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1. Lin You-Chang - Keelung City 8. Su Chih-Fen - Yunlin Couty (incumbent)
2. Cheng Wen-Tsang - Taoyuan County 9. Chang Hua-Kuan - Chiayi County
3. Liu Jun-Shiu - Hsinchu City 10.Tu Hsing-Che - Chiayi City
4. Peng Shao-Chin - Hsinchu County 11.Tsao Chi-Hung - Pintung County (incumbent)
5. Yang Chang-Chen - Miaoli County 12.Lin Tsung-Hsien - Ilan County
6. Weng Chin-Chu - Changhua County 13.Liu Chao-Hao - Pingtung County
7. Li Wen-Chung - Nantou County 14. Tsai Chien-Shing - Penghu County


DPP launches national ad campaign highlighting our

founding values
On October 15, the
DPP launched a
national ad cam-
paign highlighting
the revival of the
DPP’s founding
values and show-
casing this year’s
theme for the year-
end elections,
which is “Honesty,
Diligence and Love
for our Native
The ad is one
minute long, shot in
and white in order to sharpen the message that
an entirely white setting, and using the song
the DPP is resolved to redeem the DPP’s origi-
with a Latin title “Animosus” as its musical
nal spirit.
background. Chairwoman Dr. Tsai Ing-wen and
The ad ends with all the candidates, along
the 14 election candidates are the main protago-
with Dr. Tsai, making a bow of respect, showing
nists of the ad, portraying the DPP’s show of
that the DPP promises to fulfill the expectations
unity and solidarity.
of the people, and it also appeals to the public to
Hsiao Bi-khim, spokesperson at the ad
support the DPP in facing these future chal-
launch press conference and director of the
DPP’s Department of International Affairs, said
The ad was launched at a press conference
that the Latin meaning of ‘animosus’ is coura-
at the DPP’s headquarters, and it was widely
geous and pas-
publicized through
sionate, which
various media outlets
represent ex-
online such as You-
actly the mean-
Tube, Facebook,
ing of the DPP’s
Plurk and the candi-
founding values.
dates’ individual
In the ad,
blogs, among others.
The ad may be
Tsai and the
viewed on YouTube
election candi-
through the DPP’s
dates appear to
YouTube channel,
engage in the
‘dppsng’, or at
task of cleaning
up an old building with dirty windows and
walls. The participants are all dressed in black


Consistently Progressive
Statement from the Oct. 18 National Party Congress
After going through more than a year of hard influence and absolutely refusing to tilt
lessons, the roughest period the DPP has faced towards China.
since our founding, we are moving away from • We must let Taiwan’s democratic system
past setbacks and starting off with new and solid gain strength and consolidation. We must
steps. In the DPP’s 23 year history, we experi- allow fair political competition, allowing
enced victories and defeats, but relying on the the achievement of direct people’s power,
power of reflection, we haven’t given up, de- provide for balance between the Executive
spite our ups and downs, on our consistently Yuan and the Legislative Yuan and for the
progressive spirit . judicial process to become independent
Being consistent progressives is our only without any political interference.
road to success. We must have confidence in our • We must allow for Taiwan to become
ability to be modern day revolutionaries. We modernized with a competitive governing
must have the faith and mission of social system. We must grant local governments
movements. We must use our ability to think fair distribution of resources and the
rationally and persuasively to break out of the autonomy to fulfill their responsibilities,
old blue and green straightjackets and focus our and we must also improve local govern-
society’s energy, and we must be leaders and not ment competitiveness.
simply parrot nice words. This requires selfless- • We must empower Taiwan to achieve fair
ness and a spirit of sacrifice. and sound economic governance that is
At the same time, we must keep preserving capable of sustaining long-term durable
our ideals, tolerance, discipline, cooperation, economic and industrial strategies, clarify-
confidence and diversity. We must be able to ing China’s role and weight in Taiwan’s
convince the public that the DPP is a stabilizing economic development. This plan would
force for Taiwan - the most reliable political transform Taiwan into a modernized wel-
team and Taiwan's most loyal defender. fare state that is capable of fairly distribut-
When preparing for this task, we must ac- ing financial resources and protecting dis-
knowledge that achieving political power means advantaged groups at the same time.
carrying out societal change, and not the enjoy- Even though the KMT’s failures have led
ment of power. If we cannot acknowledge this people to be disappointed, we must fully under-
and forget the basic principles of "Honesty, stand that this does not necessarily mean a trans-
Diligence, and Love for our Native Land", we fer of the people’s support towards the DPP. The
are no different that the KMT. people expect the DPP bring a measure of hope
Standing on the platform of “Honesty, and good guidance, to move Taiwan along the
Diligence and Love for our Native Land”, we right path and do so with honesty and compe-
can set in practice the DPP’s ultimate values, tence. This time we must seize the opportunity
which are: securing Taiwan, societal change and to prove our worth and not let this fleeting op-
care for the people: portunity slip away.
• We must ensure that, given the volatile Under the Ma administration, the people
international situation in which Taiwan have already suffered greatly. The DPP vows to
finds itself, we protect the independent take on these challenges and to continue moving
development and the dignity of our coun- in a progressive direction, to prove itself once
try, maintaining our power to have critical again capable, putting an end to chaos and injus-


DPP statement regarding American beef imports

The DPP, after consultations with the DPP Leg- to restrain the Executive Yuan. The DPP ex-
islative Caucus on October 26, issues the fol- pects that legislators from other member par-
lowing positions concerning the import of U.S. ties will join together to protect the health of
beef. the people.
The disappointing negotiations on US Within a few days, this issue has gener-
beef imports have exposed our citizens to seri- ated widespread public discontent. The DPP
ous health risks. As the decision was made believes that the Ma administration should
above ministerial levels, we believe President withdraw the decision. If the Ma administration
Ma, Premier Wu and the Secretary General of fails to meet these expectations, the DPP will
the National Security Council must bear the boycott the budget reviews of the National Se-
greatest responsibility. In particular, we believe curity Council, the Presidential Office and the
that the National Security Council, which has Department of Health as well as other relevant
shown, starting last year when it yielded time units. The DPP will also combine social forces
and again on cross-strait issues, through the and DPP governing counties and cities to mo-
mistakes it made during the typhoon disaster bilize our action, so as to hold politically ac-
relief efforts, to gratuitous concessions made countable those making policy decisions
on beef imports that it lacks the ability to cope
with pressure and is not capable of protecting DPP Public Survey
national interests as well as the security of the
people. We believe that the Secretary General Date: October 27-28, 2009
of the National Security Council must step Sample size: 901
The DPP asks for renewed negotiations ‣ 72% of those interviewed said the extent of
between the U.S. and Taiwan, and that each the Taiwan government’s liberalization on
side respect expert opinions based on scientific American beef import is too broad and it’s an
evidence in order to protect the health of the inadequate policy, especially with regard to
people. We firmly oppose liberalizing the im- allowing the importation of beef parts that
port of beef parts that are at a high-risk for mad are at a high-risk for mad cow disease, such
cow disease, such as ground meat, the spinal as ground meat, the spinal cord and internal
cord and internal organs. Furthermore, we re- organs.
quire that for those beef parts allowed for im-
portation, U.S. cattle producers undergo cattle ‣ 71% said they do not trust the govern-
ment’s promise that the strictest import
management that meets our inspection certifi- safeguard measures will be placed on those
cation standards to ensure that their production beef products that could cause a public
processes meet our health requirements. Even health hazard.
more, our Department of Health must be ac-
countable to our Legislative Yuan, and it must ‣ 82% think the government should renew
be able to prove to the public that they are ca- negotiations with the American government.
pable of handling quality assurance and risk (To renew trade negotiations on American
management. beef has become a bipartisan consensus in
Regarding our demand for a renewal of Taiwan, with support from 89% of pan-green
negotiations, we will circulate a petition seek- supporters as well as 80% of the pan-blues
ing the support of members of the Legislative and 79% of swing voters.)
Yuan across party lines, to produce a resolution


Liberal International passes resolution urging Ma Ying-

jeou to promote bipartisan politics, respect for human
Liberal International, the international associa-       The second issue the World Today Resolu-
tion of liberal and democratic parties world- tion addressed was a congratulatory welcome to
wide, passed a resolution appealing to President the talks held between Taiwan and China, but it
Ma Ying-jeou to start a bipartisan dialogue and urged that the dialogue be conducted in a trans-
to promote multiparty democracy and human parent manner and on the basis of mutual re-
rights. spect and benefit. The resolution further stated
The resolution, titled “The World To- that there could only be “peace talks when the
day”, included appeals from different regions of Chinese government removes the 1,400 missiles
the world with a focus on issues important to targeting Taiwan”. Liberal International added
the development of democratic values and re- that any change in the status quo could only
spect for human rights. The World Today Reso- take place with the consent of the people of
lution was passed unani- Taiwan through their democratic
mously during Liberal In- institutions.
ternational’s 56th Congress,       The World Today Resolution
held in Cairo, Egypt from additionally mentioned Liberal In-
October 28 to 31. ternational’s grave concern over the
      In the World Today fact that Former President Chen
resolution, Liberal Interna- Shui-bian was given a life sentence.
tional specifically ad- It lastly appealed to President Ma
dressed three issues that to “guarantee that during President
have raised Liberal Interna- Chen’s appeal there would be no
tional’s concern about Tai- political interference and that For-
wan. The first issue ad- mer President Chen would get all
dressed the lack of biparti- necessary medical attention and
san politics in Taiwan. It would be granted the freedom to
noted, “with concern, that open, democratic so- read and write.”
ciety, together with civil liberties and the rule of       Hans van Baalen, Member of the European
law are under pressure in Taiwan due to the fact Parliament and President of Liberal Interna-
that party politics are given priority over the tional, delivered a speech urging member par-
general interests of the country and people.” ties to support Taiwan, which was struggling to
The resolution also mentioned that Tai- strengthen its democracy in the face of pressure
wan was clearly lacking a bipartisan consensus from neighboring China.
on cross strait and international relations as well       Overall the World Today Resolution called
as the rule of law. Liberal International ap- for world leaders to emphasize the crucial role
pealed for Taiwan to implement the instruments of education for the realization of a liberal soci-
of ratification of two covenants on human rights ety. In the resolution, it said that education “fa-
enacted this May. These covenants are the In- cilitates progress for a society as a whole.”
ternational Convention on Civil and Political       For the whole text of the resolution, please
Rights and the International Convention on visit 
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.  


...Consistently Progressive
... continued !om pg. 3
tice, bringing back a happy Taiwan for our peo-
ple, a Taiwan that is a country filled with hope.

Department of International
Affairs Democratic
Progressive Party

9F, No. 30, Pei-Ping East

Road, Taipei, Taiwan

Tel: 886-2-2392-9989 ext. 306

Fax: 886-2-2393-0342



Bikhim Hsiao

Huang Chih-ta
Hsieh Huai-hui

Michael J. Fonte

Ping-Ya Hsu


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