Creative Reflective Response

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I chose to create a collage that describes the text Frankenstein, by Marry Shelley.

I chose
to keep this photo collage in all black and white because I think this really highlights the aspect
of gothic literature. Since gothic literature is dark and mysterious kind of writing, I thought this
really tied together that concept from the text. I chose to include a picture of an alien because
Frankenstein felt alienated from the world and like he did not belong where he was. He was
always trying to be like the humans he watched, but it wasn’t enough for them to accept him. I
think creating this collage really helped me to see how dark gothic genre is and how much
Frankenstein as a character had to go through emotionally in this book. It also really pulled
together multiple of the themes from the text: alienation, loneliness, heartbreak, wanting to be
accepted. There are many other themes from the text, but these were some of the important
ones that I thought should be covered.

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