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Name: CLASH OF THE GODS VIDEO STUDY GUIDE EPISODE 2: HERCULES Directions: While watching the video, answer the following questions. 1. Hercules is destined to rid the Greek world of. 2, What is a hero in the Greek world? 3. Why does Hera want to destroy Hercules? 4. What is one way Hera tries to kill Hercules? 5. What connections does Thebes have with the myth of Hercules? 6. In what way is it hard for Hercules to blend in with Greek society? 7. What does Hercules do to his family? Why? 8. What is a blood guilt? 9. Who does Hercules go to in order to seek forgiveness? 10. Where do modern archeologists believe the prophetess at Delphi got her visions? 11, What is the "trick" surrounding Hercules’ 12 labors? 12, Why is it not really fair that Hercules is being punished? For each Labor, write down what Hercules had to do and answer any followup questions, 4g. 1st Labor - 14. What makes this labor difficult? 45. What is the theme in the early labors? 16. 2nd Labor - 47. This labor represents the human lust for _ 18. How does Hercules eventually kill this monster? 19. 3rd Labor - 20. 4th Labor - 21. 5th Labor - 22, How is this labor different from the others? 23. How does Hercules accomplish the task in one day? 24. What details are similar between Hercules and the ancient Greek warrior mentioned? 25. What connection does Hercules have with the Olympic Games? 26. 6th Labor - 27. 7th Labor ~ 28. These later labors become darker. Instead of being man vs. nature, these labors are man vs. 29. 8th Labor - 30. This labor demonstrates the idea the the evil you create will eventually 31. oth Labor - 32. The Greeks believed that the further out you go away from Greece, you actually cross the plain from the world to the world. 33. 10th Labor - 34. How does Hercules get to the Atlantic Ocean? 35- What is the significance of the Pillars of Hercules to the Ancient Greeks? 36. 11th Labor - 37. This labor parallels which story? 38. Who eventually helps Hercules accomplish the 11th Labor? How? 39. 12th Labor ~ 40. What happens to Hercules when he burns on the funeral pyre? Name: 1 OF THE GODS GUIDED NOTE EPISODE 2: HERCUL Directions: While watching the video, take notes in the following areas. Give specific examples from the video and fill the entire square. Take notes on each of the 12 labors, important details, and their significance. st Labor athLabge end Labor sth Labor 3rd Labor GthyLabas 7th Labor oth Labor 8th Labor uth Labor 9th Labor 12th Labor In.what ways does Hercules half-human, half-god nature hurt himself or those around him? (sxplain why Hera hates Hereules and what does she do to him? ‘What connections does Thebes have with the ‘myth of Hercules? Explain what a blood guilt is and how it applies to Hercules. Note the importance / role of the Oracle of Delphi and the Delphi Temple. What historical clues do we have that Hercules really lived? CLASH OF THE GODS VIDEO QUIZ EPISODE 2: HERCULES Directions: Choose the best answer. True / False: 1 Hercules is destined to rid the Greek world of all their monsters. 2 Hercules was driven mad by Hera and killed his family. 3 Hercules receives the 12 Labors from the Oracle at Delphi. 4 Hercules must go to his cousin King Eurystheus and do what he asks in order to be forgiven of his crimes. ‘The theme in the early labors is man vs. himself. _____ Hercules killed the Lion of Nemea by shooting it with his poisonous arrows. Hercules tricks Atlas by asking him to take the world back so that Hercules can get some food and water to eat while holding the world. 8. Hercules was trained by Philotetes. 9. Hercules creates the Pillars of Hercules by splitting the mountain with his sword. 10. Hercules reward in the end is that he becomes a god. 5. x Multiple Choice: u. What makes Hercules a demi-god? a. He is like the Gods, but can die. b.He becomes a god in the end c. He is the son of Hera. d.He is a hero. 12, How does Atlas trick Hercules? a. He never returns with the apples of the Hesporides. b.He tells Hercules that he will never return. c. He tells Hercules that he will not take the world back. d.He returns without the apples of the Hesporides. 13.__ Which of the following monsters does Hercules not fight? a.Man eating mares b.Hydra c. Nemean Lion 4.Minotaur 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. According the video, Hercules is a hero to the Greeks because a.he is the son of Zeus. b.he accomplished impossible tasks. c.he becomes a god in the end. d.he suffers more than others. What is a blood guilt? a.A curse upon you for murder. b. Feeling guilty for killing others. c. A promise to avenge the deaths of others. 4.A way of receiving forgiveness for murder. In what ways is Hercules not associated with the Olympie Games? a. He competed and won them many times. b.He founded the Olympic Games. c. The stadium is measured out by his feet. 4.There are many statues depicting his 12 Labors. Which labor required Hercules to create the Pillars of Hercules? a.and Labor - Kill the Hydra b.ath Labor - The man-eating bore c.7th Labor - Capture King Minos’ bull in Crete d.10th Labor - Capture the cattle of the Geyron ‘The 11th Labor mirrors the story of a. Paul Bunion b.Adam and Eve c. Noah Thor Hercules last labor requires him to a.capture the man-eating mares of Diomedes. b.kill the man eating birds c. clean the stables d.capture Cerberus What happens when Hercules dies on the funeral pyre? a. His soul is taken to the Underworld. b.His soul is taken to Mount Olympus. c. His body doesn’t burn and he becomes a god. 4. His body burns, but is reformed asa god.

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