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rejects fest
fee proposals
City Editor |
At least six schools in the country have Staff Writer |
each dished out $100,000 or more to sup- ———
port the purchase of new fire trucks for their Vice President for Student Af-
Council cites other universities’ local fire departments — a partnership Ohio
University has balked at since Athens city
fairs Kent Smith has shot down
a proposal that would charge

donations in fire truck request to OU officials’ request last year.

Athens City Council members proposed
Ohio University students living
on campus $30 per guest during
last year that OU help fund the replacement spring fest weekends.
of the city’s 22-year-old fire ladder truck. Smith rejected two proposals
When first proposed in January 2010, uni- from Residential Housing yes-
versity administrators said the school could terday — one that would have
not provide monetary support for the $1.03 implemented the new fee for
million endeavor. this spring’s fests and another
On Jan. 31 of this year, council members that would have increased the
passed a resolution to formally request that Halloween guest fee from $25
OU donate $50,000 each year for the next to $30.
five years, which would add $250,000 to the “I just don’t feel like there has
$640,000 the city has already saved to pur- been enough broad student in-
SEE ENGINE, PAGE 3 volvement,” Smith said, adding
that he will create a task force to
further explore the possible fee

“This is an issue that students
feel strongly about and that will
potentially impact thousands of
students,” Smith said.
TRUCK TOTAL: Student Senate President
$1.03 million Jesse Neader praised Smith’s
PAYMENTS: “Certainly, it’s a conversation
where student involvement is
Athens City Council wants the important,” Neader said, add-
university to pay $50,000 per ing that many students are
year for 5 years. more worried about the pend-
ing OU budget cuts and haven’t
The city of Athens has saved had time to weigh the pros and
$640,000. cons of fest fees.
“The last thing we should do

to go back and change it,” he
Athens City Council has suggest- added.
PUBLIC PRIVATE ed the university charge certain Executive Director of Resi-
minimal yearly student fees. dential Housing Christine
Kent State University (1994) Monmouth University (2011) SEE FEST FEES, PAGE 3
CITY: Kent, Ohio CITY: West Long Branch, New Jersey
TRUCK TOTAL: $550,000 TRUCK TOTAL: $600,000
UNIVERSITY PAID: $150,000 in $75,000 UNIVERSITY WILL PAY: $25,000 each
OU interviews
increments every 2-years
REVENUE FROM: Not Available
year as long as possible
REVENUE FROM: Allocated in the budget
VS. CITY POPULATION candidates for
*Also gave money in 1988 & 2000 OHIO UNIVERSITY top fundraising
University of Michigan (2004)
CITY: Ann Arbor, Michigan Hamilton College (2009)
17,396 // 22,134
vice president
TRUCK TOTAL: Not Available CITY: Clinton, New York 21,178 // 27,915 PAMELA ENGEL
Staff Writer |
The Ohio University search
REVENUE FROM: $300,000 in private UNIVERSITY PAID: $250,000 27,027 // 112,920 committee charged with find-
donations, $99,000 in university side- REVENUE FROM: Single contribution from ing a new chief fundraising of-
walk rental fees LONGWOOD UNIVERSITY ficer is identifying candidates
college president’s account for special 1,028 // 7,661 for the job and hopes to finish
projects initial interviews by the end of
Longwood University (2005) MONMOUTH UNIVERSITY the month.
About 25 people applied for
CITY: Farmville, Virginia Northwestern University (2009) 4,285 // 8,415 the position, and the committee
expects to interview about 10 in
TRUCK TOTAL: $600,000 CITY: Evanston, Illinois HAMILTON COLLEGE the coming weeks in Columbus,
UNIVERSITY PAID: $100,000 in $50,000 TRUCK TOTAL: $550,000 1,861 // 1,874 said Kent Smith, vice president
for Student Affairs and head of
increments every 2-years UNIVERSITY PAID: $550,000 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY the committee.
Former Vice President for
REVENUE FROM: Funds through interest REVENUE FROM: General fund of money 8,425 // 77,857 University Advancement How-
or revenue earned on vending machines from tuition & alumni donations, etc. ard Lipman left OU at the end
of Fall Quarter for a similar
position at Florida Interna-
tional University in Miami. OU

Alden’s hidden treasures lie waiting for discovery

President Roderick McDavis is
serving as interim. Lipman last
earned $230,000 a year in the
CAITLIN BOWLING Education Services. The university hopes to hire a
Campus Editor | All OU students are allowed to view Alden’s ex- new vice president for Universi-
——— tensive archives and collections for research or ty Advancement by July 1 — the
Editor’s Note: This is part four of a five part se- for fun. start of next fiscal year.
ries on Vernon R. Alden Library. “Not every library is quite that open,” said Once the committee com-
Scott Seaman, dean of Ohio University Libraries. pletes “airport interviews” in
On a shelf on the fifth floor of Alden Library sits In the ’70s and ’80s, Alden purchased some of Columbus, members will select
an old travel-sized book waiting for students to its current collections. But in recent years, many finalists for on-campus inter-
stumble upon it. of the collections have come in the views. The final interviews will
Acquired in 1979, the small 13th form of donations, Seaman said. likely take place in late April and
century Bible was handwritten on When the library acquires a collec- include meetings with admin-
sheepskin paper and includes blue tion, one to two Alden employees then istrators as well as open forums
and red decorative lettering, or il- spend “months and months, if not for students, faculty and staff
luminations, along with miniscule years worth of work,” unpacking and members.
Latin words printed in black ink. organizing, he said. “This should be an open pro-
Dustin Lennert | Staff Photographer
The Bible is one of more than
46,000 volumes in Ohio University’s
A LOOK AT Alden must also stabilize some
items because they have not been kept
A 13th-century Bible from the rare books in the Special Collections in
cess where students and faculty
can ask questions or at least see
Alden Library yesterday is displayed. The rare books collection is just
rare books collection that students
can access, according to the library’s
THE BOOKS properly. The process includes refor-
matting or photocopying items, Sea-
one of multiple collections on display. The collections include a rare
first-edition and a first-print of Huckleberry Finn among other items.
a presentation,” Smith said.
The new head of University
website. Other rare books include an 1884 copy man said. Advancement will take over the
of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and a 15th Most recently, former U.S. Sen. George Voinov- Promise Lives fundraising cam-
Along with the Voinovich collection, Seaman
century French Book of Hours. ich donated his senatorial papers to OU. The pa- paign, which began about four
highlighted the Alwin Nikolais and Cornelius
“Most undergraduates are unaware of some of pers include not only notes from Voinovich’s time years ago and aims to raise $450
Ryan collections.
the really super cool things we have here,” said in the Senate but also memorabilia from his time million by 2015. OU has raised
Kelly Broughton, assistant dean for Research and as an Ohio public official. SEE TREASURES, PAGE 3 about $231 million so far.



Expired book-swap Anxiety due to exams beneficial in end

page should return Last month, I decided to partake in the
dreadfully ceremonial tradition for all po-
tential graduate students: The standard-
ized test.
Normally, I’d consider myself a resident
of Lilliput in Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels be-
cause of my small stature. But quite sud-
denly, I found myself to be Brobdingnag-
With the exception of Fall-Quarter
freshmen, final exams are second nature to
college students. That is not to say we are
I was very dissapointed last night when I went to the student’s In my previous sentence, the word ian — my appointed desk was entirely too unconcerned and negligently ill-prepared;
page and  tried to access the student book exchange. The domain potential was chosen with particular care small for my now behemoth frame to have rather, we have proportioned anxiety — a
name expired in January of this year, and judging by the removal of since, let’s face it, in the numbers-driven a continually firm grasp on my answer contrast to the ballooned fear that reaches
the link from the student’s page, the powers that be have no inten- admissions mania, the laudatory highs or sheet, question sheet, archaic number two the degree of hyperventilation for weight-
tion of renewing it. blemishing lows are the decisive ingredi- pencils, and thus necessary pencil sharp- ier standardized tests of graduate school
I have six books that are worth at least $45, and if I try to sell ent of our hopeful applications — either ener, tissues (for when I have my compul- admissions. In fact, midway through col-
them  Uptown, I’d be amazed if I got $15 for the lot. And I’m sure securing our secondary degrees and the sory breakdown), highlighter and erasers lege, typical exam procedure becomes so
many of you would agree that 30 bucks makes a big difference. resulting crowning glory of graduation (phew!). The flipping, turning, picking and ingrained in students that it almost trans-
The book exchange was great because it allowed me to buy parties or forcing us to reroute to plan B. placing called for a pre-planned gracefully forms to a ritualistic endeavor.
and sell my books for a more reasonable price than I would get in My test of choice, the LSAT, was of typi- maneuvered pattern — coordination that I Moreover, any remaining tension is au-
the bookstores without having to deal with the hassle of shipping cal length, administered over a four-hour was utterly unprepared for. tomatically allayed with the prospect of a
books. time span on a frightfully early Saturday Needless to say, my general malaise forthcoming break.
I would love to see the book exchange back up and running for morning to students artificially awakened only grew as the clock ticked down the end So, I recommend that you retain the
Spring Quarter.  I’m already paying so much to attend this school. by extra shots of espresso. of the test. At its conclusion, I impolitely poise and constructive amount of anxi-
I would like to save money where I can, and the book exchange al- After ensuring that all remaining fluid hurdled out the door and sought the refuge ety of final exam week and preserve these
lowed me to do that. contents were deposited with our fourth, of my room. sensible sentiments for your standardized
and last, trip to the bathroom, we were The purpose of this story is twofold: testing day.
Sarah Walter is a junior studying creative writing. ungraciously herded into our alphabet- Your own, analogous standardized test- You will be glad you did when you re-
ized rooms akin to a flock of jittery, antsy ing experience lends me your sympathy ceive numerous “We are pleased to in-
sheep. Seated and waiting, it suddenly be- (though if you’re a person with consider- form you….” letters to the most reputable
GUESTCOLUMN came apparent to me that my test-room able sang-froid you have rightfully smirked of graduate schools. That is, until you are
proctors, average Ohioan citizens I’d meet at my expense), and secondly, though seated to take your respective medical
at any given bus stop, grocery line, traffic these tests intend to remain agonizing, boards and bar exam — then it’s time to

No reason for US to
jam, etc., had morphed into almighty be- perhaps we can take a cue from the com- worry.
ings whose generous time slip-ups could posed and aim to lessen our trepidation.
let me hurriedly fill in that extra bubble on A possible suggestion: Approach your Ansuree Garg writes for The Lantern at
my answer sheet. selected standardized test with a finals Ohio State University.

intervene in Libya YOURWORDSONLINE

As the revolution in Libya becomes more violent, the possibility of

Notes from the Underground: Now, punk look
trumps punk message
United States military intervention is ever looming.
The United Nations has already imposed sanctions against Libya
and is considering enforcing a no-fly zone. Meanwhile, U.S. mili-
tary forces have moved closer to the Libyan coast. President Barack
Obama announced Monday that the U.S. is considering all options,
including military action. Punk style came before the music. ing. The message is in the style. everyday.
While it is good to see that our government supports the people’s
revolution, it would be extremely ill-advised to bring our military
Get away from the message in the Punk is dead because we’ve Jonny Rotten would not be happy
forces into yet another country, especially considering the fact that music. Most of the time you can’t moved on to Post-punk where the with this column.”
leaders of the revolution have clearly expressed that they do not want
us there.
understand a single word they’re say- style and music are just a part of the ForeveraBobcat

“We will die for our country. We don’t want foreigners … to die
for our country,” said Ali Aujali, Libyan ambassador to the U.S., in a
National Public Radio interview.
“We will do the fighting. Don’t worry,” he added.
“We do not want a foreign military intervention,” said Ali Sulei-
man, a rebel fighter, in an interview with The Associated Press.
Why then, does our government continue to consider military
action? Have we not learned our lesson from past and current military
actions? If not, we may need to seriously reconsider our approach to
foreign policy in general.
Is it truly necessary for the U.S. to play “world police?” POP diSpencer
Yes, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s actions against his own
people are appalling. But that is something that the Libyan people are
prepared to deal with. They are willing to risk their lives to fight for a

Charlie Sheen’s antics show ugly side

better quality of life, and that is honorable and admirable. And if they
are asking us not to help, we should respect their wishes.
We should continue to help by providing humanitarian aid and
enforcing sanctions. But we cannot decide what is best for the people
of Libya. U.S. forces can’t keep shoving their guns in other people’s
This is their battle; let them fight it. Last week, Charlie Sheen took over. Holmes argues there are two issues
This has been building for two or three at work. The first is white male privilege.
Jonathan Sutton writes for The Daily O’Collegian at Oklahoma State University. weeks, and when it finally hit, Charlie Sheen gets to be a rock star while other
Sheen became the most productive he has messed-up celebrities are vilified. The
ever been. He got sober; he gave an anti-
COLUMNIST second is the “otherness” of the women
Spencer Smith
drug speech; he was interviewed; he won with whom he associates.
Twitter; he spawned memes and T-shirts; Anna Holmes addressed some of They are of questionable reputation and if you consider the amount of Face- these things in her article “The Dispos- by the public’s standards — either coming
book statuses he inspired, you might say able Woman” in last Thursday’s New York from the sex industry or being relatively
he broke social networking. Times. Holmes argues that Sheen, like no-name individuals. The message this
There is something lovable about the most crazy, drug-induced celebrities is sends is clear, Holmes says: It’s alright to
EDITOR IN CHIEF former Two and a Half Men star. I can’t re- offensive and cringe-worthy but that re- abuse women as long as they aren’t im-
Joe Ragazzo ally explain it. porters aren’t asking him the correct ques- portant.
MANAGING EDITOR Sure, he’s a jerk, and most of America tions. Holmes is right of course. Sheen
Ryan Dunn does not agree with any of the decisions Even if you believe that Sheen is sober, should be held responsible for his actions.
he’s making, but he’s not really racist (like and not racist, you have to admit that he But she’s wrong in her prescription. Re-
ASSOCIATE EDITOR Mel Gibson) except when he is anti-Se- sure as hell is sexist and definitely misogy- porters shouldn’t ask him tougher ques-
John Nero mitic, or really old (like David Hasselhoff ) nistic. tions; they should stop interviewing him.
CAMPUS EDITOR except that he is. But he doesn’t really All of his marriages have ended in ac- He’s not entertaining; he’s criminal.
Caitlin Bowling seem to be able to put together coherent cusations of physical abuse. And while Maybe when people stop wearing T-
sentences so while people might feel like most of these charges have been settled shirts with his quotes on them and when
CITY EDITOR they should be offended by what he says, out of court, and while none of his ex- people stop watching Two and a Half
Alex Stuckey they don’t know why. wives have really stepped forward to talk Men, he will finally understand that he is
CULTURE EDITOR While it is fun to have someone like about the accusations, it’s safe to assume no longer a real celebrity.
VOLUME 101 ISSUE 91 Adam Wagner Charlie Sheen in the limelight (it’s kind of that they weren’t all just making it up.
WWW.THEPOST.OHIOU.EDU like having a giant inside joke that all of All of this should make you wonder, as Spencer Smith is a sophomore studying
SPORTS EDITOR America is in on), we are turning a blind Holmes says, why the media and the pub- philosophy and English, and a columnist for The
Vince Nairn eye to things about this whole media fren- lic seem to be OK with him living with two Post. Tired of hearing about bi-winning? E-mail
1 Park Place, Room 325 WEB EDITOR zy that are harmful. women. Spencer at
Phone | 740.593.4010 Leah Fightmaster
Fax | 740.593.0561
Alex K. Stein
Want to write a column for The Post?
Ali Morris
Copy Editors: Jessica Cohen, Tara Davis,
Stephanie Doan, Leah Fightmaster, Pat
Holmes, Lauren Mikolay, Tristan Navera,
Lauren Mikolay
Applications to be a Spring Quarter columnist are due by March 11 at
John Nero, Allison Wichie
BUSINESS MANAGER The Post, 325 Baker University Center, or by e-mail by March 18.
Front Page Designer: Danielle Morris RJ Sumney
Inside Designers: Jessica Buse, Elyse EDITORIAL WRITER
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Post Modern Designer: Danielle Zeisler WEATHER
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Picture Editor: Greg Roberts

Your opinion is welcome. Letters should be fewer than 500 words. Longer submissions will be considered as guest commentaries, but space is limited. All letters must be signed by at least one individual; anonymous letters will not
be accepted. The Post does not accept letters soliciting donations or news releases. Please include your year and major if you are a student. Letters can be submitted online at, by e-mail at or at The Post’s front desk in the media wing on the third floor of Baker University Center. We reserve the right to edit submissions for clarity, vulgarity and Associated Press Style.

The Post is an independent newspaper run by Ohio University students. We distribute the paper free of charge in Athens, Ohio, when classes are in session.
Editorial page material represents the opinions of the editors, columnists and letter writers. Opinions expressed are independent of Ohio University and our printer.
ENGINE cials asking how it could help the city, through private donations, and about department and the university com- In addition to citing these universi-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 said City Manager Wally Bobkiewicz. $99,000 was provided through the uni- munity,” Dement said. ties as examples for why OU students
Donated money for the truck came versity’s sidewalk rental fees, he added. Money contributed to the city for the should help pay for the new fire truck,
chase the new truck. from general university funds, includ- The university’s contribution helped truck was allocated within the budget city officials add that it’s a matter of
At the following council meeting on ing tuition money and alumni dona- the city purchase two trucks, said Lisa each year, he added. practicality.
Feb. 7, members suggested OU charge tions, said Alan Cubbage, spokesman Wondrash, spokeswoman for the city Butler also cited Kent State Univer- Because about a third of all calls to
students living on campus $6.59 a year for the university. of Ann Arbor. sity as another school that donated Athens Fire Department that require
for five years to cover the cost. If all stu- “(This partnership) helped mitigate “We gave (the city) whatever they money toward its home city. There are the ladder truck are for university
dents were to pay, council’s proposed the occasional hard feelings between needed at the time,” Fitzgerald said. 21,178 undergraduate students en- buildings, OU should contribute funds
fee would be $2.35 a year. the city and the university,” Cubbage “The city has been providing fire pro- rolled in the university compared to as well, Mayor Paul Wiehl said at a Jan.
In his letter sent to Clerk of Council said. tection for the university forever.” the city of Kent’s total population of 31 City Council meeting.
Debbie Walker last month, OU Presi- In 2005, Longwood University, a In 1984, a West Long Branch, N.J., 27,915. Of all the buildings in the city, 85
dent Roderick McDavis said he was public institution, donated $100,000 junior firefighter was killed in a Mon- The university donated $150,000 in percent of the three-story structures
evaluating the resolution. to Farmville, Va., to help pay for a mouth University building elevator increments of $75,000 each year, to- are university owned, said Council-
Despite the push back, Councilman $600,000 fire ladder truck, said Gerry shaft — a tragedy that sparked better ward the $550,000 cost of the truck in woman Christine Fahl, D-4th ward.
Kent Butler, D-1st Ward, said the re- Spates, Farmville’s town manager. The cooperation between the university 1994, City Safety Director Bill Lillich University buildings are exempt
quest was legitimate because schools school paid in $50,000 increments dur- and city, Mayor Janet Tucci said. said. He added that Franklin Township from property taxes, said Katie Quar-
that compose a smaller percentage of ing two years, he added. Since that time, Monmouth, a pri- also added $100,000 to the pot. anta, spokeswoman for OU, which
their city’s population than OU does “(Longwood officials) had no hesita- vate university, has donated money to “It took some discussion to come up means Athens city reaps no income
within Athens’ have donated money to tion,” he said. “They volunteered when the city on three occasions to buy new with an agreement,” Lillich said. taxes from OU’s buildings.
local fire departments to purchase new they knew we were getting ready to buy fire trucks. The university is home to A spokesperson from Kent State said “(The tax exemption) is a loss in tax-
trucks. a truck.” 4,285 undergraduate students, and the she was unable to comment on the es and revenue streams,” Butler said.
As of Fall 2010, there are 17,396 un- There are 1,028 undergraduate stu- city’s population totals 8,415. purchase. “We don’t see any money from stu-
dergraduate students enrolled at OU dents registered at the university com- “We’ve always had university back- Hamilton College, a private college dents unless they work a full-time job.”
compared to a 2009 Athens city popu- pared to the total Farmville population ing,” Tucci said. “We have a strong in the village of Clinton, N.Y., gave the About 47 percent of all property in
lation estimate of 22,134. of 7,661. working relationship.” village $250,000 toward the purchase of Athens is tax exempt, according to the
“OU has a much bigger impact “(The $100,000 was) generated from In 1988, the university paid almost the $1.1 million fire truck in 2009, said resolution.
(compared to other universities’ effects interest or revenue earned on our vend- half of the truck’s $350,000 price tag, Mike Debraggio, spokesman for the The city also does not receive sales
on their home cities),” Butler said. ing machine operations,” said Kathy donating $15,000 each year for 10 college. tax revenue, said Gary Gudmundson,
Butler cited Northwestern Universi- Worster, the university’s vice president years, Tucci said. In 2000, it donated The college enrolls 1,861 undergrad- spokesman for the Ohio Department of
ty as one example of a school contrib- for Administration and Finance, in a half the cost of a $500,000 truck, pay- uate students, and the village is home Taxation. Only the county receives rev-
uting to the purchase of a fire truck. news release. ing in increments of $25,000 a year for to 1,874 people. enue, he added.
In 2009, Northwestern paid the en- Larger public universities have con- 10 years. The money was donated as a single Although the more than year-long
tire cost of the fire truck for Evanston, tributed to their cities as well. The Uni- Monday night, university admin- contribution from the college presi- discussion about fire truck contribu-
Ill., a city with a population of 77,857. versity of Michigan donated money to istrators agreed to fund yet another dent’s account for special projects, tions is not finished yet, Butler said he
The university’s enrollment is 8,425 un- Ann Arbor in 2004. Michigan has 27,027 truck, which will cost $600,000, she Debraggio said. remains hopeful OU and the city will
dergraduate students. undergraduate students in comparison said. They will give $25,000 a year for as “The ladder truck is more for (the come to an agreement.
Northwestern paid for a $550,000 to the city’s 112,920 total population. many years as they are able, she added. college’s) use because they have taller “McDavis has been working hard
truck that not only serves as a fire truck Contributions from the university Paul Dement, spokesman for the buildings than we do,” village Mayor with the city on other issues,” Butler
but also holds all the medical equip- totaled about $400,000 toward the city’s university, said they were very willing John Lane said. said. “We have a symbiotic relationship
ment found in an ambulance, accord- purchase, said Rick Fitzgerald, spokes- to help the city. In 1978, the university donated with each other — we both succeed or
ing to a university news release. man for the university. About three- “The university understands and $10,000 for a $750,000 truck purchased we both peril with each other’s good
The university approached city offi- fourths of the donations were funded values the relationship between the fire by the village, Lane said. deeds or negative PR.”

City debates benefit of armory updates
Fee money would be used for
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 on-campus educational pro-
Sheets and an eight-member fo- grams and to cover the cost of
cus group proposed the Hallow- damage done by the influx of visi-
tors, Sheets said last week in an TYLER BORCHERS Because both the city and the historical anything other than housing old records.
een fee increase and the new fest
interview with The Post. For The Post | society do not have the funds to update the Bob Winters, chair of the Athens Munici-
fee. The group consisted of five
Smith said one major concern ——— building, he said officials should focus on pal Arts Commission, voiced an opinion on
Residential Housing employees
of his is that Halloween and the About 30 people gathered at the City preserving it. what the building should be used for that
and three students.
spring fests be seen as separate Building, 8 E. Washington St., yesterday to “Every time we talk about it, the build- had not been discussed previously.
The group proposed that stu-
events and not clumped togeth- discuss potential renovation plans to the ing deteriorates further,” he said. “This is A professional, non-profit organiza-
dents be charged for out-of-town
er. While the annual Halloween armory on Carpenter Street despite the lack a historic building. It should not be lost to tion could manage and operate the facility
guests for this spring’s High, Ark,
block party is a city-sanctioned of city funds to renovate the building. indecision.” through a lease, he said. It should be self-
Palmer Place, Palmer, Oak, Mill
event, the spring fests are com- The city would have to pay at least $1.47 Although Mayor Paul Wiehl said he is sustainable and generate its own operating
and 8Fest weekends, which fall
pletely student-organized. million to bring the armory up to code in to- open to ideas on what the building should funds, he added.
on all but one weekend between
But Smith said OU’s primary day’s economy — a cost calculated in a 2003 become, he also offered a practical per- “The facility … must not become an ad-
April 22 and May 20.
concern in regards to both the evaluation for the Athens County Historical spective. ditional drain on city resources or demand
The new task force will be
fests and the Halloween block Society, City Planner Paul Logue said. “Just remember, I also have to run the ongoing support from taxpayers,” he said.
charged with further gauging stu-
party is student safety. Ron Luce, executive director of the his- budget of this city,” he said. Winters added that this project would be
dent opinion as well as the pos-
“College is partially about torical society, said that funding the poten- In 1997, city officials purchased the a good opportunity for the city and Ohio
sible benefits of a fest fee. How-
having fun,” Smith said. “We tial project could be problematic. building from The National Guard for $1.2 University to work cooperatively.
ever, Smith said any fee increases
want students to have fun, but “(The historical society also does not) million with the intention of creating a sec- “This is a place where Ohio University
recommended by the task force
we want them to have fun in have the ability to come up with those ond Municipal Court but a lack of funds has and Athens could really work together,” he
would not take effect until Spring
low-risk ways.” funds,” Luce said. prevented them from using the building for said.
2012 at the earliest.

Let us know what news you’d like to see in the be

The Post. Send us an e-mail at: Bon of
Jour vi &
ney conceeyrt
Bon Journ l parking
lot 8 pm
r to n H a l
ped up
s bands wrap
TREASURES Two iconic 80 d!
me tribute ban
in one aweso
We live in a multi-cultural world...
t of
Nikolais was a choreog- Sing to the bes
Bon Jovi and cert.
rapher, composer and de-
signer, according to a li-
brary pamphlet. Nikolais was
called the “father of multi-
YOU need to understand it! at this outdoo
r con

media” because of his use

of lighting, electronic music
and other technology in his
performances. The collec-
tion consists of posters, films
and personal items.
He is primarily known for
his books The Longest Day
and A Bridge Too Far. Ryan
was a reporter for Time
magazine, and he who in-
terviewed thousands of ser- The Department of African American Studies would love to help you on
vicemen and French citizens
during his coverage of the in-
your journey of exploration. Please consider taking one or more of the
vasion of Normandy, accord- following Spring Quarter 2011 classes:
ing to the pamphlet.
“He really married the best AAS 350 African American Arts and Artists
join us

rp etro
of journalism with the best of Dr. M. Gillespie before
storytelling,” Seaman said. at the
The library owns Ryan’s AAS 368 African American Political Thought
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Photos and videos from the MAC Seasons in review for all D.J. Cooper named First team ALL-MAC. Check
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Falcons drop Bobcats

with late 66-57 victory
Staff Writer |
The recipe for games
against Bowling Green is
simple: Lead in the first half
against the highly favored Fal-
cons before losing the upset
bid in the second half.
Ohio (9-22) fell 66-57 to
Bowling Green (26-4) for the
third time this season during
the quarterfinals of the Mid-
American Conference Cham-
pionships in Cleveland yester-
Alex Goodlett | Staff Photographer “I have to give Bowling
Green credit,” said coach
(From left to right) Tommy Freeman, DeVaughn Washington, John Groce, Asown Sayles and Adetunji Adedipe pose for a picture Semeka Randall. “The se-
Mar. 1 in The Convo. Four seniors were honored before playing Akron in the season’s last home game. Ohio won 80-55. niors came out and worked
extremely hard. They came

Mother shapes Sayles

out and did what they were
supposed to do. They were in
a situation where they had to
come from behind, and their
players stepped up and made

into responsible player

The Bobcats dominated the
first half of the game, limiting
the usually powerful Falcon
Bowling Green gained the
WILL FRASURE that needs to be taken day by lead early, scoring five points Sam Owens | For The Post
Asst. Sports Editor | day. to start, but the Bobcats re-
——— “I’ve always been that way.
UP sponded with a pair of free OU forward Kamille Buckner (34) makes a lay-up against Miami March 2 in The
NEXT Convo. This is the team’s third loss to BGSU this season.
As Asown Sayles waited to be It wasn’t anything in particular. throws and a 3-pointer by Erin
announced with Ohio’s other It’s just been a long, steady pro- TONIGHT Bailes to tie the game.
three seniors on Senior Day, he cess,” Sayles said. “I just take ev- No. 5 OHIO vs. No. 4 Ball “I am very pleased with ev- team led as it headed for the ning of the second half until
couldn’t hold back a smile. eryday as a learning lesson and State, 9:30 erything that they gave,” Ran- locker rooms. the Falcons took off, leading
After his name was called, he just try to grow from everything Cleveland, Quicken Loans dall said. “There is something “We really fed off of each by as many as 13 points.
sauntered toward center court, and try to apply it to life.” Arena to be said about this team. We other,” said junior Tenishia Bowling Green’s 18-4 sec-
smile growing bigger. When he Sayles’ relationship with his have had a lot of adversity. No Benson. “The older players ond half run gave them a lead
finally arrived, Sayles embraced late nephew, Yasere, taught him TUNE to one expected us to be here.” were able to help the younger they wouldn’t give up. The
WXTQ Power 105.5 fm
his mother with a loving hug to selflessness. The son of his sister The Falcons held the lead ones, and then the younger Bobcats struggled to keep up,
let her know how important she Jamaca, Yasere was born with for less than a minute until the ones, feeding off the energy, closing the lead to as close as
is to him. cerebral palsy and passed away that’s a gift.” Bobcats took over the score. were able to help the older six at one point.
Sayles is the oldest Bobcat last October at the age of 11. Sayles’ college career hasn’t They didn’t look back for the ones.” “We believed that we were
on the basketball team. His age To honor him, Sayles has his been without adversity, either. rest of the half. Ohio led by Bowling Green went about going to win this basketball
and calm, mature temperament name tattooed on his right bi- A torn labrum forced him to as many as six during the first regaining the lead during the game,” Randall said. “We
have earned him the nickname cep, one of nine tattoos he has sit out the 2008–09 season. He half, holding a 20-14 advan- second half, quickly tying the knew the importance of mak-
“Grandpa.” During Senior Day, to symbolize his upbringing. elected to graduate last spring tage of Bowling Green with game 28-28 with a Tracy Pon- ing sure we showed up for the
the woman who played the big- Another one is Jones’ name and did not return to the team eight minutes left. tius free throw, but the Bob- second half, but we control
gest role in that development across his chest. for this season until the sum- Ohio went into the locker cats pulled ahead once again. the things that we control –
stood before Sayles. “The whole situation was mer. Rumors circulated that he room leading 28-27, its fifth The game continued to be having confidence in who you
“It was just all the pieces fit- tough, especially finding out left to make room for a scholar- consecutive game where the close throughout the begin- are and your team.”
ting together,” said his mother about it,” Sayles said. “I didn’t ship.
Anica Jones. “His hard work and get to see him before he passed “His whole ordeal has shown
his obedience are paying off. away. ... I always put him be- him a lot of lessons,” Jones said. SWIMMING & DIVING

Diver aims at postseason

A lot of times you do the right fore myself. Whenever he was “Even if you’re good at some-
thing. Senior Day showed the around, he was always my first thing, there’s always going to
reward of his hard work and en- priority — no matter what.” be obstacles. You’re not always
durance.” Even when Yasere suffered going to be in the limelight, and
As the single mother of four, from a young age, Asown was he’s learned that in his career.” PAUL MEARA
Jones balanced running a day- always there to support him Despite it all, Sayles has dealt For The Post |
care center while raising her through his hours of treatment deftly with adversity. It’s some- ———
at the hospital. They main- thing that doesn’t go unnoticed Years of diving have come
tained a lasting bond through- by teammates. down to one meet.
TEAM LEADERS out Yasere’s life, even as he con- “When he talks, we’re all for- Senior Lindsay Hamilton
OHIO: tinued to suffer. tunate to listen to him,” fellow will be one of two Bobcats at-
Points: D.J. Cooper, 16.4 As Yasere’s grandmother, senior Adetunji Adedipe said. tempting to compete at the
Rebounds: Ivo Baltic, 5.9 Jones watched in admiration “… His career has been like a national swimming and diving
Assists: Cooper, 7.4 as Sayles kept his nephew com- rollercoaster ride. No matter meet. She heads to Columbus
pany. what, he’s always had a positive today in order to achieve that
Ball State: “They had a very, very close outlook.” goal.
Points: Jarrod Jones, 14.6 relationship,” Anica said. When discussing how his The Bill and Mae McCorkle
Rebounds: Jones, 8.4 “Asown was his favorite uncle. teammates see him, Sayles Aquatic Pavilion in Columbus,
Assists: Randy Davis, 5.1 ... I just believe that since he’s shows a quick smile as he qui- Ohio, will host the 2011 NCAA
been an obedient that God has etly talks about his leadership Zone C diving preliminar- Erin Corneliussen | Picture Editor
things stored for him in the fu- style. ies. Hamilton will attempt to
Lindsay Hamilton competes in the 3-meter diving preliminaries during the MAC
children. She noticed maturity ture.” The calm strength has been become one of 42 divers who Championship Feb. 25 at the Aquatic Center. Hamilton placed second in the event
in Asown, her third-youngest Sayles has become a player with him his entire life, and he’s make it to the NCAA Champi- final with a score of 320.65, helping the Bobcats win the championship with
child, when he was at an early coach John Groce says can han- still figuring out a way he can onships. 669.5 points.
age. dle any situation successfully honor the woman who has done “It’s always exciting when
“He’s always been mild-man- and appropriately. Despite Say- so much for him. someone goes on to postsea- pared herself well but will need to the NCAA Championship in
nered and even-keeled,” Jones les being a role player who rare- “Her raising us, she just al- son play,” coach Greg Werner to be at her best to make the list Werner’s tenure as Ohio swim-
said. “If he’s upset, you don’t ly sees quality minutes, Groce ways made sure we had what we said. “It’s obviously the elite of of 42. ming and diving coach, but he
know it. If he’s happy, you don’t sees Sayles as someone that’s needed and wanted. She always the elites, but we want to take “As tough as it is to com- said Hamilton has as good a
know it.” had an “incredible amount” of went above and beyond 100 it one more level, we want to pete on the swimming side, it’s chance as any to be the first.
With his mother taking care influence on his younger team- percent,” Sayles said. “There’ll go on to the NCAA Champion- probably harder on the diving “We think that she’s put her-
of three other siblings while he mates. never be a way I can pay her ships.” side,” Werner said. “She’s go- self in the best position during
was growing up, Sayles learned “He’s been through a lot — back. Hamilton will participate ing to have to be the best she’s her collegiate career to achieve
humility and perseverance as both successes and adversity,” “I’m trying my hardest to get in the 1-meter event today been all year long in order to that goal — and that’s to ad-
he became older. He looks at life Groce said. “He understands to the point where I could do and the 3-meter event Friday. advance.” vance to the NCAA Champion-
as a “long road,” as something how to handle himself, and such a thing.” Werner said Hamilton has pre- No diver has ever advanced ships,” Werner said.


’Cats still talented despite letdown

Watching as the seconds ticked off tion for Ohio and its six graduating the crease. Zander Dover and others pipelines will be flowin’. They’ve al-
the clock in Ohio’s 4-2 semifinal loss seniors. will be poised for breakout seasons ready started.
Tuesday, I kept thinking about what Two straight losses in the Ameri- much like the ones John Luciana and The only thing that motivates a
coach Dan Morris said to me at the BART can Collegiate Hockey Association Alex DiMassa enjoyed this year. team more than getting so close to a
beginning of the season — this was LOGAN semifinals — both third-period col- Four of the club’s defensemen will national championship only to come
the most talented hockey team he For The Post lapses – will eat away at the players. return to man the blue line. The free- up short is to have it happen again.
had ever assembled. Scenarios will be replayed, “what ifs” wheeling Zack Barbis will be on board There’s no need for bulletin board
The Bobcats had it all: size, speed, will be asked. But no amount of self- to pile up points aplenty. material when those pair of box
skill. They replaced the club’s all-time reflection can change the outcome. Jonathan Gulch and his bazooka scores scathe more than any words.
winningest goaltender with a former For the returning Bobcats, they’re slap shot will continue make oppos- “Next year” might be the distant
NCAA Division I netminder in Blake There are a plethora of teams around left with that four-word phrase syn- ing goaltenders and would-be shot- future, especially with the loss still so
MacNicol. They returned their top campus — clubs and varsity alike — onymous with sports in the city of blockers quiver behind the protective fresh in their memories — but I have
two scorers in Michael Schultz and with those lofty dreams in mind, but Cleveland: “There’s always next year.” padding. a feeling Morris might use some strik-
Tyler Pilmore. the Bobcats had the tools to bring one Ohio Hockey fans need not be so cyn- In net, Morris has the luxury of ingly similar words to describe his
And to top it off, they had the se- home. ical. picking between Fedor Dushkin and 2011-2012 team.
nior leadership in players such as Anything less would be a “tough hit Next year the Bobcats will return Bryan Danczak, both of whom looked
Mark Tracy and Billy Hemann to keep to take,” senior Brett Molnar told me. their top eight scorers. The first line very sharp in spot duty during the Bart Logan is a senior
the team focused. Were it not for a span of 15 seconds of Schultz, Pilmore and Nick Rostek season. Either could have started for studying journalism. If you are an
Players made no secrets of the sea- Tuesday night, the Bobcats could will be back to defend their league two-thirds of Ohio’s opponents this Ohio Hockey fanatic still coping
son’s goal from the onset. They want- have been celebrating a national title title. Brett Agnew will be back to fill year. with Tuesday’s loss, e-mail him at
ed to win a national championship. today. But, that is of little consola- the net with rubber and camp out in And rest assured, the recruiting
Musician family harmonizes Struggling to carry the weight, writer seeks
JESSIE CADLE answer about confronting jobless boyfriend
Staff Writer |
——— IF YOU GO Pillow Talk, point in your relationship, I
WHAT: 5 Browns Concert My fiancée and I have been think it’s also pretty selfish he
Instead of a guitar, bass and drums, the stage is set WHEN: Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium dating since high school and didn’t talk to you before turn-
with five pianos. For the 5 Browns, each sibling plays WHERE: 7:30 tonight got engaged very recently. I go PILLOW TALK ing down the job.
one of the keyboards. ADMISSION: $18 for students, $20 for general to school and work full-time, Mallory Long You need to have this con-
admission and $10 for seniors
“Since there are only five pianos on stage, I would and up until this quarter my versation with your fiancée
say that our sound when we’re playing all together is fiancée was going to school Fed Up, again and explain to him how
something like an orchestra of pianos, or maybe even best friends,” he said. full-time and working part- I don’t think you’re wrong you feel — how you feel work-
one massive piano that can play more notes than Though the Browns disagree occasionally, they time. This quarter he dropped at all. It seems that you’re a ing so hard and watching him
ever before,” said Melody Brown. have learned to work together during their six years out after skipping two-weeks hard worker, and your fiancée barely work, and how you feel
The 5 Browns, as part of the Performing Arts and as a group, Desirae said. of class because his car wasn’t doesn’t hold that same work about his reluctance to do
Concert Series, perform at 7:30 tonight at the Temple- “Being siblings we have a lot musically in com- running (although he barely ethic. I know that can be frus- something that would ben-
ton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium. Tick- mon,” Desirae said. “We have all had the same train- tried to find a ride), and he has trating because you love this efit you both just because he
ets are $18 for students, $20 for general admission ing and thus share a similar musical aesthetic and been getting less and less hours guy and want to see him suc- doesn’t feel like it. Generally,
and $10 for seniors. physical approach to the keyboard.” at work. Today he was offered ceed, but it’s also infuriating I’m not a fan of ultimatums,
The 5 Browns is composed of Melody, Ryan, Each Brown started playing the piano at age three, a full-time job doing manual to work very hard and then but this situation might call
Gregory, Deondra and Desirae Brown. Each sib- and they all continued zealously taking lessons, De- labor that paid more than watch your partner, whom for one. Tell him he has a cer-
ling graduated from Juilliard Conservatory, where ondra said. minimum wage. He turned it you love but also (probably) tain amount of time to get his
they each studied piano. They are the only set of “I think music must run in the family. … We each down because he didn’t think it consider your equal, do vir- act together or you’re gone,
five siblings who have been admitted, according to fell in love with it,” she said. was enough money and because tually nothing and pass up and stick to your word. If he’s
their website. The 5 Browns will perform pieces such as Saint- he “can’t adjust (his) internal opportunities that would going to be selfish, you can be
“We always say that the craziest thing is not that we Saens’ “Dance Macabre,” Holst’s “The Planets,” Star clock to be at work at 6 a.m.” I benefit you both. selfish too and refuse to carry
all play the piano, but that we all found our passion Wars and a medley of Hitchcock films from their lat- am furious that he would turn I don’t know much about his weight.
there,” Deondra said. est album, Deondra said. down such a good opportunity, weddings, but I do know the
The Browns were unable to speak for an interview The show will cost $15,000, which Andrew Holza- and he doesn’t understand why planning process is stressful, — Mallory Long is a senior
because of family circumstances, but they each cor- epfel, associate director of programming, said will be I’m upset. We got into an argu- time-consuming and often studying journalism and wom-
responded via e-mail. covered by ticket costs. ment and he hung up on me very expensive. If your fiancée en’s studies. Ask her your ques-
The Browns did not anticipate working together The group hopes to have an open rehearsal before because he thought I was being is not attending school and tions about sex and love in the
when they graduated, but they all had a common the performance to interact with students, Desirae ridiculous. What should I do? barely working part-time, culture section of thepost.ohiou.
goal of reviving classical music for a modern audi- said. it’s lazy and selfish of him to edu, at postpillowtalk@gmail.
ence, Ryan said. “With music, we’re all lifelong students, right?” De- Sincerely, refuse a job because he doesn’t com or follow Pillow Talk on
“It’s such a blessing to be playing with four of my sirae said. Fed Up want to get up early. At this Twitter at @post_pillowtalk.


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All Wired Up [ on Adderall ]

Students pop prescription pills to focus on finals and classes
Bridget Mallon The prevalence of college students who take fect that they think they want, they’re going to contin-
Staff Writer | drugs such as Ad- derall without a prescrip- ue doing it,” Koons said. “The rule of thumb with any
——— tion indicates that many don’t understand drug is that if you try a drug and you like the effect,
misuse of pharmaceu- ticals, said Terry Koons, the likelihood of you trying it again is pretty high.”
Editor’s Note: Some names have been changed to associate director at the Campus Involvement While Lauren has no plans to stop taking Adderall
protect students’ privacy. Center for Health Promo- tion. any time soon, she said some of the positive effects
“I think people don’t real- ize they’re abus- she experiences could occur because she expects
As finals week creeps closer, many students turn ing a drug because they’re us- ing a medica- them to.
to coffee, working out or study partners for support. tion,” Koons said. “What people don’t realize “I think a lot of it is placebo effect, if you tell your-
Others, though, see prescription drugs as the way to is that if I am being treated for ADD with one self you can accomplish something,” she said. “If you
get through. of those stimulants, the effects on my body gave me a sugar pill and told me it was Adderall, I’d
While Adderall is prescribed to people who suffer will be very different than someone who probably be able to focus just the same, but you can’t
from Attention Deficit Disorder or Attention Deficit is recreationally using it.” placebo yourself.”
Hyperactive Disorder, college students without pre- Koons said that the drug helps those with a While Lauren continues to take Adderall, Sarah
scriptions take the drugs hoping medical need focus, think said she hasn’t used it since Fall Quarter and has no
they will help them focus on school- clearly, stay on task and re- plans to try it again.
work. main settled. But people with “I’ll probably never take it again, to be
“For those people for whom Ad- It’s like you can do no medical need for Adderall honest. It’s kind of a waste of time, and I’d
derall, Ritalin or similar stimulants anything, you can will experience effects similar rather just drink coffee,” she said. “I think
have been prescribed, it is a very accomplish anything – to other stimulant drugs, such it’s over- rated, and I think there are other
helpful medication to facilitate them as cocaine. healthier ways that you can do your
being successful students at Ohio you’re superhuman.” “If you use it and you don’t schoolwork.”
University,” said Dr. Sheila Williams, LAUREN, need it, you’re going to get the Being in college, students are given the
a senior staff member at Counseling FRESHMAN same effect that you would get chance to define their habits and work ethic,
and Psychological Services and the from cocaine or methamphet- Amy Olander president of the Pre-Pharmacy
director of Outreach and Consulta- amine,” Koons said. “You’ll be Club said.
tions. up for a long period of time. You’ll be very wound up. “This is where you estab- lish study habits
According to the National Drug Survey on Drug You’ll probably become very tired at one point. Some and skills, so if you’re using Ad- derall now, are
Use and Health, full-time college students ages 18-22 people, depending on how much they use, could be you going to do it your whole life? You’re not
are twice as likely to use Adderall without any medi- up two or three days without sleeping.” prescribed it, and you shouldn’t put things in
cal need than part-time students or people not en- Regardless of their lack of medical need for the your body you don’t need,” she said.
rolled in college. drug, some students still feel it helps them in their While some students who have been pre-
In order to improve her focus during school, one day-to-day life. Lauren, a freshman who takes Adder- scribed Adderall actively sell it, sharing
OU student turned to Adderall. all at least once or twice a month, relies on it when prescription drugs with others or being in
“The first time I tried it, I wanted to see if I would she has a test or project and plans to use it during possession of pharmaceuticals that were pre-
be more alert to pay attention in my boring classes,” Winter Quarter finals. scribed to someone else is a fifth-de- gree felony
said Sarah, a sophomore who said she has taken Ad- “It’s like you can do anything, you can accomplish for which students could face up to 12 months
derall at least a dozen times. anything — you’re superhuman,” she said. “You can in prison and a $2,500 fine. To avoid medical
For Sarah, the effects of the drug were not always focus on everything at once. It’s anything you want to and legal penalties, Koons urges stu- dents to
exactly what she was expecting. Several of the times make it. It’s like you’re getting faster. If you want to not share any prescription drugs.
she tried Adderall, her focus was on unexpected sub- go up Morton Hill, it’s like you sped up that hill. You “Communicate to someone who asks you.
jects. can exercise better. You can talk better and more ef- Lets say that they know you are using a particular
“I find myself being more concentrated on other ficiently. It just makes everything better.” pharmaceutical, that ‘I need this,’” Koons said.
things, like I’ll clean for three hours straight or some- Koons attributes such positive opinions of drugs “(You should say), ‘I have a medical condition,
thing like that,” she said. “I have to be in the mindset such as Adderall to having a desired outcome the first and this is why I need the drug and I really can’t,
to study if I decide to take it. And most of the time, time the drug was experienced. based on my insurance policy, based on the
I’m not, so I become more concentrated or focused “The mind can do many things. I think part of it law, based on my own medical need. I can’t
on doing something other than studying.” would be, if someone is misusing it and getting an ef- physically give up my medica- tion.’”

Full-time college Data taken from a

students, ages 18-22, sample of 1,500 OU
are twice as likely to students in 2009
use Adderall without showed that 3.7% of
any medical need for it students had used a
than part-time students Ritalin or an Adderall-
or people not enrolled in type stimulant in the
college at all. previous 30 days.
According to the National Drug According to a survey carried out
Survey on Drug Use and Health by the Campus Involvement Center

Illustration by Danielle Zeisler

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