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Grade 12 Thesis Project Contract

I) Project Groups

As part of the curriculum for the Grade 12 Biology class, students are expected to work on an
independent project, based on a scientific question of their choosing. Through the semester, students
are expected to complete all the steps of a scientific study, creating a paper and defending to a
committee. Students are expected to work in good faith with one another, putting equal effort into the
work produced, meeting the deadlines set in the classroom, and collaborating with the instructor
whenever necessary, to solve problems and find alternative solutions. Students will have several check-
ins throughout the semester and will be expected to report their progress to the instructor. Finally,
students will need to take full advantage of class time devoted to the project and will be assessed on
their ability to work together, and remain on task.
The following members will be completing the project together, and have agreed to meet the
expectations of the Thesis Project set out above, and understood through handouts provided in class.

1. Name_________________________ : Signature__________________________________

2.Name_________________________ : Signature___________________________________

3. Name________________________ : Signature___________________________________

4. Name________________________ : Signature___________________________________

II) Project Question

Students will be provided ample time, both in and out of class, to choose what their scientific question
will be. The question chosen should outline the factors being evaluated, and meet the criterion of a
'good' scientific question, as outlined in class previously. Students will be expected to research their
question, to ensure that there is background research on the topic, and that it would, in fact, be
reasonably expected to be completed in one term. Please note that sometimes, through research,
students are led in different directions or part of the project become too large or difficult to be
completed, so a question needs to be changed. Students will be allowed one opportunity to change their
question, if these or other scenarios arise.

Scientific Question:




Scientific Question:




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