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Chapter 18

1) What did the Japanese provide in terms of food and drinks for Louie and Phil (make sure you
specify who got what)?
● Louie- Dry biscuit and a tiny cup of tea, sometimes rice
● Phil- Biscuit but no water, sometimes rice
2) What happened to the POWs previously held on the island?
● They had all been executed
3) What aspect of control did the guard take with Louie and his cell?
● They taunted Louie by imitating their head being cut off, they did not allow him to leave the waste
hole and often forced him to put his head in/near it, and they refused to get him a doctor
4) What did the guard do when Louie begged for water?
● He threw scalding water at his face
5) What does Louie hear one day that reminds him of his time on the raft?
● Louie heard singing that reminded him of his time on the raft
6) What did Louie and Phil do in their cells to let the other know they were still alive?
● They would occasionally cough or scuff the floor
7) What is the name of the island that Louie and Phil are imprisoned on (provide the Japanese
name and its nickname (found at the end of the chapter))?
● Kwajalein, Execution Island
8) What were the guards trying to deprive them of, “something that had sustained them even
as all else had been lost”?
● Dignity
9) What do the Japanese officers ask Louie about when they bring him to their quarters?
● “How do American soldiers satisfy their sexual appetites”
● They asked him about his plane and told him to draw it
● They asked him about the radar system and the Norden bombsight
10) Who is Kawamura (job, connection to Louie, items he brings to Louie, etc)?
● He was a guard that made a friendship with Louie and Phil, he gave them each two pieces
of hard candy
● He drew things on pieces of paper and talked to Louie and Phil about them
● Became angry when Louie was harmed by another guard
11) What do the doctors do to Louie and Phil?
● They instructed them to lie down, swabbed their arms with alcohol, and slid the needles
containing a murky solution, into their body, they were told it would help their
12) How long were Louie and Phil held on the island and where are they sent off to?
● 42 days, Yokohama, Japan

Chapter 19
1) After Louie gets cleaned up, who is Louie stunned to meet and what is his role in the
Japanese navy?
● Jimmie Sasaki, he was a civilian employee of the Japanese Navy and head interrogator of all
Japanese POWs
2) When Louie first gets to walk around in the middle of the compound, what does he notice
the POWs doing in terms of communication?
● They used morse code to communicate
3) What is the name of this new camp and what kind of camp is it (include why the Japanese
say it can’t be called a POW camp)?
● It was a secret interrogation center called Ofuna, “high value” captured men are kept there to be
interrogated, starved, and tortured. They were “unarmed combatants” at war against Japan, and
didn't have the rights that the international law accorded POWs.
4) What were the 2 common characteristics of the guards at this camp?
1. Marked stupidity
2. Murderous sadism
5) What opinion did the Japanese have in common with the Nazis?
● The japanese believed they were racially and morally superior to non-japanese
6) Who was “the Butcher”/”the Quack” and what did he do to the POWs?
● Seuhara Kitamura (the medical examiner), he forced the sick and injured captives to come to
for “treatment” but he further tortured and mutilated them and got off on the pain
7) What was so special about Hirose?
● He was ordered to finish the beating of one captive, but he took him to the side and told
him to cry as if he was being stuck, but he only hit the club at the floor and left the man
8) What was the deadliest disease that the POWs faced when it came to the food they were
● Beriberi, a potentially deadly disease caused by a lack of thiamine.
9) What was the “kill-all” rule for the Japanese?
● Japanese policy held that camp commanders could not allow Allied forces to recapture
POWs, if allied advances made this possible, POWs were to be executed.

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