Art 1 Curriculum 2

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Art 1 Erin Betfort Fall Semester 2021

Day Date Proj Short Description of Lesson Segment (Objective) Standard Events
ect/ Addressed:

Wednesda 8/11/21 Meet the


Thursday 8/12/21 Intro

Friday 8/13/21 Intro

Monday 8/16/21 NO SCHOOL

Tuesday 8/17/21 1 Within this class period I would like to get to know the students personal needs. They Standard 1: I can use the
will enter into the classroom and be given a worksheet to fill out. This worksheet will elements and principles
consist of some personal, artistic, and general schooling questions. of art to create artwork.

After the work sheets are filled out, I will introduce myself to the class through a VA.CR NL1: I can name
powerpoint and allow them to ask questions about the course or myself as a person. and use some of the
After, the students will be able to introduce themselves if they wish to. elements of art to express
In this class period students will be reminded of the expectations for my classroom
and how it is managed. This includes work days, demos and clean up.

Wednesda 8/18/21 1 Students will enter the classroom and have a bell ringer on the board. This will ask VA.CR IM 1: I can analyze
them to doodle on a piece of scrap paper. It does not have to be pretty but just what and apply the elements
they would normally doodle in their free time. and principles of art to
solve a given artistic
After this I will introduce the students to the elements and principles of art. The challenge.
students will then use their bell ringer doodle in the lesson and identify if they were
using any of the elements and principles without thinking about it.

The students will be introduced to the mini gallery project. They will be given 4 pieces
of matte board and instructed to pick a variety of elements and principles to use in the
composition. For this project students are able to use whatever mediums they have

Thursday 8/19/21 1 As the students enter the classroom their bell ringer will be to share their progress on
their mini gallery with their peers around them.

After the bell ringer students will be able to ask questions and gain perspective of their
work from both the teacher and their peers. If a refresher is needed for the elements
and principles it will be given.

The rest of class time will be available for the students to finish their mini gallery

Friday 8/20/21 1 As the students enter they will be asked to display their mini galleries in their seating
area in any way they wish. Next, I will briefly go over the concept of a post it note
critique. The students will be given 5 post it notes and must go around the room to
their peers art work and write:
1. A compliment
2. An improvement
3. What element or principle they see in one of the works.
After this critique the students will be able to engage in a conversation about the work
and the project as a whole.

Monday 8/23/21 1 Bell ringer on what students would define as aesthetically pleasing, what beauty Standard 4: I can PD
means to them. organize work for
presentation and
This day students will begin using their basic knowledge of the arts to create their own documentation to reflect
aesthetic inventory. They will be allowed to use magazines and any medium of their specific content, ideas,
choice. skills, and or media.

Tuesday 8/24/21 1 WORK DAY VA.P NH 4:

I can choose artwork that
Students will be prepared with all of their materials and work on their aesthetic shows a common theme
inventory for this class period. or technique.

Wednesda 8/25/21 1 Students will present their aesthetic inventories to the class. This will allow the VA. P NL 4.1:
students to not only display their art but allow them an introduction on how to speak I can share my artwork.
to their peers.

Thursday 8/26/21 2 When the students enter the classroom they will be presented with a bell ringer. It will Standard 1: The student
focus on the use of different media to acquire a desired look. The students will be will demonstrate
asked what their preferred media is. competence in the use of
ideas, materials,
The class will have the option to share what their favorite media is to the class, this techniques, and
will allow me to understand my students preferences. processes in the creation
of works of visual art.
Next, the students will be presented with a PowerPoint on different mediums, this Indicators: VAH2-1.1
presentation will allow them time to gain ideas and understanding of different Recognize and analyze
processes and techniques that they are allowed to use in the classroom. the similarities and
differences between
For this project, we will be strictly two dimensional. The students will use their materials, techniques,
preferred medium in order to complete a Big Idea project on time. The students will be and processes in works
able to display the way that they interpret time, while using a mix of different media of visual art. VAH2-1.2
and techniques that they were introduced to prior. Describe the ways that
different materials,
techniques, and
processes evoke different
responses in one who is
creating or viewing
artworks. VAH2-1.4
Apply materials,
techniques, and
processes with skill,
confidence, and
sensitivity sufficient to
make his or her intentions
observable in the artwork
that he or she creates.

Friday 8/27/21 2 Contract Day Content Team PD

Monday 8/30/21 2 After the long weekend the students will begin class with a warm up. They will be VAH2-1.5 Use a variety of Faculty Meeting
allowed to doodle on a scratch piece of paper for 15 minutes. Allowing them time to art materials, tools, and 3:30 - 5:00
adjust to being back in the classroom after the weekend. At the end of the 15 minutes equipment in a skillful,
the students can choose to trade their doodles with another student in the class. safe, and responsible
Once the bell ringer is over, the students will get a refresher on their Big Idea project
and then proceed to work.

Tuesday 8/31/21 3 Students will continue working on their Big Idea work. VAH2-1.3 Communicate
ideas through the
effective use of a variety
of materials, techniques,
and processes in works
of visual art.

Wednesda 9/1/21 3 Bell Ringer: What is Time?



Thursday 9/2/21 3 Bell Ringer: Can you still name the elements and principles of art.

This day will act as a break for the students. They will not be working on their big idea
Friday 9/3/21 3 project.

The students will partake in a VTS session.

I will begin by presenting an explanation of a VTS session and demonstrating how the
students will respond to the piece, however there are no wrong answers.

Gold - Early Dismissal - PD

Blue - No School

Day Date Proje Short Description of Lesson Segment (Objective) Standard Events
ct/ Addressed:

Monday 9/6/21 3 Work Day

Tuesday 9/7/21 3 Work Day

Wednesda 9/8/21 3 Before class begins to work on their final touches of their project, they will be given *Formal
instructions on how to turn in their work. For this project it must be documented on Observation by
the class camera or their personal phone. Afterward it will be emailed to me. I will be Principle
placing them on a powerpoint in a random order for tomorrow's presentation.
Students can spend class time preparing for how they want to introduce their work to
the class.

Thursday 9/9/21 Portfo Students will spend this day showing their completed work to their peers. The
lio students will focus on how the medium that they used relates to their own individual
idea of time.
Friday 9/10/21 4 Bell Ringer: What does visual culture mean to you? Standard 3: The student
Presentation on visual culture and what it means. Also, how it is used in the art world, will examine the content
focusing on pop art. of works of visual art and
use elements from them
Introduce the Visual Culture project. Students must create a work of art that uses in creating his or her own
elements from their Big Idea project mixed with their own visual culture and works. Indicators : VAH2-
exploration. 3.1 Explore the sources of
the subject matter and
Class time will be spent showing a demo on how visual culture made me who I am the ideas in variety of
today and how it impacted my art. works of visual art. VAH2-
3.2 Analyze and describe
the relationships among
subject matter, symbols,
and themes in
communicating intended
meaning in his or her
artworks and the works of

Monday 9/13/21 4 Class time will start with a demo on how to use the material that the class was most Faculty Meeting
interested in, allowing them to use that medium in this work or future work. 3:30 - 5:00

Tuesday 9/14/21 4 WORK DAY

Students will have a one on one conference with me to explain the idea behind the
work they would like to create. (This allows me to check the work and ensure that
nothing inappropriate is being included.)

Wednesda 9/15/21 4 WORK DAY


Thursday 9/16/21 4 VAH2-3.3 Select and

effectively use subject
matter, symbols, and
ideas to communicate
meaning through his or
her artworks.

Standard 4: The student

Friday 9/17/21 5 will understand the visual
arts in relation to history
and world cultures and
the technologies, tools,
and materials used by the
artists. Indicators: VAH2-
4.1 Describe ways that
the subject matter,
symbols, ideas, and
technologies in various
artworks are related to
history and culture.
VAH2-4.2 Identify specific
artworks as belonging to
a particular culture or
historical period and
explain the characteristics
that led him or her to
make that identification.
VAH2-4.3 Describe and
discuss the function and
meaning of specific
artworks from various
world cultures and
historical periods. VAH2-
4.4 Demonstrate visual
literacy by deconstructing
images in a variety of
contexts. VAH2-4.5 Apply
a knowledge of art
history, various cultures,
and technologies in the
creation of original works
of visual art

Monday 9/20/21 5

Tuesday 9/21/21 5 Art History!

Bell Ringer: Who is your favorite artist?
This week students will work on being an art historian themselves. They will be
conducting research and creating a presentation of fine artists from a specific style or
time of art.

I will show a presentation on what goes into being an art historian and how museums
are able to place works of art into their own categories.

Wednesda 9/22/21 5 Bell ringer: If you could go back in time, where would you go and why?

Thursday 9/23/21 5 WORK DAY

Friday 9/24/21 5 WORK DAY

Monday 9/27/21 5 Bell Ringer: Talk with your table about what art you included in your presentation that Faculty Meeting
you are most excited to talk about. 3:30 - 5:00

Tuesday 9/28/21 5 Presentation day 1!

Gold - Early Dismissal - PD

Blue - No School
Silver - Assembly Schedule 2 of 7 Red Outline - Progress Reports/Grades Due
Course Title Teacher Name Fall Semester 2021
Wednesda 9/29/21 5 Presentation Day 2!

Once the6 Now presentation is complete students will create their own Standard 6: The student
Friday 10/1/21 work of art that fits into the style that they chose as their time in art history. will make connections
This will allow them to connect their own work to the work of the artists they between visual arts and
other arts disciplines,
other content areas, and
The class will then partake in a VTS session.
the world. Indicators:
The rest of class time will be dedicated to planning their project. VAH2-6.1 Analyze the
similarities and
differences between the
visual arts and other arts
disciplines. VAH2-6.2
Compare and contrast
concepts, issues, and
themes in the visual arts
and other subjects in the
school curriculum. VAH2-
6.3 Identify specific visual
arts careers and describe
the knowledge and skills
that one needs for these

Monday 10/4/21

Tuesday 10/5/21 6 WORK DAY 5 - 7 PM Parent


Wednesda 10/6/21 6 WORK DAY


Thursday 10/7/21 6 Students will help hang up their work in order to prepare for the parent teacher 5 - 7 PM Parent
conferences. They will be allowed to choose from any of the projects they completed Teacher
during the class. Conferences

Friday 10/8/21 NO SCHOOL

Monday 10/11/21 7 Students will take their knowledge that they have acquired from the class and create a Standard 8: I can relate 5 - 7 PM Parent
work of art that uses their visual culture to display how they will connect their art work design ideas to other arts Teacher
to other subjects/jobs. disciplines, content areas, Conferences
and careers.
I will do a presentation on how art can assist the brain in other subjects followed by a

Tuesday 10/12/21 7 Class will start with a printmaking demonstration. This will assist the student in
unlocking more mediums that they will be able to use to express themselves in the next

Wednesda 10/13/21 7 CONT. Small printmaking project.


Thursday 10/14/21 7 CONT. Small printmaking project.

Friday 10/15/21 7 Students will take the prints they have made and cut, tape, glue and alter to use it Homecoming
within their design idea for the project. Parade and Pep
Sketchbook day.

Monday 10/18/21 7 One on one conferences about ideas/ progress.

Tuesday 10/19/21 7 Short VTS


Gold - Early Dismissal - PD

Blue - No School
Silver - Assembly Schedule 3 of 7 Red Outline - Progress Reports/Grades Due
Course Title Teacher Name Fall Semester 2021
Wednesda 10/20/21 7 Work Day

Thursday 10/21/21 7 Wellness check at the start of class. How is everyone doing? Are they ok? Is
Their project going well? Are they ready for Halloween?

Friday 10/22/21

Monday 10/25/21

Tuesday 10/26/21 7 Bell ringer: If you could have your dream job would you still do art on the side? How *Formal
can you incorporate what you have learned from this class into your desired Observation by
profession? Principle
Discussion on the bellringer.


Wednesda 10/27/21 7 WORK DAY


Thursday 10/28/21 Portfolio Present works

Friday 10/29/21 8 A small project, Students will take the day to find their own image for the class to VTS. Standard 5: The student PD
Half of the day will consist of research and a presentation of how to conduct a VTS will analyze and assess
session. the characteristics and
qualities of his or her own
Each student will then host their own quick VTS session for the class. The students works of visual art and
will be monitored on how they are now able to explain and critique a random and those of others.
unique piece of art found by their peers. Indicators: VAH2-5.1
Analyze the intention of
the artist in a specific
artwork and justify his or
her interpretation. VAH2-
5.2 Make complex,
descriptive, interpretative,
and evaluative judgments
about his or her own
artworks and those of
others. VAH2-5.3
Formulate criteria for
interpreting and
evaluating his or her own
artworks and those of
others. VAH2-5.4
Maintain a portfolio of his
or her artworks

Monday 11/1/21 8 VTS Faculty Meeting

3:30 - 5:00

Tuesday 11/2/21 8 VTS

Wednesda 11/3/21 9 Bell Ringer: Have you ever made a collage? Have you seen one? What was it of? Standard 1: I can
conceive and develop a
Introduction to collage project. Allowing students to mix their own techniques and design challenge.
style with pictures, fabric, string and found objects.

Thursday 11/4/21 9 Demonstration day: how to use an exacto knife.

General making collage knowledge and practice by making miniature collages from
found objects around the room.

If necessary take the class in the hallways or outside to find more objects for their mini

9 Mini collage day 2!

Friday 11/5/21
At the end of the class period, swap works with a classmate if you want to.

9 Being sketching and collecting ideas for the large collage piece.
Monday 11/8/21
Begin checking ideas.

Tuesday 11/9/21 9 Finish checking ideas


Wednesda 11/10/21 9 WORK DAY


Thursday 11/11/21 9 VTS

Work day

Gold - Early Dismissal - PD

Blue - No School
Silver - Assembly Schedule 4 of 7 Red Outline - Progress Reports/Grades Due
Course Title Teacher Name Fall Semester 2021
Day Date Project/ Short Description of Lesson Segment (Objective) Standard Events
Unit Title Addressed:

Friday 11/12/21 9 WORK DAY

Monday 11/15/21 9 Wellness check!

How's the project going? How was your weekend? Did you find anything to include in
your work?

Tuesday 11/16/21 9 WORK DAY

Wednesda 11/17/21 9 WORK DAY


Thursday 11/18/21 Portfolio Final project presentations. Faculty Meeting

3:30 - 5:00

10 Students will reflect on the work that they have completed in the class so far. Anchor Standard 4: I can
Friday 11/19/21 I will then present to the students the ways that people present their art in order organize work for
To reach their target audience; shops, graphic designers, and museums. presentation and
documentation to reflect
The students will be given a project that allows them to create a website,
specific content, ideas,
Presentation or sales pitch for their art work.
skills, and or media.

10 Today will act as a demo day, teaching students how to properly document their
Monday o
11/22/21 work.

Tuesday 11/23/21 Contract Day Content Team PD

Wednesda 11/24/21 NO SCHOOL


Thursday 11/25/21 NO SCHOOL

Friday 11/26/21 NO SCHOOL

Monday 11/29/21 10 Over the next 3 days the students will be allowed to make any adjustments to their
work. Allowing them to build their work and push it farther than it may have gotten in
the original project time. This is also a time for students to create more works of art
that they would like to include within their final project.

Tuesday 11/30/21 10 Work day

Wednesda 12/1/21 10 Work day


Thursday 12/2/21 Guest VTS *SCAEA

Teacher Conference

Friday 12/3/21 Guest Sketchbook day *SCAEA

Teacher Conference

Monday 12/6/21 10 Catch up. Start class with a casual conversation on how things are going and if
anyone has any questions about the project that they are completing.

Tuesday 12/7/21 10 WORK DAY

Gold - Early Dismissal - PD

Blue - No School
Silver - Assembly Schedule 5 of 7 Red Outline - Progress Reports/Grades Due
Course Title Teacher Name Fall Semester 2021
Wednesda 12/8/21 10 WORK DAY

Thursday 12/9/21 10 WORK DAY

Friday 12/10/21
Monday 12/13/21

Tuesday 12/14/21 10 Presentations

Wednesda 12/15/21 Portfolio Presentations


Thursday 12/16/21 Portfolio Presentations

Friday 12/17/21 Finals Faculty Meeting

Prep 3:30 - 5:00
Bell ringer: What was your favorite part of this class? What was your least
favorite part of this class?

Finals prep with a class kahoot followed by a VTS.

Finals (1,
Monday 12/20/21 3, 5)

Finals (2,
Tuesday 12/21/21 4, 6, ) Pack/Clean/Organize

Wednesda 12/22/21 ( 7, 8) Pack/Clean/Organize

Gold - Early Dismissal - PD

Blue - No School

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