Exam On Verb Tenses. Present Simple and Continuos, Past Simple and Continuous

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Exercise 1: Put the verbs in the correct forms: present continuous or present simple. 

1. Let's go out. It _______________ (not/rain) now.

2. Julia is very good at languages. She _______________(speak) four languages very well.

3. Hurry up! Everybody _______________ (wait) for you.

4. _______________ (you/listen) to the radio? No, you can turn it off.

5. _______________ (you/listen) to the radio every day? No, just occasionally.

6. Ron is in London at the moment. He _______________ (stay) at the Park Hotel. He always
_______________ (stay) there when he's in London. 

7. Can you drive? I _______________(learn) to drive. My father _______________ (teach) me. 

8. My parents _______________ (live) in London. They were born there and have never lived
anywhere else. Where _______________ (your parents/live)? 

Exercise 2: Read the story one time and then put the verbs into the correct forms: past simple or
past continuous.

Last week I _______________ (decide) to invite some friends for dinner. I _______________ (buy)
lots of delicious food, including an apple cake. I _______________(cook) in the kitchen and the
sun _______________ (shine). It was a beautiful day so I _______________ (open) the back
door. Then the telephone rang. I _______________ (go) to answer it and when I went back to the
kitchen, the cake wasn't on the table. I _______________ (look) out of the window and
_______________ (discover) that a cat _______________ (sit) on my garden wall and it
_______________ (eat) my cake.  I filled a bucket with water and I _______________ (go) quietly
outside. The cat _______________ (not look) in my direction and it _______________ (enjoy) the
cake so much that it ________________ (not hear) me. I _______________ (walk) slowly towards
the cat, because I _______________ (want) to empty the water over its head. At the last moment
the cat heard me and _______________ (escape). 

Exercise 3: Match the sentences:

1- I was washing the dishes while… a. the storm started and I didn’t have an umbrella

2- I was playing tennis when … b. it broke down.

3- I was driving my car when… c. I twisted my ankle.

4- I was walking home when… d. the phone rang and woke me up.

5- I was sleeping when… e. I was listening to music.

1- ____ 2- ____ 3- ____ 4- ____ 5- ____

Exercise 4: Complete what is missing:


_____________ ___________ ESCRIBIR

_____________ ___________ DESCANSAR

LAUGH ___________ _______________

_____________ DOUBTED _______________

CATCH ___________ _______________

Exercise 5: Put the verbs into the correct forms: present simple, present continuous, past simple
or past continuous:

1- When Carol _______________ (call) last night, I ____________________ (watch) my favourite

show on television. 

2- Sharon _______________ (love) to travel. She _______________ (travel) almost every summer.
Next year, she plans to go to Peru.

3- Thomas is an author. He _______________ (write) mystery and science fiction novels. 

4- Everyday I _______________ (wake) up at 6 o'clock, _______________ (eat) breakfast at 7

o'clock and ________________ (leave) for work at 8 o'clock. However, this morning I
_______________ (get) up at 6:30, ________________ (not eat) breakfast and left for work late
because I ________________ (forget) to set my alarm. 

5- Right now, Jim _______________ (read) the newspaper and Kathy _________________
(make) dinner. Last night at this time, they _______________ (do) the same thing. She
_______________ (cook) while he _______________ (read) the newspaper.

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