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MODULE 003 1

Title : Hungry Alligators

Relevant SC Standards : 1.NSBT.3 : Compare two two-digit numbers based on the meanings of
the tens and ones digits, using the words greater than, equal to, or less than.

W.2.1 Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory

texts that name and supply information about the topic.

Description: This app lesson would be my final comprehensive lesson on the topic of comparing
numbers. It will review the 1st grade students ability to compare and contrast two-digit numbers
based on the meanings of the tens and ones digits. At the end they will also be using their
writing/narrative skills to tell a story regarding the material learned.

Instructional Objective: Students will compare and contrast two-digit, apply their knowledge in
a game quiz based app and ultimately create their own story surrounding the material and display
their comprehension of the lesson.

Step 1 : The students will start on the YouTube kids app watching a video reviewing comparing
numbers. This is to just reintroduce the material.

Step 2 : Students will go to the app called ABCy games and go through games reviewing greater
than and less than or comparing numbers to learn and re-introduce the material for this lesson.
There’s a few options of games for the students to choose from but they’ll go through all of

Step 3 : Students will use the quizizz app as a class to review and go over the material from
previous app as well a reiterating the material to check for understanding.

Step 4 : Students will use the app “Book Creator” to create a short story about their hungry
alligator and numbers of their choosing between 1 and 99. They can create a story using any sign
they want, for example, less than, greater than, or equal. The story just has to make sense and the
MODULE 003 1

equation has to makes sense and be correct. Students will have an opportunity to share their story
once it’s been checked.

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