am required to clarify the difference between these declarations:

var_2 = 9*2

var_2 =9*2;


I have identified the difference of using and eliminating semicolon on a declaration by coding

the above codes on the app.

Source code and Output:


Using semicolon at the end of statement helps to suppress the output. As we can see in the

above source code the first statement doesn't terminate with semicolon, therefore it shows the

output (it doesn't suppress it). In the second statement semicolon at the end, so it suppresses
the output and nothing is shown as an answer. All in all we terminate a statement using

semicolon if we don't want to display output for the statement.

Problem Description 3:

I am asked to create a variable called var_lb to store heaviness in pounds and change it to

kilogram. I am then required to give the result to another variable called var_kg. [Hint: 1 kg =

2.2 lb.] Discussion:

I have first initialize arbitrary number to the variable (var_lb). Then I have changed the stored

pound to killogram using formula and then I assign the new value to other variable (var_kg)


Initialize a variable to 350

Change the value (pound) to kg and assign it to other variable

Source code:



This problem changes the value of pound to kilogram. In order to do this I first assign arbitrary

value in pound to a variable and then changed it to kilogram and assigned it to other variable.

Problem Description 4:

This problem asks me to create a variable called var_far to save a temperature in Fahrenheit.

Then to change it to Celsius and give the result to another variable called var_cel. [Hint: C= (F32) x 5/9.]

As the above problem I have assigned arbitrary value, which is temperature in Fahrenheit, to a

variable(var_far) and changed to Celsius and assigned it to a new variable(var_cel).


Initialize a variable to 128

Change the value(Fahrenheit) in to Celsius and assign it to other variable

Source code:



In this problem a temperature which was stored in a variable as Fahrenheit was converted in to
Celsius and assigned in a new variable.

Problem Description 5:

I am requested to write 5 different expressions that result in 9 by using only the numbers 2 and

3 and using operators and/or built-in functions.


As this problem requested I have written different expressions that result in 9 by using different

operators and/or built-in functions.Source code and Output:


This problem helped me to understand how to come up with a single result using different

expressions. I have also identified the use of some built-in functions

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