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Its all About Customer Journey

Deden Mulyana
Business Development & Strategic Manager
PT. VADS Indonesia
JL. HR Rasuna Said Kav H 1 - 2
12920 Setabudi - Jakarta Selatan
(M) : +62 818 0202 1199
(T) : +62-21-5273320 ext. 22263
(F) : +62-21-5273323
About VADS
VADS Berhad (VADS) is one of Malaysia’s leading Integrated Managed ICT/BPO
Service providers. VADS was incorporated on 29 November 1990 and formed in

1991, Having grown from a joint venture between :

IBM Global Network Services Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM)

VADS today is a wholly-owned subsidiary of TM

PT VADS Indonesia (PT VADS) started its operations in Indonesia on December

1, 2008. PT VADS shareholders are
VADS Berhad VADS Business Process, Sdn. Bhd
Vision & Mision

To become an international service excellence standard BPO, delivering total
solution to our customers, sharing mutual benefit to our partners and
providing a good place to work for our employees

To deliver service excellence in a standarized, effective, efficient and
courteous manner that brings satisfaction to our clients and their customers,
partners and employees
PT VADS Provides

Contact Center Customer Service Human Capital

Service Solutions Learning Center Management

Data Center Social Media
Service desk

© 2014 PT VADS Indonesia – Confidential


PT VADS Client List based on Services
Training Full Outsourced Inbound

Managed Service Outbound, Social media

The Best Outsource Contact Center 2011 by
Contact Center Association of Singapore - APAC

Indonesia Platinum Award 2012-2013

The Most Trusted Company Of The Year
From: Coordinating Minister of Economics and People Welfare
the best Contact Center Leader in
the World
November 2011
Contact Center World
journey maps promote emotional contact with insight,
distilling research into a concise, visually compelling story of
the customer’s experience j.bezos (CEO AMAZON)

design for service???? this is service design???

Customer Experience
The Challenges
In Implementation
Develop good customer
Service representative Targeting
Create a good data insight
& Managed the right
Develop new government for
customer service

Alignment Investment for supporting
the technology
No Agreement on
platform (KPI Reports)
Lets Start the Engine

Develop the Governance

Set the new KPI
Enhanced the Standard Operational Procedure
Enhanced the Business Process
As a expertise in contact center and experienced in managing customers, VADS will work
hand in hand with you to manage your KPI & Service Level

Performance Service Level per Year

Handled by Handled by VADS


New Look Implementation " Warm,

Friendly & Smart"

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Service level Target

Definition : The percentage of time calls are answered within a pre determined amount of time

How to maintain the Service Level:

 Composing the schedule and staff deployment based on accurate forecasting.

 Tight real time monitoring on floor for hold time and aux non productive based on schedule adherence.
 Taking action to improve Service Level and Maximize Utilization
Proposed Contact Center Operational Model
Contact Center Relationship (Agents)
Team Leaders
Operations Manager

Operation Support Knowledge & Development Human Capital

Governance Management Quality Assurance

Recruitment and Hiring
IT Technical Support
Training and Development
Reports and Analytics
Human Capital Management
Workforce Management Knowledge Management

CSAT Quality Speed Service Cost

• Customer Satisfaction • Transaction Monitoring • Service Level • Contact Resolution • Cost per Headcount
Surveys (Optional) • Process Level Audit • Abandon Rate • Average Handle Time

Business Process & Procedures

Technology Enablers

Proposed Reporting and Analytics
Report Type Frequency / Scope Distribution List
Report Time
Monthly Performance Monthly,  Weekly performance as off previous VADS: Project Mode
Report Monday week, Monday – Sunday  Steering Committee
 Contact center 12:00 PM  Project Team
performance report  Performance KPIs will be summarized
(weekly) into a weekly total. VADS: Post Live
 Client Relationship
 Operations Manager
Quarter Performance Quarterly,  Monthly performance as off 1st till the
Report  1st Wednesday of 30th /31st of each month, cut off time is
CLient’s :
 Contact center the month 11pm
 Management Team
performance report  If falls on a non
( monthly) working day, the  Performance KPIs will be summarized
report shall be sent into a month total
on the next
available working
day 12:00 PM
Access the Talents
Self Managed Managed Service By


Agent CEC

VADS provide dedicated Customer Engagement Championship for your Call Center

No Standardization to Managed Call Center Certified by international Certification

Effort to managed your Call Center KPI VADS will managed your Call Center KPI

Big Effort to Managed the Attrition VADS will managed your Call Center Attrition

Big Cost to develop the Human Capital for Call Center VADS will managed your Call Center Development

Call Center Staff is dedicated for your Contact Center

Organization Chart Vendor Management Officer

Shared Ops Management VADS Head of Operations


VADS Operations Manager

Team Leader
Customer Service

Shared Ops Support resources

Share Resources

Technology Client Account

Quality Assurance Reporting Human Capital
Support Management

Managed the customers Insight


Supported by the Technology
Contact Center - System Overview
Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) System
•Automatically distributed calls to agent & integrated with CTI & IVR system
•Support for connection external database / CRM
•Implementing Best Service Routing

Recording & Monitoring System

•Real time Monitoring all agent activity with voice recording and screen recording
•Quality Monitoring system supporting to KPI target
•Historical Data recording Voice and Screen

Reporting System
•Real time Reporting system for all agent activity integrated with Wallboard
•Historical Reporting system
•Custom Reporting base on user requirement

Work Force Management System

•Forecasting & Scheduling with many feature on system

Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) & Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

• PT VADS implementing Disaster Recovery Plan on PT VADS DRC at Jogjakarta
• Replication of Jakarta site call center system and automatic switch system to DRC on disaster condition

System Connectivity
• Multiple Provider for connectivity
• Local and international backbone connectivity ready
System Flow Design (Scenario)

Inbound Calls / Outbound

Client’s Office & Branches
Primary Site (Jakarta) Secondary Site (Jogjakarta)
Voice Recorder
Knowledge ISDN Reporting
Voice Recorder
Server Base QMS CRM

Local Area Network Local Area Network

Router & Call Centre Call Centre Router &

Firewall Telephony Telephony Firewall

Internet Client’s Database System (if Any)

By using a qualified outsource provider, you free your time and energy to focus on the core business. In addition, you gain an economy of
scale and expertise that lowers cost and increases performance.


 Focus resources on profitable activities
 Reduce overhead
 Eliminate redundancy
 Smooth demand
 Gain expertise – and speed
 Improve performance
 Increase profitability
 Safe investment in premises cost
"Do what you do best and outsource the rest."
Tom Peters and Peter Drucker
Managed Service Framework
Reason to Managed Service to VADS
• Focus on Core-Business competencies
“Companies can focus on their core-business. This can be done by updating strategy and restructure the resource (human and financial) available.”

• Saving and control operational Cost

“Companies that manage their own human resources will have greater financial structure than the companies, which handed their management of its human resources to
outsourcing vendors”

• Utilizing competency of outsourcing vendor

“This competency is gained through their experience in providing and managing human resources for various companies”

• Companies become leaner and more agile in responding the market demand
“companies can divert limited resources from jobs that are non-core, and indirectly affect the earnings and profit of the company, to a strategic core-business occupation,
which in return can improve customer satisfaction, revenue and profitability”

• Reduce business risk

“companies are able to hire fewer employees, and selected a core course. If the business situation is good and needed more employees, Meanwhile if the business situation is
deteriorating and company needs to reduce the number of employees, then the company only reducing the number of outsourcing employees which will reduce the monthly
expenses and employee severance cost”

• Acquire improvement and improve efficiency in the jobs that are non-core
“Currently many companies decided to transfer at least one non-core job for whatever reasons they have. They generally recognize that recruiting and contract employees,
calculate and pay wages, overtime and benefits, training, public administration, and to ensure all processes run in accordance with laws and regulations in a complicated job,
much time, thought, and substantial fund to spend”

• Comply with Minister Regulation No 19 Year 2012

“All employee must permanent employee but especially for non core business can be managed by other company as Manage service”
Thank you

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