Pediatric Nursing

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READING ( Page 47 )
1. C ( treatments for common newborn illness )
2. B ( high amount of bilirubin )
3. D ( it rarely affects healthy adults )

VOCABULARY ( Page 47 )
3. Match the words or phrases (1-8) with the definitions (A-H).
1. (D) Newborn = a child that is less than four weeks old
2. (G) Elevated = being higher than usual
3. (A) Bilirubin = a pigment that can turn skin yellow
4. (F) Rash = an irritated area of skin
5. (C) Abdomen = the front, middle section of the body
6. (E) Immune system = the body’s defense against infection
7. (B) Oral trush = a disease marked by painful sports in the mouth
8. (H) Phototherapy = a treatment that involves exposure to light

LISTENING ( Page 48 )
6. Listen to a phone conversation between a nurse and a parent.mark the
following statements as true (T) or false (F).
1. (F) The father calls because his son has a fever.
2. (F) The child shows sighs of a mild case of jaundice.
3. (T) The man is going to take his child to the doctor.

7. Listen again and complete the conversation.

Nurse : Thompson pediatrics, nurse jockson speaking
Parent : Hi, this is james roberts. My son alan is a new patient at your
Nurse : is (Something wrong), Mr. roberts?
Parent : Well, I think alan might have (Jaundice). His skin looks
Nurse : And how old is he?
Parent : He was just born a week ago.
Nurse : Well, don’t worry. Many newbonrs get jaundice and most cases
are mild. Tell me, is his (Abdomen) yellow?
Parent : It’s (hard to tell). I mean, his skin is yellow all over.
Nurse : Okay, can you check his eyes? If they’re yellow, it might be a
serious case.
Parent : actually yes, his eyes are (a bit yellow)
Nurse : Hmm. To be on the safe side, (Why dont you) bring him in?
Parent : we’ll be right in, thanks.

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