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After king Rath’s father fell ill with a cold that turned deadly, word got around quickly and king
Fay sent Laray’s best apprentice to personally deliver medicinal teas and creams to help when it
happened again. The journey was long and it took 5 weeks just to arrive in the city farthest
south of Airoo. When Laray’s apprentice got there he was heavily thanked. King Rath in return
showed him the city of Erra’s aqua ducts system and even gave him a blueprint copy of it before
he left. Laray’s apprentice was given a bag of valuable goods along with a letter to king Fay. The
people of Airoo learned how to build aqua ducts for public drinking fountains and bath houses.

The city of Vaysa was celebrating a long hard month of unforeseeable accidents. Nearly all of
their food supply, which was stored in pottery, were broken by a fallen tree. Rebuilding the
warehouse was hard work for the citizens of Vaysa but it was something that had to be done.
When king Fay’s two sons finally arrived to lend a hand, the building process was already
started and would be finished in two weeks time. Queen Flora was deeply moved by the acts of
kindness and offered to let them stay and be guests of honor at the festival. After the warehouse
was finished and the festival began, the boys saw and learned many things, one of which was
the idea of having a warehouse. They later told their father great tales of the city of Vaysa. One
thing that they adopted from their trip was the warehouse idea. They soon began their building
and by the end of the mouth, they had their very own warehouse.

Olmec ( This city will not perform sacrifices).

King Fay and his beautiful queen Rayaver visited once a month to the lovely city of Bay. After
begging her father to let her go with them, Straya got to tag along. The city of Bay is known for
their spectacular plays and unbelievable performances. Even though the city of Bay is relatively
small, the city's heart is full of loud music and song. King Haze of Bay is known to put these
plays on as a thank you for saving his son Coxis. The king and queen of Airoo left Straya with
Coxis as they went to meet king Haze for the play. Coxis showed Straya all around the city and
when they finally got to the middle, Straya was confused as to why there was a platform in the
middle. Seeing this confusion, Coxis explained that it was an altar for song. Strayas eyes
widened with excitement and she was in love with the idea. She wanted one of her own for her
district. Although she was forbidden to sing outside of Airoo, she still loved the idea of doing so.
Shortly after the trip to Bay, Airoo had its very own altar for songs and dances.
The city of Jone was once a quiet, peaceful city until it was overthrown by wild dogs. These
dogs had always had issues with wandering into the city. Queen Lila ordered anyone who saw
one in the city to put it down. These dogs were aggressive and were known to attack the
citizens of Jone. With queen Lila’s options running out, she requested king Fay’s son Loon's
help. After countless hours of brutal fighting, Loon finally claimed victory. After the battle, Loon
spent many hours with the queen. The queen kept bringing up the number zero. This was new
for him, so he asked what it was. Loon shared with the queen how he thought this information
would be helpful for his brother and before he left he thanked her for her hospitality. When he
got home, he told his brother about the number zero. This number was quickly added to how the
people of Airoo kept track of things.

In preparation of flood season, king Ross ordered the city of Yawna to build barriers to keep the
water out. These barriers were made out of stone blocks, hardened clay and even smaller
stones to fill in gaps. The city of Yawna did this once a year. Loon and his father happened to
stumble upon this site when they were coming home from a trip to Erra. They had never seen
the city before because on their way home they had to take a different route. King Ross was an
approachable man and they were welcomed into the city. Fay and his son were fascinated by
the little clay houses. They have never seen anything like them before. What really took them by
surprise was seeing a wheelbarrow for the first time. The two of them offered to help in whatever
way they could. King Ross declined their help and wanted to talk instead. After their discussion,
king Ross sent them on their way but not without giving king Fay an invitation to come back.
King Fay thought that his farmers could use something like the wheelbarrow and later traded
king Ross medicinal tea made by Layray and some other valuable goods for some.

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