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1 Introduction:

Comparative education is fully established academic field of study that examines education in

one country or group of countries and insights drawn from practices and situation in another

country or countries. Programs and courses in comparative education are offered in many

universities throughout the world. (Marietta_B, 2014)

Getao defined comparative education as a discipline, the study of educational systems in which

one seeks to understand the similarities and differences among educational system. The field of

comparative education is best defined as an intersection of social sciences, education and cross

national studies.

2 Meaning of comparative education:

Comparative education as the name indicated is composed of two words comparative is emerges

from compare and education means to bring about change whether internally or externally. In

comparative education we study and compare educational resources, Facilities, culture and other

factors that affect the educational scenario of one country to another, facilitating the planning of

educational programs, curricula, teaching methods and activities. It is also helpful in providing

information how to improve educational assessment and evaluation.

3 Purpose of comparative education:

The purpose of comparative education is to:

• Understand the educational problems

• Understand cultural context

• Political influence on education

• National characteristics and role of education

• Positive and negative aspects of education

• Describe educational system.

4 Scope of comparative education:

Different perspectives that capture the scope of comparative education these are:

• The subject matter and content: this covers the essential components of educational

• systems such as structure , aim, content or curriculum, administration, financing, teacher

• education

• Geographical units of study: these comprises intranational and international, regional

• continental and global or world system, studies and analysis.

• Ideological scope: this compares countries educational systems on the basis of different

• political, social and economic ideologies. For example democratic, communism, socialist.

• Thematic scope: this scope focuses on educational themes, topical issues or problems
• and compares them within one or more geographical units. For example free primary and

• secondary education, universal primary education, education for all and universal higher

• education.

• Historical scope: this deals with the study of historical development of the discipline

• from the earliest phase known as the period of travelers’ tales to the period of modern

• phase known as the period of social science perspectives.

Elements of comparative education

1.3 Structure of Education system

Elementary education

Concept of elementary education:

Elementary education consist of classes from one – eight. It includes two stages of education i-e

primary from, one- five and middle from six- eight.

Aims of elementary education:

• Provide knowledge and develop skills, attitudes, values essential to personal development

and necessary for living in and contributing to a developing and changing society.

• Providing learning experience which increase the child’s awareness of and

responsiveness to the change in the society.

• Promote work experiences which develop orientation to the world of work and prepare

the learner to honest and gainful work.

• Promote and intensify knowledge, identification with and love for the nation and the

people to which he belongs (Abid & Nazir, 2018)

Time/ age duration:

• Primary: it is of four year duration. It is comprised of age group six- ten.

• Middle: it is of 3 year duration. It is comprised of age group eleven- thirteen.


The major goals of elementary education are achieving basic literacy and numeracy as well

establishing foundation of science, mathematics, history and other social sciences. Basically

there are eight subject in elementary education that are: English, Science, Urdu, Mathematics,

History, Geography, Islamiat, and Computer.


The most used teaching methods in today’s elementary schools.

• Teacher- centered learning:

In this method teachers are educating the students interactively and learning is now dependent on

the needs of the children. The students know nothing of the topic, they are dependent on the


• Students- centered learning:

This method is very important for elementary students. In this method teacher gives them a

chance to explore and it help students in experimentation and discovery the self. In this will

engage the learners to try out new things (Tom & karren, 2018)

Need and importance of elementary education:

The needs and importance of elementary education are:

• Spread of literacy.

• Progress of country.

• Education of common life.

• Complete education for most children.

• Motivation.

• Mass education (the education which is compulsory for all as per his daily needs) (Abid

& Nazir, 2018).

Secondary education

1. Definition of secondary education:

A Secondary education is considered the education to be imparted after the elementary

education class 8th. The class 9th and 10th is considered at secondary education. The class 9th

shall be termed as ‘’primers’’ while those at class 10th shall be termed as ‘’sophomores’’

(kumar, 2018).
Secondary education covers children aged 12 to 18, a group compromising 8.85 core children.

The two halves of secondary education are each an important stage for which a pass certificate is

needed, and thus are affiliated by central boards of education under HRD ministry, before one

can pursue higher education including college or professional courses.

1.1 Aims of secondary education;

The secondary education commission also known as Mudaliar commission, headed by Dr. A.

Lakshmanwami then vice chancellor of madaras university submitted a number of

recommendations with regard to recognization of secondary education.

The secondary education should start after 4 to 5 years of primary education. Most of high

schools should be multi purposes to join professionals and technical courses. Public schools

should continue.

1.2 Language;

Mother tougue or the regional language.

1.3 Curriculum;

Students learnt at the secondary education in depth. At this level two sections, humanities and


In humanities subjects are general science, math, Urdu, English, Islamic studies, social studies

while in science section subjects involved math, bio, physics, chemistry, English, Urdu, Islamic

studies and social studies.

1.4 Methods of teaching

Activity and project methods

Emphasize on clear thinking

Group projects and activities

Higher education


Higher education comprises all post-secondary education that occurs at universities. At the end

of prescribed course of study, a degree or certificate is awarded. [ CITATION WHC \l 1033 ]

Higher education is education, training and research guidance that takes place at the post

secondary level. [ CITATION JIC \l 1033 ]

Higher education refers to education above grade 12. Age for higher education is 17-23 and

above. At the time of independence, Pakistan has only one university in Lahore that was Punjab

University. In Pakistan, HEC Higher Education Commission is responsible for management of

universities; like providing grants, designing policies, curriculum development etc.

Levels of higher education:

 Associate degree (2 years)

 Master’s degree (2 years)

 Bachelor’s degree (4 years)

 Doctoral degree (2-5 years) [ CITATION Hum \l 1033 ]

Faculties at university level:

There are a lot of faculties working in different universities. Faculty is basically a division within

university comprising one subject area. Faculty is made up of various departments.

Faculty of social sciences comprises of different departments like education, sociology, law,

linguistics, psychology, anthropology, economics etc that offers different programs; BS Hons,


Faculty of engineering comprises of different departments; department of electrical engineering,

department of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, software engineering etc. These

departments work under engineering faculty.

Likewise, these faculties some other faculties also work in different universities and run different


Teaching methods:

Demonstration method, discussion method, project method and problem solving methods are

being employed at university level that develops reasoning and critical thinking abilities in


Examination system of universities:

Universities examination system is based upon internal and external exams. Semester system is

common in universities. Evaluation is based upon grades. Division of grades is different in

different universities. A, B+, B, C+, C, D and F. examinations are being conducted two time in

semester system. Midterm examination that is comprised of 20 marks exam and 20 marks

assignments, presentations and quizzes and 60 marks for the final examination. Division of
marks is different in different universities but examination system is common. (DR. Parveen

Munshi, Muhammad Javed, DR. Irshad Hussain).


Higher education develops critical thinking abilities in students. It will definitely increase

literacy rate. Higher education improves quality of life in various aspects. It is beneficial for the

individual and society as well.

Teachers Education


"Program, training, procedures to prepare prospective teachers with required skill knowledge to

undertake teaching related activities in their respective educational institutions". (IGI Global ,


"Teacher education encompasses teaching skills, sound pedagogical theory and professional

skills”. (Kilpatrick, 2016)

"Collegiate level programs of instructions which prepare professional teachers ". (IGI Global ,


"Formal teachers training (pre-service or in service) designed to equip teacher with knowledge,

attitude, behavior and skills required for teaching at relevant level". (IGI Global , 2020)


It provides opportunity for understanding self and others, developing the ability of self-analysis

and self-evaluation, flexibility, creativity and innovation.

Provide opportunity to enhance understanding, knowledge and examine disciplinary knowledge

and social realities, develop critical thinking.

Provide opportunity to develop professional skills.

Provide opportunity to observe and engage with children, communication with children and to

relate to children.

Provide opportunity for self-learning, self-reflection, ability to think. (Patra, 2017)


Success of every nation depend upon planning for future. Every future depends upon

youth/children. Success of children depend upon teachers. The quality of teacher depends upon

teacher’s education and training. A well-trained teacher can give better education for the sake of

this purpose in Pakistan we are focusing upon teachers training program before job and during

the jobs.

Teacher education enable teachers to go through with new methodologies, innovations and

requirement in the field of education. The purpose of teacher educators to train teachers, how to

teach, how to use new teaching equipment, how to fulfill the student’s needs.


According to my opinion teacher’s education is a unique way to give training to the teachers

/future teachers. We should train our teacher so that they can fulfill students and educational

needs in better way. Not only in Pakistan every country should have a talented and well-trained

teacher for every subject.

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