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LWT - Food Science and Technology 47 (2012) 39e45

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Polysaccharide-based multilayered antimicrobial edible coating enhances quality

of fresh-cut papaya
I.M. Brasil a, C. Gomes b, A. Puerta-Gomez b, M.E. Castell-Perez b, *, R.G. Moreira b
Universidade Federal do Ceará, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Depto Tecnologia de Alimentos, Campus do Pici Caixa Postal 12168 60455-900 - Fortaleza, CE, Brasil
Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-2117, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A microencapsulated beta-cyclodextrin and trans-cinnamaldehyde complex (2 g/100 g) was incorporated
Received 11 August 2011 into a multilayered edible coating made of chitosan and pectin. Fruits were washed, peeled and cut,
Received in revised form coated, and stored at 4  C in ZiplocÒ trays with ZiplocÒ lids for 15 days. Uncoated fruits served as controls.
5 January 2012
Coated fruits were firmer, maintained color, b-carotene content, and showed lower juice leakage
Accepted 6 January 2012
(P < 0.05). Coated samples were more accepted (P < 0.05) by the panelists than the controls. Encapsu-
lation of trans-cinnamaldehyde was successful since it had no negative impact on the fruit’s flavor. A
parallel study evaluated the effect of packaging on the efficacy of the multilayered coating. Coated and
Fresh-cut produce
uncoated fruits in trays were also covered with SaranÒ wrap and plain cheese cloth (ambient conditions).
Chitosan The ZiplocÒ trays with ZiplocÒ lids were the best packaging method. The Layer-by-layer assembly with
Pectin incorporation of microencapsulated antimicrobial was effective in extending shelf life and quality of
Layer-by-layer assembly fresh-cut papaya.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Among the common biopolymeric film-forming compounds,

chitosan is a cationic polysaccharide obtained by deacetylation of
Papaya (Carica papaya L. cv ‘Maradol’) is a rich source of bioac- chitin, the major constituent of the exoskeleton of crustaceans. The
tive compounds with high antioxidant activity (Rivera-Lopez, cationic properties of chitosan offer the film-maker an opportunity
Vasquez-Ortiz, Ayala-Zavala, Sotelo-Mundo, & Gonzalez-Aguilar, to take advantage of electrostatic interactions with anionic,
2005). However, because ripe papaya is eaten peeled, seeded, cut partially demethylated pectins (Marudova, Lan, Brownsey, & Ring,
in wedges and served alone or as fruit salad, it rapidly loses its 2005). In addition, the antimicrobial activity of chitosan against
freshness. a range of foodborne filamentous fungi, yeast, and bacteria has
Minimal processing alters the integrity of the fruit and induces attracted attention as a preservative of natural origin (Ming, Xi, Ke,
surface damage which increases tissue respiration rate and detri- & Hyun, 2010; Zivanovic, Chi, & Draughon, 2005). Pectin, a complex
mental biochemical changes such as development of off flavors and polysaccharide, is widely available from underutilized agricultural
texture breakdown (Raybaudi-Massilia, Mosqueda-Melgar, & waste material and readily modified, through demethylation, can
Martin-Belloso, 2008). Furthermore, microbial contamination of form excellent films (Marudova et al., 2005).
the flesh can occur from the surface, increasing fruit spoilage. There is interest in the use of natural antimicrobials due to their
Edible coatings can be a cost-effective alternative to modified availability, fewer side effects or toxicity, and better biodegrad-
atmosphere packaging (Campos, Gerschenson, & Flores, 2011) ability as compared to the available preservatives (Campos et al.,
because they help to prevent physical damage, enhance appear- 2011; Kalemba & Kunicka, 2003). These compounds can be plant
ance, and reduce microbial growths (Franssen & Krochta, 2003). extracts or essential oils. However, only a few studies about the
Generally, edible coatings consist of a film-forming biopolymer that effectiveness of incorporation of these compounds into edible
carries a functional ingredient (flavors, antioxidants, coatings applied to fruits have been published (Campos et al., 2011;
antimicrobials). Rojas-Grau et al., 2007).
Although most essential oils are classified as Generally Recog-
nized As Safe (GRAS) food flavoring (FDA, 2010), their use in foods
* Corresponding author. Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Texas A&M as preservatives is limited due to flavor considerations, since
University, 303G Scoates Hall, College Station, TX 77843-2117, USA. Tel.: þ1 979 862 effective antimicrobial doses may exceed organoleptically accept-
7645; fax: þ1 979 845 3932.
E-mail address: (M.E. Castell-Perez).
able levels. Besides, it is difficult to formulate solutions with

0023-6438/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
40 I.M. Brasil et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 47 (2012) 39e45

essential oils and their derivatives because they are volatile and charges to obtain a stable and uniform coating (Krzemiski et al.,
irritant (Carlotti et al., 2007). A viable option is the formation of an 2006). The chitosan solution (medium MW, deacetylated chitin,
inclusion complex with the antimicrobial agent (guest molecule) Poly (D-glucosamine), 448877; 95e98%; viscosity 30 mPa. s,
using cyclodextrins (Gouin, 2004). This enhances solubility, Sigma-Aldrich) was prepared with 2 g/100 g chitosan and 1 g/
controls volatility, and masks off flavors, and unpleasant odors of 100 g acetic acid (Sigma-Aldrich) in distilled water. To achieve
the essential oil (Del Valle, 2004). Gomes, Moreira, and Castell- complete dispersion of chitosan, the solution was stirred for 4 h at
Perez (2011a) investigated the antimicrobial efficacy of synthe- room temperature, filtrated using cheese cloth to remove any
sized spherical poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) nanoparticles with impurities. Glycerol (2 g/100 g, G2025, Sigma-Aldrich) and
entrapped trans-cinnamaldehyde against Salmonella spp. and Lis- TweenÒ20 (0.5 g/100 g, 93773, Sigma-Aldrich), a surfactant, were
teria spp. with minimum inhibitory concentrations ranging from 10 added as a plasticizer to improve coating mechanical properties.
to 20 mg/mL, respectively. Such nanoparticles are useful antimi- The microencapsulated antimicrobial (trans-cinnamaldehyde-CD)
crobial delivery systems to inhibit bacterial growth with contin- (2 g/100 g) was incorporated to the chitosan solution by homog-
uous release up to 3 days. enization for 2 min at 15000 rpm using a Polytron PT 10e35
The application of edible coatings to minimally processed fruits homogenizer (Kinematica, Switzerland). The concentration of
faces some technical problems related to the difficult adhesion of antimicrobial was determined by Gomes et al. (2011a). Pectin
materials to the hydrophilic surface of the cut fruit, degradation of solution (from citrus peel, 2 g/100 g, galacturonic acid 74.0%
the antimicrobial compound, or inadequate diffusion rates (anhydrous basis), P8471, Sigma-Aldrich) was dissolved in distilled
(Campos et al., 2011). The development of a multilayered coating water and stirred in a hot plate (70  C) for 1 h to achieve complete
structure using the layer-by-layer (LbL) electrodeposition tech- dispersion of pectin. Calcium chloride (2 g/100 g, C5670, Sigma-
nique could solve these problems (Ariga, Ji, & Hill, 2010; Gomes Aldrich) was prepared with distilled water and used to cross-
et al., 2011a). This procedure can yield coatings with precisely link the polymers.
controlled thicknesses, properties, and performance over materials
such as bacterial cells, fruits, and vegetables (Caruso & Mohwald, 2.4. Papaya processing and coating
1999). The material is dipped into a series of different solutions
that contain oppositely charged polyelectrolytes. Between each Whole papayas were immersed in sodium hypochlorite solution
dipping step, it may be necessary to have a washing/drying step to (150 ppm) for 1 min, washed with potable water, and dried with
remove the excess solution attached to the surface prior to intro- absorbent paper. All the utensils were also sanitized. Clean fruits
duction of the object into the next dipping solution (McClements, were peeled manually, seeded, and cut into 15 mm side cubes.
Decker, & Park, 2009). As part of the layer-by-layer deposition process (chitosan,
The objective of this study was to determine the viability of LbL- pectin, CaCl2), papaya cubes at room temperature were dipped into
incorporation of encapsulated trans-cinnamaldehyde into a multi- the first coating solution for 2 min and the residual solution
layered edible coating to enhance the shelf life and quality of fresh- allowed to drip off for 2 min. This process was repeated until the
cut papaya. samples had been submerged into the three immersions. Papaya
cubes immersed in distilled water for 2 min served as controls.
2. Materials and methods Next, fifteen coated and uncoated cubes (total weight of 240  10 g)
were placed into one of eighteen polypropylene trays (ZiplocÒ
2.1. Fruit Brand with Smart SnapÔ Seal, 591 ml) and stored at 4  C for 15
days. Samples were withdrawn every 3 days for physicochemical,
Papaya fruits (Carica papaya L. cv ‘Maradol’) were purchased at microbiological, and sensory evaluation.
a local market (College Station, TX) and maintained at 10  C until A parallel study was performed to determine the best way to
processing. Fruits were uniform in size and peel coloration. Papayas package the coated fresh-cut papaya at the retail level. Fifteen
with ca. 9oBrix were selected and ranked as “commercially” ripe. coated and control cubes (240  10 g) placed into the ZiplocÒ trays
were covered with SaranÒ wrap (oxygen and water vapor trans-
2.2. b-Cyclodextrin inclusion complex with antimicrobial mission properties of 0.472- cc -mm/m2-24 h-atm at 10% RH and
compound 8e7 g/m2/day at 90% RH respectively, at 38  C (MatWeb, 2011) to
simulate fruit trays wrapped with low-density polyethylene films.
The inclusion complex of trans-cinnamaldehyde (99þ%, C80687, Samples covered with commercial grade cheese cloth (American
Sigma-Aldrich, MO), in beta-cyclodextrin (CD) (Alfa Aesar, Fiber & Finishing Inc., NC, 100% cotton, 20  10 Purewipe 128 pieces
AAA14529-22, MA) was prepared by freeze-drying (Del Valle, E-cut) served as the packaging control (fruits exposed to ambient
2004). trans-cinnamaldehyde was dispersed in 500 ml of beta- conditions). Cheese cloth was merely used to protect the papaya
cyclodextrin aqueous solution (16 mmol/L, 9.08 g) in molecular cubes from any debris throughout the study. Storage and data
ratio 1:1 and mixed in a laboratory stirrer for 24 h at room collection were performed as described before.
temperature (Karathanos, Mourtzinos, Yannakopoulou, &
Andrikopoulos, 2007). The suspension was filtered through 2.5. Fruit physicochemical analysis
a 0.45 mm nylon filter (VWRÒ vacuum filtration systems, PA), frozen
(e20  C) and freeze-dried (50  C) under 5 mtorr (6.67  104 kPa) 2.5.1. Chemical properties
vacuum for 48 h in a Labconco Freeze Dry-5 unit (Labconco, MO). Papaya’s pH was measured using AOAC method 981.12 (AOAC,
Lyophilized samples were stored in a desiccator placed inside 1990) with a digital pH meter (model 350 pH/ion analyzer, Corn-
a freezer (20  C) until further use. ing, Inc., USA). The total soluble solids (TSS) were measured using
AOAC method 932.14 (AOAC, 1990). The total titratable acidity (TTA)
2.3. Coating solutions was measured using AOAC method 942.15 (AOAC, 1990). Moisture
content was determined following AOAC method 930.04 (AOAC,
Edible coatings were prepared as three immersion solutions of 1990). All tests were performed in triplicate with three papaya
chitosan, pectin, and calcium chloride (CaCl2). These materials cubes from three trays of each treatment (coating and packaging
were chosen based on the polyetrolyte interaction among opposite type) at each sampling interval.
I.M. Brasil et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 47 (2012) 39e45 41

Vitamin C content of papaya was measured following AOAC quality for days 0, 5, 7, 13, and 15 of storage. Panelists scored
method 985.33 (2,6-Dichloroindophenol titrimetric method, AOAC, samples for flavor only up to Day 5, since controls showed signs of
1998). Twenty grams of papaya were blended with 50 mL of decay (molds) by tasting the samples. Panelists used a nine-
extracting solution (metaphosphoric acideacetic acid solution). hedonic scale (1 ¼ attributes most disliked, 9 ¼ attributes most
The homogenate was vacuum-filtered (vacuum pump-KNF Neu- liked). Scores  5 were “acceptable”.
berger, USA) with qualitative paper (Whatman No. 4) and 10 mL of
the filtered solution was titrated with 2,6-dichloroindophenol 2.7. Microbiological analysis
standard solution. The titration volume was recorded and used to
quantify vitamin C content of the sample (milligrams of ascorbic Total aerobic plates, psychrotrophics, yeast, and molds counts
acid/g of sample, wet basis). The indophenol solution was stan- were determined on days 0, 7, and 15. Three papaya cubes (ca. 30 g)
dardized by titrating an ascorbic acid standard solution (1 mg/mL) from each treatment were stomached inside a sterile stomacher
and sample blanks. Three repetitions for each treatment and two bag. A 10 g aliquot of the blended material was transferred to
duplicates for each repetition were performed throughout the another stomacher bag, mixed with 90 ml phosphate buffer, and
study. homogenized for 1 min. Ten-fold dilutions were also made in this
The b-carotenes content in papaya was determined by spec- diluent. All counts were performed using petrifilms (3M microbi-
trophotometric measurements using an UV-1601 Spectrophotom- ology, MN). Inoculated 3M aerobic plate count plates (APC) were
eter (Shimadzu Corp., MD) calibrated at 453 nm following incubated at 37  C for 48 h; for the psychrotrophic count, the APC
Rodrigues-Amaya (1989). All tests were performed without the plates were incubated at 5  C for 7 days, and all 3M yeast and mold
presence of light to protect the compounds from diffused light and count plates were incubated at 20  C for 7 days. After incubation,
oxygen. Fifty mL of acetone were added to 5 g of the fruit’s pulp. The colonies were enumerated and results reported as log CFU/g of
extraction was made after 24 h. The solution was filtered using sample. All tests were conducted in triplicates for each treatment
a WhatmanÒ filter No. 4 and a vacuum pump (KNF Neuberger). The and storage interval.
acetonic solution was placed in decantation balloons and 50 mL of
petroleum ether added. The residue was washed with approxi-
2.8. Microscopic examination of coating
mately 5e7 washes of 100 mL distilled water. The carotene extract
was concentrated in a Rota-vapor-R110 (Brinkman Instruments,
Microscopic observations were performed to evaluate coating
NY) at 32  C for 10 min to evaporate the petroleum ether. The
uniformity and adherence to the fruit’s surface. Coating thickness
spectrophotometric determination was made by diluting the
was measured based on the fluorescence properties of a Fluores-
concentrate with 5 mL of hexane (EM Science, NJ). Tests were
cein sodium salt (Sigma-Aldrich) molecular dye. It produces natural
conducted in triplicate. The concentration of b-carotenes was
fluorescence of the sample once slightly lit at the excitation
determined using a previously developed standard curve.
wavelength of fluorescein (494 nm). The coating thickness was
imaged using a Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope (CLSM, Leica
2.5.2. Physical properties
TCS SP5, Leica Microsystems, Germany). Fluorescein was first
Changes in papaya color were assessed by a Labscan XE (16437)
introduced in the pectin component of the edible coating formu-
colorimeter (HunterLab, Inc., VA) with the CIELAB system with
lation at a concentration of 3 mmol/L. Small pieces of the surface
measuring aperture diameter of 36 mm, and illuminant/viewing
were excised with a cork borer (#7, 4 mm diameter) and a trans-
geometry of D65/10o. The unit was calibrated using standard white
versal cut made using a stainless steel blade. The surface of the
and black plates. Means of 15 replications were used to determine
samples was inverted, placed in cover slip, effect excited and
the color coordinates, L* (lightness), a* (greenness), and b*
Firmness was defined as the force penetrating 5 mm into the
fruit at room temperature. At least fifteen (15  15 mm) cubes from
each treatment were punctured with a 5 mm diameter ball probe at
a speed of 1 mm/s (Tapia et al., 2008) at their geometric center
using a TA-TX2 Texture Analyzer (TA.XT2, Texture Technologies
Corp., NY).
The percent of juice leakage was recorded as the weight loss
throughout storage. The weight of each sample was recorded on
Day 0 and throughout storage using a digital balance and results
reported as (average of 15 papaya cubes per treatment):

g=100 g juice leakage ¼ ððinitial weightÞ

 ðfinal weightÞ=ðinitial weightÞÞ*100

2.6. Sensory testing

A preliminary test was conducted to determine whether the

coating would be acceptable to consumers. Only trends are
mentioned here due to the small number of panelists (<50). Papaya
cubes from each treatment (coating and packaging vs. uncoated
controls in 3 packages) were placed in covered glass containers
labeled with a random 3-digit number and presented to each
panelist (6 samples total). Twenty untrained panelists evaluated Fig. 1. Microscopic observations of cross-section of fresh-cut papaya coated with
the samples by visual inspection of color, odor, texture, and overall multilayer edible antimicrobial coating.
42 I.M. Brasil et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 47 (2012) 39e45

Table 1
Effect of multilayered coating on total titratable acidity and total soluble solids of
fresh-cut papaya stored in ZiplocÒ trays with ZiplocÒ lids at 4  C for 15 days.

Total soluble Total titratable

solids (TSS) acididy (TTA)
[oBrix] (g citric acid/100 ml)
Time (days) Control Coated Control Coated
(Uncoated) (Antimicrobial) (Uncoated) (Antimicrobial)
d a a w
0 w9.80 w9.30 w0.15 0.19a
(0.00) (0.30) (0.02) (0.03)
c,d a a a
3 x9.60 w9.00 w0.14 w0.19
(0.20) (0.30) (0.02) (0.01)
c,d a a a
6 w9.03 w8.67 w0.14 x0.19
(0.06) (0.31) (0.01) (0.01)
c a a a
9 w8.93 w8.80 w0.13 w0.18
(0.06) (0.40) (0.01) (0.03)
b a a a
12 w7.67 x8.63 w0.11 w0.18
(0.70) (0.15) (0.03) (0.04)
a a a a
15 w6.80 x8.15 w0.11 x0.17
(0.20) (0.50) (0.02) (0.02) Fig. 3. Effect of packaging and multilayered coating on quality (firmness) of fresh-cut
1 papaya stored at 4  C for 15 days. ziploc ziploc þ antimicrobial saran
Standard deviation.
a,b wrap saran wrap þ antimicrobial cheese cloth cheese
Means within a column which are not followed by a common superscript letter
cloth þ antimicrobial.
are 4significantly different (P < 0.05).
Means within a row, which are not followed by a common superscript letter, are
significantly different (P < 0.05).
and unpackaged controls. Except for firmness measurements, three
triplicates were taken from each control and treatment samples,
evaluated in a sequential set mode with a 488 nm and 543 nm and three triplicate analyses were performed per day of analysis
wavelength of Argon and Helium-Neon laser, respectively. The use based on a completely randomized design. Differences between
of two converging laser beams creates a linear interference pattern treatments were tested for significance by one-way ANOVA.
onto the film surface in the crossing area, in order to distinguish any Significant different means (P  0.05) were separated by the Tukey
contrast between the coating and the flesh surface, consisting of test.
a fluorescent natural color (e.g. b-carotene in papaya fruit). Emis-
sion light (521 nm for fluorescein) from sample surfaces were 3. Results and discussion
collected with a small working distance (1.55  1.55 mm2) with
10 magnification lens (numerical aperture 0.3). The image layers 3.1. Microscopic examination of coating
were scanned from top to bottom and the observation planes set in
a system-optimized mode given 2.383 mm of distance between Coating thickness was homogeneous throughout the entire
adjacent planes. surface of the papaya pieces (Fig. 1). Mean value was 300  1 mm,
nearly twice as much as reported by Tapia et al. (2008) for alginate
and gellan coatings. The viscosity of the coating solution depended
2.9. Statistical analysis
on polymer concentration and other ingredients (i.e., glycerol,
TweenÒ20, acid), and on the composition and structure of the
SPSS software for Windows, v.11.5.1 (SPSS, 2002) was used to
commercial polymers used (i.e. degree of deacetylation for chito-
evaluate the effect of two treatments, coating and packaging type (2
san, percentage of esterification) which have accounted for the
levels), on papaya quality and shelf life when compared to uncoated
differences. Furthermore, chitosan and pectin are very hygroscopic
polymers, which may have influenced the final coating thickness.

Fig. 2. Effect of packaging and multilayered coating on quality (Juice leakage) of fresh- Fig. 4. Effect of packaging and multilayered coating on quality (vitamin C content) of
cut papaya stored at 4  C for 15 days. ziploc ziploc þ antimicrobial saran fresh-cut papaya stored at 4  C for 15 days. ziploc ziploc þ antimicrobial
wrap saran wrap þ antimicrobial cheese cloth cheese saran wrap saran wrap þ antimicrobial cheese cloth cheese
cloth þ antimicrobial. cloth þ antimicrobial.
I.M. Brasil et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 47 (2012) 39e45 43

Fig. 5. Effect of packaging and multilayered coating on quality (total carotenoids

Fig. 7. Effect of packaging on effectiveness of multilayered coating to enhance
content) of fresh-cut papaya stored at 4  C for 15 days. ziploc
microbial quality (Aerobic plate count (mesophilic microorganism) of fresh-cut papaya
ziploc þ antimicrobial saran wrap saran wrap þ antimicrobial cheese
stored at 4  C for 15 days. ziploc ziploc þ antimicrobial saran wrap
cloth cheese cloth þ antimicrobial.
saran wrap þ antimicrobial cheese cloth cheese cloth þ antimicrobial.

3.2. Efficacy of microencapsulated antimicrobial multilayered The coating significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the weight loss of
coating fresh-cut papaya (less juice leakage) by the end of storage (Fig. 2).
The weight loss of uncoated fruits was about twofold. This bene-
3.2.1. Papaya physicochemical quality ficial effect of the coating may be due to the barrier created by the
The coating did not affect the pH of the papaya and the values polymers used, which in turn reduced gas exchange and water loss
for all fruits remained constant by the end of the study (data not from fresh-cut samples (Brecht, 1995). Chitosan and pectin in acid
shown). By day 15, total soluble solids (TSS) of coated fruits were conditions can form stable films by cross-linking with calcium ions
higher (P < 0.05) than the controls (Table 1). Rivera-Lopez, under controlled conditions (Tapia et al., 2008).
Vasquez-Ortiz, Ayala-Zavala, Sotelo-Mundo, and Gonzalez-Aguilar Firmness of controls decreased almost twofold by day 15 while
(2005) found similar results in papaya stored at 5, 10, and 20  C the coated samples were significantly firmer (P < 0.05) throughout
for 18 days. Total titratable acidity (TTA) of coated fruits remained storage (Fig. 3). Although some of the panelists “noticed” the
constant throughout storage compared to the controls, which had coating, the coated fruits were always more acceptable than the
decreasing (P < 0.05) values. Addition of acetic acid in the coating uncoated controls. The increased firmness is probably due to the
solution may be a reason for the higher TTA values of coated cross-linking phenomenon, which in terms helped reduce juice
samples. leakage (Ahmed, Singh, & Khan, 2009).
Thus, the multilayered edible coating helped control the meta- Coated samples had higher (P < 0.05) ascorbic acid content by
bolic reactions in the fruits and delayed the respiration process by the end of storage (Fig. 4). Techavuthiporn, Nakano, and Maezawa
serving as a gas barrier. Surface coating has been reported to (2008) found that a relative value of ascorbic acid decreased with
increase resistance of fruit surface to gas permeability, creating the accumulation of carbon dioxide in stored broccoli. Thus, by
a modified internal atmosphere and reducing the respiration rate reducing the respiration rate, the coating helps maintain the
(Marpudi, Abirami, Pushkala, & Srividya, 2011). concentration of ascorbic acid longer.

Fig. 6. Effect of packaging and multilayered coating on quality (color a*-values) of Fig. 8. Effect of packaging on effectiveness of multilayered coating to enhance
fresh-cut papaya stored at 4  C for 15 days. ziploc ziploc þ antimicrobial microbial quality (Psychrotrophic plate count) of fresh-cut papaya stored at 4  C for 15
saran wrap saran wrap þ antimicrobial cheese cloth cheese days. ziploc ziploc þ antimicrobial saran wrap saran
cloth þ antimicrobial. wrap þ antimicrobial cheese cloth cheese cloth þ antimicrobial.
44 I.M. Brasil et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 47 (2012) 39e45

(L*) of all samples decreased (P < 0.05) throughout time, with the
coated samples showing higher (P < 0.05) values than the controls
(darker fruits) by the end of shelf life (Fig. 6). Browning on the
surface and loss of water was more significant in the uncoated fruits
as found in other studies (Rattanapanone, Lee, Wu, & Watada,
The a*-values decreased throughout storage, with all fruits
showing a reddish color (positive a*-values). The b*-values of
coated samples varied less and were significantly (P < 0.05) higher
(yellower) than for uncoated controls by Day 15 (Fig. 6). The coating
maintains the orange-yellow color of the pulp by preventing
oxidative or enzymatic browning. Small changes in a* and b*-values
are good indication of absence of oxidative browning of flesh pulp
(Rocha & Moraes, 2000). Panelists gave color scores >5.0 for coated
fruits up to Day 13 (Fig. 10). Raybaudi-Massilia et al. (2008) found
significant differences in odor, taste, and firmness of fresh-cut
melon with edible coating containing cinnamon oil. In our study,
Fig. 9. Effect of packaging on effectiveness of multilayered coating to enhance all samples had similar flavor scores and no comments were made
microbial quality (yeast and molds count) of fresh-cut papaya stored at 4  C for 15 by the panelists on the impact of cinnamaldehyde on fruit flavor.
days. ziploc ziploc þ antimicrobial saran wrap saran Gomes, Moreira, and Castell-Perez (2011b) confirmed the forma-
wrap þ antimicrobial cheese cloth cheese cloth þ antimicrobial.
tion of the trans-cinnamaldehydeeb-cyclodextrin complex. Our
finding reinforces the need for encapsulation of such compounds.

The coating also had a positive effect in preserving the total 3.2.2. Effect of packaging on performance of multilayered coating
carotenoids content of the fruit (Fig. 5). The total carotenoids The package used to store fresh-cut papaya did have an impact
content of uncoated fruits rapidly (P < 0.05) declined by Day 3 and on the ability of the coating to enhance fruit’s quality and shelf life.
decreased by 50% of total concentration by Day 15. The loss of The combination of coating and packing in a ZiplocÒ tray with
carotenoids may have been limited in coated papaya by reducing Smart SnapÔ Seal was more effective (P < 0.05) in maintaining fruit
oxygen exposure to the product since b-carotene is rapidly oxidized pH (5.00e5.95, not shown), vitamin C and total carotenoids
when exposed to light and oxygen (Rivera-Lopez et al., 2005). content, and reducing juice leakage (Figs. 2e4).
Application of the multilayered edible coating helped preserve The coating prevented tissue breakdown (softening), indepen-
(P < 0.05) the color attributes of fresh-cut papaya (Fig. 6). Lightness dent of how the fruit was packaged (Fig. 5). Uncoated fruits without

Fig. 10. Effect of packaging on sensory attributes of fresh-cut papaya stored at 4  C for 15 days. ziploc ziploc þ antimicrobial saran wrap saran
wrap þ antimicrobial cheese cloth cheese cloth þ antimicrobial.
I.M. Brasil et al. / LWT - Food Science and Technology 47 (2012) 39e45 45

any packaging (cheese cloth cover) were the worst (P < 0.05) in Official methods of analysis (Sixteenth Edition). Washington D.C. AOAC
terms of firmness, due to surface dehydration at refrigerated
Ariga, K., Ji, Q., & Hill, J. P. (2010). Enzyme-encapsulated layer-by-layer assemblies:
temperature and increased respiration rates. This result was current status and challenges toward ultimate nanodevices. Advances in Poly-
confirmed by the sensory test (scores  3.0, data not shown). mer Science, 229, 51e87.
Packaging type had a slight (P < 0.05) effect on color a*-values Brecht, J. K. (1995). Physiology of lightly processed fruits and vegetables. Horticul-
tural Science, 30, 18e22.
(Fig. 6). The L*- and b*-values were only affected by the presence of Campos, C. A., Gerschenson, L. N., & Flores, S. K. (2011). Development of edible films
the coating (not shown). Samples packaged in trays with Smart and coatings with antimicrobial activity. Food Bioprocess Technology, 4, 849e875.
SnapÔ Seal maintained their color throughout storage. This result Carlotti, M. E., Sapino, S., Cavalli, R., Trotta, M., Trotta, F., & Martina, K. (2007).
Inclusion of cinnamaldehyde in modified c-cyclodextrins. Journal of Inclusion
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