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Paper 2 Challenges in the human environment

Urban issues and challenges

Which term is best defined by the phrase, ‘the movement of people from one place to another’?

Shade one circle only.

A Urban sprawl 

B Urbanisation 

C Migration 

D Urban regeneration 

[1 mark]
Study Figure 1, a graph showing the number of people living in rural and urban areas across the world
between 1960 and 2017.


Complete the following paragraph to describe the changes shown in Figure 1.

Choose the three correct answers from the list:

In 1960 a greater proportion of people lived in rural areas. Although the rural

population continues to increase the proportion of people living in these areas across the world is


Between 1960 and 2017, world urban population has increased rapidly. In 2017 there were a

greater proportion of people living in urban areas.

[3 marks]

Study figure 2, choropleth maps showing the share of population which live in urban versus rural areas in 1960
and 2019.

Figure 2
1960 2019

>50% >50% >50% >50%


Describe the patterns of changes in urbanisation shown in figure 2 [4 marks]

The urbanisation of North America has increased rapidly from 1960 to 2019.

The urbanisation in Europe has increased too from 1960 to 2019.

Number of urbanisations has increased in Africa, however there’s still more to go.

Number of urbanisations has increased in Asia, however there’s still more to go.

Study Figure 3, a cartoon about rural to urban migration in low income countries (LICs).

Figure 3

Using Figure 3 suggest one reason why people migrate from rural to urban areas in LICs.

[2 marks]

One reason is better paying job to gain better standard of living throughout their lives.

Study Figure 4, a squatter settlement on the outskirts of Karu in Nigeria, Africa.

Figure 4

Use Figure 4 and a case study of a city in a LIC or NEE to explain the challenges of urban growth.

[6 marks]

One way the Favela’s Project created challenges is overpopulation. This is a socially negative impact as it has led to
shortage of housing for people in the Favela. As a result of shortage housing the price of the housing would increase,
which could result in negative social impact on the community as it means not everyone would be able to afford the
house. Another challenge is lack of education. This is a social and economic impact because lack of education would
mean lower job opportunities, allowing less tax to be paid, which means the government cannot help enough to the
community and overall the country.
Study Figure 6, a table showing life expectancy for males in selected wards in Kingston Upon Hull.

Ward Area Life Expectancy (2016-2018)

Drypool Inner city 77.0
Myton City centre and inner city 72.2
St Andrew’s Inner city 69.9
Newland Inner city 75.1
Holderness Inner suburbs 81.4
Derringham Inner suburbs 79.1
Bransholme East Suburbs 71.8
Kings Park Suburbs 77.5
Beverley Suburbs 81.3
Willerby Suburbs 83.4

Calculate the range in life expectancy shown in Figure 6. [1 mark]

Age- 6.4

Question 1 continues on the next page

Using Figure 6, and your own understanding, suggest reason(s) for inequalities in health across urban areas in the

In the UK, city such Newham had high unemployment and low incomes. In result of high unemployment, it would
mean people had low standard living. This had negative social impact as it meant people had low life expectancy.

Another reason why there is inequalities of health across the UK is because the government fund’s usually in area of
rich people. This is because people with high income pay more tax allowing the government to gain more financial
from taxes allowing the develop the area, which means standard of living would increase.

[4 marks]

For an area you have studied, outline one-way urban sprawl has had an impact on the rural-urban fringe.

People migrated to Rio de Janerio for job opportunities, such as tourism allowed them to get money. This is a social
impact as it would allow them to get better standard of living.

[2 marks]

Evaluate the effectiveness of a sustainable urban transport strategy you have studied.

[9 marks]
[+ 3 SPaG marks]
The case study we have studied is based in Freiburg, Germany.
The positive impact of a sustainable urban transport strategy was everyone lives within 8 minutes of walk of
tram stop. This means that people can reach to their job much quicker. This is an economic and social
impact because the quicker the tram arrives the quicker, they can get to their Job, allowing them to have
convenience (could make them happy). Also, tram is run through electricity, which is a positive social
impact because electric would come from solar panels. This means that there would be no production of
carbon dioxide. This makes it sustainable. However, there is limit because Trams can be uncleaned which
could be unattractive. Also, there are limits of seat therefore it can longer for some people as they may have
to wait for the next tram with seat available.
The car parking spaces are 20,000 to rent, this helps to reduce car ownership and encourages people to use
tram as source of transport. Which is environmental impact as less carbon dioxide would be produced in
result of less cars.
However, this discriminate against poorer residents. This is because people with low income cannot afford
cars, whereas rich people can, which is not fair and may be applied as discrimination. This is a social impact
because low income people, who previously purchased car cannot be drivable.
Also, the cost of building the trams all around the city could been expensive because the tram travel for long
distance which requires the tract and the wires. This is economic impact as it could been time consuming to
build all the infrastructure.

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