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An Introduction to

Quantum Computers and

Quantum Cryptography

Computer Network Security

Prepared by: Nima Bayan, P.Eng.
Fall 2003
! Introduction
" Cryptographyand Relativity
" Quantum Algorithms
" Quantum Computers
! State of the art
! Applications
! Impact on cryptography
! Future of cryptography
! Suggested references

Quantum Computers
Presentation, NB 2
Introduction: Cryptography and Relativity
! Cryptography helps when there are uncertain
transmission conditions (Passive and active attacks on
the network)
" Receiver problem (eavesdropping)
" Sender problem (masquerading)
" Authenticity problem (Replay, Delay)
" Traffic analysis

! Relativity Helps: A key part of Einstein’s special theory of

" It is impossible to send signals faster than speed of light
" Use this to open two concurrent sessions for Alice and Bob

Quantum Computers
Presentation, NB 3
Quantum Algorithms vs. Classical Algorithms

! Classical Computers ! Quantum computers

" Alan Turing (1936) " David Deutsch (1985)
! Classical computation ! Quant. computation
" Based on bits (0 or 1) " Based on qubits (0,1
! Classical factoring and/or 0&1 !!!)
" Hard problems (NP) ! Quant. factoring
" Peter Shor (1994)
! Classical search
" Bubble method (N/2) ! Quant. Search
" Amazing speed (√N)
" Lov Grover
Quantum Computers
Presentation, NB 4
Quantum Computers
! Make use of two
basic rules of
quantum physics
" Superposition
" Entanglement

Quantum Computers
Presentation, NB 5
Quantum Computers
Presentation, NB 6
State of the art

! Quantum computers are built on the basis

of any quantic element
" Atom based QC (IBM 7 qubit computer)
" Electron based QC (U of Cambridge, UK)
" Photon based QCs

Quantum Computers
Presentation, NB 7
State of the art

! IBM 7 qubit computer

! Dr. Chuang
! Fluorocarbon based
! Sequence of radio
! The atoms will
change into
superposition state

Quantum Computers
Presentation, NB 8
State of the art
! Quantum Gyroscopes
" Jonathan Dowling (NASA)
! Other applications
! Programming, ...
" Edward Farhi (MIT)

Quantum Computers
Presentation, NB 9
Impact on cryptography
! Disadvantages ! Advantages
" All current hard problems " No intermediate
(RSA, ...) are not going to calculations
remain hard " New quantum based (more
" Using Shor’s method bits more complex)
" Parallel sessions for Alice
and Bob
" Faster search routines
" Faster factorizing

Quantum Computers
Presentation, NB 10
Suggested references
! General:
! Programming languages for quantum computers
! Quantum computers and cryptography
! MIT’s Technology Review (March 2003)
! Spectrum (2002)

Quantum Computers
Presentation, NB 11

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