Architecture Guide For The It Resilience Platform Whitepaper

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Architecture Guide

for the IT Resilience

Converging Disaster Recovery, Backup
and Workload Mobility into a Single,
Simple Platform.

Version 1.0
February 2019
The purpose of this document is to provide an architecture guide for anyone designing or implementing an all-
encompassing IT resilience solution with Zerto utilizing an on-premises production environment.

It includes a full overview of all design principles, architecture considerations and sizing, as well as an installation
overview for anyone looking to, or already utilizing Zerto. In this guide, we also look at common challenges and uses
cases that are solved using the Zerto IT Resilience Platform™.

Currently, this guide covers on-premises use cases only, however, use of the supported public cloud platforms are
touched on in the various use cases.

The IT Resilience Platform™

Zerto’s IT Resilience Platform converges disaster recovery, backup, and workload mobility whether on-premises or
to, from and between hybrid and multi-cloud platforms. The platform is built on a foundation of continuous data
protection (CDP) with built-in orchestration and automation providing IT leaders with simplicity, enterprise scale
and agile data protection to save time, resources and costs. Analytics, with intelligent dashboards and live reports,
provides complete visibility across multi-site and multi-cloud environments, giving organizations confidence that
business service levels and compliance needs are met.

Disaster Recovery
Replication for disaster recovery is utilized by organizations of all sizes that have a virtualized environment because
the impact of not being able to recover successfully and quickly from a disaster can be catastrophic and create
systemic risk to the business. Different enterprise-class disaster recovery technologies have been available since
the mass adoption of virtualization, but they were typically designed to protect physical servers using storage-
based replication and not Virtual Machines (VMs). This adds significant complexity because the replication is
configured on a disk/LUN basis, requiring matching storage and LUN configurations. There is no VM-level granularity
and no integration into the virtualization platform. In addition, separate complex software for VM orchestration
and automation is required which involves multiple skill sets, people and doesn’t fully align to the benefits of

Zerto is built from the ground up to be the simplest, most powerful disaster recovery solution for virtualized
infrastructures. By including all the replication, recovery orchestration and automation in one simple software
platform, users can recover one, all or a subset of virtualized applications, from anywhere to anywhere, maximizing
the benefits of virtualization and cloud.

Through native integration into all supported platforms, Zerto not only allows replication and recovery between any
storage, but it also protects across and between multiple hypervisors and public cloud platforms. This market-leading
technology delivers a best of breed Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery (BC/DR) solution irrespective of underlying
hypervisor, public cloud or storage.

Source Target

Zerto for Disaster Recovery

Architecture Guide for Zerto IT Resilience Platform WHITE PAPER

Supported Platforms
Zerto supports replication between VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS),
and IBM Cloud. Zerto is the underpinning technology of hundreds of Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) globally who are
leading the way in delivering Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) capabilities.

VMware vSphere Zerto Cloud Service

Microsoft Hyper-V
Including vCloud Director Support Providers (ZCSP)

Amazon Web Services

Microsoft Azure IBM Cloud

For a full list of supported platforms and their versions please see our Interoperability Matrix.

Backup is an essential part of IT infrastructure, and it is unlikely that will ever change. But with the IT landscape
changing and threats increasing, are you still able to rely on the backup technology you currently use? Organizations
today can’t afford to sustain any data loss or downtime. To avoid the impact of data, productivity, and revenue loss,
more granularity is required in recovery, while maintaining the same level of performance.

When examining the backup technology currently protecting your data—one of a company’s most valuable assets—
not much has changed over the last 35 years. The primary process remains the same: during off-peak hours, take a
copy of the data that has changed in your production environments and store it in another, secondary location. This
process has a performance impact on the production environment and, therefore, directly impacts the granularity any
backup product can provide.

To ensure granularity without impacting production performance, the future of backup requires a change from
periodic or scheduled backups to a continuous backup. By using Zerto’s continuous data replication, you can deliver
recovery point objectives (RPOs) of seconds by replicating every change that is being generated in near real-time. All
replicated changes are then stored in a journal which allows you to not only recover to the latest point in time, but
also offers you a granularity of seconds. The outcome is the ability to safely rewind to any point in the past, even up to
30 days ago. Recover files, applications, VMs, or even entire datacenters by merely pressing a virtual “rewind” button.

Most granular recovery use cases—such as file deletions, database corruption, or ransomware—only require short-
term retention, and a 30-day journal supports those requirements. However, many organizations have compliance
requirements to store data for longer retention periods going back years. Long-term retention data, although it has
different requirements related to storage and recovery times, needs to be an integral part of your data protection
platform and strategy. As with short-term backups, copies shouldn’t come directly from production systems as this
impacts performance and often disrupts user experiences.

Architecture Guide for Zerto IT Resilience Platform WHITE PAPER

Elastic Journal
The Zerto Elastic Journal is a new concept in data protection bringing together both short-term retention and long-
term retention capabilities. Using unified data protection workflows, powered by intelligent index and search, it
enables quick recovery of data—regardless of whether it’s from a few seconds ago or a few years ago. Data gets copied
from the short-term retention storage into the long-term retention repositories. As the short-term retention is already
stored on the target side, moving data to long-term retention has no impact on production, so copies can be taken as
often as needed, eliminating the concept of “backup windows”.

Source Target Long-Term Retention


Zerto for Disaster Recovery and Backup

Workload Mobility
Workload mobility is the ability to move workloads to, from and between multiple platforms, on-premises or cloud,
with minimal business impact and no traditional infrastructure constraints. With the recent rise of cloud computing,
there is now a plethora of cloud platforms to choose from, with large players such as Microsoft Azure, AWS and IBM
Cloud as well as plenty of Cloud Service Providers (CSPs). Each of these platforms have their own attributes which
make them suited to certain workloads, whether through compliance, pricing or otherwise. Despite this, the cloud
is not always the right option for all workloads, and because of this, the traditional on-premises deployments with
VMware vSphere or Microsoft Hyper-V are still prevalent. Ultimately, having all of these options has led to increasing
adoption of a multi-cloud and/or hybrid cloud strategy. Organizations are challenged to ensure that workloads,
whether in the cloud or on-premises, are not locked into any one platform or vendor, and can be moved around
based on where they fit best today, rather than yesterday. This is where workload mobility comes in, removing the
traditional lock-in to these platforms and allowing workloads to be moved across platforms seamlessly, on-premises
or in the cloud, including the ability to validate mobility prior to the live event without production impact.

Infrastructure Refresh On Premises Migrations Mergers & Acquisitions

Migrate to New Infrastructure in Minutes Any Storage, Multi-Hypervisor, Cross Hypervisor Simplify M&A Infrastructure Consolidation

Public Cloud Migrations Zerto CSP Migrations Multi-Cloud Migrations

Migrate to and from Public Clouds Migrations to and from any Zerto CSP Migrate Between Public Clouds

Architecture Guide for Zerto IT Resilience Platform WHITE PAPER

Supported Platforms
Zerto supports any-to-any mobility between VMware vSphere, Microsoft Hyper-V, AWS, IBM Cloud, Microsoft Azure and
any of our hundreds of Zerto-powered Cloud Service Providers (CSPs).

Microsoft Hyper-V VMware


AWS Microsoft Azure

Zerto for Workload Mobility – Any to Any

For a full list of supported platforms and their versions please see our Interoperability Matrix.

As data centers become more complex, there’s no doubt you need additional visibility and control of your protected
IT environments across your private, public, and hybrid clouds. Zerto Analytics, included in the IT Resilience Platform,
is a secure SaaS based offering that requires no further configuration and provides a single comprehensive overview
of your entire multi-site, multi-cloud environment. Utilizing metrics such as average recovery point objective (RPO),
network performance, and storage consumption, Zerto Analytics delivers real-time and historical analysis of the
health and protection status of your applications and data. Built-in intelligent dashboards give you a way to spot
trends, identify anomalies, and troubleshoot issues. Provided through a single view across all your environments,
whether your data resides on-premises or in the cloud, you can confidently monitor in real-time the health and
protection status of application and data. Zerto Analytics helps you make better informed decisions to achieve an
efficient, IT resilient mode of operation.

Zerto IT Resilience Platform™ Core Components

Zerto Virtual Manager (ZVM)

The ZVM is a Windows service, running on a dedicated Windows VM, that manages everything required for the
replication between the protection and recovery sites, except for the actual replication of data. The ZVM interacts with
the hypervisor management user interface, such as vCenter Server or Microsoft SCVMM, to get the inventory of VMs,
disks, networks, hosts, etc. It also monitors changes in the hypervisor environment and responds accordingly. For
example, a VMware vMotion operation, or Microsoft Live Migration of a protected VM from one host to another is seen
by the ZVM, and the Zerto User Interface is updated accordingly.

Architecture Guide for Zerto IT Resilience Platform WHITE PAPER

Virtual Replication Appliance (VRA)
A VRA is a virtual machine installed on each hypervisor host where VMs are to be protected from or to. The VRA
manages the replication of data from protected virtual machines to the recovery site. The target VRAs are responsible for
maintaining any protected VMs disks. VMware limits the number of SCSI Controllers (4 per VM) and targets per Controller
(15 per controller), leaving a maximum of 60 SCSI targets per VM. When managing a larger quantity of virtual disks, Zerto
utilizes Virtual Replication Appliance Helpers (VRA-H), which act as a disk box with no IP and nearly no resources. VRA-Hs
are spun up and down by Zerto automatically when nearing the 60-disk limit of the VRA or last VRA-H.

Zerto Cloud Appliance (ZCA)

Used within Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure deployments, the ZCA is a dedicated Windows VM
comprised of the following:

• A Zerto Virtual Manager (ZVM): This is a Windows service that manages the replication to or from Azure/AWS.
• A Virtual Replication Appliance (VRA): This is a Windows service that performs the replication of data itself from or
to Azure/AWS.
The ZCA integrates natively with the platform it is deployed on allowing you to utilize S3 buckets for journal storage in
AWS or Blob storage within a Storage Account on Microsoft Azure. This ensures the most cost-efficient deployment on
each of these platforms.

Virtual Protection Group (VPG)

Zerto protection, mobility, and backup are all configured through the creation of Virtual Protection Groups (VPGs).
To understand the features of VPGs fully, it is worth covering the traditional approach to protection, where each VM
workload is protected individually at different points in time. Today, there are very few scenarios where an application
is run on a single VM. Instead, most applications have multiple VM dependencies. Using the traditional method of
protecting VMs individually results in significant challenges to recovering your complete application quickly. You
might be able to recover the individual VMs quickly, but they will all be recovered to different points in time and
it becomes challenging to get them all consistent so that the application is in a usable state. Zerto VPGs differ by
allowing you to protect one or more VMs together in a consistent fashion, ensuring every point in time that is inserted
into the Zerto journal is from the same point in time for all VMs within the VPG. This allows consistent recovery of an
entire application, and all its VM dependencies, to a consistent point in time.

VPG 1 VM VM VM VM VM Exchange

VPG 1 VM VM VM VM VM Exchange

VPG 1 VM VM VM VM VM Exchange

Architecture Guide for Zerto IT Resilience Platform WHITE PAPER

In addition to VPGs, Zerto’s Continuous Data Protection (CDP) stores all replicated data in the journal. The journal
stores all changes for up to 30 days and allows you to recover to any point in time within the journal, ensuring your
Recovery Point Objective (RPO) is always as low as possible. Every write to a protected virtual machine is copied by
Zerto. These writes are sent to the recovery site and written to a journal managed by a Virtual Replication Appliance
(VRA). Each protected virtual machine has its own journal. In addition to the writes, every few seconds all journals
within the VPG are updated with a checkpoint timestamp. Checkpoints are used to ensure write order fidelity and
crash-consistency. Recovery can be performed to the last checkpoint or a user-selected checkpoint. This enables
recovering files, VMs, applications or entire sites, either to the previous crash-consistent point-in-time or, for example,
when the virtual machine is attacked by a virus or ransomware, to a point-in-time before the attack.

30 Days Ago Recovery Scenario


Long-Term Retention (LTR) Repositories

In addition to flexible options for short-term recovery scenarios using the journal, most organizations that have
compliance requirements need long-term retention as an integral part of their data protection platform. Compliance
standards often require you to keep, and ultimately recover data, for longer than 30-days. Traditional methods of
providing LTR protection have always been performed on the production environment itself, impacting performance
and often disrupting user experiences. Long-term retention utilizes your existing journal to store data from any point
in time for days, weeks, months or even years. Using the data already protected by CDP, combined and stored in a
journal on the target side, allows you to offload point-in-time copies to secondary storage targets as often as you want
without impacting production workloads.

Zerto supports the use of NFS, SMB, Microsoft Azure Databox Edge and AWS Storage Gateway for use as Long-Term
Retention (LTR) repositories.


Microsoft Azure Amazon Web Services

Databox Edge Storage Gateway

For a full list of supported repositories and their versions please see our Interoperability Matrix.

Architecture Guide for Zerto IT Resilience Platform WHITE PAPER

Reference Architectures
In this section, three example Zerto configurations showcase the different capabilities and use cases of Zerto in an
easy to understand format. These are intended as guides only to help visualize the benefits that Zerto can provide
your organization while also demonstrating the simplicity of the Zerto IT Resilience Platform.

Use Cases
All three example configurations support the following use cases. Where there are unique differences, they will be
highlighted under the relevant architectures.

Any disruption on the production site, whether it’s power, network or otherwise, is
Outages & protected with recovery of your files and folders, VMs, applications or site within just a few
Disruptions minutes to a point in time just seconds before the issue occurred. Example: Recovery of your
whole site within minutes after a power outage.

Recovery from ransomware attacks can be from just seconds before encryption occurred,
Ransomware minimizing data loss and business impact. You can recover your files and folders, VMs,
Attacks applications or entire sites. Example: Recover encrypted files from seconds before they were

Zerto’s continuous data protection, with always-on replication and journaling technology,
Complete Data delivers on true convergence of DR and backup providing complete data protection for both
Protection short-term and long-term recovery. Example: One product providing DR and backup with
granularity of seconds and no traditional production impact.

This same architecture can be utilized to move your workloads from an end of life platform
Infrastructure to your new infrastructure in just minutes, significantly speeding up infrastructure
Modernization modernization projects. Example: Move your workloads to a new platform in just minutes
with no data loss.

Where multiple sites are to be consolidated or migrated to the same target, this architecture
Consolidations can be utilized to streamline the process. This enables pre-migration testing and live
& Migrations migration times of just minutes. Example: Consolidate workloads from diverse hardware,
hypervisors and cloud platforms to meet business standards in minutes.

Allows the creation of replicas of your production environment from any point in time in
Testing & just minutes. This provides greater flexibility for your development teams and reduces
DevOps overhead on DevOps teams, as well as enabling DR testing and validation. Example: Create
exact replicas of production applications from seconds ago in just minutes for UAT purposes.

A single SaaS based analytics platform providing complete data analysis across all of
Analytics your sites, both on-premises and in the cloud. This provides a single view that simplifies
Across Clouds management and monitoring without additional cost. Example: Identify bandwidth
bottlenecks across your entire IT infrastructure through a single portal.

Architecture Guide for Zerto IT Resilience Platform WHITE PAPER

Standard Elastic Journal
The standard elastic journal reference architecture depicted in figure 1 shows a set of proven practices for setting up
the Zerto IT Resilience Platform where a single remote target is being utilized with long-term retention configured.

Source Target Remote Journal History

Journal History 8 Days

Long Term Retention

vCenter ZVM SCVMM ZVM Daily ‒ 30 Days 1 Full
(29 incremental)

100 VMs Monthly ‒ 12 Mnths 8 Days

VPG Managed
Quarterly ‒ 8 Qtrs 8 Days

Total Retention
Managed LTR Change
2 Years



Continuous Data
Protaction (CDP)

Long Term
Repository Retention (LTR)
Journal Replica
vDisk Disks

Remote Journal

Figure 1

Protected VMs are grouped in VPGs with consistency across all the VMs within each VPG. A remote journal is configured
on the remote target side and used for short-term recovery scenarios where recovery granularity of just seconds
can be achieved. The recommend journal history period for this journal is 8 days as this will cover most recovery
scenarios. All changes on the protected VMs are then kept for 8 days before being promoted to the remote replica
disk(s). To ensure that recovery is possible if the data required is older than 8 days, long-term retention policies are
configured to protect data to an LTR repository on less costly storage. This function pulls data from the remote journal
and remote replica disk(s) and copies it to the LTR repository on an incremental basis using a defined schedule.
For this reference architecture, the schedule is configured to create dailies for a month, monthlies for a year and
quarterlies for 2 years, however, this can be configured as appropriate for your needs.

Architecture Guide for Zerto IT Resilience Platform WHITE PAPER

Multi-Site Elastic Journal
The multi-site elastic journal reference architecture depicted in figure 2 below shows a set of proven practices for
setting up the Zerto IT Resilience Platform just as the previous standard elastic journal reference architecture, but with
the addition of a local journal as well as the remote journal and long-term retention.

Source Target Local Journal History

Journal History 8 Days

Remote Journal History

vCenter ZVM SCVMM ZVM Journal History 1 Day

Long Term Retention

250 VMs
VM VM VM Managed
Daily ‒ 30 Days 1 Full (29

Monthly ‒ 12 Mnths 12 Full

Managed Quarterly ‒ 8 Qtrs 8 Full

Total Retention


Continuous Data
Protaction (CDP)
Journal Replica Long Term
Journal Replica vDisk Disks
vDisk Disks
Retention (LTR)
Remote Journal
Local Journal

Figure 2

In this configuration, the same VMs exist in two VPGs. The first VPG is for the creation of the journal on the source, and
the second VPG is created to provide a journal capability on the remote target. The local journal is configured on the
source site and used for short-term recovery scenarios where a logical failure occurs, providing recovery granularity of
just seconds. The recommended journal history period for this journal is 8 days as this will cover most logical recovery
scenarios. In addition to the previous reference architecture, this provides you the ability to recover data directly onto
the source site rather than just the remote side. With this architecture, it is recommended that the journal history
period is only 1 day, as this will cover most recovery scenarios where a physical failure has occurred. All changes on
the protected VMs are then kept for 1 day before being promoted to the remote replica disk(s).

Use Cases
In addition to the standard elastic journal architecture capabilities, the below use cases are unique to this

The ability to recover files and folders, VMs, applications or site locally in the event of a
Outages &
Disruptions logical failure is included in this configuration. Example: If just one application has an issue,
recover just this application locally, rather than remotely, to seconds before the issue.

The ability to recover files and folders, VMs, applications or site locally in the event of a
Attacks ransomware attack is included in this configuration. Example: Recover only impacted VMs
locally, rather than remotely, to seconds before the issue.

The ability to test recovery or create replicas for DevOps purposes locally is included in
Testing &
DevOps this configuration. Example: Create a replica of a production workload locally, for
development purposes.

Architecture Guide for Zerto IT Resilience Platform WHITE PAPER

Hybrid Cloud Elastic Journal
The hybrid cloud elastic journal reference architecture depicted in figure 3 below shows a set of proven practices for
setting up the Zerto IT Resilience Platform just as the previous standard elastic journal reference architecture, but with
the addition of a cloud target.

Source Target Cloud Journal History

Journal History 5 Days

Remote Journal History

vCenter ZVM SCVMM ZVM Journal History 8 Days

Long Term Retention

500 VMs
VM VM VM Managed
Daily ‒ 30 Days 1 Full (29
Monthly ‒ 12 Mnths 12 Full
Managed Quarterly ‒ 8 Qtrs 8 Full

VRA VRA VRA VRA Total Retention

Cloud 2 Years
100 VMs 400 VMs

Continuous Data
Protaction (CDP)
Journal Replica Journal Replica Long Term
Data Disks vDisk Disks
Retention (LTR)
Cloud Journal Remote Journal

Figure 3

In this architecture, protected VMs are grouped per application and placed into VPGs based on their tier with consistency
across all the VMs within a single VPG. VPGs protecting tier 1 applications are used for the creation of the journal on the
remote target while VPGs protecting tier 2 and 3 applications are created to provide a journal capability on the cloud side.
The cloud journal is placed on block blob storage in Azure or an S3 bucket in AWS and is configured on the cloud side.
This is used for short-term recovery scenarios where a physical or logical failure occurs to the tier 2 or 3 applications,
providing recovery granularity of just seconds. The recommended journal history period for this journal is 5 days,
as this will cover most recovery scenarios. All changes on the protected VMs are then kept for 5 days before being
promoted to the cloud replica disk(s). In addition to the reference architecture in figure 1, this provides you the ability
to protect and recover data from your lower tier applications onto the cloud site. This reduces cost footprint by having
only storage costs incurred and the compute requirements only being spun up in a recovery scenario.

Architecture Guide for Zerto IT Resilience Platform WHITE PAPER

Use Cases
In addition to the standard elastic journal architecture capabilities, the below are unique to this architecture.

The ability to recover files and folders, VMs, applications or site from
Outages &
tier 2 or 3 applications onto the Cloud Site in the event of any failure is included
in this configuration.

The ability to recover files and folders, VMs, applications or site from tier 2 or 3 applications
Attacks onto the Cloud Site in the event of a ransomware attack is included in this configuration.

The ability to move your workloads to the Cloud Site to deliver on your cloud adoption
strategy is included in this configuration. Example: Speed up your cloud adoption by
migrating to the cloud in minutes.

The ability to test recovery or create replicas for DevOps purposes within the Cloud site
Testing &
is included in this configuration. Example: Create a replica of a production workload in the
cloud, for development purposes.

Cloud adoption, and the challenges associated with it, can be simplified with this
architecture to move workloads to your chosen cloud platform in just minutes with zero
Integration &
Migration data loss. In this use case, long-term retention is likely not needed during the migration.
Example: Move complex applications to the cloud in just 3 steps.

With the increasing adoption of hybrid and multi-cloud strategies, this architecture
provides freedom to move workloads around on-demand as requirements change.
Hybrid Cloud
Example: Move workloads to, from and across cloud platforms to gain maximum efficiency.

Sizing Guidelines
For more information, please refer to the Enterprise Guidelines for your chosen platform(s).

ZVM Sizing

Number of Virtual Machines or Peer Sites

Number of vCPUs RAM Size (GB)
Virtual Machines Peer Sites

Up to 150 virtual machines And up to 2 peer sites 4 8

Between 150-750
And up to 5 peer sites 4 8
virtual machines

Between 750-5000
And up to 80 peer sites 4 16
virtual machines

Between 5000-10000
Or 80+ peer sites 4 24
virtual machines

Zerto recommends running with 16GB memory.

Architecture Guide for Zerto IT Resilience Platform WHITE PAPER

VRA Sizing
• 1x VRA per hypervisor host where you wish to protect VMs to or from
• 1x vCPU (max 2x)
• At least 1GB of reserved memory (recommended minimum of 3GB)
• 15GB storage space

ZCA Sizing
Azure Instance Type for the ZCA: Zerto recommends, as the minimum, using a D3_V2 instance size.

AWS Instance Type for the ZCA: Zerto recommends, as the minimum, using an m4.xlarge type instance, except for
the Beijing region, where either a m3.xlarge or m3.2xlarge type is recommended. In regions where M5 instances are
supported, the M5 instance should be used instead of the M4 type instance, since M5 instances deliver better price/
performance than M4 instances on a per-core basis.

Journal Sizing
For journal sizing, on average, there is typically an additional storage requirement of 1% per day of history for every
VM protected. It is, however, recommended that the Journal Sizing Tool is used to make accurate journal hard limit
size estimates for each virtual machine. It is also recommended that you read the Journal - Overview, Sizing & Best
Practice guide for the relevant version of Zerto being installed.

WAN Bandwidth Sizing

One of the key requirements for a Zerto deployment is understanding the bandwidth usage needed to replicate
efficiently. The Zerto WAN Sizing Estimator should be utilized in order to provide an accurate estimate on bandwidth
requirements during both initial sync (only relevant if pre-seed is not used) and also during continuous data replication.

Additional Resources
Enterprise Guidelines for VMware vSphere
Enterprise Guidelines for Microsoft Hyper-V
Enterprise Guidelines for Microsoft Azure SCHEDULE A DEMO
Enterprise Guidelines for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Interoperability Matrix START A FREE TRIAL
Scale & Benchmarking Guidelines
Journal - Overview, Sizing & Best Practice guide
Journal Sizing Tool
Zerto WAN Sizing Estimator

About Zerto
Zerto helps customers accelerate IT transformation by eliminating the risk and complexity of modernization and cloud
adoption. By replacing multiple legacy solutions with a single IT Resilience Platform, Zerto is changing the way disaster
recovery, data protection and cloud are managed. With enterprise scale, Zerto’s software platform delivers continuous
availability for an always-on customer experience while simplifying workload mobility to protect, recover and move

applications freely across hybrid and multi-clouds.

Copyright 2019 Zerto. All information may be subject to change.

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