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Thesis: Although Valentine’s day is looked down upon by those lacking relationships, it’s

potential benefits including; overall health and happiness, longevity of life, and company profit
outweighs these negative emotions towards the holiday.

Source A:
● The holidays history and origin is unknown and highly debated
● Americans are expected to set a record for Valentine’s Day spending: $27.4 billion, up 32
percent from last year’s $20.7 billion, which was also a record.
● Argument if extravagant forms of affection and love will impact the longevity of
relationships (Elizabeth Flock)
○ The ability to sit down and celebrate ones relationship can greatly improve it
(Annaleise Griffin)
● Some argue the commercialism of Valentine's day has become out of hand (Samhita
○ Is the commercialism the problem or is it a defense mechanism for one’s lack of
romance and relationship
○ Don't need to celebrate only romantic relationships
○ Are we better off being single?
● Valentines day creates a standard of relationships that is unrealistic
○ Social pressure to make it more than it needs to be

Source B:
● Love life is put on display
● Showcases multiple outlooks on Valentine’s day
○ Sad, depression
○ Great day, exciting, celebrating
● Love outlooks from multiple ages

Source C:
● Symbolism for his love
● Describing what he loves about her and how she makes him
● Complimenting her
● Compares her to a work of art
● Doesn't want her to leave
● Doesn't want to be hurt by her

Source D:
● Origins are most likely in Ancient Rome
● From Feb. 13 to 15, the Romans celebrated the feast of Lupercalia. The men sacrificed a
goat and a dog, then whipped women with the hides of the animals they had just killed.
○ Women would line up to be whipped because they thought it would make them
more fertile
● Matchmaking lottery where a male and female were paired together
● Chaucer and Shakespeare romanticized it in their work, and it gained popularity
throughout Britain and the rest of Europe.
● Around the same time, the Normans celebrated Galatin's Day. Galatin meant "lover of
● Emperor Claudius II executed two men — both named Valentine — on Feb. 14 of
different years in the 3rd century A.D.
○ Their martyrdom was honored by the Catholic Church with the celebration of St.
Valentine's Day.
Source E:
● Can lead to better heart health
● According to research, chocolate, red wine, and love can play a role in keeping the blood
flowing throughout the body
● Chocolate contains flavonoids
○ flavonoids are antioxidants, known to protect against free radicals in the body.
Free radicals are suspected of damaging arteries and triggering buildup of plaque
(fatty substances) in the wall of blood vessels, which can lead to atherosclerosis.
● Dark chocolate can lower LDL levels and increase HDL levels
● Red wine has heart health benefits in low amounts
○ antioxidant effect, may raise good cholesterol levels and may help prevent blood
clotting in vessels.
○ Wards against cardiovascular disease
● Both chocolate and red wine are beneficial in small amounts
● Love can benefit one by
○ Helping prevent plaque buildup in the arteries
○ Protect against heart disease
○ Boost levels of antibodies in the body
○ Reduce levels of stress chemicals, which can damage the immune system
○ Lower risk of disease in general
○ Decrease risk of early death
○ Lengthen life

Source F:
● Valentine's day is one of the biggest consumer holidays, after Valentine’s day (similar to
article A)
● Many purchase gifts for family and friends (source a)
● In 2020 americans participating in Valentine's day were estimated to spend $162 each
● Products that are expected to be bought the most are candy (52%), greeting cards (43%),
flowers (37%), evening out (34%), jewelry (21%), clothing (20%), and gift cards (19%).
● One of the biggest opportunities that comes with this increased economy is the higher
number of consumers.
○ Companies are fighting heavily with advertisements to encourage people to buy
their products.
● Small Businesses are able to benefit from Valentine’s Day more than big businesses
● If the product can appear more personal to the consumer, then they are more likely to
buy it on an emotional holiday.

Source G:
● Talking about her love story
● Talking about her deep connection
● Compares their love to math
● Similar to source C

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