30X40 Grids Brushes Colors Canvases Guide

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[ for Procreate ]

30X40 Design Workshop © 2020


Step 1: Unzip the package contents and copy to your iPad (I use Airdrop, you can
also use iCloud, Dropbox, Drive, or a thumb drive)

Step 2: Open Procreate and dock your file browser next to it. Navigate to the location
of the package contents.

Step 3: Touch each .brushset + each color palette to import.

Open Procreate 2 Open File Browser

1 30X40 Design Workshop © 2020

Step 4 : Copy the canvases to your iPad. I created a folder within Procreate called
Canvases, but you might also choose to keep them on your camera roll.

To use them click Actions > Insert a file and browse to the location of the
Canvas folder. If you’ve added the files to your camera roll, to insert them
you’ll need to go to Actions > Insert a Photo to access your camera roll.

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Stamp Brushes
Many of the included brushes are stamp brushes which act like
a rubber stamp to imprint the brush pattern on the canvas.

Change the stamp’s size as you would with any other brush.

The default maximum and minimum opacity for each stamp

brush has been set to 100%. If you’d like to vary the opacity you
can do so in two ways:

1) Place the stamps on their own layer and change at the layer
level (my preference) or…
2) Modify the settings in the Properties pane in the Brush
Studio. Be sure to change the minimum opacity slider first,
then the maximum to suit your needs.

Opacity controls

3 30X40 Design Workshop © 2020

Note the brush size + opacity settings

+ 75%

+ 20%

Lower the layer opacity to achieve a subtle effect

Making a Custom Canvas

Step 1: Set a background color, I’ve chosen black in the example above.

Step 2: Make a new layer, set your color swatch to a contrasting color (here
I chose white).

Step 3: Select the Willow Charcoal Brush, use a large size and low opacity.

Step 4: Lightly paint texture on your canvas.

Step 5: Lower the opacity further in the layer settings to suit your needs

TIP: Experiment with varying brush types and sizes to mimic other textured
media. I like the brushes in the charcoal section for this, the 2B/4B
compressed both mimic Strathmore quite well. The Organic > Clay
brush provides a very rough, crinkled texture for the canvas. Combine
this technique with any of the included canvas images for a richly
textured realistic surface.

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Basic Sketch Elements
Layers: More layers = more control. I use MANY layers in my drawings. This also helps with opacity
control and fine tuning later.

Canvas: Black background, painted with Willow Charcoal brush

Grids: Golden Section 3 grid, 30% opacity, two additional grids: 45-degree and the plus grid are
overlaid in the background at 10% opacity. Layering precise grids adds texture to rough
sketches + helps guide your sketching.

Linework: Combination of Gelly Roll, 50% opacity + multiple layers of Soft Colored Pencil: Green +
interior white 64% opacity, bolder White Layer 100% opacity. Dashed line 1 brush for white
layout line 100% opacity.

Stamps: Elevation target, 80% opacity; Tree 2 Plan 100% opacity

Texture: Grass 1 (Vegetation brush), very large 38% opacity at perimeter.

Shadow: Studio pen, black 100% opacity. Experiment with layer order + opacity settings to achieve
desired look.

Lineweight: Vary pen pressure and work to emphasize elements in your sketch that are more important
by making them darker and more opaque.

5 30X40 Design Workshop © 2020

Basic Sketch Elements
Canvas: Kraft left gradient.

Linework: In this sketch I use both sketchy + straight lines (hold the endpoint for a second and the
line will snap to straight). Three brushes used: Dotted line (round) for rain chains, sunlight
path, dashed line for floor level and solid lines using the Gelly Roll brush for everything
else. Most inked lines are 100% opacity, experiment for greater depth.

Stamps: Elevation target, 100% opacity; Deciduous 1 tree, 100% opacity

Shadows: Separate layer, directly beneath the linework, black color swatch 14% opacity. I used the
studio brush to outline the shadow fill area then dragged the color swatch to fill in the area.

Lineweight: Varying line thickness makes a simple sketch pop. Use heavier lines to indicate cut planes
and objects closer to the viewer.

Favorite Procreate Brushes (some 30X40 custom, some native Procreate):

Gelly Roll (inking), Sign Pen (inking), Soft Colored Pencil (sketching), Kuru Toga (light pencil linework), Pilot Precise (fine
inking), Chalk (calligraphy), Lightbrush (luminance)

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Blueprint Canvas
Canvas: Blueprint (two modes): deep blue base + Deep Blue Highlights (on left), Medium Blue
Tone + Medium Blue Tone (on right)

Linework: Soft colored pencil for layout and majority of plan lines, Pilot precise at perimeter of
elevation and ground line. Soft colored pencil for grass + water. Dashed line brush for door
slides and overhangs.

Colors: Blueprint color palette. Primary tones: white, green, light blue. Medium gray fill at plan
blocks 47% opacity.

Stamps: 45-degree grid 11% opacity; Forest 10 stamp, 7% opacity

Shadows: Separate layer, directly above the linework, black color swatch 14% opacity. I used the
studio brush to outline the shadow fill area then dragged the color swatch to fill in the area.

Lineweight: Varying line thickness makes a simple sketch pop. Use heavier lines to indicate cut planes
and objects closer to the viewer.

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Blueprint Hardline
Canvas: Blueprint with Deep Blue Base + Deep Blue Highlights

Linework: PDF export from AutoCAD, airdrop to iPad, screen shot the PDF. Insert image on layer,
select layer mode: Invert.

Colors: Pure white linework.

Stamps: 45-degree grid 11% opacity; H-uman 6% opacity

Shadows: None. If desired select separate layer, create a masked fill reduce opacity to

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Color Palettes
Adobe Capture

To create custom color palettes I use Adobe Capture and build them from
imagery. Site photographs work well, or simply search unsplash.com for terms
related to your project. By dragging the circles you can build multiple palettes
from a single image and upload them to the cloud. Bring these into Procreate
and use the color picker to build your palette.

Coolers is a free option if you’re not using the Adobe suite of products.

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Custom Canvases


01 02 03

04 05 06

07 08 09

10 11 12

13 14 15

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Custom Canvases


16 17 18

19 20 21

22 23 24

25 26 27

28 29 30

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Canvas Key

01 Zinc (Scratches)
02 Zinc (Light)
03 Zinc (Dark)
04 White Trace (Vignette)
05 White Trace (Luminous)
06 White Trace (High Texture)
07 White Trace (Cool Tint)
08 White Trace
09 Warm Grey Concrete
10 Studio Concrete 1
11 Studio Concrete 2
12 Saddle Leather
13 Parchment
14 Mylar
15 Kraft Ripple 16 Kraft (Gradient 1)
17 Kraft (Gradient 2)
18 Grey Limestone
19 Grey Leather
20 Green Slate
21 Glass Frosted
22 Dark Slate 1
23 Dark Slate 2
24 Chipboard 1
25 Chipboard 2
26 Buff Concrete
27 Black Leather 1
28 Black Leather 2
29 Black Leather Macro
30 Dusty Chalkboard

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Instagram Canvas Bonuses
Instagram currently displays images at 1080px wide. I prefer to upload images at
2X the 1080 format to future proof my workflow (IG will have my 2X
uncompressed version as the base file) and, because they appear sharper to me.

In the pack, you’ll find:

Square Format: 2160px x 2160px (300 DPI)

4:5 (maximizes app format): 2160px x 2700px (300 DPI)

Each canvas has a few composition grids separated by layer embedded in the file
to help with your layouts. Change the opacity and visibility settings as needed.

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30X40 Brushes
Kuru Toga Isometric Basic
Sign Pen 45-degree (dashed interval)
Pilot Precise 45-degree Strong Horizontal
Gelly Roll 45-degree Grid Square Basic
Soft Colored Pencil 1:2 Running Bond
Dotted Line (round) Ruled Lines + Space
Dashed Line (square) Ruled Lines 1
Clouds Billowed Square Grid Subtle
Cloud Structured Dashed Grid 1:4
Target Symbol Square Tartan Grid
Golden Section 1 Square Tartan Grid 1
Golden Section 2 Tartan Grid Horizontal
Golden Section 3 Tartan Grid Vertical
Dot Grid Horizontal Bars
Plus Grid Ken Grids (x9)
Isometric Dot Grid

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Vegetation Brushes
Long Grass
Grass tufts (plan)
Grass 1 (plan or elevation)
Gass 2 (plan)
Grass 3 (elevation)
Tree 1 (plan)
Tree 1 (plan) - Scatter (random size / jitter)
Tree 2 (plan)
Tree 2 (plan) - Scatter (random size / jitter)
Deciduous 1
Deciduous 2
Deciduous 3
Deciduous 4
Deciduous 5
Pine 1 - 18
Pine Group
Conifer Forest 1-11

15 30X40 Design Workshop © 2020

+ .sehsurB.sdirG
made in maine.usa.

+ 44.34 - 68.39 30X40 Design Workshop © 2020

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