Effective Communication Onboard (DURANO)

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Durano, Jhess Harold C.

MGMT 311 2 – Alpha Marine

Effective Communication Onboard

Enumeration and identification of the following quiz:

1. How do you define communication which is an important factor and means for the
effective operation onboard ship?

The transmission of signals and messages from one person to another with the aim of
eliciting an interpretation, a specific meaning, or a specific reaction from the other person is
known as communication. Communication is one-way if no response is received.

2 to 4. What are the methods of communication, briefly describe:

(a) Verbal - is the use of language to communicate knowledge, either verbally or by sign language. It's
one of the most common, and it's frequently used in presentations, video conferences, phone calls,
meetings, and one-on-one conversations.

(b) In writing - is the act of conveying information by writing, typing, or printing symbols such as
letters and numbers. It is beneficial because it keeps track of details for future reference. Books,
pamphlets, blogs, emails, memos, and other forms of writing are widely used to exchange knowledge.

(c) Non-verbal - is the communication of knowledge to others through body language, movements,

and facial expressions. It can be used both consciously and unconsciously. When you hear a pleasant or
enjoyable idea or piece of knowledge, for example, you can unconsciously smile.

5.  According to statistics, as much as 70% to 80 % of incidents and accidents at sea can be
traced back to some kind of communication problem.

6 to 12. Give and describe a few examples of possible causes of communication problem that
encountered on board.

(a) Communication understanding between ship and authorities - this happens when the
ship and the authorities of the port does not seem to understand one another.

(b) Communication understanding between ship and ship owner – this problem happens
between the ship`s crew and the ship owner.

(c) Communication understanding between ships – this problem happens between ships
that the agreements and talking does not coincide as one.

(d) Communication understanding between bridge and engine personnel – this problem
arises as departmentalism where engine and deck departments has different plans and

(e) Communication understanding between ship and VTS – this problem arises between
the ship and the vessel traffic services.

(f) Communication understanding between ship and tugs – this problem arises between
the ships and the tug boats usually hired to tow the ship.
(g) Communication problems between personnel on the bridge because of different
culture, native language, age, experience, etc – this problem happens between the
people on board having different culture includes the difference in race, language that can
cause trouble regarding social interaction.

13 to 18.  What are the main elements for establishing a good bridge communication and
teamwork with the other department onboard?

(a) Self-confidence

(b) Good theoretical knowledge

(c) Efficient adoption of effective bridge practices and procedures.

(d) Mutual respect and confidence between the bridge team members.

(e) A professional job attitude and share of the workload.

(f) Clear and precise messages delivered in standard maritime English.

19 to 25. In "SEASPEAK" format, there are 7 official message markers with special operation
and additional message markers maybe used:

Request – indicates that the contents of the following message are asking for action from others
with respect to the ship.

Information – indicates that the following message is restricted to observed facts.

Question – indicates that the following message is of interrogative character.

Warning – indicates that the following message informs other traffic participants about dangers.

Intention – indicates that the following message informs other traffic participants about the
ship’s intention.

Instruction – indicates that the following message implies the intention of the sender to
influence the recipient(s) by regulation.

Advice – indicates that the following message implies the intention of the sender to influence the
recipient(s) by a recommendation.

26 to 30. Give at least some information that is normally required in the ship radio log as per flag
state regulation as follows:

(a) A summary of communications relating to distress, urgency and safety traffic.

(b) A reference to important radio service incidents
(c) Own ship’s position should be noted at least once a day.
(d) Identities of other stations with which contact has been made.
(e) Problems due to interference, congestion, etc.
Durano, Jhess Harold C. MGMT 311 2 – Alpha Marine

(f) Unnecessary transmissions, obscene language, etc.

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