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1029/2004GB002264, 2005

Temperature independence of carbon dioxide supersaturation

in global lakes
Sebastian Sobek and Lars J. Tranvik
Limnology/Department of Ecology and Evolution, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

Jonathan J. Cole
Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Milbrook, New York, USA
Received 22 March 2004; revised 29 January 2005; accepted 18 February 2005; published 5 April 2005.

[1] A growing body of evidence suggests that most of the world’s lakes are
supersaturated with CO2 and export significant amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere. Still,
the temperature dependence of the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) in lakes, which is the
main driver of carbon flux across the air-water interface, has not yet been assessed.
Analyzing a global-scale database of 4902 lakes, we show that temperature is not an
important regulator of pCO2 in lakes. Instead, the concentration of dissolved organic
carbon (DOC), a substrate for microbial respiration, explains significant variation in lake
pCO2. Contrary to what may be expected from the physiological constraints of
temperature, effects of climate change on the carbon balance of lakes may not be due to
rising temperature per se, but rather to climatically induced changes in the export of DOC
from terrestrial soils to aquatic habitats.
Citation: Sobek, S., L. J. Tranvik, and J. J. Cole (2005), Temperature independence of carbon dioxide supersaturation in global lakes,
Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 19, GB2003, doi:10.1029/2004GB002264.

1. Introduction external inputs is less clear. Studies on the significance of

external CO2 inputs to the inorganic carbon budget of
[2] The majority of the world’s lakes are supersaturated lakes have arrived at different conclusions, both when
in CO2 with respect to the atmosphere, resulting in an investigating surface water inflow [Jones et al., 2001;
export flux of CO2 from lakes to the atmosphere [Cole et Jonsson et al., 2001] and groundwater-mediated inflow of
al., 1994]. The loss of CO2 from freshwater systems CO2 [Kratz et al., 1997; Striegl and Michmerhuizen,
constitutes a significant carbon flux in both tropical and 1998]. Thus, while external inputs of inorganic carbon
boreal forest areas, probably affecting the overall carbon are probably the dominating source of CO2 in running
balance of these large biomes [Richey et al., 2002; water, the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) in a lake is the
Algesten et al., 2004]. Even though lake sediments have result of both external and internal processes [Kling et al.,
been recognized as globally significant carbon sinks [Dean 1991]. In fact, a large body of literature suggests that net
and Gorham, 1998], recent studies in temperate and boreal heterotrophy, i.e., the dominance of in-lake respiration
lakes have shown that CO2 emission to the atmosphere over in-lake primary production, is the main factor causing
may often be an even greater carbon loss factor than the frequently observed supersaturation of CO2 in lakes [del
carbon burial in the sediments [Algesten et al., 2004; Giorgio et al., 1999; Cole et al., 2000; Jansson et al., 2000;
Hanson et al., 2004; Kortelainen et al., 2004]. Accord- Jonsson et al., 2001; Prairie et al., 2002; Hanson et al.,
ingly, the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) in lakes, which 2003; Jonsson et al., 2003; Sobek et al., 2003; Hanson et
is the main driver of carbon flux across the air-water al., 2004]. The high extent of respiration in many lakes is
interface, has received considerable attention during recent fueled by inputs of allochthonous dissolved organic carbon
years. (DOC), a heterogeneous mixture of heavily stained organic
[3] CO2 in freshwaters can be both produced within the molecules exported from terrestrial soils to lake waters.
system and imported to the water body from its terrestrial Allochthonous DOC has been recognized as a major
surroundings. CO2 derived from soil respiration or weath- modifier of lake ecosystem structure and function, both
ering can be transported to lakes and rivers via groundwater serving as a substrate for microbial respiration [Tranvik,
or surface water flows. For rivers and streams, these 1988], and impeding photosynthesis due to its effective
external inputs of CO2 have been shown to be highly light absorption [Jones, 1998]. Thus, even though direct
important [Jones and Mulholland, 1998; Hope et al., inputs of CO2 from the terrestrial surroundings to lakes
2001; Jones et al., 2003], but for lakes, the importance of may influence the pCO2 of lake water to a certain extent,
the balance of evidence suggests that lake CO2 is mainly a
Copyright 2005 by the American Geophysical Union. result of internal metabolic processes. Hence the pCO2 of
0886-6236/05/2004GB002264 lake water can be used as a proxy for the balance between

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primary production (P) and respiration (R), and thus of net (DOC) concentration, as all these factors may influence
ecosystem metabolism (P/R). lake pCO2 [e.g., Sobek et al., 2003]. In cases where total
[4] The issue of temperature dependence of ecosystem organic carbon (TOC) was measured, it was converted to
processes is crucial for predictions of the effects of climate DOC by multiplying with 0.9 [Wetzel, 2001]. Saline lakes
change. If temperature in itself were a major regulator of (conductivity > 600 mS cm 1) were excluded because the
ecosystem processes at a global scale, one could predict the calculation of pCO2 in these lakes requires more back-
biosphere’s feedback to climate warming in a straightfor- ground data. If a lake was temporarily ice covered, only
ward way. As the metabolism of organisms strongly data from the ice-free period were included, as the ice
responds to changes in temperature, global-scale ecosystem cover leads to the accumulation of CO2 in the lake water.
processes can be expected to be sensitive to temperature as Permanently ice-covered lakes were excluded for the same
well. However, recent studies [Giardina and Ryan, 2000; reason. Two-hundred-twenty-seven lakes were sampled
Valentini et al., 2000; Enquist et al., 2003] emphasize that several or many times. For each of these lakes, pCO2
important biospheric processes such as soil or forest respi- was calculated for each sampling occasion separately, and
ration may not be regulated by temperature across large mean values of pCO2, DOC, pH, and conductivity were
latitudinal gradients. In fact, also the abundance and quality entered into the database.
of substrate might play a regulative role for ecosystem-scale [8] In order to investigate the influence of climate and
processes [e.g., Liski et al., 1999]. soil character on lake pCO2, the lake data set was
[5] Hence ‘‘while temperature is always a factor [. . .], it is expanded with data from global-scale databases, which
not always the only factor or even a dominant one.’’ This all are available on the internet. Mean annual air temper-
quotation from Pomeroy and Wiebe [2001] refers to the ature and mean annual precipitation were acquired from a
growth of marine bacterioplankton, but may be applicable global climate database [New et al., 2000]. Mean annual
to other processes and ecosystems as well. runoff was taken from B. M. Fekete et al. (UNH/GRDC
[6] The temperature dependence of the CO2 balance of composite runoff fields V 1.0, Global Runoff Data Centre
lakes has as yet only been investigated at a limited geo- (GRDC) (available at, and
graphic scale. In a study on boreal lakes situated along a soil carbon concentration was taken from the Global Soil
5C gradient of annual mean temperature, lake pCO2 was Data Task Group [2000] database.
independent of temperature [Sobek et al., 2003]. These
lakes represented a substantial north-south gradient within 2.2. Statistical Analyses
the northern boreal zone, but it remained unclear to what [9] Correlation analysis between variables of the data set
extent temperature controls the net ecosystem metabolism was conducted by means of linear regression. Variables with
of lakes at the global scale. Hence we collected for this skewed distributions were log-transformed in order to
analysis pCO2 data from globally distributed lakes. approach normality. In order to account for different sam-
pling frequencies of individual lakes, we assigned the
number of measurements at each lake as weights in linear
2. Methods regression analyses. The outcome of both weighted and
2.1. Data Collection unweighted linear regressions is described in section 3.
[7] We collected 12,898 pCO2 data points from 4902 [10] Along with the univariate linear regressions, we also
globally distributed natural lakes from the literature, unpub- performed multivariate data analysis. We used partial least
lished data, and internet resources (Table 1). Reservoirs squares regression (PLS) [e.g. Höskuldsson, 1988; Eriksson
were not included in the study, as carbon cycling in et al., 2001] in order to find out how different variables
reservoirs may be affected by the type of flooded soils perform as predictors of lake pCO2. The most important
and the age of the reservoir [Bergström et al., 2004]. For advantages of PLS compared to ordinary multiple regres-
literature searches, we used the ASFA and ISI Science sion are that PLS is insensitive against dependence of
citation index databases. Unpublished data cover mainly X variables on each other (co-correlation), and that the data
high-arctic and tropical areas and were acquired via per- need not be normally distributed. Also, the PLS algorithm
sonal communication. Data from the year 2000 Swedish is very tolerant to missing values. A PLS regression
national lake monitoring were acquired from a freely extracts for each of the X variables the degree of explana-
available database (Swedish National Lake Monitoring, tion of the Y variable (i.e., pCO2), and shows the results in
2000, data available on-line ( a two-dimensional scatterplot. In this way, a complex
www_ri.acgi$Project?ID=2000KS) from the Department multidimensional data matrix can be dissected and shown
of Environmental Assessment, Swedish University of in one simple graph. More precisely, PLS regressions place
Agricultural Sciences, Ultuna, Sweden). All data are uncorrelated latent components (axes) into the X data space
derived from surface water samples; that is, water was in order to maximally explain the variance in the Y data.
sampled within the 0 – 1 m depth interval. As direct Thereby, PLS uses the variance in the X data to explain the
measurements of pCO2 are comparatively rare, we also variance in the Y data. The results of a PLS analysis are
collected measurements of alkalinity and/or dissolved explored in a series of plots, one of which is the ‘‘loadings
inorganic carbon (DIC), pH, and water temperature, which plot,’’ depicting the importance of the different X-variables
were used to calculate pCO2 according to Stumm and in explaining the Y-variable. The first component of a PLS
Morgan [1996] and Weiss [1974]. We also recorded (horizontal axis in a loadings plot) always explains more
altitude, month of sampling, and dissolved organic carbon of the variance than the second component (vertical axis),

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Table 1. Sources of Data for the Present Study

Number Number of
Data Source Geographical Region Lake of Lakes Measurements
I. Ahlgren, unpublished data, 1990, 1997, 1998 Nicaragua Cocibolca 1 7
Anderson et al. [1999] Minnesota, United States Williams 1 27
Ball and Glucksmann [1980] Papua New-Guinea Dakataua 1 2
Berman-Frank et al. [1994] Israel Kinneret 1 27
S. Bertilsson, unpublished data, 1999 Canadian tundra 53 53
Carignan [1998] Canada Croche 1 42
Cole and Caraco [1998] New Hampshire, United States Mirror 1 208
Cole et al. [1994] global 1676 3454
Coyne and Kelley [1974] Alaska, United States 2 2563
del Giorgio et al. [1999] Quebec, Canada 9 45
Gelbrecht et al. [1998] Germany 8 8
Hesslein et al. [1991] ELA, Canada Lake 239 1 23
Alaska, Canada 5 105
Hope et al. [1996] Wisconsin, United States 20 20
Jones et al. [2001] Great Britain Loch Ness 1 12
Karlsson [2001] Sweden 51 51
Kelly et al. [2001] ELA, Canada 3 924
NOLSS, Canada 6 294
Ontario, Canada Nipigon 1 13
Kling et al. [1992] Alaska 25 136
Kortelainen et al. [2000] Finland 12 12
Kratz et al. [1997] Wisconsin, United States 8 104
Weiler [1975]; Leggett et al. [1999] Canada Ontario 1 27
P. Lehmusluoto, unpublished data, 1992 – 1993 Indonesia 18 27
E. Lindström, unpublished data, 1997 Svalbard 4 4
Löffler [1968] Kenya 34 34
Löffler [1978] Ethiopia 3 3
Maberly [1996] Great Britain Esthwaite 1 1275
Maehl [1982] Greenland Lake 95 1 6
Milbrink [1977] Kenya Naivasha 1 5
Miyajima et al. [1997] Japan Biwa 1 2
Mizandrontseva and Mizandrontseva [1994] Russia Baikal 1 96
Murugavel and Pandian [2000] India Azhakia 1 72
Pedrosa and Rezende [2000] Brazil Cima 1 3
Prairie et al. [2002] Quebec, Canada 32 128
Qadri and Yousuf [1978] India Manasbal 1 35
Quay et al. [1986] Washington, United States Washington 1 13
Rai and Hill [1981] Brazil Tupé 1 12
Ramlal et al. [1994] Alaska, United States Lake 18 1 6
Swedish National Lake Monitoring (2000, data available online) Sweden 2851 2851
Sharma and Pant [1987] India Bhimtal 1 10
Sobek et al. [2003] Sweden 33 88
Striegl and Michmerhuizen [1998] Minnesota, United States Shingobee 1 13
Talling and Talling [1965] East Africa 14 28
Weiler [1975] United States Erie 1 10
Vyverman [1994] Papua New-Guinea 10 10
Zinabu [2002] Ethiopia Zwai 1 10
Total 4902 12,898

and is therefore of higher importance when interpreting the data, i.e., a baseline in the coefficients R2Y and Q2 that is
loadings plot. The correlation structure of the data set is not indicative for any correlations between parameters but
shown in the spatial distribution of variables in the plot only due to chance. The lower this background correlation,
area. Variables are positively correlated when situated the better and more stable the model. Highly skewed
close to each other, while they are negatively correlated variables (skewness > 2.0 and min/max-ratio < 0.1) were
if they are placed at opposite ends of the plot. Variables in log-transformed prior to modeling in order to increase
the center of the plot are at most poorly related to the model performance. All PLS modeling was done on the
variables at the outer ends of the plot area. SIMCA-P 9.0 software (Umetrics AB, Umeå, Sweden).
[11] The performance of a PLS model is expressed in the
terms R2Y and Q2. R2Y is comparable to R2 in linear
regression and expresses how much of the variance in Y 3. Results and Discussion
is explained by the X variables. Q2 is a measure of the 3.1. Global Lake pCO2
predictive power of the PLS model. The closer Q2 to R2Y, [12] The data set presented in this study is the so far
the better and more robust is the model. Calculated models largest collection of pCO2 in lakes, covering essentially all
were validated using a permutation test, which results in a major climatic zones (Figure 1 and Table 1). Most of the
measure of the intrinsic ‘‘background correlation’’ of the lakes are situated in the northern temperate zone, in part

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main driver of CO2 exchange between lakes and the

atmosphere. It is therefore likely that the general patterns
of regulation of pCO2 in lakes presented in this paper to a
large extent are applicable to CO2 flux between lakes and
the atmosphere.

3.3. Regulation of pCO2 in Lakes

[14] We found that the concentration of dissolved organic
carbon (DOC) is a much better predictor of pCO2 in lakes
than is temperature. This is evident from both linear
regression analysis (Figures 3 – 5, as well as from PLS
regression analysis (Figure 6). Linear regression shows that
annual mean air temperature (Figure 3) and in situ water
temperature at the time of sampling (Figure 4) explain only
a trivial proportion of the total variance in pCO2 (R2 = 0.06
and 0.003, respectively), even though the regression slopes
Figure 1. Histogram of the global distribution of lakes are highly significant (p < 0.001). On the other hand, linear
included in the data set (total n = 4902). The number of regression of log pCO2 against log DOC is highly signif-
lakes in each latitude class is plotted. Note scale break. See icant and explains 26% of the variation in log pCO2 (p <
color version of this figure in the HTML 0.0001; n = 4556; Figure 5). As evident from Figure 5, the
relationship between log pCO2 and DOC is different for the
lakes with several measurements (log pCO2 = 1.98 + 1.04 
reflecting the global distribution of lakes. Mean pCO2 for all log DOC; R2 = 0.37; n = 93), as compared to the lakes that
4902 lakes was 1287 ± 41 microatmospheres (matm; ±95% were measured only once. However, the lakes with several
confidence interval), ranging between 17 and 65,250 matm. measurements of both pCO2 and DOC are not distributed
Figure 2 shows the distribution of pCO2 in lakes of different globally, but restricted to the temperate and boreal zone.
climatic regions. For all climatic regions, the distribution of The carbon metabolism of such lakes was investigated in
pCO2 is tailed toward higher values. An ANOVA of log detail elsewhere [Hope et al., 1996; Hanson et al., 2003;
pCO2 between different climatic regions, combined with a Sobek et al., 2003] and will therefore not be discussed in
post-hoc test (Tukey HSD for unequal N), reveals that pCO2 this paper.
is significantly lower in Arctic lakes compared with lakes [15] In order to account for different sampling frequencies
from all other climatic regions (p < 0.0001). There are of individual lakes, we assigned the number of measure-
significant differences (p < 0.05) in pCO2 between lakes ments at each lake as weights in linear regression analyses.
from some of the other climatic regions; however, as This procedure renders significantly different slopes (test on
evident from Figure 2, these differences do not follow any
latitudinal pattern. Ninety-three percent of the lakes were
supersaturated in CO2 with respect to the atmosphere. This
corroborates the earlier finding by Cole et al. [1994] that
most of the world’s lakes are sources of CO2 to the

3.2. Role of Lake pCO2 in Gas Flux Across the

Air-Water Interface
[13] The flux of CO2 across the air-water interface is
driven by the gradient in gas concentration between the air
and the surface water, and regulated by the gas exchange
velocity k. Hence the pCO2 of the lake surface water is not a
measure of carbon flux per se. However, lake pCO2 is the
most important term in the flux equation. On one hand, lake
pCO2 varies over several orders of magnitude, and is often
well above atmospheric pCO2 (Figure 2). Atmospheric
pCO2 is also subject to seasonal and diurnal variation, but
to a much lesser extent. Lake pCO2 is therefore the main Figure 2. Distribution of pCO2 in different climatic
factor in determining the magnitude and direction of the gas regions, as defined by latitude (Arctic: >56; cold
gradient. The other term in gas flux across the air-water temperate: 48 – 56; temperate: 40 – 48; warm temperate:
interface, the gas exchange velocity k, is rather well con- 34 – 40; subtropical: 20 – 34; tropical: 0 – 20). The
strained in lakes. It is very rarely lower than 0.3 m d 1, points depict the median, the boxes show the quartiles, and
rarely higher than 1 m d 1 except in the largest lakes, and is the whiskers mark the 10% and 90% percentiles. The
often about 0.5 m d 1 [Cole and Caraco, 1998]. Thus, even number of lakes in each climatic region is shown. See color
though lake pCO2 is not to a metric of CO2 flux, it is the version of this figure in the HTML.

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Figure 3. Plot of log pCO2 against annual mean air temperature. Each point in the plot represents one
individual lake. Circles: lakes with a single measurement. Triangles, mean values for lakes with multiple
measurements. Solid line, linear regression for all data points in plot (y = 2.95 + 0.012  x; R2 = 0.06;
p < 0.0001; n = 4902). See color version of this figure in the HTML.

homogeneity of slopes in an ANCOVA model, p < 0.001) ments as weights overestimates the importance of repeated
compared to the unweighted regressions between log pCO2 sampling. Therefore, text and figures present only the
and annual mean air temperature (weighted linear fit: y = unweighted regressions.
2.87 + 0.009  x; p < 0.0001). Weighting also increased [16] The PLS regression analysis confirms that the con-
degrees of explanation to R2 = 0.08. Contrarily, the slope centration of DOC is a much better predictor of pCO2 than
between log pCO2 and log DOC was not significantly any other parameter in the data set. This is illustrated in the
changed by weighting (p = 0.64), and the regression R2 PLS loadings plot (Figure 6) by DOC being situated at the
decreased from 0.26 to 0.21 (weighted linear fit: y = 2.61 + far end of the same directional axis as pCO2. Table 2 gives
0.421  x; R2 = 0.21; p < 0.0001). Weighting rendered an overview of all variables that were included in the PLS.
minor changes, even though using the number of measure- The PLS model extracted three components from the data

Figure 4. Plot of log pCO2 against in situ water temperature at time of sampling for lakes with a single
measurement. Each point in the plot represents one individual lake. Solid line, linear regression for all
data points in plot (y = 2.96 + 0.004  x; R2 = 0.003; p < 0.001; n = 4605). See color version of this
figure in the HTML.

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Figure 5. Plot of log pCO2 against log DOC for 4555 globally distributed lakes with DOC data
available. Each point in the plot represents one individual lake. Circles, lakes with a single measurement.
Triangles, mean values for lakes with multiple measurements. Solid line, linear regression for all data
points in plot (y = 2.67 + 0.414  x; R2 = 0.26; p < 0.0001). See color version of this figure in the

set, collectively explaining 26% of the variation in pCO2 was low (0.87% of R2Y). The variables that are situated on
(R2Y = 0.26). The first component (horizontal axis in a moderate distance from the center of the PLS loadings plot
Figure 6) explained 17.6% of the variation in pCO2, while (Figure 6) are moderately important in explaining the
the second component (vertical axis in Figure 6) explained variability in pCO2. These variables are conductivity, annual
5.8%. The third component contributed with only 2.9% to mean air temperature, autumn and longitude, which are
the total explanatory power of the PLS model, and is not positively related to pCO2, and summer and pH, which are
shown in the graph for reasons of clarity. Model predict- negatively related to pCO2. Annual precipitation and the
ability was high (Q2 = 0.23), and background correlation method of determining pCO2 are moderately important on

Figure 6. Loadings plot of the PLS regression analysis. The graph depicts the correlation structures
between the X variables and pCO2; variables situated along the same directional axis correlate positively
with each other; variables situated at opposite ends of the plot correlate negatively with each other. For
explanation of variables, see Table 2. See color version of this figure in the HTML.

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Table 2. Variables Used in the PLS Analysis

Variable in PLS Description
pCO2 partial pressure of CO2 in surface water (matm); Y variable in PLS
Spring, Summer, Autumn, season of sampling for nontropical lakes; ‘‘Open’’ describes lakes
Open, Year, Several years that were sampled several times during the open-water period;
‘‘Year’’ means lakes that were sampled during one annual cycle,
‘‘Several years’’ means lakes that were sampled during several
annual cycles
Method method for determining pCO2; either measurement after headspace
equilibration, or calculation from pH and inorganic carbon
Temp_W water temperature in the surface water (C)
pH pH in the surface water
Latitude and Longitude geographical position of the lake
Altitude altitude (m above sea level)
Conductivity electrical conductivity in surface water (mS cm 1)
DOC concentration of dissolved organic carbon in surface water (mg L 1)
N number of measurements of pCO2
Temp annual mean air temperature (C) from New et al. [2000]
Prec annual precipitation (mm) from New et al. [2000]
Runoff annual runoff (mm) from Fekete et al. (2000)
Soil_C soil carbon concentration (kg m 2) from Global Soil Data Task
Group [2000]
Runoff X Soil_C interaction term of Annual runoff and Soil carbon concentration

the second (vertical) component, which is attributed less variation in lake pCO2. The soil carbon concentration was
explanatory power. Hence these variables explain very little previously shown to be coupled to the pCO2 of streams
of the variability in lake pCO2. Runoff, soil carbon concen- [Hope et al., 2001], owing to the import of CO2 derived
tration, runoff X soil carbon concentration, latitude, altitude, from soil respiration to streams. Our results indicate that the
number of measurements, and water temperature are situat- direct coupling between soil carbon concentration, soil
ed close to the center of the plot, and therefore do not make respiration, and pCO2 in lakes may be weak. In lakes,
any substantial contribution to the model. contrarily to running waters, water retention time is long,
[17] Both autochthonous and allochthonous DOC are and internal metabolic processes may therefore be more
important substrates for aquatic heterotrophic bacteria important than direct imports of CO2 from the surrounding
[Azam et al., 1983; Tranvik, 1988]. Numerous studies have soils. On the other hand, Sobek et al. [2003] demonstrated
shown that allochthonous DOC fuels net heterotrophy in an indirect link between soil carbon and pCO2 in boreal
lakes, leading to CO2 supersaturation and CO2 emission lakes, via the export of DOC from carbon-rich wetlands and
[del Giorgio et al., 1999; Cole et al., 2000; Jansson et al., the subsequent in-lake mineralization of DOC to CO2.
2000; Jonsson et al., 2001; Prairie et al., 2002; Hanson et Possibly, when analyzing a data set stretching over several
al., 2003; Jonsson et al., 2003; Sobek et al., 2003; Hanson climatic zones, it may not be the amount of carbon in the
et al., 2004]. The positive relationship between DOC and soil that affects lake pCO2, but rather the transport of
pCO2 (Figure 5) and the high frequency of supersaturation bioavailable carbon from soils to surface waters. Therefore
in CO2 in lakes (93%) reported in this study substantiate factors describing the generation and transformation of soil
the concept that lakes are primarily net heterotrophic organic carbon, as well as the export of different fractions of
ecosystems. DOC to surface waters, may be better predictors of lake
[18] Among the variables that are moderately important in pCO2. The fact that runoff was not found to be an important
explaining pCO2, conductivity and pH are connected to the predictor of lake pCO2 may be attributable to similar
DOC concentration, as a large proportion of the allochtho- reasons. While the amount of water transported downstream
nous DOC in lakes usually consists of organic acids. The was no significant predictor of lake pCO2, downstream
importance of longitude is probably an artifact, because transport of different carbon fractions might explain some
many high-pCO2 boreal and tropical lakes in our data set are additional variation in lake pCO2. However, there were no
situated east of Greenwich (positive longitude), while most data with global resolution available to address these
low-pCO2 arctic lakes in our data set are found west of questions.
Greenwich (negative longitude). The moderate negative
influence of summer, as well as the moderate positive 3.4. Additional Sources of Variability in Lake pCO2
influence of autumn, illustrate the seasonal variation of [20] None of the parameters included in our analysis
pCO2 observed in many lakes [Kelly et al., 2001]. Abundant explained more than a moderate proportion of the variation
light during summer triggers photosynthesis by phytoplank- in pCO2, neither as single factors, nor as a combination of
ton and benthic algae, leading to a drawdown of pCO2 in factors. Both univariate (linear regression) and multivariate
lakes. In autumn, on the contrary, less light limits photo- (PLS regression) data analysis did not render a degree of
synthesis; thus pCO2 is often higher than in summer. explanation higher than 26%. Differences in methods for
[19] Interestingly, neither soil carbon concentration nor measuring and/or calculating pCO2 are unlikely to represent
annual runoff explained a significant proportion of the a major source of variation. First, the largest proportion of

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the data (4377 lakes) originates from national lake surveys, such as respiration, primary production, bacterial produc-
which use standardized methods and accredited laboratories tion, and growth have been reported to be temperature-
for physicochemical water analyses. Second, it has previ- dependent [White et al., 1991; Rivkin and Legendre, 2001;
ously been shown that calculated pCO2 values agree well Hoppe et al., 2002]. Studies on soil respiration point toward
with directly measured pCO2 data [Cole et al., 1994; Hope a strong temperature regulation [Raich and Schlesinger,
et al., 1996]. Third, the variable ‘‘method’’ (i.e., calculated 1992; Updegraff et al., 2001; Risk et al., 2002], and the
or directly measured pCO2) included in the PLS analysis did carbon balance within a boreal forest is reported to be
not contribute any substantial explanatory power (Figure 6). strongly controlled by temperature [Lindroth et al., 1998].
On the other hand, previous studies have shown that both Hence there is an unambiguous temperature dependence of
diurnal and seasonal variations in pCO2 can be substantial many ecosystem-level processes in a wide range of ecosys-
[Carignan, 1998; Kelly et al., 2001]. The importance of tems. The lack of a global-scale temperature effect on lake
seasonal variation is shown, and to a certain degree pCO2 in spite of many well-known temperature dependen-
accounted for, in the PLS analysis (Figure 6), whereas cies of aquatic organisms and processes is surprising. A
diurnal variation is not included in the data analysis owing similar paradox was recently shown for terrestrial ecosys-
to lack of data. This implies that a considerable share of the tems by Enquist et al. [2003]. Similar cases of a lacking
unexplained variability in pCO2 can probably be attributed temperature effect along a large spatial gradient were
to temporal variation in lake pCO2. demonstrated by Giardina and Ryan [2000] and Valentini
[21] The largest source of variability is probably the very et al. [2000] for soils and forest ecosystems. The concept of
high diversity of lake ecosystems in terms of geographical, substrate and temperature as interacting regulators [Pomeroy
geological, and hydrological setting, basin shape, chemical and Wiebe, 2001] might be helpful to understand the
composition of the lake water, and biological communities, paradox of local (i.e., temporal) but not global (i.e., large-
which is largely unaccounted for by the variables in our data scale spatial) temperature regulation. The temperature sen-
set. Several variables would have been desirable to include sitivity of a process depends on substrate supply [Pomeroy
in the data set, but often such data were only available for a and Wiebe, 2001]. The temporal variation of substrate
limited number of lakes in a restricted climatic zone owing supply at a certain location is likely to be much smaller
to incomplete reporting in the literature. Such variables are than the variation of substrate supply across a large spatial
the hydrological type of the lake (seepage or drainage), gradient. Hence, at a local scale, we might expect a
which influences the importance of groundwater-mediated comparatively higher potential for a detectable temperature
import of CO2, the depth and volume of the lake, which are effect on ecosystem processes. We suggest that even though
connected to the effects of water retention time and sedi- temperature is likely to be a more important regulator at a
ment metabolism on lake carbon cycling [Curtis, 1998; den local scale than across a large spatial gradient, the interplay
Heyer and Kalff, 1998], and the size and character of the between temperature and substrate is the main regulatory
catchment, which strongly affect carbon cycling in lakes mechanism of net ecosystem metabolism. This concept may
[Sobek et al., 2003]. The influence of lake surface area on resolve conflicting results of apparently comparable studies
lake pCO2 could be tested for a subset of globally distrib- (e.g., the regulation of global soil respiration by Raich and
uted lakes (n = 3459); however, the degree of explanation Schlesinger [1992] and Giardina and Ryan [2000]), since
was very low (log pCO2 = 3.02 + 3  10 6  log lake area; contrasting results may be explained by differences in
R2 = 0.0003). temperature gradient and/or substrate supply. As both
[22] Despite this great variability inherent in the world’s temperature and substrate supply vary in both time and
lakes, DOC as a single factor explained 26% of the variation space, the result of their interplay will be difficult to
in pCO2 (Figure 4). The DOC pool in lakes consists of both predict. Also, the term ‘‘substrate supply’’ comprises both
autochthonous and allochthonous carbon, but frequently a quantitative and qualitative aspects, and is therefore
large proportion of the DOC in lakes originates from connected to both a multitude of ecosystem processes
terrestrial vegetation in the lake catchment [Rasmussen et and anthropogenic modifications (e.g., changes in hydrol-
al., 1989; Hessen and Tranvik, 1998]. Studies in geograph- ogy or land use). Hence, global-scale regulation of eco-
ically limited areas have previously indicated that in-lake system processes should not be predicted from spatially
mineralization of allochthonous DOC by aquatic heterotro- limited studies, but needs to be empirically assessed at a
phic microbes may lead to net heterotrophic ecosystem global scale. In other words, global extrapolation of either
metabolism and consequently to CO2 supersaturation in single factor effects (e.g., temperature), or of results from
lakes [Hope et al., 1996; Sobek et al., 2003]. This study local studies, is an intrinsically questionable approach for
provides evidence that in spite of the great diversity of the the analysis of climate change effects.
world’s lakes, DOC imported from the catchment area is a
globally important modifier of lake ecosystem metabolism.
4. Conclusions
3.5. Temperature and Substrate as Interacting [24] We found that temperature explains only a trivial
Regulators proportion of the variation in lake pCO2, while the concen-
[23] Temperature is a key regulator of the physiology of tration of DOC is a significant regulator of lake pCO2 at a
cells and organisms. This control is often manifested at global scale. The absence of a direct relationship between
higher levels of organization as well. In aquatic systems, temperature and lake pCO2 indicates that the metabolic
several aggregate features of the planktonic community balance of lakes is not under strong, direct control by

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