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Chiang-Chen Meeting must be

Chiang-Chen Meeting
must be transparent
- Pg. 1

DPP plans Taichung

mass rally on Dec. 20
- Pg. 1

DPP statement after the

Dec. 5 Election
- Pg. 5

DPP Chair Tsai leads

The relationship between Taiwan spire serious confrontation delegation to Japan
and China is a complicated issue. within the Taiwanese commu- - Pg. 6
We believe that any matters re- nity, causing a halt in the pro-
lated to cross-strait negotiation gress of the normalization of
and signing of agreements must cross-strait relations. It is regret- DPP Statement on U.S.-
be carried out in a transparent table that since the resumption of China Joint Declaration
and open process. We believe talks between the two sides this - Pg. 7
that, if done otherwise, this could
create public skepticism and in- ... continued on next page

DPP plans Taichung mass rally on Dec. 20 with theme:

“Break the Black Box, Protect our Rice Bowl”
In order to express the public’s concern over the DPP Headquarters announced earlier in
Ma administration’s handling of cross strait rela- December the details of the mass rally it is spon-
tions and demand more transparency during the soring, appealing to all Taiwanese people to par-
upcoming Chiang-Chen meeting, the DPP plans ticipate in the rally and express their concerns
to hold a mass rally in Taichung on Dec. 20. over cross-strait relations. The DPP will mobilize
... continued on pg. 4


...Chiang-Chen Meeting must be transparent

... continued "om previous page

past year, nine agreements and one joint decla- dation must carefully assess the current status of
ration have been signed without engaging the the implementation of existing agreements and
public in debate and evading legislative over- raise concrete measures on how to negotiate and
sight, resulting in great social upheaval. On the seek a remedy with its Chinese counterparts.
occasion of the upcoming Fourth Chiang-Chen 3. The ECFA issue is a topic of great im-
Meeting, we make the following solemn appeal: portance to the country, heavily impacting the
1. We appeal that Chiang Ping-kun, people's livelihood and industrial production in
commissioned as the government representative Taiwan. Therefore, opposition parties have con-
in cross-strait talks, be subject to the basic prin- sistently raised the notion of an ECFA referen-
ciples of a democratic government. He should dum to seek the approval of the people, but the
not have the right to operate outside legislative government has turned a deaf year to this re-
supervision nor should he evade public debate. quest. The government has also allowed the
Regarding this Chiang-Chen talk, the Straits controversial importation of U.S. beef and it has
Exchange Foundation has only fulfilled the signed MOUs without disclosing enough infor-
minimum formality by submitting a report
highlighting the four topics that will be dis-
cussed. However, the report failed to pro-
vide our country's standpoints and it also
failed to provide clear answers to outside
questions. In order to lessen public distrust
towards the Straits Exchange Foundation,
foundation members should produce a new
report before the Chiang-Chen meeting,

focusing on the controversial issues and
providing explanations to the legislature
with exposure to the media and the public.
2. Concerning the agreements signed
in the Chiang-Chen meetings over the past
three meetings, the Straits Exchange Foun-
dation has conducted itself inappropriately,
if not evasively, over the review and im-
plementation of these agreements. For example: mation to the public, causing public discontent
the effectiveness of Chinese tourist visits to and resentment. Therefore, since the govern-
Taiwan, compensation claims for victims of the ment has not yet revealed the entire contents of
poisoned-milk scandal, criminal repatriation and ECFA, nor made a report to the legislature or
other issues. Furthermore, the Foundation has sought the people's approval, it should not in-
not provided a clear statement on why it has corporate the ECFA topic in this cross-strait ne-
failed to implement or reach the economic bene- gotiation meeting.
fits it promised these agreements would deliver.
... continued on the next page
Therefore, before this round of talks, the Foun-


...Chiang-Chen Meeting must be transparent

... continued "om previous page

should not accept the quality of the Chinese

inspection and quarantine system until the
Taiwanese public starts to trust the Chinese
(2) Regarding cooperation in the fishery
industry, we must adhere to opposing China's
position to allow fishermen to work in Taiwan
so that we can protect the interests of Taiwan-
ese fishermen. The Straits Exchange Founda-
tion must also provide a clear explanation to
public questions as to whether, after fishery
labor cooperation, there will be further
4. Concerning this Chiang-Chen meeting,
as the public has already raised doubts over
whether the Straits Exchange Foundation can
protect Taiwan's interests, the Foundation
should adhere to the following positions:
(1) On the issue of the inspection and
quarantine of agricultural products, the past
agreements have already relaxed Taiwan's im-
portation standards, resulting in the direct entry
of Chinese black-market or lower quality goods,
causing public health risks and affecting our
domestic competitiveness. In this case, the con-
tents of this time's negotiation agreement should changes to allow other types of Chinese labor
emphasize the security of public health, and it entering into Taiwan.
(3) Concerning the avoidance of the
double-taxation issue, we must request that the
Chinese side, under no circumstances, can re-
fuse the exercise of our jurisdiction. The
Straits Exchange Foundation must provide
clear answers to public questions over the im-
pact and reduction caused by the financial
MOU with China to our tax income, disorder
in our tax administration structure and con-
cerns over China using taxation issues to inter-
fere in Taiwan's business operations.

should absolutely not lower existing Taiwanese

standards. At the same time, the agreement


...DPP Taichung rally ... continued "om pg. 1

people from the north to the south of Taiwan to from China, and, even more, we are losing our
participate in the rally. It will also facilitate domestic competitiveness as a result of these
transportation for those who wish to attend. In agreements. Taiwan, which places high stan-
collaboration with a variety of civic groups rep- dards in all aspects of industrial production, is
resenting labor, women, children, farmers and already showing signs of trouble from its deal-
fishermen, the DPP and all aspects of society ings with China. These problems include dealing
will ensure that the with Chinese black-market goods and lower
Taiwanese voice is heard during this meeting. quality products, including products which
The theme of the rally has been unveiled passed Chinese inspection standards like the
as “Break the Black Box and Protect our Rice past poisoned milk case.
Bowl”. Due to the non-transparent manner in The DPP is also raising another public
which the Ma administration has conducted its concern regarding the public’s discontent with
dealings with China, the black box signifies the the way the government has dealt with the
inside secrets the administration has been hiding ECFA issue. First, the government has used its
from the public. Hence, the DPP is urging the power to reject the request by the DPP for a ref-
government to erendum on the issue.
break open Second, it has not al-
this black box lowed the Legislative
and make the Yuan to oversee the
contents of its contents of the agree-
agreements ment, and lastly, it has
with China not allowed for an
open to the open discussion by the
public, includ- public. The DPP
ing oversight strongly opposes the
by the Legis- fact that, in this meet-
lative Yuan. ing, ECFA is to be in-
The cluded on the agenda,
DPP also and in this rally, the
added “protect DPP will also urge the
our rice bowl” government to break
to the theme the larger black box
of the rally, in surrounding ECFA’s
order to send a contents.
message to the Ma administration about our The Break the Black Box and Protect our
concern over Taiwan’s welfare, especially re- Rice Bowl Rally will start gathering the after-
garding labor and education, as well as our agri- noon of Dec. 20 at 2:30 p.m at two different
cultural and financial industries. The DPP be- starting points in Taichung City. The march will
lieves that the signing of MOUs between Taiwan start at 3:30 p.m., and it will be divided into two
and China should be conducted on the basis of groups; one the Black Box Group and the sec-
equality. We believe that Taiwan must not relin- ond the Protect Rice Bowl Group. The event
quish all its bargaining chips to China when it is will end with an evening rally at 7:30 p.m.
clear that there have been no direct benefits


DPP statement by Chair Dr. Tsai Ing-wen after Dec. 5th

county and city elections
The following is the full text of Chair Tsai Ing- “For the DPP, this represents a positive
wen’s comments at the press conference held af- result, which is also an important step forward
ter the county and city election results had been for a renewed DPP. We must make special atten-
announced on Dec. 5. tion that with the KMT’s frequent vote-buying
and smearing campaign, the disproportional
amount of resources and party assets, we fought
an 'asymmetric battle'. With this kind of im-
provement, we won a hard-earned victory, repre-
senting that society is reaffirming their support
for the DPP in local governance and their ap-
proval of our reform and reflective spirit.
“We will take the most humble approach
to welcome this new result. Especially, the vic-
tory in Ilan County is of great significance be-
cause it shows us that the people are ready to
trust us again and that the DPP is able to regain
its passion and earn more self-confidence.
“However, this election result is only a
small step, and we must not remain self-
complacent. We took the right step to rebound
from the bottom, but we have not gathered
enough strength to shake the entire pan-blue
structure. There is still a long way ahead to
achieve our goals.
“I would like to emphasize that unity is
how the DPP has been able to get through this
“I would like to first offer my sincere difficult period, and in the future, we must re-
thanks to the people who voted for the DPP to- main even more united. The road to the future is
day. You [the voters] made the right choice. still far ahead and we must treasure this progress
Every vote represented a vote of encouragement in order to achieve the next victory.
and it also gave us the strength to move forward. “The most significant factor in this elec-
I guarantee that we will work even harder in the
tion is the vote of no-confidence towards the Ma
administration during this past year. It doesn’t
“In this election, the DPP’s three incum-
bent candidates were successfully re-elected. In matter that the KMT is trying to separate gov-
addition, the DPP once again regained the ad- ernment efficiency with election results because
ministration of Ilan County. In regards to the even with their majority governance, they
support rate, there was a considerable increase weren’t able to increase their seats. In the past
from the past elections (the support rate of the year, the failure of its economic policies, the
county and city election four years ago was damage to our country’s dignity and the incom-
38.2% and 39.5% in last year’s presidential elec- petence of senior government officials have ex-
tion). This time, the DPP achieved approximately ceeded the limits of what the people are willing
45% to 46% of support rate. Even though we lost
to accept. We believe that the KMT must care-
some counties and cities, the difference between
each opponent was very close. fully interpret the results of this election and un-

... continued on the next page


DPP Chair Tsai leads delegation to Japan

DPP Chair Dr. Tsai Ing-Wen led “China is way off the strengthen the DPP’s relations
a delegation to Tokyo, Japan for mark in thinking that they can with Japan. In the last few
a three day visit, Dec. 13 to 16. interfere with the foreign rela- months before the Dec. 5th elec-
In Japan, Chair Tsai held meet- tions of Japan with Taiwan,” tion, the Ma administration has
ings with members of parlia- said Bi-khim Hsiao, director of handled Taiwan-Japan relations
ment from Japan’s Diet and the DPP’s Department of Inter- in a passive manner, especially
leaders from several major po- national Affairs in a press con- in not answering the recent
litical parties. She also met with ference as a response to China’s doubts over the reason why Ja-
DPP supporters residing in Ja- comments. “They have no right pan’s representative in Taiwan,
pan, delivering a speech about to give any directions or com- Masaki Saito, resigned.
the recent election results. mands on how Chair Tsai con- This visit is Chair Tsai’s
During the organization ducts our party’s international second visit to Japan this year.
of this Japan visit, China’s intel- relations. The DPP believes that more in-
ligence in Japan found out “What China has done is teraction between political par-
Chair Tsai’s schedule, and im- consistently and deliberately ties and civic society will help
mediately started to try to block suppressing Taiwan’s interna- improve Japan-Taiwan rela-
the visit. Prior to Tsai’s visit, tional space, shrinking Taiwan’s tions.
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson range in international diplo-
Jiang Yu said in a press confer- macy. This time, in pointing
ence, “China has consistently their comments
and firmly opposed ‘Taiwan towards the Japa-
independence’ elements like nese government
Tsai Ing-wen visiting countries regarding what
that have diplomatic relations type of person
with China”. The DPP believes should visit Ja-
this press conference was used pan, is even more
as a warning by the Chinese outrageous,”
government to intimidate Japan, Hsiao said.
and the DPP extremely regrets Bi-khim
China using these methods to Hsiao further
suppress Taiwan’s international stated that Chair
space. Tsai’s trip was to

...DPP statement from the Dec. 5th elections

... continued "om previous page

derstand the message that the people are sending “Finally, we must thank all the people
them. If Ma’s administration continues to sepa- that came out to help in this election, including
rate itself from the people, relying on financial Former Chairpersons Lin, Hsieh, Su, You, Vice
resources and factional politics to buy elections, President Lu and our legislators. This election
the people will respond with an even larger-scale achievement was the result of a united front.
backlash. Without unity, there is no victory. Solidarity is
the party’s energy for progress.”


DPP statement concerning the

November U.S.-China Joint State-
Below is the DPP’s statement regarding the U.S.-China Joint DEMOCRACY &
Statement made on November 17.
Concerning the failure to include the Taiwan Relations Act PROGRESS
in the U.S.-China Joint Statement following the meeting between
U.S. President Obama and Chinese President Hu Jintao, the DPP PUBLISHED BY:
makes the following statement:
First, in the second point of the joint declaration, "Building Department of International
and Deepening Bilateral Strategic Trust", both sides underscored Affairs Democratic
the importance of the Taiwan issue in U.S.-China relations. The Progressive Party
U.S. stated that it "follows its one China policy and abides by the
principles of the three U.S.-China joint communiques", but there is 9F, No. 30, Pei-Ping East
no mention of the Taiwan Relations Act’s concern for security in Road, Taipei, Taiwan
the Taiwan Strait. Past public statements made by the U.S. gov-
ernment regarding the issue of the Taiwan Strait have never devi-
Tel: 886-2-2392-9989 ext. 306
ated from the Three Communiques and the Taiwan Relations Act.
Even though President Obama mentioned both during his press
conference statement, this does not make up for the regretful fail- Fax: 886-2-2393-0342
ure to include the Taiwan Relations Act in the Joint Statement. The
DPP believes this is a step back from the U.S.' previous stand- Email:
points. We request that the Ma Administration take full responsi-
bility and that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs request a clarifica- Website:
tion from the U.S. government as well as a remedy.
Secondly the Joint Statement declares, "The United States
welcomes the peaceful development of relations across the Taiwan
Strait and looks forward to efforts by both sides to increase dia-
logues and interactions in economic, political, and other fields, and DIRECTOR:
develop more positive and stable cross-Strait relations." The DPP Bikhim Hsiao
has always supported cross-strait exchanges, but in regards to po-
litical exchanges, they must be carried out without political pre- DEPUTY DIRECTORS:
conditions and with a domestic consensus as the foundation to Huang Chih-ta
openly and wholeheartedly carry out substantive dialogue and in-
Hsieh Huai-hui
teraction. Presently, China holds to the "One China" precondition,
which negates Taiwan's sovereignty, places all manner of restric-
tions on Taiwan, and irrationally demands political interaction be- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF:
tween both sides. These actions show that China cannot accept the Michael J. Fonte
mainstream opinion of our democratic Taiwan society.
Ping-Ya Hsu


DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen’s remarks at the Foreign Cor-

respondents Club of Japan

DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen Re- or not we would have a chance “So we are able to come
marks at the Foreign Corre- to rise again. Our defeats last here with a smile, but I must say
spondents Club of Japan, De- year in both the parliamentary that whether we are in govern-
cember 15, 2009 and presidential elections had ment or in opposition, and
devastated our confidence, and whether we are in good times or
“Pio, Friends of the For- we have been working against bad times, our commitment to
eign Correspondents Club of all odds to re-build the party. the fundamental values that our
Japan, Fortunately, our faith in democ- party represents, and our faith in
“Thanks to Pio for invit- racy has prevailed, and we have Taiwan’s democracy remains.
ing me to meet the press here taken the first major step in our Some people interpret the elec-
today. It is certainly my pleas- party’s recovery by making sig- tion as a vote of no-confidence
ure to be in Japan once again, nificant gains in recent local against the Ma administration,
the second visit since taking elections, reaching over 45% of but we know that the rise of the
over the leadership of the the total vote share, a record DPP must depend not only on
Democratic Progressive Party. high for us among the 17 coun- the failures of the KMT gov-
“When I visited this ties and cities that were up for ernment, but on the soundness
March, the DPP was struggling election. of our policies, the strength of
with uncertainty as to whether our own unity, and the restora-


tion of confidence and trust by very much valued bilateral rela- upset the stability of the region,
our people. tionship. and that our common demo-
“Therefore throughout “This is a bilateral rela- cratic values and the sentiments
my meetings here in Japan, I tionship that is important for of the people are respected in
have shared with my Japanese Taiwan. Significant economic the process. While engaging
political colleagues my thoughts and trade ties, as well as histori- with China in economic, cli-
and analyses of the changing cal and cultural ties have made mate and other issues, we must
political landscape in Taiwan. I Japan the top country with the keep in mind that uncertainties
have assured our friends that as most favorable image among exist regarding the course of
long as the DPP continues to Taiwanese people, according to China’s political and economic
build internal unity and develop polls. But more importantly, we evolution, and we must be pre-
sound, responsible policies, we believe that the Japan-US alli- pared to hedge against the pos-
are confident that we will ance is the cornerstone for sibility that development is not
gradually win over the support peace and stability in the Asia as smooth as anticipated. Such
of the Taiwanese people once Pacific region, and we, among uncertainties, added to the rap-
more. many Asians, have expectations idly changing region as a whole,
“My visit to Japan also that the strength of the alliance warrant closer cooperation and
illustrates my party’s long- will continue. We also have constant communication be-
standing commitment to pro- great hopes that Japan will play tween us. Thus Japan’s support
moting and deepening the a proactive and positive leader- for Taiwan’s integration into the
friendship between Taiwan and ship role in Asia. various regional frameworks is
Japan. The change of govern- “Therefore we observe of utmost importance.
ment in Japan a few months ago with interest the proposal of the “As Taiwan’s largest
is a step forward in strengthen- idea of an East Asian Commu- opposition party, we will con-
ing multi-party democracy in nity. From a Taiwanese stand- tinue to play the role of defend-
Japan. We have friends in the point, our critical questions are ing and protecting the interests
LDP, DPJ and other major par- whether that idea includes Tai- of the Taiwanese people. At the
ties in Japan. I am unable to go wan and what it means for the same time, we understand that
into details now, but we have role of our friend the United to do so we must work to pro-
had meetings with friends sev- States in Asia. We hope to con- mote Taiwan’s international
eral political parties on this trip. tinue our dialogue on these is- competitiveness and ensure that
We hope that the bilateral rela- sues with our friends here in Taiwan has a role in the most
tionship will continue to flour- Japan, and we hope that our progressive trends of globaliza-
ish based on the common inter- Japanese friends will continue tion. We appeal to our friends
ests of our two countries, across to appreciate the importance of in Japan, in the spirit of coop-
partisan lines and regardless of supporting the integration of a eration and common interest, to
which party is in government. free, democratic, and Japan- continue to work with us in not
In Taiwan, we have many dis- friendly Taiwan in any kind of only strengthening our bilateral
agreements with the KMT, but Asian regional mechanism. relationship, but in supporting
in regards to promoting rela- “We realize that the rise Taiwan’s space and participa-
tions with Japan, the DPP is of Chinese political, military tion in the region.
willing to work with our gov- and economic influence in the “I look forward to your
ernment representatives in do- world will have an important questions and comments."
ing whatever is needed to fur- impact in Asia. Taiwan and Ja-
ther deepen and strengthen this pan have a common interest to
ensure that China’s rise does not


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