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International Journal of Obesity (2000) 24, 1453±1458

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Waist circumference and waist-to-height

ratio are better predictors of cardiovascular
disease risk factors in children than body mass

SC Savva1*, M Tornaritis1, ME Savva1, Y Kourides1, A Panagi1, N Silikiotou1, C Georgiou1 and A Kafatos2

Research and Education Program of Child Health, Cyprus; and 2Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Crete
School of Medicine, Crete, Greece

BACKGROUND: Visceral adipose tissue is associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease risk factors and
morbidity from cardiovascular diseases. Waist measurement and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) have been used as
proxy measures of visceral adipose tissue, mainly in adults.
OBJECTIVE: To validate body mass index (BMI), waist circumference and WHtR as predictors for the presence of
cardiovascular disease risk factors in children of Greek-Cypriot origin.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: A total of 1037 boys and 950 girls with mean age 11.4  0.4 y were evaluated. Dependent
variables for the study were total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholestrol (HDL-C), low-
density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure.
RESULTS: When children were divided into two groups according to the 75th percentile for BMI, waist circumference
and WHtR, all dependent variables had higher mean values in the highest percentile groups in WHtR groups and
almost all variables in BMI and waist circumference groups. Adjusted odds ratios for predicting pathological values of
cardiovascular disease risk factors were slightly higher for the highest WHtR group for predicting lipid and lipoprotein
pathological values and for the highest BMI groups in predicting high blood pressure measurement. Using stepwise
multiple regression analysis to explain the variance of the dependent variables, waist circumference was the most
signi®cant predictor for all variables both for boys and girls, whereas BMI had the lowest predictive value for the
detection of cardiovascular disease risk factors.
CONCLUSION: Waist circumference and WHtR are better predictors of cardiovascular disease risk factors in children
than BMI. Further studies are necessary to determine the cutoff points for these indices for an accurate prediction of
risk factors.
International Journal of Obesity (2000) 24, 1453±1458

Keywords: cardiovascular; BMI; waist; waist-to-height ratio; children

Introduction concentrations, blood pressure and left ventricular

mass,3 but there was no in¯uence of visceral fat, as
Increased weight is associated with higher levels of measured by magnetic resonance imaging, on serum
triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol lipids.4
(LDL-C) and lower levels of high-density lipoprotein Nevertheless, dual X-ray absorptiometry and imag-
cholesterol (HDL-C), and at least 75% of hyperten- ing techniques cannot be used for mass screening or
sion can be attributed to obesity in adults.1 Lipid in everyday clinical practice. Instead of these meth-
abnormalities are related primarily to the amount of ods, a simple, inexpensive and noninvasive method is
visceral fat as measured by computed tomography.2 required for the selection of children for screening for
However, obese men with low levels of visceral fat cardiovascular disease risk factors. Body mass index
were found to have similar lipid levels to non-obese (BMI) is a useful index for the evaluation of obesity.
subjects.2 In children, greater deposition of central fat, Although in adults a BMI value greater than 28 kg=m2
as measured by dual X-ray absorptiometry, was asso- is associated with a three to four-fold increased risk of
ciated with less favorable plasma lipid and lipoprotein ischemic heart disease, stroke and diabetes mellitus,5
in children there is no de®nition of obesity that relates
BMI to health measures.1 Waist circumference corre-
lates with visceral adipose tissue,6 ± 8 plasma lipids,
*Correspondence: SC Savva, Research and Education Program lipoproteins and insulin levels7 better than waist-to-
of Child Health, 138 Limassol Ave, Flat 205, Nicosia 2015, Cyprus. hip ratio (WHR) in adults. Waist circumference was
Received 31 August 1999; revised 22 May 2000; accepted also found in children to be correlated with high levels
22 May 2000 of plasma lipids and lipoprotein levels.9,10 Recently,
Predicting cardiovascular risk in children
SC Savva et al
waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) has been validated as a ments was used for the analysis. The same researcher
useful predictor of coronary risk factors in adults.11,12 took all blood pressure measurements.
The purpose of this study was to compare BMI,
waist circumference and WHtR for the prediction of
cardiovascular disease risk factors in children. Lipids and lipoproteins
Blood samples were obtained in Vacutainers after 12 h
fasting, before breakfast. All samples were analyzed
at the Clinical Chemistry Laboratory of the General
Subjects and methods Hospital of Nicosia. The samples were analyzed the
same day, and since the study lasted for about 8
The study included 1987 children (boys 1037 and girls months, the same stock of reagents was not used for
950), 10 ± 14 y of age, who had been evaluated for the all analyses. All measurements were reproducible and
presence of cardiovascular disease risk factors by the validated by internal (Beringer, local) and external
Research and Education Program for Child Health of (Murex, international EQAS, WHO) quality control.
Cyprus. The evaluation took place during the school Total cholesterol (TC) and triglycerides (TG) were
year 1998 ± 1999. Children were from urban (29%) as assayed enzymatically (Hitachi 717 analyzer) and
well as rural (71%) areas. Subjects were included after HDL-C with a non-immunologic enzymatic reaction.
informed consent was obtained from the parent or LDL-C was calculated from the Friedewald formula
legal guardian. The Research and Education Program (LDL-C ˆ TC 7 (HDL-C ‡ TG=5)).
for Child Health is under the auspices of the Ministry
of Health and the Ministry of Education and Culture
of Cyprus and is funded by the Popular Bank of Statistical analysis
Cyprus. The statistical analysis was performed with SPSS for
Windows statistical package (SPSS Inc., Chicago, II).
Descriptive statistics for physical characteristics and
Anthropometry cardiovascular disease risk factors were calculated,
Trained research assistants took all measurements. both for boys and girls. Differences between genders
Weight was measured with a portable Seca 762 were calculated with Student's t-test. The dependent
scale (Vogel & Halke, Hamburg, Germany) to the variables for this study were the established cardio-
nearest kilogram. Height was measured with a porta- vascular risk factors (SBP and DBP, and lipids and
ble Seca stadiometer 208 (Vogel & Halke, Hamburg, lipoproteins). Independent variables were the three
Germany) to the nearest millimeter. Both measure- tested parameters of the study (BMI, waist circum-
ments were taken in the fasting state, with the child ference and WHtR) as well as age, sex and stage
dressed in light clothing, without shoes. The body of pubertal maturation. Sex was transformed to a
mass index (BMI) was calculated as weight (kg)= continuous variable (0 for female, 1 for male).
height2 (m2). Every morning, the scale and stadio- The relationships between the various variables
meter were calibrated with a standard weight and (independent, systolic and diastolic blood pressure
height, respectively. Waist circumference was mea- and lipid and lipoprotein levels) were calculated
sured with a ¯exible tape, at the level of the umbili- using partial correlation coef®cients, adjusted for
cus, and was recorded to the nearest millimeter. age, sex and pubertal maturation. We used the 75th
Waist-to-height ratio was calculated as waist=height. percentile of our sample independent variables as a
The inter-observer variability was >0.96 for all cut-off point, to divide the sample into subgroups with
measurements. high and normal values for the three variables. These
cut-off points are shown in Table 1. Mean (  s.d.)
values for the dependent variables within these groups
Pubertal stage were calculated and compared with Student's t-test.
The pubertal stage (breast development and pubic
hair in females, genitalia development and pubic
hair in males) was recorded according to Tanner
classi®cation. Table 1 The 75th percentile values for the three study
independent variables

50th 75th
Blood pressure measurement Variable percentile percentile Range
Blood pressure was measured in the right arm with the Boys
child at the sitting position, at rest, with the mercury Body mass index (kg=m2) 18.53 21.37 12.35 ± 34.52
sphygmomanometer Baumanometer (W.A. Baum, Waist circumference (cm) 68.20 76.8 53.1 ± 124.7
Waist-to height (ratio) 0.460 0.519 0.341 ± 0.733
Copiague, New York). The ®rst Korotkoff phase Girls
was used to determine systolic blood pressure (SBP) Body mass index (kg=m2) 18.95 21.67 12.35 ± 36.54
and the ®fth Korotkoff phase to determine diastolic Waist circumference (cm) 69.50 76.3 50.4 ± 113.3
Waist-to height (ratio) 0.460 0.509 0.358 ± 0.739
blood pressure (DBP). The mean of three measure-
International Journal of Obesity
Predicting cardiovascular risk in children
SC Savva et al
Stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was Mean values of various cardiovascular disease risk
used to test the in¯uence of the independent variables factors in the two groups of children, as they were
on the variance of cardiovascular risk factors. Odds divided by the 75th percentile cut-off point for BMI,
ratios were calculated according to the independent waist circumference and WHtR, are presented in
variables 75th percentile cut-off point, in order to Tables 5 ± 7 respectively. There were statistically
detect the presence of cardiovascular risk factors, signi®cant higher mean values of SBP, DBP, LDL-C
after adjustment for age, sex and pubertal maturation. and triglycerides in the higher percentile groups of all
Signi®cance was selected at P values <0.05 for all three independent variables. In girls, the BMI groups

Table 4 Relationship (partial correlation coef®cientsa for age,

sex and pubertal maturation) between the lipid and lipoprotein
Total cholesterol HDL-C LDL-C
Study subjects' characteristics are presented in Table HDL-C 0.227
2. As it would be expected due to the more advanced LDL-C 0.889 70.167
pubertal stage for this age (42% of girls were Tanner Triglycerides 0.294 70.354 0.212
stage 4 or 5 vs only 9% of boys), girls had higher a
All correlation coef®cients are signi®cant at P < 0.001.
values of body weight, height and SBP. There is a
marginal difference in WHtR, and slight differences
for lipid and lipoprotein concentrations between boys Table 5 Comparison of cardiovascular risk factors according to
and girls. BMI 75th percentile cut off point. Values are expressed as mean
(  s.d.)
The partial correlation coef®cient (adjusted for age,
sex and pubertal maturation) between systolic and Groups according
diastolic blood pressure was r ˆ 0.699, P < 0.001. to BMI 75th percentile
Similarly the relationships between the independent Variable > 75th  75th
variables and blood lipid and lipoprotein levels were
Boys (n ˆ 1037)
calculated and are shown in Table 3 and 4, respec- Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 119.0 (11.1) 110.9 (11.1)a
tively. There is a very strong correlation between the Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 72.3 (8.3) 66.5 (7.8)a
independent variables (BMI vs waist circumference Total cholesterol (mg=dl) 176.6 (32.1) 168.8 (27.3)a
HDL-C (mg=dl) 56.2 (13.1) 63.9 (13.0)a
r ˆ 0.914, BMI vs WHtR r ˆ 0.923, and waist circum- LDL-C (mg=dl) 103.6 (29.7) 92.5 (25.1)a
ference vs WHtR r ˆ 0.947, all correlations signi®cant Triglycerides (mg=dl) 84.6 (49.5) 62.0 (27.2)a
at P < 0.001). Girls (n ˆ 950)
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) 118.2 (11.6) 112.9 (9.5)a
Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg) 71.1 (8.8) 67.8 (7.9)a
Total cholesterol (mg=dl) 169.8 (30.8) 167.5 (25.6)
Table 2 Anthropometric and cardiovascular risk factor HDL-C (mg=dl) 54.1 (11.5) 60.5 (12.9)a
characteristics of subjects. Values are expressed as mean LDL-C (mg=dl) 96.7 (26.5) 91.8 (22.7)b
(  s.d.) Triglycerides (mg=dl) 95.4 (46.3) 75.3 (34.8)a
Boys Girls P < 0.001; bP < 0.05.
Variable (n ˆ 1037) (n ˆ 950)

Age (y) 11.4 (0.4) 11.4 (0.4)

Weight (kg) 42.0 (10.0) 43.4 (10.2)a Table 6 Comparison of cardiovascular risk factors according to
Height (cm) 146.8 (7.5) 148.8 (7.3)b waist circumference 75th percentile cut off point. Values are
Body mass index (kg=m2) 19.3 (3.5) 19.4 (3.6) expressed as mean (  s.d.)
Waist circumference (cm) 70.7 (10.1) 70.7 (9.7)
Waist-to-height (ratio) 0.48 (0.06) 0.47 (0.06)c Groups according to
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 112.9 (10.2) 114.2 (10.3)b waist 75th percentile
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 68.0 (8.3) 68.7 (8.3)
Total cholesterol (mg=dl) 170.8 (28.8) 168.1 (27.0)c Variable > 75th  75th
Triglycerides (mg=dl) 67.7 (35.6) 80.3 (38.8)b
HDL-C (mg=dl) 62.0 (13.5) 58.9 (12.9)b Boys (n ˆ 1037)
LDL-C (mg=dl) 95.3 (26.7) 93.0 (23.8)c Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 118.4 (11.1) 111.1 (9.2)a
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 71.9 (8.5) 66.7 (7.9)a
P < 0.005, bP < 0.001, cP < 0.05. Total cholesterol (mg=dl) 176.1 (31.5) 169.0 (27.6)b
HDL-C (mg=dl) 56.2 (12.3) 63.9 (13.3)a
LDL-C (mg=dl) 103.0 (28.9) 92.7 (25.5)a
Triglycerides (mg=dl) 84.1 (48.9) 62.3 (27.9)a
Table 3 Relationship (partial correlation coef®cientsa for age,
sex and pubertal maturation) between the independent variables Girls (n ˆ 950)
of the study Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 118.4 (11.4) 112.8 (9.5)a
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 71.3 (8.0) 67.8 (8.0)a
BMI Waist Total cholesterol (mg=dl) 168.6 (30.4) 167.9 (25.9)
HDL-C (mg=dl) 53.6 (11.4) 60.7 (12.9)a
Waist 0.914 LDL-C (mg=dl) 95.8 (26.8) 92.1 (22.7)
WHtR 0.923 0.947 Triglycerides (mg=dl) 95.6 (46.1) 75.3 (34.9)a
a a
All correlation coef®cients are signi®cant at P < 0.001. P < 0.001, bP < 0.05.

International Journal of Obesity

Predicting cardiovascular risk in children
SC Savva et al
Table 7 Comparison of cardiovascular risk factors according to Results of the multiple regression analysis for blood
WHtR 75th percentile cut-off point. Values are expressed as
mean (  s.d.)
pressure are presented in Table 8 and for lipid and
lipoprotein levels in Table 9. All three independent
Groups according to variables were signi®cant determinants for SBP and
WHtR 75th percentile
DBP. Age was also a signi®cant determinant both for
Variable > 75th  75th SBP and DBP, whereas sex and pubertal maturation
Boys (n ˆ 1037)
did not prove to be signi®cant predictors. The percen-
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 118.3 (11.1) 111.1 (9.2)a tage of the variance of SBP explained was 14.2% by
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 71.9 (8.3) 66.7 (7.9)a waist circumference, 3.5% by WHtR and 1.8% by
Total cholesterol (mg=dl) 178.2 (32.6) 168.3 (26.9)a BMI. Similarly, for DBP the variance explained was
HDL-C (mg=dl) 55.9 (12.8) 63.9 (13.1)a
LDL-C (mg=dl) 104.9 (30.4) 92.0 (24.6)a 9.8%, 1.1% and 0.6% respectively.
Triglycerides (mg=dl) 86.3 (49.6) 61.4 (26.6)a Waist circumference was also a signi®cant predic-
Girls (n ˆ 950) tor for all lipid and lipoprotein levels except for
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 117.8 (11.2) 113.0 (9.7)a triglycerides, whereas WHtR was a signi®cant pre-
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 71.1 (8.6) 67.8 (8.0)a
Total cholesterol (mg=dl) 171.7 (30.9) 166.9 (25.5)b dictor for all but HDL-C. On the other hand, BMI
HDL-C (mg=dl) 53.5 (11.2) 60.7 (12.9)a was a signi®cant predictor only for triglycerides. The
LDL-C (mg=dl) 98.8 (27.1) 91.1 (22.9)a percentage of variance of the lipid and lipoprotein
Triglycerides (mg=dl) 97.0 (47.3) 74.8 (34.0)a
levels explained by these parameters, however, was
P < 0.001; bP < 0.05. low. Thus waist circumference explained 8.8% of
HDL-C variance, and 2.8% of TC variance. WHtR ex-
plained 3.9% of LDL-C and 1.6% of TC variance and
had no difference in TC, and the waist circumference BMI explained 8.4% of the variance of triglycerides.
groups had no differences in TC and LDL-C. Only the Using the odds ratio (adjusted for age, sex and
WHtR groups had statistical signi®cant differences in pubertal maturation) for the prediction of the presence
all dependent variables both for boys and girls. of cardiovascular disease risk factors, subjects in the

Table 8 Stepwise multiple regression analysis models for explaining the variance of blood
pressure. Independent variables were body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, waist-to-
height ratio (WHtR), age, sex and pubertal stage

Variable Coef®cient s.e. r2 Change P

Systolic blood Constant 114.0 6.76 Ð < 0.001

pressure Waist 0.69 0.70 0.142 < 0.001
WHtR 7119.66 10.94 0.035 < 0.001
BMI 1.09 0.16 0.018 < 0.001
Age 71.20 0.55 0.002 0.028
Diastolic blood Constant 97.45 5.70 Ð < 0.001
pressure Waist 0.40 0.06 0.098 < 0.001
Age 73.67 0.46 0.020 < 0.001
WHtR 754.02 9.23 0.011 < 0.001
BMI 0.50 0.14 0.006 < 0.001

Table 9 Stepwise multiple regression analysis models for explaining the variance of blood lipids
and lipoproteins. Independent variables were body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, waist-
to-height ratio (WHtR), age, sex and pubertal stage

Variable Coef®cient s.e. r2change P

Total cholesterol Constant 181.9 19.9 Ð < 0.001

WHtR 211.2 34.2 0.016 < 0.001
Waist 70.95 0.21 0.028 < 0.001
Pubertal stage 71.43 0.60 0.004 0.011
Age 73.75 1.70 0.003 0.024
HDL-C Constant 87.2 2.10 Ð < 0.001
Waist 70.39 0.03 0.88 < 0.001
Sex 2.94 0.58 0.12 < 0.001
LDL-C Constant 91.80 18.03 Ð < 0.001
WHtR 199.8 30.90 0.039 < 0.001
Waist 70.72 0.19 0.020 < 0.001
Age 73.48 1.50 0.003 0.021
Pubertal stage 71.02 0.51 0.002 0.045
Triglycerides Constant 2.6 7.7 Ð 0.733
BMI 1.5 0.57 0.084 0.009
Sex 712.7 1.67 0.025 < 0.001
WHtR 102.1 34.3 0.004 0.003

International Journal of Obesity

Predicting cardiovascular risk in children
SC Savva et al
Table 10 Odds ratio (adjusted for age, sex and pubertal maturation) for the risk of the presence
of cardiovascular risk factors according to the 75th percentile cut off points for the three
independent variables

Odds ratio (95% con®dence interval)

BMI75 a WAIST75 WHtR75

SBP 125b 8.52 (5.16 ± 14.06)c 7.09 (4.36 ± 11.52)c 7.55 (4.63 ± 11.29)c
TC 170 1.62 (1.20 ± 2.17)d 1.58 (1.17 ± 2.12)d 1.69 (1.27 ± 2.27)c
LDL 110 2.31 (1.69 ± 3.16)c 2.11 (1.54 ± 2.89)c 2.35 (1.73 ± 3.20)c
Triglycerides 110 4.65 (2.96 ± 7.29)c 4.10 (2.63 ± 6.41)c 4.99 (3.19 ± 7.79)c
SBP 125 2.75 (1.73 ± 4.37)c 2.56 (1.61 ± 4.08)c 2.24 (1.42 ± 3.54)c
TC 170 1.10 (0.79 ± 1.52) 1.09 (0.79 ± 1.52) 1.18 (0.86 ± 1.62)
LDL 110 1.87 (1.28 ± 2.73)d 1.70 (1.16 ± 2.50)d 1.92 (1.36 ± 2.82)c
Triglycerides 110 2.36 (1.57 ± 3.54)c 2.36 (1.56 ± 3.56)c 2.61 (1.76 ± 3.87)c
BMI75: body mass index >75th percentile cut-off, waist75: waist circumference > 75th percentile
cut-off, WHtR 75: waist-to-height ratio >75th percentile cut-off.
SBP125: systolic blood pressure >125 mmHg, TC170: total cholesterol >170 mg=dl, LDL110:
LDL-C >110 mg=dl; triglycerides 110: triglycerides >110 mg=dl.
P < 0.001; dP < 0.005.

highest group for BMI had higher risk for high blood with increased risk for the presence of cardiovascular
pressure measurement and subjects in the highest disease risk factors in children.16,17 Despite this asso-
group for WHtR had the highest risk for high ciation, there is no de®nition of obesity in children
plasma lipid and lipoprotein levels (Table 10). Never- that relates BMI to health outcomes.1 A possible
theless the risk for one or another variable was only explanation for this weakness of BMI is that children
slightly higher than for the others. and adolescents with similar BMI have large differ-
ences in total body fat and percentage body fat.18 The
accumulation of visceral fat has been proven a better
predictor for adult morbidity than obesity itself,2 and
Discussion there is a correlation of adult changes in adiposity by
means of BMI, total body fat and percentage body fat
The purpose of this study was to compare BMI with with serum lipids and lipoprotein levels.19 The use,
waist circumference and WHtR as predictors for the therefore, of indices that correlate to visceral fat
presence of cardiovascular disease risk factors. BMI would be more justi®ed.
was chosen because it is the most widely used index In particular, in our study children in the highest
for the evaluation of obesity both in adults1,5 and WHtR percentile group had higher mean values for all
children.13 Waist circumference correlates well with six cardiovascular disease risk factors both for boys
visceral adipose tissue in adults.6 ± 8 Waist circumfer- and girls. Waist circumference and BMI were almost
ence and WHtR have been validated in adults as as good as WHtR, except for total cholesterol and
useful predictors for cardiovascular disease risk fac- LDL-C for which there were no differences in the two
tors and coronary heart disease.7,11,12,14 Finally, it has percentile groups in girls.
been proposed that one particular advantage of using Children in the highest percentile groups for all
the waist-to-height ratio might be that unisex action three indices were at signi®cantly greater risk (un-
levels could be speci®ed15 and we hypothesized that adjusted odds ratio) of having pathological values of
this ratio may be useful in children since it takes into cardiovascular disease risk factors. BMI was slightly
account the child's height. Body weight, height and better than the other two indices for predicting high
waist circumference are all simple measurements that systolic blood pressure measurement and WHtR was
most physicians can precisely measure, while the slightly better in predicting increased plasma lipid and
same does not apply to other measurements such as lipoprotein levels both in boys and girls, except for
the skinfold measurements. total cholesterol where there was no greater risk in
The results of the study indicate that obese children either group.
have higher risk for the presence of cardiovascular The results of stepwise multiple regression analysis
disease risk factors. Children who exceed the 75th with BMI, waist circumference and WHtR as the
percentile for body mass index, waist circumference independent variables for the explanation of the vari-
and waist-to-height ratio have signi®cantly higher ance of cardiovascular disease risk factors gave waist
mean values for all cardiovascular risk factors, circumference as signi®cant predictor for all risk
except for HDL-C, for which mean values were factors, except for triglyceride levels in girls. WHtR
signi®cantly lower (Tables 5 ± 7). These results are was the second most signi®cant predictor since it
in agreement with other studies that have shown that explained SBP, DBP, TC, LDL-C and triglycerides.
obesity, by means of increased BMI, is associated Finally, BMI could predict only SBP and DBP and
International Journal of Obesity
Predicting cardiovascular risk in children
SC Savva et al
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941 ± 945.
risk factors in children,9,10 we also validated waist-to- 10 Freedman DS, Serdula MK, Srinivasan SR, Berenson GS.
height ratio in this study, since it takes into account a Relation of circumferences and skinfold thicknesses to lipid
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International Journal of Obesity

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