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Philosophy of Education

Micheala Dial

Paris Junior College

EDUC 1301

Dr. Marian Ellis

November 8, 2020
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​ Philosophy of Education

​Over the years education has made so many jurassic changings from teaching and

learning. From a student's centered philosophy, I have always had some teacher’s teach

the lesson and throw out a handout expecting us to learn right off the bat. Which is in no

way good representation of teaching. I believe students need more hands on learning or

even side by side help. I get the whole until you try yourself you won’t learn but until a

student learns the material they’ll have a difficult time trying. From a teacher’s centered

philosophy it has been their passion for teaching and exploring new ways to teach and

help the students learn. Making it feel like they are making a difference in the students

lives. From textbooks to technology education has definitely expanded in more ways than

one. The environment in a teachers classroom should be very fun filled and students

should want to walk into a classroom and be eager to learn

I think the curriculum is very important. It keeps teachers and students on track so they

know what to expect. Being a pre-k teacher for 3 year olds at a daycare we have to go by a

curriculum that helps the kids learn and be prepared for when they get ready for big

school. We also do fun activities that partake to the curriculum and help students to meet

the objective. Multicultural education I think is hands down the best thing to think about

not only are you teaching kids about others culture but for that one student to learn more

about their own culture. If I'm correct in a teacher's classroom they have to have more than

one object or poster representing a multicultural agenda. The little test in the classroom

makes a difference to what you're learning that week but moving to the bigger test like

TAKS, STAAR, and SAT, really influence you to what you really learned in school.
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